Cervical canal polyp removal. Removal of a polyp of the cervical canal, types of operations, possible consequences. The price of the procedure, the operation of compulsory health insurance

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Questions and answers on: after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal

2016-05-17 08:23:57

Anonymous asks:

Tell me after the removal of the polyp of the cervical canal, they said a month of sexual rest. Can a clitoral orgasm be experienced in a month or earlier? 12 days have passed since removal and scraping

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello! After removing the polyp for a month, it is not necessary to observe sexual rest. After the end of the discharge, you can live a sexual life if you wish.

2011-03-10 09:12:38

Maria asks:

Good afternoon! I am 37 years old, my son is 8 years old, the whole pregnancy without complications and medications. Dreaming of 2nd child. Tell me, please, after how many months is it possible to become pregnant after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal (as written in the epicrisis) - hysteroscopy, total biopsy of the endometrium and cervical mucosa, polypectomy with coagulation of the bed. In the description of what was done, it is written: “During the survey hysteroscopy, it was found: The length of the uterine cavity along the probe is 9 cm. "Polypectomy. The bed of the polyp is coagulated. At control hysteroscopy, the uterine cavity is free. No complications."
It's been 4 months, menst. a cycle of 28 days, I don’t use hormones, according to honey. The testimonies passed the hormones everything is normal, but the pregnancy does not occur???? This is sad! Can I hurry with pregnancy after such operations???
Thank you for your reply and attention to the question!

Responsible Klochko Elvira Dmitrievna:

Good afternoon. After hysteroscopy, you can already become pregnant. But probably the point is not in the polyp (which is no longer there), but in the fact that the ovulatory reserve has already been reduced (37 years) and the pregnancy simply does not occur as quickly as before - 7-8 years ago. Perhaps you need to use ovulation stimulation. Address to the gynecologist to the endocrinologist.

2014-09-24 15:54:20

Natalia asks:

Hello. For two years I took regulon as a contraceptive. Three months after the drug was discontinued, a polyp of the cervical canal was discovered. I did an ultrasound, cytology, everything is fine. I removed the polyp, they did a scraping. in the department he said that I need long-term hormone therapy. Another doctor said to come 2 months after the removal of the polyp to retake cytology, go to colposcopy. How to be correct? Could taking regulon provoke all this?

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! No one has yet proven that taking hormone therapy will 100% protect against the appearance of polyps in the future. I'm more inclined to the opinion of the second doctor. I recommend that you come 2 months after the removal of the polyp to retake cytology, undergo colposcopy. Further, everything will depend on the results of the research. Be healthy!

2014-06-02 13:25:28

Irina asks:

Hello! Please tell me, I'm very worried. I had a cervical polyp removed. I really want a baby. She didn’t give birth yet. Trusting the doctor, she didn’t ask what method the polyp would be removed. The removal was performed using coagulation with electric current. Later I read that this method does not remove polyps from nulliparous women and that this method has a number of side effects and possible consequences. She asked if sexual intercourse is possible after the removal of the polyp, the doctor said that after 5 days it is possible. I tried to get pregnant after 5 days. On many sites they write that sexual abstinence is needed. I would like to believe the doctor, and what I read somehow runs counter to the way I was removed. I am lost to tears. It is already 11 days after the removal of the polyp, there are not abundant liquid
odorous discharge. There is no special discomfort in the physical plane and was not, and during sexual intercourse too. But psychologically, I'm not very happy. I always listen to my body, if there are any negative consequences. I am very concerned about questions and fears: Could I disrupt the healing process of the wound? Will the chosen method affect the ability to get pregnant? How to be further? What to do? Is the selected removal method really wrong? If so, how can I minimize its negative impact on my body? In truth, the soul is torn apart from doubt, pain and resentment. It is less and less to believe that pregnancy will come. It seems to me that I am standing on the edge, and there is nothing further. Lack of pregnancy and age (I am 44 years old) lead me to madness. I no longer know where the truth is and where it is not, what is good and what is bad for me. I will be grateful for the answer

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Irina! First, when you go for any procedure, the specialist must be trusted. The polyp was removed correctly, and on the Internet they write about everything and not always objectively. If you have any doubts or questions, you should ask your doctor. However, the polyp has only a remote relation to the issue of pregnancy. Do you really think that the removal of the polyp will be a panacea in the onset of pregnancy?! Given the age, first of all, it is necessary to check the ovarian reserve - donate blood for FSH and AMH and evaluate the number of antral follicles on ultrasound. After that, you can be more specific. For you to fully understand, the chances of getting pregnant naturally are no more than 5%, IVF on your own eggs 10-15%, IVF on donor eggs 40%.

2011-11-30 13:31:12

Victoria asks:

I am 36 years old. 8 years ago I was operated on: removal of submucosal fibroids, ovarian cystodenoma, cervical canal polyp, cauterization of endometriosis foci (hysteroscopy at the same time as laparoscopy). After treatment, she underwent a course of Buserelin-Depot 3 injections, then pregnancy occurred. Nothing disturbed for 3 years, then periodically there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, sharp, stabbing pains. I am constantly observed by a gynecologist, I pass all the tests, I control the level of hormones. 2 years ago, a polyp was found in the uterus, removed, drank Duphaston after the operation for 3 months. 3 months ago, spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, 2 uterine polyps on ultrasound. Three weeks later she was operated on (hysteroscopy), a glandular polyp. Otherwise, as the operating doctor said, the stage of remission. Appointed to drink 6-9 months. either Jeanine or Yarin together with Epigalat Indinol. Please tell me what treatment is needed to stop the appearance of polyps and the progression of endometriosis. What drugs should be taken. And what tests need to be done before starting hormonal therapy. If possible, advise a clinic dealing with these problems.

Responsible Klochko Elvira Dmitrievna:

You have been prescribed the right hormonal treatment. You can take it or have an even newer drug - Visanne - is also shown to you instead of Janine - if you want. You don't need to take hormonal analgesics, because you have a biopsy - a glandular polyp - that's enough. Indinol is also very good for you to slow down your illness. Do an ultrasound every 3 months.

2010-09-12 18:34:54

Olga asks:

Hello! I'm Olga, 32 years old. Sorry for so many questions! My doctor is very silent, not a word can be pulled out. does this mean? that I had a scraping done? How traumatic was it, is the cervical canal mucosa recovering and can I get pregnant? (I don’t have children).
2) Histological examination of the polyp, the conclusion: "A glandular-fibrous polyp of the cervical canal with a pronounced lymphocytic infiltration" .. what does this pronounced lymphocytic infiltration mean??
3) A histological examination should only show which polyp: malignant or benign, or should it still reveal (show) the CAUSE of this polyp? Seeing the results of histology, the doctor for some reason could not say anything about the causes of my polyp.
4) I heard that the causes of polyps are mainly hormonal disorders. Why then didn’t my doctor prescribe any hormonal therapy to me, neither before the removal nor after it? Or is this therapy optional in my case? The polyp was removed for the first time in February and later 6 months of relapse is not observed. The treatment after removal was as follows: sumamed (500 mg), methyluracil suppositories, miramistin-douching, diazolin-7 days, ascorutin .. Do I need to take an ANALYSIS FOR HARMONES? Do I need hormone therapy in my case? .. Thanks in advance for your reply!

Responsible Samysko Alena Viktorovna:

Dear Olga, these questions must have been answered by your doctor.
!. Curettage is necessary, because each polyp has a stalk, so if it is good not to remove the bed from where it grew, then the recurrence is 90%.
2. The histology is good, but this term means that there is a slight inflammation of the tissue that needs to be treated.
3. The reason for the formation of polyps is a hormonal imbalance, with an excess of the hormonal estrogen background, which leads to the formation of plus tissue.
4. Treatment is based on the histology of the polypectomy. Accordingly, you should have been given appropriate treatment to prevent relapse.
5. It is desirable to pass an analysis for hormones, this includes estriol, progesterone, LH, FSH, they are not given all at once, but on certain days of the cycle.
It is the responsibility of the doctor to correctly examine, identify and correctly prescribe treatment.
The fact that you received anti-inflammatory treatment after scraping. Which does not affect the cause.

2010-02-07 20:32:11

Allah asks:

Hello! I am 38 years old, menstruation since the age of 12, regular, painful, especially when I was young; The pain has lessened recently. There are no children, but she was not treated for infertility purposefully and did not try to get pregnant (sex life outside of marriage). Due to painful menstruation, endometriosis was suspected, but it was not confirmed by ultrasound, and laparoscopy was not performed.
2004 - CC polyp discovered during examination, polypectomy, according to histology - glandular-fibrous polyp of the cervical canal.
2007 - CC polyp, separate diagnostic curettage, according to histology - glandular-fibrous polyp of the cervical canal.
Between polyp removals in 2004 and 2007. it was found during examinations BEFORE menstruation, and at the beginning and middle of the cycle the polyp "disappeared". Six months after the polypectomy (2005), I even went to the hospital for a polypectomy, but during the examination, the polyp was not found and I was discharged.
In 2008 (associated with RFE ??? as one doctor told me, it could activate endometriosis) there was a premenstrual "daub" for 3-5 days, in March 2009 - an intermenstrual "daub" on the 10-11th day of the cycle in for 3-7 days (almost every cycle, there were only 2-3 cycles). When taking swabs sh.m. "blood".
STIs - negative: chlamydia by blood test using the ELISA method, urea- and mycoplasma - cultured by smear, HPV and CMV - by smear using the PCR method. I have herpes type 1 and 2, for several years it has practically not bothered me.
On colposcopy in December 2009, in the middle of the cycle, a "polyp in the depths of the c.c."
In January 2010, at 13 d.c. - hysteroscopy. Result: p.m. not deformed, the mucosa is pale pink, of uneven thickness, the vascular pattern is not pronounced, the orifices of the fallopian tubes are free. The polyp was not found, although they searched very carefully; according to the doctor, visually everything looked good.
Histology: hyperplastic endometrium (and that's all, no details). The result is absolutely unexpected, since the endometrium on all ultrasounds corresponded to the day of m.c. For example, the last ultrasound on 7 d.c. - 5 mm, for 26 d.c. - 9 mm. And in previous observations more than 12 mm M-
echo never happened. Could there be an error in the histological result?
Treatment was prescribed: Norkolut 1t 2r per day - 3 cycles, 1t 1r per day - 3 cycles (reception from 16 to 25 days). I read the instructions, I'm afraid to take it (I have severe fibrocystic mastopathy, the oncologist shows alertness, chronic cholecystitis, low platelet count). Please advise, maybe it is acceptable to replace Norkolut with Duphaston as a lighter drug. I have never taken hormones before.

Responsible Zheleznaya Anna Alexandrovna:

Good afternoon, ultrasound is an additional research method, and histology is reliable, but if you have doubts, then reconsult the glasses. dufaston possible

All materials on the site are prepared by specialists in the field of surgery, anatomy and related disciplines.
All recommendations are indicative and are not applicable without consulting the attending physician.

The cervical canal is an elongated cavity that connects the uterus to the vagina. Polyps in this part of the body account for about a third of all benign neoplasms that affect the female reproductive system. They are easily diagnosed during examination, the details of the clinical picture are specified during histological examination, ultrasound. Treatment is performed surgically. It consists of two stages: removal of the polyp of the cervical canal and curettage. Leaving a tumor untreated can be dangerous for a woman's health.

Preparing for the operation

Before removing the polyp, the doctor may direct the following studies:

  • A smear from the vagina for the presence of pathogenic bacteria - ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia.
  • PCR analysis for the presence of viruses - HIV, hepatitis B and C, papillomavirus, HPV (herpes simplex virus).
  • ultrasound. You may have to do a series of studies, the last - immediately before the operation or a few days before it.
  • Some clinics require you to provide a chest X-ray and ECG results.
  • Consultation with a phlebologist, especially for varicose veins of the lower extremities. If you have this disease or a predisposition to it, your doctor may advise you to wear compression stockings or use elastic bandages during the operation. This is necessary to prevent vein thrombosis.
  • Hysteroscopy - examination using an endoscope of the uterus and cervical canal.

With a positive decision on the operation, the patient is recommended:

  1. Two weeks before the procedure, give up alcohol and smoking (or reduce the number of cigarettes you use);
  2. On the eve of the operation, make a cleansing enema, shave the hair around the genitals;
  3. On the day of the procedure, refuse to eat and drink.


Removal of polyps is not carried out:

Some chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, renal failure, hemophilia) impose restrictions on any operations. The question of the possibility of intervention in this case is decided by the gynecologist together with the specialist doctor.

Types and course of surgical intervention

The essence of the operation

The choice of anesthesia depends on the size of the polyp. With a large neoplasm, they prefer general anesthesia (pain medication is delivered by injection into a vein, the patient is conscious) and hospitalization. Small polyps are removed under local anesthesia; using low-traumatic techniques, an outpatient operation is possible.


A woman sits on a gynecological chair. A hysteroscope is inserted into the cervix is a tube with a light source and a camera. It allows you to accurately see the location of the polyp. Sometimes a hysteroresoscope is used, equipped with a nozzle with a cutting surface.

The doctor twists the polyp, completely removing it, if necessary, the leg is excised, which may be in the thickness of the epithelial tissue (this should be visible on ultrasound). Multiple neoplasms are excised. After that, scraping is performed- complete cleansing of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and uterus. It is performed using a special tool - a curette.

Note. Curette - a medical spoon, is a rod with a nozzle resembling a spatula or a loop with a pointed edge.

Some doctors are negative about this practice because of its non-physiological nature, but most tend to use it because it reduces the risk of relapses. With less traumatic removal methods and a small polyp, scraping can be abandoned.

The removed tissue and polyp are examined. It is necessary to confirm the benign nature of the tumor. Analyzes are prepared from 1 to 10 days.

Varieties of surgical treatment of a polyp

Despite the same essence of the operation, the technologies may differ in the method used for removal.

The main types of surgical intervention:

  1. Polypectomy. The neoplasm is unscrewed until it is completely detached from the wall of the cervical canal or is truncated using a special conchotome tool. The operation is indicated for the removal of polyps up to 3 cm in size. The bed is cauterized.
  2. Laser coagulation. The leg of the polyp is excised due to radiation. This method also allows coagulation of the vessels that feed the neoplasm, which minimizes the risk of bleeding. Laser photocoagulation is effective for removing polyps of any size.
  3. Cryodestruction. This way you can get rid of small polyps. The leg is frozen with liquid nitrogen, after which the polyp is removed. The method is considered low-traumatic, after its application there are no scars.
  4. Diathermoexcision. This method involves the destruction of the base of the polyp due to the loop through which an electric current is passed. There is a risk of formation of adhesions, erosion. The method is used for deformation of the cervix, dysplasia of its walls.
  5. Radio wave coagulation with the Sugitron apparatus. The doctor touches the polyp stem with an electrode; when the wave passes through the cellular structures, the latter are heated and destroyed. When using the Sugitron generator, thermal damage is reduced by a factor of three compared to the action of a loop with electric current.

Video: cervical canal polyp. Radio wave, loop polypectomy

Recovery period

During the first week after surgery to remove a cervical polyp, the patient will receive (or self-administer during an outpatient procedure) antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatories to prevent infection.

The very presence of polyps is an indication for determining the hormonal level. The course of treatment, as a rule, ranges from 3 months to six months. The ozonation method (use of applications with ozonated oil) and physiotherapy positively influence the rate of epithelium recovery.

Rehabilitation lasts an average of 4 weeks. During this time, women are advised to:

  • Avoid physical activity, heavy lifting;
  • Do not take a bath, do not visit the sauna, bath, solarium;
  • For hygiene procedures, use a shower daily;
  • Do not have sex before consulting a gynecologist;
  • Do not use tampons.


The most important unpleasant consequence of the operation is the recurrence of the disease - the appearance of a new polyp. Even the most modern techniques associated with the destruction of the polyp bed and curettage do not lead to 100% remission. In 10-12% of cases, the neoplasm reappears (as of 2005).

Other possible complications include the following:

  1. The formation of scars and adhesions. As a result of frequent removal of polyps or their multiplicity, epithelial tissue is replaced by connective tissue. As a result, the canal itself becomes narrower, difficulties arise with conception, and infertility may develop.
  2. Infection. During the operation, the immune status decreases, the body becomes more susceptible to pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The risk of infection at the site of the removed polyp is especially high.
  3. Malignant degeneration of tissue. A cancerous tumor may develop if the polyp is not completely removed. The remaining cells begin to grow and can give rise to a malignant neoplasm.
  4. Bleeding when the wall of the cervical canal is injured. Treatment depends on the extent of the damage, and another operation may be required.
  5. Allergic reaction, swelling. Corrected by taking antihistamines. As a rule, pass without consequences.
  6. Hemameter- internal bleeding. The complexity of the diagnosis lies in the fact that a woman does not observe any discharge in herself. This is due to a spasm of the cervix - the blood cannot leave the organ. Drawing pains, pallor of integuments are possible. Treatment is by taking antispasmodics or by suctioning blood with a probe.

Important! Small discharge in the first days after surgery and slight discomfort in the lower abdomen are not cause for concern.

What does refusing surgery entail?

Some women, having gone through several surgeries and faced with constant relapses of the disease, decide to use non-traditional methods. The following recommendations can be found on the network:

  • Psychotherapy - getting rid of suppressed fears and secret desires.
  • The use of vaginal suppositories with celandine.
  • Herbal medicine, in particular, the use of collecting boron uterus.

These methods do not have proven effectiveness, classical medicine refuses to recognize the possibility of their impact on the polyp. Even if it does not grow, if it is present in the cervical canal, bleeding often occurs, sexual intercourse becomes difficult, painful, and there are difficulties with conception and childbirth.

With constant damage to the walls of the polyp, there is a high risk of infection, which can result in more unpleasant consequences than periodic operations. Certain bacteria normally live in a woman's vagina. Just like in the intestines, they form a symbiotic microflora that plays an important role in the body. However, if there is a permanent open wound, bacteria can become dangerous pathogens and cause infection. The spread of the process in the absence of treatment leads to very serious consequences, up to the removal of the uterus.

In addition, modern experts talk about the so-called "malignancy" of the polyp. Over time, the neoplasm can begin to grow rapidly, affecting neighboring tissues. The fight against cancer is much more difficult and costly compared to the timely removal of the polyp.

Important! Despite the need for surgical intervention, it is better to make sure that the diagnosis is correct before deciding to perform or not to perform an operation. To do this, you need to undergo an ultrasound strictly after the end of menstruation and conduct an endoscopic examination.

The price of the procedure, the operation of compulsory health insurance

Removal of a cervical polyp is performed free of charge in a hospital setting. Methods depend on the technical equipment of the medical institution. No additional fees should be charged.

In clinics, prices can vary greatly. The cost of surgery using low-traumatic methods is usually the lowest. The price of treatment with the Surgiton apparatus usually does not exceed 5,000 rubles. Laser polyp removal will cost 8,000 - 10,000 rubles. Other methods will cost more due to the need to arrive at the hospital - 12,000 - 17,000 rubles.

A polyp of the cervical canal is a benign formation growing in the lumen of the uterus, structured from the cylindrical epithelium of the endocervix. These formations form from connective tissue and may be covered by stratified squamous epithelium, columnar epithelium, tall columnar epithelium, or immature epithelium. They are attached to the cervical canal with a stem (thin or thick). The place of their localization is the depth of the external os of the endocervis. If the cervical polyp is located on a long stalk, then it can protrude into the vaginal lumen, then the gynecologist is able to visualize it during a standard examination.

All polyps have blood vessels that grow into it as the tumor forms. It is their number that determines the color of education. The fewer of them, the paler the polyp. With a developed vascular network, it can have a rich burgundy color. The more fibrous cells in the structure of the polyp, the denser the formation will be. The size of tumors varies from very microscopic to very impressive. The larger they are, the brighter the clinical signs of pathology. Its maximum size is 40 mm, although polyps rarely grow to such volumes. Its minimum diameter is 2 mm.

Often their diagnosis during pregnancy, they are detected in 22% of women bearing a child. It is worth knowing about the existence of false cervical polyps or pseudopolyps. They are formed within a few weeks after conception, do not have legs. The structure of the pseudocervical polyp is represented by the transformed endometrium. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with such an education, then she should be under special control by a gynecologist. When a pseudopolyp does not affect the process of bearing a fetus, it is simply observed. If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, then the formation is subject to removal, which is carried out during gestation, without waiting for delivery. Polyps can be combined into groups, or they can grow singly.

According to available statistics, formations are a fairly common pathology recorded in women at different ages. However, more often polyps are found in women who have crossed the line of 40 years. Among other pathologies of the uterine cervix, which are benign in nature, a polyp is found no more often than in 25% of cases. Doctors consider this pathology background. The presence of multiple cervical polyposis increases the risk of cervical cancer, and therefore requires regular monitoring by a doctor and timely removal.

Symptoms of polyps of the cervical canal

The latent course of the pathological process is a fairly common characteristic of polyps. Especially small formations with a wide leg do not give themselves away. They are diagnosed, as a rule, by chance, when a woman goes to the doctor about another disease. It is worth noting that with polyposis of the cervical canal, 70% of women have other gynecological diseases.

The fact that there is a polyp in the body can be suspected after its damage, infection, ulceration or inflammation.

In this case, the tumor manifests itself as follows:

    Bloody discharge, which can often be observed after intimacy or after a gynecological examination. Also, polyps are sometimes injured by sanitary tampons. This is especially true for tumors on a long stalk that extend beyond the boundaries of the external os.

    If the polyp has undergone necrosis or become inflamed, then in the period between menstruation, a woman may begin to bleed. In all other cases, this is not typical for polyps.

    When an education is infected, a woman will find leucorrhoea that has a mucopurulent character. Large polyposis growths are more often subject to such a process.

    Drawing pains also occur with large polyps. They are due to the fact that, due to a large formation, the external pharynx is not able to close properly.

    Abundant mucous secretions appear when the polyp presses on the glands of the cervical canal.

    If a large formation is found in a pregnant woman, then this may threaten her with a miscarriage, starting from the early period of gestation. Such risks are due to the fact that the polyp causes reflex irritation of the cervix, which causes it to contract involuntarily.

The structure of the formations affects the symptoms of cervical polyposis.

Depending on the cellular composition of the tumor, a woman is dominated by certain signs:

    With fibrous formation, the symptoms are extremely poor. This is due to the structural features of such a polyp. It has no glands, which means it does not secrete mucus. The fibrous stroma is dense and poorly penetrated by blood vessels, which reduces the possibility of injury to the polyp and the risk of bleeding.

    Glandular polyps produce more mucus, which can increase the volume of intermenstrual whites. But there will not be too many of them, since fibrous formations most often have a small size (up to 10 mm).

    Glandular fibrous tumors are mixed-type formations, they give the most pronounced symptoms. A more vivid clinical picture of the disease is due to the size that can reach the tumor - up to 25 mm or more. In this case, the woman complains of pain, notes contact bleeding and increased whiteness between cycles.

Scientists are inclined to believe that the formations localized in the cervical canal are formed under the influence of a number of provoking factors:

    Canal injury. Various damages negatively affect the structural state of the epithelium lining the cervical canal. Of particular danger are diagnostic curettage, abortion, aspiration biopsy, hysteroscopy. Often the cervical canal suffers due to an incorrectly installed intrauterine device. In addition, it can be damaged during childbirth, especially if they were accompanied by traumatic obstetric manipulations. After the injury, the epithelium starts the healing process, it is he who causes the growth of polyps. New mucous cells may divide too actively. Moreover, the injury does not have to be extensive, sometimes a microscopic wound is enough.

    Structural changes in the surface of the cervix. Often the formation of polyps is preceded by such pathologies as true and false erosions, as well as leukoplakia.

    Sexual infections. When the immune defense of a woman is reduced, diseases of the vaginal epithelium such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and some others pose a threat to the cervical canal. Rising from the vagina, microorganisms begin to infect the cervical canal, disrupting the natural composition of the mucus located there. Local inflammation occurs, as a result of which it becomes looser and more easily injured. The protective response of the cervical epithelium is an increase in its own area due to cell division. As a result of this process, a polyp or a group of them is formed.

    Nonspecific infection. The growth of education can stimulate pathologies such as vulvovaginitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, endomyometritis.

    Violations of the microflora of the vagina. The longer an imbalance of bacteria is observed in the vagina, the more often fluctuations in the level of acidity occur, the more favorable the environment becomes for the growth of the epithelial layer of the cervical canal.

    Disorders of the ovaries. It is with ovarian dysfunction in women that formations in the cervical canal are most often detected. They are accompanied by such diagnoses as: fibroids, endometrial polyps, endometriosis. Therefore, doctors suggest that excess estrogen is a powerful growth stimulator of the epithelium lining the cervical zone.

    External factors and endocrine diseases. Not always the cause of hormonal failure is ovarian dysfunction. It can be caused by obesity, diabetes, overwork and stress.

    Physiological processes. Hormonal surges in a woman's body occur constantly. With the exception of menstruation, they occur during adolescence, during childbearing and at the time a woman enters menopause.

    Unexplained etiology. It is worth noting that polyps are not always formed under the influence of these factors. Sometimes their growth cannot be explained by one reason or another. In this case, indicate cervical polyposis of unknown etiology.

A formation localized in the cervical canal, despite mild symptoms, poses a threat to a woman's health.

The danger lies in the following:

    Polyps can transform into a malignant tumor, causing cervical cancer. Although such changes occur infrequently, nevertheless, the risk of such a rebirth exists. Therefore, doctors recommend removing the formation, despite its size and structure.

    The risk of developing uterine bleeding increases. This threat is due to the fact that the polyp has its own blood vessels, and it can reach 30 mm in size. When its wall is damaged, blood loss often occurs. Almost always it ends on its own, however, its regular repetitions lead to anemia. The level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin falls, which negatively affects the woman's well-being.

    The presence of a polyp can affect the course of pregnancy extremely negatively, up to spontaneous childbirth. Among other threats during gestation against the background of cervical polyposis, one can distinguish: isthmic-cervical insufficiency, as well as a low location of the placenta.

    Tumor necrosis in the absence of medical care, which consists in surgical intervention, can cause the death of nearby tissues, blood poisoning and the death of a woman.

    Hematometra is another danger of a cervical polyp. Due to the fact that the tumor has a large size and the ability to move, as well as its inflammation, the cervical canal can be blocked. As a result, menstrual blood will begin to accumulate in the uterine cavity, as its natural outflow will be disturbed. A complication can be suspected by the absence of menstrual bleeding on time, the blood can leak out, but it will have an unpleasant odor and its volume will be much less than it should be. In addition, the woman will experience pain in the lower abdomen, and the uterus will stretch and increase in size. If timely assistance is not provided, an inflammatory process can begin, up to sepsis and death of the patient.

Due to such serious threats to the health and even life of a woman, polyps must be removed as soon as possible after they are discovered.

Diagnosis of polyps of the cervical canal

In order to detect the presence of formations, sometimes only a standard gynecological examination is enough. During its conduct, the doctor detects thickened and hypertrophied walls of the cervix. Polypoid formations protrude from the cervical canal, having a characteristic shape and color.

To confirm the diagnosis, a woman needs to undergo a cervicoscopy. In fact, this is a normal examination of the mucous part of the cervical canal. For a better view, the doctor uses a mirror or expander, as well as binocular optics. The shade of the polyp has an important diagnostic value. So, its cyanotic or purple color indicates the blocking of blood flow in certain vessels and oxygen starvation of the tumor. If it is white, then this is a sign of keratinization. Such a polyp acquires greater strength and elasticity.

Cervicoscopy allows you to visualize not only large formations, but also small polyps. The technique provides information about the structure of the polyp, about the possible existing inflammation, necrosis or ulcerative processes. In addition, during the procedure, a targeted biopsy can be performed. The resulting material is then sent for histological examination.

When tumors are found in the cervical canal, it is imperative to conduct an ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine their presence in the uterine cavity. Due to the fact that the treatment of such formations is always operational, a preliminary examination of the smear using the methods of bacterial culture and PCR is necessary. If a woman has infections, they are first eliminated from the body.

Answers to popular questions

    Should a cervical polyp be removed? Education found in the cervical canal is subject to mandatory removal. You should not refuse the operation, even if the polyp has a very small size. The need to remove it from the body is due to the tense oncological situation in the world.

    Can a cervical canal polyp disappear on its own? The formation cannot self-destruct, which is why there are no drug treatment schemes for such tumors.

    After removal of the polyp of the cervical canal, how long does it bleed? If a low-traumatic method of getting rid of the formation was chosen, then spotting may not be observed at all. Sometimes spotting may continue for up to 48 hours. Gradually, they become less and less, and after three days they completely disappear.

    Abundant menstruation after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal. When the formation is removed from the body, menstruation should return to normal. Her character can additionally be affected by the age of the woman and the number of removed polyps. Menstruation, normally, should become less abundant and less painful. If, on the contrary, their volume has increased or the cycle has broken, then you should consult a doctor for advice.

Removal of polyps of the cervical canal - 5 methods

When a woman decides on the choice of surgical intervention, it is important for her to remember that after any operation she will have to undergo a curettage procedure for the entire cervical canal. Only in this way will it be possible to free it from cells that can lead to a relapse of the pathology. There are several operations aimed at removing cervical growths.


This method has existed for quite a long time period. During its implementation, excision occurs, as well as cauterization of the polyp. For this purpose, the doctor uses an electroknife. A high frequency current passes through it. As a result, the polyp cells get burned and die. At the site of its attachment, a wound is formed, which is covered with a crust on top. It is an additional protection against infection and bleeding. However, this method has certain contraindications. It is not prescribed to a woman if she is carrying a child, has not given birth before, and also suffers from a bleeding disorder.

Nevertheless, diathermocoagulation has an undoubted advantage, which lies in the ubiquity of the technique, which makes it accessible to every woman.

However, giving preference to such an intervention, it is worth remembering its shortcomings:

    After cauterization, a scar will remain at the site of the polyp, which can complicate future childbirth.

    The recovery process can take several months.

    With incorrect rejection of the formed crust, bleeding may open.

    The procedure is quite painful.

However, the procedure is used everywhere, as it is not only affordable, but also makes it possible to get rid of polyps attached to the cervical canal with a wide stem.


To implement this type of intervention, low temperatures are used. It can reach minus 80 degrees. The polyp itself is exposed to liquid nitrogen. The affected area is frozen, after which it is cut off. In place of the former polyp, a healthy epithelial tissue of the cervical canal is formed. Cryodestruction is a modern way to get rid of polyposis growths, so it has a number of advantages, including: the absence of bleeding and pain. In addition, this method is suitable for women who do not have children, since after the intervention on the cervical canal there will be no scar, which means there will be no complications during childbirth.

The only significant drawback of the procedure can be called a long tissue recovery time. It can be up to two months. Also, a woman who decides to undergo cryodestruction may face the fact that in small towns there is no possibility of its implementation.

Laser polypectomy

The doctor has the opportunity to use a laser to remove a cervical polyp when it is single and not too large. During the procedure, the doctor monitors its progress with the help of a hysteroscope. A significant disadvantage of this technique is that it cannot be used to remove several formations. In addition, the cost of laser cauterization and cutting is quite high, and there is no guarantee that a relapse will not occur in the near future.

However, surgery using a laser beam has its advantages. Firstly, the risk of perforation of the wall of the cervical canal is significantly reduced, since the doctor independently regulates the intensity of the laser exposure and the depth of its penetration into the tissues. Secondly, there will be no bleeding during the procedure, as the blood vessels instantly coagulate. Thirdly, the recovery period is not at all long and after a few days the woman will stop any discharge, and menstruation will begin without delay.

Amputation of the cervix

The indication for removal of the cervix, together with the polyps present in it, is a recurrent pathology. In addition, it is removed if it is found that the formation has degenerated and has atypical cells. You can perform the procedure in all of the above ways, the doctor gets access to the cervix using a laparoscope. In this case, the cone-shaped part of the neck is removed, as well as the mucous membrane lining the cervical canal. At the same time, the uterus itself does not suffer, and an intact mucous membrane begins to form again in its cervical canal.

Hysteroscopic method

This method of removing cervical formations is the safest, most modern and painless for a woman. To carry out the procedure, a special instrument is required - a hysteroscope. The doctor introduces it into the vaginal cavity, into the desired area of ​​the cervical canal. Having examined each neoplasm with the help of an existing camera, the surgeon removes them using miniature scissors (resectoscope) or a loop for this. She throws herself on the leg of the polyp and unscrews it at the very base. If a resectoscope is used, the polyp is simply cut off. The choice of instrumentation depends on the size of the cervical formation. To minimize the possibility of a recurrence of the disease, the place where the leg was attached is cauterized.

The time that is optimal for performing hysteroscopy is the end of the menstrual cycle. The operation is not carried out later than 10 days from the end of the last menstruation.

Despite the advantages of the procedure, which are its safety, painlessness, and the ability to carry out a thorough curettage, hysteroscopy can not be used in every case. So, it is not performed if a woman is carrying a child, if she has a pathological narrowing of the cervical canal, infectious, oncological or inflammatory processes.

After the removal of the cervical polyp has been carried out, the treatment does not end there.

    It is forbidden to visit baths, saunas, steam rooms for two months, as excessive overheating of the body can cause bleeding.

    You should not lift weights, you must abandon physical exertion.

    A visit to the doctor should be regular, which is associated with the possibility of recurrence of polyps and the risk of their malignancy.

    Sexual life is banned for the next half a month. You should also avoid swimming in open water to minimize the risk of infection.

    The use of tampons during menstruation is prohibited. Sanitary pads should be used for two months.

    Intimate hygiene should be especially thorough, which will also avoid infection and infection of the wound. For washing in the first days after the intervention, you can use antiseptic agents, for example, Miramistin or potassium permanganate solution.

    Pregnancy planning should be postponed for the period recommended by the doctor. Most often it does not exceed six months, although sometimes it can be somewhat shorter.

    Sometimes, in order to avoid infection, after the operation (especially after amputation), the doctor recommends taking antibacterial drugs for several days.

    If any pathological discharge from the vagina is detected or if there is heavy blood loss, a medical examination is necessary.

After the removal of polyps, the woman continues to be registered with the gynecologist, since the formations can recur. For this reason, she should be examined every six months, keeping in mind the asymptomatic course of the disease.

In terms of prognosis, cervical polyps recur in about 30% of cases. There are no specific preventive measures. It is only important to exclude any traumatic situations for the cervix and to get rid of endocrine and gynecological pathological processes in a timely manner.

As for the drug therapy of the cervical polyp, it does not exist. To date, there is not a single remedy that can eliminate the formation from the body or reduce the severity of the pathological process.

Therefore, if a woman is offered to take medications with a diagnosis of "cervical canal polyp", then it will be aimed at removing concomitant pathologies that have become provocateurs of tumor growth:

    So, hormonal therapy helps to establish hormonal balance, reduce the number of circulating estrogens, increase the amount of progesterone. This will help reduce the risk of polyps recurring after they are removed. Doctors prescribe either oral contraceptives of the combined type (Zhanin, Regulon, etc.), or gestagens (Utrozhestan, Norkolut, etc.). You should tune in to a long-term intake of hormonal drugs, since they are not able to have a significant effect on the body at one time. The minimum course will last three months.

    Antibacterial therapy is indicated when polyps develop against the background of infection or inflammation of the genital organs. They are selected on an individual basis and depend on the specific disease.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for such background infections as adnexitis, cervicitis.

Hello! July 17 was the last menstruation, on July 24, the polyp of the CC was removed on an outpatient basis using the RVT machine. A week was yellowish watery discharge without blood. On the evening of August 1, the discharge became pinkish, on August 2 - bloody, as during menstruation. Abundance is about the same as on the 3rd day of the cycle. Usually the cycle is 24-25 days. There is no discomfort or pain. Can menstruation start this early? Or is it a complication and you need to go to the doctor? The histology is not ready yet. My doctor is not accepting this week.

I want to get pregnant but I can't. I did two times, that is, 2 months in a row, ovulation tests, but did not wait for a positive one. It turns out that the problem is in me, there is no ovulation, which means that nothing will work out. What should I do, I really want a baby.

Good afternoon! There was an unprotected intercourse 5 days before menstruation, my chest hurt, as always. But the menstruation came 1 day after the act, and the chest stopped hurting, but after 2 days the pain started again. Such a first time! Is pregnancy possible and when can I take a pregnancy test?

Good evening! I am 44 years old, the last menstruation was on June 30, on July 15 I had unprotected intercourse, after 10 hours I drank Escapelle (my cycle is 28 days). Please tell me when and how the drug will start to work? Will he save me from an unwanted pregnancy? If menstruation is tentatively due on July 28, will there be a shift?

I had my first miscarriage six months ago. In a paid clinic, they didn’t even prescribe treatment, I.Yu. Bystrova was treated, she was treated. Now I'm pregnant again, I'm very happy, but I'm afraid again STD. I don't want to take any more risks and go to random doctors. You are praised, but it is impossible to sign up with you. I really want to get to you and save the pregnancy! Help. Can you accept without a ticket? Willing to wait for hours.

Good afternoon, Svetlana Andreevna! Tell me, please, if you already have two children, but after that there were 3 missed pregnancies, which specialist should I contact? Do you need genetic counseling in this case?

I have a question about laparoscopy. My daughter (born in 1981) left the Tver region for Murmansk two years ago (she is a servicewoman). She recently had an ultrasound and found a very large fibroid on the outer wall of the uterus. Can she in August, being on vacation with us, do a laparoscopy of fibroids in your clinic? If so, how can I sign her up for surgery so that she can do everything during her vacation?

Hello, Natalya Anatolyevna! Please answer, can ureaplasma appear on its own or is it only sexually transmitted? Could I bear and give birth to a healthy child, being sick?

Good afternoon! According to ultrasound - signs of a polyp of the cervical canal, chronic endocervicitis. Can it be cured? I want to have a second child, they offer an operation to remove the polyp. In September 2016, according to the ultrasound data, there was no polyp, and in May of this year they found it - 12.5 * 5.2 mm on the vascular pedicle emanating from the back lip. There were no abortions, pregnancy was also 5 years old, she was protected all the time. Is this operation dangerous for a second pregnancy? Maybe I need to get tested for HPV?

Thanks for the answer. And you can’t remove it at the Perinatal Center according to the policy and record, but with the help of Surgidron - cauterize and excise without anesthesia and costs? Still, the polyp is not the uterus, but the cervical canal. Who would you recommend in the HRC to do a colposcopy and cauterize Surgidron? Thank you.

Hello! In September 2015, a polyp of the cervical canal of the cervix was removed in the polyclinic of the city of Konakovo. Removed by simple scraping. Now ultrasound again showed the presence of a polyp. What modern removal methods exist? My gynecologist claims that there are no other methods of removal in the cervical canal. The polyp is not visualized. Where is the best place to go?

Thanks for your reply! The fact is that I was scheduled for an operation on July 4 at the oncology dispensary, but they didn’t say what exactly they would do, more precisely, in what way and how. Please advise what I need to know and take into account when going for an operation? I'm just afraid that they will do something without asking, without explaining, without offering options. And I don't understand this stuff. Thanks in advance!

Good afternoon! She was in the maternity hospital of our city, at discharge a consultation with a neurologist was scheduled (I will go tomorrow). Further, after consultation with a neurologist, it was necessary to apply to the KDO OKPC for somatic pathology. I called the perinatal center at the reception, they told me that there were no such specialists. Tell me where you can turn, or perhaps the administrator misunderstood me?

Tatyana Nikolaevna! There is no way you can sign up. Pregnancy, six months ago was frozen, medical abortion. I got cured. I'm afraid of repetition. I want to keep the pregnancy. Help me get to you. I know you are a very busy and sought-after doctor. But after the disappointments I want only you. Sorry for the intrusiveness, I hope for understanding.

After the polyp of the cervical canal is removed, it is necessary to adhere to some postoperative measures. If bleeding after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal, then you need to prescribe drugs to stop the bleeding. Vedas after resection of the neoplasm, a wound remains at this place, which can bleed.

The most common method of polyp removal is hysteroscopy. It is not only effective, but also popular in recent times. The reason for this efficiency is that the hysteroscope not only removes, but can also diagnose the reproductive organ of a woman. If more polyps are observed, then they are immediately removed, but the moment of diagnosis. Also a big plus of this technique is the taking of material for histological examination. This fact increases the chances of making a more accurate and detailed diagnosis.

Reviews after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal are completely diverse. Doctors also recommend laser removal of the polyp. Positive results are observed, despite the fact that relapses are observed relatively less frequently. If menstruation is observed after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal, how much blood does it bleed? The duration may be slightly longer than normal discharges. This is due to the restructuring and healing of the postoperative wound. Allocations after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal are typical for all women. You should not be afraid of this symptom, and you should see a doctor.

The postoperative period begins from the moment the polyp was resected in the area of ​​the cervical canal or other localization. After the operation, you should follow the subsequent recommendations of the doctor. Only in the hospital they remove polyps in the uterus. Allocations must be observed for several days.

After cervical polyp surgery

After the operation, most women gradually return to a normal lifestyle. But some people have certain complications. There are pains of a pulling nature, stagnation of fluid in the area of ​​the cervical canal and an irreversible process of formation of adhesions. These processes arise as a result of violation of certain rules of the operation. Most often, this is the penetration of infection or insufficient removal of the neoplasm. Also, a typical symptom may be the constant discharge of blood from the vagina, which is more and more every time. To stop this process, it is necessary to repeat the removal of the polyp that remained there.

In the postoperative period, it is necessary to follow some doctor's recommendations. These are:

  • It is forbidden to use drugs that thin the blood. This can cause bleeding at the site of the removed polyp.
  • It is constantly necessary to conduct dynamic monitoring of vaginal discharge. If the bleeding does not stop within 7 days after the operation, then you should think about the complication and consult a doctor.
  • A categorical ban on lifting heavy objects, as well as playing sports during the first three months.
  • For about 2 months, it is worth excluding sexual contact with a partner. It is also not recommended to insert tampons into the vagina.

If you follow the above recommendations, you can avoid worsening the general condition. After the operation, removal of the polyp of the cervical canal, it is also necessary to prohibit the use of alcohol and tobacco. Polyps in the uterus - removal, how much to lie? It is advisable to observe bed rest in the first days of the postoperative period. After all, rest will enable the postoperative wound to recover normally.

Therapy after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal is based on the restoration of the hormonal background and the relief of various discomforts after the operation. The most important goal in the postoperative period is to prevent a new formation of neoplasm, both in the cervical canal and in the uterus. Recovery time can vary from 2 to 5 months. This period of time must be used in such a way that later you will no longer return to the past problem. Using various drugs, physiotherapy procedures, as well as other doctor's recommendations, you can quickly recover and live a normal full life. To be able to leave offspring is the main task of the mother.

Also, after the operation, the following drug regimens are prescribed:

  • Antibacterial and antimicrobial therapy.
  • Hormonal preparations.
  • Restorative therapy.
  • Taking vitamins and minerals.
  • Diet.

As for drugs and dosages, this is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Together, these appointments have a good effect on the rate of relief of the disease.

After the operation, every 3-4 months you need to visit a doctor and conduct an ultrasound diagnosis. Also, dynamic monitoring of blood counts will make it possible to exclude or confirm the process of inflammation and infection.

Removal of the polyp of the cervical canal and the discharge that is observed should decrease and disappear within 6-7 days. If this does not happen, then it is imperative to notify the gynecologist. As mentioned above, success in the postoperative period is the observance of all doctor's recommendations. After all, such a neoplasm as a polyp is an unpredictable disease. Some polyps do not change their size for years, and some increase several times in a month.

If the polyp does not behave actively, then the question of removal can be left for a later date. But at the same time, the doctor prescribes conservative therapy. Under normal conditions, you need to see a doctor every 6 months. Such a visit to the doctor guarantees health for you. Indeed, in these terms of deterioration is almost impossible.

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