"Motivation as a form of work with children in the organization of directly educational activities.". How to develop a developmental activity

Favzana Ayupova

Seminar for young educators

Topic: "Methods of activating children during GCD"

The relevance of the seminar. In the last 2 years, many new educators with different levels of education and professional training have come to our preschool institution. These are assistant educators receiving pedagogical education in absentia; teachers who did not work with preschoolers; teachers who have not worked in kindergarten for a long time. Operational control, carried out in order to determine the level of preparation and conduct of GCD, showed that many young educators experience difficulties in preparing and conducting GCD (educators do not understand what motivation of pupils for educational activities is, they do not know the methods of activating mental activity, they cannot combine GCD change of types of children's activities, etc.) Therefore, according to the work plan of the "Young Teachers" club, a training seminar on this topic was planned.

Target: increasing the level of professional competence of novice educators in the course of the GCD, improve the methodology for conducting educational activities.


1. To teach educators practical techniques for activating children during GCD.

2. To study the types of motivation for children's activities

3. Develop an algorithm for the activities of the educator in the preparation, organization and conduct of GCD.

4. Raise the practical level of GCD

5. Development of creative abilities of beginners.

Seminar plan:

1. Motivating children for educational activities

2. Use of game characters

3. Implementation of ICT as a means of increasing motivation for cognitive activity

4. Development of an algorithm for the preparation and conduct of GCD

5. Practical work of young teachers and modeling of practical situations

Types of motivation for preschoolers

Pedagogical activity (any children's activity: play, work, drawing, educational, productive activity) should contribute to the development of children. Therefore, it is necessary that children not only do everything that is required of them, but also transfer it into their independent activities. And this will happen only if the new knowledge and skills that we strive to pass on to children are needed and interesting to them, if the children have then, What do we find out by solving the crossword puzzle? (Crossword) (Crossword at Power Point presentation)

Music- a type of art that reflects reality in sound artistic images

AT image - mental cognitive process of creating new images by processing materials of perception and ideas

Mood- dominant emotional state

Adaptation- the process of adapting the body to changing environmental conditions

Innovation– introduction of new ideas and technologies in pedagogy

Diagnostics– procedure for checking the success of mastering the educational material

Grace- elegance of movements, beauty of a person's posture

The game- the main activity of preschoolers

A family- historically established system of relationships between spouses, parents and children ("Glossary of pedagogical terms

Word vertical "Motivation"

Question: What do you think "motivation" is?

Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to activity, give this activity an orientation focused on achieving the goal.

At the same time, such techniques are needed that will ensure the emergence of the necessary motivation in the vast majority of children.

There are four types of motivation in the pedagogical literature.:

The first type is game motivation - "Help the toy", the child achieves the learning goal by solving the problems of toys. The creation of this motivation is built according to this scheme:

1. You say that the toy needs help, and only children can help them.

2. You ask the children if they are willing to help the toy.

3. You offer to teach children to do what the toy requires, then the explanation and demonstration will interest the children.

4. During work, each child should have his own character - a ward (carved, toy, drawn character, to whom he provides assistance.

5. The same toy - the ward evaluates the work of the child, be sure to praise the child.

6. At the end of the work, it is desirable that the children play with their wards.

With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it for teaching various practical skills.

Question: In what types of GCD can this motivation be used?

For example: GCD application, design, drawing.

The bear destroyed the house of animals. They were left homeless. How can we help animals? (We can build houses for them ourselves (from cubes, appliqué, from Kuizener sticks, paint with paints)

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - "Help me". Here, the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to receive approval, as well as an interest in joint activities that can be done together. Creating motivation is built according to the scheme:

You tell the children that you are going to make something and ask the children to help you. Interested in how they can help you.

Each child is given a challenging task.

At the end, you emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

For example: in GCD Sensorics, Fine Arts, in work

Guys, I want to treat our dolls with cookies. But I am alone, and there are many dolls. I probably won't make it. Do you want to help me? After the consent of the children, assignments are distributed.

The third type of motivation "Teach me"- based on the child's desire to feel knowledgeable and able.

Question for listeners:

In what age groups and activities is it better to use this type of motivation?

(In game activity, in GCD senior groups).

The creation of this motivation is carried out according to this scheme:

1. You let the children know that you are going to do an activity and ask the children to teach you about it.

2. You ask if they are willing to help you.

3. Each child is given the opportunity to teach you some business.

4. At the end of the game, each child is given an assessment of his actions and be sure to praise him.

For example:

Guys, our doll Tanya is going for a walk, I need to dress her for a walk. I do not know how to do that. Can you teach me?

The fourth type of motivation is “creating objects with your own hands for yourself”- based on the inner interest of the child. Such motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for their own use or for their loved ones. Children are sincerely proud of their crafts and willingly use them. (Artistic design, orientation, logic, manual labor, artistic creativity)

The creation of this motivation is carried out according to the scheme:

1. You show the children some kind of craft, reveal its advantages and ask if they want to have the same for themselves or for their relatives.

3. The made craft is ordered by the child. Pride in the work of one's own hands is the most important basis for a creative attitude to work.

If the child is already busy with some interesting business, which means that he already has the necessary motivation, you can introduce him to new ways of solving the tasks.

For example:

Guys, look what a beautiful postcard I have! This card can be given to mom on March 8. Do you want to give your mom the same one? And you show how you can make it

When motivating children, the following principles should be observed:

You can’t impose your vision on the child in solving the problem (maybe the child will have his own way of solving the problem)

Be sure to ask your child for permission to engage in a common activity with him.

Be sure to praise the child's actions for the result.

Acting together with the child, you introduce him to your plans, ways to achieve them.

By following these rules, you give children new knowledge, teach them certain skills, and form the necessary skills.

The use of game characters.

In the classroom with kids, you can not do without game characters. The use of game characters and game motivation are interconnected. Game and fairy-tale characters can "come to visit", "get acquainted", "give assignments", "tell fascinating stories", they can also evaluate the results of the work of kids. To these toys and characters exists a number of requirements.

Toys or play characters:

Must be appropriate for the age of the children;

Must be aesthetic

Should be safe for the health of the child,

Must have educational value

Must be realistic;

They should not provoke the child to aggression, cause manifestations of cruelty.

There shouldn't be too many playable characters.

Each character should be interesting and memorable, "have their own character." For example, Dunno, Duck Quack and Mishutka Tish can come to classes. Duck Quack loves nature and travel, knows a lot about it and tells children. The Dunno does not know much and does not know how, he often needs the "help" of children. Mishutka is an athlete, he shows warm-up exercises, goes in for sports. They actively express their opinion, ask incomprehensible things, make mistakes, get confused, do not understand. Children's desire to communicate and help him significantly increases activity and interest.

Question for listeners:

What kind of toys-characters should be introduced into activities at the younger-middle preschool age, which ones - at the older one?

The use of ICT as a means of increasing motivation for educational activities

Computers and gaming computer programs are widely used not only in school, but also in kindergarten

Pupils of groups have different intellectual levels of development. The organization of children's education requires a special approach, which provides for emotional support for preschoolers in the classroom. This is a problem of motivation. Very often, neither the desire of the teacher, nor the knowledge of the methods of conducting classes is enough for the positive dynamics of the mental development of children.

In order to optimize the process of mental development of preschoolers, it is possible to use educational computer programs that would improve the education of children, significantly increase the motivation and interest of children in the classroom. The use of a computer allows you to activate involuntary attention, increase interest in learning, expand the possibilities of working with visual material, which contributes to the achievement of goals.

Question for listeners: What do you see as the advantages of ICT in educational work with preschoolers?

GCD preparation algorithm

Definition of the topic and leading concepts

Clearly define and articulate the topic of GCD

Determine the place of the topic in the curriculum in accordance with FGT.

Definition of goals and objectives

Determine the purpose of the lesson - for yourself and for the children. Designate the triune task of GCD: teaching, developing and educating.

Planning of educational material

1. Select literature on the topic. Think of material that serves to solve cognitive problems in a simple way.

2. Select tasks for recognizing the material and creative approach.

3. Arrange game tasks in accordance with the principle "from simple to complex".

Thinking through the "zest" of the lesson

Each activity should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight that children will remember for a long time. We must remember the saying "Knowledge begins with wonder." It is important to take into account the age of the children, techniques that are suitable for the younger - middle age, but not suitable for the older and preparatory groups.

During the GCD, the following methods are used:

1. Explanatory illustrative, which include stories, showing pictures, ways to perform certain tasks.

2. Reproductive

3. search engines that require mental work

3. Research, experiments

4. Readiness of the teacher for the lesson.

5. Target setting GCD.

6. Compliance with the requirements of SanPin.

7. Individual approach.

8. The presence of feedback.

9. Rational use of time.

10. Organization of the workplace.

11. Practical skills and abilities.

12. Independent work.

13 Speech development, the quality of children's answers.

This system of building, conducting and analyzing GCD helps you, young teachers to work, and our kids to get the necessary knowledge and prepare for school with interest and ease, without noticing that you are being taught.

In the second, practical part of the seminar, young educators were offered a game simulation of practical situations. It increases interest, causes activity, improves skills in solving real pedagogical problems.

Activation of mental activity

GCD in the following sections of the "Development +" program as "Development of elementary logical representations", "Orientation in space", "Fundamentals of initial literacy", "Development of elementary mathematical representations" involves the solution of cognitive problems and the development of mental activity. To do this, it is necessary for the teacher to create problem situations in the classroom, which requires mental efforts from preschoolers to get out of difficult situations, to encourage the child to active search activities.

Sometimes the educator may need to find a way out of such a situation when you need to make a choice. I bring to your attention pedagogical situations that require a choice

My choice

1 situation: Sasha is unable to complete the game task “3rd Extra”:

1. Offer to do an easier option.

2. Ask to name, in one word, all objects.

3. Show the answer and explain the solution, then repeat the task.

2 situation: You read to children 6 years old the task: “8 butterflies flew, sat on flowers. Two butterflies perched on each flower. How many flowers were there? The guys cannot solve the problem, then you:

1. Re-read the problem.

2. Simplify the task.

3. Ask the children to draw the condition of the problem using signs and symbols.

3 situation When preparing children for school, questions are often asked: “Where is it better to ride a bike: on asphalt or on grass? How to find out which way the wind blows?”, etc.” What property of thinking do such questions form in children:

1. Comparison.

2. Comparison.

3. Flexibility.

4 situation. In class, many children shout out without raising their hands:

1. Encourage dialogue with you.

3. Pause to take further action

5 situation: You prepared for the lesson by enriching it with puzzle games with counting sticks, but at the beginning of the activity you found that there were not enough sticks for all the children:

1. Do another class.

2. Offer the guys matches instead of sticks.

3. Do the same lesson, but without puzzles with counting sticks

6 situation. A child in your group has stated that he does not want to go to school. How would you react:

1. We must go to school. All children go to school at the age of 7.

2. Ask him about the reason for the reluctance, explain that he is wrong.

3. Answer: “Well, no, no!” Don't rush, watch him. In subsequent conversations, talk about the positive side of studying at school

Game exercise "Tales about yourself"

Invite the children to put themselves in the place of some geometric figure, a familiar object and tell everyone a fairy tale about themselves.

For example: I am a pencil. I'm so handsome, sharp. I have a wooden shirt. I can write, draw, stroke. I come in different colors. I don't like it when guys mistreat me, break me or gnaw at me. I am friends with paper and brush.

Game "Teremok"


To consolidate the concepts of children about the objects of the world around them, analyzing familiar objects and highlighting their properties and functions.

To learn to use a brief description of the properties of objects in speech, to highlight the most important quality in them.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children "Teremok", to which heroes (objects, animals) approach and ask to live.

Each of the newly arrived "heroes" - objects asks who lives in the tower, and the "resident" - the object must answer him, listing who he is, what he can do. In turn, the incoming “object” names itself and also describes its properties and functions. The “resident” of the tower invites the newcomer to live.

Figurative plasticity in pairs

Figurative plastic is well suited for the development of creative imagination.

The presenter distributes cards to the teachers on which the name of the animal is written. The names are repeated on two cards.

You need to read what is written on the card and not show the inscription to others. Then the card can be removed. Everyone's task is to find their partner. In this case, you can use any means, body movement, facial expressions, you can’t just say anything and make the characteristic sounds of an animal.

When the educators find their mate, you need to stay close, but continue to be silent, do not talk. Then check what happens.

This exercise promotes the development of expressive behavior, encourages participants to be attentive to the actions of others, to look for such means of self-expression that will be understood by others.

"Artistic word in work with children" Assignment for teachers: in a chain, passing the ball to each other, read a poem, a nursery rhyme, a proverb from memory, tell in what situations and regime moments they use them.

"Every educator is an artist" The word is a subtle tool that the teacher must master perfectly. Also, the teacher should be able to express their emotions through intonation in speech. Task for educators:

a) say the phrase "Come to me" - quietly, loudly, demandingly.

b) pronounce the word "Well done" - quietly, loudly, gently, satisfactorily, ironically, enthusiastically, in love.

The "Development+" program involves the use of symbols, plans and models as means of cognition. In order to make it easier for children to retell, memorize, you can use models, symbols and mnemonic tables. I bring to your attention on the slides to learn a fairy tale, nursery rhyme and riddle. ( Presentation. Last 3 slides)

And now the last task: with the help of symbols, visual models, mnemonic tables, compose a fairy tale, a riddle, a poem for your colleagues.

Reflection of the participants. Continue the sentence - I am at the seminar today.


1. Barshay, V. M. Active games for children: Textbook / V. M. Barshay. - Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2001.

2. Doronova T. M., Gerbova V. V., Grizik T. I., Education, education and development of children 3-4 years old in kindergarten: Method. Guide for educators working on the program "Rainbow" T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. - M. Enlightenment, 2004.

3. Doronova T. M., Gerbova V. V., Grizik T. I., Education, education and development of children aged 6-7 years in kindergarten: Method. A guide for educators working under the Rainbow program / T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. - M. Enlightenment, 1997.

4. Kravchenko, I. V. Dolgova, T. L. Walks in kindergarten. Senior and preparatory groups for school. Methodological guide / I.V.

Kravchenko, T. L. Dolgova. - Moscow: TC Sphere, 2009.

5. Kravchenko, I. V. Dolgova, T. L. Walks in kindergarten. Junior and middle groups. Methodological guide / I. V. Kravchenko, T. L. Dolgova. - Moscow: TC Sphere, 2009.

6. Krasnoshchekova, N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children / N.V. Krasnoshchekova. - Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2008.

7. Practical seminars and trainings for teachers. Educator and child: effective interaction. A practical guide for educational psychologists. / Aut. - comp. E. V. Shitova: Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

The formation of a child's motivational sphere is a fundamental problem in developmental psychology. The problem of teaching motivation appeared when a person realized the need for targeted training of the younger generation and began such training as a specially organized activity.



The formation of a child's motivational sphere is a fundamental problem in developmental psychology. The problem of teaching motivation appeared when a person realized the need for targeted training of the younger generation and began such training as a specially organized activity. Having arisen, this problem is still, if not the main one, then one of the most important in the psychology and pedagogy of education, a huge number of works are devoted to it.

The modern theory of teaching and upbringing in the analysis of pedagogical phenomena more and more turns to the personality of the child, to those internal processes that are formed in him under the influence of activity and communication.

Preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation of the motivational sphere. Every person is involved in social processes from early childhood.

So what is motive then? And what, being reflected in a person’s head, stimulates activity, directs it to satisfy a certain need, is called motive this activity.

The motives of the child's behavior change significantly during preschool childhood. The younger preschooler mostly acts, like a child in early childhood, under the influence of situational feelings and desires that have arisen at the moment, caused by a variety of reasons, and at the same time does not clearly understand what makes him perform this or that act. The actions of an older preschooler become much more conscious. In many cases, he can quite reasonably explain why he acted in this case in this way and not otherwise.

The same act committed by children of different ages often has completely different motives.

It is possible to highlight some types of motives typical for preschool age in general, having the greatest influence on the behavior of children.

Children's interest in the world of adults;


Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with adults and children;







Let's explore each of the motives:

Motives of children's interest in the world of adults - It is the desire to act like adults. The desire to be like an adult guides the child in role play.Often, such a desire can also be used as a means to get the child to fulfill one or another requirement in everyday behavior. “You are big, and the big ones dress themselves,” they say to the child, encouraging him to become independent. “Big ones don’t cry” is a strong argument that makes a child hold back tears.

Game motives - These motives appear in the course of mastering the game activity and are intertwined in it with the desire to act like an adult.Going beyond play activity, they color the entire behavior of the child and create a unique specificity of preschool childhood. A child can turn any business into a game. Very often, at a time when it seems to adults that the child is busy with serious work or diligently studying something, he actually plays, creating an imaginary situation for himself.

Motives for establishing and maintaining positive relationships with adults and childrenThese motives are of great importance in the behavior of a preschooler. A good attitude from others is necessary for a child.The desire to earn affection, approval, praise from adults is one of the main levers of his behavior.Many actions of children are explained by this desire.The desire for positive relationships with adults forces the child to reckon with their opinions and assessments, to comply with the established rules of behavior.

As contacts with peers develop, their attitude towards him becomes more and more important for the child. When a three-year-old child comes to kindergarten for the first time, he may not notice other children during the first months, he acts as if they do not exist at all. He can, for example, drag a chair from under another child if he wants to sit down himself. But in the future the situation changes. The development of joint activities and the formation of a children's society lead to the fact that winning a positive assessment of peers and their sympathy becomes one of the effective motives for behavior. Children especially try to win the sympathy of those peers who they like and who are popular in the group.

During preschool childhood, they developmotives of self-love and self-affirmation. Their starting point is emerging at the turn of early childhood and preschool age.separating oneself from other people, treating an adult as a model of behavior.Adults not only go to work, they are engaged in types of labor that are honorable in the eyes of the child, they enter into various relationships with each other. They also educate him, the child, make demands and achieve their fulfillment, and the child begins to claim NATO, that he was respected and obeyed by others, paid attention to him, fulfilled his desires.

One of the manifestations of the desire for self-affirmation is the claims of children to play the main roles in games.It is significant that children, as a rule, do not like to take on the roles of children. The role of an adult invested with respect and authority is always much more attractive. In younger and middle preschoolers, self-affirmation is also found in the fact that theythey ascribe to themselves all the positive qualities known to them, not caring about the correspondence of their reality, exaggerate their courage, strength, etc.

When asked if he is strong, the child replies that, of course, he is strong, because he can lift everything “even an elephant”. The desire for self-affirmation under certain conditions can lead to negative manifestations in the form of whims and stubbornness.

In the period of preschool childhood, new motives are formed, associated with the complication of children's activities. These includecognitive and competitive motives.

Already at the age of three or four, a child can literally bombard those around him with questions: “What is this?”, “How?”, “Why?” etc. later, the question “Why?” becomes dominant. Oftenchildren not only ask, but try to find the answer themselves, use their little experience to explain the incomprehensible, and sometimes even conduct an “experiment”.It is well known how children love to “gut” toys, trying to find out what is inside them.

A child of three to four years old does not compare his achievements with the achievements of his peers. The desire for self-affirmation and the desire to get the approval of adults are expressed in his attempts to do something better than others, but in simply attributing positive qualities to himself or in performing actions that receive a positive assessment from an adult. So, younger preschoolers who were offered to play a didactic game and explained that the winner would receive an asterisk as a reward preferred to perform all actions together, and not in turn (as the conditions of the game required), and could not resist prompting a peer if they knew correct answer. As for the asterisk, every child demanded it, regardless of the result that he achieved.

The development of joint activities with peers, especially games with rules, contributes to the fact thatbased on the desire for self-affirmation, a new form of motives arises - the desire to win, to be the first.Almost all board games offered to children of middle and especially senior preschool age, and most of sports games are associated with competition. Some games are called just like that: “Who is more dexterous?”, “Who is faster?”, “Who is the first?” etc. older preschoolers introduce competitive motives into such activities that competitions themselves do not include.Children constantly compare their successes, like to brag, acutely experience mistakes and failures.

Of particular importance in the development of behavioral motives aremoral motives, expressing the relationship of the child to other people. These motives change and develop during preschool childhood in connection with the assimilation and awareness of moral norms and rules of behavior, understanding the significance of one's actions for other people.Initially, the implementation of the generally accepted rules of behavior acts for the child only as a means of maintaining positive relationships with adults who require it. But since the approval, affection, praise that the child receives for good behavior brings him pleasant experiences, gradually the very implementation of the rules begins to be perceived by him as something positive and obligatory. Younger preschoolers act in accordance with moral standards only in relation to those adults or children for whom they feel sympathy. So, the child shares toys, sweets with a peer whom he sympathizes with. At the older preschool age, the moral behavior of children begins to spread to a wide range of people who do not have a direct connection with the child. This is due to the children's awareness of moral norms and rules, their understanding of their universal validity, their real significance. If a four-year-old boy, when asked why he should not fight with his comrades, answers: “You can’t fight, otherwise you will get right in the eye” (i.e., the child takes into account the unpleasant consequences of the act, and not the act itself), then by the end of the preschool period there are the answers are of a different order: "It is impossible to fight with comrades, because it is a shame to offend them."

By the end of preschool childhood, the child understands the importance of fulfilling moral standards both in his own behavior and in his assessment of the actions of literary characters.

Among the moral motives of behavior, an increasing place is beginning to be occupied bypublic motives- this is the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them.Already many younger preschoolers can complete the task in order to please other people: under the guidance of a teacher, make a flag for babies or a napkin as a gift for mom. But for this it is necessary that children vividly imagine the people for whom they are doing the thing, feel sympathy and sympathy for them. So that the younger preschoolers complete the work on the flags, the teacher must tell them in a vivid, figurative form about small children brought up in a nursery, about their helplessness, about the pleasure that a flag can give them.

On their own initiative, children begin to do work for others much later - from the age of four or five. During this period, children already understand that their actions can benefit others. When younger preschoolers are asked why they carry out instructions from adults, they usually answer: “I like it,” “Mom ordered it.” For older preschoolers, the answers to the same question are of a different nature: “I help, because it is difficult for my grandmother and mother alone”, “I love my mother, therefore I help”, “To help my mother and be able to do everything”. Children of different preschool age groups behave differently in games, where the success of the team to which he belongs depends on the actions of each child. The younger and some of the middle preschoolers care only about their own success, while the other part of the middle and all older children act to ensure the success of the whole team.

In older preschoolers, one can observe a completely conscious fulfillment of moral norms associated with the help of other people. Changes in the motives of behavior during preschool childhood consist not only in the fact that their content changes, but new types of motives appear. Between different types of motives develops subordination, hierarchy , motives: some of them become more important for the child than others.

The behavior of the younger preschooler is uncertain, does not have a main line, a core. The child has just shared a gift with a peer, and now he is already taking away his toy. With another jealousy, she helps her mother clean the room, and after five minutes she is already naughty, does not want to wear trousers. This happens because different motives replace each other, and depending on the change in the situation, behavior is controlled by one or the other motive.

The subordination of motives is the most important neoplasm in the development of the personality of a preschooler.. The emerging hierarchy of motives gives a certain direction to all behavior. As it develops, it becomes possible to evaluate not only the individual actions of the child, but also his behavior as a whole as good or bad. If athe main motives of behavior are social motives,observance of moral standards, the child in most cases will act under their influence, not succumbing to the opposite impulses, pushing him to, for example, offend another or lie.

On the contrary, the predominance of motives in a child that force them to receive personal pleasure, to demonstrate their real or imaginary superiority over others, can lead to serious violations of the rules of behavior. This will require special educational measures aimed at restructuring the unfavorably developing foundations of the personality. Of course, after the subordination of motives has arisen, the child is not necessarily guided by the same motives in all cases. This does not happen in adults. In the behavior of any person, many different motives are found. But subordination leads to the fact that these different motives lose their balance, line up in a system. A child may give up an attractive game for a more important, although perhaps more boring, activity approved by an adult. If a child has failed in some important matter for him, then this cannot be compensated for by the pleasure received from the “other line”. For example, a child who did not cope with the task was told that he still did well, and, like other children, he received a candy. However, he took the candy without any pleasure and resolutely refused to eat it, and his grief did not decrease at all: because of the failure, the received candy became “bitter” for him.

Without motivation from an adult, a preschooler will not be active, motives will not arise, the child will not be ready to set goals. Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, give this activity a goal-oriented orientation. This is the motivation of children's behavior (through their needs, personal motives, goals that are interesting to them, value orientations, etc.), which guides and organizes children, and also gives meaning and significance to the activity for the child himself

Motives related to children's interest in the world of adults. The desire to act like adults. Wanting to be like an adult. Game motives. Interest in the game itself. Motives for establishing and maintaining positive relationships with adults and other children. The desire to earn affection, approval, praise from adults is one of the main levers of his behavior. Motives of self-love, self-affirmation. The child claims to be respected and obeyed by others, to pay attention to him, to fulfill his desires. Children's claims to play the main roles in games. Children of three to five years old are self-affirmation in the fact that they attribute to themselves all the positive qualities known to them. Cognitive and competitive motives Younger preschool age - often listen to the explanations of adults only if they need the information received for practical activities. Senior preschool age - interest in knowledge becomes an independent motive for the child's actions, begins to direct his behavior.

A child of three to four years old does not compare his achievements with the achievements of his peers. Middle and senior preschool age - the desire to win, to be the first. moral motives. Younger preschoolers act in accordance with moral standards only in relation to those adults or children for whom they feel sympathy. Senior preschool age - children's awareness of moral norms and rules, understanding of their universal validity, their real significance. Public motives are the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them. Younger preschoolers can perform a simple task in order to please other people, but for this it is necessary that children vividly imagine the people for whom they are doing the thing, feel sympathy and sympathy for them.

1. Provide more autonomy. Let the child make "discoveries" himself, do not rush to present him with knowledge in finished form. 2. Try to show the need for each knowledge, give examples. 3. Associate new knowledge with those already learned and understood. 4. The task should be neither too difficult nor too easy. It must be feasible. 5. Show interest in the lessons yourself, create a positive emotional background. 6. Let the child feel his successes, achievements. Celebrate his "growth", patience, diligence. 7. Assess objectively the capabilities and abilities of each child. Try not to compare him with other children, only with himself. This approach focuses the child on their own improvement.

Firstly, the child must know that the result of his work is necessary for some game character. Secondly, in order to draw the attention of children to the needs or concerns of the game character, special techniques are required. Thirdly, in order for the children to be actively involved in the work, the teacher explains: in order to save the game character, exactly the subject is needed that ... Fourthly, one should not forget that children solve not an educational, but a game task. They are in the game world.

Technology of the activity approach (structure of classes) Introduction to the game situation Motivation, updating knowledge Statement of the problem of difficulty Exit from Application of new knowledge in practice Systematization of knowledge Reflection of children's activities Technology used

1. Introduction to the game situation (The leading activity of a preschooler is a game. And we will play) Creating a game situation (game moment). Psychological mood: greeting, establishing visual, tactile contacts. 2. Motivation, actualization of knowledge, ideas Formation of ideas about the upcoming activities. (The game situation should be directly related to the topic of the lesson: what children need to be taught). 3. Statement of the problem. Difficulty in a game situation. Acquaintance of children with the features and objectives of the upcoming activities. Giving personal significance to the upcoming activity. (Children fix in a speech that they can’t play further, because something cannot be done). 1. Introduction to the game situation (The leading activity of a preschooler is a game. And we will play) Creating a game situation (game moment). Psychological mood: greeting, establishing visual, tactile contacts. 2. Motivation, actualization of knowledge, ideas Formation of ideas about the upcoming activities. (The game situation should be directly related to the topic of the lesson: what children need to be taught). 3. Statement of the problem. Difficulty in a game situation. Acquaintance of children with the features and objectives of the upcoming activities. Giving personal significance to the upcoming activity. (Children fix in a speech that they can’t play further, because something cannot be done).

Get a gift (for example, pre-prepared gifts are “under locks”; on the back of the painted locks are tasks that need to be completed); help the hero; solution of domestic issues; travel (it is important not to “lose” anyone, we pay attention to mutual assistance); competition (only for 56-year-old children, team classification, we pay attention to mutual assistance). Finding a way out of a difficult situation (What will we do? With what help? What is missing? What needs to be done? How will we do it?) Introduction of new information by the teacher to solve the problem. The teacher offers several types of activities, techniques, materials for solving a problem situation. Telling, explaining, leading children to resolve the situation. Independent application of the new in practice. Or updating existing knowledge, ideas. (completing of the work). Mastering methods of action, application of skills and abilities. Organization of practical activities, provision of necessary assistance and emotional support (individually - a differentiated approach). Organization of interaction in achieving results.

Systematization of knowledge. How was the problem solved? With using what? What have you learned? Where is this knowledge useful? 7. Reflection. Formation of elementary skills of self-control. Checking the results obtained Correction of possible errors Self-test (possible with the help of an adult), according to the model.

Toys or play characters: - must be age appropriate for children; - must be aesthetic, - must be safe for the health of the child, - must have educational value, - must be realistic; - should not provoke the child to aggression, cause manifestations of cruelty. - there should not be many game characters. Each character should be interesting and memorable, "have their own character".

INTRA-INDIVIDUALITY METAIN-INDIVIDUALITY is an inexpressible, internal inherent in a person, a unique combination of mental, biochemical differences. This is the inner position of a person. This is the secret to which we do not want to allow other people. - this is a unique psychological atmosphere that is created around a person in a particular social group, objectively existing in the subjective assessments of members of this group, reflected in their minds and activities. This is the psychological trace that a person leaves behind, the atmosphere that he creates with his presence. Meta-individuality always has an assessment, and a person has the right to accept it or not.

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world in the subject-developing environment of MKDOE (in accordance with the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard)




Venue: MBDOU d / s No. 43

Developed by: Komalova N.L. deputy head for urv

The round table assumes equal work of all participants of the meeting.

Purpose: To increase the level of competence of teachers in the issue of game motivation of children in various types of activities


  1. To systematize the knowledge of teachers about the methods and techniques of involving children in various activities
  2. Increase the creative potential of teachers
  3. Encourage teachers to use in practice the methods of game motivation of children


Modern conditions are characterized by the humanization of the educational process, the appeal to the personality of the child, the development of his best qualities, the formation of a versatile and full-fledged personality. The implementation of this task objectively requires a qualitatively new approach to the education and upbringing of children, the organization of the entire educational process. Children's education should be developing, ,

Accordingly, the ways, means and methods of teaching and educating children must undergo changes. In this regard, game forms of education and upbringing are of particular importance.

It is the game that allows you to develop abilities, mental and artistic abilities, helps the baby to explore the world. In the game, he observes, remembers, develops imagination, gets acquainted with the forms and properties of objects, builds systems of relationships. The game allows, as if imperceptibly, to solve various problems, sometimes very complex, and move forward along the path of the formation and development of children's intelligence.

With the help of the game, the child's learning is more effective, and education is more pleasant. With the help of the game, you can help the child to realize himself, to gain confidence in his own abilities. The game is a kind of experiment in which the conditions for self-expression and self-examination are laid. Communication during the game is an important element of personality education, a source of mutual enrichment.

I part: Theoretical substantiation of the problem

What is game motivation?

Motivation - (from Latin to set in motion, push) 1. Motivation for activity.

2. The whole set of persistent motives, motives that determine the content, direction and nature of the activity of the individual, her behavior.

What do you need motivation for?

Purpose of motivation - arouse in children an interest in an occupation, an entertaining business, or any activity, create conditions for enthusiasm, mental stress, direct the efforts of children to the conscious development and acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Motivation determines the “program” of game actions. In doing so, we take into account the following conditions:

1. An organization in which the child is involved in the process of independent search and discovery of new knowledge solves problems of a problematic nature.

2. Intellectual and practical activities in the classroom should be varied.

3. You should constantly change the form of questions, tasks, stimulate the search activity of children, creating an atmosphere of hard work.

5. The more new material is connected with the child's personal experience, the more interesting it is for him.

6. Accounting for individual, age, medical, mental characteristics of pupils.

7. The emotionality of the teacher, his ability to support and direct interest in the content of the lesson or task, to stimulate the cognitive activity of children.

Game methods, exercisesused in the work of teachers, allow you to solve several problems at once:

Expand and enrich the range of gaming skills and abilities.

Increase the cognitive activity and performance of children.

Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually accustoming them to obey the rules of the game.

Increase the amount of corrective action by including game exercises at various regime moments.

The game method involves the use of various components of game activity in combination with other techniques:

showing, explanations, instructions, questions.

One of the main components of the method isimaginary situationin expanded form.

Why does the child not want to perform this or that task or assignment in class or in any kind of activity?


Bad mood

Bad feeling

Not interested

Difficult for age

Poor preparation of the lesson by the teacher (ill-conceived, lack of visual material, plan)

Lack of motivation, lack of interest in the final result.

What and how to interest a preschooler's child so that he breaks away from his affairs and takes up the proposed business with interest?

The following methods should be used:

In the foreground are emotions . this is true for early and younger preschool age. for example: teacher (during training for a walk. summer period): guys, the bunny is going for a walk with us, bunny, put on a blouse and catch up with us. and the bunny replies that he can't. Guys, let's show the bunny how to dress. bunny, look, our guys know how to dress themselves. children show an example of how to dress properly.)

You may also be interestedproblem posed(for seniors). for example: children, going for a walk, find a note from the garden Scarecrow “Guys, help. the sun bakes so hot that all the plants in my garden are about to die. And my hat does not save me from the heat at all. The teacher asks the children what to do in this situation, the children voice the options and go outside to water the garden. You can extend the game further, not just bring a hat for the Scarecrow from home or a dressing corner, but arrange a competition for the best hat for the garden Scarecrow. At the end, the Scarecrow will again send a letter with words of gratitude.

Brightness the proposed image (beautiful, aesthetic, anatomically correct toy or manual)

Novelty (an unfamiliar object always attracts attention. Little explorers wake up in children)

Practical task:(name and write your variants of examples in the indicated columns of the scheme)

Verbal motivation (only by verbal direction, problem statement)(reception of the competition, statement of the problem, request, praise-hula)

Object-effective motivation (the introduction into the process of any object of a toy or aid, with which the child will act in the future)

(letter, fairy-tale character, magic basket, boxes, posters)

Part II: Practical application of technologies

Work in microgroups

The group members play the role of educator(s), the rest of the teachers are “children”. group members are invited to independently choose any type of activity for preschoolers of a given age and beat the chosen situation with teachers-“children”. From each group - one game situation.

Part III: Exchange of experience

Solving Pedagogical Problems

Dear teachers! Recall from your practice a situation (one) in which the children puzzled you (regime moments, classes, holidays, etc.). How did you solve this problem?

Give teachers 5 minutes to write down the most interesting moments of the workshop.

Invite teachers to create a brochure “Helpful Tips for Adults. How to behave in unusual situations

the wording of advice is common to all: "If a child does _____________, I ___________"


reflection, visual consolidation of the material


(insert the missing phrases in the blank fields)

  1. The whole set of persistent motives, motives that determine the content, direction and nature of the activity of the individual, her behavior is _____________.
  1. Children's education should be____________________________________________________, to ensure the subjective position of the child and the constant growth of his independence and creativity.
  1. Purpose of motivation - call in children ____________________________________________, create _________________________________________________, direct the efforts of children to the conscious development and acquisition of ________________________________.
  1. Motivation based on direct speech instruction - _________________________.
  2. Subject-effective motivation implies ___________________________________________________________________________


The whole set of persistent motives, motives that determine the content, direction and nature of the activity of the individual, her behavior is motivation.

Children's education should be developing, fun, challenging game, to ensure the subjective position of the child and the constant growth of his independence and creativity.

Purpose of motivation - call in childreninterest in an occupation, an entertaining business, or any activity, create conditions of enthusiasm, mental stress,to direct the efforts of children to the conscious development and acquisition knowledge and skills.

Motivation based on direct speech instruction- verbal motivation

Subject-effective motivation impliesintroduction into the process of any object of a toy or manual

Name: Motivation as an effective way to involve a child with disabilities in educational activities
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments for specialists of preschool educational institutions, Teacher defectologist

Position: teacher-defectologist
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 67"
Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk

Motivation as an effective way to involve a child with disabilities in educational activities

“To make a child to learn is much more
a worthy task than to be forced” - K.D. Ushinsky.

Today, at the stage of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the words of K.D. Ushinsky sound relevant and modern. According to the standard of preschool education, the construction of educational activities should be carried out on the basis of the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education; to promote the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities; to intensify the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation. Analyzing the above, we can conclude that the main task of the teacher is to create conditions that “provoke” interest and curiosity.

Many researchers (V.S. Yurkevich, A.L. Venger, M.I. Lisina, E.O. Smirnova) believe that preschool children have not yet formed intrinsic cognitive motivation, it is only actively developing, and its formation occurs only in joint activities with an adult or peer. The final term of its formation falls on the age of elementary school. It is important to take into account that these studies are about children with developmental norms. Special teacher (speech therapist, defectologist),

works with children with disabilities (HIA) and special educational needs (SEN). Understanding that in a child with disabilities all mental processes develop slowly, it becomes clear how relevant the problem of creating a special educational field becomes, which would take into account all the features of pupils of this category.

The specificity of correctional and developmental work requires teachers working in compensatory groups to divide children into subgroups. The main task of the teacher is to make this process more natural, to remove the possible emotional tension that arises when dividing into subgroups, to get away from dictate. We came to the conclusion that it is this process (dividing into subgroups) that can become a motivation for future activities if it is properly organized.

We offer several templates that can be filled with any content, depending on the topic or correctional and developmental task. So, here ready-made formulas or templates practical ways of motivation when dividing pupils into subgroups:

  • "secret envelope"
  • "password" or "secret word"
  • color or any other symbolism
  • short didactic game

It should be noted that these options are designed for children of older preschool age, but our experience has shown that the use of the last two is possible with children of younger preschool age.

So let's look at the first pattern. "secret envelope" educational situation ( fragment). Educational area "Cognitive development". Introduction to the social world. Thematic week "My family". The teacher-defectologist (or speech therapist) comes to the group for his subgroup of pupils. Children at this time have free activity, they are dispersed in the group room. To attract their attention, switch from the game to the lesson, the teacher-defectologist (speech therapist) speaks loudly (exemplary speech):

Defectologist(D) - Attention! Attention! Urgent message! This morning, I saw this envelope in my office door. I was very interested in what was there, but I thought that it would be interesting for you to know what kind of envelope it was, why this letter came to us, so I waited for you.

caregiver(AT). - Marvelous! But this morning I found the same envelope.
D.- Guys, I have an idea. I propose to split up, we will go to the office and there we will find out what is in this mysterious envelope, other guys will find out what kind of secret their envelope holds, and then we will return to the group and share secrets (in envelopes - rebuses with the word "family").

Thus, the children are already interested, tuned in to the lesson, to learn something new and interesting! From our point of view, the correct, well-thought-out motivation should not be interrupted, the motivational circle should be closed. It is advisable to say what will happen upon returning to the group, and upon returning, to carry out the plan. So, after a lesson with a teacher-defectologist, the children return to the group, find out that there were puzzles in the envelopes, exchange puzzles, guess new ones, conclude that the puzzles are composed in different ways, and the word encrypted in them is the same. The contents of the "secret envelope" can be very different: a rebus, a split picture, a key, a number, a letter ...

An equally interesting way "password" or "secret word" Here again, the help of the group educator is needed.

Educational situation(fragment). In the morning, the teacher, meeting the children, whispers in everyone’s ear “password” or “secret word” - to all questions, he says that they will find out about everything later. For example, studying the topic “vegetables and fruits”, the teacher in the morning tells the child either the word for a vegetable or the word for a fruit. Before class, the defectologist comes to the group with a basket of vegetables and says that this morning everyone was given a secret word, asks everyone who had a word for vegetables to remember and come up to him, and the teacher holds a basket of fruits and calls all the children, whose "secret words" denote fruits.

This kind of motivation already contains a learning task - the possession of generalizing concepts, the ability to classify, to attribute an object to a particular group. Naturally, this option is easily transformed to any lexical topic.

Usage color or other symbols - this is a simpler option that can be used in working with children, starting from the middle group, and if the level of development of children allows, then from the end of the second youngest.

For example, the educator, taking the children in the morning, attaches an emblem, a badge to the child's clothes. When asked what it is for and why, he answers that for now it is a secret, but soon you will find out everything. For example, the teacher attached red and blue stars to the children. Before class, he discreetly attaches a red star to himself, and the defectologist comes to the group also with an attached star, but of a different color. Children match their emblems by color with the emblems of teachers.

With children of primary preschool age, division into subgroups can take place with the involvement of any character, toy. Educational situation(fragment). Educational area "Cognitive development". Introduction to the natural world. Theme "Pets", the second junior group. A few minutes before the start of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to play and “turns” them into “kittens” and “puppies” with the help of cap masks. Then the defectologist teacher with a soft toy (cat) enters the group and says that the mother cat has come for her “kittens” and calls them to play. At this time, the teacher takes his toy (dog) prepared in advance and in the same way calls the children of his subgroup - “puppies”

Let's give an example of motivation when dividing into subgroups for a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations or sensory development. The teacher-defectologist comes to the group with a box in which there are circles of blue and red colors.

Educational situation (fragment). Educational area "Cognitive development". FEMP. Defectologist- Guys, look what I have (children answer - circles). That's right, look how many there are. But they are not easy. This is your train ticket (shows a blue ribbon and says that he invites guys who have blue tickets to the blue train) “leave” to his office. The teacher invites children with red tickets to ride a red train.

So even before the start of the lesson, the children remembered, fixed the colors, tried to correlate objects by color. In this option, you can use and rely on any sensory standards, include a variety of correctional and developmental tasks, depending on the age group and level of development of the pupils of the subgroup.

Use Case short didactic game seems to us also interesting, so we will briefly describe it.

Educational situation(fragment). 3-5 minutes before the start of the lesson, the defectologist teacher comes to the group with a “wonderful bag” (geometric shapes in the bag) and conducts the game “Find out what's in the bag”

D. “Children, would you like to play some more?” I have prepared a cool game for you, but I know that Natalya Evgenievna (teacher) also has something interesting, so I suggest splitting into 2 teams - one will go with me, and the other will find out what the teacher has for them.

D.-When you return to the group, tell each other what you have learned and play the most interesting game.

Thus, the motivation given at the beginning does not break off, but has a logical conclusion, motivating pupils to other types of children's activities.

The use of a variety of ways to motivate preschoolers is a powerful activator of children's attention, stimulates the child's desire to learn, guess, invent. Such an approach to the organization of the educational process, from our point of view, contributes to the creation of an emotionally favorable environment and the preservation of psychological health, which is especially important for preschool children with disabilities.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"
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