When to happen that terrier. When to bring that terrier girl. On what day of estrus you need to knit a dog in order for the mating to be successful. Caring for a dog during heat

The mating of toy terriers is a responsible event that must be taken very seriously. Yes, yes, you must know all the subtleties of the biology of reproduction.

Puberty in toy terriers usually starts before the dog becomes physically mature. Therefore, you must strictly adhere to age recommendations in order to avoid problems with the health of your pet, as well as ensure a successful pregnancy.

The first estrus (pustovka) may appear in a female aged 7-9 months. Do not be alarmed if estrus started earlier or later (6-12 months) - this is not a sign of any disease and is extremely rare.
But if the estrus does not occur in a one-year-old dog, you should contact the veterinarian.

A dog is in heat, what you need to know and how to care for it.

Heat (in other words, “estrus”) is a signal that the dog is already mature and ready for mating. It is not difficult for experienced dog breeders and breeders of animals to determine the estrus in a dog even before the discharge has appeared in the bitch.

The amount of spotting in babies such as that terrier can be so minimal that the owner of the pet may not notice that the dog has entered estrus.

How to know if a dog is in heat

Still, how do you know if a dog is in heat? This can be determined by the behavior of the pet, as well as visually:

Characteristic behavioral changes before estrus:

  • Affectionate toe has become an aggressive "monster"? Doesn't let you trim your claws or wash your paws? Get ready for dog menstruation.
  • Your dog has become incredibly popular - during walks you are not allowed to pass by males.
  • An active dog has turned into a sloth - he constantly lies and does not want to do anything.

You can also recognize the visual signs of estrus at the estrus:

  • the loop of the uterus increases, it literally “swells”;
  • bloody discharge from the loop appears. At the first heat, they are usually scarce. If there is no discharge at all, but the loop is swollen, contact a specialist.

if the dog often licks the loop, you can put the dog between the outer labia of the dog on a mucous fleece. In this way, you will definitely notice when the dog's estrus has begun and understand when to mate.

  • frequent urination. Toechka will often ask to use the toilet, and on walks you can see how the dog relieves herself a little bit.
  • constant licking. Toechka licks the loop for no apparent reason.
  • appetite. The amount of food consumed can either increase or decrease.
  • wool. Before the onset of estrus, the dog begins to shed heavily.
  • discomfort. The dog begins to “ride” on the bottom before estrus.

If you are still in doubt about the expected start of estrus, use the auxiliary methods:

What does estrus look like in dogs.

It is often difficult for owners to determine the estrus in a dog, especially when it comes to the crumbs of that terrier.

Before estrus, the dog's external genitalia swell, as in the PHOTO of estrus in dogs:

How long does that terrier go into heat.

The period from one estrus to the next can vary from 100 to 270 days, but this is very individual.

Even girls of the same litter can have different cycles. It should also be borne in mind that the estrous pause shifts after childbirth. The cycle can be influenced by the pet's diet - if the dog eats little protein and a lot of plant foods, the period between estrus can noticeably increase.

Stages of the sexual cycle:

  • rest (anestrus).
  • forerunner (proestrus). Lasts from 1 to 9 days. A characteristic sign is bloody discharge from the vagina. It is because of these secretions that the males begin to flirt with the girls, but at this moment they will not let the boys near them. During the forerunner, the bitch snaps and bounces.
  • estrus (oestrus). The duration of estrus in that terrier is 10-14 days. The color of bloody discharge becomes less pronounced, they acquire a slimier consistency. Knitting toi should be carried out in
  • estrus period. It is this phase of the cycle that is considered the most favorable for knitting toys. The bitch, seeing the male, immediately becomes in a position suitable for mating, so that the male easily fertilizes the female.

it is better to knit dogs somewhere in the middle of estrus - then the probability of fertilization is higher.

  • post-oestrus (methoestrus). Somewhere on the third day after estrus, the little female loses her "love fervor", the probability of fertilization decreases.

You can easily correctly determine the mating time of that terrier, if you focus on how long the dog is in heat. The average duration of estrus is 21 days.

Can you bathe a dog while in heat?

As the dog's hormonal background changes, a strong unpleasant odor and abundant discharge appear. The bitch starts to urinate more often. During this period, you need to more painstakingly deal with the hygiene of the girl.

However, there are some nuances of care.

Yes, the toechka should be washed during estrus, but you need to know when to stop. The immunity of a dog during estrus is very weakened. Any infection can get into a loosely covered loop, resulting in infection.

You need to wash the baby following some rules of caution:
wash the dog 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening after walking.
the water for washing needs to be heated a little so that it is slightly above room temperature.
You can use gentle detergents.
after bathing, you need to dry the dog. Use a soft towel.
It is strictly forbidden to bathe a dog during estrus in a river, sea, pond, etc. In open water, there are a lot of infections that a dog can pick up. Moreover, the consequence of bathing can be hypothermia, which in turn entails a number of consequences.

As mentioned earlier, the estrus period is characterized by frequent trips to the toilet. Therefore, whatever one may say, there will be marks in the house. But this problem has a very simple solution - dog diapers. Don't panic if you don't know what to do if your dog is in heat - it's a natural physiological process and there's nothing wrong with it.

Dog diapers will help avoid stains all over the house and keep the dog from constantly grooming himself.

When the toy terrier is ready for mating.

It is possible to understand that the dog is ready for mating by physiological signs.
An indicator of approaching estrus can be considered frequent urination, naughty, playful, or irritable behavior.

During estrus, it is better to walk a girl only with a leash - she can run away, + You will protect her from unwanted courtship of males.
There may be an increase in the mammary glands, the appearance of milk in a small amount.

An enlarged female genital organ (loop) is a sure sign that a dog can be bred. The loop becomes noticeable and swells. Do not miss the first spotting - 12-14 days must be counted from their onset so that the probability of fertilization during mating is maximum. The secretions are red only during pre-oestrus, then (during estrus) they lose color and become pink or completely colorless. If you cannot understand whether the dog has discharge or not, attach paper to the loop - if there is discharge, they will remain on it. It is best to mate a female with a male five or six days after the onset of estrus.

To understand that the female is ready for mating is easy - stroke the dog's lower back. If she starts to bend, making it clear with all appearance that she is ready for mating - call the dog.

If you want to know the most favorable day for mating, go to the veterinary clinic. There, a smear will be taken from the dog, which will determine the ideal day for mating.

Important: in order to bring puppies, the girl must be healthy and not have any physical abnormalities.

It is better not to knit if:

  • the dog has a cold/sick.
  • dogs are not familiar at all (yes, you can’t mate animals by force).
  • ovulation has not yet occurred, or has already passed

And of course, you need to abandon mating if the dog has problems with the reproductive organs.

Another important point when mating a dog is the choice of a male. To preserve the purity of the breed, you need to choose the “ideal” groom - a dog with an excellent pedigree, beautiful conformation and good temperament.

Of course, the male must be absolutely healthy, otherwise there will be no fertilization, or there will be bad consequences.

Why might it not work?

  • a dog has a disease that does not appear outwardly in any way. In this case, you need to take a semen analysis and check the animal.
  • the male has suppressed sexual potency.
  • extreme heat "kills" sperm, so do not breed dogs in very hot weather.
  • if part of the mating male, he may develop infertility.

Therefore, when knitting, attention should be paid not only to girls, but also to boys.

At what age should you breed a toy terrier.

The period when the toy is ready for mating comes before a year, but it is better not to rush and carry out the first mating after 2 estrus - so the owner will be able to clearly understand when the most favorable moment for mating, as he will know the cycles of the animal. Moreover, it is possible to trace the features of the first two heats - the behavior of the dog, its mood changes, etc. You can also adjust the animal's diet by adding more animal proteins to the food.

Thirdly, given the diminutiveness of the breed, it will also monitor the weight of the animal. The mating of the mini toy terrier, weighing up to two kilograms, is at great risk due to the fact that the risk of complications during childbirth increases.
If you listen to the advice of breeders about how old you can knit a toy terrier, then the recommended age for mating for males is after one and a half years, and for females - after two years.
The tribal regulations of cynological federations and unions of many countries allow knitting small breed dogs from 15 months (for females) and from 9 to 12 months (for males), subject to physiological maturity.

First mating of that terrier.

With the onset of age, when the toy terrier is ready to mate, be prepared for the fact that the first time the mating may fail.

Natural mating is problematic in urban life, so owners should make every effort to minimize stress for the terrier.

So, knitting itself. For the first time, you can invite an instructor to help.

  • For mating, you should not dress your toy in all kinds of clothes and decorate with accessories. This will scare away the "groom" or "bride".
  • If you decide to breed your miniature terrier for the first time, then the partner must be "experienced", having or having experience of successful mating. In addition, in order not to unnerve your dog, tie your pet for the first time on your territory.
  • in the room where the mating will take place there should be no distractions (sounds, smells, objects).
  • Do not rush the animals, they must communicate, get used to each other.
  • If dogs don't mate on their own, help them. When the dogs sniffed and calmed down, turn the bitch that is standing with her tail to the male, but only so that she does not sit down. Now lift her slightly by the stomach so that the male with his penis penetrates the vagina. As soon as this happens, the male will go about his business. Your task at this time, together with the owner of the second dog or instructor, is to hold the toys. This is necessary so that the female does not move away and push the penis out of the vagina or provoke a “lock”.
  • If, nevertheless, the “castle” happened, then make sure that the dogs do not twitch sharply. Otherwise, both the male and the female will damage their genitals. Let the dogs rest.
  • After a couple of days, knitting should be repeated. First of all, this applies to females, which happen for the first time. The fact is that the life cycle of male spermatozoa is three days after isolation. And for one hundred percent fertilization of eggs in two matings, there are still four days left.

Successful mating leads to the appearance of charming puppies in a couple of months.

In order to help your pet during the mating process, we recommend watching the VIDEO “Mating toy terrier”.

The mating of that terrier has its own specifics, due to the small size of the dog. And in view of the incessant flow of those wishing to acquire such a pet, toy breeders try to take this feature into account when mating toy terriers.

Organizational procedures

When owning a thoroughbred, highly rated dog by experts, the owner must be extremely careful, carefully and deliberately choose a partner for mating. The planned puppies will be valuable, healthy and with a good genetic background if both Toy parents have the right qualities.

Do not skip the literature, especially at the first practice of organizing the mating of dogs of toy terriers. Read about genetics, anatomy, psychology and psychosomatics of dogs. It is also necessary to have information for the future: for - the next significant step after knitting.

It may be useful to consult with the dog breeder from whom you bought your pet. However, any competent and knowledgeable dog owner will do.

The decision to breed a mini toy terrier and breed puppies should be supported by the selection of an experienced veterinarian. He will in the future diagnose a pregnant dog.

How should the first mating be done?

Age of dogs

Toy is permissible to happen in 1.5 - 2.5 years. For dogs, the “first time” is stressful. Therefore, the owner must organize an extremely calm, comfortable and correct environment. The urban content of the animal creates some barriers to this, and natural conditions for mating toys are limited. In order to avoid unexpected problems, instructors, dog breeders or a veterinarian are invited to the process.

Appearance of the pet

Perhaps the usual dog costumes, collars, dog accessories are out of place with such a meeting of animals. Moreover, such things can scare away a toy partner.

Place of mating

If the toychik is knitted for the first time, let this place be familiar to him. So the experience of the pet will be less. It is noted that mating is carried out in the zone of the male, and not the female.

Room furnishings

The “dog date” room should not have any objects that attract attention and are attractive to the animal: rugs, floor lamps, dishes, and other decor items. The absence of smells and sounds is also recommended.

Behavioral features of pets

You can’t rush, push, push, and generally pay any attention to the toys. Be patient and let the kids get to know each other, get used to each other, like each other if you want ...

How to find out the optimal time for knitting toys?

The sign for mating is the estrus of the female of that terrier, which is, in fact, canine menstruation. Such a period occurs no more than 2 times a year with a six-month interval.

leads to intraphysiological changes in the animal organism: an increase in the genital organs of the female Toy, frequent urination and bloody discharge.

There are often behavioral changes in female toys, when sharp, causeless mood swings are obvious. There is also absolute apathy, and excessive excitement, uncharacteristic for females. During such periods, females sometimes behave completely inappropriately, trying, for example, to mount another animal.

A dog's estrus passes, on average, in 21 days, having several stages:

from 1 to 9 days - the stage of proestrus, when the first discharge is detected, which becomes the reason for the manifestation of interest in males. However, the dog does not yet allow "boyfriends" in itself. At the same time, she herself shows a strange interest in other toy girls.

From 10 to 16 days - the estrus stage, when the blood color of the discharge changes to a transparent, mucous consistency. During this period, the females are ready for attention and do not resist the males, allowing them to mount. The estrus stage is optimal for toy mating.

From 17 to 20 days fall on the stage of metaestrus. The female loses her "former passion", avoids males. The chances of fertilization are drastically reduced.

Rules for untying toys - males

  • The first mating with a partner should be carried out in familiar to the dog, everyday conditions, highlighting a room or some area.
  • The first mating is desirable with an already familiar and experienced dog.
  • You can’t rush, urge, urge the dog when mating. But you can help and guide a little.
  • If the procedure does not give the desired result, then she probably needs a break.

The selection of toy partners is accompanied by the following rules:

  • It is necessary to match the animals in size, perhaps a slight predominance of weight in the girl;
  • it is recommended to have such individuals, one of which has already been untied;
  • recommendations can be obtained from employees of special, breeding dogs, clubs.

Breeding small breeds of dogs is a rather difficult task. There are many reasons: the size of the animal, which is the determining factor in gestation, as well as the characteristics of a particular breed. Mating toy terriers requires not only great attention and responsibility, but also an understanding of the process. Inexperienced dog breeders who do not have practical experience in breeding toys can contribute to the spread of weak individuals of breed degradation.

If you see an ad "I'm looking for a toy terrier for mating", do not rush to grab the phone. It is the approach that is the reason for the weakening of the breed.

Here is a simple example: recently, more and more owners of toy terriers began to complain about epilepsy in their pets. This disease is transmitted only genetically and does not manifest itself in any way during the first years of a dog's life. Of course, if we are talking about true epilepsy (congenital). The disease makes itself felt quite suddenly, for no apparent reason, after which frequent communication with veterinarians will be inevitable throughout the life of the animal. The reason for this phenomenon is uncontrolled and irresponsible mating, when animals with this severe hereditary disease are allowed into breeding.

In breeding toy terriers, so-called inbreeding is very often used. If you do not delve into the essence, then this type provides for the preservation of all the qualities of the breed through mating "within the family." Simply put, dogs of the same genetic line participate in mating. A similar approach to breeding is used by almost all known breeding nurseries. Preserving the "quality" of the breed's gene pool is important for a show career. But it has its downsides. Epilepsy, allergies, low immunity and congenital weaknesses are the side effects that cannot be avoided with this type of breeding.

Pregnancy in toy terriers

Ideal for mating is the period after 14 days from the onset of estrus in toy terriers. Such a late date is due to the fact that there is almost no bloodless estrus in Toy, therefore enough time must pass before mating begins. The dog itself will tell you the right moment, and the most obvious signal will be a change in behavior.

You need to prepare in advance for the pregnancy of a toy terrier. The first important indicator is the weight of your dog. The minimum body weight is 1.5 kg, therefore it is customary not to allow dogs with a weight below the critical mark to be mated. The most suitable weight is 1.8 kg, so if your pet is too thin, you need to take care of increasing body weight. Naturally, this does not mean that you have to feed the dog, as obesity will also cause a lot of problems. We are talking about healthy muscle mass, which is formed by proper nutrition and walking.

Do not forget about the diet. Nutrition should be varied and balanced. The dog will eat more than usual, and for full-fledged gestation, a constant intake of vitamins will be required.

The gestation process itself is not much different from the birth of other small breeds. Try to provide the dog with as much attention as possible, as he will need it throughout the entire period.

Births of toy terriers

It is worth clarifying that childbirth in toy terriers is an incredibly complex and time-consuming process. It will require from you not only constant attention, but also technical knowledge. Therefore, if your pet is expecting offspring, it is better to look for a knowledgeable veterinarian in advance. Modern clinics offer various options, from carrying out the procedure under the supervision of specialists, to calling a doctor at home. It is better to entrust everything to professionals in case you do not know how to give birth to a toy terrier. In this matter, it is impossible to show excessive care, so you need to enlist the support of a specialist in advance, in case of complications.

If you decide to take birth at home, then the dog must be under constant supervision. The following signs should alert you:

    Excessive anxiety of the dog.

    Refusal to drink and eat.

    Whining, accompanied by frequent or constant trembling.

In such cases, it is best to consult a supervising veterinarian.

It is very important to give all the help to newborn toy terriers. If you do not know how to cut the umbilical cord, wipe the puppy, suck the accumulated fluid from the nose and mouth, and also have the skills to help bring the puppy to life if he is “silent”, then it is better not to risk it and call the veterinarian at the first sign of approaching childbirth.

The mating of the Russian Toy Terrier is fraught with certain difficulties due to the miniature size of these dogs. However, the efforts of breeders to breed the breed justify themselves, because the demand for puppies is always very high.

First mating of toy terrier

You can knit toy terriers when the dogs reach the age of 1.5-2.5 years. The first mating for is always stressful, so the task of the owner is to organize mating as comfortably and correctly as possible. In the conditions of urban keeping of dogs, the process of mating, natural for animals, can be limited and complicated by certain external factors. It is best to invite a veterinarian, a professional breeder or even a special instructor from a breeding club for the first mating.

When preparing for the mating of that terriers, pay attention to the following circumstances.

    Appearance of animals. It is not necessary to decorate a pet with any accessories for mating, and even more so to put clothes on him - these factors will not attract, but, on the contrary, will scare away a partner.

    Place of mating. It is better if the mating process takes place in a place familiar to a dog that does not have mating experience.

    Situation. In the breeding room for Russian Toy Terriers, there should be no animal distractions, such as extraneous odors, sounds and objects that can attract attention.

    Dog behavior. Don't force things. Dogs need to get used to each other. Time for acquaintance should be taken as much as the animals need.

The female is in heat: we consider a good period for mating

Domestic bitches go into heat 1-2 times a year, usually at intervals of 6 months.

Physiological signs this state are as follows:

    • The first mating should take place in the usual home environment for the male, but in a specially designated place.

      The influence of extraneous distractions should be reduced to "no".

      For the first mating, it is better to choose an experienced partner familiar to the boy.

      Do not rush the dog.

      It is necessary to unobtrusively help the dog, stroking him during the cage, first with light, and then with more intense movements over the croup. The boy should be accustomed to such stroking in advance, so as not to be scared away during an important process.

      If the process of mating the Russian Toy Terrier does not bring the desired result, you need to let the dog rest for a while.

      During the “lock” period, the knitting process should be kept under special control.

    How to choose a partner for a toy terrier

    Dogs selected for mating must match each other in size. A dog may be somewhat more graceful than a female, but not vice versa. It is desirable that one of the partners has already been untied. Qualified assistance in choosing a partner can always be obtained from professional clubs breeding toy terriers.

Breeding toy terriers is a difficult task and immediate stress for both the dog and its owner. Choosing a partner for further breeding should be done responsibly. It is best to contact the breeder so that the specialist tells you where it is best to carry out the first mating. We are also looking for a male or female for mating through ads on the Internet or among friends. The quality of the breed, the health of the offspring and their participation in the next matings depend on how responsibly you choose a partner for mating that terrier.

On which day to plan the mating of that terrier, it will be seen from the behavior of the dog. Calculate the date based on the age of the pet and the presence of signs of puberty. The first breeding in a dog's life is the most stressful. It is recommended to monitor the behavior of pets and include vitamins and minerals in the diet, which are very important for future offspring. A bitch or male must be prepared in advance for the first breeding process. All subsequent matings will be much calmer emotionally and faster.

How to choose the right male for mating?

We are looking for a mating male in advance so that we can slowly get to know each candidate personally. Professional breeding of the breed is an important point and all aspects of choosing a partner must be observed. The male plays an important role in the formation of the breed, because if the bitch has minor flaws, then a purebred and registered male compensates for them. This applies even to hereditary defects in the female.

We are looking for a male for mating, of such a size that he is on a par with the female. A noticeable difference in height or weight may incorrectly affect the future breed. You can choose a male slightly smaller than the female, but not more. Toy Terriers breed at 8 to 12 months of age. Before this age, it is not recommended to bring a male for mating, as his body is growing and has not yet fully formed.

Looking for a mating bitch

The girl can be given for mating at the age of 8-12 months, since at this time they begin their first estrus. The next estrus usually comes in 6 months, so we are looking for a suitable partner in advance. The estrus period is approximately 18-20 days. The time of puberty can be slightly deviated up or down, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. To understand exactly when you can give a girl for breeding, you need to control her behavior. If you are not a professional breeder, then we are looking for an experienced instructor for mating or entrust the entire breeding process to specialists. Only in this case can successful mating be guaranteed.

If you notice the following changes in behavior, then the bitch should be bred:

  • the dog stopped obeying and following commands
  • the girl is in constant agitation
  • in some cases, toy terriers may refuse to eat

Signs of puberty

At the beginning of puberty, the girl has a slight increase in the vulva, from which discharge comes. The estrus also has a moment of its beginning, peak and end. By the middle of the process of estrus, the girl of that terrier has increased spotting. With the onset of ovulation, the loop becomes larger and softer, and the discharge becomes light pink and yellowish. The ovulation period lasts 3-5 days. Often, due to mating at the beginning of ovulation, breeding professionals lose a litter or a female is empty. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to monitor the girl of that terrier, and as soon as the middle of ovulation comes, you can give the bitch for breeding.

Please note that the individual characteristics of that terrier can mislead you if estrus does not start at a certain time. It is also possible that the loop is rigid for a long time, aggressive behavior towards the dog, or the absence of secretions. All of these factors are temporary.

The successful outcome of the copulation of toy terriers is possible if you invite an experienced breeder. The fact is that natural mating is impossible in artificially created conditions and the bitch should be kept. The bitch is held in a standing position with its tail turned towards the male. Hold the toy terrier girl so that she cannot sit up or pull away. The breeder puts her knees under her stomach and thus she will not be able to sit down. After the male's penis has penetrated the bitch's vagina, he presses firmly against her and produces thrusts. The mating ends at the moment when the male begins to sort out his legs, which means that ejaculation has occurred.

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