Conspiracies for kittens, cats and cats for sale. How to sell purebred kittens? Rites that protect cats and independent white conspiracies for the sale of thoroughbred kittens are very helpful for breeders to do business.

Expose all your kittens. Based on experience, the more kittens you have, the more applications from potential buyers will be. According to statistics, every second potential buyer makes a purchase.

Exhibit kittens at the age of 1.5 months. Buyers like to reserve kittens in advance.

  • Post information about yourself - this will increase the confidence of the buyer.
  • Show your pet in the best light. Add more photos and details in the description. Post high quality photos. Photos are the engine of trade.
  • Make an offer you can't refuse. Make the price lower. We do not recommend placing different prices on different resources.
  • Set the same price on all resources - this increases the buyer's confidence in you.
  • Stay tuned for updates! We recommend removing irrelevant ads from sale.

Receipt of a purchase order.

As soon as the buyer is interested in your kitten, you will receive an SMS on your phone!

  • Call your buyer back as soon as the application has arrived. After all, he is waiting for your call!
  • Inform the buyer that you have received an order from the CATcatalog website.
  • Invite the buyer to view the pet on the next day, preferably on the same day. Otherwise, he can buy from another breeder.
  • Offer pet delivery.

Only the best plot for kittens will be able to help you quickly sell cats and cats. To start using magic, you need to wait until the offspring is one month old. By this time, the animals begin to eat on their own. Purebred kittens or not, it does not matter in this case. When selling fluffy babies, there are some nuances that should also be taken into account. This is not always the appropriate behavior of a bored cat or the return of a kitten. Therefore, you need to be able to use magic texts correctly.

If at least one of the rules is not followed, there will be no expected result. In addition, the text should be pronounced clearly and softly. The rules are:

  • Look into the eyes of the pet;
  • Iron gently on the fur;
  • Do not have greedy thoughts in your head;
  • Sincerely wish good and caring hosts.
The proposed options are suitable for all breeds of any color and age. You must be in a good mood during the ritual and trade.
  • Learn when selling products.

Conspiracy for kittens

Since we will be referring to white magic, the whole process must take place before sunset and after dawn. The owner should read the plot for the quick sale of kittens. We take the mother (cat) in our arms and stroke her with the right hand, and with the left we stroke the cubs. At this point, we read the plot:

“I’m taking my beautiful children from you, I’m giving them to good hands. Give, do not be bored, but wish them well. Let your eyes please, your heart warm, your friends' house from evil spirits.

Then take your pet in your arms and, looking into your eyes, say the given text twice.

Amulet for selling kittens

The next option will help to sell all the offspring in three days. The ritual for selling kittens involves the creation of amulets. They are made independently and only blue ribbons are used. They embroider the first letter of the mother's nickname and their name. If desired, medallions are hung. During creation, the magic words are pronounced:

"For good luck, for a sale, for a quick bid."

While tying, a conspiracy is whispered on the neck:

“Whoever looks, he will not take his eyes off. Buy it and take it home with you. They will be friends, protect and not know grief in the house.

Spell for an adult cat or cat

It is quite difficult to give an adult individual into good hands. It is believed that it is difficult to accustom such an animal to a new home. Selling a cat or a cat for a year is not difficult if you go to the market and cast a spell:

“I don’t take it home with me, but I give it back in exchange for money. The buyer approaches, the animal takes away: for hunting, for protection, for joy. As said, so done. None modified. The cat (cat) brings good luck, protects from rats, drives away pain and negativity.

How to sell thoroughbred kittens if there is a crisis in the yard, and the Russians do not really understand why pay for what you can get for free? You have to understand that selling kittens, on the one hand, is not much different from selling a TV and a car, i.е. depends on demand, supply, product quality, seasonality, etc.; but on the other hand, since we are talking about a living being, the breeder must make sure that the kitten gets into really good hands, and not to flayers or satanists. So selling purebred kittens is not easy at all.

How to sell thoroughbred kittens: health

In most systems, a kitten can be transferred to a new family at the age of at least 12 weeks. By this age, the animal must be vaccinated against panelocopenia, rhinotracheitis, herpes virus and rabies, and treated for worms before vaccination. To export a kitten to another region or country after vaccination against rabies, at least 30 days must pass (quarantine). This quarantine should ideally be maintained when selling an animal in your region.

Since the systems usually regulate only the age of transferring a kitten to a new owner, in some cases it is possible to sell a kitten only with a primary complex vaccination, and sometimes veterinarians offer to postpone the rabies vaccination to a later date - 4-6 months, and therefore its setting can be transfer to the new owner. However, both should be avoided, and still transfer the kitten with a full set of vaccinations in order to avoid misunderstandings and possible infections.

If the kitten has any health problems - congenital (hernia, cleft lip, etc.) or acquired (injuries, previous diseases, etc.), the new owners must be informed about them and familiarized with all possible consequences, course of treatment and special care requirements.

How to sell thoroughbred kittens: documents

Purebred kittens must have documents confirming the breed, selling purebred kittens without documents is a scam. Moreover, you need to sell kittens in accordance with the rules of the system in which you work, taking into account all the features of the transfer of rights to the animal and the requirements for registering a litter. A complete set of documents submitted with a kitten must include a metric (slip), a veterinary passport with marks on vaccinations and treatments, and an agreement. The contract should spell out the rules for keeping a kitten, and the possibility of returning it to the breeder, in case of non-compliance, as well as the animal’s health, if any, in addition, it is necessary to indicate the kitten is sold for castration or breeding. If a kitten is sold for breeding, then, if necessary, it is worth specifying the limitations of its breeding work (transfer of several kittens to the breeder as payment, mandatory castration of kittens of a certain color, etc.). Particular attention should be paid to the distribution of rights and obligations of the parties when buying a kitten in co-ownership (sharing the cost of kittens, paying for exhibitions, feeding, veterinary services, etc.), as well as the rules for working together (coordination of matings, membership in clubs and systems).

Prepare all documents in advance to be able to sell kittens at the first visit of the buyer.

When booking a kitten, the future owner pays a deposit (up to 50%) of the cost, which is not refundable in case of refusal to purchase. When a deposit is paid, either a booking agreement is signed, or the breeder gives the new owner a receipt, in both cases all the details of the booked kitten and the date by which the new owner must pick it up are indicated. If this date is overdue, the new owner must pay for the continued maintenance of the kitten by the breeder.

How to sell kittens: pricing

As everyone knows, the price is formed by supply and demand, today the latter clearly prevails in the cat business. To this we should add the Russian mentality, within which there is some misunderstanding of what we pay for when we buy a cat. And here it is important to realize what goals you are pursuing: to sell kittens and recoup at least part of the costs, or even make a profit, or to defend your reputation and sell the kitten for a high price? The longer the kitten stays with you, the more you spend on it, alas.

When determining the price, you should rely on both your own costs and the average price on the market in your area. You should not deviate significantly from the latter, since cheaper kittens will seem to be of less quality, and more expensive ones will be overpriced. As a rule, the price for castration is from 5 to 10 thousand rubles per kitten, and for breeding from 15 to 60 thousand, depending on the breed and quality of the producer.

How to sell thoroughbred kittens: communication with the buyer

Answer all calls and letters that come to you, regardless of how they are worded. Answer all questions clearly, honestly and in detail. Be polite. Offer discounts and bonuses (a bag of food, a scratching post, a toy, etc.), within reason. When scheduling appointments, adjust to the client and try not to reschedule them.

Take care of the cleanliness in the apartment, the cleanliness and healthy appearance of animals, the absence of unpleasant odors, and your presentable appearance. Prepare documents and bonuses, catch all the kittens (and not just the one that the client liked, as his opinion may change) and lock them in the same room, or even better, use the arena so as not to pull the animals out from under the furniture or remove them from the curtains, when the buyer arrives. It is also worth planting kittens on the potty so that they do not piss in front of the client.

During communication with the buyer, tell about the kittens, play with them to demonstrate their qualities. Be sure to give instructions on care and nutrition, explain the issue of castration. Warn the buyer in advance about the need to transport the kitten in a carrier, in extreme cases, borrow your own. Together with the kitten, give all the documents (do not forget to sign the contract and make the necessary comments in the metric (for castration, for breeding)), it would also be nice to give a toy with a native smell and some filler from the tray, so that the animal perceives the move better.

Important: sell the kitten to the one who came first. If someone called you, wrote that he wants a kitten, but did not intend to come and did not make a deposit - do not count on him and do not keep in mind. Only kittens booked with a deposit and alimentary kittens are not subject to sale, and in rare cases it is possible to agree on their sale with the consent of all parties.

How to sell thoroughbred kittens: features

Kittens are best sold in late autumn, winter and early spring. Of course, the peak of sales falls on national holidays - from the new year to March 8th. And worst of all, kittens are sold in the summer in July and August, during the holidays. The physiology of cats, of course, does not adapt to these dates, but they cannot be ignored.

As for colors, rare and new, but approved by the standard, colors are in high demand among breeders, as well as tortoiseshell cats due to the variety of colors of kittens that can be obtained from her. Among ordinary buyers, spectacular colors (for example, silver), traditional for certain breeds (blue and "whiskas" for the British), are valued, tricolors (tortoiseshell cats with white) and red are especially fond of Russian buyers because of the good signs associated with them. . But in the zone of low demand there are black cats because of the superstitions prevailing among the people; white - due to soiling and contrast of wool when it gets on clothes; turtles without white - because of the not very presentable appearance; striped and spotted - because of mediocrity.

Do not give a kitten to the first person who comes across, be careful when choosing a new owner. He should treat animals well and have enough funds to provide decent care for the cat. Try to keep in touch with the buyer and, if necessary, provide advisory support.

How to place an ad and how to spread information about kittens - read in our other article.

If it seemed to you that you earn little, then it might not seem so. Need extra income? Do you have a cat? Well, that's great, and earn money on it. Will one hundred dollars be enough for you? Then read on!

Are you unhappy with your salary? Need extra income? Don't worry, this is not the start of a spam email. We really want to offer you something. And absolutely free of charge! If you are itching to start your own business, but you still can’t decide on the area, we seem to have a great solution. Think for yourself, all these coffee houses and co-working spaces that are so popular now, opening in every stall and basement, will soon flood everything and get everyone. But there is something that will live forever - humanity's love for cats! And then, even a chronically sleep deprived person can consume a strictly limited amount of coffee (even if it is very large), then he will simply vomit. And the human possibilities in the field of absorption of Internet memes with cats, although not thoroughly studied, are most likely unlimited. Not everyone needs coworking spaces - many have wonderful comfortable offices. And everyone needs cats. Those who already have them are touched by looking at photos of other people's pets on the Internet, and they say that their cat can do this too. Those who, due to some circumstances, cannot get a cat, also shed tears of tenderness, mixing them with tears of bitterness, and curse their allergies or the dog already living in their house.

However, cats are not just cute, but also profitable. Take, for example, the story of Tabata Bundesen. Have no idea who it is? Naturally, have you heard about Grumpy Cat? Oh, we won't believe it! This is the same cat that despised the whole world. So, Tabata is the 28-year-old mistress of that very gloomy cat. More precisely, the same one. In case you didn't know, the vicious cat is actually a girl, and her real name is Tardar Sauce (after the misspelled Tartar Sauce). Yes, the former waitress Tabatha Bundesen has some problems with fantasy. But this is so, a small lyrical digression.

So, since cats and kitties are not yet able to open their own bank accounts and manage their earnings, it is Tabata Bundesen who is raking in the money earned by a photogenic pet with a shovel. And there really is something to row. The media estimate the fortune brought by the miracle cat to its owner at $ 100 million. Tabata herself said that this figure is completely inaccurate, but refrained from clarifying. Be that as it may, she earned enough to leave her job, get her own manager for Tardar and buy a trailer for a profitable cat, in which she can relax between ... filming a movie. Yes, Grumpy Cat acts in films, publishes books, mugs, T-shirts, postcards ... And you can earn money on all this!

Well, are you already strangled by a huge green toad of envy? Okay, don't suffocate. If by a happy coincidence you have at least one cat, then we will quickly teach you how to use this rare luck for the benefit of your wallet.

Determine what is wrong with your cat. The whole point here, in general, is that the more something is wrong with him, the better. Cute cats are great, but damn, they're all cute. On this you will not go far and will not earn much. Now, if your pet has congenital dwarfism, like Crumpy Cat, that's cool. Or he barks, swears like a shoemaker, has a spot in the shape of Darth Vader, three ears, or devours people - you can already work with this.

Do not despair. If this is the case with your pet, don't give up. Teach him something most cats can't. For example, swearing like a shoemaker is, you know, not an innate skill. You can actually learn from him. Yes, in the case of a cat it will not be so easy, but hire a good tutor for him (preferably a native speaker, that is, after all, a shoemaker). As a last resort, teach your cat to surf or at least play the piano. Although no, the last one was definitely already, so you yourself will have to rack your brains over this item.

Remind your pet that food costs money. If your cat is so ordinary that he only does what he eats and sleeps, you will have to wake him up and gently hint that, in fact, his food is not free, it would be necessary to work it out. In fact, this is not your whim, but the direct responsibility of the pet, one might say, its feline duty. He, of course, will pretend that he does not understand you. But you do not give up, he understands everything perfectly, he just pretends. Don't give up, sooner or later you will achieve your goal!

Build a personal brand for the animal. So, let's say training or nature has done its job, and you have something to put on the Internet to surprise everyone. Let's say you've even posted a couple of photos from your Instagram account and collected a dozen likes, what's next? Get your cat your account, and not only on Instagram, but also on Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter and Odnoklassniki. Oh yes, and don't forget to make a website!

Start bombarding the Internet with photos. Let's see what we have: you posted a couple of photos on the network, once five years ago you even uploaded a video to Youtube. Great, but not enough. Now I have to upload photos every day, all day long. And the video too. More chances - more likes! And at the same time, there are more chances that the image of your cat will disperse on the Internet. If things go wrong, I mean not as fast as you would like, get family and friends involved. Keep up with them until they start reposting every photo with your star cat!

Photo: Johnson

Tell the world your pet's story. Cool cat is good. But the spectacular story of its appearance will make it even cooler. So you have to break your head over a colorful legend about how your dog accidentally gave birth to a cat, or about how you saved a little chilly cat from a flock of bloodthirsty seagulls that were preparing to devour him.

Start treating your cat like a real star. Maybe your pet is not a star yet, but very soon it will be. It is in your interest to mentally prepare him for this. Otherwise, he might get stressed out of surprise, he will close in on himself and stop collecting a bunch of likes and bringing you a millionth fortune. This cannot be allowed! Therefore, right now, let your cat know that he is special, the best, in general, a real star! Oh yes, and do not forget to insure it, as without it!

Everyone, get started! Soon you, like Tabata Bundesen, will also be able to leave your main job and live happily on the cat's fees, and the Internet will be replenished with another outstanding creation. And you can also tell everyone that you are now a real businessman. By the way, if everything goes well, you can put the business on stream and produce for a percentage of the proceeds of other people's cats.

Well, if you think that money is still not the main thing (really?!), spirituality is more important, and you don’t have a cat yet, you can, for example, take one in the Hermitage, they say, for this they can be awarded a lifetime right of passage to the museum. That's spirituality for you.

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