Can you tell the age of a cat by looking at its eyes? How to determine the age of a cat at home: by teeth, mustache, weight, behavior. Definition of puberty

Each person got his pet in his own way: someone picks up on the street, someone is waiting for a baby from a titled club. However, people do not always know how to determine the age of a cat. Sometimes a small adult animal is mistaken for a baby.

How to determine the age of a cat by external signs

Appearance is not the most accurate criterion that you should rely on when determining the age of an animal. The fact is that cats, living in different conditions, also have teeth, hair, and eyes that are not similar in safety. The undoubted advantage of analyzing the appearance of a pet is its simplicity. However, to the question “how to find out the age of a cat?” you will only get an approximate answer.

How to determine the age of a cat by teeth

The teeth of an animal are one of the true indicators of a pet's health and the number of years it has lived. It is the condition of the teeth that will help you find out how to determine the age of the cat, and not just the baby.

Many breeders are pleased with the versatility and simplicity of this method. The jaws of all breeds of cats are arranged in almost the same way. In rare cases, there are serious discrepancies in the development of the teeth.

The easiest way to determine the age of kittens, as their jaws are just beginning to form:

  • the first incisors are shown at 2-4 weeks of a baby's life;
  • milk fangs - at 3-4 weeks;
  • premolars appear at 3-8 weeks;
  • first molars - for 5-12 weeks;
  • at 2 months, the kitten acquires a complete milk set of 26 teeth.

Already by 3-4 months, the change of the first teeth to the indigenous ones will begin. For a pet, it is recommended to purchase special toys that you can chew on. Permanent teeth erupt:

  • incisors - by 3-5 months;
  • fangs - by 4-5 months;
  • premolars - at 4-6 months;
  • molars - at 4-7 months.

With kids, it's pretty easy. There is little debate among felinologists about how to determine the age of a cat by teeth. Many advise sticking to the following "schedule":

  • by the age of one, all teeth are white and strong;
  • in a year and a half, a barely noticeable yellowness appears;
  • 2 years - the beginning of the erasure of the incisors in the center;
  • 2.5-3 years - the formation of the first tartar;
  • 3-4.5 years - the beginning of grinding of the upper and middle incisors;
  • 5 years - erasure of fangs;
  • 6-8 years - the beginning of the erasure of the posterior incisors;
  • by the age of 10 - the lower incisors are heavily worn down;
  • 11-14 years - loss of incisors;
  • 15-16 years - loss of fangs.

Important! When answering the question of how to find out the age of a cat, it should be borne in mind that the condition of the teeth depends on nutrition, injuries and past illnesses. For reliability, you can contact a veterinarian who can, for reliability, examine the condition of enamel, gums, and tartar.

By the eyes

Eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also an important indicator of the pet's age. How to find out the age of a cat at home by this criterion? It is enough to observe the behavior of the animal a little. Young cats have a lively look, quickly turning to an interesting object, a little mischievous. At a respectable age, these properties are usually dulled.

It is worth paying attention to the structure of the pet's eyes. In a young animal, the vitreous substance is even, without inclusions, and transparent. Iris of even color and regular shape. In older cats, the eye becomes cloudy and dull over time, stratification or destruction of the vitreous substance appears. On the iris, which is usually deformed and becomes thinner, there are stripes and spots.

Important! Discharge from the eyes, clouding of the cornea, or spots on the iris can be a sign of an infectious disease or organ injury. At the first symptoms, contact your veterinarian.

Pets at a very respectable age acquire wrinkles (folds) around the eyes. Discharge (watery or purulent) is often formed from the lacrimal sacs.

By wool

One of the solutions to the question "how to determine the age of a cat at home" is to assess the condition of the pet's coat. However, this method is quite subjective and depends on the breed and the surrounding climate.

In young animals, the coat is soft, uniform, silky and durable. With age, the coat thins and fades significantly. Older cats have gray hairs.

By weight

Be sure to pay attention to the weight of the pet! Over the years, the daily routine of the animal changes, so the body weight of cats of different ages is different.

Kittens move a lot, their skeleton is not yet fully formed and strong, and the fat layer is almost not deposited. That is why babies and young pets weigh quite a bit.

Important! Watch your pet's diet. The wrong diet or lack of proper exercise can lead to unhealthy weight gain!

Adults, and even more so old ones, pets are reluctant to agree to conquer the heights of a home closet or exciting climbing on expensive curtains. They tend not to play as much and prefer to take more naps. A sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain.

By behavior

It is possible to determine the age of the pet and its behavior. This method is quite subjective and depends on the nature of the animal, but there are still common features in habits.

Kitten babies devote almost all their free time to games and communication with each other and people. They are even ready to courageously sacrifice minutes of sleep for the sake of fun! Some kids even very insistently require attention to themselves.

Important! Don't be too harsh on your pet's behavior. Animals also have different types of characters, so some cats are sociable, while others are shy.

Mature pets will spend time hunting and playing with pleasure. However, they tend to be very fond of sleeping.

Kittens at a venerable age no longer like unnecessary fuss, preferring quiet rest to noisy games. Pets can often be found peacefully snoozing on an armchair or on your bed. As cats age, hearing often becomes dull and vision begins to decline, which can make the animal a little more shy or nervous.

According to body processes

Perhaps, determining the age by the internal processes of the body is the most accurate way. With this watch, it is easy to find out how many months your pet is.

Puberty in cats begins at 7-9 months (sometimes earlier, by 6 months), while in boys it is somewhat later - by 9-11 months. A slight difference may occur due to the climate, breed and weight of the animal.

Determining the age of your pet is incredibly important. This is the only way to make the right diet, daily routine and the amount of vitamins you need.

A good owner, as a rule, knows the age of his pet and even celebrates his date of birth. This is normal, because a pet often lives in an apartment as a full member of the family. He gets a lot of attention, pampered. Then the universal favorite is full of health and charges everyone with positive. But what if the owner does not know the age of the cat? Perhaps he picked up an unfortunate kitten on the street or adopted an already adult animal from a shelter. Well, in this case, you can also find out the approximate age of the pet, focusing on certain biological signs. What - now find out.

There are many reasons for the longevity of barbels:

  • heredity;
  • living conditions;
  • food quality.

For a loving owner, it is important to know the age of a beloved pet, firstly, in order to properly organize nutrition and, secondly, in order to be prepared for age-related changes that occur with the animal over time.

You can determine the age of a kitten by criteria such as:

  • behavior
  • the condition of the teeth;
  • appearance and condition of wool, musculoskeletal system.

How to determine the age of cats by teeth?

Teeth are a good indicator of a kitten's age. Milk teeth appear in kittens at the age of 2-4 weeks. Literally after 2-3 months, they begin to be replaced by permanent ones.

If you saw permanent snow-white teeth in your pet, then it is safe to say that your cat is from 1 to 1.5 years old. By a slight yellowing, you can determine the two-year age of the cat.

The presence of tartar is a sign that the animal is 3 to 5 years old. The absence of several teeth means that the cat is approaching old age. The more teeth missing, the older the mustachioed animal.

Note! It is impossible to determine the exact age of the animal by the teeth. Like people, even a relatively young cat can have teeth in poor condition due to improper care and feeding. Conversely, with good care, a cat's teeth can remain snow-white for a long time and cannot indicate age in any way.

We offer an approximate list of changes that occur in feline representatives in the oral cavity:

  • 2-4 weeks: eruption of milk teeth;
  • 3-4 months: loss of milk teeth;
  • 5-6 months: completion of the process of changing teeth from milk to permanent;
  • 1 year: the cat has snow-white healthy teeth without the presence of tartar;
  • 2 years: the middle lower incisors wear out, yellowness appears on the enamel, tartar accumulates on the teeth;
  • 3-5 years: the upper central incisors, canines and extreme lower incisors are erased;
  • 6-7 years: the pigmentation of tooth enamel changes, the upper extreme incisors are erased;
  • from the age of 10: the central incisors fall out, then the middle and extreme ones;
  • by 15-18 years: loss of fangs is observed.

Important! When assessing the dental system, pay attention to the bite, as well as the condition of the oral cavity. Poor feeding, lack of dental care lead to premature yellowing, abrasion. Overeating or undereating also affects the appearance and health of your teeth.

How to determine the age of cats in the eyes?

At about a week old, the kitten's eyes begin to open. If they are already open, but at the same time narrowed, then this indicates that the baby is 2-3 weeks old. By a month, the eyes of the kittens are already fully open.

A cat's look, as well as a human one, can also tell a lot. In young animals, it is usually transparent, with a characteristic sheen. A curious sparkle and a keen interest in everything around slip through in young eyes.

As the cat grows older, the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, becomes dimmer, as vision weakens, cataracts often develop.

Eye color can also tell about age, since the iris loses its bright color, spots and an incomprehensible pattern appear on it.

Pay close attention to the discharge from the eyes, the so-called cat's tears. They can be a symptom not only of advanced age, but also of health problems, such as injury or some kind of disease. Older cats are more prone to tearing. But the youth should not have teary discharge from the eyes.

How to determine the age of cats by the condition of the coat and body?

To determine the approximate age, sometimes it is enough to look at the condition of the animal's coat. Small and young pets up to a year have a soft, delicate and fluffy coat. Their coat is thick, shiny, each hair has a clear color, which together results in a clearly visible pattern. There is no gray hair. In cats, after 5 - 6 years, the coat is already duller, less thick and soft to the touch, the outlines of the pattern are not so clear. In representatives of 6 - 7 years old, when examining individual hairs, gray hair can be found.

With age, cats become obsolete and the musculoskeletal system. Up to 6-7 years old, there are no obvious signs of skeletal changes in pets. Kittens are distinguished by disproportionate development of the body. Adolescent animals are conspicuous by excessively long limbs, large ears, and generally irregular proportions, giving them a lanky and comical appearance.

With age, the cat acquires strong muscles, the body becomes proportional and corresponds to the characteristics of a particular breed.

Young cats are usually graceful, have a light, laid-back gait. Pet movements are full of strength and grace. The cat easily overcomes obstacles, is active, deftly jumps.

After 7 years, the cat's skeleton begins to change. In older representatives, the sagging of the spine is already becoming noticeable, the shoulder blades protrude. The gait becomes less easy, the muscles become flabby, their volume decreases. Elderly animals are often thin.

Important! According to the condition of the skeleton and wool, it is possible to determine whether the animal is young or old, but, alas, it is impossible to establish the exact age.

How to determine the age of cats by behavior?

A pet's behavior can also tell a lot about a cat's age. Small and young animals are active, love to play pranks and play. Curiosity, fearfulness, playful mood are inherent in young barbels under the age of 1 year. By 10 months, puberty is complete. True, it should be borne in mind that long-haired breeds mature later.

The period of maturity in a cat is associated with its activity. It is characterized by tirelessness, dexterity. Most of the time, animals are happy to participate in games, actively hunt.

In old age, cats prefer to sleep more, relax, and move away from games. The animal is often burdened with chronic diseases and is reluctant to play and entertain.

Older cats often sleep during the day, but they can stay awake all night. Sometimes they can arrange vocal "concerts" at night.

How to convert a cat's age to human?

Many people are interested in the ratio of feline to human age. Why might this be needed? In fact, it's not just idle curiosity. This information allows owners to competently approach the processes of raising their pet, the main of which are maintenance and feeding. Such a kind of recalculation helps, first of all, to correctly raise young offspring up to 1 year old. So, for example, some owners are mistaken in thinking that a six-month-old kitten corresponds to the age of a small child.

It is generally accepted that 1 year of a cat is equal to 7 years of a human life. Of course, this statement is not an axiom and can only be applied to an adult animal. In young cats, development is much more intense; a six-month-old kitten corresponds to a teenager of 14 years old.

Cats come of age at the age of 1 year, which is equal to 18 human years. At 2 years old, a cat physiologically corresponds to a person who is 24 years old. From 3 to 12 years old, you can determine the correspondence by adding the number 4 to each year of the cat. Thus, the 12-year-old age of a cat corresponds to 60 years of human life. Further, the number 3 should be added to her years. So a 15-year-old pet is about the same 70-year-old pensioner. However, this does not mean that your beloved cat has lived to retirement age. The age of the barbels is a relative matter. If a pet is in good conditions, it is monitored, regularly taken to the veterinarian, properly fed, then it can live much longer than the average 12-15 years, delighting its owners with good physical shape, gentle attitude, love and devotion.

There are also other ways to determine the age of a cat, but we will leave these specific methods to specialists. To all of the above, I would like to add that many signs of aging in a cat are similar to the symptoms of certain diseases. That is why if you suspect a serious health problem, immediately contact your veterinarian for a complete examination of the animal.

Even the smallest kitten will never be happy without proper attention from its owner. For psychological balance, it is vital for a baby and an adult animal to be caressed and stroked, to talk to them or simply address them by name, showing that they are not forgotten and are in the zone of your warm attention. Every day for at least a short period of time! Necessarily!

Most cats reward their owners a hundredfold for any signs of attention and pay them all their lives with the deepest devotion. But just caressing your pet every day is not enough, you must provide him with hair care, good living conditions, and provide him with proper nutrition, according to his state of health and age.

How to find out the age of your purr? Let's see the options.

Let's find out the age. First option.

There is nothing easier than finding out the age of your pet kitten by opening the metric received along with it. We open it, find the date of birth, look at the calendar, calculate the days, weeks and months from the specified date to today and get the most accurate age of the mustachioed-striped, born and grown at home.

This method is the most accurate for determining the age of a cat or cat, unless, of course, there is reason not to trust the seller-breeder and if your pet is not a “foundling”. This is the first option, how to calculate the age of a cat or calculate the age of a cat.

And what to do in case of "foundlings"? Are there any other options!

Let's find out the age. Option two.

A found kitten or a stray cat should be taken to the veterinarian. Not only will he give advice on the general condition and health of the newly acquired animal, he may know if anyone has filed an announcement about the loss of a kitten or cat (cat). This is important! It would not be a pity to part, the animal will have to be returned to the owner.

Will the veterinarian be able to determine that this is the owner who lost the kitten, and the kitten is the one that was lost? Of course, cats can be insanely similar, they can even be indistinguishable in appearance, but their teeth will be different. According to their biological age and conditions of detention.

The veterinarian can calculate the age of animals by:

  • age-related change in coat
  • size and condition of the lens of the eye
  • width and strength of the claw plate
  • ratio of age and condition of skeletal muscles and bones
  • the number and degree of grinding of teeth by years.

Find out the age of a kitten by teeth

The doctor knows that cats have milk and molars (permanent) teeth, and the formula of milk teeth differs from the formula of permanent teeth.

Dental formula of milk teeth:

3 incisor 1 fang 3 premolar– upper jaw (1/2)

3 incisor 1 fang 2 premolar - lower jaw (1/2)

Total: 6 incisors + 2 canines + 6 premolars = 14 milk teeth in the upper jaw;

6 incisors + 2 canines + 4 premolars = 12 teeth in the lower jaw.

Total: 26 teeth in a kitten up to 5-5.6 months old.

If your foundling has 27 or 28 teeth, then the cat is about six months old.

By 9-12 months, the pussy is almost mature and can show you all of its 30 gorgeous teeth!

Dental formula of an adult cat:

3 incisor 1 fang 3 premolar 1 molar

3 incisor 1 fang 2 premolar 1 molar

How is the change of teeth

In a small kitten, by the end of the first, the beginning of the second month (4-5 weeks), the first, sugar-white, small and very sharp milk teeth erupt.

By 12 weeks, all the others indicated by the formula appear.

At 20-24 weeks (5-6 months), milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, which ends by 9-10 months.

Canines are the first to change (from 4-4.5 months to 5-5.5) and incisors (from 4-4.5 to 5.5-6 months)

Molars go through the renewal stage up to 6-6.5 months.

The change of teeth in the lower jaw, as a rule, is ahead of the renewal of the upper teeth, hence the "tolerances" for 1-2 weeks.

At about 5 months old, in young cats and cats, the first molar of the upper jaw erupts between the incisors.

The last molars to change are the maxillary 3rd premolar and the mandibular 4th premolar.

Everything! All 30 new teeth are in place! And now you know a little less about cat “teeth building” than an experienced felinologist.

How else are there secrets?

Experienced doctors and felinologists, when determining the cat's age by teeth, must also take into account the degree of "wear and tear" of the edge cutting edge. Grinding of this edge, the level of destruction of the cutting surface of the tooth directly depend on the age of not only people, but also cats.

Age-related changes and conditions:

Erased central incisors in the upper jaw - the cat (cat) is a little over 3 years old.

Medium incisors are erased - from 4 to 5 years.

Are the end incisors worn out? - 6 years old.

Grinding "in half" of the middle upper teeth - 9 years.

In the lower jaw there was an erasure of the central incisors - an animal from 1.5 to 2 years old.

Average? - 2.5-3 years.

Severe wear of medium incisors by more than half between 7 and 8 years.

fangs feline ones are rounded at the ends, become dull - the first signs of enamel wear - from 5 years and older.

Tooth loss starts at age 10.

By the age of 12-15, all incisors from both the upper and lower jaws fall out completely.

The method of determining the cat's age by the teeth, the degree of the grinding surface or their absence is quite accurate, but it is better to trust the specialists in this case as well. The specialist will determine the conditions under which the animal was kept and draw conclusions based on this “discount”. If the pet's life flowed in bliss and care, then the teeth will correspond to the lifestyle. With good care, cats can live up to 30 years, and start losing teeth only after 15 or even 20 years.

Option three, available to every owner.

If the foundling came to you at an indefinitely early age, and you find it difficult to determine its age by teeth, then you should wait until the young lady is drawn to the “buns” and, starting from this time, calculate the age of the kitten.

In cats, depending on the breed and constitution, puberty occurs at 6-10 months. At the same time, the first invocations begin. Of course, you will not knit your bright-eyed beauty in the first estrus, but you can guess the age.

Around the same time, a young cat begins to mark (8-10), so if you are not a fierce opponent of castration, then it is advisable to deprive the cat of the opportunity to spray cat scent as early as possible.

Fully domestic kittens will grow and form no earlier than a year, and especially large specimens (breeds) of kittens grow up to the age of 16-18 months, then the time for fatherhood and motherhood will come up.

Street cats begin their sexual life much earlier, they grow old earlier, they lose their teeth earlier, they die earlier ...

The age of the cat and the age of the person. How to calculate?

It is always nice to see how a girl or a boy carefully wraps his (perhaps the first in life!) kitten in his own scarf and gently presses this treasure to his chest.

The gaze stops when an old woman, someone's grandmother, is sitting on a village bench, and the same old cat is curled up next to her or on her lap.

Both squint from the last warm rays of the autumn sun and both bask in memories, conducting an inaudible dialogue with each other. Only the old hand from time to time strokes the fur of its longtime companion with a habitual movement, and she also habitually raises her head to say: “Moore! I totally agree with you!" Neither give nor take - a scene from a nursery rhyme: "Aunt Trot and the cat." And meanwhile, the cat may even be much older than Aunt Trot!

For cats, there is a “calculation time”, which does not coincide with the time in which a person lives. Every year for seven years! This, of course, is a conditional indicator, but it is close to recalculating the cat's age into human years. Experts are confident that such a comparison is possible, if you do not take into account the "cat" age. That is, after a year, you can count the cat's years according to this scheme. For the little ones there is a special calculation, but even here the opinions of felinologists differ. Look at the table below for the age of cats, conventionally imagining a “multiply by seven” calculator.

Which one is more attractive to you, and you can use it to calculate the age of the cat.

The main thing is not in determining the exact age of your pet to the day and hour, and certainly not in the question: “How many years will she still live?” The age of cats by human standards is not long, alas! The main thing is your love and care for him. And this is especially important not even for cats, but for your own children! Raising in a child feelings of compassion, responsibility and the ability to take care of someone who is smaller and weaker (and grows up next to the child!), We ourselves in old age will never have to regret that we raised such callous, indifferent and irresponsible children. But it all started once with a kitten wrapped in a scarf ...

When choosing a method for treating a disease of a kitten or an adult cat, when searching for the dosage of medicines, vitamins and supplements, it is necessary to determine the age of the animal. If there is no opportunity to contact the specialists of the veterinary office, you will have to manage on your own.

Determining age is not as difficult as it seems. It is necessary to act step by step, analyzing and comparing the data of some physiological indicators of the animal. Determining the age of a kitten is much easier than finding out how old an adult is.

    Show all

    What indicators can determine the age of a kitten

    Starting from the age of six months, the cat's body lives an adult life, the age of which is much more difficult to determine.

    Up to six months, the age is determined by a non-professional quite accurately - with an error of several weeks to a month.

    You can judge the age of a kitten or an adult cat by the following indicators:

    • some elements of appearance;
    • examining the kitten's teeth;
    • by the eyes;
    • according to the ratio of weight and size of the cat.

    Veneration of the cat in ancient Egypt - interesting facts


    Small kittens are easy to determine by age and many parameters, first of all, by the condition of the umbilical cord. If there are traces of it, we can conclude that the kitten is no more than a week old.

    Little kittens have specific physique. Before reaching the age of a month, the physique is disproportionate: with a sufficiently large head, miniature ears, short and weak legs. When the kitten reaches the age of one month, the body and paws are extended. The ears are just as small, the head fits into the general proportions.

    By one and a half months, the color of the eyes begins to correspond to the general color of the coat.

    In a two-month period, the torso is stretched, in a three-month period, the ears increase in size.


    Whiskers have an important function in the life of a cat, helping to navigate in space.

    Starting from the age of nine, the mustache turns gray, vibrissae begin to be seen among the dark ones.

    Tooth changes

    Just as new teeth gradually sprout in a human child, in a kitten, teeth do not appear at the same time either.

    Kittens are born without teeth, from the second week they begin to erupt the first milk teeth. At 2–4 weeks, incisors erupt, at 3–4 weeks, fangs appear, at 6–8 weeks, premolars appear. Molars, that is, molars, kittens do not yet have. In total, 26 milk teeth appear in animals, which differ in structure and color from permanent ones.

    Starting from 3.5 months, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. The process starts from the first and second incisors. From the fourth month - premolars; from the fifth - molars. From 5.5 months, the canines on the upper and lower jaws are replaced. From the fifth month, the change of rudimentary fangs on both jaws begins. The process takes up to 7 months. Like a human teeth change, the process is individual and can take up to 9 months. In males, it begins earlier than in females.

    So, an adult has 30 permanent teeth:

    • 12 incisors are divided into sixes of the upper and lower jaws;
    • 4 fangs - two on each jaw;
    • 10 premolars;
    • 4 molars.

    Knowing and clearly distinguishing between the sequence of appearance and names of teeth will help to recognize the age of a kitten by the teeth that have appeared or erupted. An illustration will help not to get confused in the names and arrangement of the teeth.

    Determining the age of a kitten, one should pay attention to his behavior. If a pet has ruined the upholstery of furniture, chewing it, hunts for laces and gnaws them at night, this may be a sign of teething. When teething, there is a need to chew toys, bedding, and other items that interest the animal.

    It is really possible to determine the age of a baby by the appearance of teeth, but if the animal is an adult, this approach can fail. For a mature individual, the condition of the teeth will indicate age only approximately. An old cat can have both diseased and dilapidated teeth.

    Changes in the dental formula after the change of milk teeth can be taken into account in a comprehensive analysis with other indicators in determining the age of a cat.

    By the age of one and a half, the main lobes of the first incisors of the lower jaw are fully formed. According to average indications, there are data characterizing the erasure of teeth, however, due to the specific features and subjective indicators of the life of an adult cat, they may not coincide with the real situation. If the shares of the first and second incisors on the lower jaw are erased, then the cat is already at least 2–2 years and 5 months old. The shares of the first incisors on the upper and lower jaws are erased by the age of 3 years and 5 months. If the lobes of the first and second incisors of both jaws are erased in a cat, then he is at least 4 years and 5 months old. If the lobes are present only on the canines of the upper jaw, then the age of the animal is close to 5 years and 5 months. If the surface of the incisors is oval, the cat is about 10 years old. Loss of the first and second incisors on the upper and lower jaws is typical for 12 years. Loss of all incisors is typical for an age of at least 16 years.

    eye color

    Eye color changes throughout a cat's life. If this factor is not taken into account for individuals of certain breeds, in which the eye color given from birth no longer changes throughout life, then this will help to approximately determine the age of the animal.

    The eye fully opens in kittens approximately at the age of 10-14 days. The eyes should be the same size and fully open. If one eye is noticeably different from the other, then with some certainty it can be argued that the kitten is no more than 1.5 weeks old.

    The color of the eyes also indicates the maturity of the cat. Kittens of all breeds only after opening have a blue iris. Subsequently, the color changes to another, called "true cat" - it is green or yellow, sometimes amber. The process of color change starts at the age of three months. The final color is acquired by animals at six months.

    The change in the iris of the eyes is not so noticeable: only the shade of the baby blue color changes. In such cases, determining the age of the animal by eye color is difficult.

    There are a number of cat breeds that have blue eyes for the rest of their lives. These are Polynesian, Siamese, Neva, Sphynx, Balinese, Ojos Azules, White Angora, Neva Masquerade cat. For individuals of the listed breeds, it is impossible to determine the age by eye color.

    The size and weight of the animal

    In the absence of serious diseases in the animal, it is permissible to use the indications of size and weight to determine the age.

    Recommendations for the ratio of age and size of a cat should be taken into account that a particular individual could be born slightly larger or smaller than the average. If this fact takes place, then a deviation of 2-3 centimeters is permissible from the average readings:

    • If the length of the kitten, excluding the tail, is no more than 12 cm, then it can be argued that he has just been born.
    • Body length without tail is 15 cm, then the kitten is about 4 weeks old.
    • About 20 cm body length is an indicator of 3 months.
    • From the age of two months, boys can be larger than girls in terms of physique. With a teenage cat measuring 23–24 cm, it can be assumed that the age is about 4 months. A five-month-old girl will measure about 25 cm.
    • At the age of six months, the main growth of the animal stops, the length of the body, excluding the tail, is about 26–27 cm. Boys are longer by a length of 2 to 6 cm.

    In the system for calculating the weight of a cat, the weight of a newborn is taken as the starting indicator - this is 90–100 g. The deviation for subjective factors is taken at 20–30 g. The weight is gained by a cat before reaching the age of two.

    At the end of the first week, the approximate weight of a kitten is about 113-115 g. By the end of the second week, it increases to 200 g, by the end of the third - up to 280 g. In subsequent weight changes, it grows noticeably faster. By the end of the fourth week, his weight is 370 g, at the end of the fifth - 450 g.

    The indications given in the recommendations are conditional and exemplary. A healthy kitten with proper nutrition and care increases every week by approximately 100 g. Having reached six months, the cat develops more slowly. Noticeable changes in weight will appear once a month. Even with abundant feeding for a week, the animal adds insignificant weight. The parameters of weight, height, eye color and other characteristics are set very conditionally, therefore, in order to obtain more accurate information, it is necessary to compare the data of different methods for determining age.

    Determining the weight of an active, curious pet is quite realistic at home. The maximum activity of the kitten occurs at six months. This period is extended to one and a half years. As time passes, the animal becomes calmer.

The age of the animal is determined by the following main features:

  • Dimensions, body features.
  • Ear shape, eye color.
  • Teeth.
  • Behavioral features.
  • Body mass.

Method 1

It is difficult to estimate the age of a kitten by its dimensions. A lot depends on the breed. So, Maine Coons are larger from birth than the same Siamese or Thai cats. It would be more correct to pay attention to the proportions of the body. Until 3 weeks of age, babies have a relatively large, lobed head and a small body. If the animal is less than 2 weeks old, it fits freely in the human palm.

Starting from 1 month, the baby becomes more proportional, turning into a smaller copy of an adult cat. Legs lengthen and become stronger. From 3 to 5 months, the kitten's muscles develop intensively. The size of a six-month-old pet is ¾ of the size of an adult cat. By the age of 9 months, the kitten grows completely, becoming an adult.

The larger the breed, the longer the animal grows, and cats reach puberty earlier than cats.

Method 2

We estimate the age of the kitten by the shape of the ears and the color of the eyes. Babies are born blind. Eyes open at 10-14 days. At the same time, the iris is a hazy blue hue. Some breeds (colourpoint cats, Siamese, Thais) have blue or deep blue eyes. If the kitten is sighted, but the iris is not bright blue or gray-blue, then he is less than 2 months old.

For adult animals, age estimation by eyes is not very informative. It is generally accepted that in young animals the iris is brighter, and with age it fades. However, the cause of tarnishing of the iris can also be diseases: cataracts or thorns. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

The shape of the ears of kittens of different ages is different. In newborn animals, the ears are tiny, pressed against the skull.

For the first 5-8 days, kittens do not hear due to closed ear canals. The ear completely straightens out in 2-3 weeks. As for the lop-eared breeds, such as Scottish folds or Ukrainian Levkoy, they have an auricle at the beginning of the usual, like in other breeds. "Lop-eared" manifests itself as the animal grows older. The period of formation of ears in cats is 3-4 months.

Method 3

Body mass. The first weeks of a baby's life are a period of intensive growth or weight gain. A lot depends on nutrition. If you took the baby from the street, then it is unlikely that he will be as well-fed fat as domestic kittens. Therefore, veterinarians recommend feeding the pet for 2-3 days before weighing, not forgetting the dangers of overfeeding. If a small kitten eats properly, then, depending on the breed, it adds 10-30 g per day.

The weight of a kitten depends on such factors:

  • Feeding a cat during pregnancy.
  • The number of kittens in the litter.
  • Peculiarities of breed and heredity.
  • Animal gender. Males gain weight faster.

Kittens up to 1 week weigh 80-125 g. A two-week-old baby weighs 120-170 g. By 3 weeks, the pet's weight is about 250-260 g.

Further gain on average is as follows:

  • 4 weeks - 350-550 g.
  • 5-7 weeks - 480-760 g.
  • From 8 weeks - 800-1300
  • 12 weeks - 1200-1500
  • 3 months - 1700-2300 g. Starting from this age and until the end of puberty (9 months), the kitten on average adds about 500 g per month.

Weighing a kitten at the same time, before feeding.

Method 4

These are teeth. They provide the most reliable information about the age category of the pet. Kittens are born toothless. Milk teeth appear in 2-3-week-old animals. The incisors appear first. The animal acquires milk fangs by 3-8 weeks. Lateral milk teeth erupt in 5-6 weeks. There are 26 milk teeth in total. From the age of 4 months they are replaced by permanent ones. A six-month-old kitten already has molars, and a complete replacement occurs by 7 months. The number of molars in cats is 30.

As they grow older, abrasion of the teeth occurs, and it begins at the age of one.

Consider the signs that indicate the age of the pet:

  • 2 years - slight yellowing of tooth enamel. There are no other signs of dental damage.
  • 3-5 years - abrasion of the upper incisors in the center. There are signs of wear on the canines.
  • 5-10 years - strong abrasion of the incisors on the upper and lower jaws, sometimes - their loss. Cracks and tartar appear on the teeth.
  • 10-12 years old. Yellow tooth enamel. The central incisors have completely fallen out.
  • After passing the 15-year mark, the incisors are completely absent, the lateral teeth are strongly worn. Animals over 15 years of age often lack incisors.

It should be borne in mind that the condition of the teeth depends on the conditions of the cat, its state of health and a balanced diet. If the diet is correct and balanced in terms of organic and mineral substances, tooth loss and wear occur more slowly.

Method 5

It concerns the behavioral characteristics of the kitten. The method is uninformative, since each cat has its own character, so you can make a mistake.

There are young phlegmatic cats, and some "elders" frolic, to the envy of kittens

  • Until the age of 3 weeks, the kitten does not react to external stimuli (as an option, it reacts weakly), does not stand on its paws, but crawls.
  • From 3 weeks, the cat stands on its paws, becomes curious, learns the world around it with interest.
  • Monthly pet walks confidently, becomes playful. There is more and more interest in the ongoing events.
  • At 5 months, the first signs of puberty appear. A feline teenager asks to go outside, meowing loudly. Sometimes during puberty, the animal shows aggression, so you should always be on the alert.

If you are unsure of the correct age estimate for your pet, contact your veterinarian. This is especially useful if you have a kitten for the first time and have no experience with a pet.

Method 6

The age of the pet is assessed by the condition of the coat and the general appearance of the animal. The coat of kittens and young animals is tender, soft to the touch. With age, the coat coarsens.

In animals, starting from 5-6 years, the coat fades, the color does not appear so clearly. Elderly dark-colored animals sometimes turn gray. In aging black cats, the glossy, "black" color is replaced by a dirty brown.

As for the general appearance of the animal, a very small kitten looks somewhat disproportionate. Adolescents are clumsy, thin, on long legs. An adult cat is distinguished by well-developed muscles.

The physique corresponds to breed standards. Young cats run fast, gracefully cope with obstacles.

After 7-8 years of age, the spine sags in animals, the shoulder blades bulge. This is due to a decrease in muscle volume. Older cats tend to lose weight quickly.

Proper estimation of a pet's age is important. She will help you feed a small kitten and establish proper nutrition and care for an adult animal.

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