How to understand that a cat is asking for a cat: signs of sexual hunting. How to understand that a cat is asking for a cat: signs and manifestations

Many animal lovers have pets in their homes. They are able to give us positive emotions, but sometimes they bring a lot of trouble to their owners. Cats and cats are not whimsical in care. Just like people, animals sometimes get sick. Cats are the forerunners of tigers and know how to hunt.

Over time, they experience puberty, which is subsequently accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Not all owners decide to castrate their pets. And absolutely in vain. If, while living in high-rise apartments, it is not planned to let the cat out for a walk, then castration will be a good way out. Having reached a certain age, cats become aggressive, rush out into the street in search of a female, and begin to leave marks. A specific smell appears in the apartment, which becomes very difficult to remove. It is urgent to castrate the animal, while it does not quite have time to leave a stench behind.

Many try to give cats hormonal drops. But do not forget about their negative impact on the body of your pet. And if a decision is made to castrate, then this should be done by professionals and on time.

When is the best time to castrate a cat?

Veterinarians have come to the general opinion that it is possible to castrate an animal at any age. But the time when the pet is fully grown and has reached puberty is considered the most suitable for surgical intervention. Having lived up to seven months, all organ systems of the cat are formed. If castration is carried out ahead of schedule, this will lead to urolithiasis.

After castration, young cats show less activity, as a result of which they gain weight. Therefore, it is necessary to force them to move more often and more, to play with them. Review your diet. The later a cat is neutered, the more likely it is to reduce the risk of obesity.

Puberty in cats

Veterinarians advise loving owners to castrate the animal after the cat has just begun to mark its territory. This means that puberty has already begun. It is mandatory to monitor the cleanliness of the tray, the habits of the cat. If a pet does not defecate in its toilet, this may indicate problems with the genitourinary system. If the animal refuses to go to its tray, and before that it went there regularly, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Should an adult cat be neutered?

The term of castration has no restrictions. An adult cat is also allowed to undergo a surgical operation to remove the seminal glands. But there is no point in such a procedure. Since an experienced adult pet is already formed by its sexual behavior, and has tried to hunt females. After such an operation, he will, as before, meow at night, rush into the street and, according to the old habit, mark the territory. But if you decide to castrate your pet, then it is better to do this before the first mating.

Castration is a common and not complicated operation. And it can be carried out not only in a veterinary clinic, but also at home. Nowadays, clinic doctors provide this kind of service. The convenience lies in the fact that a beloved pet will not experience stress from someone else's premises, and such an intervention will take place with minimal emotional unrest for the owners.

A pretty fluffy lump that purrs pleasantly and responds to its nickname. How lovely! But someday this fluffy will turn into an elegant creature capable of driving his fellow caudates of the opposite sex crazy. This moment should not be missed.

The cat hunts the male

Why is it so important to understand that the cat is already out of adolescence? Of course, you should not be afraid of this, since the puberty of an animal and its readiness for reproduction is a completely natural process.

Estrus at veterinarians has another, more scientific name - estrus. From the point of view of physiology and psyche, the state of the animal will be changed.

Special cells, follicles, have formed, indicating the complete readiness of the cat for fertilization and bearing cubs. The behavior of the pet will begin to change, as the hunt for the male begins.

Characteristic signs of estrus

When men appear in the house, the cat begins to “bend” more strongly

The first three days there is a preparation phase, the animal is restless, but it is too early to bring a cat, the cat will not let him in. But the next week, and sometimes ten days, the female will behave unpredictably. During this period, you need to plan the mating of your matured pet with the chosen boyfriend.

If everything went well, the cat became pregnant, then a state of complete peace and satisfaction will come.

First time attention

In a Siamese cat, the period of sexual hunting can begin as early as 4 months.

Every breed has its own puberty..

  • In large and long-haired breeds, the first estrus begins at nine months.
  • Easy cats, such as, for example, begin to walk from four months.
  • In the Scots and the British, the first estrus occurs at eight months.

The British are ready to give offspring from 8 months. It is during this period that they may have their first heat!

The size of the animal also affects the manifestation of the first desire. For example, if a cat is overweight, then her first estrus will come much later than in the same individual with a small body weight. Even the illumination of the room in which the cat lives affects the appearance of estrus. Darkness has an overwhelming effect on sex hormones.

Given all of the above, it can be assumed that, on average, the first estrus in cats occurs by seven, and in some by nine months.

Signs of puberty in cats

In her first heat, the cat will require increased affection.

Only the most “unobservant” owner can skip the estrus period. The cat actively fawns, imposes its communication, begins to roll on the floor.

By special stroking, you can definitely determine the readiness of the cat for mating. If you touch the pelvic area, lightly stroking, then the animal will lower itself onto its front legs, lifting the back of the body and tilting the tail to the side. The cat begins to rub against the furniture and the master's legs.

Sometimes there may be unusual aggression, a desire to run away from home. The cat must attract cats with her scent, she begins to leave it wherever she can. What about cat concerts? Can they leave anyone indifferent? Well, if the cat does not see, then he hears for sure!

The female often goes to the toilet, sometimes refuses to eat. If this happens to a cat for the first time, then she experiences severe stress. But, no matter how painful it was for the pet and the owners themselves, the first mating must be skipped. Let the animal get stronger so that the birth goes without complications.

The frequency of the first estrus

The cat looks like a kitten, but she may already have her first heat in her life

How often do cats feel the urge to mate with the opposite sex? If the cat was not allowed to the cat during the period of the first desire, then next.

After all, the essence of estrus is the possibility of mating, the result of which should be the fertilization of the animal. Such is the law of nature. If the body does not get a result, it will persistently seek it. For a cat, of course, the process of waiting is very exhausting. If the owner wants to get offspring, the animal must be given the opportunity to fulfill its intended purpose.

In case of refusal to give birth to kittens, it is better to contact a veterinarian, get advice and have an operation to sterilize your pet.

How to calm a cat

It is better to give sedatives only after childbirth.

Sedatives should be given to the cat only if the birth has just passed. The girl needs to restore her strength, because she has experienced so much. The first mating and its expectation, pregnancy and the birth of babies. Nature again demands its own, but where to get the strength?

But any medication should never be given to your pets without the advice of a veterinarian. There are many drugs that reduce sexual desire and relieve tension. But what suits a particular beauty - the doctor should figure it out. Self-medication is inappropriate here.

We have already written in detail about how to calm a cat during estrus in the material:.

At what age does a cat become sexually mature?

If the cat is healthy, vaccinated with a calm character, her first estrus will not come before 11 months. If the cat is active, estrus may come a little earlier.

There are cases that in 4 months kitty is ready for mating, but this is not normal, but the onset of the first estrus at the age of one and older is also unacceptable. For a thoroughbred cat, it is necessary to decide in advance who will be her partner. Feverishly picking up any boy to satisfy your favorite is an approach that is forbidden for a show cat.

Cat's first heat video


So, if the owner decided to get a cat, he should be aware of the consequences of patience during puberty. When planning for offspring, the first mating should be skipped, let the cat mature, choose a future dad for your kittens. You should correctly introduce your pet to the cat and allow mating. In case of refusal to give birth and mating, it is best to sterilize in a veterinary clinic or call a doctor for an operation at home.

Whatever type of content the owner chooses, one should not forget that a cat is a living being, but it cannot tell anything about its feelings and experiences. You need to love your pets and take good care of them.

Estrus is such a period of sexual development of a cat, when positive reactions to a cat are outwardly manifested, i.e. the pet is ready to mate. When does the first estrus begin in cats and what should the owner do during this period?

Age of cat at first heat

  • The sexual instinct in a cat for cats “wakes up” by about 6-8 months. If the animal has a moderate temperament, estrus can linger up to 10-11 months. From this point on, we can assume that the cat is ready to mate, because. from this moment, the production of sex cells begins. However, it is important to remember that in cats, physiological maturity coincides with sexual maturity, and in cats it lags behind by about six months, i.e. do not recommend knitting a cat for the first time until the age of 1.5 years.
  • If there is a cat nearby, then estrus can begin before middle age.
  • How long does a cat's first heat last? On average, from a few days to two weeks. The duration is influenced by the breed, state of health, methods and frequency of feeding, age.
  • Estrus can appear at any time of the year, but more often sexual activity falls on the spring-summer period.
  • The onset of estrus in a cat younger than 5 months is considered a deviation. and later 1-1.5 years.
  • On average, there is 1 estrus in 3 months, but under certain physiological conditions, the rut can be observed monthly or once every six months. The frequency of the appearance of sexual desire is highly dependent on the breed - in Persians or Siamese, estrus may occur somewhat more often than in a Scottish cat or, for example, in a British one.
  • Muroks do not have menopause, so estrus accompanies them throughout their lives. One difference is that in aging cats, the incidence may decrease.

Important: if the plans of the owners do not include mating a cat for offspring, it is much safer to sterilize to save the life and health of the pet! In the absence of mating and the presence of a large number of “empties” (cycles without fertilization), the risks of hormonal disruptions and serious diseases of the genital organs increase.

What happens to Murka during estrus

Estrus (scientific name - estrus) is physiologically divided into 4 periods. It is unlikely that the owner will be able to accurately distinguish one period from another, but it is quite possible to calculate a good date for mating on the first day of sexual hunting.

1 period

Proestrus - lasts up to about 2 days. At this time, the cat's appetite decreases, the external genitalia swell slightly, slight discharge appears.

Important: the discharge must be mucus-transparent, homogeneous and without an unpleasant odor. Any deviation in color, texture or smell is a reason for an immediate visit to the veterinarian!

The cat also begins to purr and flirt, but it still won’t mate if you let the cat near it.

2 period

Estrus - already suitable for mating. The level of hormones of the sexual sphere rolls over, estrus is in full swing, the discharge appears very abundantly. The purr turns into a feline yell, the cat walks with a trembling tail, can roll on the floor, wriggling.

When stroking her on the back, she bends at the waist, lifts her pelvis and tilts her tail to the side. It should be noted that if a cat is not mated with a cat during this period, she will experience real physical torment according to sensations. This period lasts up to a week, sometimes a little less. It is impossible during this period to scold the cat and show intolerance to her such behavior!

It happens that the first heat proceeds, weakly manifesting itself - such a variant of the norm is also possible, the body, as it were, "learns" to respond to hormonal changes. If a cat's estrus is generally asymptomatic, you should show the pet to a specialist. Perhaps there is a hormonal deficiency or another gynecological disease.

3 period

Interest - goes in several directions. If mating and ovulation have occurred, then the cat begins to drive the cat away from itself, up to obvious aggression towards him. If the cat is not tied, then the cycle may soon repeat again. If ovulation occurred, but fertilization did not occur, then the risks of developing a false pregnancy are high.

4 period

Anestrus is a dormant period. Its duration can vary from several days to several months. In a regularly giving birth cat, this period is longer than in those individuals in which sexual hunting is more often "wasted".

Signs of sexual rut in a cat

It is impossible to confuse the signs of estrus with any other conditions:

  • the animal's mood changes dramatically - excessive affection can be replaced by open aggression towards one of the household members;
  • periodically a very loud meow is heard, sometimes turning into a purring cry - this is a kind of call for a cat;
  • the reaction to touching the body will depend on the mood of the cat - the affectionate one will respond willingly to strokes and caresses, the aggressive one will get annoyed and bite. A particularly sensitive place on the body will be the root of the tail (lower back);
  • the cat obsessively and instinctively will look for an exit to the street (if it is indoor), the yard cat may not enter the house at all, but go on a spree;
  • appetite may decrease or even disappear;
  • the cat almost constantly licks its genitals - this is the first sign of the presence of secretions specific to this period;
  • the pet can start marking the territory and start going to the toilet not in the tray, but in any place convenient for her;
  • it is worth touching the area at the root of the tail, the cat immediately falls on its front paws, raising its pelvis higher and moving its tail to the side, assuming a natural mating position.

The actions of the owner at the time of the onset of estrus in a cat

Everyone who has a cat should know what to do with her at the first estrus:

  1. One way out is to give the opportunity to mate with a cat. However, pregnancy after the first estrus is an excessive burden on the animal's body, because. with timely puberty, the cat lags behind the physiological. This can adversely affect both the general health of the pet and the state of the reproductive system. A good option is a castrated cat with sexual activity.
  2. If the plans do not include breeding offspring, it is necessary to wait until the end of the first estrus and 1.5-2 weeks after or 2 weeks before the next sexual cycle, perform a sterilization operation.
  3. You can’t scold an animal and punish it for unusual behavior, it’s important to understand that this is all nature and physiology, and on command a cat cannot stop meowing, stroking excessively or marking territory.
  4. Distract the cat with active games - toy mice, brushes, a banal bow on a string will help to distract the animal from its condition.
  5. You need to reduce portions for feeding, but increase the frequency.
  6. Give a few hours of silence bathing a cat in warm water, you can add a decoction of chamomile.
  7. If you keep the cat in a semi-dark room during estrus, then the condition will pass a little faster.
  8. You can buy special preparations in a veterinary pharmacy to calm a mustachioed pet during estrus (Cat Bayun, Antistress). The name can be clarified with a veterinarian after a preliminary consultation with a description of how the rutting period goes. But it is sedatives, not hormonal!
  9. You can artificially induce ovulation. This is possible by mating a cat with an active castrate (so that there is no fertilization) or by inserting a suitable object imitating the cat's genitals to a depth of 2-2.5 cm (for example, a cotton swab or a narrow pipette) into the vagina. It is important to do everything carefully, observing changes in the behavior of the cat: first you need to stroke it from behind on the back and grab it by the withers (as a cat usually does). Then, with a finger in a rubber glove, gently stroke the vulva until the tail is pulled to the side, and the pulsation of the vagina begins to be felt under the finger. Only then should the prepared subject be introduced. A sign of proper stimulation will be the loud meowing of the cat and its rolling out. Everything should be repeated after 12-15 minutes several more times within one hour, and then again after 12 hours. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene so as not to infect the cat's genitals!

If there is no estrus: reasons

The absence of estrus at all is a sign that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the cat's body. The complete or temporary absence of sexual desire is affected by the emotional mood of the cat and illness. The most common reasons:

  • breed features;
  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • "atrophy" of natural instincts, if a domestic cat has never encountered its own kind (with other cats);
  • congenital absence or underdevelopment of the ovaries;
  • there is estrus, but with erased manifestations (outwardly, it is practically not noticed);
  • any pathology of the ovaries (neoplasms, cysts);
  • hermaphroditism - instead of the ovaries, the cat has underdeveloped testes.

In any case, if, according to external signs, a cat older than one and a half years is not in heat, this is already a reason to seek advice from a veterinarian. Especially if it is a purebred animal and is bred for breeding purposes.

Question answer

Is it possible to sterilize a cat before the first estrus?

It is important to sterilize 2 weeks before estrus or 2 weeks after, i.e. at the time of sexual rest. From the point of view of the prevention of oncology of the mammary glands, it is recommended to sterilize the cat before the first estrus and not earlier than 7-8 months of age (permissible at 6 months if the cat is large and weighs at least 3 kg). The probability of getting into the right 2 weeks before estrus and at the right age, provided that the cat has never walked, is approximately equal to zero. Therefore, most often veterinarians recommend spaying a cat after the first estrus, and not before, in order to avoid a gross intrusion into the work of the animal's hormonal system.

At what age do cats have their first heat?

It depends on many factors - on average, this is a period of 6-8 (up to 10) months from birth.

How many times a year does a cat go into heat?

Usually once a quarter, but there are cases of a monthly rut or less often - once every six months.

Competent veterinarians strongly do not recommend the use of hormonal drugs to eliminate, delay or accelerate estrus. The “lightest” complications against the background of hormonal disruptions are purulent inflammatory processes in the genital organs, cysts, tumors of the mammary glands, diabetes mellitus and dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

Has the little fluffy kitty you recently adopted changed a lot in her behavior and become more restless? No need to worry, most likely, she just went through puberty, and natural instincts take over her.

Puberty in cats depends on nutrition, hereditary factors and breed. The first signs of "growing up" appear in the period from 6 to 10 months. Large breeds of cats (Persian, Serengeti, Ragamuffins) mature a little later than their miniature counterparts. In popular British cats, puberty begins at eight months.

Signs of Puberty in a Cat

First you need to understand what is meant by the concept of "puberty". During this period, the development of the organism ends, the animal reaches puberty and is capable of giving birth to new healthy offspring. The onset of maturity is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • an increase in internal and external genital organs;
  • territory mark (for cats);
  • manifestation of sexual cycles;
  • change in behavior during the period.

During estrus, the animal becomes affectionate, rubs against legs, objects, rolls on the floor, takes specific poses characteristic of mating (bends and tramples with its hind legs, moving its tail to the side). At this time, the cat's appetite is reduced, frequent urination is observed. The duration of estrus is 5-6 days, and the cycle is up to 10 times a year.

If the estrus ends with fertilization, then its signs disappear after a couple of days. The next estrus will begin only after the end of the lactation period for kittens (about 3 months). If an animal loses kittens during childbirth, then the first sexual cycle will come much earlier.

Way out

Loud invocative meowing and restless behavior dope to many owners, and they, unable to stand it, let the cat out into the street, where it begins sexual hunting. If you are not aiming to have small kittens, then you need to resort to certain tricks. Some owners give cats special drugs during estrus that suppress the desire to run out into the street and find a partner. After such contraception, the animal shows lethargy, apathy and lack of appetite.

A more radical way to eliminate the desire for sexual hunting is sterilization and castration. The postoperative period is 8-10 days. The operated animal becomes more affectionate and less energetic.

Puberty in kittens on average occurs at the age of 7-9 months. But these terms are very conditional, and often puberty occurs even at 4-5 months or, conversely, is delayed until 11-12 months of age. What determines the time when your kitten will turn into an adult animal?

What can speed up puberty?

  • Breed

The so-called cats of the eastern type - Thai, Siamese, Oriental, St. Petersburg sphinxes, Burmese - "ripe" earlier.

  • Addition

Earlier puberty is typical for "thin-boned" cats.

  • Season

Cats that reach 4-6 months of age in spring and summer will reach puberty earlier than their peers during the winter months.

  • Maintenance and nutrition

Comfortable home conditions and regular good nutrition will also help your pet “grow up” faster.

  • Wednesday

Cats living in kennels or prides, where there are many adults of both sexes, mature earlier than a cat that lives alone in a city apartment.

  • Heredity.

What can delay puberty?

  • Overfeeding and weight gain.
  • Breed and composition. In heavy, large breeds, as well as breeds with long hair (Maine Coons, Persian, British), puberty occurs somewhat later.
  • Heredity.

How does puberty manifest itself outwardly?

In cats, puberty is determined primarily by the time of the onset of the first estrus. An attentive owner will not miss the external manifestations of the approaching estrus: an increased desire to caress, rub against the legs, about interior items, slight secretions of mucus from the genitals. After a day and a half, the manifestation of estrus becomes more obvious: inviting meowing is combined with rolling on the floor, the cat takes its tail to the side, thereby showing sexual hunting. Sometimes refuses to eat.

Of course, at the first estrus, not so bright manifestations are possible, but any significant change in behavior should alert the owner.

If you decide to have offspring, remember that physical and puberty are not the same thing at all.

In cats, the moment of puberty is characterized, first of all, by the beginning of sexual hunting. The cat meows, trying to attract females, marks the territory, the urine acquires a sharp, unpleasant odor. Can tear furniture and wallpaper. The character changes, excessive playfulness disappears, and the games are more reminiscent of hunting scenes for the victim.

What to do?

First of all, understand that this will happen to your kitten sooner or later. Then decide if you plan to have offspring. To do this, if possible, evaluate the breeding value of your pet. It is best to do this in a cat lovers club. If offspring is undesirable, then the right decision is castration (sterilization). This method is much safer than drug-controlled cat estrus.

If you decide to have offspring, remember that physical and puberty are not the same thing at all. Regardless of the timing of puberty, the physical maturity of a kitten occurs no earlier than 10-12 months of age. It is for this period that the first mating should be planned.

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