How do I know if I am an honorary donor. Donation in Russia. What is required in the case of the honorary title of the donor of Russia

Replenishment of the blood bank is a noble cause that helps to save and cure many people. Winners of the Special Medal and title "Honorary Donor of Russia are strongly encouraged by the state. Those awarded with this badge include persons who have carried out the following actions:

  • donated blood at least 40 times;
  • donated blood and its components at least 25 times. At the same time, plasma was also donated, and the total number of these procedures was 40 ;
  • donated blood and components of this fluid up to 25 times. At the same time, plasma donation, summed up with the above procedure, amounted to at least 60 times;
  • donated plasma at least 60 times.

One of the conditions for conferring the status of a well-deserved donor, along with the number of samplings, is the implementation of the procedure without receiving payment ().

Benefits for honorary donors of Russia provided with a certificate and are as follows:

  1. A donor in Russia has the right to rehabilitation and spa treatment primarily on the basis of vouchers issued by an enterprise or an educational institution.
  2. Providing medical care in public institutions without payment and out of turn.
  3. One of the types of privileges is additional leave granted in accordance with labor standards and paid by the employer.

The procedure for registering the status

Since the right to award a badge and confer a title honorary/distinguished donor belongs to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, for registration this status need to contact the authorities social protection population.

There is a certain procedure, which consists of several stages:

  1. Collection of the necessary package of documents.
  2. Drafting an application and submitting it to management.
  3. Consideration of information about the applicant by the responsible authority.
  4. Making a decision by the management and notifying a citizen about it.

From the moment the documents are considered before the applicant receives information about the decision, no more than 95 days. The result can be either positive or negative, but it must be justified. In the first case, the final moment is the granting of the title and the issuance of the appropriate certificate.

List of required documents

To assign a status Honorary Donor of Russia 2019 the following documents must be submitted:

  • identity card - passport;
  • certificates drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the legislation from medical institution involved in the collection of blood and components, about the fact of donation.

It is not difficult to collect documents, certificates are issued at each visit to a special medical institution and the collection of blood and components.

An example on the topic of obtaining the title "Honorary Donor of Russia"

Christina Steinfeld claims to obtaining the status of "Honorary Donor of Russia". This opportunity regulated:

  • Federal Law No. 125 of July 20, 2012 (as amended on May 23, 2016).
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 246 dated March 31, 2005 (as amended on April 5, 2012).
  • Government Decree No. 1228 dated 11/26/12.

According to these laws, a person who donated blood and its components 40 or more times, or blood plasma 60 or more times, is recognized as an honorary donor.

The citizen meets the necessary criteria, therefore, during the next blood donation at the clinic, she turned to the administration of this medical institution to include her in the personal list of donors applying for an honorary title.

After entering her name in this list, the latter is drawn up in the regional or regional center blood transfusion to provide the necessary information to regional body executive power in the health sector. In the future, the list is submitted for approval to the Ministry of Health.

Ministry of Health during 45 days from the date of receipt of documents establishes an order on awarding these persons with an honorary title. within 15 days the order and the badges attached to it are sent to the place where the application was made.

Within one month after receiving the awards, Steinfeld was invited to a solemn event in the district clinic, where she was awarded an honorary badge and a corresponding certificate.

During the presentation of the awards, the citizen was explained her privileges that arose upon the awarding of the title "Honorary Donor of Russia", including a set of social benefits and regular cash allowance. The amount of the annual allowance is 10 557 rubles.


Whatever benefits and payments are assigned to honorary donors, they will always be of this category of citizens. The state encourages such noble deeds by the following:

  1. Annual cash payments for citizens of this category.
  2. Social guarantees and benefits.
  3. Additional privileges that are granted on the basis of regional legislative documents.

The most popular questions and answers to them on obtaining the status of an honorary donor

Question: I donate blood and its components for seven and a half years. Procedures are held in accordance with a special schedule. During this period, I had blood sampling in the amount of 26 times and plasma - 31 times. I donate without payment. I turned to a specialist with a question about obtaining the title of a merited / honorary donor of the Federation. To which I was told that such an opportunity would come after 40 blood samplings or 60 plasma samplings. Are there other conditions for assigning the above status?

Answer: Exist alternative conditions, which are stipulated in the 125th law, dated July 2012. It states that the title of merited/honorary donor can be awarded to a person who:

  • donated blood at least 25 times, and the sum of such samplings and plasma donations should not be less than 40 times;
  • donated blood less than 25 times, and the sum of these procedures and plasma sampling should be at least 60 times.

Compliance with one of the above points will allow you to get the desired status.

Donation, or donation of blood, refers to the donation own blood, as well as its components on a voluntary basis. Given the constant demand for blood transfusions, we can note the demand for donors. Except whole blood, the donor can donate:

  • Plasma, including its immune part;
  • red blood cells;
  • platelets;
  • Leukocytes;
  • Granulocytes.

Obtaining components from blood is a complex biochemical process carried out by passing whole blood through a separating extractor. The required components are removed from the blood, and the rest is returned back to the donor. Many are interested in the amount of donation. The standard norm is no more than 450 ml at a time. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to get this amount of solid material. To obtain plasma, the sampling time increases to 30 minutes, platelets - more than an hour.

How to become a donor

You can become a donor and receive a payment:

  • any adult citizen of Russia;
  • registered or registered at the place of actual residence;
  • which has no contraindications;
  • body weight exceeds 50 kg.

Contraindications may be permanent ( serious illness) or temporary (restrictions to certain persons for time intervals).

Donation payment

The law provides for certain benefits for blood donors, including the provision of meals, extra days recreation, etc.

Last year, it was officially forbidden to replace food for those who donated blood and its components with a cash payment. Today to replace food with money, the donor will need to write an application.

The amount of the cash payment depends on the subsistence minimum in the subject of the Russian Federation, it is 5% of this amount. Regions can increase this percentage at their own discretion.

For gratuitous blood donation a certain number of times, a citizen is awarded the badge of an honorary donor and he is assigned an annual cash payment.

The issue of payment for donations is often raised, this is especially true when donating a rare 4th blood group with a negative Rh factor.

List of Benefits for the Donor

The prescribed benefits and payments to blood donors in Russia in 2019 did not change much compared to previous periods.

The legislation establishes the following benefits for Russian donors:

  • - the day of donation and any at the choice of the donor;
  • Upon delivery of 2 maximum doses blood in the current year, the donor can count on getting a ticket to the sanatorium without a queue;
  • For free blood donation, the donor receives the Honorary Donor badge. This sign gives the right to payments and some benefits.
In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, authorities may establish additional benefits for donors, for example, free pass public transport or some agreed free services household character.

If you want to learn more about what benefits blood donors have, you need to refer to the current legislation on this issue.

Honorary Donor in Russia

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the “Honorary Donor” badge for donating blood, which is a distinction and provides the owner with certain benefits and an annual payment to an honorary donor.

To receive the title of "Honorary Donor of Russia", any person needs to donate his blood, plasma or some components without charging a material fee of forty or more times.

If blood components, blood and plasma are donated more than 15 times, then there is also the possibility of obtaining a status. Decrees on the presentation of a certificate, as well as on awarding, are issued only by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. "Honorary Donor of the USSR" has all the rights to the same benefits.

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List of documents required to obtain the status of an honorary donor

  • medical certificates confirming that you donated plasma or blood;
  • the passport.

Benefits for honorary donors

For honorary donors, the following benefits are provided:

  • wellness services out of turn in public hospitals, clinics and similar organizations;
  • annual free rest in any period of time for the donor;
  • non-taxable cash compensation that changes with inflation;
  • issuance of travel tickets for a trip to sanatoriums or resorts so that a person can pass complex treatment. Delivery is carried out without queues.

The procedure for obtaining benefits for an honorary donor

At each visit to the blood donation station, the donor fills out a questionnaire, undergoes an examination by a doctor and an initial laboratory examination. After the donation procedure, a person receives a certificate stating that he is a donor and can already use cash compensation for lunch in the amount of 5% discount.

To apply for benefits with the title of "Honorary Donor", you must contact the Ministry of Health and social development and submit documents. The Ministry will consider and study your application within forty-five days, then it will decide whether or not to award the person with the status of "Honorary Donor".

To receive an annual payment, you need:

  • statement;
  • certificate of "Honorary Donor";
  • the passport.

Benefits in the regions

There are two types of benefits: federal benefits and regional.

Moscow provides for people who donated blood free of charge additional social benefits of the following kind:

  • if a Muscovite has a special social card, a well-deserved donor can travel in public transport completely free of charge;
  • has the right to dentures and their repair absolutely free of charge, these benefits do not apply to other prosthetics;
  • this person uses housing and communal services with a fifty percent discount and can buy medicines with the same discount, which is a very good bonus, especially for pensioners;
  • also possessing the “Honorary Donor” badge, a person automatically has the right to the possible assignment of the “Veteran of Labor” status to him.
The pension does not depend on donation and does not change in any way, even if you have the status of "Honorary Donor".

What benefits does St. Petersburg, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and other regions? There are no additional benefits other than federal ones in these areas. Regional fringe benefits were abolished in 2004. Annual payments in other regions, they are produced taking into account the prices of the region, in Moscow they are slightly higher.

Replacing meals with cash

The payments to donors returned by the Ministry of Health in 2015 imply the possibility of replacing free food with money, namely 5% of the subsistence minimum in the region.

Currently, this amount is about 400 rubles.

The order to replace hot meals with compensation was signed by the Russian Ministry of Health. Hot food - necessary measure to restore the healthy tone of the donated blood human body. Mobile stations that are unable to provide people with such support are a separate issue. In them, due to the lack of the ability to organize food, payments for blood donation are made without an application.

To receive compensation in cash, the donor must write an application. What amount is due to a person who donated blood, for example, in Moscow? This is 5% of the subsistence minimum established in the 1st quarter of 2018 (14,800 rubles), which is about 740 rubles.

Earlier, other payments to donors were made in the capital. For example, 100 ml of whole blood was estimated at 650 rubles, plateletpheresis - 4500 rubles, erythrocytes - 6000 rubles. Today, after the introduction of the new version of the Law "On donation of blood and its components", only donation is paid rare groups blood and its components. For the rest of Muscovites, only free hot meals (full lunch) are offered.

Free blood donation is a necessary and noble cause. After all, it is largely thanks to donors that urgent medical institutions able to provide emergency medical care victims of various accidents, traffic accidents and man-made disasters. No one will argue with the fact that a feasible participation in saving lives is a noble cause, but modern practice shows that in the eyes of potential donors, public respect and the appropriate badge no longer mean much. People prefer something more tangible and material, which is why the queues of people at blood transfusion stations are a thing of the past. Probably, this was the reason for the revival of the title of "Honorary Donor of Russia", which guarantees its owner some, albeit insignificant, material benefits and benefits. Therefore, we considered it appropriate to look into this issue and find out how you can earn this distinction and what people who donate their blood to save lives can count on.

Understanding terminology

The vast majority of people who had to donate blood to save the lives of relatives or friends did not initially count on any reward. But for many low-income categories of citizens, episodic donation for paid basis is significant source replenishment of the budget. It is easy to guess that neither in the first nor in the second case, it is not necessary to hope for a title.

We will talk in detail about the conditions for obtaining it a little lower, but it is worth noting right away: you should not count on significant material benefits. The “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge is nothing more than a badge of distinction, and the corresponding title is more a way of social protection than a means of earning. Moreover, you can get it only if you donate blood at no cost.

Badge and badge honorary donor Russia

An important remark, which few people of the older generation are aware of, concerns a similar title from the times of the USSR. The relevant legislative acts have completely equalized the rights of "Soviet" and "Russian" donors, therefore, both honored veterans and young people can count on the benefits provided by law. And even more so, one should not be ashamed of past merits, mistakenly considering them insignificant.

Conditions for obtaining a title

If you do not remember the bureaucratic red tape that is customary in our country, then in order to receive the title of “Honorary Donor of Russia”, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • At least 40 procedures for donating blood or its components.
  • At least 60 blood plasma donations.
  • At least 40 procedures for donating blood, its components or plasma, if the blood itself was donated 25 times or more.
  • At least 25 procedures for donating blood, its components or plasma, if the total number is more than 60.

It is also necessary to clarify that the right to receive honorary title possessed exclusively by residents of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a citizen's passport Russian Federation. The issue of social protection of citizens who received the title of "Honorary Donor of the USSR", but do not have Russian citizenship, is more complicated. Regional authorities most often offer them certain benefits or compensations, but this is not regulated by law.

Legal issues

The local executive authorities do not always remember their obligations regarding the financial support of gratuitous donors, therefore there are long queues at the offices of officials and collection required documents have long been common practice. What legislative acts regulate social protection and the provision of well-deserved financial compensation to donors?

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the donation of blood and its components" No. 125-F3. Published on 07/23/2012, entered into force on 01/20/2013
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 313-Ф3 dated November 25, 2013, No. 313-Ф3 dated November 25, 2013, subject to amendments and additions adopted on December 31, 2013 .2014 and 07/01/2015
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Regulations on the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” and the description of this badge No. 842. Adopted on 26.08.1995, amended on 04.09.2012
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for awarding citizens with the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” and providing an annual cash payment to citizens awarded with the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” No. 663. Adopted November 19, 2004, published November 25, 2004
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "Replacing hot meals for blood donors with cash payment (compensation)" No. 265N dated April 26, 2013
  • Article #186 Labor Code Russian Federation.

It is also worth remembering that many regions and large cities have adopted their own programs to help gratuitous donors and their social protection. These include, for example, the Decree of the Government Nizhny Novgorod region No. 3 dated May 21, 2005 or Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1282-PP dated December 30, 2008 (with additions dated June 4, 2014).

Rewarding always takes place in a solemn atmosphere

Guaranteed privileges, benefits and compensations

  • Annual paid leave, which is provided at a convenient time for the donor.
  • right to priority medical service in institutions of the state or municipal health care system.
  • Possibility of purchase preferential vouchers for spa treatment.
  • Annual cash payment (as of 2015 - 12,373 rubles).

Additional privileges, benefits and compensations

  • Acquisition of a universal travel document giving the right to use urban and suburban public transport with the exception of taxis (both regular and route).
  • Annual holidays cash payments(Victory Day, New Year, International Day of Older Persons).
  • 50% reimbursement of utility bills.
  • 50% discount on prescription drugs.
  • Production and repair of dentures in the presence of appropriate medical indications.

List of documents required for obtaining a title

  • Application of the established form.
  • Identity document: passport or power of attorney for a representative, notarized.
  • Help about total blood donation, its components or plasma (form No. 448-05 / y, issued at the city blood transfusion station).

Standard Form No. 448-05/y

Ways to submit documents

  • Personally contact the office of the health committee. The standard work schedule is from 9:00 to 18:00, a break from 13:00 to 14:00. Please note that on holidays state institutions work on a reduced schedule. If the application is submitted by a proxy, he must provide the original passport and power of attorney.
  • in large cities and regional centers possibility of electronic submission of the application is provided. To do this, you need to make sure that you have scanned copies of the necessary documents.

Possible reasons for refusal and the period for consideration of the application

The title of “Honorary Donor of the Russian Federation” may be denied due to the lack of local registration (for permanent residents in another city) or a document that can confirm the fulfillment of the conditions for the volume of donated blood. We have already talked about the need to have Russian citizenship. The maximum period for consideration of the application is 95 days (the time from the date of submission of the application to the receipt of the badge and the corresponding certificate).

Donation is a good sign of our times. People who donate blood for free rarely count on any material benefits, so the care of the state is especially important for them. Therefore, benefits and various material incentives should not be taken as a means of earning money, although for many older people guaranteed assistance will not be superfluous at all.

A voluntary donor is a person who donates blood for healthcare needs and expects state compensation. For many citizens, donation has become an integral part of life, which is always honorable and in demand in medicine.

For its part, the state is implementing a program of subsidizing and providing material and social benefits for donors. With regular changes in legal regulations, the government always pays close attention to help and support for people who donate blood voluntarily.

The last changes regarding donation were made in 2012. Currently, a citizen who meets the following criteria can be considered a donor:

  • a donor is considered to be a person who has donated blood at least once;
  • if by medical indications a person twice a year became a donor;
  • a citizen who has the status of “honorary donor”.

If a person who donated blood has questions about his position, then you can always get online consultation on our website. Our lawyers will promptly and free of charge give legal advice on the issue of interest to the donor. We will help to deal with officials, all kinds of refusals and obstacles in obtaining the required subsidies and benefits.

A citizen who has fulfilled all the mandatory guidelines and rules can become an honorary donor. In confirmation of his rank, a person receives a badge and a corresponding certificate. It is the assignment of an honorary donor status that will allow in the future to apply for material and social payments. Each interested citizen who meets the following standards can receive the title:

  • you will need to provide documentary evidence of gratuitous blood donation to the regional ministry of health;
  • get confirmation for the badge at the Ministry of Health;
  • Get a validated badge and ID from your local health authority.

In local branches, they directly decide on the issue of conferring a title if a citizen is recognized as an honorary donor back in the USSR. The applicant must be a citizen of the Russian Federation and legally reside in the country. There is a certain feature for counting the amount of donated blood. A person has the legal right to donate for a fee, and each paid case does not count toward honorary donor status.

Episodic blood donation does not allow you to claim a well-deserved status. To become an honorary donor, the following conditions must be met:

  • the procedure for donating blood must be carried out more than 40 times;
  • for plasma, it will be necessary to go to the blood transfusion point 60 times;
  • donation of blood components more than 25 times, taking into account plasma donated 40-60 times, depending on the total composition.

Assistance to privileged categories of citizens is always provided from two sources: federal and local. In the case of donation, the rules are somewhat different from the standard. The citizen receives a support package from the state and the employer, or educational institution in which the student is studying. The largest number conflicts and legal disputes arise between an honorary donor and an entrepreneur if employment occurs at a private enterprise.

The rules manual should provide the donor with additional paid leave, pay compensation according to federal guidelines. All such rules are clearly implemented at state enterprises and budgetary organizations. In the case of IP or legal entities management is trying to get rid of the employee or demands to give up possible benefits.

A complete list of subsidies and benefits can be found after assigning status with the social security authority in the area of ​​​​residence. You can ask questions of interest to citizens on the official website of social insurance.

An honorary donor is supposed to receive:

  • annual one-time payment in the amount of more than 12 thousand rubles. To receive funds, you will need to write an appropriate application and attach your eligibility documents;
  • visit medical organizations and specialists without a queue, upon presentation of a certificate;
  • preventive recreational activities at the expense of the employer or educational institution;
  • granting the next vacation at a convenient time for the honorary donor. We must not forget that the right can be exercised before the preparation and approval of the vacation schedule.

For getting medical services and registration of vacation benefits, you must present a certificate. Material funds are transferred to a person upon application and presentation of a passport and a donor certificate.

In addition to federal installations, there is the possibility of providing subsidies and incentives by the local government. The obligation of the authorities to subsidize honorary donors is not legally established, there are only recommendations. That is why many regions are turning social programs, citing budgetary difficulties. Meanwhile, there are regions that provide significant local government support to donors.

The Moscow region is rightfully considered the most prosperous in terms of support for honorary donors. The rules have been created and have been functioning since 2008, while the areas of support are comprehensively expanded every year. That's not complete list benefits provided to honorary donors living in Moscow:

  • free travel on public city transport;
  • free dental care, including prosthetics;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • if necessary, a 50% discount on drugs prescribed by a doctor.

In some cases, subsidies are provided to donors who currently continue to donate blood, already being honorary citizens. Past merits, confirmed by a certificate, do not always allow you to use the entire list of allowable support. For example, it is necessary to provide a certificate of donation of blood and plasma in the reporting year, respectively, three and seven times. Having received the “Honorary Donor of Moscow” badge, you can count on much greater compensation for your activities.

Residents of Moscow previously received a regional monetary compensation, but it has been canceled since 2017. Muscovites can receive federal funds in the amount of 12,000 rubles due to all donors in the country. Compensation is indexed simultaneously with other social payments and is increased annually. You can receive funds within a year, after the approval and approval of the application.

If the verifiers have doubts about the authenticity of the certificate, then the owner may be required to provide additional documentation confirming the legality of receipt.

Those who donate blood are presented mandatory requirements: weight over 50 kg, age over 18 and passing medical commission. Citizens of the Russian Federation with permanent registration who are not subject to chronic diseases, not having medical prohibitions. After donating blood, the donor receives a coupon for free meals in the specified catering establishment.

According to the previous rules, it was possible to exchange a coupon for money, but at present, citizens are deprived of such an opportunity. According to the calculation, the cost of lunch is 400 rubles, which would not be superfluous for many citizens who donate blood. It should be noted that earlier, when applying, a citizen received all payments for those years when he was already considered an honorary donor. By existing rules, payments are issued for the year of circulation, no later than April 1 or later, upon application. Payments are tax-free and do not need to be declared.

Having decided to donate blood, you should not be afraid of this procedure, which is carried out quickly and painlessly. In the standard case, it takes 10 minutes to donate blood, and the plasma is taken within 30 minutes. The sampling is carried out on certified and sterile equipment, the possibility of infection of the donating blood is excluded.

At the blood transfusion station, each donor is issued a certificate on a standard form on the performed operation of the collection, all the necessary registration information is noted. The decision to award an honorary title is made within 95 days, the applicant is notified of a positive decision.

Benefits for honorary donors

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