Social cash payments to disabled people: single, demo, nsu, fsd. Monthly cash payment: amount, who is entitled to and how to issue Monthly cash payments are established and paid

In addition to standard forms of state security, certain groups of residents of the Russian Federation are entitled to receive a special type of social support - a monthly cash payment. A monthly cash payment is assigned to citizens and pensioners who have an additional preferential status, duly confirmed.

What is EVD and to whom it is paid

UDV is a compensation payment that is paid to citizens at the expense of the federal budget and does not depend on the fact that pension provision has been established.

As of 2019, the monthly cash payment is provided for the social security of the following groups of beneficiaries:

  1. subjects having one of three groups;
  2. citizens exposed to radiation due to an accident at;
  3. persons with status in certain categories;
  4. subjects with special merits in the form of state awards, etc.;
  5. former underage prisoners of fascism;
  6. other groups of beneficiaries, directly indicated in regulatory legal acts.
Note! The UEV for old-age pensioners can only be established if the recipients of pension payments can additionally confirm the existence of a special status.

Legislative regulation

Since there is no unified law on UDV, the monthly cash payment in 2019 will be assigned and transferred according to the norms of the following legal acts:

  1. in relation to certain groups of veterans - Federal Law No. 5-FZ;
  2. for persons with a confirmed status of one of the disability groups - Federal Law No. 181-FZ;
  3. for subjects with a preferential status of Chernobyl victims - Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1;
  4. for citizens who have received certain state awards or noted for special merits - Federal Law No. 5-FZ and Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

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Conditions for assigning payments

UDV in 2019, as in previous years, is accrued when applying to the territorial departments of the PFR. The purpose of the specified social payment will be carried out regardless of the establishment of pension payments. To be eligible for payments, it is not necessary to meet the conditions regulated for applying for a pension.

To exercise the right to apply for a benefit, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • within the framework of one profile law, which provides for the possibility of a beneficiary to receive a single payment for several reasons at the same time, the payment is established on the basis of a higher amount of the monthly payment;
  • if the beneficiary has the right to receive benefits under several laws at once, he is obliged to independently make a choice when applying to the PFR department;
  • an exception to the above rules is contained only for Chernobyl victims, they have the right to simultaneously establish social benefits on two grounds.

For example, the establishment of a single income tax for persons with disabilities who simultaneously have the status is carried out by PFR officials by comparing the final amount of payments that a citizen will receive. In this case, there is no right to choose, the UDV will be set by the FIU department according to a more favorable option.

The procedure for paying UDV to federal beneficiaries

If a citizen is included in the list of persons entitled to receive social benefits of this nature, he needs to contact the local department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to assign a payment.

When applying, you need to fill out the official application form, as well as submit documents, the composition of which will depend on the category of the beneficiary:

  • monthly cash payment will be assigned;
  • when a citizen submits an official certificate of the MSEC authorities on the establishment of a certain disability group;
  • monthly cash payment is assigned to veterans of military operations and other categories in case of confirmation of preferential status with an official certificate;
  • social benefits for residents of besieged Leningrad are established on the basis of a relevant certificate confirming residence in the besieged city;
  • the monthly cash payment to pensioners for the loss of a breadwinner will be automatically assigned by the PFR department upon confirmation of the right to a pension payment.
Note! If the applicant's privileged status requires periodic confirmation (for example, in case of disability), a valid ITU certificate on the establishment of disability..

For example, for Chernobyl disabled people, the re-examination period is five years, for other disabled people, this procedure can be carried out on an annual basis. The establishment of a monthly cash payment to the FIU also requires the presentation of a civil passport and a certificate of SNILS. It is allowed to apply to the authorized body through a representative, for this you need to have a notarized power of attorney.

The appointment of monthly payments to pensioners will be carried out simultaneously with the establishment of state security. Further confirmation of the right will be carried out according to the general rules.

Indexation and recalculation of EDV

The amount of the UDV is established by the norms of federal legislation and is subject to indexation according to the general rules of state social security.
This means that the amount of the UDV will be indexed simultaneously with the issuance of an act on increasing pensions.

Recalculation of the amount of the assigned EDV to the disabled is made when another disability group is established. At the same time, it takes place on a non-declared basis on the basis of an extract from the inspection report received by the TO PFR from the ITU bodies.

In the direction of increase - from the date of establishment of the disability group, which gives the right to a higher amount of EDV.

Towards a decrease - when establishing a disability group that gives the right to a lower amount of the EDV, it occurs from the 1st day of the month following the month for which the previous disability group was established.

Recalculation of the amount of the EDV for family members of the deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory is made if the number of family members has changed. Such recalculation will be made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which these circumstances occurred.

Payouts in 2019

The next indexation of the UDV amounts was carried out in February 2019, based on the actual consumer price growth index at the end of 2018.

The amount of the monthly cash payment for certain categories of citizens in 2019 with a complete rejection of a set of social services made up:

  • for disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War - 5403.22 rubles;
  • for citizens who took part in the Second World War, prisoners with a disability group - 4052.40 rubles;
  • for disabled people of the 1st group - 3782.94 rubles;
  • for disabled people of the 2nd group - 2701.62 rubles;
  • for disabled people of the 3rd group - 2162.67 rubles;
  • for residents of besieged Leningrad and combat veterans - 2972.82 rubles;
  • Chernobyl invalids, as well as - 2972.82 rubles;
  • subjects who were awarded the title of Hero of the USSR or the Russian Federation, as well as members of their families in the event of the death of heroes - 63,708.25 rubles.

It must be taken into account that the total composition of the recipients of the UDV is much broader than the categories indicated. A complete list of recipients of the UDV is presented in the table.

Category nameEDV from 02/01/2019, indexation amount 1.043
taking into account NSOexcluding NSO
1 War invalids5 403,22 4 281,80
2 WWII veterans who became disabled5 403,22 4 281,80
3 Military personnel and private and senior personnel who became disabled in the line of duty5 403,22 4 281,80
4 WWII participants4 052,40 2 930,98
5 Combat veterans2 972,82 1 851,40
6 Servicemen from 06/22/41 to 09/03/45 are not part of the active army1 622,00 500,58
7 Persons awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"2 972,82 1 851,40
8 Family members of the dead (deceased) IVOV and UVOV and veterans of the database1 622,00 500,58
9 Family members of those killed in the Second World War from self-defense and air defense groups1 622,00 500,58
10 Family members of those killed in the line of duty1 622,00 500,58
11 Family members of soldiers killed in captivity1 622,00 500,58
12 Parents and wives of the dead soldiers, equated. to the participants of the Great Patriotic War4 052,40 2 930,98
13 Persons who worked during the Second World War1 622,00 500,58
14 Disabled (group III)2 162,67 1 041,25
15 Disabled (II group)2 701,62 1 580,20
16 Disabled people (I group)3 782,94 2 661,52
17 Disabled children2 701,62 1 580,20
18 Citizens who had radiation sickness as a result of the Chernobyl accident2 162,67 2 162,67
19 Disabled citizens as a result of the Chernobyl accident2 701,62 2 701,62
20 Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986-87.2 701,62 2 701,62
21 Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1988-90.2 162,67 2 162,67
22 Citizens living (working) in the territory of the living zone with the right to resettlement540,66 540,66
23 Citizens living (working) in the territory of the living zone with a preferential social-economic status540,66 540,66
24 Citizens living (working) in the resettlement zone before they were resettled in other districts540,66 540,66
25 Citizens evacuated (including good ones) in 1986 were alienated from the zone.2 162,67 2 162,67
26 Children (other) under 18 years old, children of the 1st and 2nd generations living in the zone1 350,82 1 350,82
27 Children (other) under 18 years of age, permanently residing in a zone with preferential social status811,88 811,88
28 Children (other) - disabled, suffering. diseases due to the Chernobyl accident2 701,62 2 701,62
29 Children (other) suffering from diseases due to the Chernobyl accident2 162,67 2 162,67
30 Citizens with disabilities who have received an occupational disease.2 701,62 2 701,62
31 Citizens who received occupational diseases associated with radiation exposure.2 162,67 2 162,67
32 Citizens who received a total effect. dose of radiation over 25 cSv (rem)2 162,67 2 162,67
33 Citizens who received a total effect. radiation dose from 5 to 25 cSv (rem)677,14 677,14
34 Children under 18, 1.2 generations, received effect. radiation dose over 5 cSv677,14 677,14
35 Citizens who received radiation sickness as a result of the Mayak accident in 1957.2 162,67 2 162,67
36 Citizens who became disabled due to the accident at Mayak in 19572 701,62 2 701,62
37 Citizens sent to liquidate the consequences of the accident at Mayak 1957-582 701,62 2 701,62
38 Citizens sent to liquidate the consequences of the accident at the Mayak plant in 1959-61.2 162,67 2 162,67
39 Citizens living in settlements where the radiation dose is over 1 mSv (0.1 rem)540,66 540,66
40 Citizens, evacuator, resettled, who voluntarily left the zone of loading Mayak and Techa2 162,67 2 162,67
41 Children of the 1st and 2nd generations suffering from illness due to the effects of radiation on the child.1 350,82 1 350,82
42 Citizens without disabilities from special risk units2 701,62 2 701,62
43 Citizens with disabilities from special risk units2 701,62 2 701,62
44 Former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, the ghetto are disabled5 403,22 4 281,80
45 Former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos4 052,40 2 930,98
46 Heroes of the USSR, RF, full Cavaliers and members of their families since 01.01.2006.63 708,25
47 Heroes of Socialist Labor, full Cavaliers since 07/01/2006.46 975,44

In addition, the size of the amount of the CU depends on many additional factors (for example, in case of waiver of NSO, etc.).

Advice! The exact amount of the UDV can be found out when applying to the FIU department and indicating what kind of additional services and benefits the applicant will use.

In 2019, the indexation of the EDV was carried out in February at a rate of 4.3%. Similarly, the set of benefits in kind has been increased. After the measures taken, the cost of social services reached 1121.42 rubles, which includes: provision of medicines - 863.75 rubles, provision of vouchers to sanatorium institutions - 133.62 rubles, free travel on public transport of urban, suburban, intercity communication (to the place treatment and back) - 124.05 rubles.

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If citizens are assigned a pension, and they receive a monthly income, the indexation provided for by law will be carried out simultaneously by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How to receive

PFR officials have 10 working days to consider an application for the appointment of this measure of social support.
During this period, the grounds for applying, as well as the compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements of the law, are checked. After a decision is made on the merits of the application, the response must be sent no later than five days to the address of the applicant.

Attention! The establishment of a monthly payment is carried out from the date of the citizen's application, but not earlier than the emergence of the right to this benefit.

The adopted decision must indicate the period for which the payment is set, or establish the indefinite nature of the transfers.

Receiving a monthly payment is carried out taking into account the following features:

  • when receiving one of the types of state pensions, the monthly supplement will be transferred simultaneously;
  • if the subject is not entitled to receive state pension benefits, the method of receiving the monthly payment is chosen by the applicant himself;
  • the specified social payment will be paid for the current calendar month.
Note! If during the period of receipt of the specified social payment, the citizen loses his preferential status (for example, the disability group is canceled), the recipient is obliged to notify the relevant department of the PFR about this.

If such notification is not made, an overpayment of budgetary funds will be recorded, which will be recovered voluntarily or judicially. A similar requirement is established when changing the preferential status, which affects the amount of the monthly social benefit. The recipient is obliged to immediately notify the territorial department of the PFR about this fact in order to avoid overpayment.

Watch the EDV video

June 30, 2017, 22:32 Mar 17, 2019 00:02

People with disabilities in Russia are entitled to monthly cash payments, briefly called UDV. Their size depends on the group of disability and the social status of a person, therefore, in each specific case, the amount of the amounts paid may differ significantly.

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And the question of how to get EDV for disabled people of group 2 in 2019 is quite popular and is mandatory for those who are not yet familiar with the procedure for applying for benefits.

General aspects

First of all, you need to understand that only persons who can document their presence, that is, those who have passed a medical examination and received a group, are charged.

The EFA has been in existence since 2005 and helps people with disabilities survive in an underdeveloped labor market for them and a low level of social protection.

But since 2019, there has been a cessation of working pensioners.

Therefore, you should understand the procedure for obtaining such payments, as well as the laws that protect citizens with limited legal capacity.

What it is

UDV is a monthly cash payment that certain categories of citizens can receive.

It exists both in the form of a material payment, and in the form of a set for the disabled.

You can receive this payment:

  • military operations;
  • people with disabilities and disabled from birth;
  • citizens who went through concentration camps as minors;
  • victims of the Chernobyl accident;
  • heroes and holders of orders of labor and glory.

You can apply for a similar payment for a third child who was born after 2012 and lives in a region with a difficult demographic situation.

Where to go for information

In order to get comprehensive information about obtaining such a benefit, you should contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In the territorial office of this state institution will help:

  • determine the possibility of receiving payment - grounds for registration;
  • write an application for registration of the EDV;
  • collect the necessary documents.

But you need to understand that all stages of the procedure will take place only in the branch of the PFR, which is attached to the place of permanent residence of the disabled person.

Legal grounds

The main legislative act in this area is the Federal Law.

The procedure for receiving payments

This type of benefit will be assigned based on the period for which the right to receive payment is assigned.

But the beginning of the payment countdown is the day of applying for it. Before the right to such assistance arises, a disabled person cannot apply for its registration.

The day of application is the day when the Pension Fund of Russia received all the necessary documents for processing a person's data. In this case, the moment of submission of the last required document is considered.

For each of the recipients of such assistance, the PFR opens a separate personal account. If a pensioner is already registered with this branch of the Pension Fund, then he does not need to open another account - payments for the UDV will go to the existing one, but in a separate section.

In the event that an incompetent citizen or a minor applied to the FIU, a representative of this person is entered in the recipient's personal account.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, payments for the UDV, which were accrued and not withdrawn from the account, in the event of the death of a citizen, can be inherited.

What is included in the EDV for a disabled person of group 2

First of all, EDV is a cash aid.

In addition to the basic amount, the disabled person is entitled to additional services:

A disabled person may refuse to receive these services and receive compensation in cash. To do this, write an appropriate application and submit it to the FIU before October 1.

In this case, you can refuse not all services, but one or more. Benefits can be waived once and will only be recalculated after a return application is submitted.

It should be noted that starting from February 1, 2019, a new cost of all social services for disabled people of the second group has been established. It is 1048.97 rubles per month.

Design algorithm

To apply for a UDV, you should contact the Pension Fund of Russia and take the following actions:

  • apply for the appropriate payment;
  • provide a complete package of documents;
  • get paid into your retirement account.

This algorithm has several nuances. So, it is necessary to understand that pensioners are provided with an appeal to their branch of the PFR.

And in most cases, you need to go to the fund that is located at the place of residence. For those disabled people who are in a sanatorium institution on a permanent basis, an appeal is provided to the Pension Fund, which is attached to this institution.

Required documents

The main document in the preparation of the EDV is the application. It should be filled out carefully and ensure that all data is correct. Otherwise, you may get rejected.

This document leaves the following set of information:

In the text of the application itself, it is also worth indicating that the person undertakes to report to the FIU about his change of residence.

Third parties may also submit such an application. But in order for the Pension Fund to accept a document, you need to issue a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Two documents must be attached to the application for the EVD:

  • the passport;
  • certificate of disability.

In this case, you will need to provide photocopies of documents. There is no need to bring the originals of these papers to the Pension Fund.

All documents must be submitted by October 1st. It is from this moment that the FIU will begin accruing amounts for UDV.

How the amount is calculated

The calculation of the amount for the monthly cash payment is based on several factors. Thus, it must be understood that the determination of the amount of the payment is based on which category of disability the user belongs to.

The highest payout is 5,000 rubles. And the smallest is 600 rubles.

It affects the amount of the payment and the laws under which a disabled person has the right to receive a EDV:

The exception in this case will be those who received the radiation dose at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. For them, the establishment of payments is provided for on two grounds for the UDV.

The payment is also summed up for those who received the status of Hero of the USSR, Hero of the Russian Federation and full cavalier of the Order of Glory, Hero of the ST, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation and holders of the Order of the Customs Union. In 2019, accruals are indexed starting from February 1.

Can I opt out of this service?

The legislation provides for the refusal of such a service. To complete this procedure, you should write an appropriate application and submit it to the Pension Fund of Russia.

There is no need to re-apply every year. One statement is enough. If a disabled person wants to return the payment, he will need to re-apply to the FIU and draw up the necessary documents.

Is it possible to increase the payment

An increase in payments for UDV is possible.

This happens due to several factors:

Only these two methods allow you to influence the amount of the payment. Plus, at the stage of registration, some citizens have the opportunity to choose one of several grounds for obtaining a EVD.

During this process, it is worth determining the most profitable and profitable option for obtaining funds.

Advantages and disadvantages

This social assistance has both positive and negative aspects. Everyone who wants to make a payment should know them. Since this will help to identify all the weak and strong points of the program.

Among all preferential payments, a separate place is occupied by the UDV (one-time cash payment). It relies on certain categories of persons expressly specified in the Federal regulations.

What is the essence of the EDV? What regulations provide for it? Which citizens are eligible to receive it? What is the amount of EDV set for 2017? The answers to all these questions are presented in this article.

The concept of EDV

A one-time material payment is a social monetary allowance, which is provided for by several Federal regulations governing the features of social protection of individuals (for example, combatants, disabled people, pensioners and other citizens).

According to the current legislation, the EDV consists of two parts:

  • a fixed cash payment established for each social category of persons;
  • a set of social services (NSO), which consists of 3 elements:
    • money that is directed to the purchase of certain medicines;
    • funds that go to sanatorium rehabilitation;
    • money that is sent to purchase tickets to the place of recovery and back.

All parts of the UDV are subject to mandatory indexation, which takes place every year on the basis of a Government Decree.

Features of accrual of EDV

In some cases, one and the same citizen has the right to receive a single tax on two grounds at once, regulated by different legal acts (for example, he is a participant in hostilities and a liquidator of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). In this case, the legislation provides for the possibility for such a person to independently choose for which privileged category he will be issued a CIT (for example, the liquidator of the Chernobyl accident).

In some cases, a person is entitled to financial assistance from the state on two grounds at once, established by the same Federal Act. In this case, he is assigned a payment for that preferential category, which provides for a larger amount of payment.

Example. Gerasimov N.I. was awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad", the amount of EDV on this basis in 2017 is 2,791.30 rubles. And besides, during the war years he received a disability, the amount of the EDV on this basis is 5066.10 rubles. Accordingly, the payment to this citizen was assigned on the second basis, since it provides for a larger amount of the unified income.

Some features of processing this payment arise if a minor citizen has the right to it. For persons under the age of 14, documents are submitted by parents or guardians at the place of residence or registration of the minor, or the location of the parents and persons replacing them. From the age of 14, a child can arrange such a payment on his own if he is capable.

Citizens who, at the time of issuing the EVD, are in social or medical institutions for a long stay, receive payments at their location.

Note! Such a category of persons, as participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, has a special legal status regarding the accrual and receipt of UDV. It lies in the fact that if such a citizen has the right to receive this payment according to several regulatory legal acts, then he will receive a UDV not only for participating in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident, but also on another basis, for example, as a participant in hostilities. A similar right is reserved for those citizens who received the title of Hero of the USSR, the Russian Federation for military exploits, as well as success in socialist labor.

The moment of appointment of the payment is the date of the citizen's application, and such an appointment is carried out only by the territorial branch of the Pension Fund.

For more information about the purpose, execution and method of receiving payments, see the following articles:

Categories of persons eligible for UA

Federal laws establish a specific list of persons who have the opportunity to issue and receive a UDV. These legal acts include:

Federal Law "On Veterans" dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ.

  • participants in the Second World War;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • persons who served in the Red Army and other formations (units) that were not part of its structure;
  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants in combat operations as part of the military units of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia "On approval of the procedure for making monthly cash payments to certain categories of citizens in the Russian Federation" dated January 22, 2015 No. 35n.

  • prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, places of detention created by the Nazi invaders, provided that such citizens at the time of imprisonment were under 18 years old;
  • citizens who received a disability in such places of detention.

Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995.

According to this regulatory act, the following are entitled to receive such material assistance:

  • disabled people of all groups;
  • disabled children.

Law of the Russian Federation "On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant" dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1.

It establishes the possibility of receiving payments for the following citizens:

  • liquidators and persons who have received disability and occupational diseases;
  • children under 18 who live in the resettlement or residence zone, including those who were evacuated during fetal development and those who were born to citizens with radiation contamination;
  • children under 18 who live in a territory with a special socio-economic status;
  • citizens with disabilities received, including after BMT (transplantation).

Federal Law "On the social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation exposed to radiation due to the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River" dated November 26, 1998 No. 175-FZ.

It establishes the possibility of obtaining EVD for the following citizens:

  • persons who took part in the liquidation;
  • persons who have received occupational diseases or disabilities as a result.

Law of the Russian Federation "On the status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory" dated 15.01.1993 No. 4301-1.

It establishes the possibility of obtaining EVD for the following citizens:

  • persons who received the titles of Heroes of the USSR, the Russian Federation (for feats in military service and success in socialist labor);
  • persons who are full holders of the Order of Glory.

An exhaustive list of persons entitled to receive a monthly cash payment in accordance with the above legislative acts is indicated in the article.

Amount of EDV for 2017

Taking into account the indexation carried out on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2017 N 88 “On approval of the amount of indexation of payments, benefits and compensations in 2017”, the amount of the unified income for privileged categories of persons increased by 5.8%. More detailed information regarding the indexation of this payment is reflected in the article.

The actual amounts of the payment for all citizens eligible for it are presented in the table below.

Categories of citizens
Amount of EDV in 2017 (rub.)
Persons with a disability of group I
3 552
Citizens with a disability of group II
2 536,66
Persons with disability group III
2 030,63
Disabled childhood
2 536,66
Disabled WWII
Those who received various injuries or contusions while serving in the police, police and law enforcement agencies equated to them
5 073,31
Persons who served in detachments that were not part of the Red Army for more than 6 months in the period from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945, who have USSR awards for this period, as well as those who worked during this period and were involved in the construction of defense lines, air defense protection
1 522,97
Those who were awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"
2 791,30
Veterans who participated in hostilities and citizens equated to them
2 791,30
Those who belong to the families of the deceased participants in air defense, hospitals and hospitals of besieged Leningrad
1 522,97
Family members of deceased participants and disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War
1 522,97
Those who belong to the families of those who died during the hostilities, as well as those who died in captivity or missing
1 522,97
Former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps who received a disability
5 073,13
Former juvenile prisoners of ghettos and concentration camps
3 804,97
Citizens with disabilities due to the Chernobyl disaster
2 536,65
Participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster
2 536,65
Participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, who worked in the exclusion zone, evacuated residents of the exclusion zone
2 030,63
Persons who permanently reside in the exclusion zone work there
Children and adolescents living in the exclusion zone, as well as military personnel, police officers, firefighters who have received occupational diseases as a result of work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
1 268,33
Children who received a disability as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, suffering from gene changes due to exposure of one of the parents
2 536,65
Former and current employees of internal affairs bodies and fire protection, who received radiation sickness due to exposure at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which caused disability
2 536,06
Heroes who received such a title for socialist labor
44 107,22
Heroes of the USSR, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, members of the families of deceased (deceased) Heroes
59 818,38
Persons who received radiation sickness during work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
2 030,63
WWII participants
3 804,97


EDV is a social payment that is due to certain categories of citizens. The list of persons entitled to receive it is clearly specified by federal laws, and the Pension Fund pays this material assistance.

EDV, DEMO, NSU, FSD are social cash payments to disabled people and other categories of citizens that are provided by the pension fund.


This social benefit is assigned:

Veterans (of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, etc.);
persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities;
former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention;
persons affected by radiation exposure.

The process of obtaining EDV is declarative in nature. This means that you need to submit a written application with the attachment of supporting documents to the FIU at the place of residence, either at the place of your stay, or at the place of actual residence. If you are already receiving a pension, then the application must be written to the territorial body of the PFR, which pays you a pension.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

The passport;
pension insurance certificate;
documents on the right to benefits (certificate issued by the competent authorities, certificate of medical and social expertise on the establishment of disability, etc.).

In the event that a citizen is simultaneously entitled to receive a single tax on several grounds within the framework of one law, the payment is established only on one ground, providing for a higher amount.


It is part of the monthly cash payment, and you do not need to write a separate application to receive it.

The set of social services includes:

Provision of necessary medicines according to doctor's prescriptions - 863.75 rubles;
providing, if there are medical indications, a voucher for sanatorium treatment - 133.61 rubles;
free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 124.05 rubles.

When providing social services, citizens with group I disability and disabled children have the right to receive, under the same conditions, a second voucher for sanatorium treatment and free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back for person accompanying them.

In order to refuse to receive a set of social services in kind and receive funds, it is necessary to submit an application for refusal to receive social services or one social service to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before October 1.

It is enough to submit an application for waiving in-kind benefits once, after which there is no need to confirm your decision annually.

The waiver submitted will remain in effect until the citizen decides to resume receiving benefits.


Only citizens of the Russian Federation are eligible for DEMO, regardless of their place of residence. DEMO in the amount of 1000 rubles is set:

Disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
disabled due to military trauma;
former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention.

DEMO in the amount of 500 rubles is set:

Military personnel who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the army in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, as well as military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
widows of servicemen who died during the war; widows of invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
persons awarded the badge Resident of besieged Leningrad
former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos.

DEMO is paid by the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the same time as the pension.

Citizens who have the right to DEMO, but who have not implemented it in a timely manner, must submit an application for the appointment of this payment to the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence. If a citizen is entitled to DEMO, but he is not a pensioner, this payment is also assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the PFR at the place of residence, and in the case of permanent residence outside of Russia, by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If a citizen is simultaneously entitled to receive a DEMO for several reasons, it is established on one basis, providing for a higher amount of payment.


This pension supplement is established for all non-working pensioners whose total material income is below the subsistence level established in the region.

First-time pensioners can apply for a supplement at the same time. And it will be paid to the citizen automatically along with the basic pension.

As for current pensioners, whose material security is below 4,700 rubles, you need to apply for the appointment of the FSD to your territorial body of the Pension Fund. A copy of the passport, a copy of the work book (or other document confirming the fact of dismissal from work) must be attached to the application.

The pensioner will receive the additional payment from the 1st day of the month following the month of applying for it. So, those who applied in April, it will be installed from May 1, and so on.

Many pensioners are mistaken, believing that the concept of "material security" includes only the pension that they receive in their hands in the form of money. This is not true.

When calculating the total amount of material security for a pensioner, the following are taken into account:

additional material support;
monthly cash payment, including the cost of a set of social services.

In addition, cash compensation expenses are taken into account:

To pay for the use of the telephone;
payment for residential premises and utilities;
for payment of travel for all types of passenger transport: urban, suburban, intercity.

The social supplement is established not only for the pension of the elderly, but also for the pension of disabled children and children under the age of 18 who have been assigned a survivor's pension. The surcharge is set automatically on a non-declared basis.

It is known that in the Russian Federation there is a fairly wide number of various social programs, benefits and benefits that support citizens living in the country in various ways. Among them is the EDV. This abbreviation stands for - monthly cash payments. They represent tangible monthly funding that can be exchanged for a certain relying package of services (NSU), or vice versa, for cash payments. The person chooses what he likes best. It should also be borne in mind that various social supports are not available to everyone. EDV included. There is a special category of persons worthy of receiving it.

Who is eligible for the EDV?

As you know, barely - payments are not available to everyone. So for what merits and to whom is it paid? Everything is simple. Federal beneficiaries have the right to EDV. There are several categories of persons of these same beneficiaries. We list some of them:

  1. UDV is paid to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participating in the Great Patriotic War, or living during the period. Also their relatives;
  2. The same applies to the EDV for the Disabled. Children with disabilities. The EDV for disabled people of the first group differs from what is due to disabled people of the 2nd group and, accordingly, to the disabled of the 3rd group. But it is provided for all of them; in this case, the EDV plays the role of additional compensation for limited labor opportunities;
  3. Worthy and minor prisoners of fascism. Citizens who suffered from fascism during the Second World War;
  4. Heroes of the USSR, their relatives and family members; Persons with orders of glory and members of certain parties;
  5. labor veterans;
  6. Retirees - military;
  7. Heroes of socialist labor;
  8. Owners of maternity capital;
  9. Also people affected by radiation.

This is not a complete list of those who are entitled to EDV and who are eligible for the social package. These, and many other similar categories of people living in Russia, may qualify for the accrual of UDV.

The reason for which you are applying for a payment to a greater extent affects the size of this very payment and the social package. The size and features of benefits can vary significantly from each other.

Pay attention to the fact that by law a person can only qualify for the appointment of EVD on one point, even if in fact he is entitled to how much. In this case, you just need to learn more about all the features of payments for each category and choose the most suitable and beneficial for you personally. However, there is an exception to this rule. It concerns citizens affected by radiation in Chernobyl. Such people are allowed to use the benefit for any two reasons yet, to choose from.

How to get EDV?

What exactly and what documents are needed for registration? In order to apply for benefits, if you belong to the groups listed above and are eligible, you will need to fill out an application. It doesn't matter to you personally or to your legal representative. Along with the application, you will need a list of standard documents that will need to be taken to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, at the place of residence. Documents you can provide both copies and originals.

Documents to establish the payment, depending on the category, you need the following:

  • An application for the accrual of UDV, the application must include the reasons for the accrual, and the grounds; Usually, when considering the grounds, the pension fund informs the applicant of possible changes in the preferential treatment regarding the specified grounds; This is done for the convenience of a person, and to reduce the likelihood that a citizen is simply not aware of his rights;
  • Documents proving your disability, certificate of disability and its category;
  • A document proving your identity, that is, a passport. Yours, and your representative, if he is involved in the design.
  • Documents confirming your place of residence, citizenship;
  • It is also necessary to provide documents proving your right to receive one or another category of benefits.

The submitted application for the appointment of a monthly payment is usually considered by the bodies of the pension fund almost immediately. At the same time, the applicant is also notified of the decision. At the most, review of documents may take up to ten days from the moment you submit your application.

The payment is established immediately, from the date of application for it, and of course, if there is a right to it. Naturally, the time of its further payment also depends on the citizen's involvement in the group of beneficiaries. The payment is valid as long as a person belongs to one category or another. For example, a disability can be removed from a person, then the right to a EDV is removed along with it.

So, if you still have the right to it and everything is in order with your documents, you must immediately contact the pension fund. As already mentioned above, the earlier, the earlier you will be assigned payments. An application can be submitted to the FIU both at the place of registration and at the place of temporary registration. Persons living in a social service institution will need to contact the branch that is closest to the address of this organization.

It is important to keep in mind the fact that if you are already receiving an old-age or disability pension, you need to contact the same branch of the Pension Fund of Russia, the same district where you already applied for a pension and where your pension file is stored. Also, in any case, you can always go through the registration process online. You can do this on the official website of the pension fund, in your personal account.

Payment procedure

UDV payments are assigned monthly to all beneficiaries. The monthly payment is delivered to recipients for each lived calendar month after all documents are processed and an application is submitted.

Each of its recipients chooses the method of receiving it, as it is most convenient for him. Like a pension. If a person already receives any pension payment, then this benefit will be delivered to the pensioner at the same time as the pension.

There are various types of payments. For example, a citizen can issue a receipt through the offices of the Russian Post. In this case, you yourself choose whether to receive it at home using postal delivery, or send it yourself to the post office on set dates. Just like any other cash payment, it is possible to apply for benefits through a banking organization. In this case, a rather convenient way will become available to you - accruals to a bank card. You will be able to have access to your funds, and withdraw money not exactly on the day set for the appointment, but also on any day convenient for you. Or in the same way, independently in a bank branch. Or you can entrust the delivery of your funds to a special organization that delivers various pensions. There are many such organizations, and you can choose any of the list provided directly in the pension fund. You can decide on delivery methods at any convenient time. And also change your mind. To do this, you just need to submit an appropriate application to your branch of the Pension Fund.

Also for citizens who are not yet pensioners. They will need to fill out a preferred delivery application and indicate their benefit category.

There are rules for making monthly payments. For example, if you are not involved in the execution of all the documents necessary for obtaining benefits, then no one will do this for you. Also, if you do not receive your money for more than six months and do not make yourself known to the employees of the pension fund, then the payment is terminated until the moment you appear. Also, if the disabled person does not appear at the required time for re-examination of the fact of disability, then payments also stop. That list also includes:

  • If the child reaches the age of majority, and does not provide full-time education documents, then funding is suspended; or if a disabled child reaches the age of majority, then the type of benefit either changes, or it ceases to operate altogether;
  • Upon the expiration of the period for the right of residence, for persons of other citizenship;
  • In the event of the death of the beneficiary, funding is terminated;
  • Anyone can refuse to receive the EDV himself, in which case the state does not insist;
  • Anyone at any convenient time can change the type of payment received, and the reason for a more favorable one for him at the moment;

There are other reasons and possibilities for changing funding or stopping it, but most often they are more individual.

Estimated amount of EDV

The amount of the UDV due is determined by federal law and is subject to change and recalculation. The amount of the cash payment is subject to indexation simultaneously with the appearance of the act on increasing social payments, the amount of the monthly benefit is indexed. The increase in the CMU is mainly due to the growth of such factors as the cost of living, prices for utilities, etc.

In the near future, another indexation is planned in the Russian Federation. After the indexation, it is planned to increase all types of existing benefits, to one degree or another.

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