Tormented by a strong cough. We treat cough with the help of traditional medicine. How to treat a physiological reflex with folk remedies

Again a cold coughing torments. No sleep well, no friends to talk. Cough weakens and interferes with life. What to do with him? What does it mean and how can it be treated? Answered the questions of the newspaper "Expert Health" pulmonologist highest category, doctor medical sciences, professor Svetysheva Zhanna Anatolyevna. You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone: 250-03-87, 250-22-96.

Is it possible to warm up the chest with a strong cough, bronchitis?
Ainur Abisheva, 35 years old, Astana.

It depends on age. Any warming procedures are not provided for the elderly without accurate diagnosis pathology of the bronchi, because there may be tumor processes. If this age is younger, warming up without x-ray examination tuberculosis cannot be done. In all other cases, any warming procedures in the form of compresses, mustard plasters, pepper patch Physiotherapy is very useful in terms of treating bronchitis itself. Cough is a symptom.

Health Expert: In what cases can you start warming up with what you have at home, and in which you need to be wary and still pass the tests?

If a person knows for sure that he has bronchitis and exacerbation (associated with a viral infection, sudden hypothermia), then for the first two days he can warm himself up. If the cough is long-standing, persistent, the temperature persists, you need to be examined. At high temperature can't warm up at all. If the temperature is subfebrile, closer to normal, then you can warm up.

Long term contraindication is also cough unknown nature. You can use some antitussives, but not more than 2 weeks. In the future, if a strong cough persists for a long time, you need to go to the doctor, because diagnostics are required.

Is it true that badger fat helps treat bronchitis?
Svetlana Mozheiko, 47 years old, Kostanay

I take it almost negatively. It is a mistake to think that fats warm up the bronchi. Fats provide internal energy for the cells of an extremely depleted body. Today, there is no special need for fat consumption. People are not exhausted, there is no hunger. There is a load on gastrointestinal tract, on the pancreas, on the liver. Fats do not play a role in solving lung problems, especially bronchitis. If these are elderly people, then atherosclerosis should be feared, since this saturated fat animal origin. Badger, bear, dog fats were used for tuberculosis and consumption, diseases in which goes big tissue breakdown when there is a rapid depletion of the body.

EZ: What are the most common causes bronchitis?
The most common causes are respiratory tract infections (streptococci, pneumococci, mycoplasma). A viral infection very often causes a decrease in immunity, and instantly even those bacteria that are saprophytes (friendly) for us become pathogenic. When immunity falls, they can cause inflammatory process in the bronchi.

The second reason is violations of secretion itself. The bronchi are our purifiers, and our environment is bad. Various substances get into the bronchi, there is not enough mucus and these substances cannot be evacuated from the bronchi in sufficient quantities.

The third reason is smoking. There is a slightly different process: the glands that produce the secret disappear, the cilia in the bronchi disappear. Everything in cigarettes great amount resinous substances, settle and irritate the bronchi. They penetrate deeper and deeper into the mucosa. This results in obstructive bronchitis and COPD disease(obstructive pulmonary disease).

There are many herbal preparations in the pharmacies of the city. Do they really help with coughs?
Lydia Prodina, 44 years old, Karaganda

Herbs are close to the human body. Lots of dosage forms include herbs such as licorice, ivy and others. They are part of a large number of expectorants. medicines. Herbal preparations affect the secret of the bronchi, act so that it becomes more liquid, easier to leave. Some drugs even have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics. In this respect herbal preparations are of course useful. In any case, consult your doctors.

E.Z.: In pharmacies there are a lot of combined drugs. How to deal with them?
The combined ones are difficult to understand, but they can be used if there is no obstruction and if there is no asthma. Allergies are more dangerous when herbs are mixed. Then it is impossible to understand what kind of grass is allergic. If there is an obstructive syndrome or asthma, in this case, you should always try one herb for expectoration.

If this cold cough or ordinary bronchitis, they can be used. AT complex preparations very often combined various properties, this gives a stronger effect.
Licorice has an anti-allergic effect. Other herbal ingredients, such as ivy, relieve spasms. Advantage herbal preparations is that they can be taken long time.

EZ: Are there any side effects of herbal preparations?
No, but if the cough persists, nothing should be used for a long time. It is important not to miss cancer or tuberculosis. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

When do you need to take antibiotics?
Galima Turlubekova, 45 years old, Almaty

Antibiotics are given if available bacterial infection. It doesn't have to be purulent bronchitis. A person himself may think that he has bronchitis, but in fact pneumonia, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. Coughing is a symptom and is not always a sign of bronchitis.

How to find out if a child has bronchitis or pneumonia?
Vladimir Chen, 38 years old, Shymkent

With a child, you must definitely go to the doctor. Children diagnosis chronic bronchitis never put. This is either recurrent bronchitis, which requires further examination to identify some other pathology, or it is pneumonia. It may be a cough associated not with bronchitis, but initially with pneumonia. Coughing can also be a sign bronchial asthma The child has.

EZ: What procedures confirm bronchitis, pneumonia or anything else?

First of all, of course, x-rays. The doctor must listen. There are symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia that the doctor listens to.

How can you stop a strong cough in a child so that he can get enough sleep at night?
Lyudmila Shevchuk, 33 years old, Almaty

Make inhalation. Add salt and soda to boiling water. You can drip essential oils, such as eucalyptus. You can anoint the chest and throat with eucalyptus oil. When you anoint, the child breathes these essential oils. If there is a temperature, then you need to call an ambulance.

E.Z.: Is there special means that stop nocturnal cough?

Stop coughing completely dangerous situation. Cough - compensatory mechanism organism, and it is completely dangerous to suppress it. If there is a lot of sputum, it is not expectorated and the cough mechanism is suppressed, then it is all absorbed into the body and intoxication occurs. If the cough is associated with obstruction, then it is due to bronchospasm. AT this case in children or adults, it is necessary to use various inhalers that suppress this spasm. Whooping cough or whooping cough after viral infections can be suppressed, otherwise undesirable.

When acute form bronchitis, do I need a special diet?
Fatima Seydaliyeva, 42 years old, Pavlodar

If it is bronchitis, the question of special nutrition never arises. If there are problems with the digestive organs, the so-called reflux esophagitis, this is when the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus and can enter the respiratory tract, in such cases the gastroenterologist prescribes a diet and treatment.

Is it good to drink warm mineral water?
Elena Chestnykh, 49 years old, Almaty

It is useful to drink alkaline mineral water with warm milk. It turns out the effect of inhalation: alkaline drink plus a couple of hot milk. This affects the fact that sputum is well and easily coughed up.

Are there any climatic zones where you can get rid of chronic bronchitis?
Galina Bulatova, 44 years old, Kostanay

First of all, maritime climate is a place where there is salty water. It can also be salt mines. Any sea ​​air useful, plus areas where there are pines and fir trees. Coniferous trees produce essential oils, and they are very beneficial for the lungs.

EZ: Does the dryness or humidity of the air matter?
For the lungs there should be an average climate. Not so much wet as rich. In salt mines, for example, people breathe salt. Moist air or dry air great importance for asthma. Not for bronchitis.

E.Z.: Many people are addicted breathing exercises. Is it helpful?
Breathing techniques are always helpful. They work out the same cough mechanism, how to cough correctly. Any gymnastics is useful. It doesn’t matter what method, the main thing is consistency and one method, no need to rush from one to another.

EZ: That is, when a person exercises regularly, it triggers natural mechanisms?
It primarily affects the immune system. And immunity is the basis of any health. healthy image life is always about immunity.

There is no such disease as cough. After all, this is just a sign of some kind of ailment. Its occurrence most often indicates that the body is trying to fight the attacking microbes. Or the fact that somewhere nearby an allergen lurks, irritating the respiratory tract. It happens that the state of health is completely normal all day long, and at night a real nightmare begins - strong attacks do not allow you to sleep. Nocturnal dry cough can even cause sleep disorders. And inadequate rest leads to increased irritability and nervousness.


A dry cough at night can be triggered by an onset of a cold. A sick person who occupies a horizontal position in bed is not able to cough well. A mucous secret accumulates in the respiratory tract - because of it, there is a need for coughing.

If a dry cough in an adult lasts more than 2 weeks, this indicates the development of an infection in the body. And when it does not stop for more than 2 months - that the disease has become chronic.

In some cases probable cause cough is established by its characteristic features:

  • barking - laryngotracheitis, whooping cough;
  • deaf - obstructive bronchitis;
  • paroxysmal - pleurisy;
  • with an anguish - a neoplasm in the trachea or in the larynx.

The most common causes of nighttime coughs are respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, whooping cough and bronchial asthma.

Sometimes it happens that a dry cough at night does not let you sleep, and the temperature is normal, and there is no runny nose. In this case, many simply ignore this symptom and do not go to the doctor. They begin to sound the alarm only after a couple of weeks or after a month of nightly coughing.

It is important to visit the doctor in a timely manner. But how do you know which one to go to? The answer to this question will give the cause of the obsessive symptom that has appeared.

A prolonged nocturnal cough without fever can signal:

  • the need to finally quit addiction- smoking;
  • esophagitis;
  • allergies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological disease;
  • venereal disease.

When the respiratory organs are not involved

Most people think that people cough at night only when there are some problems with the respiratory system. However, a dry paroxysmal cough may appear for a reason that has nothing to do with the condition of the respiratory tract.

Often such attacks are long, painful and even suffocating. Because of them, the quality of sleep is seriously affected. You can take antitussive syrup for weeks on end, but they will still be repeated. What to do in this case?

Many do not know that dry cough during sleep can cause stomach disease - esophagitis. Acidity level gastric juice at healthy person usually normal. When it rises, some of what is in the stomach is thrown into the esophagus. As a result, heartburn is felt in its lower section. Cough receptors are also located in the same zone.

Note that bouts of "gastric" cough disturb only at night, when a person is in horizontal position. It is very easy to diagnose it by the already mentioned heartburn. To solve the problem, you should consult with a gastroenterologist.

For some cardiovascular diseases also suffers from dry cough. It has a very great resemblance to bronchial - the same suffocating and hysterical. Therefore, it is called "cardiac bronchitis." This symptom may be accompanied by shortness of breath and blueness of the nasolabial triangle.

To check whether a person really began to cough at night due to heart problems, during the next attack, he needs to sit down. If it has become much easier, you can immediately make an appointment with a cardiologist. It is impossible to eliminate such a cough without curing the underlying ailment.

How to treat

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must determine correct diagnosis. And for this, the patient needs to pass a couple of tests and undergo several examinations. Most often, with complaints of a dry nocturnal cough, the doctor prescribes:

  • general or detailed blood test;
  • fluorography (X-ray) of the chest;
  • bronchography;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (if esophagitis is suspected).

The specialist selects a therapeutic course for the patient, taking into account the clarified cause of the cough. If it is a respiratory disease, he prescribes expectorants, anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, antibiotics.

How to calm a nocturnal cough without taking pharmaceutical drugs? Traditional medicine gives several actionable advice. And yet it is advisable to use them in combination with drug treatment, so as not to start the disease.

Summing up

If a dry cough began to bother you at night due to adverse impact external factors, it is very easy to fix it. In this case, it is enough to use a humidifier, regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.

Before proceeding to drug treatment night cough, you need to see a doctor. After all, if diagnosed serious pathology some drugs may be contraindicated. Remember that only a specialist should prescribe any medication.

If a person is tormented by a dry cough, what to do with such a symptom should be checked with a doctor. Dry cough is a consequence of any disease of the respiratory system. It may start with a feeling of discomfort in the throat.

When such an unpleasant symptom occurs, a person tries to get rid of it and begins to pokhikuwati. It can go on for a long time until the cough center calms down.

The choice of medicines depends on the cause of this type of cough.

It can only be determined by medical examination and performing diagnostics.

The main causes of dry cough

the reasons:

  • An unproductive type of cough may indicate that there is a foreign substance in the respiratory system from which the body is trying to get rid of. This is how it manifests defensive reflex which helps to remove harmful substances from the mucous membranes of the bronchi.
  • A dry cough may be based on a spasm muscle tissue. Such pathological reaction The body is triggered when an allergen enters the bronchi. The substance stimulates the formation of biologically active substances in the body active substances causing such a spasm.
  • The appearance of such a symptom may be due to insufficient pumping function of the heart.
  • The reason may be in the blockage of one of the bronchi by inflamed tissues. Cough in this case is caused due to a violation of air circulation.
  • The use of certain drugs has such side effect like a cough. It is found in drugs designed to lower blood pressure.
  • Dry cough is among amateurs tobacco products. It torments them in the morning and is called "smoker's cough". Tobacco smoke irritates mucous tissues, resins settle in the lungs and bronchi. This leads to respiratory diseases, a symptom of which is a dry cough.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs is always accompanied by such a symptom. Depending on the location of the lesion, diseases such as:

    • laryngitis;
    • tracheitis;
    • bronchitis;
    • whooping cough;
    • pleurisy;
    • pneumonia;
    • oncological diseases of the lung;
    • tuberculosis.

    How to treat this type of cough

    There are several ways to stop a dry cough. Relief can come after determining the causes and choosing the right medicine. For some diseases, the doctor may suggest drugs that increase sputum discharge. In other cases, drugs that relax the cough center or relieve bronchospasm are suitable.

    For the treatment of disease in pharmacy network can be purchased different drugs. The trading network offers effective inexpensive drugs and expensive medicines. The choice depends only on the cause, which is determined by the doctor.

    Medicines that help cure dry cough are divided into several types.

    Cough suppressants can affect the cough center. These drugs contain codeine, glaucine, oxeladin, dextromethorphan, prenoxdiazine. They oppress respiratory center and can cause shortness of breath. Preparations of this action should not be given to children under 2 years of age, and up to 12 years of age they are taken only as directed by a doctor. They have an expectorant property, have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, improve spirometry. These drugs are indicated for acute dry cough of various origins.

    These include:

    • codeine;
    • codelac;
    • syrup Codelac phyto;
    • broncholithin;
    • Bronchoton;
    • Bronchocin;
    • Bluecode;
    • Libeksin.

    Cough preparations peripheral action based on acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene are able to suppress cough by acting on cough receptors and reducing their excitability. These include ACC and other analogues that have this abbreviation in the name.

    Traditionally used to treat dry cough natural remedies of combined origin or fully synthetic, which contribute to sputum discharge. They are able to have antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects. These include:

    • bromhexine;
    • Herbion;
    • Stoptusin;
    • Bronchicum;
    • Linkas;
    • Cough tablets with soda and thermopsis herb;
    • Mukaltin.

    How to relieve an attack of dry cough at night

    At home, an attack that began in a patient who had ARVI can be removed folk methods.

  • Spasm of the bronchi is relieved by a warm alkaline drink. Suitable for this medicinal water"Borjomi" in pure form or mixed with hot milk in proportions 1:1.
  • Mineral water can be replaced a small amount soda dissolved in hot milk.
  • Rubbing the chest and back with warming ointments with menthol, turpentine, essential oils helps to calm the cough center at night.
  • Rubbing the feet and bends of the joints well helps to relieve an attack of dry cough in children and adults.
  • The use of mustard plasters and mustard foot baths helps to recover.
  • At unproductive cough useful inhalations made on herbal infusions with addition essential oils coniferous trees and eucalyptus.
  • Baking soda can help soothe a cough at home.
  • Remove attack on a short time maybe hot sweet tea with lemon and honey.
  • If you suffer from a dry cough for a long time, you need to contact a therapist. Timely treatment will help cure the disease, after which unpleasant symptom will disappear. Buying medicines on your own can lead to wasted money and up to chronic disease that needs to be treated for a long time.

    Cough is the main symptom of many colds and often it goes away on its own without any treatment. But what if it doesn't happen and agonizing cough does not allow you to sleep at night and work during the day.

    To solve the problem, you first need to find out the causes of this condition.

    I want to get rid of a cough as soon as possible because it brings great discomfort to the patient, and prolonged attacks literally bring a person to exhaustion. Moreover, this unpleasant symptom prevents the patient from appearing in in public places, especially where silence must be observed:

    1. library;
    2. work meeting;
    3. cinema;
    4. Exhibition.

    Since the correctness of treatment depends directly on the nature of the cough, it is very important to find out its causes.

    Depending on the reasons assigned various medicines With different schemes intake and dosage.

    In fact, this symptom is the body's response to an irritant that has entered the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. In turn, stimuli can be very different:

    • dust;
    • foreign bodies;
    • sputum;
    • pollen;
    • inflammatory processes;
    • some medications.

    It follows that throat cough is not always evidence of SARS, pneumonia or bronchitis. However, this symptom may signal more serious illness: tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.

    Sometimes a cough appears with heart disease and almost always accompanies smokers whose mucous membrane is deficient in moisture. At various diseases cough is endowed with distinctive features.

    1. For example, with bronchitis or pneumonia, attacks are accompanied by the release of yellow-green or gray sputum.
    2. With tracheitis, the patient feels severe pain in the chest.
    3. With laryngitis and rough.
    4. This symptom with whooping cough is not very pronounced, but does not disappear for a long time.
    5. Smokers most often cough in the morning after getting out of bed.

    But even if a person is convinced of the causes of coughing, he should not self-medicate, since true reason pathology can only be detected by a physician.

    There are two types of this phenomenon: wet and dry cough. At the first of the bronchi, mucus leaves, which may contain various impurities. Dry cough is not accompanied by sputum discharge.

    considered unproductive and may signal that the respiratory tract has foreign body and the body tries to get rid of it. That is, in this case it is a protective reflex, with the help of which unwanted substances are removed from the mucous membranes of the bronchi.

    Dry cough can be triggered by a spasm of the muscle tissue of the bronchi. A similar phenomenon is observed when an allergen enters them, which causes the formation of biologically active substances in the body.

    The reason may be a blockage of one of the bronchi by inflamed tissues. In this case, the cough occurs due to a violation of the circulation of air masses. This symptom may be due to insufficient pumping function of the heart.

    Coughing is a side effect of some medications. It is often observed in patients taking drugs to lower blood pressure.

    Smokers dry cough accompanies throughout life. Mucous tissues are irritated tobacco smoke, and resins settle in the bronchi and lungs. All these factors invariably lead to pathologies of the respiratory organs, a sign of which is a dry cough.

    Inflammatory processes occurring in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system always have a symptom in the form of a dry cough. Depending on the localization of inflammation, the following diseases are distinguished:

    • tracheitis;
    • laryngitis;
    • bronchitis;
    • pleurisy;
    • whooping cough;
    • pneumonia;
    • tuberculosis;
    • lung cancer.

    What to do if you have a cough at night?

    If an attack of dry cough after SARS caught at night, at home it can be removed by folk methods of treatment.

    1. To relieve spasm of the bronchi, use warm alkaline drink. Mineral water "Borjomi" is best suited for this purpose. It can be consumed neat or mixed with hot milk (1:1).
    2. What to do, if mineral water was not in the house at night? It can be replaced with a pinch of soda dissolved in hot milk.
    3. Dry cough is well removed by rubbing the folds of the joints and feet.
    4. You can eliminate a cough at night by rubbing your back and chest with warming ointments with turpentine, menthol and essential oils.
    5. You can do foot baths with mustard powder or put mustard plasters on the chest and on the back.
    6. Soda inhalation will help to treat at home a coughing attack at night.
    7. For a short time, you can alleviate the patient's condition with hot tea with honey and lemon.

    What to do if a person has been coughing for a very long time? Throat (dry) cough must be made productive. Otherwise, a protracted pathology can turn into serious complications or go into a chronic stage.

    If a dry cough lasts a very long time, the patient is shown mucolytic and expectorant agents. They are necessary for liquefaction of sputum and its further removal from the bronchi.

    In this regard, very effective means of influencing the central nervous system because the cough center is located in the brain.

    • Nurofen Plus.
    • Codeine.
    • Codelac.
    • Solpadein.
    • Neo-Codion.
    • Piralgin.
    • Tetralgin.
    • Terpincode.
    • Pentalgin-N.

    But these drugs have a lot of contraindications, because they depress breathing, are addictive, and affect intestinal motility.

    These shortcomings are deprived of those drugs in which this component is absent: Glaucin, Butamirat and other drugs.

    Mucolytic drugs include:

    1. Mukaltin.
    2. Solutan.
    3. Lazolvan.
    4. Ambrobene.

    They consist mainly of natural natural ingredients and are therefore considered the safest.

    There are means of combined, double action, for example:

    • Broncholitin.
    • Codelac Phyto.
    • Doctor MOM.

    Medicines containing codeine are used in exceptional cases when you need to quickly block an attack of painful coughing.

    With the help of a nebulizer it is useful to carry out steam inhalation. For procedures, you can use the usual saline solution or special funds for this case, which can be purchased at the pharmacy: Berodual, Ambrohexal.

    Inhalations contribute to the rapid liquefaction of sputum and accelerate the entry of the drug into the respiratory tract. But to determine the dosage and time of the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor.

    Antihistamines are prescribed in cases where the cough is provoked by any allergen. Appropriate here:

    1. Zyrtec.
    2. Fenistil.
    3. Suprastin.

    Folk remedies for cough

    Alternative methods of treatment are mainly aimed at combating the symptom caused by a cold.

    Here are some simple and effective ways cough relief:

    • Inhalations over potatoes cooked in their skins, that is, you just need to.
    • Rubbing the back and chest with badger fat.
    • It is very useful to gargle with decoctions of calendula, chamomile, sage, breastfeeding. These plants are anti-inflammatory.
    • Since onions are incredibly rich in phytoncides that kill pathogenic microflora, when coughing, it is very useful to breathe the vapors of a chopped onion. It can even be laid out on saucers throughout the apartment.
    • Take onion peel from about 5 onions, chop it thoroughly, add 2 tablespoons of honey, a glass of sugar and 4 glasses of water to it. Cook the mixture over low heat for 3 hours. Take 5 times a day, 2 teaspoons.
    • Mix crushed hazelnuts with honey and take every 3 hours. Drink warm milk.
    • An effective way to get rid of prolonged cough is a decoction of bran, which is prepared in this way: 2 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 300 grams of rye or wheat bran boil for 10 minutes. Take hot for one day.
    • You can make a compress from potatoes. The tubers are boiled together with the peel, rubbed to a mushy state, mixed with five drops of iodine and one spoon vegetable oil. This mass is applied to the chest.

    There are others folk recipes for the treatment of dry cough, in fact there are a lot of them.

    In order for the patient to recover faster, the following recommendations must be observed:

    1. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, since only he can adequately determine the regimen and dosage of drugs. In this case, the physician takes into account the age of the patient, the characteristics of the course of the disease and the organism.
    2. During treatment, it is impossible to combine the intake of antitussive and mucolytic drugs.
    3. Traditional conservative therapy It is recommended to supplement with folk methods of treatment.
    4. With a dry cough, the patient needs to drink more warm liquids. It could be plain water, juices, teas, fruit drinks, decoctions, compotes, kissels.
    5. If the cough persists for more than one month, you need to see a doctor again.
    6. Since attacks of dry cough most often occur at night, the patient should change body position more often during sleep. This will make it easier to expel mucus.

    The video in this article will tell you more about some interesting recipes dry cough treatment.

    As soon as children begin to cough, the adult becomes anxious. A dry cough at night in a child who does not manifest itself in daytime days. If the situation repeats itself every time, then you can not hesitate. The main task of the parents and the doctor is to find the very reason that caused the unpleasant symptom.

    Typically, cough is protective functions organism, as a result of which a person gets rid of excess sputum, microbes and foreign bodies in the respiratory tract. When the baby coughs during the day, the disease becomes even stronger at night. The thing is that in the prone position respiratory system receives much less oxygen, and sputum accumulates. As a result, this child suffers from a nocturnal cough.

    Night cough without fever in a child

    When a child has a cough at night, but the temperature is normal, this, first of all, indicates that the baby has allergic reaction. It can be characterized by symptoms such as the appearance of a runny nose, sore throat, increased tearing and redness of the mucous membrane of the visual organ.

    Help with a cough

    If a child has started at night violent attack cough, you must first calm him down. The thing is that in kids under five years old, along with this, a strong panic can begin, as a result of which he will begin to suffocate even more. Also, at the beginning of a cough, it is necessary for the child to give warm water or tea with honey. Excellent tool before a night's rest is the consumption of alkaline mineral water from which gases are released.

    When coughing a dry type, the baby can be given a glass warm milk with honey and soda. But it is worth remembering that such a remedy is not recommended for children under two years of age due to milk intolerance and an allergy to honey.

    Also, do not forget about the humidification of the room. In some situations, to eliminate a dry cough, it is enough to change the position of the child for sleep. If after all measures taken the cough has not gone away, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor.

    Treatment of dry cough in a child

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the cough. If it was caused allergic manifestation, then it is worth eliminating the irritant. To do this, you need to purchase anti-allergic detergents for washing and washing, wash the entire bed, remove flowering plants, carry out wet cleaning more often and ventilate the room. You also need to give antihistamines. But when the child is not yet a year old, it is extremely dangerous to self-medicate.

    When the cough was caused by hypothermia and was a complication after colds, in such a situation the doctor will prescribe conservative method treatment. It may include cough syrup, cough suppressants, or antibiotics. Doctors often recommend inhalation. The steam makes it possible to liquefy the mucus. Thanks to the procedure, the child coughs up excess moisture and microbes. But such manipulations should be carried out two to three hours before bedtime. If the baby does not have a temperature, then you can take hot baths or put mustard plasters. With this therapy, the cough should pass in two to three days.

    Nocturnal coughing attacks in a child can occur due to infection with whooping cough. Such an ailment is not so common, because in last years many parents vaccinate their kids. Whooping cough is a contagious disease, so you should wear a mask when visiting a doctor.

    Mistakes of parents according to experts in the treatment of cough in children

    Most adults try to treat their children's coughs on their own. And they do it wrong, because with a dry cough, mucolytic agents are used. It is the intake of bisepptol that provokes the manifestation of a night cough in a child.

    Also, adults very often confuse a simple cold cough with an allergic one. If the unpleasant symptom was caused by an irritant, no antitussive and expectorant won't help solve the problem. In such a situation, only the elimination of the irritant is required.

    Therefore, every parent is encouraged to seek medical help at the first sign. Only a specialist will be able to find out the cause of the disease and help to eliminate it.

    Every parent should know a few simple but important tips.

    1. Do not leave an attack of night cough unattended. In some situations, it may indicate the presence of a serious illness that requires emergency treatment. If the cough lasts for several nights in a row, then you need to see a doctor.
    2. Do not buy cough medicine for your child without first consulting a doctor. This is especially true for antibiotics. The thing is that each drug has a certain effect and has its own contraindications.
    3. The best option would be to solder the baby in in large numbers warm drink. This will help moisturize the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
    4. You can use inhalation methods. But it is worth remembering that the child begins to cough even more.
    5. A high pillow will help a child with a night cough. This will allow phlegm to drain down the throat and the airways will become slightly wider, allowing more oxygen to enter.
    6. Don't forget to rinse your nose. Coughing is often caused by snot or saliva dripping. To do this, you can use saline or saline.


    Most adults find that changing their diet can help prevent nighttime coughs. Therefore, experts advise children's menu include the following.

    • More fresh juices, vegetables and fruit dishes which are rich in vitamin C.
    • Use oatmeal porridge in vegetable oil.
    • Reception mashed potatoes in milk and butter.
    • Consumption of lettuce based on radish dressed in sour cream.
    • Reception of grapes with honey. But it is worth noting that such a dish can only be eaten by children over two years old.

    Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of night cough

    To prevent the manifestation of dry cough, you need to follow a few recommendations.

    1. Daily ventilation of the room. This is especially important to do before bed. In the summer, you can leave the window open, and in the winter, ventilate as often as possible.
    2. Humidification of the air in the room. Especially this rule applies to the heating season. If there is no humidifier in the house, you can wet diaper put on the battery and near the crib. It is dry air that leads to the reproduction of bacteria and microbes.
    3. Elimination of various irritants. Powders and detergents must be anti-allergic. From soft toys better to get rid of. Carry out wet cleaning, and replace pillows with fluff with hypoallergenic ones.
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