What not to eat while driving. What punishment is possible due to medication. Non-steroidal painkillers and driving

Periodically, from the media you can learn about accidents that occurred due to the fault of a driver who is intoxicated with alcohol or under the influence of illegal drugs, which include drugs. The question arises: which drugs can be used while driving a car, and which ones cannot. This is what we'll talk about today.

Prohibited drugs

The note to Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses says that the use of substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, or psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication, is prohibited. For this, administrative responsibility is provided.

A list of these prohibited substances can be found in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.10.2012 No. No. 1002.

It is forbidden to use all alcohol-containing liquids and medicines, after which the content in the exhalation of absolute ethyl alcohol will be more than 0.16 mg / l, and the content in the blood will be more than 0.35 ppm.

AT recent times there is a trend towards tougher penalties for driving while drunk or under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic drugs.

These drugs are not prohibited by law for use, but they have a number of features of the effect on the body, so it is not recommended to use them before the trip:

  • Antihistamines (for allergies). This category of drugs can cause drowsiness, lethargy, inhibited reactions. If a tired person takes such medicine, he may fall asleep at the wheel. This category includes: Suprastin, Tsetrin, etc.
  • Painkillers. They are also not recommended for driving. But in this case, it all depends on the type of drug and dose. For example, Analgin can be used while driving, but it does not always relieve pain.

Painkillers containing codeine (Pentalgin, Nurofen, Sedalgin) are allowed to be used only in a strictly indicated dosage. If the dose is exceeded, drowsiness, lethargy of reactions occurs.

When using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ketoprofen), tinnitus, drowsiness are possible, so they are not recommended for driving.

  • Antidepressants. it potent drugs for the treatment of depression (Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Mianserin). They have a depressant effect on the brain. There is drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness, hand trembling.
  • Drugs to lower blood pressure. (Moxonidine, Methyldopa). This category of drugs reduces the conduction nerve impulses, which causes slow reactions. If the pressure is reduced sharply, a person may lose orientation in space.
  • Eye drops used to examine the eyes. These drops are based on atropine and are used to dilate the pupil in medical purposes. After application, vision is impaired for some time (Atropine, Irifrin).
  • Cold medicines containing codeine (Coldrex, Fervex). Such drugs cause CNS depression, drowsiness.
  • Tranquilizers. Drugs used to treat stress and anxiety states. They depress the central nervous system, slow down reactions, there may be a feeling of indifference to the environment.
  • Muscle relaxants. Preparations for relaxing muscles, used to treat paralysis, injuries in orthopedics. These medicines cause weakness in the muscles, dizziness, and very often severe drowsiness.
  • Sleeping drugs. These drugs help to fall asleep (Phenazepam, Melaxen) They are strictly forbidden to use before the trip. Dangerous too sleeping pills vegetable origin.
  • Sedatives (sedatives). They are characterized by a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Such drugs cause dizziness, drowsiness, indifference to the environment and slow reactions.

If the drug has already been used, look at the instructions for the time of action and get behind the wheel only when the effect of the drug ends. Photo: mir-auto24.ru

Medicines containing ethyl alcohol

Some medicines contain ethanol in small quantities. If a person takes medicine, this will not affect his nervous system and well-being in any way, but the breathalyzer of a traffic police officer will show the presence of alcohol in the exhaled air.

It should be noted that some food products and drinks can also show availability minimum quantity alcohol in the exhaled air, although there is no alcohol in the composition.

These products include: kvass, chocolate candies, dairy products, fresh baked goods yeast dough, overripe fruit, non-alcoholic beer.

Instructions for the drug

If there is such a situation that it is necessary to take the drug, but it is not clear which adverse reactions it can cause, then you need to read the instructions for use.

If such adverse reactions as dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness are indicated, then it is better to refuse such a drug. Photo: dneprovec.by

In the paragraph of the instruction "special instructions" it is directly prescribed whether the drug affects the rate of reactions, whether it can be taken while driving.

In the paragraph of the instruction "action time" you can see how many hours the medicine works. Thanks to this, you can plan your medication and travel without compromising your health.

Be sure to pay attention to the paragraph of the instruction "interaction of drugs." It describes the schemes of compatibility and incompatibility with various drugs.

It so happens that essential medicine by itself does not cause adverse reactions, but in combination with some other drug, there may be an unpredictable result.

Herbal preparations

Not only chemicals capable of causing adverse reactions. Some herbal preparations it is also not recommended to use while driving due to the effect on the central nervous system that they have.

And herbal sleeping pills: Sonilyuks, DreamZzz.

Undoubtedly, these drugs have a milder effect on the human body than chemical drugs, but in a significant dosage, the adverse effect can be pronounced.

You can learn about the features of taking drugs by drivers from this video:


If you need to take medication while driving, be sure that the medication will not affect your driving ability. Familiarization with the instructions (and it is better to take drugs that are sold in a pharmacy, that is, allowed for circulation) will help to avoid feeling unwell driving, as well as proceedings with traffic police officers.

Probably everyone has heard that all medicines have some side effects and contraindications. But few people try them on and even more so think about the combination drug treatment with daily activities. And completely in vain, because there is great amount medicines that can disrupt reactions, cause dizziness, clouding of consciousness and other symptoms that, with responsible work, can cost the life of a person and others. Drivers need to be especially careful during treatment, so let's talk about which drugs you can drive and which you should not take.

When taking medication while driving, the driver is at particular risk, because inside his body reactions to the impact are replaced external stimuli. And among the medicines there are those, the consumption of which for the driver should be under a mandatory ban. After all, when managing vehicle a person is forced to do a lot of the most different operations at the same time. And some medicines can slow down and disrupt the reactions of his brain, which is fraught with the development dangerous situations on the road.

Medications not to be taken while driving

Danger can be represented by drugs of a very different order. Let's consider them in more detail. So drivers should not take blood pressure lowering compounds such as Adelfan, Sinoprex, Christepin and Brinerdin. They contain the antipsychotic reserpine, which can cause slow reactions or anxiety, and can also cause a sharp decrease in pressure.

Also, some other drugs for hypertensive patients, represented by Atenolol, Atenolan, Bisogamma, Tenormin and Clonidine (Gemiton, Clonidine and Catapressan), are also dangerous. These medicines can cause confusion, weakness, and dizziness.

Drivers should not take many common and popular analgesics. So well-known Pentalgin, Tempalgin, Migrenol, Solpadein and Caffetin can provoke lethargy, nausea and various violations motility. An analgesic such as Spasmoveralgin is also banned, because it often causes mood swings, lethargy and changes visual perception.

Drivers should not be taken and many counter allergic drugs presented by Dimedrol, Diazolin, Pipolfen, Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenkarol, Claritin. Such compounds often cause severe lethargy and drowsiness, and they can also enhance the effect of alcohol, sleeping pills or sedatives. Other allergic drugs are also not recommended for drivers, although they have fewer side effects.

Some anti-cold and antitussive drugs can also pose a danger to the driver. So Codterpin and Codtermopsis can cause lethargy, nausea and motor disorders. The medicine Solutan can cause an increase in heart rate and serious mood swings. Medicines such as Hexapneumine, Lorraine, Terafl, Coldrex and Fervex often provoke lethargy and drowsiness.

In addition to the groups already listed, there are still some drugs that are prohibited for use when driving a car. A medication such as Bellataminal can cause lethargy, drowsiness and changes in visual perception. The compositions of Gastroceptin, Becarbon, Gastril, Gastrozem, as well as Gastrocepin and Pyrene often disrupt normal visual perception. Viagra can dramatically reduce arterial pressure and concentration, as well as change visual perception.

Consumption of regular valocordin can cause lethargy and drowsiness. And such drugs that have loperamide in their composition (drugs Diasorb, Diarol, Imodium, Cerucal, and also Regulan) often cause some lethargy.

You should not drive if the instructions for the drug indicate that the medication you are taking refers to antipsychotics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives, sleeping pills and lithium preparations. Each of these drugs can change the state of the psyche.

Terms such as "barbiturates" or "benzodiazepines" should be considered as sleeping pills and sedatives. In addition, you should be especially careful when consuming beta-blockers.

These are, perhaps, the main drugs prohibited while driving.

Medications allowed while driving

Experts say that any drug, in principle, can cause unpleasant reactions in the body, disrupt consciousness and the speed of reactions. Therefore, when performing activities that require attention and concentration, before consumption medicines it is necessary to consult with the doctor, telling him about the features of his activity. In the event that your health does not allow you to do without the immediate intake of any medication, it is better to stop driving for this period at all. You should also carefully study the instructions for medications.

Remember that consumption different kind medication while driving a car can end very sadly. And not only the health of the driver himself, but also the life of those around him depends on the adequacy of the driver and the normal speed of his reactions.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

All of us, drivers, can be recognized as drug addicts - by the will of the law. Even after 20 drops of Corvalol, experts find phenobarbital, a psychotropic drug, in the body. Consequences under the Code of Administrative Offenses: deprivation of rights for 1.5–2 years, a fine of 30 thousand rubles. Conclusion: die, but observe the letter of the law!

All of us, drivers, can be recognized as drug addicts - by the will of the law. Even after 20 drops of Corvalol, experts find phenobarbital, a psychotropic drug, in the body. Consequences under the Code of Administrative Offenses: deprivation of rights for 1.5–2 years, a fine of 30 thousand rubles. Conclusion: die, but observe the letter of the law!

To court on three wheels

An incredible story was told to us by Alexei Smirnov, Ph.D. chemical-toxicological laboratory of the Moscow scientific and practical center of narcology. Traffic cops brought a citizen for a medical examination, who was stopped because his SUV was driving ... on three wheels. One fell off a little earlier, and the poor driver, in his words, simply did not feel it. The inspectors did not evaluate the stability of the car, immediately questioning the condition of the car owner. signs alcohol intoxication they didn’t smell it, but something suggested that the comrade should be tested for drugs. Laboratory analysis showed the result (in the Russian Federation such tests are carried out in the urine): phenobarbital - more than 40 thousand nanograms (ng) per 1 milliliter (1 ng is one billionth of a gram)! For reference: the therapeutic concentration of phenobarbital in human blood is considered to be 5-40 thousand nanograms per milliliter of blood, and an indicator of 100-200 nanograms is considered fatal.

At the trial, the citizen assured that, getting nervous during the arrest, on the way to the medical examination, he drank heart drops, they are known to be sedative. The chemist-toxicologist who was present as a witness doubted: a decent single dose in 50 drops of corvalol or valocordin gives up to 3000 ng / ml in the analysis. It is doubtful that the "sick" took almost ten times more ...

We will return to the exposure of the phenomenon (the details are important for our topic), but one thing can be said: the driver took the substance precisely for medicinal purposes.

Can't be pardoned?

The provisions on drug intoxication in the "driver's" article of the Code of Administrative Offenses need to be edited in order to eliminate the trap lurking in it, - Alexei Smirnov believes. - It is even more important to correlate with the realities of life the situation associated with the use of certain drugs and food.

The trap in the 12th article of the Code of Administrative Offenses will be noticed only by a specialist: “Note. The use of substances that cause alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, or psychotropic or other intoxicating substances (allocated auth.) is prohibited. Administrative liability occurs when<…>availability drugs or psychotropic substances in the human body.

Let's treat the text corrosively, like a judge when considering, for example, your, God forbid, "corvalol" case. Pharmaceuticals are just classified as "other. Intoxicating substances." They appear in the first part of the note - here they are put on the same level as drugs and psychotropic drugs. But at the end of the note, "other substances" are no longer mentioned. It turns out that it’s impossible, it’s impossible, but after taking heart drops, administrative responsibility does not seem to come.

It is too early to rejoice: the result of a drug examination is attached to the court case, it contains, albeit a tiny, but positive indicator. And the law does not allow these substances in the analysis nor in slightest dose(as in bad memory anti-alcohol zero threshold). Guess from three times: what decision will the court make?

Special instructions: read!

The driver himself can avoid an unfair verdict. And not a forgery - it won’t work like that. The author of these lines was shown in action only one device: with its help, at a distance and in an instant, it is determined whether the client has presented his own urine (drug addicts carry a jar of moisture from an immaculate baby in their pocket in case of examination). Bound by an obligation of non-disclosure, the author is not entitled to disclose more. Toxicologists said that they were equipped with other ingenious devices, but refused to even describe them.

The driver can help himself in another way. When a doctor first writes a prescription, ask if the medicine will cause the same effects. In fact, the doctor himself should warn about them, but he suddenly forgets ... If you bought the drug without a prescription, do not be too lazy to go through the instructions for it, at least diagonally, through the section “ special instructions". You will come across the words “not recommended for drivers”, “... working with mechanisms”, and so on. - note. It is even more reliable to look at the composition of the medicine - it may contain names that it is useful for any driver to know, as well as to understand what they threaten.

From the instructions for TeraFlu.

From the instructions for TeraFlu.

And do not blindly trust the fact that “you have been accepting all your life”, and the instructions were once read. In preparations, components appear that do not reduce the effect of the main action, but give new manifestations in nuances. The nuance may refer to the driver's protection from unintentional confrontations with the law.

We give advice: at the end of the material is a list of Dr. Smirnov. It contains the most common drugs that cause a positive result in a toxicological analysis.

Why they are dangerous - on the examples of well-known drugs.

... and three days without a rudder

Let's finish the topic with phenobarbital - it is part of many popular drugs. This type is cunning and insidious: it can hide in the body for a long time, moreover, accumulate. If you took all the same valocordin or corvalol in the evening, especially if twice (in the most usual doses- 30–40 drops each), then the next day you can’t drive: phenobarbital will disappear only on the third day.

In its pure form, this healing substance is absolutely incompatible with driving. Defendant of amazing story with a “three-wheeled” off-road vehicle, he made it clear to the medical witness (not in the courtroom - in the corridor) that he was not actually taking valocordin - he underwent a course of treatment with pure phenobarbital. So it has accumulated 40 thousand nanograms.

It would seem that by a recent decision of the government, it was classified as a psychotropic substance and thus the circulation was limited - it has become painfully popular with drug addicts. (Nevertheless, the Internet openly offers to buy it in pure form for 220 rubles. for packing. However, this is another topic.) But medicines with its inclusion remain in the public domain up to two hundred items. In a number of drugs (say, painkillers), phenobarbital acts as a component in the composition of substances, and in this case it is not recognized as prohibited. But even if you call it a pot, it does not lose its ability to linger in the body and is easily detected by chemical-toxicological analysis.

When fatigue, insomnia strikes, or you just need to get enough sleep, many people grab the well-known lifesaving sticks - publicly available phenazepam, donormil, diphenhydramine. If, going to bed, you take one of them, and for some reason they check you in the morning, then, having slept and vigorous, they will take you out: “The state of intoxication has been established.” The laboratory will definitely detect sleeping pills, and the narcologist in the act will write something about tremor, nystagmus and redness of the eyes ...

Do you like morphine?

More more dangerous components medicines, which, being harmless in themselves, serve as raw materials for the "production" of drugs, Aleksey Smirnov drew attention. The name of neoplasms is metabolites. The location of their "production" - "chemical laboratory" human body. A pedestrian before these chemical metamorphoses is violet, but not a driver.

The authorities also restricted access to codeine. Let's say, as part of the super popular pentalgin, it was replaced with another substance, no less effective. However, neither medicine nor pharmacology is ready to completely abandon codeine. And it is bad because in the body it is partially converted to morphine. The title needs no comments. Selegiline is converted into the drugs amphetamine and methamphetamine in the urine. Even in the instructions for the drug, this is honestly said.

Diet in the long haul

Let's digress for three paragraphs from drugs, but not from the topic: what else to avoid? Of the common "other intoxicating substances," stay away, driver, from smoking mixtures (we have already talked about them), as well as ... from poppy seed buns.

The many-voiced dispute about the narcotic threat of the culinary poppy once grew into a world-class problem - Scientific research both in our country and abroad. And here are the data: a treat gives an indicator in the range of 200-500 ng / 1 ml - what would you think? - morphine. It would seem that the value is negligible. But the laboratory fixes this “nothing”. And the law comes into force.

The most vulnerable of poppy sweets are those who do not allow themselves to long road once again stop and run into the bushes. Most often, these are vacationers striving for the south, and truckers. With a continuously sedentary regimen in the urine, the concentration of morphine in bladder is growing. And the more frail the driver, the higher it is. The less he drinks liquids - also. can intervene and individual reaction organism to the substances in the product. Well, how does the traffic inspector, taking the tired look of the carrier for something else, offer to drive with him for examination?

The likelihood of such an invitation increases when exhaustion (and its signs in appearance) exacerbate the effect of those same drugs. And so it happens - aggravates: this is a medical fact.

Hence: if you happen on a week-long flight, you manage to catch a cold or prick in your chest, do not take anything from the travel first-aid kit. Stop and calculate when to start again: after taking medication, it is in every sense harmful to drive before 10-12 hours. Especially consider if a kind soul in the parking lot shares an unnamed pill: "Don't be afraid, tomorrow he'll take it off by hand - he checked it on himself." God bless him, but - weigh.

Common sense is punishable

Physicians on examination could protect drivers from unfair court verdicts “drug drunk”. They are trying, and heroically.

An attempt was made by employees of one leading chemical-toxicological laboratory (it is the leading one in the country, respected, and we do not call it because - see the subtitle of the chapter). At their own peril and risk, they compiled and sent to colleagues a list of recommended thresholds - quantitative values ​​(in relation to specific substances), below which it is simply unfair to make a wording about drug intoxication. Let's say, with a figure set the next morning after an evening intake of 20 drops of Corvalol or a roll with poppy seeds eaten on an empty stomach.

In truth, these thresholds are so low that today not all laboratories in the country will be able to detect the difference between zero and the recommended numbers. They are lower, including the thresholds that are followed abroad. But we must evaluate: doctors have offered justice that runs counter to the “zero” “narcological” law.

Narcologists could protect against biased conclusions by the will of the law. They are the first to meet those brought for medical examination and describe clinical picture- psychophysical state of a person: reactions, nature of movements, speech, etc. No one will determine more precisely whether a person is really dope. Their opinion, if in a sensible way, should be decisive in the results of the examination. But the rules proclaim the supremacy of chemical analysis: anyone who is found to contain prohibited substances is drunk - "regardless of their concentration," as the order of the Ministry of Health says (this order is a by-law).

It is impossible not to add: a number of narcologists-practitioners are trying to insist that honest "acquittal" diagnoses be entered in the examination documents. It would be appropriate to name names, but it is impossible - the administration of medical institutions does not encourage such actions. The doctors are tied.

The process is on, but delayed along the way

The hope of drivers that the topic of drug intoxication is “not about me” is very shaky. The statistics are lulling: today, cases of detecting traces of pharmaceuticals in relation to total examinations on suspicion of drug intoxication is 3-5%.

However, let's be far-sighted. The equipment of chemical-toxicological laboratories is rapidly improving. Technique latest generations recognizes traces of the "malicious" components of the heart drops taken last week.

Do not drink Corvalol - you will become a drug addict. website

These computerized complexes are no longer only in the capitals, but also in the regions - and they are dispersing more and more widely. Efficient laboratories with highly qualified specialists work in Perm, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Kirov, Ryazan, Tula, Novosibirsk, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Magadan... This is good for fighting drug addicts. But one must understand that there will inevitably be more “shooting” formulations after harmless drugs in the conditions of the dominance of chemical analysis.

And then, we know the populist manners of other politicians. Can it be ruled out that one of them will not push through the “tightening of conditions” - and they will rake up colds and cores in one heap with hardened drug addicts (how are you personally feeling?). The existing wording in the Code of Administrative Offenses allows.

Such sentiments are palpable. Healthy narcologists and toxicologists have long proposed amendments to the law and expected that they would be adopted simultaneously with the elimination of the zero "alcohol" threshold - the deputies would not have to return to the same article of the Administrative Code twice. But it didn't happen. Process on distant approaches to legislators. Everything goes and goes...


Here is Dr. Smirnov's "desktop" list: the first ten drugs are found in toxicological laboratories more often than subsequent ones, and therefore they are extremely insidious. It is not necessary to memorize by memory, but let the cheat sheet be at hand.

1. Phenobarbital (included in about 200 drugs)

2. Phenazepam

3. Doxylamine (Donormil)

4. Pregabalin (Lyric)

5. Tramadol (Tramal, Zaldiar)

6. Carbamazepine (Finlepsin)

8. Diphenhydramine

9. Dicycloverine (Trigan-D)

11. Amitriptyline

12. Nalbuphine

13. Butorphanol (Stadol)

14. Tianeptine (Coaxil)

15. Baclofen

16. Amantadine

17. Chlorprothixene

18. Gabapentin

19. Haloperidol

20. Mexidol

21. Mirtazapine

22. Flupirtine (Katadolon)

23. Aminazine

24. Thioridazine

25. Clopixol

26. Selegiline

27. Lamotrigine

29. Quetiapin (Seroquel)

30. Citalopram

31. Cyclodol

32. Phenibut

33. Carphedon (Phenotropil, metabolite - phenibut)

Everyone knows that drivers should not drink alcohol. But some pills are also banned because of the presence in their composition of elements that can affect the ability to drive a car. Special preparations and may even lead to the fact that the breathalyzer will show the presence of alcohol in the blood. The list of drugs prohibited for drivers and the reasons for their ban is the topic of today's article.

List of funds

First, some of the pills reduce concentration and inhibit neurophysiological reactions, which increases the risk of getting into an accident. Secondly, in the composition individual drugs alcohol may be included, which, after checking the driver by the traffic police or medical examination will result in the loss of a driver's license or a criminal case. Thirdly, certain drugs cause dangerous for proper driving. side symptoms: dizziness, decreased visual acuity, hallucinations, decreased pressure, which can lead to fainting, etc.

List of medicines to be taken with caution:

It should also be understood that eye drops for redness or fatigue should be used only at home, preferably at night. Burying just before getting behind the wheel of a car can have a bad effect on vision, which can even lead to an accident.

Medications prohibited while driving due to decreased attention

It is worth paying attention to the fact that almost all drugs have certain side effects. Even the usual "Suprastin" or "Tavegil" affect the human condition, causing and, accordingly, a slowdown in the speed of reactions to changed circumstances, so it is advised to drink drugs of this kind only at night. For the same reason, you should not take temperature remedies such as Fervex, Teraflu and others like them. However, if a person has heat(and you need to drink such drugs at a body temperature above 38-38.5 °), then you should not drive at all, even after drinking the medicine.

It is especially important to note that the driver, in whatever emotional state he was not, should not take antipsychotics and antidepressants, tk. although they improve the condition in case of depression or nervous tension, but very strongly inhibit human reactions and perception of the surrounding world. In this regard, even ordinary sedatives like Novopassit or Tenoten are dangerous, because. they can cause dizziness or drowsiness, which will do the driver no good on the road. The same applies to sleeping pills that a person takes for permanent basis. In addition, they have a cumulative effect and can have a strong impact on the driver's condition.

The list of medicines in the following paragraph applies to male drivers. They should pay attention to the fact that drugs "for male power", such as "Viagra", "Ciales", etc., can not only reduce attention, but also temporarily disrupt visual functions, which are the most important for the driver. Therefore, it is worth observing the indicated dosage and regimen, and also try not to use them immediately before driving a car.


Another important point- Anesthesia and anesthesia. Even seemingly harmless anesthesia, made by a dentist or other doctor for an analgesic effect, in one way or another affects our nervous system and slows down the speed of neurophysiological reactions to surrounding circumstances over the next 12 hours, a sudden change in which while driving threatens to get into an accident.

Gastritis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract now not uncommon, they are found in almost every second. And some pills for diarrhea (Loperamide, for example) or for stomach pain (Almagel if the dose is not observed) can adversely affect the driver's attention.

Diabetics are a special category of people who should monitor their medication intake. They should always check their blood sugar levels before traveling so that they can take insulin if needed. Otherwise a sharp decline sugar levels can lead to loss of consciousness and a serious accident.

Any painkillers, such as Pentalgin, as well as anesthesia, lead to a decrease in attention and inhibition of human reactions, although this is imperceptible. But if emergency braking or avoiding a collision on the road is necessary, the driver may not be able to do it quickly enough. Therefore, conditions accompanied by headaches, joint, spastic or other pains are best tolerated as a passenger or even a homebody.

Drugs that raise blood alcohol levels

Of the widespread medications there are not so many such drugs, but they are still in almost every medicine cabinet. Many take them without even knowing the implications for their driver's licenses. The list of medicines that cause a "false" alarm of the breathalyzer, because. they belong to the category "alcohol-containing":

Medicines that are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation

There is a group of drugs that cannot be taken not only before driving a car, because they are completely prohibited in Russia, and their presence can cause problems with the law, not to mention problems with driving. A list of such drugs can be found on the Internet upon request: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in Russian Federation».

How to understand what exactly can not be accepted

The very first rule that drivers must follow when taking any medications is to read the “Special Instructions” column in the instructions for the drug. It prescribes whether the drug affects the ability to drive a car, and what symptoms accompany the drug. In no case should these instructions be ignored, because. you can lose not only your rights, but also your life, sitting behind the wheel and provoking an accident.

Today is an important topic, drugs that are prohibited while driving. What can not be taken by the driver and why? The easiest of the problems - do not pass the examination of the representatives of the traffic police. It will be possible to argue with them as much as you like, but the device, after using certain substances, will joyfully show the excess of permissible ppm. Drugs prohibited while driving and permitted - in our table. The worst thing that can happen to a driver behind the wheel is sudden health problems that can lead to a serious accident or even cause loss of life. It is clear that any medicine affects the body in one way or another, and this is its meaning. And that one pill is often better than a man with a terrible migraine while driving. Let's see what you CANNOT and what you CAN use while driving. Remember! That every year a lot of new drugs appear, which often contain the same active substance. Therefore, no list of drugs prohibited while driving can be complete. In each case, study the instructions for the ability to drive a car, consult with your doctor and, of course, soberly assess your condition. Remember that not only your safety depends on this, but also the safety of those around you.

Medications prohibited while driving

Medication type Cause Examples
AntipsychoticsThey slow down the work of the central nervous system, worsen the reaction timeAminazin, Neuleptil, Periciazin, Periciazin, Sulperide
AntidepressantsChange the coordination of movements. Completely incompatible with drivingAmitriptyline, Ranolazine, Clomipramine, Klominal, Anafranil, Imipramine, Melipramine, Maprotiline, Mianserin, Miansan, Lerivon
Tranquilizer drugs (most often - drugs that relieve fear, anxiety)They slow down the reaction rate, relax the muscles, make a person less receptive to what is happening. Large doses cause drowsiness, lead to an inability to concentrate and follow the roadElenium, Seduxen, Sibazon, Valium, Valium Rush, Trioxazine, Diazepam Tazepam, Diapam, Relium, Apaurin, Phenazepam, Tranquezipam, Fezanef, Elzepam, Nitrazepam, Rudotel, Meprotan, Relanium, Meprobamate
Lithium-based preparationsWith prolonged use, they weaken concentration. Absolutely incompatible with alcohol.Lithium carbonate, Lithium oxybutyrate
sleeping pillsIt would seem that everyone understands that taking sleeping pills while driving is not worth it. To put it mildly. But many do not take into account how long the active substance is excreted from the body. The drugs are excreted through the kidneys or liver, therefore, with a disease of these organs, the process of cleaning the body can be greatly delayed.Barbital, Phenobarbital, Corvalol, Pentalgin (contains phenobarbital), Radedorm, Nitrazepam, Eunoctin, Donormil, Imovan, Ivadal, Nitrest, Onyria, Sanval, Onyria, Zolpidem, Valocordin, Reslip, Spasmoveraglin
Medicines for motion sicknessContains hypnotic or sedative ingredients, so see table for appropriate items
Sedative drugs Cause drowsiness, inhibition of the reaction, worsen the reaction, cause apathyTramal, Tramadol, Ketorol, Ketanov, Pentalgin, Sedalgin, Solpaflex, Solpadein, Buprenofin, Nalbufin, Sedalgin.
Dental anesthesiaIf you are going to the dentist - go to him for public transport. After taking it, it is possible It's a dull pain, weakness, low blood pressure, nausea. After using anesthesia based on lidocaine (local anesthesia), do not drive for 12 hoursAlocain, Anestecain, Molkain, Helikain Dineksan, Xylocain, Luan
Cough and cold medicinesThe main banned active ingredient here is codeine. It is found in prescription and non-prescription drugs. In addition, many cold medicines contain antihistamines that cause drowsiness.Codterpin, Codtermopsis, Solpadein, Panadein, Perdolan, Prodein, Pentalgin, Caffetin, Coldrex, Nurofen, Loreine, Hexapneumine, Fervex, Teraflu, Codterpin, Codelac
Medicines to lower blood pressure, hypotensiveThese drugs directly affect the central nervous system, slow down the rate of transmission of nerve impulses, and reduce the response time of a person.BUT delfan, Kristepin, Sinepres, Trirezide K, Brinerdin, Clonidine, Gemiton, Dopegit, Estulik, Cint
Beta blockersWhat are beta blockers? These are substances that block the so-called beta-adrenergic receptors, as a result of which adrenaline has less effect on the heart, it begins to contract less often, as a result of which blood pressure decreases. Similar drugs are generally prohibited from driving Anaprilin, Vero-Anaprilin, Inderal, Hemangiol, Obzidan, Propranobene, Propranolol, Atenolol, Metoprolol
Antihistamines (allergy medications)First-generation drugs change the body's reactivity, disrupt the perception of the situation, cause a feeling of fatigue, slow down the reaction rate, and cause drowsiness.Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Pipolfen, Diprazine
Means for the gastrointestinal tractMedications containing m-anticholinergics affect vision: dilate the pupils and make the image less clear. Moreover, the effect can be observed up to several days after cancellation.Gastril, Gastrozem, Gastrocepin, Pyrene, Buscopan, Scopolamine, Bellalgin, Becarbon, Bellastezin, Besalol, Belloid, Aeron, Bellataminal
Remedies for nauseaCause lethargyRaglan, Cerucal
Diarrhea remedies based on loperamideCause inhibition of the nervous systemDiarol, Diasorb, Imodium
Means for examination and / or treatment of eyes based on atropineExpands the pupil, making vision blurry. The effect persists for several days after cancellation.
StimulantsThey can disrupt balance, coordination of movements. After the cessation of their activity, a sharp decline in activity, lethargy, and drowsiness occurs. Therefore, if you want to sleep at the wheel, it is better to stop
Phytopreparations or dietary supplements. especially purchased without a doctor's prescriptionCan't take medicine causing drowsiness possessing sedative effect. In no case should such preparations be combined with drugs that increase overall activity.Containing: valerian, motherwort, peony, passionflower, skullcap, lemon balm, mint, kava kava

Medications that can be used while driving

AntihistaminesDo not cause drowsiness drugs of the second generation. According to many doctors, medicines based on loratadine, ceterizine, fexofenadine are acceptable.Claritin, Clarotadin, Lomilan, Zyrtec, Cetrin and Allercet, Telfast, Fexofenadine
From a coldParacetamol-based medications will help or acetylsalicylic acid without combination with antihistamines or codeine.Paracetamol, chest collection
For a headacheTolerate headache harmful, plus they scatter attention and interfere with driving. The medicines listed on the right are safe if not exceeded. allowable dose Askofen, Asfen, Citramon, Nofocephalin, Pirfen, Novomigrofen, Koalgin, Fenalgin
for diarrheaThere is a drug that does not suppress the reactionMotilium
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