Pain in the left side - possible causes. Pain in the left side in the region of the heart. In the back

Attacks of pain without precise localization are always frightening. Especially if it spills over the left side of the body, covers the arm and even the leg. In most cases, you can not do without the help of a doctor.

It is difficult to explain to relatives or colleagues that the entire left side hurts, and not be considered a simulator. Even doctors sometimes have to conduct more than one examination to identify the causes. But such symptoms should not be ignored. Indeed, simultaneous pain in the left hypochondrium, arm and even leg can be a harbinger of a stroke, heart attack and a number of other life-critical pathologies.

Problems with the spine

The left side of the body may be damaged in an injury. This source of discomfort is obvious. In other cases, the first examinations are carried out in two directions: they analyze the condition of the heart and spine. It is because of the pathologies musculoskeletal system more often than others, pain on the left with blurred localization is manifested.


If blood circulation in the tissues of the spine is disturbed, the intervertebral discs become less elastic, their fibrous ring is gradually destroyed, infringing nerve roots. Many factors lead to this:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heavy physical work;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • endocrine diseases.

As a result, the right or left-hand side back, neck, lower back begin to hurt. The sensitivity of other parts of the body changes. Localization of unpleasant sensations is associated with the location of the destructive-dystrophic process. Yes, at cervical osteochondrosis often there is pain in the left shoulder, arm, numbness of the fingers and the outer edge of the palm. With lumbar pain, there are backaches, pulling pains, paresthesias in the corresponding part of the back, thigh, leg.


Due to the narrowing of the distance between the vertebrae, nerve fibers extending from spinal cord. This complication of osteochondrosis is called sciatica. As an independent pathology, it occurs in response to an unsuccessful sudden movement, hypothermia of the back, and injury to the spinal muscles.

The cervico-shoulder form transmits pain sensations throughout the upper quarter of the body: to the shoulder blades, neck, and arm. Radiculopathy of the lumbosacral - sciatica - affects the sciatic nerve. There is pain in the left thigh, buttock, spreading down the leg to the heel. AT initial stage there may be complaints about the "sitting" of the lower leg, a feeling of goosebumps.

You can not start these diseases. After all, destroyed disks cannot be restored. After removal pain syndrome and acute inflammation, the only reliable way to delay the disease is prevention. It includes a mandatory physiotherapy exercises, posture control, healthy lifestyle. Periodic courses of physiotherapy, body massage, aimed at improving blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected vertebrae, help.

Aching, burning or sharp pain in the left side is not necessarily a heart problem. It could be intercostal neuralgia. But the symptoms are quite similar:

  • an attack of pain rolls suddenly after a slight movement of the body;
  • the entire left side of the chest may turn pale or red;
  • sensations radiate under the shoulder blade and into the lower back;
  • increased sweating;
  • there is a burning sensation, loss of sensitivity in certain parts of the body;
  • deep breath, sneezing, coughing increase the severity of the symptom.

All this is due to damage. nerve fibers in the intercostal region. The causes of their irritation are associated with hypothermia, blood stasis, trauma, intoxication, complications of infectious diseases or osteochondrosis. Usually affected by a whole range of factors, including fatigue and reduced immunity.

The main signs that help distinguish neuralgia from heart pain.

The main way to treat neuralgia is to eliminate the cause that provoked irritation of the nerves. It can only be detected by a neurologist after a series of examinations. After all, the disease has to be differentiated from renal colic, angina pectoris, sciatica.

Cardiac pathologies

Complaints of heart pain in the left hypochondrium, which radiates to the shoulder, arm, neck, jaw, are not always associated with coronary heart disease and angina attacks. Similar symptoms are observed with cardialgia due to inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or damage to the heart membrane (pericarditis). These pathologies occur as complications of colds, flu, pneumonia, and other infectious diseases.

If the diseases do not manifest themselves at the initial stage, then they can develop almost asymptomatically for a long time. With myocarditis, observe:

  • fast fatigue;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • shortness of breath and weak pains after a small load;
  • dizziness joins later;
  • swelling of the lower extremities.

Pericarditis rarely occurs as independent disease. They warn about it:

Early detection and timely treatment heart disease reduces the risk of heart attacks. Recurring pain in the left hypochondrium and heart area should lead to the doctor's office. Diagnosis is made by ECG and echocardiography. They are used to diagnose disorders. heart rate, reveal the size of the heart cavities, the presence of fluid in the bag. Radiography will show possible tumors, diseases of the ribs, lungs.


Before a stroke, pain in the body and limbs occurs infrequently. On the contrary, one side of the body may lose sensation. But with damage to areas of the brain in the region of the visual tubercle, post-stroke pain develops on the left or right along the entire body - thalamic syndrome. Its additional features:

  • pains are aggravated by bright light, movements, emotions;
  • the perception of temperature is disturbed;
  • single tactile stimuli seem to be multiple;
  • often accompanied by goosebumps and decreased skin sensitivity.

The thalamus is the highest center pain sensitivity. The causes of symptoms are explained by the lack of oxygen in its tissues due to impaired blood flow. Pain in the left side and limbs occurs with a focus in the opposite part of the brain. But after a stroke, one side of the body can hurt, even if extrathalamic structures are affected. In addition to central neuropathic pain, soreness and muscle spasm may be detected.

Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are prescribed to combat the pain effects of a stroke. muscle pain relieve with muscle relaxants, massage, special gymnastics, physiotherapy.

Whatever caused the unilateral pain in the left hypochondrium, thigh, arm and others, self-diagnosis will not be able to detect it exact reason. 3 hours before the visit to the clinic, it is recommended to refrain from taking painkillers, sedatives. And in case of acute deterioration of the condition, emergency medical care will be required.

A regularly manifested headache indicates that the body is exposed to irritating external factors or a pathological process develops in it. A headache in the left side of the head, characterized by strong throbbing, painful shootings or pressure, is a sign that this particular side is subject to the inflammatory process. With prolonged and intense pain, accompanied by a number of pathological symptoms, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor and self-medicate. Lost time in such cases can lead to neglect of the disease and cause a number of serious consequences.

Headache on the left side of the head and its causes

The reasons why the left side of the head hurts can be determined by the corresponding symptoms - the nature of the pain, the duration of the attacks and the events that preceded the onset of discomfort.

Throbbing pain in the left side of the head

Intense and mild pulsation on the left side may occur for the following reasons:

  • Exposure to stress. Effects emotional overwork and tension, stress, nervous excitement and shock caused by unpleasant events are reflected in the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for analytical and intellectual activity. As a result of this, in a person who is in constant nervous tension, the left side of the head often throbs and hurts.
  • . Migraine pain often covers the left side of the head, spreads to the temporal and frontal lobe, eye socket area and part of the face. The intensity of the pulsation increases when moving the head forward, sharp turns and slopes. By duration, attacks can disturb for 2-3 days, with severe forms migraine (for example, migraine status), their duration reaches 7 days. Migraine headaches are almost always accompanied by neurological symptoms- aura. The patient during this period may experience visual disturbances, auditory hallucinations, intolerance to strong odors, nausea and dizziness.
  • Osteochondrosis. Vertebrae deformed in the neck area can compress the main arterial and spinal arteries, and thereby impede the flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid through them, respectively. This process leads to vasospasm, malnutrition of the brain and the appearance of throbbing pain in the temporal lobes. Left-sided pulsation begins to disturb in those cases when, due to progressive osteochondrosis, the arteries located on the left side are compressed.
  • . It is quite difficult to recognize a small tumor by the nature of the headache. As a rule, monotonous left-sided pulsation begins to appear regularly in the morning or after rest at any time of the day. Quite often it is aggravated by nausea, severe dizziness, bouts of vomiting. As the formation grows, disorders begin to appear depending on the location of the localization. brain activity: impaired coordination, vision and hearing, memory loss, speech and mental functions, paralysis of the limbs.
  • Eye diseases. Attacks of pulsating left-sided pain in the orbit and temporal region may signal a pathological process developing in the left eye. The cause of discomfort can be glaucoma, in which throbbing pain in the temple and frontal lobe occurs due to increased eye pressure.

If a long time the left side of the head hurts and at the same time other symptoms begin to appear, you need to visit a doctor to determine the causes of the sensations.

No less unpleasant sensations are delivered by a shooting pain in the head. In most cases, the backache is one-sided, including the left side. The following factors and diseases can become the reason for their appearance:

  • Weather sensitivity. Even the smallest fluctuation atmospheric pressure and change weather conditions(e.g. the onset of snow or rain) may cause headache, characterized by shooting and pressure in the region of the left temple.
  • Acute infectious diseases. Intense shooting and burning headache on the left can occur in cases of development of infectious processes in the hearing organs ( left-sided otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear), upper respiratory tract(angina, tonsillitis), oral cavity(inflammation of the dental nerves, purulent infection). Painful lumbago in acute infectious processes is accompanied by high fever and symptoms characteristic of the described diseases (for example, ear congestion with otitis media, discomfort during swallowing with angina, hoarseness and swelling of the throat with tonsillitis).
  • Inflammation of nerves, muscle tissues and arteries. The cause of inflammation and spasm of nerve and muscle tissues is being in drafts, nervous or physical overstrain, uncomfortable position or injury. Shootings in the left side of the head in such cases can appear in the occipital part with left-sided neuralgia of the nerves of the occiput, in the area jaw joints and upper neck - with inflammation trigeminal nerve, in temporal lobe- with inflammation of the temporal artery on the left. Shooting pains are accompanied by constricting movements of the head and neck, fever, weakness.

After an intracranial injury, quite often the victims experience consequences in the form of prolonged attacks of unilateral head pain. Unpleasant sensations on the left can be characterized by both strongly pronounced shootings and excruciating pulsations. Intensity and Duration pain attacks in such cases depends on the degree of traumatic impact and damage to brain structures.

Possible methods of diagnosis and treatment

To find out why the left side of the head hurts, you may need to consult many specialists:

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

  • ENT - if you suspect a disease of the throat or hearing organs.
  • Neurologist - if left-sided head pain is accompanied by neurological symptoms.
  • Vertebrologist or osteopath - if there are problems with the spinal system.
  • Dentist - if the teeth develop acute inflammation(caries, flux).
  • Neurosurgeon - upon detection.
  • Psychologist - at obvious signs prolonged depression, exposure to severe stress.

To be sure preliminary diagnosis a number of instrumental studies can be assigned by specialists:

  • X-ray - with obvious signs of osteochondrosis, otitis or suspected purulent infection in the cavity of the tooth.
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and respiratory organs.
  • MRI and computed tomography to confirm or rule out an intracranial tumor.
  • Laboratory studies to identify infectious and inflammatory processes.

To eliminate the cause of left-sided headaches, the patient may be prescribed:

  • Tablets for the relief of headaches and relieving spasms of blood vessels (Citramon, Spasmalgon).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, including antibiotics (Imet, Nurofen, Nimesil).
  • (Sumatriptan, Ergotamine, Amigrenin).
  • Tablets to normalize blood vessels and improve blood flow (Dibazol, Validol).
  • Sedatives (Valerian, Sedavit, Motherwort Infusion) for nervous exhaustion and susceptibility to stress.
  • Muscle relaxants (Baclofen, Mydocalm, Sirdalud) to relieve muscle tension.
  • Physiotherapy for exacerbation of osteochondrosis, inflammation of nerve and muscle tissues.
  • Massage procedures, physiotherapy sessions.

A moderate headache can be removed with improvised means and folk methods, the most effective of which include:

  • Cool compress on forehead or left temple. At the same time, you can add a few drops of lavender or rosemary oil to a napkin.
  • Sweetened chamomile or oregano tea.
  • Massage of the temples with the asterisk balm.
  • A compress of fresh cabbage leaves.
  • Compress with beetroot juice, which should be applied to the temples and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe auricles.
  • Inhalation with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar diluted in equal proportions.

The described methods will help only temporarily reduce pain without the use of chemicals. If discomfort is caused by serious pathological processes, then it is necessary first of all to eliminate their impact, after which the intensity of the attacks will decrease or the pain on the left side of the head will disappear altogether.

The appearance of pain in the left lower abdomen may indicate a serious problem with the organs located in this area. Among possible pathologies there are diseases of the intestines, bladder or gynecological sphere. Let's consider in detail the most important reasons pain in the lower abdomen on the left and their therapy.

In the lower abdomen is the large intestine, which can provoke pain in pathologies. It is important to distinguish between symptoms of acute pathologies that require emergency medical attention, such as atypically located appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.

Atypical appendicitis

Inflammation of a small appendix caecum is called appendicitis. The reasons for his infection are ambiguous. Some of the scientists talk about the anatomical features of the structure of the intestine, because of which people are prone to inflammation of the appendix.

The main symptom of inflammation of the appendix is ​​pain in the lower abdomen. Usually it is localized on the right, but there are cases of an atypical left-sided location of the process. Due to the pathologically mobile caecum, the appendix is ​​displaced to the left side.

Perhaps mirror arrangement organs, when not only the intestines, but all organs are moved to opposite side. This can make diagnosis difficult. But atypical tenderness on the left side should not completely rule out appendicitis.

Pain during inflammation of the appendix is ​​strong and constant, aggravated when you try to make a movement. In addition to pain, a person is worried about:

  • single liquid stool;
  • nausea, vomiting several times;
  • high body temperature.

The diagnosis is exposed after survey by the surgeon, on objective signs. Treatment consists in surgery: the inflamed process is removed. The intervention is small in volume, after it, just a few days later, the person is discharged from the department.

Important! More fast rehabilitation occurs during laparoscopic removal of the appendix.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction develops when food stops moving. It is caused by tumors, volvulus, some common diseases. Obstruction can develop gradually, over several weeks, or acutely.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left side appears with colonic obstruction. Then the food stops in the area of ​​the sigmoid colon, for example, at the site of the tumor. It accumulates above the formation, overstretching the intestine. From excessive compression, the intestines begin to die.

A constant appears strong pain, which increases with the development of obstruction. Inflammation of the peritoneum develops - peritonitis. At the slightest movement or touch of the abdomen, the pain intensifies. Along with pain, a person suffers from:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • high temperature;
  • severe weakness and dehydration;
  • no chair.

The diagnosis of intestinal obstruction is established after examination (X-ray of the abdominal cavity). This is an emergency pathology and its treatment is carried out in a hospital as soon as possible. The patient is operated on to remove the blockage. If the tumor was the culprit, then it is removed. The dead part of the intestine is removed. After the operation are assigned strong antibiotics intravenously.

Important! With low intestinal obstruction, they often resort to removing part of the intestine to the front wall of the abdomen - a stoma.


Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused inguinal hernia. This happens due to anatomical features person. Factors that increase pressure in the abdominal cavity provoke the appearance of a hernia:

  • persistent cough;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • weight lifting.

Pain with hernial protrusion is aching, periodic. If the hernia is complicated by infringement, then the clamped intestine begins to die. There is severe persistent pain and symptoms of peritonitis.

A hernia looks like a rounded formation in the left lower abdomen, in the groin area or on the scrotum. The diagnosis is not difficult. An uncomplicated hernia is treated with a planned operation. Strangulated hernia is an indication for emergency surgery, as developing peritonitis can lead to death.

The intestine is placed in abdominal cavity, and the tissue defect that allowed the intestine to come out is sutured and strengthened additional funds, for example, a grid. A hernia can recur, so after the operation, you should get rid of the factors that provoke its appearance, for example, constipation.

Video - Why does the left side of the lower abdomen hurt?


The sigmoid colon is located in the lower left side of the abdomen. It can become a source of pain in the development of inflammation. Moreover, inflammation occurs both infectious and nonspecific, for example, Crohn's disease.

The pain syndrome in sigmoiditis is paroxysmal. Pressing in this area increases the pain, and under the fingers you can feel a dense inflamed sigmoid colon. It is in a state of spasm, so it looks like a dense tuberous cord.

Along with the pain, multiple loose stools appear, sometimes with an admixture of blood. Body temperature may rise to low numbers. If sigmoiditis is nonspecific, then it is characterized by an alternating course - with exacerbations and calm.

Treatment of infectious sigmoiditis is the use of antibiotics and sorbents. With nonspecific sigmoiditis, strong anti-inflammatory drugs, such as glucocorticosteroids or cytostatics, help.

Intestinal colic

Often, pain in the lower abdomen may be the result of severe flatulence or intestinal colic. Gases inflate the walls of the intestine, put pressure on them, causing severe paroxysmal pain.

A number of products that increase gas formation provoke an excess of gas:

  • black bread;
  • legumes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • yeast baking.

If there are episodes of intestinal colic, then it is better to exclude these foods from the diet. Gas formation can also increase under the influence of stressful situations.

Treatment consists in the use of antispasmodics, for example:

  • No-shpa;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Papaverine.

They will relax the intestines and facilitate the removal of gases. Typically, colic attacks last no more than 20-30 minutes, passing after a single dose of antispasmodics. If colic does not go away for a long time, then you should seek medical attention. medical care in order to exclude more dangerous pathologies.

Important! Intestinal colic often bothers people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Gynecological problems

In the lower part of the abdomen are the organs of the female reproductive sphere - the uterus, ovaries, tubes. They often become a source of pain due to their pathology.

On the sides of the uterus are its appendages, the ovaries, which are often infected and inflamed. This condition is called adnexitis or salpingoophoritis. There are acute and chronic variants of inflammation.

Its reason is:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • nonspecific bacteria - Escherichia coli and others.

Pain in acute adnexitis is sharp and constant. They are localized in the left side of the abdomen, if the left ovary is affected. There may be vaginal discharge and fever. Developing great weakness, symptoms of intoxication. Without adequate treatment acute adnexitis becomes chronic.

Chronic adnexitis causes less severe pain, and there is usually no discharge from the genital tract and fever. Soreness, pulling and aching, aggravated during menstruation. At chronic variant inflammation gradually develop adhesions in the area of ​​the affected organs.

Treatment of adnexitis is long and complex. Appoint:

  • antibiotics: Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, Augmentin, Ciprofloxacin;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac;
  • absorbable therapy: Aloe extract;
  • physiotherapeutic methods: UHF, electrophoresis.

Important! Without treatment, adnexitis can cause secondary infertility.

Ectopic pregnancy

Infrequently, but it happens that the embryo during pregnancy is attached not in the uterus, but in the tube. The transferred adnexitis contributes to the development of an ectopic pregnancy, after which adhesions and the presence of intrauterine device. These conditions prevent the tube from making normal movements, which are aimed at moving the embryo into the uterus, and it is attached to the wall of the tube.

As it grows, it will stretch its walls until one day they burst. The strongest will appear sharp pain on the left side if the left pipe burst. The pain syndrome is so strong that it can lead to loss of consciousness. Internal bleeding develops from the vessels of the tube, the symptoms of which are:

  • severe weakness;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • low pressure;
  • frequent pulse.

This is an emergency condition in which surgery should be performed as soon as possible. Usually the pipe is removed because it is too badly damaged. But with small gaps, it is possible to remove the fetal egg without removing the fallopian tube. Reliable contraception is recommended for several months after surgery.


Another one acute pathology encountered in women - rupture of the follicle or apoplexy. A mature egg is released from the ovary at the time of ovulation. This happens when the follicle bursts. In some women, its walls are too dense, so the rupture can cause pain.

Apoplexy is usually provoked by sexual intercourse or physical stress. There is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, depending on the localization of the guilty ovary. There may be a brief loss of consciousness due to severe pain.

The diagnosis is established after examination and questioning of the girl. Pain during intercourse that appears in the middle of the cycle is always suspicious of apoplexy. Ultrasound confirms the diagnosis.

Usually the symptoms of apoplexy are short-lived, subside within a few days. Pain relievers are used to relieve pain, such as Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Ketorol in injections or tablets, depending on the severity of the pain. In the future, if such episodes are repeated daily, then the woman should be advised to take combined oral contraceptives. They prevent the maturation of the follicle, preventing the symptoms of apoplexy from developing.

urinary system

The organs of the urinary system can cause pain in the lower abdomen on the left side. Differential diagnosis at the appearance similar symptoms should be carried out with these conditions.


This is an inflammation of the bladder caused by microorganisms. It is much more common in women than in men. The reason for this is the shorter urethra, which facilitates the penetration of bacteria from the external genital tract.

With cystitis, a person is worried about constant severe pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the left or to right side. The pain becomes more pronounced during a trip to the toilet, pain and burning join.

The urination itself is more frequent, with a small amount of urine. Diuresis becomes more frequent at night, which is associated with better blood flow in the kidneys in horizontal position. With cystitis, it is rare, but body temperature may rise, then symptoms of general intoxication develop.

On palpation in the lower abdomen, the pain intensifies. Under the fingers, a denser, filled bladder is felt. The diagnosis is confirmed by a general urinalysis and ultrasound.

Treatment for cystitis is to use:

  • antibiotics and uroseptics: Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Monural;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuklin, Voltaren;
  • diets with the restriction of spicy and smoked foods, which have an irritating effect on the bladder;
  • sexual rest for the duration of treatment.

Important! The most common causative agent of cystitis is Escherichia coli.

Urolithiasis disease

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left side is associated with an attack urolithiasis. This is a condition in which urine has an increased amount of salts. Some of them are deposited in the form of kidney stones, bladder or ureters.

left hand, nagging pain characteristic of a stone in the left ureter. The pain syndrome during an attack of urolithiasis is quite strong and pronounced. When the stone is located in the ureter, pain radiates to the leg. No position makes a person's condition easier.

The abdomen is a kind of container in which the vital important organs and vessels. He always works according to a well-coordinated system. If the stomach starts to hurt sharply on the left side, this should definitely alert any person and force them to immediately go to the doctor.

In order to understand what can be the cause of pain, it is worth conditionally dividing the left side of the abdomen into two squares and studying in detail.

Pain in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen

First of all, on the left side of the abdomen from above are placed:

  1. the left side of the diaphragm;
  2. spleen;
  3. stomach;
  4. pancreas;
  5. part of the intestine.

These are important organs that can fail from time to time for various reasons. How can you determine what exactly is causing the problem?

The spleen can cause discomfort, increasing in size, infectious mononucleosis occurs.

Microcracks occur, as the organ is located close to the surface of the body. In this case, the patient should refrain from active sports and choose a more acceptable treatment option for himself.

Most often, pain in the upper left side may not indicate a disease associated with the intestines. Most likely, it may just be intestinal colic or excessive accumulation of gases.

If the cause is in the stomach, then there is not too sharp, aching pain, which may be accompanied by vomiting. The most common diseases of the stomach are gastritis and ulcers. If the first symptoms occur, consult a specialist.

The diaphragm is a membrane that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, having an opening for the esophagus. In most cases, diaphragmatic problems are experienced by older people whose diaphragm muscles are weakened. AT this case, the hole separating the chest and abdominal cavity - increases, and the upper part of the stomach may be in the chest cavity. This process is called diaphragmatic hernia. The patient may mistakenly think that problems arise with the heart, but there is a good method to correctly identify the source of pain. You just need to bend over. If pain occurs, it is the diaphragm, because the heart will not respond to this movement.

Also, the pancreas can be the cause of pain. When it becomes inflamed, the person feels aching pain in the upper square of the left side. Non-smokers are less likely to have pancreatic problems than smokers. Harmful substances adversely affect the pancreas, thereby increasing the presence of toxins leading to inflammation. The signal that the pain is provoked by the pancreas comes in the form of a sharp pain varying degrees accompanied by vomiting and nausea, fever.

In any case, in order to suspect problems with the pancreas, you need to try to take a deep breath, bend over, if the pain intensifies, then the problem should be looked for there.

Pain in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen

There are few features of pain in this area of ​​the abdomen, since all the causes are in the upper abdomen. Discomfort can only be caused by bloating or other problems with poisoning. In this case, you should pay attention to your eating habits, limit yourself from products that have harmful effect on the body.

Ways to eliminate pain

At the first sensation of discomfort, the patient must independently determine the cause using the above tips. If the pain does not subside, but rather intensifies, immediately call a doctor and tell in detail about your feelings, food intake, previous diagnoses.


Important! In any case, when the patient's left side hurts, this should be paid close attention. Especially you need to be wary if the discomfort appeared unexpectedly and lasts more than half an hour. In this case, it is better to play it safe and call an ambulance or immediately consult a doctor on your own. Since a number of diseases require emergency surgery and hospitalization.

What organs are located on the left side

For correct setting diagnosis, it is important to determine exactly where the discomfort is localized. Conventionally, 9 regions and 3 floors are distinguished in the anterior abdominal wall:

  • 1st top floor, it distinguishes the epigastric, right and left hypochondrium;
  • 2nd middle floor, which consists of the left and right lateral sections, between them is the umbilical region;
  • 3rd lower floor, suprapubic region, left and right iliac region are distinguished in it.

What is on the left side of a person? Here are the digestive and genitourinary organs, namely:

  • stomach (most of it);
  • spleen;
  • most of the pancreas;
  • loops of the small and large intestine;
  • left kidney, adrenal gland, ureter;
  • female reproductive organs, namely the left ovary and oviduct, part of the uterus;
  • male reproductive organs such as seminal vesicle, prostate.

Pain in the left side may appear as a result of a violation in any of these organs. Depending on the underlying cause, it may have different character, be constant or paroxysmal, aching, shingles, dagger, radiate to the back.

Also, pain in the left side can be caused by:

  • endocrine disorders (diabetes);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • connective tissue pathology;
  • hernia;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pathology nervous system.

Pain is divided according to the mechanism of their appearance, as well as according to the characteristics, which allows for the correct diagnosis:

  1. Visceral pain that occurs when there is a violation of the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, when there are spasms and stretching of the muscles of these organs. They may be dull and aching, for example, when increased gas formation or cramping, if the patient has intestinal colic. Often they radiate to adjacent parts of the body.
  2. Somatic pain, in most cases, has a clear localization and is observed constantly. It appears due to irritation of the peritoneum, for example, when a stomach ulcer ruptures. In this case, the pain will be sharp and cutting, aggravated by movement and breathing.
  3. Reflected pain appears due to the irradiation of unpleasant sensations. It arises in the organs localized not in the left side, it radiates here. For example, discomfort in the side can appear with left-sided lower lobe pneumonia, inflammation of the pleura, and a number of other pathologies.

Pain in the hypochondrium on the left

The nature of the discomfort

Pain in the left side under the ribs can be:

  1. Acute. If a dagger sharp pain suddenly appeared under the ribs on the left, then you need to immediately call ambulance. As a rule, it is observed in violation of the integrity of the stomach, small intestine, spleen, kidneys. If acute pain on the left under the ribs is observed when inhaling after a fall or an accident, then this indicates severe damage to the internal organs. Any of these conditions can end in the death of the patient.
  2. Dull. If for a long time there is a dull diffuse pain on the left in the hypochondrium, then this indicates sluggish diseases digestive tract such as gastritis, pancreatin.
  3. Aching. Such pain, watching constantly, also indicates sluggish inflammation. It is characteristic of inflammation of the colon and duodenum 12. Often it is a sign of angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, preinfarction state.

Diseases in which pain is observed in the left hypochondrium

Discomfort in the left hypochondrium can be observed with the following pathologies:

Gastritis. With inflammation of the gastric mucosa, aching pain is observed in the left hypochondrium.

In addition, the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heaviness in the pit of the stomach, aggravated and manifested when eating or immediately after eating;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

Signs unrelated to the digestive organs may also develop:

  • heart pain, arrhythmia;
  • pallor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • symmetrical disorders of sensitivity in the arms and legs;
  • anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.

Gastric ulcer. Clinical picture depends on the severity and duration of the pathology. With a stomach ulcer, left-sided pain is observed after eating.

In addition to them, there are such signs as:

  • heartburn;
  • sour belching;
  • nausea and vomiting after eating;
  • weight loss.

Important! If perforation of a stomach ulcer develops, then a sharp dagger pain, blanching of the skin, weakness, fainting is possible. it dangerous state that requires urgent hospitalization.

Tumor of the stomach. If there is a constant pain syndrome in the left side, which does not depend on food intake, then this may indicate oncology. There are no specific symptoms of cancer. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • aversion to meat;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • weight loss
  • anemia;
  • vomiting and stools mixed with blood (observed on late stages when the neoplasm breaks down).

In addition, pain in the left side can be associated with overeating, mechanical damage stomach.

Pain in the left hypochondrium is provoked by pathologies of the spleen:

Enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly), as a rule, develops with Filatov's disease. In addition to pain, there are:

  • asthenia;
  • persistent headaches, including migraine;
  • vertigo;
  • arthralgia and myalgia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • tonsillitis.

Rupture of the spleen is characterized by the appearance of sharp left-sided pain in the hypochondrium after physical impact to the organ. One of the main signs of pathology is the appearance of a bruise around the navel, a hematoma can be observed in the left side of the abdomen, pain can radiate from the hypochondrium to the back. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

In addition, pain in the left hypochondrium can be observed:

  • with a hernia of the diaphragmatic opening of the esophagus;
  • with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, such as cardiomyopathy, in which, in addition to pain, tachycardia is observed, fast fatiguability, ischemic heart disease, accompanied by aching pains, burning behind the sternum, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, nausea;
  • with diseases of the respiratory system, namely left-sided inflammation lungs, as a rule, the pains with it are dull, slightly pronounced, but when coughing, the patient may note that he has colitis in the left side and chest; with the development of pleurisy, pain intensifies not only when coughing, but also when breathing, changing the position of the body;
  • with intercostal neuralgia, with it the nature of pain can be very diverse, it can be acute, aching, dull, burning;
  • with diseases of the connective tissue and spine;
  • with injuries.

Left-sided pain in the iliac region

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Left-sided pain in the lower abdomen can be observed, with such pathologies as:

Colitis, in which, in addition to aching pain in the lower abdomen, there are:

  • false urge to empty the bowels;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea, sometimes with mucus and blood.

With nonspecific ulcerative colitis there is not only inflammation of the walls of the colon, but also ulceration of the mucous membrane, in which, in addition to the symptoms described above, the following signs may appear:

  • heat;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss
  • arthralgia;
  • violation of water-salt balance.

Intestinal obstruction. Its earliest manifestation is pain in the abdomen, they are observed regardless of food intake and can appear unexpectedly at any time of the day or night. They are of a convulsive nature. With the progression of the pathology, they usually subside after 48-72 hours, but this is a dangerous symptom.

  • constipation;
  • bloating and asymmetry of the abdomen;
  • nausea and repeated vomiting.

Also, pain in the left lower abdomen can be observed with bowel cancer. They are usually lubricated and weakly expressed, but still they are constant and not associated with eating.

In addition, there are:

  • constipation;
  • bloating and rumbling in the intestines;
  • impurities of blood in the stool.

Left-sided pain in the lower abdomen in diseases of the female reproductive organs

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left side can be observed in diseases of the female genital organs, such as:

  • inflammation of the appendages, with which pain can be observed not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the inguinal and lumbar region, in addition to them, fever, asthenia, cephalgia, myalgia, problems with urination are possible, dull pain in the left side, groin is characteristic of chronic disease, in the vagina, disorder of menstruation and sexual function;
  • torsion of an ovarian cyst, in which, in addition to severe pain, there is a violation general well-being, hypotension, fever, vomiting;
  • an ectopic pregnancy, which can cause a rupture of the oviduct or ovary, resulting in a sharp unbearable pain.

Important! When terminating an ectopic pregnancy, urgent hospitalization, since in this case there is a threat to the life of the patient.

Pain in the left side behind can be observed with heart disease. This symptom is most often characteristic of myocardial infarction, although it can also be observed with angina pectoris, aortic enlargement, and pericarditis. With myocardial infarction, there is a sharp pain in the heart, which passes into the left shoulder blade, side, upper limb, neck. In addition, it appears:

Pain in the left side with kidney disease

Pain on the left in the lumbar region can be observed with pathologies of the kidneys, such as:

  1. Inflammation of the renal pelvis may be accompanied by dull, aching pain, which may be different intensity. In addition to it, one can observe general intoxication, high fever, nausea and vomiting. With chronic disease, they often become aggravated when it is damp and cold. There is also frequent urination, since this disease often affects the bladder.
  2. Urolithiasis, accompanied by mild dull pain in the lower back, aggravated after physical exertion, long walking, driving on rough roads.

Pain in the left side can appear for various reasons, so you should not engage in self-diagnosis. Only a doctor can issue correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

Aching pain in left side. Why does the left side hurt?

Aching pain in the left side is a rather serious symptom. And it is necessary to treat discomfort responsibly. After all, the sources of pain can be malfunctions in the pancreas, spleen, liver, stomach, gallbladder and many other internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to find out exactly what caused the aching pain in the left side.

Causes of the phenomenon

It is quite obvious that the aching pain in the left side is provoked by certain disorders of the internal organs. Unfortunately, too many different factors can cause such discomfort. Install true reason pain can only be a doctor. Therefore, one should not self-diagnose and attribute non-existent diseases to oneself. Go to the doctor's office to sort out the unpleasant situation.

Most often, aching pain in the left side is caused by diseases of the stomach, spleen, pancreas, diaphragm or intestines. And, therefore, in a patient experiencing excruciating discomfort, pathologies can be detected:

Stomach problems

With gastritis or functional dyspepsia, any mucosal irritant will surely cause pain. Discomfort can be caused by:

  • poor quality food;
  • alcohol;
  • excessive use of the drug "Aspirin".

In diseases of the stomach, the patient feels aching pain in the left side of the abdomen, in upper area. Sometimes discomfort is not the only symptom that bothers the patient. The person may suffer from nausea and vomiting.

If gastritis has become the culprit of the pain, then the patient experiences significant relief after taking antacids that can reduce the acidity of the gastric environment.

But if the pain does not stop, then in without fail go to the doctor to rule out enough serious pathologies such as ulcers or cancer.

Spleen disease

Very often, aching pain in the left side under the ribs is provoked by this particular organ. After all, the spleen is located in the upper region of the peritoneum and is localized very close to the surface.

The pain may be caused by an enlarged spleen. In addition, after trauma to the peritoneum or some infectious pathologies the organ may be ruptured. The spleen is extremely vulnerable because it is located very close to the surface of the body. Sometimes, as a result of infectious pathologies (for example, mononucleosis), the organ greatly increases in size, softens in consistency. In this case, the risk of its rupture increases even without external influence.

Symptoms that characterize the pathology:

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • high sensitivity in this area;
  • blue area around the navel due to large cluster blood.

diaphragmatic hernia

The resulting pain in the left side, in front, in the upper abdomen may indicate enough unpleasant phenomenon. The diaphragm is a muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity. Its structure implies a kind of opening through which the esophagus is connected to the stomach. In case of weakening of muscle tissues, the hole may increase. As a result top part stomach begins to protrude from the peritoneum into the chest cavity. This pathology is called diaphragmatic hernia.

The dull pain that occurs with this pathology is often perceived as discomfort in the region of the heart, since the patient may experience discomfort high in the chest.

It is quite easy to distinguish between these pathologies. The pain provoked by a herniated diaphragm during flexion or in the supine position increases significantly. Cardiac discomfort "does not respond" to any movement of the body.

However, do not forget that only an experienced specialist can make a true diagnosis.

Intestinal pathologies

Discomfort in the left side can be triggered by inflammatory processes in lower sections large intestine. Most often, patients experience more than just pain. The disease is accompanied by other symptoms:

If intestinal inflammation is suspected, then the patient should refuse for several days:

As a rule, after a few days the patient's condition improves significantly. But if health has not improved, even despite the full adherence to the recommended diet, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

You may need to undergo a course of medical therapy.


Quite often, pain in the left abdomen provokes pancreatitis. This is inflammation of the pancreas. This organ can give discomfort to the central region, the right side. The reasons for this prevalence of painful symptoms lie in the very structure of the gland. The pancreas is stretched throughout the upper abdomen.

This organ is very often exposed to various inflammatory processes (pancreatitis). In addition, pancreatic cancer is common.

suspect pathology in this body according to the nature of the pain:

  • left side stabs;
  • with pancreatitis, the discomfort is extremely sharp;
  • it can be shingles and even give to the back.

Often, the pathology is accompanied by hyperthermia, nausea, and vomiting.

Patients suffering from:

People need to observe several days to relieve pain strict diet. But in any case, in order to exclude repeated attacks, it is important to consult a doctor about the course of treatment.

Discomfort in the back

Pain in the left side can spread to various parts of the body. Sometimes discomfort occurs in the back. In this case, discomfort may appear in the morning or disturb for quite a long time. But there are times when the pain in the left side from the back becomes simply unbearable. Such discomfort makes it impossible to work, rest.

So, why does the left side hurt from the back? Sources of discomfort can be:

  1. Pathologies respiratory system(pneumonia, pleurisy, lung or bronchial cancer, pneumothorax).
  2. Heart disease (angina pectoris, aortic aneurysm, myocardial infarction, pericarditis).
  3. Diseases of the urinary system (retroperitoneal hematoma, renal colic arterial thrombosis).
  4. Pathologies of the nervous system and spinal cord.

It is possible to determine the true cause of the pain only after the examination.

Types of pain

In addition, pay attention to the characteristics of discomfort:

  1. Prolonged pain under the ribs may indicate damage to the kidney structures.
  2. The pulsating nature of discomfort, aggravated by inhalation, is a symptom of the affected lung tissue.
  3. Dull pain may indicate inflammatory process in the kidneys or spleen.
  4. Intense girdle discomfort in the epigastric zone, radiating to the scapula, heart, or lower part sternum, - symptoms of pancreatitis.
  5. Acute pain, which increases significantly during exhalation, most often signals osteochondrosis or intercostal neuralgia.
  6. Constant burning sensations in the sternum, periodic "lumbago" may indicate an aortic aneurysm.
  7. Shooting, projection pain is often a sign of damage to the spinal cord and nervous system.

Men's diseases

Quite often, the representatives of the stronger sex experience excruciating pain. The left side, in the lower abdomen in men, is an area in which enough unpleasant diseases. There can be many reasons for this discomfort. It is quite difficult to independently determine the source that provokes aching discomfort in the left side, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Consider what causes unpleasant pain. The left side, lower abdomen in men can be disturbed as a result of a number of factors. Sufficiently serious causes of discomfort are a hernia, inflammation of the testicles, a cyst, roughage, or inflammation of the pancreas.

Reinforced sports can also cause unpleasant discomfort in the left side. In this case, you shouldn't worry too much. Such pain indicates an unusual shaking for the internal organs. As a rule, the discomfort is tingling, pulling. You need to stop and take a breather. Better yet, skip one session.

A very common cause of pain in men is inflammation of the testicles. This pathology is caused colds sitting on cold benches or getting an infection.

Causes of pain in women

Pregnant women often experience this discomfort. At the same time, aching pain in the left side of women appears from the 8th week. Peculiar sensations are associated with the growth of the fetus. At the same time, ligaments increase. Such reasons can provoke discomfort in the abdomen.

So, pain in women is most often caused by the following factors:

  1. Stretching ligaments cause discomfort. This phenomenon is quite natural. The woman experiences pain of a aching nature. Usually discomfort after certain time passes on its own. No pain medication should be used.
  2. Left-sided pain discomfort may signal impaired functioning of the stomach. Very often, pregnant women become extremely selective in their taste preferences. Expectant mothers eat a lot of food and quite often. At the same time, they manage to combine completely incompatible products. Of course, it is better to try to be more selective in your diet.
  3. Sometimes pain during pregnancy is provoked by a malfunction of the pancreas. This is typical of women who do not follow a diet, are overly addicted to fatty, meat food smoke or drink alcohol. In such a situation, you must immediately rush to the doctors. These violations can adversely affect the health of the baby.
  4. The source of pain in the left side can be very serious. Such discomfort is one of the symptoms of placental abruption. Only timely diagnosis allows you to save the baby. In this case, miscarriages often occur.

If a pregnant woman has pain, you should immediately contact your gynecologist, carefully describing all the painful symptoms. The best solution would be an ultrasound. This will make sure that the baby is not in danger.


If there is pain in the left abdomen in an adult or a child, it is imperative to consult a doctor. After all, any pathology, even appendicitis, can become a source of discomfort. Do not delay your visit to the doctor. Remember: a negligent attitude towards your health and the condition of your loved ones has never led to good things. Therefore, when pain occurs, do not rush to take analgesics or antispasmodics. Go to the doctor to find out the true reason that causes such discomfort.

What is in the left side of a person and what can hurt there?

Pain in the left side often torments us at the most inopportune moment. Many environmental factors can have a negative impact on our internal organs - this is the environment, and the abuse of improper food. If you are worried about pain in your left side, determine their symptoms in order to understand what can be disturbing.

What organs are located on the left side of a person

In the left side of a person, three areas are distinguished: the left lateral section, the left hypochondrium and the left iliac. In this area, a person has the digestive organs and often diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine or gallbladder lead to pain in the left side.

Pain that occurs in this area is referred to as pain in the left side.

To establish a diagnosis, it is important to determine the specific localization of pain; for this, the anterior abdominal wall is conditionally divided into nine regions and three floors.

The first - upper, consists of the epigastric, right hypochondrium and left hypochondrium region.

The second - middle, consists of the umbilical region, right and left lateral sections.

The third - lower, consists of right and left iliac regions and pubic area.

Pain in the left side - what could it be

Pain in the left side can occur due to pathologies of any of the organs located in this area. Depending on the cause of the pain, it can manifest itself in different ways - be paroxysmal or constant aching, radiate to the back or girdle. In addition, the appearance of pain in the left side can be caused by other current diseases, such as diabetes, diseases of the heart, blood, connective tissue, circulatory system, hernia, pathology of the respiratory system and the nervous system.

Pain in the left side are divided according to the mechanism of their occurrence and characteristics:

  1. Visceral pain. These are typical for violations of the motility of the stomach, with sprains of muscle fibers and spasms. The pain may be dull and aching or cramping. May radiate to nearby areas of the body.
  2. Peritoneal pain. It is caused by irritation of the peritoneum, it is distinguished by a clear localization and constancy. When moving and breathing, it usually intensifies, becomes cutting.
  3. Reflected pain in the side occurs due to irradiation of sensations. It can occur with left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy and other diseases.

Possible diseases and symptoms

Sharp, penetrating pain under the ribs is a reason for an immediate call for an ambulance, as it may indicate a rupture of the spleen or renal pelvis, perforation of the stomach or loops of the small intestine. This may be a sign of serious damage to internal organs.

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by chronic disease gastrointestinal tract- pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis.

Aching pain indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Caused by duonitis and colitis. If such pain is accompanied by vomiting, this may indicate a stomach ulcer. Often such pains become symptoms of heart disease - pre-infarction, ischemia, angina pectoris.

If you wondered: what is in the left side of a person due to the occurrence pain, remember: only a doctor can prescribe an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment. Pay attention to the nature of the pain. Pain in the left side may indicate:

  • Diseases of the stomach. Among them are gastritis and peptic ulcer, perforated ulcer, tumors of the stomach.
  • Pathologies of the spleen - its enlargement, ruptures. Remember: one of the characteristic signs of a rupture is blue skin in the umbilical region and the left side of the abdomen.
  • Pathology of the diaphragm - diaphragmatic hernia, which can be provoked physical exercise, obesity and even pregnancy.
  • Heart disease - cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease.
  • Diseases of the lungs and pleura - left-sided pneumonia or pleurisy.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Pathologies of the spine, rheumatic diseases.
  • Diseases of the pancreas - pancreatitis, tumors.
  • Intestinal diseases - volvulus, obstruction, malignant tumors.
  • Gynecological pathologies - inflammation of the appendages fallopian tubes, ruptures and torsion of ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Kidney pathologies - pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

To install more accurate diagnosis you should contact one of the following doctors: surgeon, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist, traumatologist.

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Causes of aching pain in the side on the left

The left half of the human body is a very vast area, where nature has placed a variety of organs and structures: intestinal loops, spleen, kidney, pancreas, stomach, reproductive system. If a person complains to a specialist about the appearance of aching pain in the left side, it is important to take into account all the points in order to conduct a competent differential diagnosis.

The localization of unpleasant sensations, their severity and nature, the presence of irradiation and duration are important. After making a preliminary diagnosis, the attending physician will recommend a number of diagnostic procedures to confirm it.

Reasons for development

Let's analyze the most common ones that need to be excluded first.


Aching pain in the left side under the ribs, which occurs immediately after eating and is accompanied by severe flatulence, problems with bowel movements, may indicate the presence of pathology from the pancreas. This is the most common cause of rather unpleasant sensations under the left ribs.


It is less often necessary to suspect a problem with the spleen, since clinical manifestations appear already at a very advanced stage. The spleen is an organ that makes itself felt already in the period of decompensation own capabilities. It is responsible for hematopoiesis, therefore, the symptom of aching pain in the left side in front may be accompanied by the formation of hematomas of varying severity. Blood tests will confirm abnormalities in the blood system.

Heart disease

People tend to confuse heart conditions (such as coronary artery disease) with activity abnormalities. digestive organs. This is due to the fact that periodic aching pain in the left side is similar to angina attacks. Only a specialist in cardiological profile manages to conduct a competent differential diagnosis. Confirmation will be the results of the ECG and ultrasound.


If a discomfort arose more from the side of the lumbar region, suspicion falls on the formation inflammatory manifestations in the kidneys or musculoskeletal system person. Aching pain in the left side from the back, accompanied by an increase in temperature parameters, as well as dysuric disorders, are pathognomonic (unambiguously indicating) for kidney pathologies (for example, pyelonephritis).

Confirmation will be the results of urine tests:

  • The presence of proteinuria and leukocyturia
  • Increasing specific gravity

Problems with the spine


Stomach problems are one of the most common causes discomfort caused by gastritis or other dyspepsia (deviation in normal activities stomach). Aching pain in the left side of the abdomen, which occurs in its upper region, begins to disturb a person with errors in diet, use poor quality food, alcohol abuse, after taking certain medications (for example, Aspirin). Symptoms may include nausea and even vomiting. With gastritis, you can remove such discomfort by taking antacids that lower the level of acidity in the stomach.


Despite the fact that the process of the caecum is located on the right, the left side of the lower abdomen often aches due to the onset of inflammation of the appendix. This is a very dangerous condition, therefore, when acute pain occurs, the patient needs an urgent operation, since delay poses a threat to a person’s life.

Diaphragmatic hernia

Diaphragmatic hernia is a pathology in which the diaphragm that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity expands the opening through which the esophagus connects to the stomach. Dull aching pain in the left side at the top appears when the stomach protrudes through this pathologically enlarged hole, aggravated during bending or while lying down.


If the appearance of severe aching pains in the left side was preceded by an injury, a person can clearly indicate the time and location of the blow, as well as the nature of the injury itself (a bruise or a fracture).

The specialist will carry out diagnostic procedures to clarify the nature of the injury, the presence of complications, for example, hemo- or pneumothorax.

Symptoms may worsen after active movements, sneezing, talking loudly, adopting a certain body position. This greatly complicates the performance of the work capacity of the victim. There comes the impossibility of a good night's rest. Timely seeking a consultation and carrying out adequate treatment tactics in the situation that has arisen will eliminate the main root cause of pain in the left side in a short time.

The girdle nature of pain, with the addition of a variety of rashes, may also indicate the addition of a viral pathology - herpetic lichen. Treatment tactics will be adjusted by the attending physician according to the available clinical manifestations. The subgroup of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) will be supplemented with antiviral drugs.

Pain in the lower left region

The nature of the pathology of the intestine will be indicated by a change in the stool:

  • Its darkening or lightening
  • Liquid consistency
  • The presence of various impurities

Exacerbation of pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis will lead to darkening of the urine, the presence of blood, leukocytes, and protein in it. The symptoms of hyperthermia and general intoxication will join.

Aching pain in the left side in women can be a symptom of an inflammatory pathology in the tubes of the uterus or ovaries. Especially alarming will be a sign if you suspect ectopic pregnancy. An emergency vaginal ultrasound will put everything in its place.

Aching pain in the left side in men can be observed due to vesiculitis, prostatitis or orchitis. All these pathologies inflammatory nature quite amenable medical tactics, you just need to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

The nature of the pain

Left-sided pain manifestations can be of a varied nature of severity, which speaks volumes to specialists:

  • Dull, aching pains in the left side indicate a gradual, often chronic inflammatory process. Often there are cases when the patient has not consulted a specialist for too long, trying to cope on his own by taking analgesics.
  • Pulling left-sided pain is most often characteristic of purulent pathologies of the pelvic structures. This indicates a long course of pathology, the presence of infringements nerve endings a negative focus, for example, a malignant neoplasm.
  • If the left side aches under the ribs, in addition, there is belching, heartburn, nausea, pathologies of the digestive tract should be excluded.
  • Sharp pains on the left, caused by spasms at the time of passage of stones through the ureters, are so intense that a person even loses consciousness. In women, ovarian rupture may be suspected.
  • The stabbing nature of the pain indicates the presence of ulceration of the tissues of organs, for example, the ureter or intestinal loops.
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