Veterinary clinics with a hospital. Infectious hospital for animals. Benefits of hospitalizing an animal

The portal contains Moscow veterinary clinics that have a hospital for pets. In easy-to-compare tables, prices for staying in a hospital for animals are presented. Reviews of the owners of fluffy veterinarian patients will also be useful.

An animal hospital is a special place where a veterinarian can send a pet that needs constant monitoring of its health. Most often, inpatient treatment is required for patients before emergency or elective surgery, or for animals receiving postoperative care. Veterinarians and all clinic staff establish continuous strict control over the patient.

A dog and cat hospital is usually a warm, spacious and well-lit room that contains individual cages with absorbent disposable diapers, regular feeding and ongoing medical care. Ideally, the hospital has floor-heated cages to give pets maximum freedom of movement. Walking is done for dogs. Great attention in the hospital for animals should be paid to the observance of hygiene rules, maintaining the frequency - according to the norms, the room is disinfected with safe solutions and cleaned several times a day.

Veterinary hospital in Moscow - organization of work

As a rule, a veterinarian directly responsible for the treatment of inpatients works in the clinic every day. His working day begins with a mandatory examination of patients, prescribing treatment, additional studies (ultrasound, blood or urine tests, and others). If necessary, he can invite other specialists for a consultation - a cardiologist, surgeon, oncologist. Pre-planned studies are carried out in a planned manner. If necessary, without additional agreement with the owner, studies that require urgent conduct can be carried out. Good clinics always notify the pet owner in a timely manner of prearranged changes in the treatment or condition of the pet.

Conducting a thorough examination of each four-legged patient is time consuming. Only after that, the veterinarian contacts the owners of the animals and informs them of all changes and further plans for diagnosis and treatment. After that, throughout the working day, the doctor closely monitors his patients, at the end of the shift leaving appointments for the night to the veterinarian on duty. Since one specialist cannot solve all incoming problems and current tasks during the day, he must have assistants who fulfill appointments, feed and walk patients.

What you need to know if a pet was placed in a veterinary hospital?

In the inpatient veterinary clinic, the pet will be placed in cages. Normal institutions provide patients with individual cages with heated floors and bedding. However, nothing prevents you from bringing bedding from home so that your sick pet feels more comfortable. The necessary care items should also be available - leashes, bowls, muzzles. The use of care items belonging to the pet is also allowed.

Often, veterinary clinics offer patients ready-made food from the assortment of the institution - they may already be included in the cost of inpatient treatment or paid separately. Some doctors recommend not to change the pet's diet drastically, advising the owner to bring some delicious and familiar food from home for the animal. To maintain the usual daily routine, it is better to inform the veterinarian in advance about the time of walking and feeding. This will save the cat or dog from additional stress.

Hospital for cats and dogs in Moscow

Many veterinary clinics in Moscow offer their clients a hospital for animals. On our portal, visitors can find the most convenient option, get acquainted with the phone numbers, addresses and prices for the services of different clinics. Of interest are reviews about the hospital for animals - with their help, you can familiarize yourself with the level of service of the clinic in advance, evaluate the professionalism and qualifications of the veterinarian and understand whether the four-legged pet will be comfortable undergoing treatment in the chosen place.

from 300 rub.

If your pet was in trouble - he caught an infection or he needed to have an operation - it is impossible to think of a better option, placing him in a hospital for cats. Only under the supervision of qualified veterinarians

the pet will be able to quickly recover and undergo a rehabilitation course. In our veterinary clinic, the most comfortable conditions and effective treatment will be organized for animals.

Hospitals for cats are chosen according to the level of service

Do not worry about your pet if you put him in an infectious diseases hospital for cats in our clinic - we guarantee him constant attention and the highest quality service. Your pet will receive everything that is necessary for a speedy recovery and recovery - from proper nutrition to the best medicines. Our specialists will be able to quickly put him on his feet even after the most complex surgical intervention.

Today, when looking for a good hospital for cats in Moscow, many people turn to us. And this is understandable, because the experience, equipment and reputation of our veterinary clinic speak for themselves! Our hospital for cats with infectious diseases is the cheapest in Moscow!

The hospital uses both individual cells and complex boxes.

The cost of a daily stay in a hospital is 500 rubles.

Each owner knows how much attention, time and effort any, even the smallest pet, requires. Especially if he's sick. And sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that the owner is not able to properly care for the animal, or care requires special, professional skills. It is for such cases that our veterinary clinic has created a hospital for animals.

In the veterinary clinic there are separate rooms for keeping cats and dogs. Each animal is in its own spacious enclosure. If the state of health of the animal allows, dogs are allowed to walk three times a day.

At overexposure, an individual diet and feeding regimen is selected, taking into account the wishes of the owner, the age or disease of the animal. The food is brought by the owners or provided by the clinic. It is possible to feed both industrial and natural feeds.

It is possible to visit animals at certain hours every day, except Friday (premises are being disinfected). In addition, you can consult with the hospital doctor about your pet's well-being by phone.

While the animal is in the Bambi clinic, an agreement is concluded with the owner, which takes into account all aspects of the animal's stay and treatment in the hospital. In the Bambi veterinary clinic, there are several forms of stationary observation of animals:

  1. postoperative hospital;
  2. intensive care unit;
  3. day hospital and infectious diseases department.

Does your pet need surgery? You can leave it at the dog and cat hospital. The veterinarian will examine the animal, if necessary, prescribe additional procedures. During the day, the patient will undergo surgery, and then control the recovery from anesthesia. If necessary, additional supportive therapy will be carried out.

The pet has already been diagnosed and treated. But, as a rule, the owners do not have enough time or skills to carry out all the procedures. Or the treatment is complicated and the animals require special care. For such cases, an intensive care unit has been created in our veterinary clinic. It is headed by a veterinarian with vast experience - F.S. Pashkevich. The animal will be under the constant supervision of a hospital doctor, he will undergo all the necessary procedures. In addition, being in a hospital allows you to adjust the treatment regimen to the slightest change in the condition of the animal.

Many owners are aware of the need to find an animal in a hospital, but at the same time they are not mentally ready to part with their pet for a long time. Or the pet is strongly attached to the owner and suffers away from home. In this case, our veterinary center provides a day hospital for dogs and cats. The animal can be left at the clinic for the day to perform the necessary procedures and studies, and taken home in the evening.

24/7 surveillance and care

Fast and accurate diagnosis of diseases

Sterile individual boxes

Infusion therapy and oxygen therapy

Pets, even if they don't go outside, are at risk of infection every day. viral and bacterial infections. Ways of infection are possible not only through contact with sick animals, but also through the owner’s clothes and shoes, as well as by airborne droplets, so all pets must be vaccinated in a timely manner.

With the accumulation of animals in a confined space, the risk of large-scale infection with both acute infectious diseases and chronic ones increases.

Unfortunately, most owners neglect the recommendations for preventive vaccination, which often leads to the emergence of an infectious focus.

Animals that are in nature, including summer cottages, are at the greatest risk. You can become infected, for example, with diseases such as infectious rhinotracheitis , calicivirus infection , infectious anemia of cats (hemobartonellosis), as well as severe chronic infections - viral immunodeficiency, viral peritonitis, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus , viral hepatitis , plague of carnivores and of course rabies.

According to generally accepted statistics, animals in which a viral infection is detected die without treatment in 90% of cases, with treatment - in 50%. With constant monitoring and good treatment, the chances increase, but, unfortunately, not everything is in our power, sometimes the process is irreversible, and no matter what we do, the animal may die, so we repeat again, do not forget to carry out preventive vaccination ALL pets.

In most cases, animals suffering from infectious diseases are in a serious condition requiring intensive care, but not all veterinary clinics can accept such patients due to the high contagiousness of the disease. Veterinary institutions equipped with a therapeutic or surgical inpatient department cannot admit animals with infectious diseases to the hospital, as this is a deadly risk for other patients in the hospital, animals in serious condition, postoperative patients, etc.

A special infectious disease hospital for animals in Moscow has been created at the ZOOVET Exhibition Center - a special department for animals with highly contagious viral diseases. There are separate staff trained to work with infectious patients around the clock, and certain rules for disinfection are observed.

Rules and procedures for disinfection

All rooms are routinely disinfected 2 times a day, quartzization is carried out constantly with UV lamps. Only high-quality disinfectants are used, mandatory disinfection of linen, inventory, dishes and care items is carried out. To avoid cross-contamination, personal hygiene and the sequence of procedures are strictly observed. Each animal has an individual thermometer, its own bowls, trays, blankets, etc.

Organization Features

Each box is equipped with a floor heating system, the doors in the boxes are sealed, it is possible to create an oxygen chamber for patients requiring oxygen therapy. A separate bathroom with bath and shower allows you to maintain cleanliness and hygiene for large dogs.

The size of the boxes for cats allows you to supply your pet with everything he needs: a tray, bowls, a bed. For the comfort of large dogs, large spacious boxes are provided.

In order to ensure the safety of other animals and the peace of mind of patients, visiting hours for owners are limited, but the owner can always find out all the information of interest by phone. For patients who do not require round-the-clock intensive care, as well as for pets whose treatment, due to their nature, is impossible without the participation of the owner, a special room has been allocated for infusion therapy.

The chances of recovery in patients with infectious diseases in dogs and cats in an infectious diseases hospital are much higher, due to the ability to immediately adjust the treatment when the slightest change occurs in the patient.

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