Treatment of acute enteritis in adults. Enteritis. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. How to treat the disease

Enteritis in children is most pronounced by violations of the functions of digestion, and the symptoms are manifested in the child by diarrhea.
Chronic enteritis can develop after resection of the stomach, with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, renal failure, various skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema).

Enteritis symptoms

Symptoms of the disease can be called pain different intensity in the middle sections of the abdomen, deepening in the second half of the day, sometimes cramping of the type " intestinal colic”, subsiding with the appearance of a loud rumbling.

Symptoms of enteritis are noted as bloating, a feeling of fullness.

During the period of exacerbation, diarrhea 3-6 times per knock, fecal masses are abundant, light yellow in color, without admixture of blood, mucus or pus, in severe cases stool frequency can reach 15 times a day.

Possible violations of the type of dumping syndrome hypoglycemic phenomena: wolfish appetite, cold sweat 2-3 hours after eating.

Long term or severe course chronic enteritis symptoms of malabsorption of substances necessary for the body are noted: weight loss, edema, more often lower extremities, signs of hypovitaminosis, iron deficiency anemia, dystrophy internal organs, including the liver, myocardium.

Diagnosis of enteritis

When examining blood, a decrease in the content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and protein is possible. Scatological study feces: undigested fats, fiber, lots of mucus and leukocytosis. Dysbacteriosis is revealed. At x-ray examination acceleration or delay of the passage of barium from the stomach through the small intestine, a change in the relief of its mucosa, and spasms of areas are determined.

Treatment of enteritis

Depending on the severity of the disease, eating 5-7 times a day with equal intervals between them, all food is warm and pureed. Animal fats are required. Vegetables and fruits are best mashed.

Not very fatty beef, veal, chicken, fish, eggs and cottage cheese, slimy soups, pureed cereals. Exclude milk, black bread, carbonated drinks, with diarrhea - prunes, grapes, cabbage, nuts, freshly baked flour products. In a hospital, according to the doctor's prescription, "hungry" days are held.

When dysbacteriosis is detected, the issue of prescribing appropriate medications is decided: sulfonamides, antibiotics or drugs (colibasterin, bifikol, bifidum).

In violation of protein metabolism - the introduction of protein drugs. B vitamins, vitamin C in injections. Against frequent profuse diarrhea - astringents. With anemia, iron preparations, vitamin B, folic acid are indicated.

Enteritis - treatment with folk methods

Enteritis is often treated folk methods while using herbs, infusions and decoctions in the treatment.

A set of herbs, 10 grams each:

  • leaves and flowers of St. John's wort,
  • cherry fruit,
  • peppermint,
  • chamomile,
  • fennel seeds,
  • cumin,
  • gray alder cones
  • licorice root naked

2 tablespoons of this collection and brew in a thermos in half a liter of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes. Drink one hundred grams half an hour before meals. Helps with chronic enteritis and dysbacteriosis.

  • 40 grams of dill,
  • 50 grams of yarrow flowers,
  • 30 grams of cumin and oregano.

Pour 5 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs with a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for at least an hour. Take a warm infusion of 100 milliliters in small sips with bloating. Dose - four times a day, the course of treatment is 30 days in a row. Do not stop treatment.

1 st. a spoonful of alder cones must be brewed like tea with a glass of water. All day you should take 1 tablespoon of this remedy.

Decoction helps a lot oak bark. 20 gr. raw materials are poured into 150 ml of water as tea. It also needs to be drunk in a day.

  • 1/2 tsp bird cherry,
  • 1/3 tsp common cumin and chamomile,. peppermint, licorice, snake rhizomes and Hypericum perforatum,
  • 5 tbsp lime honey,
  • 1 lwater.

Grind dried herbs, stir and pour boiling water. Put on a quiet fire, bring to a boil. After removing from heat, put the infusion in a cool place for 1-2 hours. After that, strain and add honey. Mix well. Drink warm infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Hypericum tincture and enterocolitis

Pour dry chopped herb St. a small amount water 3 times a day for:

inflammatory process in the small intestine, accompanied by a violation of its functions and dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane. It is characterized by symptoms of stool disorder, which acquires a liquid or ointment character, bloating, rumbling, pain in the navel. violated general well-being, the patient loses weight. In severe cases, it may develop dystrophic changes, hypovitaminosis, adrenal insufficiency.

General information

This is a whole group of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane small intestine.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of enteritis are smoking, renal failure, atherosclerosis, a tendency to allergies, autoimmune processes, enzymopathies, inflammation of the vessels of the mesentery. Enteritis can join other diseases of the digestive tract, be the result of genetically determined malabsorption, surgical operations in the intestines and stomach.


By localization, inflammation of the jejunum (eunit) and ileum (ileitis) is distinguished, and total enteritis is isolated when the inflammation has affected all departments. Depending on the nature of morphological changes, enteritis is distinguished without atrophy, with moderate partial and subtotal villous atrophy. Enteritis can occur in the lungs, medium degree severity and in severe form, chronic enteritis may be in the phase of exacerbation or remission.

Also note the nature functional disorders work of the small intestine: the presence of malabsorption syndrome, maldigestion, enteral insufficiency, exudative enteropathy. If the mucous membrane of the large intestine is involved in the process, then they speak of enteritis with concomitant colitis. And also note the accompanying extraintestinal pathologies.

Enteritis symptoms

Acute enteritis usually begins with diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and abdominal pain. There may be fever, headache. The chair is up to 10-15 times a day, plentiful, watery. General state: weakness, pallor, dry skin, white coating on the tongue. The abdomen is swollen, there is a grumbling in the intestines.

At prolonged diarrhea develops clinical picture dehydration, in severe cases up to the occurrence muscle cramps, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. There may be symptoms of hemorrhagic diathesis (increased bleeding, tendency to thrombosis). Chronic enteritis is characterized by enteral and extraintestinal manifestations.

Enteral symptoms include diarrhea, flatulence, cramping pain in the upper abdomen, around the navel, rumbling, rumbling in the abdomen. Symptoms are usually more pronounced during the period of greatest activity. digestive system- after noon.

The stool in chronic enteritis is liquid or mushy, containing undigested residues food, with a frequency of about 5 times a day, defecation, as a rule, is accompanied by the onset of weakness, weakness. After that, it can be noted sharp drop blood pressure, tachycardia, dizziness, tremor of the extremities (up to the development of collapse).

Sometimes there are painful, accompanied by seething and cramps in the abdomen, the urge to defecate, with the release greenish color watery scanty stool. Tongue with enteritis is lined with white coating, teeth marks are visible along the edges. The abdomen is swollen, palpation of the caecum responds with noise and splashing (Obraztsov's symptom).

Extraintestinal manifestations of chronic enteritis are associated with the development of malabsorption syndrome - malabsorption nutrients in the small intestine. for a long time present disadvantage substances entering the body leads to numerous hypovitaminosis, deficiencies mineral components (Iron-deficiency anemia, osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency, etc.), protein starvation. Progressive weight loss, dystrophy.


Careful questioning and collection of anamnesis of the patient gives the gastroenterologist enough information for setting primary diagnosis, additional confirmation is the data of general examination, palpation and percussion of the abdominal wall.

As laboratory methods diagnostics, a coprogram is used, with a macroscopic examination, the consistency, color, and smell are noted. microscopic examination shows presence large quantities muscle fibers (creatorrhoea), starch (amilorrhea), fat (steatorrhea). The acid-base index usually changes.

Functional tests for the diagnosis of malabsorption in the small intestine (absorption tests): determination in blood, urine, saliva of carbohydrates and other substances taken before analysis (test with D-xylose, iodine-potassium). The technique of jejunoperfusion helps to identify violations intestinal digestion at the cellular and molecular level.

Bacteriological examination of feces is carried out to detect dysbacteriosis or intestinal infection. The blood shows signs of anemia (iron deficiency, B12 deficiency, mixed), leukocytosis, sometimes neutrophilia, accelerated ESR. Biochemical analysis blood of a long-term chronic enteritis allows us to note the signs of malabsorption syndrome.

Endoscopic examination of the small intestine presents a significant difficulty. Accessibility for the introduction of the endoscope has only the terminal sections: the postbulbar part of the duodenum and the marginal area of ​​the ileum. When conducting endoscopic examination mucosal biopsy is taken for histological analysis. As a rule, dystrophic and atrophic phenomena are noted on the part of epithelial cells and intestinal villi.

X-ray examination of the intestine with the introduction contrast medium allows you to note the change in the folded structure, to identify segmental lesions and tumor formations, ulcers. It is also possible to assess the status motor function intestines.

Differential Diagnosis

In chronic enteritis, differential diagnosis with diseases proceeding with persistent diarrhea and leading to emaciation. Endocrine diseases with a similar clinic: thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, Addison's and Simmonds' diseases.

Persistent diarrhea can occur with other intestinal pathologies: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, malignancies, and intestinal amyloidosis. It is also necessary to exclude abdominal syndrome with insufficient blood supply to the mesentery of the small intestine (ischemia). Hormone-producing tumors, pathologies of the stomach, liver and pancreas can cause digestive disorders in the small intestine.

Treatment of enteritis

acute form

Acute enteritis is treated in a hospital. Acute toxic enteritis is treated in gastroenterology departments, infectious enteritis is an indication for hospitalization in an infectious box. Patients are placed on bed rest diet food(mechanically and chemically sparing food, limiting the content of carbohydrates and fats), drinking plenty of water (if necessary, measures of hydration therapy), symptomatic and restorative treatment.

With the development of severe dysbacteriosis, drug correction is performed. intestinal flora, diarrhea is stopped astringents. In case of violation of protein metabolism, polypeptide solutions are administered. Treatment of acute enteritis, as a rule, takes about a week, discharge from the hospital is carried out after the acute symptoms subside.

Patients with severe enteritis, as well as enteritis of toxic origin (the further course of which is difficult to determine in the first hours of the disease) must be hospitalized. Patients with infectious enteritis are hospitalized in infectious diseases hospitals.

Chronic form

It is advisable to treat exacerbation of chronic enteritis in a hospital setting. Patients are prescribed bed rest and diet food (diet No. 4). AT acute period food should be as rich as possible in proteins, it is better to limit fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary to refuse rough food, spicy, sour, from products that can damage the mucous membrane digestive tract. Exclude foods containing a large amount of fiber, milk. The amount of fats and carbohydrates is gradually increased.

Recommended during remission balanced diet, containing all necessary substances, vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. Deficiency correction digestive enzymes carried out with the help of enzyme preparations: pancreatin, pancitrate, festal. Stimulate absorption with preparations containing nitrates, preferably prolonged action. Protective agents (essential phospholipids, milk thistle fruit extract) help restore functionality cell membranes intestinal epithelium.

Loperamide is prescribed to suppress excessive propulsive intestinal motility. For patients with severe diarrhea, astringents, enveloping and adsorbing preparations, and antiseptics are recommended. Phytotherapy can be used for these purposes (decoctions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, bird cherry and blueberries, alder cones).

Dysbacteriosis is corrected with the help of probiotics and eubiotics. Intravenous infusion of amino acid solutions is prescribed for severe violations absorption with severe protein deficiency. With the development of symptoms of enteritis against the background of neoplasms of the small intestine (polyps, diverticula), their surgical removal is necessary.

Forecast and prevention

Mild and moderate course of acute enteritis with adequate curative measures opyatiyah ends with a cure within a few days. A severe course that is difficult to treat can lead to the development of complications (bleeding, perforation, severe dehydration, the appearance of areas of necrosis), requiring emergency measures.

Chronic enteritis occurs with alternating exacerbations and periods of remission, gradually progressing (inflammation worsens, spreads through the gastrointestinal tract, signs of malabsorption increase). In the absence of proper therapeutic measures, a long course of enteritis threatens lethal outcome from severe violations internal homeostasis and exhaustion. Also, untreated chronic enteritis is fraught with the development of life-threatening complications, the addition of infections.

With mild and moderate enteritis, the ability to work is usually preserved, difficulties are caused by severe exercise stress and frequent psycho-emotional stress. A severe course leads to a decrease and loss of ability to work.

Prevention of inflammation of the small intestine includes balanced diet, compliance with hygiene recommendations, careful processing food products avoidance of eating possible toxic foods ( inedible mushrooms, berries), careful reception medicines strictly according to indications. Also, measures to prevent enteritis are timely detection and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders.

Enteritis - inflammatory disease(even a group of diseases) that affects the mucous membrane of the small intestine, as a result of which dystrophic changes occur on it. This violates normal work intestines, which is expressed in characteristic symptoms.

The most common cause is penetration into the body pathogenic bacteria, or infection of the small intestine with helminths, etc. There are acute and chronic forms of the course of the disease.

How does enteritis begin, develop, what are the symptoms and treatment in adults, what folk remedies are used? Let's talk about it:

Enteritis - symptoms in adults

Acute form:

Begins with the emergence acute pain in the area of ​​the intestine. Appears very often watery diarrhea accompanied by vomiting. The temperature often rises (up to 37-38 degrees). Accompanied increased gas formation, bloating, rumbling in the intestines. The patient's tongue is coated with white. Skin pale, sunken eyes.

In severe cases, diagnosed general intoxication body, dehydration, convulsions may appear. It is also possible to exacerbate cardiovascular disease.

Chronic form:

The chronic course of enteritis is characterized by frequent periods of exacerbations and remissions. During exacerbation, patients complain of nausea, frequent defecation with watery feces containing particles of undigested food. Present dull pain in the umbilical region. When examining the caecum by palpation, rumbling, swelling, and splashing are observed. The person feels weak, becomes irritable, gets tired quickly. In patients, appetite decreases, sleep disturbances are observed.

Enteritis - treatment in adults

Acute enteritis in adults:

In the acute form and exacerbation of the chronic, the patient is most often placed in a hospital, the department of gastroenterology. With infectious, toxic enteritis, the patient is placed in a special box of the infectious diseases department.

Mandatory bed rest, drinking plenty of water with the use of hydration preparations (with severe dehydration). Mandatory sparing diet, with restriction of carbohydrates and fats. Symptomatic, restorative therapy is carried out.

Treat diarrhea with astringents. In the presence of severe dysbacteriosis (a common condition with enteritis), the intestinal microflora is restored with the help of special preparations, probiotics. In the presence of violations of protein metabolism, polypeptide solutions are used, which are administered drip.

Chronic enteritis in humans:

As in the acute form, the patient is shown bed rest, a mandatory diet. The diet should include rich in proteins food, vitamins, minerals. Vitamins are prescribed: C, nicotinic acid, thiamine, as well as iron preparations, for example, Ferroplex. Depending on the identified pathogen, prescribe antibiotic treatment.

In case of severe weight loss, protein preparations are used: a mixture of amino acids and plasma.

Hypocalcemia, hypokalemia are treated with drugs, Calcium gluconate. They are administered in / in together with a glucose solution.

Severe diarrhea is eliminated with antidiarrheal drugs, for example,. Recommend treatment with herbal remedies: infusion of alder cones, pomegranate peels or decoction of oak bark. Enzymes are also used: which improve digestion.

Enteritis - folk remedies

As a rule, the treatment of enteritis in adults is effective only when applied herbal remedies with a strong astringent effect. Here are some effective, healing recipes:

Connect together 4 tbsp. l. , 2 tbsp. l. dried plantain, 1 tbsp. l. dried, stir. Pour into a thermos 1 tbsp. l. Pour in a glass of boiling water. You have to wait 6-8 hours. Therefore, it is better to cook in the evening. Strain in the morning. Drink half a glass before meals. Enough to take 2 times a day.

Combine together an equal amount of wild galangal herb, lamb, blackberry leaves. Pour 2 tbsp. l. into an enamel bowl, pour boiling water (400 ml). Cover warmly, wait 2 hours. Drink the infusion (do not forget to strain) half a glass before meals.

Into a glass boiled water drop a tablet of mummy (0.25 g). Then stir until dissolved. Drink this solution in a glass before meals (half an hour). Frequency of reception - 3 times a day. Treatment - 20 days, with a break of 5 days. If necessary, it can be repeated.

If we talk about folk remedies for the treatment of enteritis in adults, one cannot fail to mention one more effective recipe: Pour into a liter jar 600 ml. natural red wine. Add 300 ml there. fresh juice perennial aloe. Close the lid, shake. Put it in a cellar or a cold closet where it does not fall sunlight. Leave for 5 days.

Take this: the first 5 days - 1 tsp. 1 time, then 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. This dosing regimen is maintained for the entire period of treatment - 2 months.

Prevention of enteritis in humans

The best prevention of enteritis, which we continue to talk about on this page, is a balanced, fortified diet, thorough heat treatment meat, fish products, personal hygiene. It is necessary to timely diagnose, treat diseases of the stomach, intestines, eliminate violations endocrine system.

If you have symptoms of inflammation of the small intestine, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist. Be healthy!

Enteritis- this is an acute or chronic disease, which is based on inflammatory processes in the wall of the small intestine, with a violation of intra-intestinal and parietal digestion, as well as absorption, excretory and motor functions of the small intestine, leading to a deterioration in metabolism.

Types of enteritis

Enteritis is subdivided according to the duration of the course:

  1. Acute enteritis proceeds rapidly and for a short time, up to a maximum of a month. Very similar to poisoning. Almost everyone has experienced symptoms of acute enteritis.
  2. Chronic enteritis can last for months various complications and is in need of treatment.

Inevitably, enteritis will occur with inflammation of other organs of the digestive system - the stomach, liver, pancreas. Then they talk about secondary enteritis.

According to localization, enteritis is divided:

  • Enteritis - when only the small intestine is affected;
  • Gastroenteritis - occurs when not only the small intestine is affected, but also the stomach;
  • Enterocolitis - with additional damage to the colon;
  • Gastroenterocolitis - with damage to the stomach, small and large intestines.

Causes of enteritis

  • Infections - cholera, salmonellosis, typhoid fever. Such enteritis is the most difficult, very dangerous;
  • Viruses - respiratory infection associated with bowel disease enterovirus infection), flu;
  • Errors in food - overeating, preference for fatty and spicy food in combination with alcohol, nicotine;
  • Poisoning toxic substances, poisons, fungi of a non-bacterial nature;
  • Allergic enteritis (with intolerance individual products or if you are allergic to medications)
  • Worm infestations, lamblia;
  • Intestinal damage due to long-term use drugs (hormones, antipsychotics, and others);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Congenital deficiency of intestinal enzymes;
  • Diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, operations on the intestine.

Symptoms of the disease

The inflammatory process can be widespread throughout the small intestine or be limited. Main clinical manifestations enteritis are diarrhea, increase in the number stool, flatulence, abdominal pain. It is known that the processes of digestion in the small intestine are not just the sum of individual reactions, but the result of their complex interaction. Violation of the processes of splitting and absorption of food particles create conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms that are not characteristic of a healthy intestine. Special meaning has a state of the body's immune system - this is important for suppressing harmful bacteria.

Intestinal symptoms: the stomach swells, gases are tormented - this is characteristics enteritis. Normally, up to 200 ml of gases leave, the rest are absorbed into the blood. In case of illness, the absorption of gases is disturbed, they accumulate in the intestines, and can cause pain, sometimes unbearable. Peristalsis becomes loud, intensified. Significant relief comes after the passage of gases.

The abdomen is painful, when it is probed, a splash is determined, a feeling of a stretched rumbling body is created. The appearance of this symptom indicates an overload of the intestine with undigested carbohydrate residues, the predominance of fermentation processes. Such violations lead to the accumulation of fluid in the intestinal lumen, colonization by unnecessary microorganisms, and dysbacteriosis appears. A sick person can excrete up to 2-3 liters of a fetid brown liquid.

Metabolism is disturbed. Lack of absorption leads to weight loss.

Symptoms of insufficient absorption are divided into 3 stages:

  1. First stage- working capacity is slightly reduced, mild hypovitaminosis, weight loss 5–7 kg The process of fat absorption is sharply disrupted, a lot of it remains in the feces, glucose absorption is impaired, fat soluble vitamins(A, E, D, K, B, niacin).
  2. Second stage- all the symptoms of the first stage are accompanied by a decrease in the function of the gonads (menstrual disorders in women, impotence in men). Body weight deficit of 10 kg or more.
  3. Third stagesevere symptoms hypovitaminosis, anemia, trophic disorders of the limbs, edema, decreased protein in the blood.

Ultimately, malabsorption leads to metabolic disorders.

Diagnosis of enteritis

The first diagnostic criteria are characteristic complaints, examination of the patient and palpation of the abdomen. Further, feces, blood tests are examined in more detail, endoscopic methods are carried out:

  • Coprogram ( hidden blood, detection of dysbacteriosis, the presence of fat, carbohydrates)
  • Blood test - detection of anemia, leukocytosis, ESR, biochemistry;
  • Endoscopy primary departments intestines;
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging
  • Video capsular endoscopy.
  • Biopsy of the intestinal mucosa.

Treatment of enteritis

Therapeutic measures depend on the type and stage of the disease. They usually include:

Diet therapy is based on the use of special tables (diets) with the exclusion of milk and carbohydrates from food. Unacceptable errors: alcohol, nicotine. Negatively affect the condition of the intestine: caffeine, fiber. Meals should be fractional and frequent (up to 6 times a day).

Adsorbents and astringents are used to eliminate diarrhea.

Antibiotic therapy is carried out in case of reproduction pathogenic microbes. Signs can be diarrhea mixed with blood, pus, mucus, fever. In these cases, antibiotics of the cephalosporin group have proven themselves well.

Enzyme replacement therapy is almost always prescribed. It will improve absorption and reduce gas formation, reduce stool frequency and relieve abdominal pain. When combined with pathology of the pancreas enzyme preparations appointed for life. Admission desired various groups: pepsidil, panzinorm forte, enzistal, solisim, oraza, Kirchner's pankreal, lactraz. These are enzymes various organs involved in digestion. They complement each other and are relevant in the treatment of the disease.

Treatment is combined with the normalization of intestinal biocenosis. These include drugs containing beneficial microorganisms. They help to reduce all symptoms of enteritis.

The prognosis for the treatment of acute enteritis is favorable. In the treatment of the chronic form, the prognosis depends on the cause of the disease and the elimination of negative factors.


You need to pay serious attention to your diet. In mild forms of the disease, dieting may be the only and effective method treatment.

Normalization of the work of other digestive organs easily removes the symptoms of enteritis. Timely and proper treatment acute enteritis will dramatically reduce the likelihood of its transition to a chronic form.

What is enteritis symptoms and treatment in adults? Let's look into this in detail.

Description of the disease

Enteritis is a progressive inflammation of the membrane thin department intestine, which includes duodenum, jejunum and ileum (skinny and iliac parts). Inflammatory changes mucosa may be accompanied by the formation of erosions and necrotic masses in some cases. It depends on the stage of development of the process and the root cause of the disease itself. If a person falls ill with enteritis, then the process of assimilation of nutrients obtained from food is disrupted in his body.

There are several classifications of enteritis: etiological factors, on clinical symptoms, according to the level of intestinal damage.

  • Allergic reactions in response to ingestion food allergens or drugs may be accompanied by symptoms of enteritis.
  • Violation of the absorption of certain substances and the production of enzymes of an innate nature.
  • Types of inflammation of the small intestine depending on the location of the process:

    1. Duodenitis (more often affected along with the stomach - gastroduodenitis).
    2. Inflammatory changes in the jejunum - jejunitis.
    3. If affected ileum, the pathology is called ileitis.

    But most often, inflammation spreads throughout the intestine, capturing all parts of the small intestine, in which case the disease is called total enteritis. If the mucous membrane of the colon wall is also involved in the process, the patient develops colitis or enterocolitis.

    If incorrect or not timely treatment acute enteritis (or with complete inactivity) develops chronic form diseases.


    A person suffering from enteritis has a lot of clinical symptoms that are not characteristic of a healthy body.

    Distinguish symptoms are intestinal and general, not characteristic only for intestinal pathology.

    Enteral symptoms:

    • occurrence of diarrheal syndrome. This syndrome includes an increase in defecation acts (up to 20 times a day), feces acquire a liquid or even mushy consistency. The volume of feces increases due to the secretion of water into the lumen by the wall of the small intestine (due to inflammation), the occurrence of disturbances in the processing of protein and carbohydrates, due to problems with the absorption of substances in the intestine. Also, the urge to defecate causes discomfort in the stomach, always appear after eating in a couple of minutes. After a bowel movement, blood pressure may decrease, while the patient will feel weakness in the body, trembling of the limbs;
    • pain syndrome with enteritis and colitis, it is characterized by frequent painful cramping sensations, mainly before the act of defecation in the navel;
    • increases the formation of gases in the intestines, which is called flatulence. Passing stool or gas can relieve pain;
    • often enteritis in humans is accompanied by bouts of nausea and vomiting.

    Extraintestinal symptoms of enteritis:

    • in acute enteritis, fever can reach 39 degrees;
    • after a bowel movement, the level decreases significantly blood pressure and the patient feels weak and dizzy;
    • in chronic enteritis, body weight decreases significantly, hypovitaminosis can develop in their various manifestations;
    • seizures may be associated with loss of a large number body fluids and developing hypokalemia;
    • Osteoporosis gradually progresses due to a violation of the process of assimilation and absorption of essential nutrients and vitamins.


    In order to timely install correct diagnosis the doctor should conduct a survey about the patient's complaints, his anamnesis of life and illness.

    In the process objective research you should pay attention to the following points:

    1. Objectively, the skin is pale and dry, which indicates dehydration.
    2. The tongue is covered with white overlays, the impressions of the dentition are visible on the side.
    3. Rumbling and soreness on palpation of the small intestine.
    4. What is the condition of the patient's hair and nails?

    Fence is being carried out biological material for the following laboratory tests:

    • coprogram (under a microscope, they study the components of feces, the amount of fat, muscle fibers, determine pH, etc.);
    • analysis of feces for bacteriology (examined for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms);
    • general urine and blood tests, as well as biochemical profile patient.

    Instrumental research methods:

    • contrasting of the intestine with subsequent observation under x-rays;
    • examination using an endoscope of the duodenum.

    There are also some functional tests with D-xylose.


    How to treat enteritis?

    Treatment acute inflammation The small intestine consists of several main points:

    1. Diet for enteritis is to limit the use fatty varieties meat, salty and spicy culinary specialties, must be completely eliminated. alcoholic drinks, reduce the amount of consumption of vegetables and fruits. Recommended compliance diet table №4.
    2. Patient with acute form disease must be hospitalized.
    3. To restore the balance of electrolytes and water in the body, intravenous infusions solutions of Reopoliglyukin, Hemodez, Glucose.
    4. For supporting digestive function add preparations consisting of enzymes (Ermital, Creon).
    5. Treatment of enteritis in children and adults with severe inflammation is based on antibacterial drugs in high doses: Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Metronidazole (preferably injected intramuscularly or intravenously).

    Chronic enteritis is usually treated in the following ways:

    1. Treatment of chronic enteritis is based on the elimination of the original cause of the inflammatory process in the intestine. If this Helicobacter pylori- Eradication therapy is prescribed if helminthic infestations- Wormix or Albendazole, if - refer the patient to a psychotherapist.
    2. In order to eliminate the pain syndrome in case it joins acute colitis, you must always have the following drugs with you: No-shpa, spasmalgon, drotaverine.
    3. To improve the process of digestion of food is prescribed medicine based on enzymes - Pancreatin, Creon, Ermital.
    4. If the inflammatory process is complicated intoxication syndrome- Enterosorbents are prescribed.
    5. To eliminate the phenomena of flatulence and sensations of fullness, you can prescribe the drug Espumizan.
    6. AT without fail you need to take drugs based on lactulose, bifidobacteria to restore the intestinal bacterial flora.

    Treatment folk remedies enteritis is quite relevant, especially if the process of acute inflammation has changed chronic.

    Folk recipes:

    1. Therapy based on the use of fresh plantain juice three times a day is capable of curing enteritis.
    2. Pour dried chamomile leaves with water and boil, then pass the broth through a gauze napkin and leave to infuse (4 hours). Consume 1 tablespoon before meals.
    3. A few tablespoons of alder cones should be poured with boiling water and infused for several minutes, and then drunk. This recipe helps.

    Estimated price tags for treatment in the main centers

    The drug Enterosgel, which is used for acute and.

    Kharkiv37.44-129.00 UAH
    Kyiv48.20-113.00 UAH
    Dnepropetrovsk38.63-93.70 UAH
    MoscowFrom 359 rub
    NovosibirskFrom 220 rubles
    YekaterinburgFrom 327 rubles
    OmskFrom 389 rubles
    VolgogradFrom 391 rub


    In order for the cured acute enteritis not to give relapses, it is necessary to eat right, eat fortified food, and do not forget about dairy products. It is also recommended that all hygiene rules, not only before meals, but also at any other time. should be given Special attention the way food is processed and prepared.

    When the first signs of enteritis appear, you need to contact the clinic, your doctor will help you get rid of this disease quickly and safely. With the correct and timely treatment of chronic enteritis, the prognosis is quite favorable, the ability to work is preserved.

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