Penis size in different countries. Normal penis size for men: how many cm is the normal length and width

Practically each of the representatives of the stronger sex was interested in what normal is and compared with their own parameters. There was a lot of discussion around this topic at one time, but now it's time to look into this issue and put an end to this topic.

Latest Research

Scientists from the French National Academy of Surgery recently decided to clarify and determine the normal penis size of the average man. The results of the studies showed that the average length of the object of male pride at rest is 9-9.5 cm, and during erection it reaches from 12.8 to 14.5 cm. At the same time, the girth at rest averaged 8.5-9 cm, and in an erect state - 10-10.5 cm.

Also, the experts of the academy came to the general opinion that penis enlargement is very often unreasonable. According to French surgeons, men insist on such an intervention, considering that their parameters do not correspond to the anatomical norm. However, they often have a normal penis size. According to statistics, the number of such requests is more than 85% of the total number of those who applied for such services.

At the same time, the report notes that the existing methods of penis size correction are very limited in terms of effectiveness, and at the same time can lead to serious complications. For example, one of the most common methods of surgical intervention - dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis - can cause an increase in size with the help of fat implantation, which gives only a temporary and insignificant cosmetic effect. Regarding the use of silicone or other artificial fillers, experts believe that the method should be banned altogether.

The use of these techniques can be justified only when there is a congenital anomaly of the genital organ, or to eliminate the consequences of oncological diseases and injuries. Experts believe that when a man with a normal penis size makes such a request, the doctor is obliged to politely and clearly explain the groundlessness of such requirements and notify him of the possible consequences.

Curious facts

Women will be interested to know that a man's sexuality can be assessed based on the shape of his ring finger. At least that's what Camilla Ferdenzi, a sexologist at the University of Geneva, made. And the popular publication Men's Health, in one of its articles, reports that there are two types of penis. The first one has a smaller initial size, but during an erection it lengthens and expands more than the second one. In the latter, on the contrary, at rest, the size is larger, but an erection does not lead to its increase too much. Thus, the difference in sizes in the excited state can be leveled out. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the normal size of a penis when it is in a non-erect state. According to statistics, 79% of men can be attributed to the first type and only 21% to the second.

The well-known manufacturer of protection products LifeStyles conducted its research, according to which only 4% of men can boast of a penis length equal to or greater than 17.78 cm. And the officially registered length of the longest subject of male pride was 34.3 cm.

"How long should a penis be?" - the question is rather vague. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the length of the penis in most men ranges from 10 to 15 cm, while.

Men about penis length

The size of the penis is an exciting and almost the first question of every man during puberty. Almost every teenager was interested in what a penis should be, compared his dignity with the given parameters.

It is because of the many discussions that studies are being carried out to show men and women the true normal parameters of manhood.

Now such parameters have been derived that the man himself, as well as specialists, can navigate before prescribing a prompt solution to the problem of a small penis:

  1. Micropenis. A rare occurrence when the penis does not exceed 2 cm in length in a stretched state. According to some sources, this length is slightly longer - during an erection no more than 6-8 cm.
  2. Small penis, which in a state of arousal does not exceed 9.5 cm in length.
  3. Normal, that is, average, penis sizes in length are from 9.5 cm in a state of erection.

A slight correlation was found between penis size and height (positive), and a negative correlation was found between the length of the dignity and excess weight.

Experts say that you need to carry out in three different states:

  • at rest;
  • at full stretch;
  • during an erection.

Measurements are taken from a standing position, from the so-called peno-pubic angle, which should be equal to 90 degrees. This angle is located between the penis (from the pubis) to the end of the organ. At the same time, the shape of the penis is also noticed, which may differ in men:

  1. Cylindrical. When the penis is approximately the same thickness from base to tip.
  2. pointed a form when the end is slightly or narrower than the base.
  3. mushroom form when the opposite is true. That is, the base is thinner than the end.

What size should the penis be? These measurements are different for everyone. Researchers believe that a penis that reaches 24 cm belongs to the “giant” category, a large size is from 16 to 22 cm, members from 12 to 16 cm long are classified as robust. Extreme are two parameters that are too far from the norm. These are penises less than 2.5 cm and more than 25 cm, which are already of scientific interest to sexologists, endocrinologists, and surgeons.

What is the length of the penis - the results of the study

Similar measurements and surveys were carried out more than once, but the latest data from scientists from the Academy of Surgery in France showed what size should be:

  1. at rest from 9 to 9.5 cm.
  2. During an erection, the penis "grows" up to 13-14.5 cm.
  3. Thickness at rest ranges from 8.5 to 9 cm.
  4. Girth after excitation up to 10-10.5 cm.

Interestingly, about 85% of referrals due to a small penis to specialists belong to men who are just fine. Such patients believe that the parameters of their dignity cannot correspond to the norms of anatomy.

And due to the fact that any can lead to complications, doctors strongly recommend abandoning such an undertaking. Also, the types of surgical correction are quite limited, and some of them are accompanied by dissection of the ligament (suspensory ligament of the penis), which sometimes negatively affects the state of erection.

How big should a man's penis be for a doctor to perform an operation? These are cases with a micropenis, as well as too large organ parameters, when intercourse with a partner does not bring pleasure, threatens with injuries and combat syndrome. Sometimes, at the request of the patient, corrective surgeries are performed. Also, surgical methods are justified when there are congenital defects of the genital organs, deformities after trauma, as well as the consequences of oncological diseases.

Women's score

What should be? And this question has been asked many times. On average, the girls indicated a length of 15 cm, but they gave more importance to the thickness of the organ. Still, little depends on the original size. So, there are men in whom the length and width of the penis increases slightly compared to the original size, and vice versa, in almost 80% of men, the penis grows significantly after arousal, having initially small parameters. Also, it should be noted that often women "threw" their partners 1-2 centimeters from the actual length.

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What should be the length of the penis is not as important as the ability to use it. All the research done on this topic leads to the same result: too much is also bad.

Today our focus will be on the penis. The Internet is flooded with advertisements about all sorts of ways to increase the male genital organ. And this suggests that there is a demand - many men are ready for anything to increase their dignity. Well, it turns out that a fair part of all the representatives of the stronger sex are dissatisfied with the size given to them by nature? Do most people really have small penises, or is the problem psychological? Let's try to figure it out...

What kind of penis should be considered normal? The norm is the average among all sizes of the genital organs. In almost 90% of men on our planet, the penis in a calm state has a length of 8 to 13 centimeters, and the average erect penis has a length of 16 cm. Therefore:

  • A member in an excited state of less than 13 centimeters is recognized as small.
  • A normal penis is considered to be in an excited state from 14 to 18 centimeters.
  • A large penis is recognized in an excited state longer than 18 centimeters.

In medicine, a micropenis is a member whose length in an excited state is less than 10 centimeters. With such dimensions, it becomes difficult for a man to have sexual intercourse. By the way, huge members are also not very good in a functional sense. A penis longer than 24 centimeters is more likely to malfunction.

What's wrong with small organs?

Small penises (we mean recognized small sizes) have a bad effect on the quality of sex for the following reasons:

  • A penis that is too small does not allow anatomically deep penetration into the vagina, and therefore, women with a vaginal type of orgasm will not be able to experience pleasure during sex.
  • Not all sexual positions are suitable for men with a small penis (by the way, this also applies to owners of huge penises). This leads to the monotony of the sexual life of partners.
  • The micropenis has a minimal area of ​​contact with the vagina and causes minimal stimulating irritation.

I repeat that we are talking about really small penises - those that in an erect state reach less than 13 cm. All of the above does not apply to larger members.

Poll results

There are many myths around penis size. For example, some ladies believe that the length of the penis can be found by looking at the hands, nose or ears of a man; that the owners of large penises are insatiable lovers and much more. Dr. Richard Edwards did extensive research and found out how things really are. He interviewed a large number of men and found out:

  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the nose.
  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the hands.
  • There is no correlation between the length of an erect penis and the size of the ears.
  • There is a weak relationship between the length of the penis and the height of a man (the general proportions of the body were taken into account).
  • Men who consider their penis to be large tend to change sexual partners frequently.
  • Men who consider their penis small tend to have a permanent relationship with one partner.
  • 72% of straight men were satisfied with the size of their penis.
  • Of gay and bisexual men who have been circumcised, only 58% of those surveyed described penis size as satisfactory.

Long organ and quality of sex

The size of the penis (except when it comes to ultra-small or super-large penis) has absolutely no effect on sexual activity and the quality of sex. It's all about the structural features of the vagina in women. This organ is elastic and can stretch.

The average size of the female organ is 10-13 cm. Scientists believe that a lady experiences maximum pleasure when the walls of the vagina are stretched by 3-4 cm. Therefore, with an erect penis length of 11-17 cm, a woman is able to enjoy and will not consider her partner's penis small .

According to experts, a penis 13-18 cm long will suit about 87% of women, 11-13 cm long - every fourth young lady, 19-22 cm will suit only every twelfth (the rest will experience discomfort when having sex with such a "giant").

Appearance can give away

It has already been mentioned above: the relationship between the size of the nose, ears, fingers and the length of the penis has not been identified. But this does not mean that, looking at a man, it is impossible to predict the hypothetical dimensions of his dignity. The length and thickness of the penis is affected by the level of sex hormones released during puberty. They also determine the type of body structure and sexual temperament (increased libido, the ability to perform prolonged intercourse, sexual emancipation, etc.).

Men of strong sexual temperament and with a penchant for large genitals usually have:

  • Strong squat build.
  • Average height (closer to low).
  • Wide chest, large head, narrow hips.
  • Tendency to intense body hair.
  • Distinctive character traits: assertiveness, a tendency to aggression, ambition, impulsiveness.

Women's opinion

What is the opinion about the size of the male organ that most beautiful ladies have? Judging by numerous surveys, only 12% of women believe that good sex can only be with the owner of a large penis. For the vast majority, foreplay, sexual techniques, and a variety of techniques are of primary importance.

Yes, in sexual fantasies, you can imagine yourself with a partner with a huge sexual organ, but in fact, most women recognize that the ability to handle their dignity is much more important. In addition, sex with a man with a too large penis can not only be unpleasant, but also cause injury ...

Psychotherapist Joy Davidson puts it this way: “The question is not so much about the length or width of the penis, but how much a man fits a particular woman. The location of the clitoris, positions during intercourse, as well as the correspondence of partners to each other from a physical point of view - the ratio of height, body structure, weight, etc., to a greater extent affect the female orgasm.”

But here it is worth mentioning one point: it is no secret that men who are satisfied with their body feel more courageous and strong, and, therefore, behave liberated and bold. And this is what attracts women. That is why women will definitely call men with large penises more attractive - it's not about size, but about the stereotype that such representatives are stronger and more active (mankind has always associated a large male organ with dominance, strength, dominance).

It's all in the head

The well-known sexologist Virginia Johnson (Masters) in an interview commented on people's sympathy for large penises: “If a man believes that a large penis excites women more, then nothing can change his mind.” This is psychology, and there is no getting away from it.

Even if, at the level of physiology, small and medium members are in no way inferior to long organs, but if a person has convinced himself of the opposite, then he will no longer be able to feel confident in bed (and they will blame their “baby” for all misses, although the size of the penis will not be at what). It's the same with a woman: she can convince herself that she can only enjoy contact with large penises. As a result, just looking at a man with a small dignity, she will immediately be negative.

So it turns out that men with a long penis have more sexual partners compared to owners of a modest size. A long, thick, well-developed sexual organ inspires a man with a deep sense of his sexual potency, endows him with a healthy male "ego", and this already has a very strong effect on sexual strength.

Penis size is an important indicator of manhood, at least that's what all men think. And as practice shows, most of the male population is dissatisfied with their natural data. In fact, many of them do not even know what the normal penis size is recognized by medicine and specialists.

The norm is an average indicator that cannot be perceived as the ultimate truth, but at the same time it can show how true or wrong a person’s beliefs are. Regarding the penis and its size, scientists here also deduced the norm for the length and thickness of the penis, but taking into account various factors, whether it be nationality, body proportions or genetics.

The average length of a man's dignity, depending on nationality

The first thing every man who is concerned about the size of his reproductive organ should pay attention to is nationality. The size of the organ is considered normal for each race with completely different indicators. For example, in the post-Soviet space, the highest norms go to Georgians - 15.6 cm, Belarusians own the figure 14.6 cm, Ukrainians 14 cm, Russians 13.2 cm.

For reference! The average normal size of the penis of the inhabitants of Russia has decreased over the years due to the fact that there is a mixture with Asian peoples.

If we consider Europeans, the Hungarians have the most worthy indicators - 16.1 cm, followed immediately by the French and Czechs 15.9-16 cm. .5-18 cm. The smallest indicators of 9-10 cm belong to Asian nationalities, for example, Thailand.

What determines the size of a man's penis?

To understand why nature rewarded a man with specific dimensions of the penis, it is worth looking into the anatomy, considering the structure and factors influencing the growth of the penis. Experts name the following factors:

  1. Genetics- those data that are observed in men in the past generation will be transferred by genetic code to subsequent men.
  2. Hormone balance- Normally, the male body should have an optimal ratio of both male and female hormones.
  3. Anomalies in the development of the genital organs- there are many congenital or acquired pathologies that affect the shape and size of the penis.
  4. chronic diseases- the growth and development of the phallus can be affected by various systemic and chronic diseases associated with the endocrine, genitourinary, cardiovascular system, brain and spinal cord.
  5. Lifestyle- bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition can slow down growth and development or disrupt the functions of a member.

Also, there are cases when small indicators of the length and thickness of the phallus were observed in men living in adverse environmental conditions.

Normal penis length and diameter

To identify the most normal penis size for a particular country, state and nation, experts repeatedly conduct research and experiments. So, for example, one specialist in the course of 17 studies managed to identify one pattern. Among the 100 men studied, only 5 had a penis larger than 16 cm, and the same number had indicators below 10 cm.

In general, the medical certificate says that the optimal length of the penis in an erect state should be 13-18 cm, in a calm state - 8-10 cm. The average penis will not exceed 15 cm in length. As for the thickness, a figure of 3-4 cm is considered normal. When measuring the circumference of the penis during an erection, 10-15 cm is considered the norm. Despite these parameters, the concept of normal penis thickness is not practiced in sexology.

What is more important: length or width?

Each man determines for himself what the normal size of the reproductive organ should be in order to satisfy a woman.

Practice proves the fact that the concepts of the normal size of the penis in men and women are completely different. Multiple studies have only confirmed that for sexual intercourse and pleasure of a woman, thickness is more important than the length of the phallus.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

The depth of a woman's vagina in an unexcited state is 7-12 cm, and the width is about 2-3 fingers. But in an excited state, the female genitals narrow and lengthen, and the maximum sensitivity is at the beginning of the vagina by 3-5 cm. Accordingly, for maximum pleasure, the diameter of the penis is much more important than its length.

Possible deviations from the norm

As mentioned earlier, factors such as genetics, hormonal levels, diseases and pathologies, as well as age can affect the state of the male genital organs. All future data regarding the penis are laid in the intrauterine development of the fetus. Rarely, but there are also congenital anomalies that lead to a change in the shape and size of the phallus, for example:

  • anorchims;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • Pasculani syndrome.

If there is a lack of testosterone in the body, doctors diagnose hypogonadism, which may result in underdeveloped testicles and a micropenis. Possible risks include injuries, as well as acquired pathologies that affect the development of the genital organs. These can be vascular and heart diseases, elephantiasis, obesity, etc.

Opinion of women and men: surveys

The first thing you should pay attention to regarding the size of the penis is the opinion of women. To do this, surveys were repeatedly conducted, in one of which the following interesting statistics were established:

  • 81% of the women surveyed would choose an outwardly unsightly man, but with a large phallus, rather than a handsome man with a modest size;
  • 75% of women noted that they consider both the girth and the length of the penis to be important;
  • 61% would even be ready to refuse communication with a man whose data on this issue does not match their expectations.

If you look at the data of male surveys, we can conclude that 66% consider their penis to be medium in size, 22% are satisfied with the size, and 12% consider their phallus to be small. Among all men, only 8% were firmly convinced that their body had sufficient length and girth to satisfy a woman.

How to measure length and thickness correctly

It can be in two states - relaxation and erection. In any case, you need to take a ruler, attach one part of it to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pubic bone above the penis so that the ruler rests against it. Next, you need to measure the distance to the extreme point on the head of the penis.

Do you know how to take penis measurements?


It will be more difficult to measure the girth of the penis with a ruler, so you can use a measuring tape. It is taken and wrapped around the thickest part of the phallus, after which the final result is obtained. If there is no tape available, you can do this with a piece of paper, and then measure its distance with a ruler.


About what should be the size of the penis, no specialist will give an answer to a man. But if you take into account average statistics and calculations, you can set a certain standard for a nation and even a specific country. Statistics say that among Europeans, the normal length of the penis is 13-15 cm, and the thickness is 3-4 cm. Small errors should not be a cause for concern and complexes.

It's no secret that for every man it is very important to be firmly confident in his masculine strength and the usefulness of the "main" male organ. Men often argue about what is more important, the length or thickness of the penis, and many of them are sure of the inferiority of their reproductive organ, resorting to all sorts of methods, as well as plastic surgery. To dispel all myths, it is necessary to carefully and comprehensively study this issue.

Features of measuring the size of the penis

It is possible both at rest and in an erect position, but for the accuracy of the data obtained, it is recommended to take all measurements in an excited state. The size of the penis can be influenced by factors such as:

  • ambient temperature;
  • hormonal background of the body;
  • features of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
  • the emotional state of the man.

Taking into account the individual features of the body structure, type of constitution, the length of the phallus in a calm and erect state can vary in volume by 3-4 times.

Penis measurement rules:

  • measurements are taken in a calm atmosphere;
  • the temperature in the room should not be lower than 18-21 0 C;
  • the penis is pulled parallel to the floor;
  • a ruler is applied to the lateral surface, one end of which touches the pubic bone, and the second - the head of the penis;
  • received data should be recorded.

It should be noted that if a man is overweight, then the functional length will be 1-2 cm less than the measured one.

The thickness of the penis is also measured in the erect state, but only with the help of a centimeter tape:

  • the erect penis is slightly pulled parallel to the floor;
  • a centimeter tape is placed on the middle of the organ;
  • the obtained measurements are recorded in the documentation.

The effect of age and race on penis size

In order not to impose unnecessary complexes on a future man from youth, one should convince him that the size of the phallus is a very intimate issue, the result of which is influenced by many factors. For example, in a newborn boy, the penis is only a couple of centimeters, at the age of 7-8 years it can reach 3-4 cm. It occurs during puberty, at the age of 14-18 years. From 18 to 25 years, a slight increase in the phallus is possible, in the region of 1-1.5 cm.

Some representatives of the stronger sex are sure that circumcision makes men more sexual and their penis increases in size. This is a myth that should not be believed. The size of the penis after circumcision does not change. The only thing that can change is the sensitivity of the head of the penis. During movements, the head is constantly in contact with clothing, subjected to friction, which makes it less sensitive. It is for this reason that "circumcised" men can please a woman longer.

Numerous studies conducted by sexologists have found that the length and thickness of the penis is affected by the racial belonging of the man. So, representatives of the Caucasian countries are famous for the largest phalluses. In second place after the Caucasians are representatives of hot African countries. The average length of the penis in an excited state in these men is 15-16 cm. In third place in terms of the length of the penis are men of European countries with a length of 14-15 cm. Well, the owners of the miniature organs themselves are Asian men, whose penis length does not exceed 13 cm.

On a note! There is an opinion that the size of the penis can be calculated by the length of the foot, the length of the nose, the distance between the thumb and forefinger. All these theories have not been confirmed in practice and are just a myth.

When measuring, it is very important to pay attention to the temperature in the room, because at low rates, the penis can be shortened. It is very important that a man be in a calm state, since the emotional background has a direct effect on the level of hormones and the size of the penis during the measurement.

Proper measuring technique

Penis length and width standards

In order not to impose unnecessary inferiority complexes on himself, every man should know the approximate parameters of the penis, which are considered normal, and be equal to them, and not to the boastful stories of his friends and, moreover, information. In a calm state, the length of the penis is considered normal if it is 8-10 cm. In an erect state, these figures increase to 13-18 cm, but the average penis does not exceed 15 cm.

The thickness of the penis is an equally important measurement and normally it is 3-4 cm. The circumference of the penis is measured exclusively in an excited state and is 10-15 centimeters. There is no such thing as normal penis thickness in sexology. But as practice shows, 3-4 cm are the optimal penis thickness for a man of average build.

What is more important: length or width?

Since ancient times, men have been sure that only having a long penis can satisfy a woman. Numerous studies have proven that the width of the penis is much more important than its length. To understand this statement, it is necessary to recall the lessons of the anatomy and structure of the female internal genital organs. The vagina of a woman in an unexcited state is 7-12 cm, the width does not exceed 2-3 fingers. During intercourse, the internal organs are excited, the vagina becomes longer, and due to the rush of blood, even narrower. The vaginal tissue becomes more elastic and tightly covers the genitals.

Physiologists say that the most sensitive area is the first 3-5 cm of the vagina itself and the entrance to it. The conclusion suggests itself: to satisfy a woman, it is enough to be the owner of an average phallus, and not a sexual giant.

Interesting to know! The largest penis in the world currently belongs to a Mexican. The length of his faithful friend is 48 cm, which is far from being his pride and joy. The man claims that such penis sizes bring him a lot of problems, including disability, impaired quality of life, lack of intimacy with women.

Possible deviations from the norm

The formation of the phallus and its size is influenced by many factors, including:

  • genetics;
  • congenital and acquired diseases;
  • age.

The dimensions of the penis are laid down at the stage of intrauterine development. In addition, race plays an important role in this process. If men in the family predominantly had medium-sized penises, then the new generation will also have such sizes. But there are exceptions to every rule, and these include a number of congenital diseases:

  • cryptorchidism;
  • anorchism;
  • Pasculani syndrome.

Responsible for the manifestation of masculine qualities. It also directly affects the sex life of a man. With insufficient production of this substance, doctors diagnose hypogonadism and a decrease in the size of the testicles. The most severe complication may be a micropenis, the length of which does not exceed 10 cm in an erect state.

With careless behavior with the main reproductive organ, injuries and acquired diseases are possible, which do not have the best effect on the size and functional ability of the penis. With diseases of the cardiovascular system, the penis can also slightly decrease and bend. With elephantiasis (stagnation of lymph in the lower extremities), it can significantly increase in size. With excess weight, the functional length of the penis is reduced by several centimeters due to the fat layer in the pubic region.

Psychologists focus men's attention on the fact that masculine qualities are not only in the length of the penis, but also in other equally important characteristics, such as:

  • masculinity;
  • a responsibility;
  • care;
  • ability to love and understand.

In the absence of the above qualities, the length of the penis will not help create harmonious conditions for relations between a man and a woman. It is in the power of every woman to make her man the best lover and husband in the world, and also to help him believe in himself: physiology has nothing to do with it.

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