What are the benefits of a certificate of honor from JSC Gazprom. Analysis of internal CSR PJSC "Gazprom". The President of Russia awarded the oilmen

For many years, Gazprom has been carrying out its activities taking into account the interests of employees, the local community, and public organizations. The company's strategy takes into account the principles of social responsibility and is focused on such development, which, in addition to improving production results, contributes to positive socio-economic changes.

The Company's personnel management policy is based on compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts. Normative documents in the field of personnel management, including the Collective Agreement, have been developed in strict accordance with these legislative norms. The main principles of the Company's personnel policy are reflected in the Corporate Code of OAO Gazprom Neft.

The core values ​​and principles of the company, enshrined in the corporate code, include:

respect and cooperation - the Company seeks to ensure an atmosphere of mutual respect in the Company, motivating employees to achieve a common result;

efficiency and results - the Company sets itself the task of organizing work in such a way as to achieve the best results in the best way;

leadership and dynamic development - by setting ambitious goals, the Company seeks to realize its potential and provide opportunities for development and growth for its employees;

initiative and responsibility - The society encourages the search for innovative ideas, solutions and methods and is aware of the degree of responsibility in realizing new opportunities.

Gazprom provides its employees with equal opportunities and does not allow discrimination based on nationality, gender, origin, age or any other grounds (there are restrictions on the use of women's labor, the labor of workers under the age of 18, in hard and dangerous work). The company does not use child and forced labor. The basis for solving personnel issues is both the qualifications and professional qualities of the employee, and the requirements of the business. When recruiting, the Company seeks to fill vacant positions with internal candidates, thereby expanding career and professional growth opportunities for its employees and reducing recruitment costs.

Gazprom monitors and controls compliance with labor laws by officials, as well as controls the fulfillment of the Company's obligations under collective agreements.

The Company recognizes the right of employees to form trade unions and participate in them, and also guarantees trade unions non-interference in their activities.

Gazprom's personnel management strategy is focused on supporting the achievement of the Company's strategic goals. In 2013, the Company's personnel strategy was updated in accordance with the new Gazprom Development Strategy until 2025 and a number of major changes.

Areas of activity and implementation initiatives:

1. Systematic recruitment and relocation of personnel.

Meeting the needs of the business in personnel with competencies that are deficient for the Company, including a reserve for key positions;

Creation of a unified recruitment infrastructure;

Development of target criteria for the effectiveness of the recruitment process;

Development of a standard adaptation plan for new employees.

2. Talent management, competency development and training:

Creation of an effective personnel reserve planning system;

Development and implementation of targeted programs for the development and training of personnel based on professional / technical / managerial / leadership competencies;

Improving work with graduates of educational institutions and young professionals;

Development and implementation of a human resources assessment system and an accelerated development plan for key employees.

3. Development of motivation systems and formation of a culture of involvement:

Improving the corporate system of motivation and remuneration and the compensation package management system;

Improvement of the social package;

Development of a program to increase involvement and continued development of corporate culture;

Development and implementation of a key employee retention program.

4. Development of labor productivity and organizational efficiency

Implementation of tools for planning the number and productivity of labor;

Development of indicators of organizational effectiveness;

Carrying out regular monitoring of organizational performance indicators.

5. Improving the efficiency of the HR function:

Creation of a system for monitoring the quality of HR activities;

Development and implementation of a unified data management system in the field of HR;

Increasing the level of automation.

In 2013, the Company began implementing a new system of interaction between units of the personnel management structure - the system of HR business partners. Within its framework, a specialist from the HR Department of the Corporate Center will be "attached" to each enterprise. Its task will be to organize operational interaction between the Corporate Center and SDCs within the framework of the personnel management function.

The Company has built a comprehensive remuneration system based on competitive wages, remuneration for results and a social component. The remuneration system, which includes material and non-material types of motivation, is closely related to the Company's strategic goals and is constantly being improved in accordance with business objectives.

The Company has also developed an Employee Value Proposition - a set of material, professional and social benefits that the Company offers to its employees.

"Gazprom" maintains the average market level of wages in the sectoral labor market. Employee salaries are reviewed annually based on individual performance. The results of the work of each employee are evaluated on the basis of the management system by goals adopted by the Company. Average annual growth of the average monthly salary for the period 2009-2013. amounted to about 11%. The cumulative increase in average wages since 2010 has amounted to 34%.

The Company's enterprises have collective agreements, corporate regulations and norms that provide for various social benefits and payments to employees in excess of those established by law. The social package of the majority of the Group's enterprises includes voluntary medical insurance, accident insurance, meals, material assistance, travel vouchers and other benefits. Under the corporate contract of voluntary medical insurance, the Company's employees receive medical advice and, if necessary, treatment in leading Russian clinics. The Company also organizes periodic medical examinations (preventive examinations) for employees.

To assist employees in purchasing housing, a corporate mortgage program is in place in a number of regions. It provides for compensation by the enterprise of part of the interest paid by the employee to the bank for using the loan, or providing a loan to pay the down payment.

One of the important areas of work with personnel in Gazprom is the improvement of the system of non-material motivation of employees. Intangible motivation programs include professional skills competitions, sports competitions, leisure and recreational activities, corporate communication sessions. In 2013, the list of non-material motivation programs was expanded by holding the first corporate KVN festival in St. Petersburg.

The Company pays special attention to sports and recreational activities that help maintain health and build team spirit among the staff. Non-material motivation programs also include public recognition of the merits of employees. During 2013, Gazprom Group's enterprises continued to introduce and improve the unified system of social benefits adopted in 2011. This system is designed to unify the list of benefits and the procedure for providing them to employees.

The Company applies uniform standards for training and development of personnel for all enterprises. Corporate employee development programs are formed taking into account the strategic objectives of the Company and the results of the assessment of managerial and professional competencies of employees.

In the reporting year, the Company continued to develop models of professional competencies. A family of specialties for nine functions of the BRD was classified, "career ladders" were formed for the function "Geological exploration", competency models were developed for five divisions of Gazprom Neft - Moscow Refinery.

In the reporting year, special emphasis was placed on the development of a distance learning system, which was accessed by more than 20,000 employees of the Company. Nine new courses have appeared in the line of remote courses, including a unique course for the adaptation of new employees "Virtual Tour of the Company".

The company pays great attention to the development of working personnel. In 2013, Gazprom Neft-ONPZ implemented a pilot project "System for training personnel in working specialties in the context of continuous improvement of production processes." Its goal is to provide the enterprise with qualified production personnel managing technological complexes at the refinery in a short time. Within the framework of the project, a system of continuous training of personnel, preservation and transfer of accumulated knowledge and competencies was formed. One of the important results of the project was an increase in labor productivity, motivation and involvement in the labor process of the plant's employees. In the future, the experience of the plant will be used at the Gazprom Neft-MNPZ enterprise. In 2013, this project won the award of the All-Russian HR Conference of HR Directors on the topic "Management of production personnel. How to ensure continuous growth in labor productivity", becoming the best among 90 submitted projects.

In 2013, a corporate management academy was opened to train a talent pool and promising managers. The Academy's modules are aimed at developing managerial competencies, increasing the managerial potential of managers in current positions.

To support one of the key organizational projects of the Company in 2013 - the reorganization of the regional sales model - the Stockholm School of Economics developed and implemented the TOP Drive modular program. A program addressed to the heads of the regional sales directorate and the general directors of oil products supply enterprises (PNPO). The program contains six modules, each of which is aimed at a more effective solution of the tasks of a certain stage of the project.

In 2013, a short-term management development program "Creating a sustainable business in a global economy" was implemented for the top management of the Company on the basis of the INSEAD business school. One of the most significant learning outcomes at INSEAD is the exchange of experience and the strengthening of cross-functional ties between employees of different blocks of the Company.

Also in the reporting period, Gazprom approved an approach to building an organizational coaching system. As part of this system, the Company plans to train managers in coaching skills (not directive management of employees and their mentoring) at three levels: mentoring new employees, developing their own team and coaching high-potential employees who will be included in the Company's personnel reserve.

In 2013, the "School of Project Management" began its work - an educational program for all key employees of the BRD, aimed at developing basic knowledge of project management. The moderators of the school were lecturers from European business schools. Within two years, 1,400 BRD specialists will take part in the program.

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Honored Worker

Are there any benefits for a pensioner with the title of Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Hello dear site visitor! Not the fact that there are benefits, you need to prepare a consultation, but this is a paid service, choose a lawyer and we will prepare it for you. Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

Where and how to properly place the sign "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation" on the dress uniform of a captain of the 1st rank?

Hello, Alexander! I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 09/07/2010 N 1099 (as amended on 09/15/2018) "On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation". As follows from paragraph 4 of the Regulations on the insignia "For Impeccable Service", approved by the said legal act, the badge for the honorary title of the Russian Federation is worn on the right side of the chest after the insignia "For Impeccable Service".

Is there an additional payment to the pension for the title of "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation"?

Vera Viktorovna, unfortunately, the legislation does not provide for an additional payment to the pension for the title of "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation".

I have 30 years experience. The title of "Honored Teacher", "Honorary Worker of General Education", winner of the competition of the best teachers in Russia. I have the highest category. This year is the end of the certification period. I work in Primorsky Krai. Can I qualify for a discounted certification? Thank you.

Hello, yes you can, but you need a petition from the ped council.

Is it possible to get the title of "Veteran of Labor", having sufficient experience and the badge "Honored Worker of Housing and Utilities" at the regional level?

Good afternoon, Ivan! The status of a labor veteran is assigned in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995. At the federal level, only general rules are fixed, each region has the right to additionally regulate the procedure and features of conferring this title, as well as related benefits . According to this law (Article 7) 1. Veterans of labor are persons: 1) having a certificate "Veteran of Labor"; 2) awarded orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation or awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental insignia for merit in labor (service) and long work ( service) of at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy) and having a labor (insurance) length of service taken into account for the appointment of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, or the length of service required for awarding a pension for long service in calendar calculation; persons who started their labor activity at a minor age during the Great Patriotic War and have a labor (insurance) record of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women. In accordance with part 4 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", the procedure and conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor" are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Currently, the Republic of Mari El has the Law of the Republic of Mari El dated October 4, 2006 No. 50-З "On the conditions and procedure for conferring the titles" Veteran of Labor "and" Veteran of Labor of the Republic of Mari El "and the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El dated November 7 2006 No. 227 "On the implementation of the law of the Republic of Mari El" On the conditions and procedure for conferring the titles "Veteran of Labor" and "Veteran of Labor of the Republic of Mari El". In accordance with the Procedure for conferring the titles "Veteran of Labor", "Veteran of Labor of the Republic of Mari El" , approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El of November 7, 2006 No. 227 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), labor veterans are persons: 1) having a certificate "Veteran of Labor"; 2) awarded orders or medals, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation , or awarded with departmental insignia in labor and having the length of service necessary for the appointment of an old-age or long service pension; 3) persons who began their labor activity in a minor age during the Great Patriotic War and having a work experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women. Thus, if at least one condition is met, then you have the right to be awarded the title of "Veteran of Labor". For more information, I advise you to contact the Department of Social Protection of Yoshkar-Ola.

I am an honored worker of the textile and light industry. Am I entitled to a pension supplement?

No, there is no surcharge. In order to receive an additional payment, you need to apply for the title of a labor veteran.

Are there any benefits when conferring the title of "Honored Worker in the field of consumer services"

No. no such benefits have been established.

She was awarded the badge "Veteran of Energy" and the badge Honored Worker of the UES of Russia, there are certificates for the award, but signed by the Chairman of the Board of OAO RAO UES of Russia, A.B. Chubais. Can I apply for the title of veteran of labor.

Hello. Yes, you are right.

Honored Worker of the Energy Systems of the East, what are the benefits?

The specified - is not regulated by federal law, it does not require any. See regional and local legislation, local acts of the employer on this issue.

Is the title "Veteran of Labor" awarded for the sign "Honored Worker of the Hunting Industry of the Association Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz"

Depends on the regional legislation of your particular region. According to the current legislation on departmental awards, such a sign does not apply to those that give the right to assign a labor veteran.

Are any benefits provided to the honored worker of transport of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 10.10.2011 N 74-ЗРТ "On state awards of the Republic of Tatarstan" does not provide for benefits to persons. Having honorary titles. This law provides benefits or measures of social support only to persons. Awarded with state awards of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Is there an allowance for the title of Honored Teacher, Honorary Worker to the official salary of the head teacher of a psychologist?

Hello. In accordance with paragraph 2.2.2 of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan dated October 8, 2009 N 345 ​​2 On the approval of the Regulation on the remuneration of employees of state-owned budgetary and autonomous educational organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan ": Quote: "2.2. 2. The increasing coefficient for having the title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation", "Honored Teacher of the Republic of Dagestan", "People's Teacher of the Russian Federation" and "People's Teacher of the Republic of Dagestan" increases the salary (official salary) of pedagogical workers by 8 percent.

I am an honored worker of higher education of the Russian Federation.
Am I able to increase my pension?

Depending on what you mean. But - federal legislation does not provide for the accrual of special additional payments to pensions for the specified rank.

I am a labor veteran, Honored Worker of Culture MO, 70 years old, work experience 45 years. what benefits are provided.

In accordance with Article 22 of the federal law of 12.01.1995, No. 5-FZ "On Veterans", measures of social support for labor veterans are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. That is, if you are registered in Moscow, laws, regulations of the city authorities. The situation is the same with benefits for honored cultural workers. Thus, the amount of benefits, their list depends on the possibilities of the budget of the region, region, city.

I have the title of "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Republic of Mordovia" with 30 years of experience. Can I get the title of Labor Veteran?

No, you don't qualify. Regulations on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor" Approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia dated June 2, 2006 N 223 This Regulation governs the procedure and conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor" to citizens of the Russian Federation living on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia. 1. The following persons have the right to be awarded the title "Veteran of Labor": a) persons who have a certificate "Veteran of Labor" of a single sample established for each category of veterans by the Government of the USSR before January 1, 1992 or by the Government of the Russian Federation; b) persons awarded orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation or awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental insignia for merit in labor (service) and long work (service) for at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy) and having a labor (insurance) length of service taken into account for the appointment of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or the length of service necessary for the appointment of a service pension years in calendar terms. The procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labour" by federal executive bodies, which are managed by the Government of the Russian Federation, and for awarding the said insignia is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title "Veteran of Labour" by other federal state bodies, state corporations and awarding the said insignia is determined by the said bodies, organizations, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; c) persons who started their labor activity at a minor age during the Great Patriotic War and have a labor (insurance) record of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women; d) persons who have the length of service necessary for the appointment of an old-age pension (at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men) or for long service, and awarded the Honorary Diploma of a mother of many children I, II, III degree, the Order of Glory of the Republic of Mordovia, medal "For Merit. In commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state", as well as having the title of Honorary Citizen of the Republic of Mordovia.

I am an honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation and a labor veteran. When he retired due to old age, the allowance for a labor veteran was canceled. They left only the regional surcharge for the well-deserved Russian Federation. Is it correct? I heard that from 2018 they have to pay for both the honored Russian Federation and the labor veteran.

It is not known, but theoretically - it could well. Federal legislation - payments for the specified is not provided. And the region or municipality could well decide to stop the payments they were assigned.

Question number No. 14831559 What is the difference between the titles: "Honored Teacher of the Republic of Belarus" and "Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Belarus"? "According to the materials of the legal social network www.site ©"

Hello Anna. According to under. 13, under. 23, paragraph 2 of Art. 11 Law of the Republic of Buryatia dated 13.07.2009 No. 910-IV "On state awards of the Republic of Buryatia" Article 11. Grounds for conferring honorary titles of the Republic of Buryatia 2. The honorary title "Honored" is awarded for high professional skills: "assigned to employees of educational organizations (of all types), bodies exercising management in the field of education, research institutes for merits in professional activities and the formation of human resources and persons who have made a great contribution to the development of the education system; 23) "Honored Teacher of the Republic of Buryatia" is assigned to teachers, educators, educators and other employees of educational organizations (of all types), bodies exercising management in the field of education, research institutes of the education system for merits in pedagogical and educational activities, ensuring that students receive and pupils of deep knowledge, development and improvement of their creative potential, in the creation of innovative teaching aids, programs, author's methods, participation in the scientific and methodological support of the educational process;

What is the difference between the titles: "Honored Teacher of the Republic of Belarus" and "Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Belarus"?

Hello Anna. Your question has been answered. Read the answer No. 14831593

I am a PENSIONER, an honored worker of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, what are the benefits?

It is necessary to share benefits at the State, regional, local levels. Or benefits from the factory. About the benefits from the plant, you need to be interested in the plant. Sincerely, lawyers Toropov!

I am an honored worker of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. What are the benefits?

You have the right to receive the title of veteran of labor, and in the rank of veteran of labor, according to this departmental sign, you are entitled to: 1. Housing subsidy (payment of utilities) 2. Benefits for internal transport 3. Monthly payment in the amount established by your city.

What benefits does an honored worker of culture have?

The specified - is not regulated by federal law, it does not provide for any benefits. See regional and local legislation, local acts of the employer on this issue.

Yesterday, in a solemn ceremony, my wife was presented with a certificate "Honored Worker of Education of the Russian Federation" and a badge. They refused to receive the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation" referring to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 N 1223, which is contrary to the Law on Veterans, Article 7. What to do in this situation? Thank you.

Burov Vyacheslav Alexandrovich, Pskov, the refusal is unlawful. You need to apply to the court to declare the refusal illegal, to award the title "Veteran of Labor". Respondent-Department of social protection of the population of the Administration. Judicial practice is positive. But in order to help you, you need to look at the refusal, is it in your hands?

Hello, a site visitor in your situation, the best answer is not correct AS, based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/25/2016 N 578 each state. the body must develop its own regulation on what awards it can award employees and what awards are intended for obtaining the title of “Veteran of Labour” The departmental award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation includes the Insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Therefore, your wife will not be able to receive the title of Labor Veteran, even in court Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2016 No. 578 “On the procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title of Veteran of Labor by federal executive authorities, the management of which is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, and awarding the indicated distinctions” MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated September 26, 2016 N 1223 On departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

I am denied the title of "Veteran of Labor" because my title "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering of the USSR" is not on the lists of social security for the title of "Veteran of Labor". Is it correct? (the certificate for the rank contains the signatures of the minister and the Chairman of the Central Committee of the trade union. Official seal,) If the refusal is not correct, then where can I turn for help.

Good afternoon, this title is awarded in your region on the basis of the Decree of the Belgorod Region "On the procedure for awarding the title" Veteran of Labour" in the Belgorod Region No. 81 dated 06/09/2006 (as amended on April 10, 2018). You need to look at the section of this document "List of awards and departmental insignia in labor, giving the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labor"" and find yourself. The title is awarded by the commission. This document also contains an application form for considering your question. Good luck and success to you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your hard work!

Retired, Labor Veteran, Honored Health Worker - do I have a transport tax exemption?

Good day, Anatoly! In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 361.1. of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, individuals are exempted from taxation in respect of each vehicle with a permitted maximum mass of more than 12 tons, registered in the register of vehicles of the toll collection system (hereinafter in this chapter - the register), if the amount of payment in respect of compensation for damage caused by automobile public roads of federal significance by vehicles having a maximum permitted mass of more than 12 tons (hereinafter in this chapter - the fee), paid in the tax period in respect of such a vehicle, exceeds or is equal to the amount of the calculated tax for this tax period. In addition, there are categories of persons who are entitled to benefits: - Participants in hostilities during the Second World War; - heroes of the USSR and Russia; - persons awarded with Orders of Glory of 1-3 degrees; - invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War; - disabled people and military pensioners who took part in hostilities in other periods (including participants in hostilities in Chechnya); - legal guardians, trustees, adoptive parents or one of the natural parents of a disabled child; disabled people of the 2nd group; - owners of vehicles with an engine capacity of up to 70 liters. With.; - one of the adoptive parents or parents in a large family; - people who transport an incapacitated person in his car; liquidators of the consequences of man-made accidents - at the Chernobyl NPP, Mayak Production Association, as well as those exposed to radiation during tests of military, space technology, and nuclear weapons.

What are the Benefits of a Distinguished Health Worker?

The specified - is not regulated by federal law, it does not allow any. See state and local laws for employer decisions on this matter.

What are the benefits for an honored worker of culture?

Dear Elena, the honored worker of culture is entitled to the benefits established by the Law on Veterans, the financing and administration of which has been transferred to the regional level. Contact the social security authorities for registration of the benefits you are entitled to.

Which honorary title is higher: Honored Health Worker or Honored Doctor?

Dear Elena, if we analyze the established statutes for these honorary titles and subsequent benefits, then "Honored Doctor" is higher than the title "Honored Health Worker".

1. The title of "Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry" is awarded to workers, specialists, employees, heads of gas industry organizations, as well as in the field of main gas pipelines and products of its processing, employees of the central office of the Ministry, its territorial bodies and organizations subordinate to the Ministry for merit and great contribution in the development of the gas industry, the discovery and development of gas fields, the creation and implementation of new equipment and technologies, successful and effective scientific, rationalization and inventive activities, the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization of production, the wide dissemination of best practices and those who have worked in the industry have not less than 15 years old.

2. The title of "Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry" may also be awarded to employees of other sectors of the economy and public organizations, as well as to foreign citizens who have made a significant contribution to the development of the gas industry.

3. Employees awarded the title of "Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry" are awarded a badge of the established form (Appendix 1 to this Regulation), a certificate is issued for the right to wear it (Appendix 2 to this Regulation), an appropriate entry is made in the work book indicating the date and rank order number.

Organizations are recommended, if they have their own funds, to give a valuable gift (cash bonus), establish a pension supplement, use other types of material incentives for persons awarded the title of "Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry".

The amount of the amount for the purchase of a valuable gift (payment of a cash bonus, establishment of a pension supplement, etc.) is determined by the management of the organization.

4. The presentation of the certificate and the badge "Honorary worker of the gas industry" is carried out in a solemn atmosphere at a general meeting of the organization's labor collective.

5. The badge "Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry" is worn on the right side of the chest and below the state awards of the Russian Federation, the RSFSR and the USSR.

6. Persons awarded with a badge retain the right to wear a badge when changing jobs and upon retirement.

7. Re-assignment of the title "Honorary worker of the gas industry" is not allowed.

8. The badge "Honorary worker of the gas industry" in case of loss (breakage) is not issued again. In case of loss of the certificate for the badge, at the request of the organization's management, a document confirming the award of this employee may be issued.

9. Registration of persons awarded with an honorary title is carried out by the Ministry.

Attachment 1
to the Regulations on the honorary title
"Honorary Worker of the Gas
industry", approved
Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
July 14, 2008 No. 11


Gazprom Neft's comprehensive remuneration system is linked to strategic goals and is focused on ensuring external competitiveness of remuneration, retaining talent at Gazprom Neft, providing opportunities for career growth and rotation within the Company, and motivating employees to achieve their goals.

The Company has a Remuneration Policy that defines the goals, main tasks, principles and elements of the system of remuneration, benefits and non-material motivation of employees.

The Gazprom Neft remuneration and motivation system includes:

  • basic remuneration;
  • short-term and long-term bonuses;
  • benefits and compensation;
  • elements of non-material motivation: corporate and government awards, corporate events, professional skill competitions, etc.

Gazprom Neft regularly monitors the external market and ensures that all elements of the remuneration system remain competitive. Salary reviews are carried out on a regular basis in accordance with the dynamics of the labor market in the oil and gas sector.

The indicator of the average monthly salary for the Company in 2016 amounted to 104,919 rubles. (in 2015 - 100,222 rubles, in 2014 - 84,775 rubles).

In 2016, the Company continued to work on the introduction of unified approaches to remuneration. The BLPS developed a target structure for the base remuneration of the Block's subsidiaries. It defines the principles for including elements of the basic remuneration in the calculation of the variable part, unifies the list of all additional payments and allowances. The list of working professions of the BLPS was systematized according to the levels of complexity with the formation of a single catalog of workers' professions. The catalog will become the basis for the development of a unified BLPS tariff scale.

Gazprom Neft pays great attention to improving the variable remuneration system, since it is the bonus system that provides linkage to results and ensures focus on the Company's key goals.

In 2016, Gazprom Neft updated the bonus system for long-term and major projects.

Pilot projects were implemented at Gazpromneft-BM and the Moscow Refinery to improve the efficiency of variable remuneration. The enterprises implemented a unified bonus system for production personnel, which determines the relationship between the remuneration of each employee and the performance of the production units of BLPS subsidiaries using key performance indicators.

Subsidiaries of the Directorate of Regional Sales were assessed for the compliance of the motivation system with new business models and approved strategies of the Directorate. The indicators of the current bonuses for line personnel and employees of business units of the Directorate have also been updated.

In 2017, BLPS will continue to implement projects to systematize remuneration: developing a unified tariff scale, replicating the bonus system for production personnel to other BLPS subsidiaries, transitioning to a target structure of basic remuneration and developing a unified approach to bonuses for innovation, rationalization proposals and operational improvements.

The Company has a system of social benefits, which is used in all subsidiaries and includes basic (mandatory for implementation) and additional (allowable for implementation) payments. Uniform principles for providing social benefits to all employees and compiling a list of benefits for all the Company's subsidiaries are governed by the relevant policy of Gazprom Neft.

Basic benefits of Gazprom Neft:

  • voluntary medical insurance (including medical consultations and, if necessary, treatment in leading Russian clinics);
  • accident insurance;
  • additional payment in excess of the maximum disability benefit established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including for sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • compensation payments to employees on parental leave;
  • provision of social leave due to family circumstances, etc.

Fringe benefits:

  • payment for health resort treatment of employees, subscriptions to health groups, corporate discounts for the purchase of subscriptions to sports clubs;
  • various types of financial assistance in connection with family events;
  • housing programs;
  • non-state pension provision, etc.

The Company pays attention to balancing the social package and maintaining a competitive level of social security for employees, regardless of external economic conditions.
An important component of the remuneration system are non-material motivation programs that are aimed at increasing staff loyalty and recognizing the merits of the best employees. Programs are implemented at the level of subsidiaries, as well as functions and blocks in accordance with the tasks of the enterprise or block on the basis of general corporate values. Gazprom Neft's intangible incentive programs include individual and team professional skill competitions, mass health and leisure events, corporate communication sessions and forums. The Company pays special attention to corporate sports competitions. Gazprom Neft traditionally hosts massive summer and winter games.

A significant component of the programs is the recognition of merits and achievements as an element of performance evaluation. The Company annually awards the corporate awards Honorary Worker of Gazprom Neft and Veteran of Gazprom Neft.

BLPS implements the "Best Result" recognition program that recognizes employees for high performance, creative activity, successful implementation of projects and major strategic initiatives. The BLPS also hosts competitions for teams of oil refineries in nominations that reflect the strategic priorities of the direction.

Personnel expenses (million rubles) Expenses for social package and benefits (thousand rubles) 4,7 % 104 919 rub. indicator of the average monthly salary for the Company in 2016

In the Exploration and Production Block and the Offshore Projects Development Block, the “Recognition of the Best” award is annually presented. For the highest achievements, enterprises and projects, employees and production teams, contractors and the best in the profession are awarded. The award is also given in the nominations for industrial safety, lean manufacturing, and innovation.

"Goal Zero"

In order to promote the culture of industrial safety, a special nomination "Goal - Zero" was added to the "Best Result" recognition program in BLPS in 2016. Its first laureate was the Repair and Mechanical Plant of the Omsk Oil Refinery.

The corporate slogan “Striving for more” reflects the essence of the Recognition of the Best ceremony. Any projects are made by people whose involvement, interest in the cause, desire to go “a mile further”, create and apply something new receive a well-deserved reward. Based on these criteria, we will choose the best.

Vadim Yakovlev First Deputy General Director Gazprom Neft, Head of Exploration and Production Block


The press found out how bonuses, benefits and additional payments for Gazprom managers are formed

The journalists found out the list of benefits and bonuses that an employee of the central office of Gazprom is entitled to. Among them - free medicine, free rest and various additional payments - for a birthday, on February 23 and March 8, on the Day of the gasman and oilman, RBC reports.

In 2014, Forbes estimated the income of the chairman of the board of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, at $25 million. And the entire board of the monopoly in 2014, according to the company, earned 2.543 billion rubles (plus 43% over the previous year). Thus, each of the 17 board members received on average about 150 million rubles, or 12.5 million rubles a month.

These figures are made up not only of salaries and bonuses, but also of various additional payments, the calculation system for which is prescribed in the collective agreement between employees of the central administration of Gazprom and the company for 2013-2015. This agreement is planned to be extended without changes for 2016-2018, Maria Dolbeneva, deputy chairman of the primary trade union organization of employees of the Gazprom administration, told RBC. According to her, payments are calculated on the basis of the minimum tariff rate: in 2015 in the monopoly it is 8370 rubles.

For example, senior employees of Gazprom receive an additional payment for access to information constituting a state secret (its amount is not specified in the contract). A separate award is given for achievements in work.

Together with a certificate of honor from a Gazprom employee, 25 thousand rubles (three minimum tariff rates) are issued, together with the award "For Special Merit" - more than 251 thousand rubles. (30 tariff rates); such an award, for example, was received by the former head of the monopoly, Rem Vyakhirev. The traditional bonus in the amount of a monthly salary is awarded to all employees in August, it is timed to coincide with the Day of the Oil and Gas Worker.

Employees of the administration receive a monthly salary by the anniversaries of Gazprom. Another 168,000 rubles (20 tariff rates) were due by February 23rd. Dolbeneva confirmed this figure to RBC, specifying that female employees receive the same bonus by March 8. One salary is due for each birthday starting at age 50, but only for those who have been working in the monopoly for more than 15 years. (So ​​Miller, who celebrated his 50th birthday in 2012, gets 75% of his salary—he's been on the job for over 10 but less than 15 years.)

Until recently, a Gazprom employee could have a rest anywhere in the world, having the right to compensation from the company up to 92 thousand rubles (11 tariff rates) for travel to the place of vacation and accommodation. However, according to Dolbeneva, this year a change was made to the collective agreement: from now on, the monopoly reimburses its employees the same amount, but for rest only in boarding houses and health resorts of Gazprom in Russia, Armenia and Belarus.

Members of the board of the monopoly are entitled to full payment for medical care in Gazprom's polyclinics and clinics, including dental treatment and prosthetics, as well as eye surgery at the Gazprom Eye Microsurgery Center. In "special cases", as specified in the contract, rehabilitation treatment is paid, including abroad. Moreover, top companies can include in their insurance any number of people they need, ordinary employees - one adult family member and children under 18 years old (up to 24 years old if the child is a full-time student).

In addition to paying for treatment, Gazprom compensates for the cost of buying expensive medicines, provided that the employee himself buys them for at least 75,000 rubles.

Roman Tyshkovsky, managing partner of Executive Search Odgers Berndtson, considers awards for Gazprom employees on various occasions, including employee and company anniversaries, February 23 and March 8, as well as professional holidays, to be a relic of the Soviet past. According to him, the leaders of large public companies usually receive bonuses and rewards for specific achievements, these payments are tied to the company's economic indicators, such as its capitalization.

The leaders of Gazprom also have bonuses. The procedure for calculating them is described in the regulation “On the annual bonus system for Gazprom executives”, adopted in 2006 and amended in January 2015.

It follows from the document that the annual bonus of the chairman of the board of Gazprom is 100% dependent on corporate key performance indicators (KPIs) - the financial and economic results of the company's work and the implementation of the investment program - and is paid in the amount of one annual base salary. The targets that a top manager must achieve are annually approved by the board of directors of the monopoly. If they are completed by 100%, the bonus will be 100%, if by 50% - 50%.

For Miller, the financial and economic results of Gazprom's work are decisive - 70% of the bonus is paid for them. Return on equity - 20%, unit costs for oil, gas and condensate production and unit costs for gas transportation (costs divided by production volume and supply volume, respectively) - 15% each, return on investment - 10%. Least of all mean labor productivity and reduced procurement costs (the norm is 10% over three years) - only 5% each. And 30% of Miller's bonus is determined by industry indicators: gas sales - 15%, "commissioning of priority production facilities" - 15%.

For Miller's deputies, board members, and directors of the monopoly, the annual bonus formula is more complicated. Performance indicators common to Gazprom's managers are complemented by sectoral and individual ones. All heads of the central office and subsidiaries are divided into several groups, each with its own set of evaluation criteria.

Deputy chairmen of the board, including the chief accountant and all members of the board in the rank of heads of departments of Gazprom, can claim 75% of the annual salary in the form of a bonus, general directors of Gazprom subsidiaries - 70%, deputy heads of the administration of the board, the secretariat of the board of directors , Miller's press secretary, his advisers - by 60%, deputy heads of departments, heads of situational centers and deputy heads of Gazprom's subsidiaries - by 50%, heads of departments of the monopoly - by 40%.

Regardless of which category the manager belongs to, the right to a bonus arises when 50% of the KPI is reached. An exception is made only for the indicator of payment for the gas supplied by Gazprom (for those who oversee sales) - it must be fulfilled 100%.

Artur Shamilov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TopContact Executive Search, notes that the system for calculating annual bonuses for top managers of Gazprom is 80% comparable to similar systems of other Russian state-owned companies and state-owned banks. The Federal Property Management Agency has developed a standard practice for setting KPIs for the management of such structures, he says.

The representative of "Gazprom" did not want to discuss the system of remuneration in the monopoly.

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