Meal time in kindergarten. Nutrition at home and in kindergarten. Food products prohibited in kindergarten

In most kindergartens with a 12-hour work schedule, there are three meals a day, when children receive breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. However, there may be options when there is a second breakfast or dinner. In round-the-clock kindergartens, children eat four times, and in sanatorium groups - five or six, depending on the direction.
If you want to make a kindergarten menu for your child, keep in mind that the dishes should change - soups and cereals should be different every day.


For breakfast at kindergarten porridge is usually given; semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, rice, etc. It must be prepared with milk. There may be exceptions - for example, in specialized kindergartens for children with allergies or gastric diseases porridge can be on the water. Children are given tea, cocoa or milk in the morning, as well as a piece of bread with butter. Remember that natural coffee is for kids preschool age Not recommended.


There is minimum set foods that the child should receive every day. This set includes fruits or natural juice. But the diet in kindergartens can be different. Fruits and juices can be given for a second breakfast, and if it is not provided, then for a main breakfast or an afternoon snack.


Lunch in kindergarten usually consists of four courses. It starts with a salad - fresh cabbage or carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Occasionally, you can give a salad of boiled beets, but you should not abuse this. Then soup or borscht is served. On the second - necessarily meat or a fish dish with garnish. It can be cutlets, goulash, frying, pieces fried fish. On the third - compote from or fresh fruits. Bread, usually black, is served for dinner. In older groups, children are offered a choice of black and white bread.
The fish must be boneless.

afternoon tea

For an afternoon snack in kindergartens, cottage cheese is served in different options- with sour cream, with raisins, in the form of cheesecakes or casseroles. In kindergartens of a general developmental type with a 12-hour work schedule, an enhanced afternoon snack is given several times a week, which may include, for example, a meat casserole. On some days, children can be offered fruit puree, sweet pilaf, fruit soup, or just a bun with a coffee drink, milk, or tea.


If dinner is provided in the kindergarten, children receive porridge, cottage cheese casserole (if it was not for lunch), mashed potatoes with additives, as well as tea, milk or juice. In 24-hour sanatorium kindergartens, children are given yogurt, milk or kefir about an hour before bedtime.

Menu example

- semolina porridge;
- coffee drink;
- a bun with butter.

- cookie;
- juice.

- fresh cabbage salad;
- beetroot;
- fish in Polish;
- dried fruits compote;
- bread.

Afternoon snack:
- cottage cheese casserole;
- tea.

Children spend most of the day in kindergarten, so it is natural that parents are interested in the question of what food is in kindergarten, its norms, regimen, diet - in general, everything that can affect health and.

Diet in kindergarten

Meals in kindergartens are calculated taking into account age features child. The norm for nursery groups is 155o kcal, for older children - 1900 kcal per day. Nutrition standards for preschool institutions were developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

The menu is compiled in such a way that dishes are not repeated within 20 days. Agree, such a varied diet at home is rare, especially for working mothers.

Products are supplied by supplier firms that pass the competition. The firm that wins the tender concludes a contract with the DOW.

Thus, the supplier brings fresh products to the kindergarten, and there the cook prepares the food on the spot. Moreover, dishes should be prepared immediately before their use: food that has stood for more than 2 hours is already considered stale.

Your daily diet should include:

  • meat;
  • milk;
  • bread;
  • potato;
  • fruit;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • drinks (juices, cocoa, compotes).

Other products (fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, etc.) - 2 - 3 times a week.

Dishes can be replaced with identical ones. For example, chicken can be replaced with turkey, beef, rabbit meat; fish - seafood, some vegetables can be replaced by others, etc. The main thing is that the number of calories during replacement is in line with the norm.

For children with allergies, foods that cause food allergies are excluded.

Attention! Children are not allowed to give products that have not passed heat treatment, except for salted herring, trout and salmon. Also in their diet should not be canned food, pickled vegetables, mushrooms, meat of wild animals, dairy products with vegetable fats, cream confectionery, carbonated drinks, fried and spicy.

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Diet in kindergarten

In accordance with SanPiN, meals for children are organized in a group at least 4 times (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack). Some There is also dinner in the gardens.

The interval between meals is no more than 4 hours.

The optimal time for eating in kindergarten:

  • 8.30 - 9.00 - breakfast;
  • 10.30 - 11.00 - second breakfast;
  • 12.00 - 13.00 - lunch;
  • 15.30 - 16.00 - afternoon tea;
  • 17.00 - 17.30 - dinner.

Meal time organically fits into.

Every day, a menu is posted in the group indicating the name of the dish and the size of the portion, as well as replacements for children with allergies and diabetes.

Sample kindergarten menu

The menu should include soups, cereals, bakery products, dairy and dairy products, second hot dishes (meat or fish + garnish), fruits and drinks.

In addition to the usual menu, which you can see in the group, a menu is compiled daily - layout. This is a regulatory document that calculates the amount of each consumable product, the number and weight of servings at the output. Menu - the layout is signed by a medical worker, a cook and a director.

Do you want to know the microclimate of your family? Pass and find out if something needs to be changed

The most common eating disorders in kindergartens

1. Violation of sanitary norms and rules:

  • cooking without gloves;
  • cooking in unsuitable dishes;
  • Cooking in jewelry;
  • lack of hygiene.

2. Violation of cooking technology.

3. Violation of the terms and temperature of food storage.

4. Theft and lack of food. If food is found in places not intended for storage, then this is already considered theft, and the food does not have to be in personal belongings and bags.

If violations are found, if the administration of the preschool educational institution does not take any measures to eliminate them, in We should file a written complaint with the CPS.


One of important factors child health is organization rational nutrition .

Correct food- this is the basis of a long and fruitful life, a guarantee of health, vigor. Therefore, in terms of work children's garden question about the right nutrition takes Special attention.

Catering in DOW includes the following directions: material - specifications (security); staffing conditions; educational - educational work teachers; creativity teachers in catering.

The material and technical conditions in the preschool educational institution correspond to SanPin Section XIII. Requirements for catering equipment, inventory, utensils.

In August 2014, a overhaul of the catering department: the tile was updated (floor, walls, elbow mixers were installed, cleaning filters for water were installed, the instructions of Rospotrebnadzor were complied with.

There are two chefs in the catering department. Evgenova Galina Anatolyevna Has been working at DOE since 2010 (IV category).

Pereverzeva Nina Gaizerovna Works at the DOW since 1993 (IV category).

Process catering in kindergarten is based on normative and methodological documents on nutrition. The main document is SanPiN - 2013. In DOW three meals a day based on an approximate ten-day menu. AT kindergarten there is a file of technological maps approved by the head. One copy of the card index is at the head nurse, the other at the catering department. For a second breakfast, children receive juices, fruits, dairy products. AT nutrition children use iodized salt, mandatory fortification of the third course is carried out.

Pupils willingly accept oxygen cocktails based on rosehip syrup and juice.

Back to top school year in kindergarten were published orders: "About catering for children» , "On the establishment of a commission for nutrition» , "On the Creation of a Marriage Commission", "On the appointment of a person responsible for the removal and storage of daily samples" which have been brought to the attention of those responsible for catering. An action plan has been developed to control catering for the 2014 - 2015 academic year, which was approved by the head. It included sections: organizational work, work with personnel, work with children, work with parents, control over catering.

There is a production control program, a cyclogram of the manager's control over catering. An operational control plan was developed « Catering in groups» , control scheme "Culture of Behavior at the Table", diagnostics for checking the catering unit, a warehouse for storing food.

The requirements for the storage of products are observed, containers, racks, pallets are available. For the storage of perishable products in full, there is refrigeration equipment. The supply manager keeps a control log temperature regime refrigerators. When storing food food commodity neighborhood is maintained. Products meals are supplied to the nursery garden according to the submitted applications. The Deputy Head of Housekeeping maintains all the necessary documentation for catering: "Journal of grading of raw products", "Inventory Book". Products are accepted to the warehouse with a mandatory set of accompanying documents: waybill, invoice, quality certificate and veterinary certificate. In the absence of any document, products will not be accepted for storage. All products are carefully inspected.

There is a "Schedule of inspection of sanitary - epidemiological state". The schedule reflects the main activities - SES groups, SES food unit, catering in groups. Collected diagnostic (control) cards that are filled in according to the order of the event according to the schedule. Responsible members of the commission for nutrition.

The results of the control are discussed with the head of the institution.

Older nurse neatly maintains all the necessary documentation, draws up a menu-requirement for toddlers and kindergarten children. In the event of an increase or decrease in the number of children (over three people) compared to the data approved by the menu, the nurse calculates the change in the need for products food.

Mode meals for pupils is carried out according to the schedule for the distribution of food according to the recommended time of SanPiN

SanPiN 1st 2nd middle senior preparatory

08.30 – 09.00 Breakfast 08.30 08.35 08.40 08.45 08.50

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch 11.45 12.15 12.20 12.30 12.35

15.30 – 16.00 Afternoon snack 15.30 15.35 15.40 15.45 15.50

educational - educational activities With pupils of the preschool educational institution for catering includes: providing training - educational process methodological aids; directly educational activity; catering(breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack);subject-developing environment of groups.

Provision of educational educational process methodological aids varied. Teaching aids for educators catering in every age group (provided as an example).

Didactic aids (illustrated material for classes with pupils) (provided as an example).

There are teaching aids for each age group.

Directly - educational activities include the following forms of work with pupils: surprise moments (when grandmother comes to visit and brings delicious pies with cabbage, but not only pies).

Playing the plot of the Russian folk tale"Turnip" (after theatricalization, teachers talk about the benefits of turnip and its vitamins).

Reading fiction about useful properties products (literature classification).

Thematic planning (sculpting, drawing, application) development of skills in visual work. Implementation of thematic general topics according to an exemplary program.

Talking to children about nutritional value foods, vitamins.

Catering(breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack).

AT kindergarten created a favorable emotional environment during meals. Children are provided with appropriate utensils, tables and chairs correspond to height indicators, are marked in accordance with SanPiN. educators lead children's nutrition: monitor posture, behavior at the table, report the names of dishes, pay attention to deliciously cooked food, feed children, exercise individual approach. Children are accustomed to use napkins, thank you after eating. But at the same time educators more attention should be paid to the rules for using cutlery.

1. Preparing for a meal

So kids try your best

Wash your face with soap often!

Need warm water

Wash your hands before eating!


Educators are an example.

Table setting.

You can use the table setting for the seasons!

educators form in children the habit of neatness and cleanliness, instill the simplest self-service skills in table setting.

Eating is controlled educators.

The hour of dinner came, the children sat down at the table

To avoid trouble

Let's remember the rules of food:

Our feet do not knock

Our tongues are silent

Don't litter at dinner

Messed up - so clean it up

They don't play with food.

Eat at the table, friends,

You can't mess around here!

Formation of self-service skills.

The subject-developing environment of the groups is saturated. There are development centers. The teacher organizes plot - role-playing games: "Shop", "Home", "Cafe", "Away", "Dining Room". The game material is varied and selected according to the age of the children.

Underway work to inform parents about healthy food.

We conduct sociological surveys annually. In October 2014, parents were offered a questionnaire " Family meals". In total, 8 questions were asked in the questionnaire. The results were next:87% - parents discuss the right things at home food; 83% - parents have an idea about the nutritional value of products; 49% - parents pay attention to expiration dates when buying a product, 17% - parents pay attention to the usefulness and vitamins contained in the product, 11% - parents prefer the taste of the product; 35% - parents noted their children's preferences for first courses, 14% - children's preferences bakery products (8% noted their children's preference for fruits and vegetables); 75% - parents tell their children about the beneficial properties and vitamins; 63% - parents get acquainted with the menu in kindergarten; 10% - parents want to know about the beneficial properties of products, 33% - parents want to know about a sample menu for every day, 39% - parents want to know about vitamins for a growing child. organism.

Parents were offered counseling material on rational preschool nutrition. educators prepared material for a mini-collection "Tasty and healthy", where they presented children's recipes: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner from parents. Compiled and printed.

Work ongoing in this direction! I wish you success too!

The menu in the kindergarten is compiled taking into account the requirements of SanPin and the seasonal availability of products. The menu in kindergarten for the day and for the week is compiled by the head of the preschool educational institution together with the head of the catering unit. Children should receive a balanced and varied diet.

In preschool educational institutions(hereinafter - DOW) children are offered a full and varied diet. An approximate menu in kindergarten takes into account the age of the pupils, the time of year and the state of health of the children. The menu in the preschool educational institution has some features:

  • dishes are repeated no more than once every 20 days;
  • daily ration babies under the age of three years is 1540 kcal, children over three years old - 1900;
  • the diet includes a nutritious breakfast, fruit juices and fruits, a second breakfast, a hearty lunch and an afternoon snack;
  • for breakfast, pupils should receive a quarter daily ration, about 15% is occupied by second breakfast and afternoon tea, and 45% of the diet children receive at lunch.

Menu in kindergarten for the day

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed standards baby food in DOW. Ration is made for each age group children. The quality of the products is monitored by the SES, the head of the kindergarten and the catering department. In Russian kindergartens, the menu form in the kindergarten for each day is filled in by a specialist in diet food, which is responsible for the diet of babies.

Before serving food, the nurse should fortify the third and first courses with vitamin C for children under one year old - 30 mg of the vitamin, 1-6 years old - 40 mg, and children over 6 years old - 50 years old.

Every day, children 2-5 years old should receive following products(in grams):

  • Porridge or vegetables - 180-200,
  • Coffee, tea, cocoa - 150,
  • Soups, broths - 150-200,
  • Meat or fish dishes - 60-70,
  • Compotes, kissels - 150,
  • Combined side dishes - 100-150,
  • Fruits, juices - 50-100,
  • Vegetable or fruit salads - 40-50,
  • Rye bread (for the whole day) - 50,
  • Wheat bread (for the whole day) - 110.


In the journals "Handbook of the Head of a Preschool Institution" and "Handbook of the Senior Educator of a Preschool Institution" important materials for the heads of preschool educational institutions were published:

Every day, children in the garden eat four times: lunch, afternoon tea and two breakfasts are provided for them. In some cases, three meals a day are acceptable if the diet is compiled by a full-time nutritionist and does not provide for a deviation from the norm in terms of calories. Fish and meat dishes, eggs, cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, pastries, juices and hot drinks. Pupils can always ask for the addition of non-portioned dishes if the portion was not large enough for them.

The diet can be designed for a child with food allergies. To do this, parents should provide the results of allergen tests to the preschool educational institution, and then notify the educator or staff nutritionist so that kindergarten staff know which foods the child should not eat. When compiling a diet for pupils, a nutritionist will try to exclude allergens.

To prepare your child for kindergarten meals, parents should:

  1. Ask the teacher about the approximate menu in kindergarten with recipes in order to gradually accustom the baby to such food.
  2. Refuse products that are fundamentally different in taste and composition from food in preschool.
  3. Do not give your child exotic foods, smoked, salty, fatty and spicy dishes, which are not in approximate menu. It is important for mom to know that in kindergarten meals are prepared with a minimum of fat, butter and vegetable oils are often used for cooking.
  4. Worth diversifying home menu simple meals, completely eliminating carbonated drinks, mayonnaise, ketchup, crackers and chips.
  5. It is important to follow the principle of 5 meals a day at home, so it will be easier for the child to get used to the schedule of meals in preschool.
  6. Do not give your child double portions of food, thinking that he is malnourished in kindergarten. Portions should be age appropriate, otherwise obesity or problems with the gastrointestinal tract can be provoked.
  7. If the family does not adhere to the diet, gradually wean the child from snacking between meals.

Menu in kindergarten for a week

Preschool meals in kindergartens, the menu of which is compiled by a medical worker, are subject to mandatory approval by Rospotrebnadzor employees. The menu prescribes not only the size, but also the consistency of portions (pupils of nursery groups are given food in pureed form). It is important that the dishes are combined with each other. So, if children get borscht, vegetable soup or pickle for lunch, they should have vegetables for the second, vegetable salad or garnish from pasta or croup. If cereal soup is served hot, vegetable stews and salads are recommended as a side dish. To boost their appetite, children are given fresh or salted vegetables before lunch.

Menu in kindergarten for a week nursery group

The nursery group of the kindergarten is children 1-2 and 2-3 years old. Babies need complete balanced diet calorie content from 1200 to 1500 kcal per day. The menu of the nursery group in kindergarten is compiled for 10 days by a medical worker, certified by an employee of Rospotrebnadzor and confirmed by the head of the preschool educational institution. The diet depends on the season and can be summer-autumn and winter-spring.

According to SanPin standards:

  • who are in the garden for more than 8 hours should be four to five times a day.
  • Between breakfast and lunch there should be an intermediate meal, which includes fresh fruits and drink.
  • If fresh vegetables are not available, they are replaced with juices or quick-frozen fruits and vegetables.
  • An afternoon snack can be light and compact if dinner is not provided.

A sample menu in a kindergarten for a nursery group for a week is compiled taking into account the availability of seasonal vegetables and fruits. Several times a week, eggs, cottage cheese and fish should be on the children's table, in a hedgehog. daily menu make oil, meat, cereals and fresh vegetables. Under strict prohibition for children, mushrooms, vinegar, horseradish, flask milk, semi-finished products, smoked meats, waterfowl meat, mayonnaise, canned food.

Weekly menu for kindergarten students

What should be the food in kindergarten

Counting calories

We all know that a balanced diet is the key to good health each person. Children are no exception. Nutrition for babies is considered properly organized if it is sufficient in calories and varied in terms of the set of products and cooking technology, balanced in terms of the content of nutrients, rationally distributed throughout the day. Organization meals in kindergarten regulated by sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Based on the fact that the kids spend about twelve hours in the kindergarten, they are offered four meals a day with an interval of 3.5-4 hours: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Children attend kindergarten early age(up to 3 years old) and preschoolers (from 3 to 7 years old). The first is 1540 calories per day, the second is 1970 calories, with breakfast 25%, lunch 35%, afternoon tea 15%, dinner 25% of the diet. As for the composition of food, the ratio of proteins-fats-carbohydrates in quantitative terms is 1:1:4. Menu for kindergarten compiled for 10 days.

Black list

Usually menu in kindergartens is hung out at the entrance so that everyone can find out what their baby will eat today.

There is a list of products for the organization kindergarten meals. AT daily diet the child must be present vegetables, butter, meat, cereals. Fish, cottage cheese, eggs can be included in the menu 2-3 times a week. Semi-finished products, flask milk and cottage cheese, spices, vinegar, horseradish, mushrooms, waterfowl meat, hot sauces, mayonnaise, smoked meats, and canned vegetables are strictly prohibited for use in kindergarten.

And the fly won't fly

Increased requirements are imposed on the sanitary condition of kindergarten food units. Procurement of products for preschool institutions is carried out after a quarterly auction determines the supplier with whom the municipality enters into a contract, it contains the smallest details - from the names of GOST to in what transport and at what time the products are brought to the kindergarten. Cooked meals do not enter the children's table until samples are taken from them. According to sanitary rules they are stored for 48 hours in refrigerators in special containers. Once a quarter the chefs pass medical checkup. And control over nutrition in preschool institutions is carried out by the Rospotrebnadzor service, medical workers, department of education, centralized accounting.

Where are the parents looking?

But most children are not accustomed to a healthy diet. What do busy moms and working dads feed them at home? - the set is standard: borscht, sausage, pasta and ... sweets in unlimited quantities. A child raised on sweets is likely to refuse carrot cutlets, vegetable soup, beetroot casserole. I hope there is no need to explain what these dishes are where more useful than any candies. Alas, many are beginning to think about how to feed a child, faced with his obesity or gastritis. We are faced with the fact that children are not taught by their parents to eat right, home food often does not fit into the daily routine. Often, mothers and fathers, without looking at our menu, give the child products for dinner that are incompatible with what he ate a couple of hours ago in the kindergarten. I think that both we and our parents should have common goal- to raise a healthy child.

The first is impossible, the second too

Often, improper nutrition of the baby leads to the fact that he already meets his first birthday with a diagnosis of allergy.

See the menu

Here's what it looks like sample menu typical day in kindergarten.

Breakfast: fish cutlet, boiled potatoes, tomato salad, coffee drink, bread and butter.

Dinner: vegetarian borscht, meat soufflé, beetroot caviar, fresh cucumber, fruit juice, bread.

Afternoon snack: apple pie, kefir.

Dinner: fruit pilaf, tea with milk, bread.

VIII. Catering in kindergarten

The organization of nutrition in kindergarten is given special attention, because the health of children cannot be ensured without rational nutrition.

The kindergarten is supplied with food by suppliers who have won a municipal contract.
Control over the quality of nutrition by the variety and fortification of dishes, laying food, cooking, food output, palatability food, proper storage and compliance with the deadlines for the sale of food is carried out by the head nurse of the kindergarten. The nutrition commission was actively working, which includes representatives of kindergarten workers and the chairman of the parent committee Rogovaya, 4 meals a day were organized in kindergarten for sanitary and hygienic requirements:
Second breakfast (according to the menu)
afternoon tea
* Dinner
When compiling the menu-requirements, the nurse is guided by the developed and approved 10-day menu (composed of nutritional value and calorie content), technological maps with recipes and order of preparation of dishes.
The organization of food in kindergarten is combined with the proper nutrition of the child in the family. To this end, teachers inform parents about the products and dishes that the child receives during the day in kindergarten by hanging daily menu children, recommendations on the composition of home dinners are offered.

The most important condition proper organization nutrition of children is the strict observance of sanitary and hygienic requirements for the catering unit and the process of preparing and storing food.

In order to prevent food poisoning and acute intestinal diseases catering workers strictly comply with the established requirements for the technological processing of products, personal hygiene rules. The result is the absence of recorded cases of poisoning and illness of children during the school year.

In the proper organization of children's nutrition great importance has to create a favorable and emotional and environmental environment in the group. Groups are provided with appropriate utensils, comfortable tables. Dishes are served to children not too hot, but not cold either. Educators teach children to be clean and tidy when eating.

Comparative analysis food for kindergarten for 2009, 1st quarter of 2010 shows that the cost of food per child is 67 rubles.

Catering in kindergarten MDOU

Rational nutrition of preschool children - necessary condition their harmonious growth, physical and neuropsychic development, resistance to infection and other adverse factors external environment. Children in the majority are in preschool institutions for 12 hours and their food is mainly provided by these institutions, therefore, the health and development of preschool children largely depends on how well food is organized in MDOU.
Basic principle proper nutrition preschoolers should serve the maximum variety food rations. Only when all the main food groups are included in daily diets - meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, dietary fats, vegetables and fruits, sugar and confectionery, bread, cereals, etc., can children be provided with all the nutrients they need. And, conversely, the exclusion from the diet of certain of these food groups, as well as excess consumption any of them, inevitably leads to violations in the state of health of children.

Meat, fish, eggs, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese are a source of high-quality animal proteins that help increase children's resistance to infections and other adverse external factors. Therefore, they should be constantly included in the diet of preschoolers.
Proper rational nutrition - an important and permanent factor that ensures the processes of growth, development of the body, the condition for maintaining health at any age.

Factors Determining the Compliance of Nutrition with the Principles healthy lifestyle life and food hygiene in an organized manner, the following:
- food composition
- their quality and quantity,
- mode and organization.

In our kindergarten great attention given correct compilation menu and strict observance cooking rules.

Compilation of the menu and control over compliance with the rules of cooking in our MDOU is carried out by the senior nurse.
In accordance with the Regulations on the children's preschool institution, it carries out constant control per correct setting nutrition of children. Her responsibilities include monitoring the quality of delivered food products, their proper storage, compliance with the deadlines for implementation, as well as compliance with the natural norms of products when compiling menu layouts, the quality of food preparation, compliance with its physiological needs children in basic nutrients. Head nurse The kindergarten also controls the sanitary condition of the catering department, the observance of personal hygiene by its employees, bringing food to the children, and the nutrition of children in groups.

Control over the quality of the products obtained, their storage conditions and the timing of their implementation is carried out daily. All food products entering children's institution, are checked for compliance with the requirements of state standards. When receiving perishable products, quality certificates are required for them indicating the date of production, variety or category, the period of sale, a number of laboratory data (for example, for milk and dairy products - fat content, protein content).

For effective organization nutrition, in kindergarten there is an approximate 20-day menu, which was developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a card file of dishes was specially compiled, which indicates the layout, calorie content of dishes, the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The use of such file cabinets makes it easy to calculate the chemical composition of the diet and, if necessary, replace one dish with another, equivalent in composition and calorie content. When developing a specific menu, first of all, the composition of the dinner is determined, for the preparation of which it is recommended maximum amount meat and fish. From meat, besides beef, chicken meat is used.

From meat products soufflés, cutlets, goulash are prepared, which are made in boiled and stewed form. Vegetables (boiled, stewed, mashed) are more often used as side dishes for main dishes.

The first courses are represented by various borscht, soups, both meat and fish.

Given the need to use various vegetables in the diet of children, both fresh and raw, the composition of the dish includes a salad, mainly from fresh vegetables. Salads are usually dressed with vegetable oil.

As a third dish - compote or jelly from fresh fruits, rosehip broth.

For breakfast and afternoon tea, various milk porridges are prepared, as well as vegetable dishes ( vegetable stew, braised cabbage), cottage cheese dishes, yoghurts, egg omelettes and fresh fruit. From drinks for breakfast is given cereal coffee with milk, milk, tea.

As a second breakfast, fruit is given, vegetable juice, fortified drink "Golden Ball" (for children over 3 years old).

The diet of preschoolers includes iodized salt, grain bread "Contentment".

In organizing the nutrition of a preschool child, compliance with the regimen is of great importance, which ensures better preservation appetite, so the intervals between separate meals are 3.5-4 hours, and its volume strictly corresponds to the age of the children.

Lyudmila Borisovna controls the observance of the basic norms of rational nutrition for children in our institution. And if during the nutrition calculations deviations from the recommended norms are revealed, then at the next menu preparation, taking into account these deviations, the necessary correction is made to it. Thus, the necessary content in the children's menu is achieved. complete products and compliance chemical composition diet according to current regulations.

Parents of children attending our preschool can be confident in the proper organization of the nutrition of their children.

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