The ferret as a pet is all about keeping. Ferret care. Hair care

What kind of animal is this - a ferret, is described in our material, and how to choose the right pet for yourself - in the article. Here we will talk about what conditions you need to create for a normal life of a ferret at home, how to provide your pet with proper care and high-quality and healthy nutrition.

Care for ornamental ferrets

Bathing your pet ferret should not be done too often, as after bathing, the specific “horine” smell tends to intensify. If your pet does not respect water procedures too much, it is enough to wash it a couple of times a year. From time to time, fur can be treated with special wipes or sprays. For bathing, scented shampoos “without tears” are used especially for ferrets. You can wash the animal in the shower or in a warm bath, it all depends on what the ferret likes best. After bathing, dry the skin with a towel or let the pet dry itself.

Once a month, you will have to cut the claws of the ferret. Be careful not to injure the animal. Until the ferret gets used to the procedure, it is best to call on the help of someone from the household to hold the animal while you trim the claws.

Ferrets molt in autumn and spring, changing from winter to summer fur and vice versa. As a rule, molting lasts a couple of weeks, while the animal can itch a lot. To help him, try gently plucking out old hair or combing it out with special brushes. At this time, it is useful to feed the animals with special vitamin supplements. Also, pets need to be given a hair removal paste, it comes with the marking "for cats", but it is great for ferrets, moreover, they adore it as a treat. During the molting period, ferrets lick themselves very selflessly, wool gets into the stomach and no less dangerous blockage can occur than blockage with rubber.

For fun, offer the ferret a variety of toys. These are all kinds of pipes and tunnels through which the animals dart enthusiastically, strong balls that can not be chewed (remember the blockage of the intestines and watch the integrity of the toys). Rags and boxes are also very popular. Be sure to have a cozy house (or several) in which the animal will hide. And of course, you yourself should devote enough time to activities and games with your pet, especially if there is only one ferret in the house.

In summer, you can take the ferret for a walk (if the summer is very hot, then you must follow the recommendations from the material), if the animal is vaccinated and has already grown enough. It can also be taken out in winter, but only when there is snow, the more the better. Because it is a great ferret joy - to dig holes in the snow! You can’t walk in slush and in very harsh frosts, and moderate cold only benefits ferrets. On the street, do not let go of the leash, make sure that your pet does not pick up any muck from the ground. If you intend to take the ferret with you to the country, then you can organize an aviary on the site. Do not let the animal roam freely around the site, the ferret will get lost very quickly (the owner of the animal named Rins Julia told us in more detail about walking with the ferret in her letter).

Feeding your ferret at home

A ferret's diet can be based on one of two types of feeding: dry food or natural food.

Since the ferret is a predator that feeds mainly on rodents, these features must be taken into account when feeding naturally. The most suitable products for ferrets are poultry meat, offal, less often eggs and fish. When feeding natural products, the feeding regimen is 2 times a day. In principle, animals do not need plant foods, so add no more than 2% of plant substances to the diet. Fish can be given in small quantities and not too often. From varieties, choose trout, cod, mackerel or flounder. It is better to boil chicken eggs, and small bird eggs can be given raw if the body copes well with them. From dairy products, a ferret can only be treated with cottage cheese within reasonable limits, or a small piece of cheese as a treat. With natural feeding, the ferret needs vitamin supplements, especially during periods of growth, molting, and pregnancy.

One of the diets for a ferret is "farshekasha". The name speaks for itself - meat and poultry offal, some fish, some well-cooked cereals and vegetables are turned through a meat grinder, all ingredients are cooled and mixed. Vitamins and mineral supplements can be added to the finished minced meat. However, recently the feasibility of feeding minced meat has been questioned, since these recipes are used on fur farms, where the quality of the fur is in the first place, and not the health of the animal. Increasingly, experts say that it is best to feed small rodents and chickens to ferrets - the closer to nature, the better.

Dry food for ferrets

Natural ferret feeding is fraught with many difficulties and only experienced ferret breeders can do it. If you have never kept a ferret at home before, your best bet is not to opt for "natural", but to opt for dry rations consisting of professional grade ready-made feeds. This is very convenient, the feed already contains all the components the animal needs, you just provide the animal with constant access to food and water.

There are now premium foods specifically for ferrets, but professional-grade cat food, and more specifically kitten food, will do, as ferrets' nutritional requirements are quite comparable to those of kittens up to a year old. If you want a healthy ferret, never buy economy, mid-range, or dog food. It is best to take food containing poultry meat. Choreologists recommend the following foods: for ferrets - premium food from Evo, Eagle Pack and Bosch; for kittens professional series Purina, Hills, Innova, Eagle Pack, Yams, Eukanuba, Nutro Choice.

Every year, ferrets as pets are becoming more and more popular. But for our country, the ferret is still an exotic animal, unlike, for example, America, where more than 7 million people keep these animals at home.But a ferret at home is not only fun, fun, positive, but also a great responsibility, time, patience and careful care of the owner. Ferret owners certainly know what is needed for the happiness and health of their wards. But if you are just about to get this exotic pet, it will not be superfluous to find out what care for a ferret is and whether it is so difficult.

Ferret safety in the home

  • If a ferret has appeared in your house, carefully inspect all corners, walls, furniture, household appliances for cracks or holes. To prevent your pet from getting into trouble, all openings where he can climb must be closed. Flower pots, electrical wires, fragile items, cosmetics, detergents, medicines, etc. should not be available to the pet.
  • Ferrets love to stock up. They make hiding places and store food in them. And it is better to immediately close the places suitable for arranging hiding places, allocating one special corner for the animal, where he will put his supplies. So you can clean up the "stash" of food in time, preventing the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  • Ferrets are burrowing animals and love to dig. And they can dig anything: earth in flower pots, flour, cereals, washing powder, etc. Of course, the animal should not have access to such things.
  • Always close kitchen and bathroom doors tightly. Having penetrated there, the animal can arrange real chaos. And if the animal decides to examine the toilet or taste the washing powder or other household chemicals, this can lead to tragedy.
  • The ferret should not have access to open windows, as the animal does not feel height well.
  • Ferrets are very playful and nimble. When they roam free, close the doors very carefully so as not to pinch the pet.

ferret cage

If you decide to keep a ferret in a cage, then it must certainly be so spacious that the pet can move freely in it, as well as play. The optimal dimensions of your pet's housing are as follows: length - at least one meter, width - at least 50 cm, height - at least 80 centimeters.

The cage needs a bedding on which the animal will rest. As such, you can use a fabric (wool or baize) or purchase a special cellulose bedding for animals from a specialized store. Bedding is recommended to be changed every week as it can smell bad.

Hang something like a hammock and hanging toys in the cage. Be sure - it will delight your pet.

Well, if you can give the animal a separate room in the apartment. But a shelter or a mink, where he can be in complete solitude, he still needs.

ferret house

A ferret, like a burrowing animal, must have a shelter house in a cage. It’s good if you can give the animal a separate room in the apartment. But a shelter or a mink, where he can be in complete solitude, he still needs.

The absence of a ferret house in a human dwelling can lead to nervous breakdown, exhaustion, and even death of your ward. However, most likely the animal will find a hole for itself, somewhere in the sofa or behind the closet, without this it simply cannot exist. It is unlikely that this option will appeal to the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment. Therefore, it is better to take care of a cozy house for a ferret in advance.

If the ferret lives in a cage and only occasionally comes out to run around the apartment, it is better to attach a house in the form of a wooden box to the lattice of the cage outside. This will increase the precious living space. The size of the apartment should be such that the animal can stretch out completely without constraint. The optimal length is at least half a meter, width and height are 30–40 cm each. Unfortunately, such houses are rarely found on sale, so a home-made design would probably be the best option.

It is advisable to use not plywood, but thin boards and sticks, they do not suffer so much from moisture when washing. Chipboard is categorically not suitable, not only because of the toxic phenolic adhesive, but also because of its poor water resistance. The connection is on self-tapping screws, today they are sold galvanized and do not rust.

The entrance opening must be made at least 10 cm, and preferably to the edge, so it will be more comfortable in the hole. It is not necessary to paint the house from the inside, but the outside can be covered with one layer of pentaphthalic or glyptal varnish. For bedding, put woolen or cotton rags in the house. Shavings will also fit, but large, without sawdust and wood chips and, of course, from hardwood, without resinous inclusions. Small sawdust of any type cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Paper with printing ink is also not an option, although a ferret is a predator, it loves to try everything that comes across.

When a ferret lives in a free range house, the house for him can be on the floor, but in the quietest place, away from heaters, sunlight and drafts. Sometimes, a picky ferret does not want to go to a new home. Then try to rearrange the house to where he prefers to rest most often. Keep in mind that the sense of "Feng Shui" in ferrets is more developed than in humans.

An outdoor house can be made large and complex from several chambers connected by manhole pipes, ladders, equipped with benches and exits from different sides. Fantasy and design delights are not limited. You can make a grandiose structure that copies a human house, for example, with opening doors, windows, balconies, etc. Especially, such a house is good if you have several ferrets. Hang a drinking bowl and a hammock to the house, put a reliable non-tilting bowl for food. Such a house, together with its nimble inhabitant, will serve as a real decoration of your apartment!

ferret walking

It is safer for the animal and more convenient for the owners if the ferret lives in a cage. But in this case, he needs daily walks around the apartment, at least for 2-3 hours. Walks should take place under the supervision of the owner, because in the house of curious ferrets a lot of dangers can await, which cannot always be foreseen in advance. When leaving home, it is better for the owner to lock the animal in a cage.

It is not necessary to walk the ferret outside, but it usually gives the animals a lot of pleasure. A pet is accustomed to winter walks, starting from a few minutes, gradually increasing the walking time. In wet and windy weather, walking a ferret is not recommended.

They walk with a ferret only on a harness.

And, of course, the animal must have the necessary vaccinations. Walking with an unvaccinated pet is dangerous, as the risk of catching a virus increases many times over. And do not forget that after vaccination you need to quarantine (2 weeks).

For walks, try to choose places where dogs are not walked.

Ferret Care: Mandatory Procedures

Bathing a ferret

Ferrets are excellent swimmers, but not all animals like to do so. They bathe the ferret no more than once a month, and only if necessary, if the animal gets very dirty on a walk or at home. Frequent washing can cause an unpleasant odor, because after interacting with water, the sebaceous glands that secrete an odorous secret begin to work in an enhanced mode.

For washing, it is recommended to use a shampoo designed specifically for ferrets. Baby shampoo or kitten shampoo is also suitable. Do not wash ferrets with dog shampoos. The wrong shampoo can cause itching. In addition, the animal may become more odorous.

When bathing, it is best to keep your ferret suspended under a faucet or shower. And if the animal likes to swim, fill the bathtub with water by about 20 cm. At the same time, do not forget to equip an island that the pet can climb on (you can use a regular bucket for this). The optimum water temperature for bathing is about 40 C. During water procedures, do not leave your pet alone, watch out for his safety. When the ferret swims, take it in your hands and follow the instructions for the shampoo, lather it. Lightly rub the skin and rinse off the shampoo. Make sure that water does not get into the ears. After taking water procedures, gently wipe the animal. If he actively resists, put him in a box with high sides, on the bottom of which put a towel or soft cloth. Give your ferret time to clean up.

To prevent the animal from catching a cold, there should be no drafts during bathing.

Ear cleaning

Sulfur constantly accumulates in the ears of the animal. If it is not cleaned, it will lead to an unpleasant odor and inflammatory processes in the ears. In addition, the likelihood of the appearance of an ear mite is high.

Ferret ears need to be cleaned every 2-4 weeks. For the procedure, a special ear cleaner for kittens and rabbits, hydrogen peroxide or Dioxidine and Chlorhexidine solutions are used. Soak a cotton swab in the cleaning liquid and gently rub the outer ear. A swab that is too wet can leave fluid in the ear. In this case, take dry and wet these areas. The ear canal cannot be touched when cleaning, even if you see sulfur there.

Nail care

The claws of a ferret grow quite quickly. If they are not cut, they will not only interfere with walking, but can also lead to injury. A ferret can catch on curtains, blinds, carpets and pull out a claw or dislocate a paw.

To care for the claws, it is advisable to use a special nail cutter. The cutting line should be parallel to the inner line of the claw (only the downward growing hook is cut). You can not touch the blood vessel inside the claw. Nail clipping is not the most pleasant procedure for a ferret, so distract the animal by smearing something tasty on its belly. You can read more about how to trim a ferret's claws.

Ferret hair care

Ferrets need to be brushed once a week. For this, a special soft brush is suitable, which will give the animal's coat silkiness and shine. Insufficiently thick and silky coat indicates poor care.

Ferrets molt in spring and autumn. The change of coat lasts from 7 to 14 days. To facilitate the molting process, it is recommended to give vitamins for wool.

Since the wool of the animals is thick, it can be plucked. So you make it easier for the animal to molt, and for yourself cleaning. A plucked animal will quickly acquire new hair.

Brushing with a soft brush or mitten will also help get rid of old wool.

Another way to get rid of hair falling out during molting is to vacuum the animal. If you have a vacuum cleaner with special attachments for animals and the "consent" of the pet, you will quickly remove excess hair.

Ferrets, like cats, lick themselves and swallow their own fur. Lumps of ingested hair accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to intestinal obstruction. To remove hairballs from the stomach, during the molting period, the animal is given a paste to remove hair from the stomach of cats (3 times a day for ¼ teaspoon).

Ferret Dental Care

Plaque, and then tartar, which builds up over time on your pet's teeth if not cared for properly, can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. In this case, a veterinarian will help, who will professionally clean your teeth and, if necessary, remove broken ones.

But in order to prevent such problems, ferret teeth need to be looked after from the first days of his appearance in your home.

First, dental health depends on whether the ferret is getting the right nutrition. Be sure to include chicken necks and wings in your diet, which naturally help clean your teeth. A ferret that eats mostly soft food has more dental problems than a ferret that eats hard food. You can read more about what to feed a ferret.

Secondly, at least once every 2 weeks, the animal needs to brush its teeth. This is done with the help of a children's brush and a paste intended for animals (“human” paste cannot be used). After squeezing a drop of paste onto the brush, carefully open the pet's mouth and clean the entire oral cavity in a circular motion, paying special attention to chewing teeth. Do not press too hard on the brush, otherwise the gums of the animal may be damaged.

In addition, chewable bones and other special treats for ferrets help remove plaque and prevent tartar build-up. But you should not get carried away with these “sweets”, because they are not intended for frequent use.

It should be noted that dental problems in ferrets can also be hereditary. Often such animals have short noses and, due to the fact that there is little space in the mouth, the teeth grow unevenly.

Ferret vaccination

Canine distemper and rabies are diseases that require mandatory preventive vaccination.

Starting from the age of 2.5-3 months, young ferrets begin to lose the antibodies obtained with mother's milk, and accordingly become vulnerable to viral diseases. From this age they begin to vaccinate.

At the age of 10-12 weeks, a plague vaccination is given, and at 14-16 weeks, a revaccination and a rabies vaccination are performed. Thereafter, both vaccinations are given every year.

Vaccinations are given only to absolutely healthy animals. Females during pregnancy, feeding babies, as well as estrus, cannot be vaccinated.

As you can see, caring for domestic ferrets is not so complicated and is not much different from caring for "murks" or "bobs". At the same time, ferrets, as very mobile and ubiquitous animals, require more care from the owner. After all, the animal cannot always be in a cage, and during walks it needs an eye and an eye.

In contact with

Recently, many people prefer to have as pets not traditional cats, birds and dogs, but exotic animals or even reptiles and insects. One of these non-standard pets, the ferret, will be discussed in our article.

Ferrets are very nimble, mobile, curious animals, while they are quite smart and do not require complex care. They are perfectly tamed, they love affection and communication, they are very clean and, importantly, if desired and with a certain perseverance, they can be taught to go to the tray.

It is allowed to keep ferrets both in a cage and in freedom, allowing him to move around the entire apartment. Since ferrets are free-spirited and prefer an active lifestyle, the latter option is the most acceptable. However, this does not mean that you do not need a cage, it is a must. Her space can serve as a short-term refuge for your pet or a place to which you will send him for punishment. Moreover, even if the ferret will be in the cage only from time to time, it should be spacious enough so that a bowl, a drinking bowl, a tray, a hammock and a sleeping place can fit in it without any problems.

If you decide that keeping ferrets in a cage is more acceptable for you, its arrangement must be taken more seriously. In this case, it should be really large so that the animal can move freely in it, its minimum area should be 1 sq.m.

It is desirable that the walls of the cage were not made of rods, since the animal will definitely try to gnaw through them and may well break its teeth. It is better if they are made of metal construction mesh.

In addition to the above items, in the cage it is necessary to make a semblance of a mink, hidden from prying eyes, and line it inside with rags. In addition, the ferret’s dwelling should also be equipped with all kinds of labyrinths or tunnels made of pipes, boxes, plastic bottles, etc., the animal will climb them with pleasure, and it will also like a variety of swings and ladders. You can also put a box filled with sand, in which he will dig.

Ferrets at home should not be constantly in cages, they must be let out for a walk every day for a couple of hours. Without communication and constant movement, such an animal may well die.

Ferrets are very fond of the company and various outdoor games - hide and seek, catch up, etc. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the pet will have to pay attention. If you are not ready to devote your time to such fun, you should think about acquiring two animals at once.

If you plan to give your ferret complete freedom of movement, you will need to prepare an apartment for this. First of all, you should check it for all kinds of cracks and holes, and then eliminate them. This is due to the fact that ferrets are burrowing animals, so they can climb into even the narrowest holes and eventually get stuck. It is also worth removing indoor flowers, wires and other items that they can ruin from the access zone of animals. It is undesirable to let such pets into the kitchen, as they can jump onto the included stove, as well as unglazed balconies (in this case, they may fall out). In addition, in the room in which the animal is located, it is impossible to leave open windows, turned on the fan, iron, etc.

Try to keep an eye on your ferret at all times and know where it is. Keep in mind that they are fragile animals that should be protected from falls, as well as drafts and heat (moderate cold is not terrible for them). Ferrets are very nimble, while they have poor vision and are not able to accurately determine distances, so they can fall off a table or chair. In addition, the animals can be anywhere under a blanket, sofa, table, behind a closet, they can be accidentally crushed, they can be stepped on or sat down. The consequences of such injuries are often very serious.

It is possible for a ferret to allocate one room in which he will spend most of his time. But it doesn't have to be a closet, a bathroom.
or toilet. Be sure to arrange a shelter for him and put a soft bedding there. You will also need bowls for food and a drinker. It does not hurt to buy dense latex toys for the animal. It is better not to offer rubber and fur toys to the ferret, as he can swallow their pieces, which will lead to blockage of the intestines. In addition, it is worth preparing for the fact that ferrets can gnaw on furniture, shoes, plastic, etc.

In addition to animal meat, you can sometimes additionally feed various cereals cooked in meat broths, as well as fresh vegetables (but they should not become the basis of the diet). Up to three times a week, the animal is recommended to offer raw eggs and dairy products.

Many people are worried about what to feed a domestic ferret if there is no time to prepare food for him. In this case, special food can help you out. Unfortunately, you can not find it in all pet stores, since in our region such pets, nevertheless, are still exotic. You can replace the food with high-quality canned cat food, ideally for lactating cats or kittens.

What are the diseases of ferrets

Domestic ferrets are prone to the same diseases as other mammals. A tendency to certain diseases can be caused by conditions of detention, genetics, weakened immunity. Often the cause of disease in ferrets is the wrong diet. Health problems can lead to low-calorie, unbalanced nutrition, feeding the animal with products that are harmful to it and low-quality feed. In this case, the ferret may experience beriberi, dysbacteriosis, poisoning, obesity, and many other disorders.

Consider the most common symptoms of ferret disease:

  • Diarrhea. It can occur due to dysbacteriosis, poisoning and other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. If diarrhea continues for several days, it can cause dehydration.
  • Vomit. Often it is caused by banal overeating. However, if the attacks are prolonged, and even more so with blood impurities, this may indicate a blockage of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increased salivation. This may be a symptom of an allergy or indicate that a foreign object has entered the oral cavity.
  • Sudden baldness of the tail. As a rule, this happens due to hormonal disorders. Sometimes this happens during estrus in females and estrus in males, less often with adrenal disease.
  • Severe abdominal enlargement. This may indicate the presence of a tumor or blockage of the intestine.
  • Difficulty urinating. Such a problem may be a symptom of an infection, urolithiasis, or a tumor.
  • Dry hot nose. This is a sign of fever. In turn, elevated temperature can signal inflammatory processes, influenza, and plague of mammals.
  • Cough. If the animal begins to cough, especially if it has watery eyes and a discharge from the nose, most likely it has a cold.
  • Dry cough that lasts a long time may indicate heart problems.
  • whitish spot located in the lens area is a symptom of a cataract.

If you notice any symptoms of a ferret disease, be sure to take it to a specialist. It is not worth treating a pet on your own, as this can cause complications and even death of the animal.


For ferrets, only a distemper vaccination is mandatory. This disease leads to the death of ferrets. In order to become infected, animals do not have to come into contact with other animals; its pathogen can be brought from the street on clothes, shoes and other objects.

Vaccinations against another dangerous disease common among mammals, rabies, are recommended for ferrets only when the animal has visited regions that are unfavorable for this disease, since vaccination against rabies often leads to complications.

Features of ferrets

The main feature of ferrets is their smell, which cannot be called pleasant. It is most pronounced in males during the rut. The smell of female ferrets is not as strong. Well, castrated animals do not smell at all.

Owners who pay enough attention to the hygiene of pets, as a rule, do not worry about how to get rid of the smell of ferrets. And really regular bathing, especially with special shampoos, perfectly solve this problem.

The ornamental ferret, more commonly referred to as the ferret or furo, is a domesticated variety of the forest ferret. With knowledge of the elementary rules, keeping a ferret in an apartment does not present any particular difficulties.

Characteristics of a ferret

The word fretka came to us from Poland, where cellular polecats were first bred.. In turn, fretka is a distorted ferret (as domestic ferrets are called in European countries). For there is a special term - polecat.

It is interesting! By the way, both varieties easily interbreed, giving viable offspring.

The decorative ferret grows up to 0.5–0.6 m and weighs about 2–2.5 kg and could resemble a cat if it were not for the elongated body with a pointed muzzle characteristic of mustelids. Females are usually smaller and rarely exceed 0.4 m with a mass of about 1 kg. Frets, like fur-bearing animals, differ in the length of the fur, which is assigned one of three categories - standard, semi-angora and angora.

They say that animals do not cause allergies, but this, of course, is a fable. Ferrets are inquisitive and active, it is interesting to watch them, but their character deteriorates at the time of puberty (at 6 months) and during the rut, which happens to males from December to August. Sexual hunting of females lasts from February to July. So that a pungent smell does not hover in the house, and the ferret becomes cheerful and sociable again, it is subjected to castration.

Choosing a pet is not an easy task, because, in addition to innate qualities, it will have an individual temperament that the owner will have to reckon with. Of course, you can bring home a month old puppy, but breeders recommend getting older animals when they are 2-3 months old. During this time, the mother manages to teach the cub the minimum survival skills, and it is much easier to get used to new owners.

Of course, the appearance of the ferret is also important. A healthy pet has a smooth, shiny coat (no bald spots), elastic vibrissae, a moist nose, and clean (no discharge) eyes. In general, the puppy should appear cheerful and slightly plump. You should also decide on the floor of the ferret: its behavior and dimensions (in the adult state) depend on this.

Important! Males tend to be larger, more aggressive and less trainable. Females are noticeably more accommodating and independent, however, they cope with their sexual instincts worse than males.

Both male and female individuals (if breeding is not planned) are best sterilized.

Preparing a place to live

Keep in mind that the ferret has sharp claws and teeth, multiplied by inexhaustible curiosity. Ideally, if your house will have walls covered with decorative stone and tiled floors. The gaps (for example, between the wall and furniture) are excluded, where the ferret will try to squeeze in: there it can get stuck and injured.

In any case, the pet will need a cage (approximately 1 * 1 * 1 m), where he will occasionally rest, eat_drink and relieve himself. Items placed in the cage include:

  • feed bowl;
  • drinker;
  • house with soft bedding;
  • hammock (optional);
  • tray (without filler).

The house is often replaced by a shoe box with rags. Sometimes a polypropylene pipe is placed in the cage as a reminder of burrow life in nature. Many owners of ferrets allow them to move freely around the apartment, but always under supervision.

Ferrets often snatch tidbits, stuffing them into secluded corners. This also needs to be monitored so that stocks do not rot. Don't forget that the furo will dig through the soil in flower pots and taste the objects it encounters, including furniture, wires, baseboards, and shoes. This is why the ferret needs to be controlled.

The right diet for a ferret

Adult ferrets are usually fed twice a day, growing up more often - up to 3-5 times a day. If there is a desire (and opportunity) to give the ferret food that is as close to natural as possible in composition, adhere to the principles of RAW feeding.

The main components of the RAW diet:

  • rodents, including mice, food rats and gerbils;
  • poultry (bones, meat and offal);
  • quail and quail eggs;
  • beef and lamb;
  • maggots and Madagascar cockroaches.

If, for ethical or aesthetic reasons, you do not want to feed live rodents to your pet, diversify its menu in other ways. Pay increased attention to the serving of chicken meat, where cartilage, tendons and bones should be present.

It is interesting! When feeding RAW, heat treatment of products is not allowed, but they are allowed to be frozen and washed under water.

It is even easier to keep a ferret on ready-made feeds, taking into account the characteristics of its metabolism..

Granules should contain at least 20% fat, 32% protein and no more than 3% fiber.

These proportions are observed in products such as:

  • Orijen Cat;
  • Innova Cat and Kitten;
  • Acana Wild Prairie Cat.

A fixed drinking bowl is installed in the aviary, in which there is always fresh water. Puppies, pregnant/lactating females, and shedding and sick ferrets are given vitamins and minerals.

Ferret care at home

To prevent feces from being scattered around the corners, the tray is securely fixed. If the ferret has not adopted the skill of emptying into the tray from the mother, it will have to be taught like this:

  1. Take the animal in your arms immediately after waking up for about five minutes.
  2. If you notice signs of anxiety (the animal backs away and raises its tail), plant it in a tray.
  3. After the successful completion of the act, reward the pet by praising and treating.

If the excrement appeared on the floor while the ferret was walking around the apartment, scold and place it in the aviary. Plant it there about once every half an hour until urine / feces remain in the tray.

If you want to wash your pet, use shampoos for ferrets, cats or children. Ferrets are washed in a bath with warm water not exceeding +40 ° C, washing off the foam in the shower. After the bath, dry it with a soft towel and take it to a box with clean rags, where it will complete the drying process.

Important! The ears of a healthy animal are not cleaned, but they are cleaned of brown plaque (if necessary) with a cotton swab with petroleum jelly, without going deep into the ear canal.

Health, disease and prevention

Decorative ferrets get sick like other pets. Diseases that are most often diagnosed in ferrets:

  • Aleutian mink disease- a virus transmitted from mother to puppy, as well as through feces, saliva and urine, affects the immune system. Symptoms are severe (diarrhea, lethargy, mouth/nosebleeds, anemia, thirst, and fever);
  • rabies- an acute viral disease that hits the nervous system. The pathogen is found in the saliva of an infected animal. Since the disease is not treated, vaccination is indicated;
  • flu The virus is often transmitted by humans. Symptoms: fever, rhinitis, lacrimation, cough, diarrhea, drowsiness and apathy. The animal recovers within 3-14 days;
  • otodectosis- ear mites that enter the ear canal from a sick animal or through objects that have come into contact with it. The ferret's ears become inflamed and itchy, a black coating forms inside;
  • eosinophilic gastroenteritis- affects the gastrointestinal tract. It usually occurs as a result of malnutrition. The ferret is very thin, suffers from diarrhea and skin ulcers;
  • plague- transmitted by diseased animals and leads to death. The virus is also carried by people (on clothes / shoes), rodents and birds. High fever, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, redness of the lips/chin and refusal to eat are noted;
  • stomach ulcer- appears due to improper feeding and stress. The neglected form of the ulcer threatens with gastric bleeding and the death of the ferret.

In addition, domestic ferrets often suffer from fleas, which are removed with a pet shampoo or anti-flea spray.

It is interesting! The ferret must have a veterinary passport, where all scheduled vaccinations are made. And they are made necessarily, like all domestic dogs and cats.

It is better to vaccinate in the clinic, since the ferret is often allergic to the drug. At home, you should have a first aid kit and a telephone number for a doctor who specializes in treating mustelids.

Animals have always been in people's lives - at first only as food, then they also became helpers in the household, and at this stage in the development of mankind, animals are increasingly playing the role of true friends and comrades. Familiar to all cats and dogs have become full members of the family. However, pet lovers are increasingly looking for pets among exotic animals. One of these is the ferret. We will consider domestic ferrets, as well as the care and maintenance of ferrets at home.

Appearance and features

It is a misconception that the ferret is a rodent. Its appearance is misleading. Although the animal looks small and seems very harmless, everyone who wants to become the owner of this exotic must remember that this is a real predator. He, like all predators, needs raw meat and active movement for a full life.

Since ferrets are quite rare at home and are exotic animals, a lot of erroneous information and facts can be found about them. So, for example, ferrets are sometimes also called honoriki. This is wrong, because honoriki are animals that were bred as a result of crossing minks and ferrets. Unlike ferrets, which are considered very aggressive animals, honoriki are affectionate and tame animals that quickly find contact with their owners.

Another misconception is that ferrets have a strong characteristic odor. This strong smell, which is attributed to the animals, can only be noted in uncastrated males during the breeding season. If the male is neutered or it is a female ferret, then the smell from them is no stronger than from a cat familiar to everyone. If the ferret is cleaned and cared for in a timely manner, then no one will suspect that this exotic animal lives in the house.

A young ferret may bite at first, thereby determining its place among other pets. However, this behavior is more like a game, and animals can show their aggressive disposition if they have not previously communicated with a person.

Experts do not recommend getting ferrets in families where there are small children, allergy sufferers, or if they keep a hunting dog in the house. It will also be inappropriate to keep ferrets where there are already birds or rodents that are objects of hunting for ferrets. Before you get a pet, you need to decide whether you can provide him with the care he needs.

The optimal age of a ferret, at which it is recommended to purchase it for home living, is considered to be a few months. This type of exotic animal is not cheap, so the low cost when buying should alert. Do not forget that the maintenance of animals costs a certain amount, therefore, from the very beginning, their owners cannot sell animals at a low cost.

In order to be sure of the quality of the offspring and get advice from professionals, it is best to purchase animals from breeders who specialize in this type of animal. If the animal is healthy and given proper care, then it will live with its owners for 10-12 years.

Like any pet, the ferret will need to allocate its place in the house, as well as purchase the cage and accessories it needs. The cage will play the role of the animal's home. You will also need a feeding bowl and a drinker that will not turn over. In the cage you need to place another tray and bedding. As a litter, old unnecessary things are suitable, in which the animal can hide. If one ferret lives in a cage, then it should be at least 60x80x45 cm in size. Do not forget that the ferret should not sit in the cage all the time and should walk freely for several hours a day.

Ferret care naturally consists of feeding, cleaning the litter box, and changing the bedding weekly. In fact, everything is the same as caring for a cat or dog. The nuance is cutting the claws, and during the molting - combing the hair. If you take a ferret for a walk in a park or forest, then you must use a leash, as the animal can easily run away. At home, ferrets breed several times a year. If ferrets are not used for breeding, then they must be castrated, as otherwise physiological stress occurs, which causes baldness and can even lead to death.

Ferrets also need holding. They use the same vaccines as for dogs. The degree of health of these animals can be easily determined by the condition of the wool and excrement. In case of doubt, it is best to contact your veterinarian.

For a full-fledged life of an animal, love for him alone is not enough, you need to responsibly approach this issue and provide him with the necessary living conditions and satisfy vital needs. As a result, this exotic animal will become a real joy for its owner.

If ferrets have appeared in your home, and the content of which raises questions for you, they will be happy to provide you with any assistance - from consultation to treatment.

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