The constitutional and legal foundations of the religious security of the Russian Federation Tarasevich Ivan Anatolyevich. The influence of the religious factor on the emergence of terrorism

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Religious security of society and the state

Knowledge of the religious situation in the country and its region, as well as control over them, are an integral part of the activities to ensure law and order and national security.

History has long known the plan to conquer the country: first comes the religious missionary, followed by the merchant, and then the conqueror. The missionary prepares the ground for the split of society along religious lines, organizes a kind of "fifth column" among the part of the population that is ready to support any undertakings of foreign masters. The merchant establishes economic dependence. The soldier completes the work, already, in fact, completely done by emissaries from religion and economics.

It is necessary to distinguish real freedom of conscience from essentially decorative slogans about “absolute religious freedom”, “the rights of religious organizations”, behind which lies a strategy hostile to Russia. It is aimed at destroying the Russian Orthodox Church as one of the factors ensuring stability in Russia.

The undermining of the spiritual foundations of Russian society in order to weaken the Russian state is as follows:

· Creation in the face of religious sectarianism, which has an anti-state character, a powerful potential lever of pressure on the authorities.

· Creation of an interconnected network of some non-traditional religious organizations for the collection of intelligence information.

· Creation of a reserve of fanatically devoted performers in case it becomes necessary to organize riots or other anti-social actions in the cities of Russia for any political purposes.

· Establishing control over various government officials by the leaders of a number of non-traditional religious organizations (bribery, blackmail, lies, establishing control over consciousness).

From the foregoing, it follows that from the point of view of national and state security, religious organizations can be divided intoloyalin relation to the socio-political structure of the country and the state andanti-state , directing their activities to destabilize the socio-political situation, the weakening of power, the dismemberment of the country and its geopolitical defeat.

Human rights and the threat from outsidedestructive religious organizations

Considering the problem of religious organizations from the point of view of the activities of law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to raise the main question for the defenders of law and order about the comprehensive provision and observance of human rights and freedoms in Russian society.

Every citizen of Russia is free to choose whether to profess any religion or not profess any. The thing is that this choice should be really free and not encroach on the freedom of others. The 20th century gave rise to many new, primarily information-psychological, ways of influencing a person, the possibilities of establishing control over him. To achieve their global goals, destructive religious organizations seek complete control over the minds of their adherents. Such control can be calledtotalitarian(total - complete), as it carries out the task of turning a person into a kind of biorobot. In social terms, this is done for the purpose of indoctrination - the systematic dissemination of a doctrine or idea that shapes public opinion in the right direction.

A totalitarian sect differs from a normal religious organization precisely in that it does not just preach (that is, expound and explain) its doctrine, but tries to actively interfere in a person’s personal life, influence his consciousness, mental and physical state. Therefore, such religious organizations are calleddestructive, that is, having a devastating effect on the personality of a person. There are several consequences of the activities of a totalitarian sect:

1. Destructive influence on consciousness, causing mental disorders of most members of the sect, which leads to a high probability of aggressive response from them in a state of mental insanity.

2. Establishing a clear line between those who have the right to exist (members of the sect) and those who do not have such a right (everyone else). This sets the members of the sect ready to sacrifice any number of non-believers in order to achieve the goal of their sect.

3. The deliberate acquittal of a sect member for any crime committed for the sake of his organization.

4. Coercion to unquestioning obedience of members of the sect to its leaders, a ban on any criticism of everything related to the teachings of the sect.

5. Introduction into the minds of sectarians of the principle of "doubling", which allows to avoid a complex of guilt for the crimes committed and to justify any of their own (and other members of the sect and leaders) actions committed in the name of "correct ideas", as well as to prepare a person for an almost conflict-free decision on suicide.

6. Complete violation of identity: after psychological processing, a person becomes a completely different person, while all attachments outside the sect are broken.

7. In a number of destructive religious organizations, special drugs are used to influence consciousness.

The saddest thing is that a person who has fallen under the spiritual influence of a totalitarian sect does not always feel his lack of freedom. He creates the illusion of "the right choice." To achieve this result, the following psychotechnics are used:

1. Group pressure and “love bombing”, which deprive the ability to doubt and develop the need to belong to a sect on an emotional level. Any person needs emotional warmth, which is heavily used by sectarians by “implanting” joint games, singing, hugging, touching, mutual flattery, etc. For example, in the Korean Protestant sect, it is customary to exchange close, long hugs with them when greeting members of the sect. The purpose of such a technique is the desire to arouse in a member of the sect or recruited into it a sense of his need, features, ease and pleasantness of communication with him. A newcomer is not left without attention and guardianship for a minute. In particular, in the Moonite sect, there is a procedure called "sandwich": it is required that the beginner be constantly surrounded by two experienced sectarians assigned to him, who are obliged to cooperate with the new convert with all zeal and entertain him.

2. Isolation, which creates the inability or unwillingness to compare the information provided by the sect with reality.

3. Immersion in a state of constant suggestibility through meditation, monotonous singing and repetitive actions.

4. Instilling feelings of fear and guilt by extracting confessions (confessions) under the pretext of further rapprochement and revealing hidden fears and prohibitions. This is done in order to create emotional vulnerability, which is formed under the influence of overt and hidden threats, the alternation of punishments and rewards.

5. Compulsion to refuse sleep, which is considered a kind of spiritual exercise.

6. Inadequate nutrition, which masquerades as either a special diet to improve health, or is declared a "mandatory" attribute of the ritual.

7. Sensory (sensory) overload, contributing to the imposition of the ideals of a new creed, which replace the former values ​​of the new convert as a result of assimilation of a huge amount of information by him in an extremely short period of time, which limits the possibility of his critical examination.

8. Creating problems in the family of a new believer, namely:

their destruction;

The emergence of social orphans - children abandoned by sectarian parents;

· a sharp deterioration in the health of the sectarian's family members (primarily mental) as a result of the destruction of family relationships;

Deprivation of care for elderly parents by children-sectarians;

Lack of trust between family members

· tragedies associated with the coercion by the leaders of sects of their members to divide property jointly acquired in marriage (exchange of an apartment, division of funds), with its subsequent transfer to a sect;

Involvement of relatives and friends in the sect;

physical and psychological violence in the family for religious reasons.

The combination of all the above-mentioned techniques and methods allows you to gradually displace the old personal identification and replace it with a new one. Scientific data allow us to assert that as a result of a sufficiently long application of mind control techniques, the personality of a member of a destructive religious organization is brought to a state of mental helplessness, impotence and discredited. Instead, a sectarian personality is built up, designed to embody the ideas and fulfill the will of the sect leader. Now the new personality has not its own, but a false, “illusory” independence.

So, the threat from non-traditional religious organizations for our society can manifest itself in two interrelated aspects:

a) an encroachment on the geopolitical, national, state, public security of Russia (the anti-state nature of a religious organization);

b) violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens (destructiveness of a religious organization).

As a rule, destructiveness entails a threat to the interests of society and the state, and an encroachment on the national-state interests of the country means a threat to the rights and freedoms of citizens.

In the proposed article, the author defines the religious security of the Russian Federation. The author of the article also puts forward the idea of ​​the need to study the place of religious security in the national security system of the Russian Federation, as well as its constitutional and legal foundations.

In offered article the author makes a definition of religious safety of Russian Federation. The author of the article also puts forward the idea about the necessity of research of a place of religious safety for the system of national safety of the Russian Federation, and also its konstitutsionno-legal bases.

Keywords (Criteria):

constitutional-legal - constitutional

religious crimes- religious crimes

religious safety - Wikiwand religious safety

religious sphere - religious sphere

national security - national security

For the first time, lawmakers in Russia started talking about religious security in the context of national security in the mid-1990s. An example is the appeal of the State Duma of the Russian Federation "To the President of the Russian Federation on the dangerous consequences of the impact of certain religious organizations on the health of society, families, citizens of Russia" dated December 15, 1996. This appeal suggested " consider the religious security of Russian society an important national security priority along with military, political, economic, environmental and social". The reason for this appeal was the numerous facts of anti-social and anti-state activities of some religious associations, which is a direct threat to the national security of the Russian Federation.

To date, there is ample evidence that some religious associations are actively used as a cover and often as a tool for the activities of foreign, in particular Western, intelligence services on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In support of the fact that the religious sphere in the West has always been given high importance in strategic planning, including in planning military operations, the following statements can serve.

In 1941, when developing plans for the destruction of the USSR, Goebbels wrote: “We can crush the Red Army, we can chop off huge territories from them, we can stop their factories, but until we plant our own priest in every village, until they divide according to faith, this people will in any case be able to rise from the ashes. Former Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security Z. Brzezinski said: "After we have done away with communism, our main enemy is Orthodoxy ...".

In 1997, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia met with US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. The only task that Albright set herself at the meeting was to provide foreign religious associations with complete freedom of action in Russia, which is proof that and today Western states in their anti-Russian activities, not least of all, rely on the religious sphere .

And this is not surprising, since, in our opinion, religious motivation in human activity is the most stable and strong, it is on it that the fate of entire nations often depends. We are convinced that in modern society the geopolitical potential of religion is underestimated, which threatens to come completely unprepared to the moment when the religious factor will decide the fate of the entire world community.

Thus, today we can say with confidence that the national security system of Russia is vulnerable without singling out religious security as a separate institution.

In recent years, the problems of religious security have been increasingly addressed by various authors. In particular, the political, social, philosophical, military aspects of this issue were studied. Attempts have been made to study the legal mechanisms for ensuring religious security. At the same time, the term religious security itself has not yet been introduced into scientific circulation and has no official definition., which is a complex and controversial issue. In addition, none of the researchers practically studied the place of religious security in the national security system of the Russian Federation, as well as its constitutional and legal foundations.

In Art. 6 of the “National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020” contains the following definition of national security: “national security” is the state of protection of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats, which makes it possible to ensure constitutional rights, freedoms, a decent quality and standard of living for citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state” .

In the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" dated March 5, 1992 N 2446-1 (as amended on June 26, 2008), Art. 1 contains a legal definition of security, according to which security is “a state of protection of the vital interests of an individual, society and the state from internal and external threats”. Further, the legislator explains that vital interests are "a set of needs, the satisfaction of which reliably ensures the existence and possibilities for the progressive development of the individual, society and the state."

The legislator refers to the objects of security: a person - his rights and freedoms; society - its material and spiritual values; the state - its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Thus, the legislator identifies three levels of security objects - the individual, society, the state, respectively, and religious security must be ensured at all the above levels - at the level of the individual, society and the state as a whole.

In addition, in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" in Art. 3 also gives a definition of a threat, which is understood as "a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state." We believe that this set of conditions and factors should also include religious ones.

It should be noted that in the study of all security issues, including religious ones, the problem of a threat to security arises as a fundamental one. The analysis of legal acts devoted to security shows that the "threat" is the starting point of all reasoning and definitions.

On this basis, we believe that the objects of religious security must be considered in connection with the threats that create danger for these objects.

Threats in this case can be defined as a set of conditions and factors that endanger the vital interests of the individual, society and the state in the religious sphere. The religious sphere includes all social relations where religion is a condition orfactortheir origin and existence.

In Art. 37 of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, religious extremism, as well as the growth of criminal attacks against individuals, are highlighted as the main sources of threats to national security.

The Federal Law No. 114-FZ of 25 July 2002 “On Counteracting Extremist Activities” [as of 29 April 2008] defines religious extremism as: “... incitement of religious discord; propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his religious affiliation or attitude to religion; violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen, depending on his religious affiliation or attitude to religion; obstruction of the legal activities of religious associations, combined with violence or the threat of its use; commission of crimes for the motives specified in paragraph "e" of the first part of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; ... ".

Analyzing the above definition, we can conclude that religious extremism is more related to the sphere of intolerance towards representatives of a particular religion, but then the activities of numerous satanic associations, whose members commit a lot of different crimes, in particular sacrifices, remain behind the “brackets”. animals and people which we consider appropriate to call religious crimes.

Concerning religious crimes, in particular, human sacrifices, then for a Satanist it does not matter who becomes the subject of an attempt, a believer, or even an atheist, anyone can become a victim. From this it can be concluded that religious crimes In particular, human sacrifice remains outside the field of religious extremism, but also poses a significant threat to society.

It should be noted that the development of a list of threats to religious security in itself is an extremely difficult task, which should be the subject of a separate study.

Also, threats within the meaning of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" can be divided into external and internal.

Threats external to the individual in the religious sphere traditionally include violations of freedom of religion. As we noted above, a person may be in danger in the religious sphere even if this person has nothing to do with religion. In particular, people can suffer when an extremist terrorist act is committed by a religious association, or, for example, followers of a satanic association can use almost any person as a victim. In both cases, the victims may be people who have nothing to do with religion, which, however, is insignificant for the subjects of the crime. Or, for example, in some religious associations, such rights of citizens as the right to physical and mental health, to the birth and upbringing of children in a family, a decent education, the right to property, etc. may be violated. But nevertheless, these offenses will belong to the religious sphere, since the conditions, motives and factors of their commission will be purely religious.

But, in addition, in our opinion, the personality is threatened by internal endogenous dangers. For example, the danger of a misunderstanding of the laws of spiritual and religious life, which can result in the emergence of another religious association that is destructive in its essence.

The state should deal with the prevention and elimination of such dangers, since according to Art. 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" it is the main subject of security.

In particular, the state can solve this problem by organizing high-quality religious education for the entire population of the country or, in some cases, by isolating from society those who understand religious life in a distorted way.

Society can be threatened by various kinds of dangers in the religious sphere. This, in particular, is the activity of various religious associations of extremist and destructive orientation of foreign and domestic origin. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the fact that the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Security” highlights the spiritual values ​​of society among security objects. It is noteworthy that in the few works relating to the problems of religious security, most often only society in the narrow sense of this term is considered as an object of security, but often such objects of security as the state and the individual are not considered at all.

In particular, S.V. Kozlov defines religious security as " a state of stable existence, reproduction and original development of confessional traditions of all the peoples of Russia» . And he further explains that “the main object of protection in the course of ensuring religious security is confessional identity, which is based on stable systems of moral and ethical value preferences. The loss of the authority of traditional religious organizations leads to the fact that destructive religious experience has an unlimited impact on society. In this regard, not only the indisputable significance of religious traditions as a social constructive component should be recognized, but also the exclusivity of the religious experience of the nation whose security is in question.

Despite the unacceptably narrow for us understanding of religious security proposed by S.V. Kozlov, we fully agree with him in terms of the fact that the loss of the existence, reproduction and original development of confessional traditions poses a serious danger to Russia. This danger can be caused both by external factors in relation to Russian society and by internal factors. At the same time, the negative impact on Russian society in the religious sphere can be twofold.

On the one hand, these are the activities of numerous foreign destructive religious associations, which can lead to a split in society into small groups along religious lines, and on the other hand, these are the activities of inherently secular structures of foreign states that, using religious factors, actively contribute to the process of maximum polarization. Russian society in this area. But this question concerns the next object of security - the state.

Today, it can be unequivocally stated that the dangers arising in the religious sphere can threaten the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of any state and, in particular, the Russian Federation. A study of the internal documents of some religious associations shows that many of them strive for global domination or the creation of new theocratic states on the territory of existing ones. In this sense, a follower of such a religion will in no case defend the interests of the Russian state.

Thus, we can conclude that religious security has the same objects as security in general: the individual, society, and the state. At the same time, the state is the main subject of ensuring religious security.

Before formulating a final definition of religious security, let us turn in particular to the proposed definitions that exist in this regard.

A.I. Kazannik suggested considering under religious security " system of guarantees of freedom of conscience andreligion within the country, the state of security of vitalinterests of the individual, society and the state from religious extremism and spiritual aggression» . But, the system of guarantees of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion is an integral part of the legal basis of religious security, and therefore, this definition can be considered not entirely correct.

EAT. Shevkoplyas suggests using the following concept of religious security: state of protection of vital interestsindividuals, communities and the state from religious extremism, occultism and spiritual aggression» . In this case, in our opinion, the author narrows down the list of threats to religious security, in particular, does not take into account religious crime, from which security objects need protection.

According to E.S. Suslova, religious security is “ Security from threats and protection of national interests in the spiritual sphere» . In this case, as, indeed, in E.M. Shevkoplyas, in the proposed definitions it is supposed to protect the objects of religious security in the spiritual sphere, which gives rise to a number of questions, in particular, what these authors mean by the term "spiritual".

As we mentioned above, the legislation of the Russian Federation contains the term "spiritual". In particular, it is used when defining one of the areas of national security in the Federal Law "On Security" when determining security objects at the societal level. In this connection, the question arises about the identity of the terms "spiritual" and "religious" and the question of the appropriateness of using the term "religious security", would it not be more correct to use the term "spiritual security"?

It must be said that these terms are not identical. The term spiritual is more voluminous in content than the term religious. The religious sphere (from the Latin religio - piety, shrine, object of worship) is usually attributed to the worldview and attitude, as well as appropriate behavior and specific actions (cult), based on the belief in the existence of God or gods, the supernatural. The spiritual sphere, in addition to the religious component itself, usually includes music, fine arts, philosophy and other objects of the world of culture, which, in fact, constitute objects of security in other spheres, in particular information. Therefore, it seems to us more acceptable to use the term not spiritual, namely religious security.

Accordingly, E.M. Shevkoplyas and E.S. . Suslova, it would be more correct to use the term "religious" in the definitions they propose.

In addition, E.M. Shevkoplyas notes in his definition that security objects must be protected from the occult, with which we agree. But the occult and various occult trends are part of the threats in the religious sphere, and there is no need to single them out in the definition of religious security.

Yu.V. Slastilina offers the following definition of religious security: "the state of protection of the right to freedom of religion from unlawful influence by other persons, religious associations and the state" . With this definition, Yu.V. Slastilina unjustifiably narrows the list of objects of religious security to the right to freedom of religion, which needs to be protected.

But, in most of the definitions analyzed above, there are the objects of religious security that we have identified - this is the individual, society and the state.

Thus, starting from the above reasoning, we can formulate the concept of religious security. Religious security is a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats in the religious sphere.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the various spheres of national security are closely interconnected and mutually complement each other. Each of the types of national security can be quite clearly manifested in the sphere of action of the other. Religious security is no exception.

Thus, there can be no military security in case of penetration into the armed forces of followers of religious associations used by foreign special services for intelligence purposes. A person will never be safe if satanic organizations openly operate in a given society. Or it is impossible to talk about information security if there are religious associations in society that claim that the TV and computer are the tools of the devil. Many such examples can be cited.

We noted that security also implies the possibility of developing a security object. And in this case, the religious factor can also be decisive. Thus, modern experimental science could only appear in societies dominated by Christianity. Whereas in societies with a different religious orientation, for example, in pagan societies, the necessary prerequisites for the emergence of experimental science were absent. And in modern society, one can observe a certain correlation between the dominant religious worldview and the level of development of science and technology. A similar situation can be observed in the economy.

Thus, the religious sphere covers a huge volume of social relations, on the security of which national security as a whole depends. The modern world gives rise to new threats to religious security that need to be comprehensively neutralized. In this sense, religious security is one of the key elements of national security and needs to be singled out as a separate institution.


1. Weber M. Selected works / Per. with him. Comp., total. ed. and after. Yu. N. Davydova; Foreword P.P. Gaidenko. - M.: Progress, 1990. - 808 p.

2. Kozlov, S.V. Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring Religious Security: Cand. ... cand. legal Sciences: 23.00.02. - Rostov n / a: RSL, 2007. - 138 p.

3. Kuraev A., deacon. Tradition, Dogma, Ritual. Apologetic essay. - M.: Publishing House of the Brotherhood of St. Tikhon, 1995. - 416 p.

4. Nikiforov A.K. Silence betrays God. Voronezh: Publishing Department of the Voronezh-Lipetsk Diocese, 2002. - 210 p.

5. Slastilina Yu.V. Freedom of Religion in the Russian Federation: Legal Regulation and Ensuring Religious Security: Cand. ... cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.02. - Omsk: RSL, 1999. - 215 p.

6. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. 2nd ed. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1983. - 1600 p.

7. Suslova, E.S. Religion and problems of national security in the North Caucasus: dis. ... cand. Philosophical Sciences: 09.00.13 - Moscow: RSL, 2004. - 152 p.

8. Shevkoplyas, E.M. Criminal law protection of freedom of conscience in Russia: dis. ... cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.08. - Omsk: RSL, 1999. - 194 p.

Decree of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 15, 1996 N 918-II of the State Duma “On the appeal of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “To the President of the Russian Federation on the dangerous consequences of the impact of certain religious organizations on the health of society, families, citizens of Russia” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1997. No. 1. Art. 52.

Cit. Quoted from: Nikiforov A.K. Silence betrays God. Voronezh: Publishing Department of the Voronezh-Lipetsk Diocese, 2002. P. 60.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 N 537 "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020" // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, May 18, 2009, N 20, art. 2444.

It should be noted that this definition is much more specific than that given in the "Concept of the National Security of the Russian Federation", which stated: "National security of the Russian Federation is understood as the security of its multinational people as the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russian Federation". See: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 N 24 “On the Concept of the National Security of the Russian Federation” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2000. No. 2. Art. 170; In addition, the "National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020" eliminated many of the shortcomings of the previous document - the "National Security Concept of the Russian Federation". Thus, there is no mention of the harmful consequences for Russia of the expansion of only foreign religious associations, as a result of which religious associations of domestic origin that are dangerous for society were left out of the brackets. The new document deals with the danger that can be borne by religious associations in general, without limiting their circle only to foreign ones.

Slastilina, Yu.V. Freedom of Religion in the Russian Federation: Legal Regulation and Ensuring Religious Security: Cand. ... cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.02. - Omsk: RSL, 1999. - S. 75.

Science was born at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries in Christian Western Europe. Despite the fact that certain pre-scientific knowledge was in other cultural communities, nevertheless, science was not born there. This was due to the lack of necessary conditions in them. And only in Christianity were all the necessary conditions for the birth of a scientific picture of the world. In Christianity, it was attested that the world was created by God, therefore it is real and available for study, that the world is not evil, since it was created by God the Merciful, God of Love. At the same time, the world itself is not God, and therefore the study of the world is not blasphemy and not a desecration of the shrine, as it could be interpreted, for example, in ancient society. The world is one, because it was created by one God, which gives confidence in the unity of laws operating in the Universe.

But all these prerequisites were not enough. All of them were present in some other religions, but, nevertheless, science could not develop there. They lacked faith that the world was sufficiently independent of God. For the birth of science, faith in God Love is necessary, Who gives the world the freedom to be itself. Such faith fully existed only in Christianity.

The prerequisites for the emergence of science were also in antiquity. But here, too, the sacralization of nature, its deification, made scientific activity impossible. Here, too, man was not free in his actions in relation to the surrounding reality.

The same thing happened in the Chinese tradition. The loss of faith in a single Creator led to the fact that the human mind could no longer claim its rights to the knowledge of nature.

And only in Christianity does the world, including the human world, have a much greater degree of freedom than in other traditions. See more: Kuraev A., deacon. Tradition, Dogma, Ritual. Apologetic essay. M.: Publishing House of the Brotherhood of St. Tikhon, 1995. 416 p.; Tarasevich I.A. Christianity and the emergence of European science. Tobolsk, 2002. 68 p.

See more: Weber M. Selected Works / Per. with him. Comp., total. ed. and after. Yu. N. Davydova; Foreword P.P. Gaidenko. M.: Progress, 1990. 808 p.


To prevent children from falling into a sect like Moonovskaya, the teaching of the history of religion at school should have not only a purely cognitive, culturological, but also a completely practical goal. This is teaching children the technique of religious safety.

A course in the "history of religion" today cannot be of a purely "academic" nature. For Russia, communism turned out to be a kind of "time machine": religious history went back. Heresies and cults, as if long buried in history, thawed out under the rays of "perestroika" and came out.

Today, without leaving Moscow, you can study all the beliefs that have ever been on Earth. Would you like to join the "esoteric knowledge" of paganism? - Societies of the Roerichs at your service. Do you want to see live Bogomils, Albigensians or Khlysts? - Welcome to the meetings of the "Church of the Mother of God of the Transfiguration." Palaces of culture invite shamans to perform rituals. Krishna and Buddhist ashrams are being created in university dormitories.

This means that the "history of religion" is impossible as a "history" (because it presupposes a respectable distance between the researcher and the object of his interest). Rather, it will be a kind of religious security technique. Today we need to seriously think about how to protect ourselves and our children from sects. The flooded sea of ​​religious preachers has already discovered that it is fraught with human catastrophes. Since it is impossible to ban interest in religion or stop the work of missionaries, it is better to learn to live in a world of real religious diversity.

How not to get into a sect? How to distinguish fakes from the genuine Tradition of the Church? Often today Orthodox-Russian traditions are called those pagan prejudices with which the Church has struggled for centuries. Theology today is not an abstraction and not the subject of a narrow circle of professionals. Theology is a matter of spiritual security, a matter of mere personal survival.

The confidence of the current Russian that any road leads to the Temple, that any "spirituality" is good, makes him defenseless against any guru who approaches him with any "scripture" in his hand. And, therefore, it is time not just to declare their sympathy for the "spiritual treasures of Orthodoxy", but to make efforts to really get acquainted with them.

Today we need to seriously think about how to protect ourselves and our children from sects. The flooded sea of ​​religious preachers has already discovered that it is fraught with human catastrophes. Since it is impossible to ban interest in religion or stop the work of missionaries, it is better to learn to live in a world of real religious diversity.

And for this, knowledge of a kind of "safety precautions" rules is necessary, the observance of which is desirable when in contact with religious preaching.

Rule one: remember forever that "spirituality" is a two-faced word. It only points to inspiration as a source of knowledge or a source of motivation. But it does not vouch for the good quality of what is communicated to a person. There is good inspiration. There is an inspiration of evil. And worst of all, dress-up games are the favorite pastime of dark spirituality. Vysotsky sang: "Not everything that is above is from God." Not everything that speaks of spirituality leads to God. Not all religious paths lead to good. And, therefore, it is not very worth trusting those Theosophine ladies who with aspiration insist on the equal spiritual giftedness of all the religious paths known to them by hearsay.

Rule two: If you have not yet found in yourself the determination or inner experience necessary to enter into a serious religious life, if you feel yourself not only an atheist, but simply a person deprived of the gift of faith - still make your choice. Not in the sense that immediately, now, read the "Symbol of Faith." No, choose and realize what you do not want to believe in and what religious tradition you do not want to be in under any circumstances. Try to say in your heart: "If someday I need to turn to God and to the faith, I would like to pray as an Orthodox, but I would not want to become a member of such and such sects." Between these words of yours and real entry into the church community, more than a dozen years can pass. But if, for example, you decide (not even because of theological arguments, but simply because of family or national tradition) that you will be Orthodox - all these years ahead of you you will be able to protect yourself from too intrusive offers to "worship God Krishna", "learn the name of the Lord Jehovah", "follow the living prophet of the Mother of God John", and even follow the "biblical path of new life", which another American agitator invites you to.

Rule three. Always ask your interlocutor to introduce himself. Faust's troubles became inevitable when he was satisfied with the evasive answer of Mephistopheles ("What is your name?" - "A petty question!"). Do not be satisfied with the self-presentation of the preacher ("We are the "Church of Christ!"). Ask for a more clear account of the history of his community, compel him to clearly state its attitude towards Orthodoxy. In this way you will protect your freedom of choice - for very many preachers just want you to and did not notice that you are being offered a choice and renunciation of the traditional faith of your people.

Rule four. Keep in mind that a religious mission is often covered by purely secular names. If you are invited to free English courses, it will almost certainly turn out to be another sect that is just going to read the Bible (or the Book of Mormon) to you in English, quietly explaining that you should live the way you are told in these lessons. As a result, people pay for "free courses" with their souls, and then with their money - for in a large part of Protestant associations the principle of "tithe" operates: mandatory regular contributions for church needs.

Another favorite cover is "environmental forums", "communication schools", etc. Steiner's pagan occultism is covered, for example, by the signboard of the New Acropolis humanitarian movement. Moon's sect operates under the guise of the International Education Foundation and the International Movement "Women for World Peace". In addition, Moonies often preach on the streets under the guise of badge and sticker dealers, using every contact to strike up a closer acquaintance and invitations to "friendship evenings".

Rule five. Remember that unexpected hospitality shown to you by your new acquaintances is not always a manifestation of sincere goodwill. You are not interested in the sectarians in and of themselves; not what you have now pleases them. Often it's just the joy of new prey. The cordiality and delight that they show you often go beyond reasonable limits. But they have only one meaning - to take you to themselves, to a new community, to new acquaintances. There is a term in the Moon sect that very accurately expresses the essence of these relationships with new acquaintances: "love bombing." "Didn't anyone tell you that you are so smart!"; "I have never met a more sensible girl in my life!"; "Where did you get such an ability to dress!"; "It feels like you know incomparably more than what they give you to your school!".

Rule six. When talking with a preacher, try to find out not only what his faith has in common with other denominations, but also the differences. They may seem insignificant to you; the preacher himself may insist on their insignificance. But in the end, if they are so insignificant - why did they separate from the whole Church because of them? Remember the French proverb: "The devil is in the details."

Rule seven. If the arguments of your interlocutor from the non-Orthodox community seemed convincing to you, still hesitate to make a final decision. For example, if you are told that the Bible forbids painting icons and praying for deceased parents, find a priest, or a person who is knowledgeable in the basics of Orthodox theology, or at least an appropriate book and listen to the arguments of the party accused by your new acquaintance.

Rule eight. Do not make up your mind about this or that denomination only on the basis of anecdotes about the unworthiness of its ministers. Compare not the sins of people, but the foundations of creeds.

Rule nine. Do not consider talking about doctrinal differences as a manifestation of "religious fanaticism" or "intolerance." A philosopher who explains how Kant's teaching differs from Nietzsche's philosophy will not seem to you a bearer of totalitarian consciousness! To study the history of philosophy, limiting yourself to talking about the fact that Kant and Nietzsche were Germans, and besides - philosophers, and both wrote something on matters of faith, is a superficial, and therefore useless exercise. Studying the history of religion only to say that all religions called for peace and love is also an unsafe occupation (remember the "White Brotherhood" with the "Mother of God Center"). The difference of religions is a historical fact. To think that it will disappear just because you won't notice it is a bit naive.

Rule ten. When you are told that Teacher so-and-so has found a way to unite all religions, pay attention to the strange circumstance that any preaching of unification provokes, first of all, yet another disengagement. Remember that any such initiative is really intended to pull you out of your usual religious environment. Rev. Moon did not unite Christians and Hindus. He only created a separate movement, whose members are neither one nor the other, and look down on ordinary believers.

If your new acquaintance himself sincerely believes that all religions are good, why did he leave the quite good, in his own words, Orthodox Church, and rushed on a distant pilgrimage to the eastern esoteric shores? "I didn't expect that from you," said Lady Mountagle. - We just wanted to unite the great religions, Buddha and Christ. You understand, of course, that all religions are the same. “Then why,” asked Father Brown meekly, “to look for them so far?” This question, put to the Theosophist by Chesterton’s Father Brown, is worth repeating more often.

Rule eleven. Recognize every religious community's right to define its own boundaries. If you hear that the Pope of Rome has declared such and such a doctrine to be outside the scope of Catholicism, do not think that you know Catholicism better than the Pope and do not seek to correct it. In the same way, if you hear that Orthodox theologians do not agree with some teaching of the Pope, believe that they have an equally inalienable right to determine what is in accordance with Orthodoxy and what is incompatible with it.

Rule twelve. Just be sober. Do not confuse the psychic enthusiasm that is natural in large gatherings, accompanied by loud music and energetic speech, with the mystery of Christ's entry into the shrine of the human heart. If you got to a meeting of sectarians, then at least do not go out in response to their final call to the stage to accept their "baptism". After all, if you succumb to the effect of the crowd and at the end of an exalted sermon agree to become a member of a sectarian community, you will excommunicate yourself from the Orthodox Church.

As a commentary on this rule, I will cite the story of how one heavily advertised Protestant show in Budapest ended two years ago. The sectarians rented the city's central stadium for him. Since Hungary is a Catholic country, they also invited a Catholic priest to their event. The Hungarian Catholics were well prepared for the landing of the American troops, and therefore the priest who was at the stadium, having received the floor, said only a few words about the benefits of faith and the Gospel and asked the audience, after the end of the stadium action, on the way home, to go to the Catholic churches that surrounded the stadium ... In themselves temples are also well prepared for this. The doors were open. Temples were illuminated. The priests were waiting for the people. And so, when the people, having left the stadium, filled the churches, the priests turned to them with simple questions. "Brothers and sisters! They talked to you for an hour and a half about love. This is very good. But tell me, did you fall in love with someone during these hour and a half? Compassion woke up in you? Did your vision of the world, of a person, of yourself become deeper? No? Well, well, a concert is a concert, and now let us pray in earnest that the Lord will multiply faith in us ... ".

The above are the general rules for a non-church person to protect his soul from sects. I can give two more specific tips to those who want to know how to distinguish Christianity and Orthodoxy from fakes for them.

If you want to know what is the attitude of a Christian preacher who has addressed you to Orthodoxy, there is a very simple way to force him to honestly declare his confessional position. Ask him to cross. And ask him to kiss the icon of the Mother of God. If he refuses, then this is a representative of one of the many anti-Orthodox-Protestant communities. And then - this is already a choice of your freedom: whether you follow him immediately, whether you decide to act as recommended in Rule 7, or remember what was discussed in Rule 2.

There is also a criterion by which you can find out how far your interlocutor is from Christianity. Ask him to explain why Christ died on the cross and why He is called the Savior. The Christian will say that in the end Christ saves us from non-existence and saves us at the cost of his own sacrifice on the cross. A non-Christian will say that Jesus is the Teacher who saved us from the darkness of ignorance and immorality... But why did He go to the Cross, will remain without explanation. Let me just remind you that Christ Himself said "For this hour I came into the world" not before the start of the next sermon, but before the execution ... Here it is worth remembering that although a person has the right to preach anything, he does not have the right (at least measure of moral) to an obvious lie. He can express any view, he cannot only assert that this (that is, the understanding of Christianity, devoid of the understanding of the Cross) is the view of Christ himself.

I believe that even in the most secular schools, children of all faiths and nationalities should know very close to the text, preferably by heart, one specifically Christian text. This is the 24th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew.

"And as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him alone, and asked: tell us when this will be, and what is the sign of your coming and the end of the age? Jesus said to them in response: beware lest anyone deceive you. For Many will come under My name and say, "I am the Christ," and they will deceive many... Then if anyone says to you, "Behold, the Christ is here," or "there," believe it not, for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will give great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you beforehand. Therefore, if they say to you, "Here is He in the wilderness," do not go out; "Behold, He is in hidden places," believe not. For as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man. And suddenly, after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming. who is on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. No one knows about that day and hour, not even the angels in heaven, but only My Father alone. Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come. Therefore, be ready, for at any hour you think not, the Son of Man will come."

Quite a few sects pass off their gurus as "Christs": Mun, and Vissarion, and the "White Brotherhood" and many others.

Even if there is no tram in the city, every student should know that it is necessary to bypass the tram at the bus stop in front. In the same way, every person should know this rule of religious safety: if a preacher says that he knows the newly come Christ, it means that he is not a Christian, but a sectarian. If the preacher assures that he knows exactly the date of the end of the world, then he is not a Christian, but a sectarian.

And then it is already a matter of freedom of every soul: if you want to take a chance and bypass the tram from behind - your business. Want to try life in a sect - your risk. But in any case, it will be a situation of an open choice: you are with Christians or with a sect.

And if suddenly, while thinking about the desirability of a universal religious equation, you find another bout of irritation about "intolerant Christianity" (in full accordance with what is stated in rule 10) - think about the fact that Christ and the apostles preached not in Soviet Russia, but in a deeply religious world. And this deeply religious world, for its deeply religious motives, crucified them... Unlike the current atheistic world, that world of living paganism felt the difference.

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Religious Safety Technique

Recently, the topic of religious education has regained relevance. The reason for this was the notorious defense industry - there are heated debates around it. However, both its supporters and opponents, in my opinion, lose sight of one of the most important aspects of this issue.

Their dispute is, in fact, about whether Orthodox Christianity is good or bad, or, more broadly, whether religion is good or bad in general.

It is obvious that in this form it is meaningless. This problem belongs to the "eternal questions" that cannot be solved either by voting or by controversy in the media - everyone solves it for himself, based on his own knowledge and own experience.

Opponents of the OPK rightly fear that this subject, positioned as “providing knowledge about Orthodoxy that is necessary for an educated person”, in fact, can turn into a one-sided apologetic praise of this religion, in fact, into an advertisement for the ROC.

However, the danger of such an approach is described by them incorrectly. They - at least many of them - represent the matter as follows: when they see "priests" in the lesson and hear that the Bible consists of the Old and New Testaments, the student will immediately believe and run to church at a cheerful gallop. In order to prevent such a sad fate, it is necessary to protect him not only from the defense industry, but in general from knowledge about religion, which in itself is absolutely unnecessary, and even harmful to an enlightened modern person.

It is clear that such an approach to business finds very specific supporters. As well as the arguments that “we have a multinational country”, and therefore Jewish children can study Judaism in schools, Tatar or Chechen - you can study Islam, and only Russians cannot study Orthodoxy.

In fact, the problem is not that a teenager will learn something about Orthodoxy at the lessons of the military-industrial complex - but that he will not learn the most necessary things.

Forbidding young people to be interested in religion is like forbidding the Volga to flow into the Caspian Sea. "Metaphysical intoxication" is a normal stage of intellectual development; and in a society where religion is still quite influential and plays a significant social role, it is possible to protect a teenager from the “opium for the people” only by tying him to a bed. This is not possible, nor is it necessary. There are decisions that everyone must make for himself and be responsible for his mistakes - decisions about choosing a profession, life partner, worldview. On this occasion, you can express your opinion, advise, convince - but you can not use violence or limit information.

However, today's young man, who is interested in religion and is in a "spiritual quest", is at great risk. A risk he usually doesn't realize himself. Many people warn him about the dangers of promiscuous sex or drug use - but no one warns that a wrongly built spiritual life can harm him, comparable to the harm from both.

On the contrary: religious preachers, as a rule, position their religion as absolute truth, the center of goodness, love and light, the source of morality, the highest moral authority, etc., they do not mention any possible problems, and the slightest suspicion that following their religion carries some risk for the believer, perceived as "attacks".

However, religious conversion is by definition a dangerous business. The adoption of a particular religion involves a serious change in the picture of the world, correction of personal ethics, adherence to certain spiritual practices, including those affecting the deeper layers of the psyche. These are serious and difficult changes that carry a great risk for mental health.

At the same time, the Tradition, which, together with a set of dogmas and rules, would provide models for their practical handling in real life, has been destroyed in our country. As a rule, parents do not give the young person models of "religious behavior" and are not authorities for him in this area. In his relations with the higher forces, he is left to himself - and to those people whom he chooses as his teacher. And age-related features of the psyche, lack of life experience, little knowledge of people, youthful idealism and maximalism - all this makes him vulnerable to unscrupulous psychological influence. Simply put, it is very easy for him to fall into the hands of conscious or unconscious charlatans who will turn his roof off.

It is naive to think that such charlatans are found only in totalitarian sects, and that by listing the names of these sects or some of their outward signs, people can be saved from them.

First, sects are constantly evolving, changing, mimicking; secondly, and, most importantly, even the largest and "venerable" religious organizations are not guaranteed against the appearance of sects and sects in their own environment. Yes, yes, and the ROC is no exception here.

The lessons of the CMO, even filled with the most intrusive propaganda, are unlikely to make an unbelieving teenager a believer. The information received in the classroom rarely causes such mental shifts in schoolchildren. The danger is elsewhere. Such activities can fix the child's attention on religious issues, arouse interest in religion, give impetus to "spiritual quests" - but at the same time they will not explain what religion is, "how to deal with it" and what dangers a young person may face along this path.

About how, in what volume and format, with what accents, etc. schoolchildren should be given information about world religions in general and about Orthodoxy in particular - one can argue for a very long time. And I don't want to argue about that now.

But there are things that need to be discussed first. Anyway. In any course - be it the defense industry, religious studies, the history of religions or something else. In general, in any conversation about religion with children or young people. Regardless of the lecturer's beliefs, regardless of the child's (or his parents') beliefs. This is something you NEED TO KNOW - just like a younger child needs to know not to put your fingers in an outlet or talk to strangers.

These are the basic concepts of religious psychology and a kind of "rules of religious security."

I would formulate these rules (of course, in a draft version and very approximately) like this:

1. If you want to join any religious organization - first read the fundamental texts of this religion. Read in the original or in the standard translation (but not in paraphrase), if possible, without commentary. Do not be afraid that you will not understand something in these texts or misunderstand - misunderstanding can always be corrected. But it will form your own well-grounded view of the religion you have chosen, and give you a "foothold" that will help you in the future.

If any important points in these texts cause you incomprehension or rejection - do not join a religious organization and do not make any commitments until you clarify your doubts.

2. Do not perform rites and rituals, the meaning of which you do not understand. Don't do anything that makes you feel strongly about it. A good God - if he exists - cannot demand hypocrisy from you. He does not need pretenders or robots, but sincere, conscious followers.

It is said that you should not take into account your mind ("reason"), feelings and sensations, or you should "renounce your will";

They rigidly insist on observance of ritual actions that are incomprehensible or unpleasant to you, inspire you with a sense of guilt for their non-fulfillment;

They cannot or do not want to explain the rational meaning of certain actions or prohibitions (but they say, for example: “To do so is against the will of God” or “It is necessary that you prove your obedience”);

They interpret your questions and doubts as evidence of your "sinfulness";

Restrict you in obtaining information - for example, they declare it "sinful" or "spiritually dangerous" to read certain books or communicate with certain people;

They offer you to drastically change your lifestyle, quit your studies or work, break up with someone from your relatives or friends;

They argue that those who believe differently or non-believers are, by definition, bad people, that they cannot be moral, lack conscience, etc., that for a believer communication and interaction with them is impossible, unnecessary or dangerous;

They show great interest in your sex life, ask in detail on this topic, talk about sex that confuses or shocks you;

Everything that happens to you is explained by the "wiles of demons" or something like that -

This means that these people are trying, consciously or unconsciously, to harm you.

This does not mean that you should immediately abandon your chosen religion: what to believe and whether to believe at all is only your choice. But this means that it is IMPOSSIBLE to trust these people and obey their instructions. If you need personal authority, find yourself a real Teacher who will not cripple you.

4. If your religious life:

o Makes you feel sad, depressed, afraid, constantly guilty, disgusted with yourself, alienated or disliked by others;

o Leads to serious conflicts or problems in relationships with family and friends;

o Makes you longingly remember the times when you were an unbeliever

- this means that your spiritual life has developed incorrectly and causes serious damage to your psyche.

If you continue like this, this damage may become irreversible. You want to get closer to God, but you're getting closer to a noose or a psychiatric hospital.

The choice is yours. But you've been warned.

One can argue for a long time about what and to what extent "an educated person needs to know." But from the presence or absence of knowledge about ancient Russian icon painting, a person will not die, will not go crazy and will not become unhappy. This is not a matter of vital importance. And knowledge about the technique of religious safety, taught in time to young seekers of truth, can prevent many mental illnesses, broken families and distorted destinies.

Religious Security

The reader, I hope, has already noticed that there is no politics and ideology in our encyclopedia. We will also consider the relationship with religion only from the point of view of personal security. First, some statistics. At the end of 1995, about 12,000 different religious associations belonging to more than 40 confessions were registered on the territory of Russia. The Russian law "On freedom of religion" made it very difficult to single out sectarian communities among registered communities, but one can assume an approximate order of numbers, if in France there are about 800 sectarian organizations, in Britain - about 2000. German researchers calculated that "new gods" are prayed at there are more than 2 million Germans.

It is also known that the Mun sect (one of the most powerful in the world) had representatives in more than 50 Russian cities. According to Western estimates, only in Moscow and St. Petersburg it included about 20 thousand people. By the way preachers from various countries behave unceremoniously in Russia, with its thousand-year-old Christian tradition, one can conclude how they actually relate to foreign faith and history.
foreign Protestant currents (especially numerous - American ones);
exotic non-traditional (“eastern”) sects, both foreign and Russian;
"new religions" - posing as "improved" traditional confessions (including "improved" Orthodoxy) or a successful combination of all confessions;
small occult groups, usually associated with psychics, magicians, sorcerers, etc.

A seemingly harmless event - a visit to a sect out of curiosity - most often quickly turns a person's life into an extreme situation. A well-established method of managing a person leads him to a loss of will and a complete change of interests. Leaving a sect is incredibly difficult, very often such attempts ended in suicide or mental illness. It is believed that the time allotted in order to have time to leave is about six months. But as in protection against most other dangers, the best measures here can be considered preventive.
How do sects differ from world religions?
Experts usually name several main features:
rigid internal organization; moreover, personal subordination becomes noticeable to a member of the sect far from immediately - in the end, it is not God who begins to lead the believer, but the one who speaks on behalf of God; by the way, usually the full structure of a sect is not known to everyone who is a part of it;
personal cult of the head of the sect: as a rule, he calls himself the only one to whom the truth was revealed; under the pseudonym Maria Devi Khristos, declared herself the "Living God" and the mother of the Universe (!) the head of the Yusmalians, Marina Tsvigun, in 1993; the official self-name of the head of the Japanese sect “the teaching of the truth Aum” is His Holiness the Reverend Teacher Shoko Asahara; even little-known "prophets" do not deprive themselves of titles - so a certain El Oachim Monoshes modestly presents himself as the Master of the Universal Consciousness, etc.;
world religions preach the unification of people, sects - sharply separate them (often hiding behind, talking about universal brotherhood), and not only the rest of humanity, but also relatives are declared “strangers”: only like-minded people become the family of a sectarian, and in some sects the mother is declared the worst enemy and even long-dead relatives;
extensive economic requirements for an ordinary member of the sect; when talking about the futility of material goods, it somehow turns out that a person brings his property (or even someone else's) to the sect or works for the sect: sometimes it is the imposition of literature or tickets for religious shows on passers-by, sometimes prostitution, and in the Moon sect - there was even free work in his original "collective farms" and factories. In 1995, for example, German "teachers" received over 18 billion marks from the sale of shirts from their bodies and other wearable items.

The psychophysical technique of influencing people, which is used by sectarians, is very interesting. For example, such a technique as “love bombing” (by Moon): a person who inadvertently gave his phone number to a benevolent preacher is literally bombarded with offers to come to meetings, seminars, etc. And if he comes, he is bombarded with compliments, surrounded by a dense wall of attention and love. The heart thaws, and the first “lessons” are easily laid in it.

Often "truths" are invested in the human psyche, having previously processed his body with many days of fasting and lack of sleep, exhausting exercises - "plastic prayers" or "meditations". There is evidence that some sects use hypnosis and mechanisms that are not yet completely clear, which can most accurately be called human programming. There are also those who use drugs and other “chemistry” in rituals. The criminal methods of the Aum Shinrikyo sect, which became known in 1996, can be considered a typical option.

Traditional sectarian technique - religious shows. Here, the psychophysical reaction familiar to any disc jockey to simple crowd control techniques (joint chanting, loud compliments to the audience, general swaying, holding hands, exposure to sound and light, etc.) is passed off as holy inspiration here. Often, at the same time as the shepherd is on stage, the hall is treated by his associates, who already have individual conversations with the audience and agree on the next meeting.

How to protect your will and property from sects?

Without risking giving advice on such a specific issue, I offer an abbreviated summary of the technique of religious security offered by the dean of the Orthodox University, Deacon Fr. Andrei (Kuraev). Of course, the advice is addressed primarily to the Russian (in particular, the Orthodox) reader, but much here is useful for a representative of any other world religion.

. Always remember that spirituality is a two-faced word. Vysotsky sang: "not everything that is on top is from God." Not everything that speaks of spirituality leads to God. Not all religious paths lead to good.

RULE TWO. If you have not yet found the determination or inner experience necessary to enter into a serious religious life, make your choice. (For example - “If I come to faith, then it will be Orthodoxy” or “I will be a Muslim”, “I will be a Catholic”). Immediately tell yourself what you don't want to believe. More than a dozen years may pass, but if, for example, you decide (not even because of theological arguments, but simply because of family or national tradition) that you will be Orthodox, all these coming years you will be able to protect yourself from the obsessive offers of sectarians .

. If someone talks to you about faith, immediately ask your interlocutor to clearly introduce himself. Do not be satisfied with the name (such as the Church of Christ, the Unification Church, New Holy Russia, etc.). If in front of you is “just a Christian”, ask to clearly express your attitude towards Orthodoxy, icons. This is how you protect your freedom of choice and avoid outright deception: very many preachers just want you to not notice at first that you are offered to renounce the traditional faith of your people.

RULE FOUR. Sectarians often hide behind secular names and goals. Be especially careful if you are invited to a FREE English course: it is very likely that you will just be read the Bible or the Book of Mormon in English. Another favorite cover is "environmental forums", communication schools, seminars on spiritual self-improvement, etc. Steiner's occultism, for example, calls itself the "New Acropolis" humanitarian movement, and Moon's sect (which, by the way, is still called "Association of the Holy Spirit to Unite World Christianity" - although a special commission of the National Council of Churches of the United States back in 1975 concluded that the teaching Muna is not related to Christianity) liked to organize pedagogical seminars.

RULE FIVE. When talking with a preacher, try to find out not only what his faith has in common with other denominations, but also the differences. If the differences are insignificant (a preacher might say), then why separate from the whole Church because of them? Remember the French proverb “The devil is in the details”.

. Listen to more than one side if the arguments of a certain preacher seemed convincing to you. When you are told that the Bible forbids painting icons and praying for deceased parents, find a priest or a person who is knowledgeable in the basics of Orthodox theology. Do not rely on incomplete knowledge.

RULE SEVEN. do not judge this or that denomination only by stories about the shortcomings of its ministers. Compare not the sins of people, but the foundations of creeds.

. do not consider talking about doctrinal differences as a manifestation of "religious fanaticism" or "intolerance". A philosopher who explains how Kant's teaching differs from Nietzsche's philosophy will not seem to you a bearer of totalitarian consciousness.

. When you are told that Teacher So-and-so found a way to unite all religions, pay attention to the strange circumstance that by preaching unity, for some reason people are led first of all to isolation and division. Know how to notice the hidden goal - to pull you out of your usual religious environment.

RULE TEN. Recognize every religious community's right to define its own boundaries. If the Pope of Rome declares some doctrine to be outside the scope of Catholicism, do not assume that you know Catholicism better than the Pope and do not undertake to argue with him. If Orthodox theologians do not agree with some teaching of the Pope, believe that they also have the right to determine what is consistent and what is incompatible with Orthodoxy.

RULE ELEVEN. just be sober. Don't be influenced by the crowd. Do not confuse the psychic enthusiasm that is natural in large gatherings with music and energetic speech, with the sacrament of Christ's entry into the shrine of the human heart. If you happen to be at a meeting of sectarians, then at least don't go out in response to their final call to the stage to receive their "baptism" - the consequences will be more serious than it might seem in a hall full of enthusiasts. Don't rush to give your phone number and address to unexpected "friends".

The dean of the Orthodox University supplements these rules with a simple sign by which one can distinguish the preachers of numerous anti-Orthodox Protestant sects: ask to cross themselves and kiss the icon of the Mother of God. The sectarian will refuse. And for many other sects (especially the exotic oriental ones), a clear criterion can be considered the question - why did Christ die on the cross and why was he called the Savior. A non-Christian is likely to say that Christ is one of the teachers who saves from ignorance and immorality. For a Christian, Christ is the Savior from non-existence, and this salvation is at the cost of the sacrifice on the Cross.

The relatives of a person who has fallen into a sect must, first of all, not make the main mistakes: hope that this “will pass by itself”, waste time, and also sharply and rudely deny his new hobby. Instead, the appeal of traditional values ​​can be shown. Try to recall the attractiveness of former secular interests, create a new joyful environment, awaken consciousness to reality, "ground" perception - including family events, travel, common activities. Create a situation in which this person must help someone urgently, etc.

Only after there are signs of doubt (for example, in the purity of the goals or the personality of the leader of the sect) can one very carefully - better by the example of another - begin to talk about why the chosen path leads to error. In doing so, you will have to hide your emotions and your personal pain.

Contact public organizations that unite relatives of those who suffered from sectarians, seek help from priests. In Moscow, for example, Fr. Oleg (Stenyaev) and a group of parishioners of the Church of All Who Sorrow Joy on Bolshaya Ordynka. The Catechesis Department of the Moscow Patriarchate is also dealing with this problem.

And reliable information about Islam can be obtained at the Historical Mosque, which is located on Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street in Moscow.

Well, in order to have enough strength to rescue a person from a sect, from the very beginning one must come to terms with the fact that it will take a lot of time, tune in to a hard and long struggle - it cannot be different, because this is a real struggle for the soul of a person.

Kalinin V.N., Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Legal Adviser of the Moscow Patriarchy

"Religious associations are separated from the state and equal before the law" (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 14)

"The Lord will have mercy on Russia and lead her through suffering to great glory" (St. Seraphim of Sarov)

"No society can exist without religion" (Michel Welbeck. "Elementary particles")

Is it possible to assume that religious activity while professing a particular religion poses a threat to personal, public or state security, violates the legally established rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen? It is not religion itself, not the use of the right to freedom of conscience and religion that causes anxiety and concern, but religious organizations, movements, centers created by believers often attract attention in our time by manifestations of extremist, nationalist activities, including terrorism in its various actions: from explosions before the spread of infections. There are many reports of such facts.

Now the search for global ways to counter religious extremism has begun, but no noticeable results have been achieved. This publication makes a modest attempt to draw attention to this problem, which deserves both a deeper study and extensive publications.

The events of recent years give reason to start considering the problem of religious extremism with the Muslim religion, with Islam. Now everywhere there has been an increased interest in both the history and the present state of Islam. This is largely due to the terrorist manifestations of Islamic religious and religious-political organizations. The extremist activities of radical Muslim organizations have acquired international significance. The tenets of Islam do not interfere with the creation of Islamic banks, insurance companies, trade and other commercial structures, including in collaboration with non-Christians. The funds received, and considerable ones, are also spent on supporting the religious and extremist activities of Islamic organizations.

About a billion Muslims live on earth. Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity. Islam is an essential part of the way of life of the population of Muslim states. Muslim families, as a rule, have many children. In Russia, of the 148 million people that make up its population, according to 1990 data, about 12 million are considered to belong to the Muslim faith. The Muslim community in Russia ranks second in terms of the number of religious associations. Conflicts and disagreements between them led to the disunity of Muslim organizations throughout Russia, where two main Islamic religious centralized organizations officially operate: the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, its chairman Tolgat Tadzhuddin (Ufa) and the Council of Muftis of Russia, headed by Ravil Gainutdin (Moscow) . Relations between these organizations are more than unfriendly: they are accompanied by mutual accusations of supporting Wahhabism, receiving financial assistance from foreign Islamic centers associated with Wahhabist terrorist groups. It is quite understandable that such civil strife and the desire of many local Islamic religious organizations for autonomy are unfavorably perceived by Muslim believers and create a negative opinion in society. Discord in Muslim organizations is also not indifferent to the state authorities, since the problem of Islamic religious extremism and Wahhabism creates a certain tension for the country.

Modern Islam is many-sided and multifaceted, the adherents of its numerous directions, movements and interpretations profess "peaceful" Islam, but there are others whose radicalism is closely connected with violence, terror, fanatical hatred of the infidels, with manifestations of extreme nationalism. Being one of the world's religions, Islam does not have a single organization, centralized hierarchy and jurisdiction, and with one faith, there is a big difference in the practice of Islam in different countries and regions.

The ministers of the Muslim cult and together with them the ideologists, theologians and propagandists of Islam use a variety of ways and means to effectively influence the minds, feelings and actions of Muslim believers. There are judgments about the countries of Islam as states of war, they even talk about a world war that can be unleashed by Islamic religious fanatics. There are regions where a generation of people poisoned by religious-terrorist propaganda is growing. It will take a lot of time and effort to overcome the prevailing stereotypes of thinking and convince that terrorism is unacceptable for the lives of people of any religion.

The radical confession of Islam is brought to Russia by young Muslims studying abroad in Islamic educational institutions, as well as by foreigners who interpret Islam and Sharia in theological educational institutions differently from the traditional Russian Muslims.

Here is one example of this kind: 3 Turkish citizens arrived in the city of Oktyabrsky (Bashkortostan) to help the Muslim brothers raise and educate children. In the created boarding house, children began to instill faith in Allah not within the framework of traditional Islam, but from the standpoint of a militant, radical nationalist Muslim belief, alien to the population of the republic. Having realized it, the authorities made the only correct decision - to stop the activities of the missionaries and expel them from Russia.

The holy book of Muslims, the Koran, instructs believers to worship and be in obedience only to Allah and his messenger, and this is accompanied by threats against non-believers, calls to fight against the infidels. Despite the inconsistency of the text of the Koran, it contains dogmas that are very severe in relation to the "infidels". Here is a call from Sura "Repentance" 3 (3): "Rejoice those who do not believe (in Allah, the author), with a painful punishment; also in the same sura: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, .." 1. There is no doubt that fanatically believing adherents of Islam do not become tolerant of non-believers from such calls.

Literature of the 80s contains very scarce references to Wahhabis. In the last decade of the XX century. and in our time, there is a daily flow of information about violence and terror from Muslim religious organizations of the Wahhabi direction. The Wahhabis consider their movement in Islam to be the main and sinless movement with the right to judge and punish "infidels" and wage jihad. The armed groups of Wahhabis aim not only to achieve monotheism (direct, without intermediaries of faith in Allah), but also set political tasks: the establishment of state power according to their own rules with the establishment of Sharia. There is information about the intention of the militant Wahhabis to create an Islamic state of the Caucasus, to restore Muslim-style power on the lands of the Crimean peninsula. Money for the Wahhabis comes not only from the Arab countries, their supporters trade in robbery and robbery, captures of people for ransom. According to the Muslim calendar, the year is 1423...

Jihad, a war for the Muslim faith, for the triumph of Islam, occupies a significant place in the teaching and practice of Islam. According to Muslim ideas, the one who died in jihad is declared a martyr - a martyr, who after death is destined for a heavenly life, eternal bliss with black-eyed maidens (houris) with all sorts of pleasures that are not in earthly life. Sometimes the suggestion is reinforced by drugs. Those who believe go to their deaths: people-bombs have become weapons of the 21st century.

Jihad is considered a means of establishing Islam. In a general sense, this also means an armed struggle against those who do not profess Islam. In jihad, extreme cruelty is prescribed in relation to the enemy: adult men are destroyed or become prisoners who can be killed (if they do not convert to Islam), freed for a ransom or made into slaves. It is forbidden for a jihadist to kill women and children. The concept of jihad is modified in different historical periods, and yet the generally accepted interpretation of jihad is defined as an armed war against the infidels, against those who do not believe in Allah.

The kamikaze shahid fanatics who believed in Allah have mastered terror both on land and in the air and, according to analysts, are preparing for large-scale terrorist attacks on the seas and oceans, with the aim of destroying passenger and military ships and ports. Examples of this: the blowing up of the American destroyer "Cole" in the Yemeni port of Aden, the explosions of two passenger ferries in Sri Lanka, which resulted in the death of more than 400 people. For Islamic suicide bombers, state-of-the-art equipment is being purchased. There are also combat swimmers-bombers, human torpedoes, adopted by terrorists from the experience of Japanese kamikaze during the Second World War.

From what has been said, with good reason, we can conclude that Islamic extremism is fraught with a threat to state, public, and personal security.

Not only Muslim radical formations undermine peace and tranquility of people on earth - there are others. A few years ago, the whole world became aware of a major terrorist attack by the religious sect Aum-Senrikyo in Japan. The activities of this sect also manifested themselves in Russia. Not without the assistance of some high officials, the sect began to gather groups of followers who owed their fanatical faith to the spiritual teacher Shoko Asahara. The ban on the sect in Russia and the expulsion of several missionaries forced the groups to go underground. Many victims of this, so to speak, religion come to Orthodox churches and rehabilitation centers for help in order to get rid of the corrupting spirit emanating from the preachers of the sect.

A case of biological terrorism in the recent past took place in the small American town of Dallas (Oregon, Wasco County). The religious community of Bhagowan Shri Rajneesh decided to establish their international headquarters there. Relations with the local authorities were not in favor of the community, litigation began. At this time, 750 people in the town fell ill with salmonellosis for one month. A thorough investigation was carried out. It turned out that the source of infection were vegetable dishes in a number of eateries. For a whole year they were looking for a chain from the source to the spread of the pathogen. Finally, a test tube containing a pure culture of the bacterium, the causative agent of the same strain that had caused the outbreak, was found in a laboratory run by the community. The terrorists have been identified. A parallel operational investigation confirmed the guilt of two members of the community. The court sentenced them to imprisonment.

It would seem that mutual aggressiveness is alien to Christian denominations, especially reaching confrontation with the use of weapons, but not only history, but also our time knows that this occurs. For many years, clashes between Protestants and Catholics in Ulster have not stopped, accompanied by riots, and sometimes shooting and arson. The efforts of politicians do not lead to stabilization and peaceful relations between the Catholic and Protestant parts of the population of Northern Ireland. Clashes between the Catholic Irish Republican Army and Protestant terrorist groups fade away, then flare up with renewed vigor. The sectarian conflict continues.

In Western Ukraine, inter-religious conflicts reach the point of violence between Orthodox and Greek Catholics - Uniates.

The Orthodox denomination, and above all religious organizations that are in the hierarchy and jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church, determine their activities in obedience to the law, in the charter each organization of the Church undertakes to comply with the laws of the Federation and its subjects. The concept of relations between the Church and the state is formulated with sufficient certainty in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church. This document was adopted by the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000. The "Basics" says that "the Church not only orders its children to obey state power, regardless of the beliefs and religion of its bearers, but also to pray for it," the following is a quote from the Gospel: "That we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and purity" (1 Tim. 2:2). The moral meaning of the state is seen as "foundations" in limiting evil and maintaining good, while the deification of rulers is excluded. And another very significant provision: "If the authorities force Orthodox believers to apostatize from Christ and His Church, as well as to sinful, soul-damaging acts, the Church must refuse to obey the state."

Missionary activity in Russia is carried out annually by up to 1,500 missionary preachers from the USA, the Republic of Korea, Germany and other countries. The bulk of missionaries are sent by Protestant churches. The cost of this activity reaches 1 billion dollars a year. Missionary work became most acute in the Far East region of Russia. Directly or indirectly, foreign missionaries create their representation from the state, whose interests they actually represent. In missionary work, according to one researcher, in addition to the piety of the spirit, politics and patriotism should be noticeable. Missionary work often serves to use religious factors in solving state-political problems in foreign policy activities. In geopolitical terms, missionary activity is an ideological expansion in relation to the population of a given region, influencing them in their own interests. Missionaries do not shy away from commercial activities.

In the wake of democratic reforms, the love for freedom also touched on freedom of religion, mainly freedom manifested itself in the creation and activity on the territory of Russia of new, non-traditional for Russia, sect-like formations of a religious direction. Religious formations, hidden from the attention of the authorities, revived and declared themselves. On the announcement of unlimited freedom of belief, namely, it was proclaimed by the law of the RSFSR of 1990 (repealed in 1997), missionaries of all stripes flooded into the country from both the West and the East, foreign preachers not only of their faith in God, but also of certain political aspirations, including - illegal, anti-state. The Liberal Democrats were pleased, but the public was uneasy. Women's and youth organizations sounded the alarm, began to demand from the authorities to limit the anti-social, immoral activities of sect-like neoplasms.

70 years of universal, forced, state atheism, which created a spiritual void among the people, created a favorable environment for the fishermen of human souls, from benevolent Mormons to Satanists. The state has forgotten about its obligation to protect society from the quasi-religious, sometimes openly extremist activities of groups, sects and organizations.

The authorities and society do not pay due attention to the very serious problem of missionary activity in Russia by foreign religious organizations in the geopolitical aspect. Meanwhile, activities of this kind, both now and in the future, pose a certain threat to the state security of the country, its integrity, and the normal functioning of public authorities. A significant part of the missionary activity of foreign religious organizations poses a danger to the national interests of the country. Published data confirming the scope of religious missionary activity2.

The National Security Concept of the Russian Federation (New edition of January 10, 2000) proclaimed "...counteracting the negative influence of foreign religious organizations and missionaries"3. cultural and religious expansion into the territory of Russia by other states. We wish the authorities activity.

Protection of Russia's security from religious associations conducting propaganda and (or) agitation, as well as other activities that undermine the defense and security of Russia under martial law, is provided for in the Federal Law of 01/30/02 "On Martial Law". According to this law, the activities of such a religious organization must be immediately suspended by the executive authorities.

The Basic Russian Law on Religious Organizations, adopted in 1997, as amended in 2002, warns a religious association of responsibility if its activities are carried out in violation of personal, public or state security. On the grounds specified in the law, the court has the right to suspend or prohibit the activities or liquidate such an organization. Such grounds according to the law are: violation of public safety and order, extremist activity, coercion to destroy a family, infringement on a person, rights and freedoms of citizens, causing damage to morality, use of narcotic drugs, hypnosis, inducement to suicide, refusal (for religious reasons) from necessary medical care, obstruction of compulsory education, compulsion to alienate property in favor of a religious organization. There are two more special circumstances: the first - by means of threats to force them to stay in a religious association, contrary to their personal desire to leave it, and the second - to influence citizens to refuse to fulfill their legitimate civic duties and to incline them to illegal actions.

In Russia, the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 "On counteracting extremist activity" was recently adopted and began to operate. The need for such a law began to be felt in the mid-90s, but only now, having overcome the opposition of some deputies, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted this law.

The law refers to violent anti-state actions, the creation of illegal armed formations, the implementation of terrorist activities, the incitement of racial, national or religious hatred to extremist activity. Extremism also includes other similar illegal manifestations, as well as public calls for extremism, financing or other assistance in its implementation. Associations of any religious affiliation are subject to the law, regardless of state registration, i.e. both religious organizations and groups are legally responsible. The law also applies to other organizations, associations and formations, except for religious ones, as well as to individuals.

The law specifies measures to counter extremism, the rights and obligations of state bodies in relation to religious and other organizations that allow actions of an extremist nature, a list of such measures: from issuing a warning and issuing a warning to suspending, departments within this organization. The peculiarity of the law is not only in the severity of the measures that can be applied, but also in the fact that the mechanism for their implementation is prescribed. If the organization believes that its legal rights have been violated, it has the right to apply for judicial protection. Now a "legal package" of legislation has been formed to counter extremist activity and create public peace in the country, prevent terrorist acts, and real protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

In the 80s. in the Soviet Union, there were 32 departments of scientific atheism in universities and a number of higher educational institutions. According to atheistic science, many dozens of doctors of sciences and hundreds of candidates were engaged in research activities. In our time, scientific atheism has fallen silent or taken on a different guise, becoming religious science or freethinking, but without its former scope and without state support. Attempts are being made to recreate atheistic societies, but serious people do not join them. In fact, converting believers into atheists is a dubious matter from the point of view of the law, and may even be anti-legal, since atheistic activity is directed against the right of a person and a citizen to profess one or another faith, i.e. against the personal right to be religious.

It is hardly possible to revive the former militant atheism, but rude attacks and calls by anti-religious figures to fight religion, to establish the ideology of atheism in the country, albeit to a very weak degree, but they can bring a certain confusion into the public consciousness, but this does not pose a great danger.

The authorities and society are obliged to resist extremism and spiritual aggression, this is the duty of the state, which, according to its high mission, is obliged to ensure the protection of the people. Religious beliefs are a personal matter of a person and a citizen, but they cease to be such when organizations are created that threaten the security of people, among whom such organizations "work". Here, for the sake of the security of man, society and the state, the authorities must act.


1. Koran. Per. I.Yu.Krachkovsky. M.: Publishing house of Eastern literature, 1963.

2. Svishchev M.P. Missionary activity in the context of geopolitics. M.: Publishing house of the RAGS, 1999.

Sectology, false religions and superstitions

When wisdom enters into your heart, and knowledge is pleasing to your soul, then prudence will protect you, reason will protect you in order to save you from the evil way, from the man who speaks lies... Proverbs of Solomon 2:10-12.

This information resource is mainly devoted to organizations that some people call "totalitarian sects", others - "destructive cults", others - "non-traditional religious movements", but we will simply call them "sects". The materials posted here will help you answer the question of what to do if your loved one got into a sect. You will learn how sects differ from traditional religions, why Christians are “intolerant” to sectarianism. In addition to the problem of sectarianism, the site also contains materials on a comparative analysis of traditional religions, as well as other interesting and useful information.

All posted works are archived in ZIP, also for each of the works its size and format in which it is posted is reported. The main formats used are rtf, html and pdf. Some works are laid out in several formats, for example, if it is written rtf + html, this means that by downloading the file you will find the same work in the two specified formats.

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The path to immortality is through death. Sects and protection from their influence.

From the materials of the competition of students' works "Dangers through the eyes of schoolchildren", held by the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety (MANEB).
Methodological guidance: A. Serov;
prepared for publication by K. Malayan.

In life safety lessons, we are taught how to behave in the event of natural disasters, epidemics, in the criminogenic conditions of modern society, how to protect ourselves and our property from thieves and swindlers, but how to protect ourselves from the "kings of darkness" - there is no such topic in the curriculum . I think that it is very useful for young people to know at least how "soul catchers" operate. Among the methods of involvement in sects and retention in them are the following:
1. Obsession.
2. Ensuring the mandatory employment of the "chosen ones" (not a minute of free time to realize what is happening).
3. Group pressure (once became a member of a sect, he must obey the will of the majority).
4. Sleep deprivation (permission to go to bed after midnight and the requirement to get up early).
5. Restriction in food (the requirement to observe various fasts, since hunger makes a person more pliable and suggestible).
6. Suggestion of a guilt complex (say, all evil is from your misunderstanding of the truth).
7. Constant control over behavior and consciousness (carried out through a detailed system of individual mentoring).
8. Deception and promises.
9. The use of attractive mystery in paraphernalia and rituals.
10. Intimidation and blackmail.
11. Use of hypnotic methods.
12. Organization of group responsibility for criminal acts (for example, bloody sacrifices).

I would like to end my story with a slightly modified phrase of the Czech journalist Julius Fucik, who fell at the hands of the German fascists:
“People, I love you, be vigilant! Don't let the forces of darkness take over your souls!"


Rolled sect revealed
Publication date: 10.11.2005 17:51:00 From: Gazeta.Ru

The special services of the Voronezh region uncovered an underground religious sect that, with the help of psychotropic drugs, drove people to suicide. According to the investigation, adherents of the Belovodie sect, which has been operating in different regions of Russia for more than 10 years, are tortured, raped and drugged.

In Voronezh, the special services managed to eliminate an underground sect that had been operating in the region for several months, recruiting residents and then systematically subjecting them to moral and physical suffering.
As the investigation found out, Belovodie has been operating underground in Russia for more than 10 years. According to investigators, the sect has a well-organized conspiratorial network centered in Novosibirsk. Separate cells of the religious sect are located in the Khabarovsk Territory, Saratov, Irkutsk, Leningrad regions, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia. The leader of the sect is Konstantin Rudnev (pseudonyms - "Bogomud Altai Kagan", "Roll", "Teacher").
As noted in the Voronezh department of the FSB, the doctrine of the sect is a mixture of occult-religious and neo-Hindu teachings. According to Pavel Bolshunov, a spokesman for the FSB department, members of the sect involve people in it with the help of psychological methods of influence that suppress the will of a person. At the same time, the sectarians themselves do not recognize themselves as a religious group. During the recruitment of new adherents, they pretend to be "persons who are fond of various philosophical currents."
According to the investigation, the life of members of the religious community takes place far from the outside world - in cottages specially built for this purpose, which the members of the sect themselves call ashrams. The leaders of the cells promote among their novices the leaving of the family, religious intolerance and the superiority of the "rulonites" (from one of Rudnev's pseudonyms) over the surrounding people.

Members of the sect are forbidden to make contact with the local population, go beyond the territory of households and inform their loved ones about their location.
For conspiracy in the sect, everyone communicated only by their first names and did not know their real surnames.
The newly arrived members of the Belovodye sect, under the guise of a “purification course”, are kept locked up in dark rooms for several days, do not give them food and are deprived of sleep. And in order for new members of the community to “better understand the process,” they are given narcotic “shaman tea,” FSB officers said. The infusion is made from herbs collected in the mountainous regions of Altai. “As a result of drinking tea, people lose their sense of reality and are in a state of inexplicable euphoria,” said Pavel Bolshunov.

Group orgies are also promoted among community members: “voluntary” rapes of adherents, torture, and sexual intercourse with animals.

It is precisely due to these orgies, they say in the FSB, that the sectarians managed to make good money: video recordings of scenes of sexual violence were sold abroad.
As it turned out during the investigation, the leaders of the sect even involved children in the community: according to employees of the Voronezh FSB, "children's camps" were created among the cells of the sect for those whose parents are followers of the Belovodie movement.

The fact that the sect operates on the territory of the Voronezh region, the investigators learned from one of the adherents of the "Belomorye" - a 29-year-old resident of the Khabarovsk Territory, who became disillusioned with the teachings of the "rulonites" and came with a statement to law enforcement agencies.

According to him, he got into the sect back in 1993. First, according to a member of the religious community, he took a course at the Academy of Happiness (an educational center where cult rites take place), where he studied hypnosis, shamanic practices, the occult and methods of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Since 1997, at the direction of the leadership of the sect, a Khabarovsk citizen has been "recruiting" young girls who were to become priestesses - "concubines" of the sect leader Konstantin Rudnev. In addition, in the Khabarovsk Territory, he opened an office of alternative medicine and astrology. But in early 2005, the district prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against him under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud) and art. 235 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal medical practice). A recognizance not to leave was taken from the suspect - and already in March he left for the center of the "rollers" Novosibirsk, where he became close to Rudnev. Then a resident of Khabarovsk moved to the Saratov region, where he underwent a “cleansing course”.

In early September, together with a group of other participants in the movement, he went to Voronezh to complete the construction of a cottage, where it was planned to create another Belovodia residence.

There he was engaged in finishing work and cult practice. Subsequently, he, as well as other "builders" of the new cottage, were to begin recruiting residents of the Voronezh region. According to him, from time to time a superior mentor, the so-called inspector, came to Voronezh, who brought lots of "shaman tea" and controlled the "learning process" of people included in the sect. The inspector beat the adherents with a bamboo stick, threatened that if they left the sect, they would be subject to criminal prosecution by law enforcement agencies and retribution by the “Rulonites” themselves. However, an adept from Khabarovsk suddenly “surrendered” his accomplices to the special services himself.

During the inspection of the Voronezh “ashram”, the FSB and the Organized Crime Control Department detained six members of the sect in the cottage. All of them were from different regions: Belgorod, Moscow, Orenburg, Tomsk region, Mineralnye Vody, as well as from the Kherson region of Ukraine.

Some of the detainees were listed as missing persons and wanted by their parents. According to the preliminary conclusion of the narcologist, all the sectarians were in an unstable mental state, could not adequately explain what was happening, their location in time and space. Separate physical signs (lack of pupillary reaction to light) indicated the possible use of psychotropic drugs, doctors said after examining the sectarians.
After a conversation with the investigators, all the detainees were released. They were sent to places of permanent residence. Based on the materials regarding the organizers of the Belovodie sect, the special services informed the law enforcement agencies of those regions where the “rollites” are already actively working. However, whether the sect will be completely eliminated in Russia is still unknown.

Recently, in our life, despite the difficult socio-economic conditions, more and more attention is paid to the spiritual side of life. This is facilitated by the social processes taking place in our society. For the first time in many years, freedom of conscience has received real recognition in practice.

But often interest in spiritual enlightenment takes on monstrous forms and consequences, namely mass suicides on religious grounds (Germany), terrorist attacks (Japan) and other terrible things. Thus, the process of searching for the truth, among other things, has another side - the criminal one.

But this is in the west, but what about us? In Russia, the development of religious structures has still reached this level. However, there are already sad examples of the activities of the White Brotherhood and AUM Shinrikyo, and although they are banned, nevertheless, their branches continue to operate secretly.

And while missionary activity in Russia has not reached a foreign criminal level, it makes sense to think about how to prevent the manipulation of consciousness for selfish purposes by the leaders of religious organizations.

A new approach or once again about totalitarian sects

The need to combat anti-social religious organizations stems from part 5 of article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “The creation and activities of public associations whose goals or actions are aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining the security of the state, creating armed formations, inciting social, racial, national and religious hatred”.

An analysis of practice makes it possible to identify possible criminal activities of individual religious organizations - from violence against individual members to terrorist attacks or the use of believers for political or economic espionage in favor of other states. So, for example, Satanists used physical violence against their members in order to keep them in the community. In the 1960s, several trials were held on accusations of members of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization of spying on the territory of the USSR for the benefit of the United States; at present, the activities of this organization are banned in many regions.

Until now, many researchers have seen the solution to the problem in the development of the theory of the so-called "totalitarian sects". However, in science there is no concept of a sect, especially a totalitarian one. Supporters of this approach sought to find signs of totalitarian politics in the activities of religious groups. But in practice, they found it difficult to give an exhaustive list of such features. Studies show that it is precisely the majority of religious structures that correspond to their features, since the system of these features is so imperfect that it allows any religion, sometimes even a traditional one, to be subsumed under them. Therefore, existing approaches do not allow an adequate assessment of the socio-political situation. In addition, the identification of totalitarian sects is more likely to cause incitement of religious hatred, which is unacceptable. A qualified scientific approach is needed. But already frightened Russians, rushing to extremes, having previously joined all associations in a row, are now trying to discern an enemy of society in any religious organization.

Indeed, any religious organization has significant influence over its members. Using this, the leaders of a religious organization can influence their personal decisions and even public actions. But any religious organization can also promote its beliefs and its main task is to attract new members. Therefore, the anti-social nature of this or that organization does not depend on the success of the "development" of the territory and the pace of development.

The current socio-political situation in the country is characterized by a number of circumstances affecting consciousness. The main factor determining it is the activity of public, including religious and political organizations. It is these organizations that "work" in direct contact with the population, and therefore they are entrusted with the ideological education of citizens, which forms their ideology - the basis of social life. Thus, religion can act as both a constructive and a factor that destroys social ties. Therefore, the state and we ourselves cannot be indifferent to the activities of such organizations. The life support system of the state depends on who and how will be engaged in social education, what ideas will be presented and on what ground to lay down.

In the fight against anti-social religious associations, one should not forget about the presumption of innocence, according to which neither the organization nor its leadership can be found guilty until the appropriate decision is made by the court. But the consideration of the case in court is preceded by painstaking work, which does not always end with the transfer of the case to the court. Therefore, it is much more effective to carry out explanatory and preventive work. But the development of religious structures and the emergence of new ones is happening rapidly, so that today not a single law enforcement agency is able to provide preventive work in this area. There are no statistics on offenses in the field of religious missionary activity. How can the state guarantee citizens the observance of rights within religious organizations? It seems that the time has come to draw public attention and understand that this is a public and complex problem. Its solution can be called the "concept of religious security." Its main provisions boil down to the following points:

1) Considering the problem of religious security, it should be remembered that from the point of view of legislation and any religion, following a particular teaching is a voluntary matter. None of us has the right to change this choice of a particular person. The basis of this choice is the belief of the individual in the truth of the doctrine. Religion is based on belief. Even the German philosopher I. Kant in the 18th century proved that the existence of God cannot be proven or refuted by the science of decay, and therefore it is impossible to prove or disprove the truth of a particular religion. One can only be convinced of this. Attempts to do so cause an ideological dispute. And the issue should be resolved from a legal point of view.

2) Solving the issue from a legal point of view. Under the law, all religions are equal. A person can adhere to any creed and follow it. Therefore, the legislation does not single out socially dangerous types of religions. Legislation, unfortunately, only prohibits the creation of religious organizations that follow teachings aimed at inciting hatred and undermining the foundations of the constitutional order. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for a ban on the propaganda of a destructive ideology or dogma in the law. For example, there are countries where fascist ideology and symbols, Satanism and some other religions are prohibited. As long as there is no such law, there is a significant danger that the fight against violations of religious freedom will turn into the persecution of individual religious groups, which again will lead to inciting religious hatred.

3) From the point of view of legal practice, there are hardly any religious organizations that have never violated the laws of the Russian Federation in any way. The task is to suppress and prevent the most serious offenses associated with violence or a threat to public safety. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that it is not religion itself or religious teaching that is guilty of offenses, but specific individuals. That is why religion itself cannot be banned, just as any other idea cannot be banned.

Since, in accordance with Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the highest value is a person, his rights and freedoms, then the main object of the concept of religious security should be a person. As practice shows, the main offenses in the field of the right to freedom of religion are:

1) Providing incomplete or deliberately false information about the essence of the doctrine (mimicry). Many missionaries, in order to recruit new adherents, are trying to pass off a new religion as traditional, most often Orthodox. So, for example, some representatives of the Unification Church (M. Moon) appear to be Orthodox, the followers of Taoism claim that their religion is compatible with Orthodoxy, E. Rada also claims that he has “initiation” (!) From the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church. All sorts of sorcerers and magicians in the press prefer to be photographed against the background of Orthodox icons. Although in any of the listed cases, the ROC has nothing to do with them and, moreover, is in absolute opposition. And I emphasize again that the right of every citizen to follow this or that doctrine cannot be disputed, but when a citizen crosses the threshold of a religious organization, he has the right to know about the real attitude of this organization to a particular religion.

A special place in this regard is occupied by esoteric teachings. Often, in order to increase the interest of citizens who do not have a special education, the disseminated religious teaching is given a scientific character, or vice versa, the scientific theory is replaced and filled with non-scientific knowledge, for example, Ufology, Scientology. Moreover, ancient occult religions are trying to appear in the form of modern sciences, which finds expression in the form of healing and astrology. By the way, in encyclopedias, astrology directly relates to occultism, but its followers are silent about this everywhere.

2) The requirement to renounce the exercise of civil rights or obligations as the main condition for being a member of a religious organization. So, for example, in the ranks of the Jehovah's Witnesses, there is a widespread opinion that a person who becomes their member automatically becomes a citizen of the Kingdom of God, and accordingly, the former duties are not necessary for him. Therefore, in legal practice, there were claims against the members of this organization who refused to join the army, there were scandals with the refusal of blood transfusions to victims, etc.

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