Gemstones according to the zodiac sign Cancer. Crayfish. Planet, stones, colors, mascots, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. Moonstone - will bring love and peace to crayfish

The moon controls this sign of the zodiac, which means that stones must be chosen only those that could neutralize all the negative lunar effects. After all, negative emotions need to be tamed, and positive qualities need only be developed. Based on this, we list which stones are suitable for Cancer women according to the horoscope: moonstone, onyx, agate, pearls, topaz, emerald, belomorite, avamarin and black amber.

Gems that suit Cancer women.


The moonstone is the first and main talisman, as a symbol of love and stability. Cancer girls wearing moonstone jewelry can get rid of nervous state, as well as acquire some serenity and even tranquility. Moonstone, like a magnet, extends love to its owner. Especially the moonstone, as a talisman, is suitable for those women who were born on Monday during the growing moon. Ideally, the moonstone is worn in a silver frame. Also, the moonstone is suitable for those who were born in the first decade, that is, from June 22 to July 1.


Pearls have almost the same properties as moonstone. To balance emotionality, wearing pearls is exactly that! Only pearls are the best amulet for women, because they personify fertility and good luck in marriage. Pearls can save a woman from unrequited love. Pearls also protect their owners from damage, the evil eye and other adversities. However, pearls are not suitable for all Cancer girls, but only for self-confident and devoted to any idea. Girls born from July 2 to 22 can use pearls as a talisman. Important point! Pearls should not be worn on the naked body, as it may lose its magical properties.


Topaz is suitable for those Cancer girls who are used to relying solely on their intuition, rather than on mental calculation. With the help of topaz, women can feel even well-hidden deceit and reveal all the female intrigues that are woven in the team. Topaz has a great effect on the spine.


Agate is considered a very strong talisman that can give its owner prosperity and longevity. Agate is similar in properties to moonstone. It is agate that can develop in a woman such an uncommon ability as eloquence. Wearing agate jewelry, a woman becomes more attractive to the opposite sex, and this stone will also help you make the right decisions in a difficult situation.


With the help of onyx, a Cancer woman can become more socially adapted and socially successful. Onyx frees from depression and pessimistic thoughts. A woman can draw vital energy thanks to onyx.


Another strong stone is the patron of the Cancer woman - the emerald. The owners of emerald jewelry can get rid of the manifestations of outbursts of anger. Emerald has long been considered a stone of wisdom and composure, it is able to bring balance and tranquility to the life of its owner. Among healing properties emerald the following: getting rid of nightmares, insomnia, strengthening memory. This stone will be ideal for those girls who were born between July 12 and 22.


This stone heals its owner from all female diseases, it should be worn by those who cannot for a long time get pregnant. In studies, belomorite is the first assistant, plus this stone improves the state of memory.


Cancer women who wear aquamarine jewelry can easily expose the deceit. This stone is suitable only for honest girls. In addition, aquamarine will bring good luck if you take it with you on a trip. For a lonely girl, aquamarine will bring family happiness, and for a married girl, it will become a symbol of consent and support.

Jet or black amber

This is an excellent talisman for those who wish to acquire harmony in life and thoroughly comprehend their essence. Black amber for calm girls who will be able to develop better in the direction chosen in life. The stone will help to believe in own forces and succeed.

This should not be worn by Cancer women, as it is pomegranate, sapphire and lapis lazuli.

Vadim, January 15, 2015.

First of all, among the stones suitable for Cancers, it is worth noting stones of light and calm colors, especially blue and green shades. In addition, stones of a soft golden hue are well suited to Cancers. Especially useful for Cancer stones are: emerald, moonstone, uvarovite, blue sapphire, jade.

Stones suitable for Cancers according to the horoscope

Zodiac signs and stones are closely related things. If you are fond of astrology, trust it, or are just interested, you will learn a lot of interesting things from this article.

All stones - precious and semi-precious - have their own energy field, which affects and interacts with the human energy field. This relationship was discovered a long time ago and, having studied it, they came to the conclusion that with the help of certain types of stones, people can enhance the effect of their positive traits, if used correctly, and otherwise, even harm yourself. The stones of the signs of the Zodiac simultaneously possess both magical and medicinal properties.

Those born under this constellation are divided into three decades. The first decade - born from June 22 to July 1, the second - from July 2 to July 11 and the third - from July 12 to July 22. They differ slightly from each other, so they are advised to use different stones.

Cancer stones by date of birth

Stones that suit Cancers of the first decade

This psychotype includes kind, sentimental and at the same time passionate people. They are endowed with a high artistic taste, and, as a rule, are liked by others. With their sufficient practicality, they are characterized by unmotivated behavior. Amethyst will serve as the best talisman - a stone of frankness, harmony and sincerity, it will help create Eternal values. Cancers will suit emerald, moonstone and green tourmaline.

Stones that suit Cancers of the second decade

In this period, a complex, contradictory character is formed. Logic and imaginative thinking are constantly fighting in a person. Therefore, the stone of harmony - amethyst - is also suitable for them. People who aspire to high purpose, opal will help, it will keep the owner in good shape and nourish him. It can also be worn on the little finger of the left hand as an amulet. silver ring with emerald.

Stones for Cancers of the third decade

During this period, people are born with a proud character, restless and dreamy natures, who find it difficult to establish friendly relations. They manage to make money relatively easily, so they spend it with a little carelessness. A moonstone is perfect for them, enhancing the brightness of memories and diverting disturbing energy to themselves. It will come in very handy cat eye and rock crystal.

Now we have found out which stones are suitable for Cancers. Choose one that satisfies your taste, you like it and wear it with benefit and pleasure!

As you know, natural stones are not only a stylish decoration but also a talisman. Let's look at which stones are right for you if you are a Cancer.

If problems await you around every corner and you are already desperate to look for a solution, then why not try to get a talisman of stones according to the signs of the zodiac Cancer. To choose the right stone-talisman you need:

  • Determine what kind of problem is bothering you now: family, work, etc.
  • Analyze which stone most fully covers the essence of your problem;
  • Buy this stone and carry it with you as often as possible and there will be no trace of your problem.

Cancer Stones: Emerald

It is considered a stone of explorers of everything unknown. It helps to find one's Path, keeps its owner from excessive worries and negative emotions. external influences helps to achieve inner peace of mind and happiness. It is a very positive and peaceful stone.

Such a magnificent stone as an emerald does not need recommendations, and everyone knows that the emerald belongs to the precious stones of the first grade, which indicates its great aesthetic and practical value.

But not many people know that emeralds have a beneficial effect on general state body, help in curing the most complex diseases, and for crayfish it is not just a beautiful stone, but also an assistant in all matters, your talisman for life. He will help you in your search for your calling and life partner.


Another talisman for crayfish can rightly be considered a moonstone, it will tell its owner the right path on the path to development, show him “ reverse side moon" of each fact and will force you to reconsider your life values then to find the one that will remain unchanged and the only true one until the end of life.

This stone has long been considered a talisman of love, poetry and romance. It helps the owner express thoughts accurately and beautifully, removes internal stress, awakens creative energy, allows your ideas to come true.

Lovers this stone gives fidelity, consent, intuitive understanding, mutual penetration. It is very beautiful and soft stone.

Stone Uvarovit

In fact, it is a green pomegranate. This extraordinary stone is often not processed due to its rarity and natural beauty. If you can find such a treasure, then it will help you gain intuition, the gift of prediction, as well as good luck in financial matters. But you should be prepared for the fact that this stone has a wayward character and a very powerful action, people with a pure soul and conscience can earn its recognition.

Stones of the zodiac sign Cancer: Blue sapphire

It is a stone of modesty, fidelity, inner dignity and contemplation. Sometimes it is called a symbol of the soul, which rushes into eternity. This stone is ideal for Cancers: it is able to heal from melancholy, attracts people's sympathy and good luck, protects against envy, and also helps to find positive in everything. You need a stone with a deep blue color - it will become your personal talisman assistant.

Jade for Cancer

It is a talisman of lonely people, honest, brave, noble, fair. No wonder it is considered sacred in China. Jade helps to find a way out the most difficult situations when there is almost no hope for a happy ending.

In addition, jade is healing stone: balls, massagers, therapeutic rugs are often made from it. If you are going to buy jade, it is best to buy a nice bracelet, because such stones are best revealed on the hand.

We have told which stone is suitable for Cancer, however, it is worth noting that not all stones are useful for you. You should not give preference to yellow and orange sapphires, amethysts, fire-colored opals and carnelian.

Stones for Cancer: Aventurine

One of talisman stones for crayfish is aventurine - this beautiful stone has a golden-fiery, yellow, green and red color. Regardless of the color, this mineral has inclusions of iron, which gives it radiance, brilliance, it seems to glow from the inside with some special mysterious brilliance, because it was not for nothing that the people used to call it “golden stone”. Aventurine products will not only decorate any outfit, but will also help you cope with life's problems.

Stone Hematite

The next talisman stone is hematite, it has a dark red, burgundy and blood-black color, which allows you to make from it not only accessories for your outfit, but also rosaries and much more, and a hematite figurine can add mystery to your room. In addition, it will greatly improve your aura.

Cancer Stones: Pearl

Pearls have been used by our ancestors from time immemorial. For Cancers, he will add self-confidence and a sense of superiority, which they sometimes lack so much.

Stone: Amethyst

Such a stone as amethyst will help crayfish to achieve harmony with the special and with the outside world, this is very important, with its help you will achieve mutual understanding both at work and in the family circle.

Cancer is one of the most secretive and mysterious signs of the Zodiac: we do not know anything about them, and even then not all. And yet, astrologers know which stones are most suitable for the zodiac sign Cancer. Their opinion should be listened to!

Cancer stones by date of birth

Cancer is an unusual and mystical sign. They are alive and mobile, but at the same time they try to avoid sharp stones of conflict and go with the flow. But this does not prevent them from slowly and quietly moving towards their intended goal.

These people are calm and quiet, but at the same time sensitive and homely. Them inner world- this is an ocean of memories in which they sometimes find their refuge. They also prefer to store most of their feelings and emotions at the bottom of this ocean. At the same time, Cancerians are responsive and empathic. They know how to be friends and will never leave in trouble. In addition, they are the most responsible parents and more important than family nothing for crabs.

Among their shortcomings are the love of self-blame, irritability and the love to vent their negativity on their neighbors. In addition, crayfish are conservative and closed to new experience: there are really few innovators among them. Often they do not believe in themselves too much, so they follow the lead of others. All these disadvantages and advantages can be corrected or emphasized with the help of precious or semi-precious stones.

There are differences in the nature of cancers, depending on the date of birth.

Those born between June 21 and July 1 are ruled by the Moon. These people are kind, empathic and often whiny, but they are usually loved by everyone. The best stones for the zodiac sign Cancer, which are ruled by the moon, are the most transparent and gentle: transparent.

Cancers who were born from July 2 to 11 are businesslike and cynical. Their stones are, and, and.

Those born on July 11 to 22 are suitable, and. Their patrons are Neptune and the Moon. These are people who are creative and have a talent for science, as well as magic.

Talismans for cancer: why sapphire is a best friend for cancer

All stones for representatives of this zodiac sign should be well combined with water, more precisely, play in it with expressive highlights and change color. Ideal colors are transparent blue, pearly and slightly greenish.

One of the best talismans is a moonstone. It stabilizes the work nervous system and helps to get rid of irritability and depression. It also calms and soothes. Moonstone is the best intuition stimulant.

By the way, the stone is worn only with silver and only on the growing moon. When the moon is waning, it is better to hide him, as he turns into an energy vampire during this period.

Similar in its action to the moonstone and pearls. In addition, pearls strengthen bonds between people, whether it be friendship, relationships with colleagues or love. In addition, pearls neutralize the evil actions of envious people and rivals. Pearls are worn only by those who have a family, it becomes especially strong if the husband gave it to the lady. It is better not to wear this stone all the time: pearls need rest. By the way, pearls are an excellent litmus test of the owner's mood and health - the worse it is, the darker the pearls.

Emerald gives cheerfulness and optimism to melancholy crayfish. In addition, emerald is a stimulant of female energy. By the way, it is best to wear it in combination with gold and buy paired jewelry: for example, it is better to immediately take earrings with an emerald ring. Bracelets and rings are worn only on the left hand.

Precious and semiprecious stones crayfish

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"Not a man, but a cloud in his pants." This line from a poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky characterizes a poet born under the sign of cancer. They are said to be sensitive romantics. Individuals are vulnerable, creative, energetic and ready for adventure. The problem of representatives of the elements of water - abrupt shifts moods. That melancholy, then unbridled joy. Amulets minerals will help you find a reasonable balance between extremes.

Cancer stone of a woman according to the horoscope- selenite. This is the name of the bluish variety of moonstone. She helps the sensual ladies of the sign find happiness in their personal lives. In the old days, selenite rings were worn by lovers who were separated.

It was believed that the mineral helps them overcome the burden of parting, reunite again. Alchemists of the Middle Ages said that bluish stones, suitable for cancer women act as "advisors" the right way in life. To the advantages of moonstone, lithotherapists add the ability to treat dropsy, nervous disorders.

What stones are suitable for cancer women wishing to strengthen marriage ties, relationships with a partner? The answer is pearls. Mother of pearl translates the mood of the representatives of the sign into a positive direction, reduces mood swings. As a result, others begin to look at crayfish differently, appreciate them, reach out to them.

Pearls give fertility, the alchemists of the Middle Ages believed. sea ​​mineral and now they are worn by those who want to have children, take care of them proper development. What stone is cancer prevents diseases of the genitourinary sphere? Again, pearls.

Agate gives the lady of the water sign longevity. "Supplies" the mineral and eloquence. This helps to find a common language with people, promotes career advancement, success on the personal front.

Agate hides flaws, highlighting virtues, therefore, he is the best stone for cancer. Woman this sign does not like society to see its weaknesses, but without energy "feeding" it is not always able to cope with the task on its own.

Mental torment, emotional instability often prevent the men of the sign from achieving their goals. Halfway down, hands fall, and when they rise again, the moment has already been lost. The emerald will make you finish what you started. He enters stones for cancer men that ensure success in society and the respect of others. Green-blue crystals sweep aside doubts and contribute to making the right decisions.

Recommended cancer sign stone- jet. This is the name of the black variety of amber. It normalizes the sleep of representatives of the water element. Insomnia is a common problem for Cancer men. For most of them, the number one value is family. Gagat will help here too, ensuring happiness in marriage and relationships.

Cancers are vain. The thirst for recognition goes hand in hand with the desire to have your opinions taken into account. Jade helps to achieve respect, to find a grateful audience. it Cancer zodiac stone with powerful energy. She is able to give strength for changes in her destiny, for taking new heights. Everyone wants to be successful. But, it turns the desired real green mineral only for male cancers.

Kind and smart. This is a characteristic of the early representatives of the sign, born from June 21st to July 1st. stones, suitable for crayfish of this period: - amethyst, tourmaline, carnelian. Their crystals will save people of the first decade from disappointment.

Many people tend to take advantage of the gentleness of Cancers. Amulets help to accept this, survive and become only stronger. The strongest of the "first-born" is perhaps Mike Tyson. The "beast" in the ring, apparently, has learned to hide his vulnerable and kind nature very well.

Stones for Cancer, born from July 2 to 11: - turquoise, chrysoprase, opal, heliotrope. They smooth out the consequences of the cynical acts of those who were born in the middle decade. Its representatives are somewhat insecure internally. The mask of the cynic is a way to hide it.

For crayfish "middle peasants" the world is a mystery that you want to comprehend. It is easier to search for the meaning of being, to understand its laws in a disgraced society. It is also included in stones for cancer. Many representatives of the sign express their thoughts poetically. What are the works of Anna Akhmatova, born on July 11, 1889, worth alone.

Beryl, cat's eye, ruby, tourmaline - minerals born from 12th to 22nd July. Which stone is suitable for crayfish the third decade decides the vulnerability of its representatives. For the most part, they are creative people, with a fine mental organization. Such, for example, is Ivan Okhlobystin.

He managed to be a priest and act on stage. Such diverse activities speak of the internal torment to which the crayfish. Stones according to the horoscope Leah Akhedzhakova will also come in handy. The People's Artist has repeatedly admitted in an interview that she is too emotional, although this only helps her in her career.

There are also minerals that it does not tolerate zodiac cancer. stones contraindicated to him: - rauchtopaz and diamond. By the way, Princess Diana avoided them. Her engagement ring was with a sapphire, albeit an 18-carat one. For necklaces, the lady chose pearls, as true crayfish. Stones talismans were also in the earrings of the wife of Prince Charles. Not a single decoration of the princess had rauchtopazes. Diamonds also met, but only small ones, as a frame for other crystals.

Of all representatives zodiac constellation, Cancer is the most mysterious and secretive sign of the Zodiac. To help him open up and become more sociable, astrologers recommend using certain stones for Cancer as talismans.

In life, those born under the constellation of Cancer are sensitive, calm and homely people. For them, the whole world is internal memories, where they are more calm.

Most Cancers are emotional in nature, but they rarely show their emotions. Sometimes Cancers they experience mood swings that spill out on those around them. It is rare to meet a representative of this sign who is not a sympathetic person.

Cancers really know how to make friends and really appreciate their family, believing that there is nothing more precious than this in the world. Cancers are the best parents who will not give in to their children in offense.

The main disadvantages of people born in the constellation Cancer are:

  • irritability;
  • self-criticism;
  • negative;
  • conservatism.

Often, Cancers stop believing in their own strengths, simply following the lead of others. To fix it this situation, you need to understand which stone is suitable for Cancers.

All the flaws that Crayfish have can be corrected with the help of properly selected stones. And they don't have to be precious. When choosing a stone - a talisman, one should take into account the date of birth of a person, since each decade presents Cancers with new character traits.

Those Cancers who were born between June 21 and July 1 are under the auspices of the Moon. They are distinguished by kindness, tearfulness and apathy. These people should prefer soft and transparent stones. A vivid example of which are the following stones of Cancer - moonstone, rock crystal, transparent jasper, carnelian and hematite.

Cancers born from July 2 to July 11 differ from the rest in cynicism and efficiency. Stones for Cancer that correspond to these character traits are pearls, chalcedony, turquoise, heliotrope and sardonyx.

Cancers born in the last decade are distinguished by their creative nature. Such people are most often drawn to science or esoteric knowledge. In this case, for magical protection Cancer and the disclosure of his talents are suitable stones such as tourmaline, ruby, aquamarine, emerald or beryl.

Cancerians know how to earn money and save it, but because of excessive pessimism, they rarely spend it on the joys of life. Therefore, the stone talisman of Cancer should reveal its inner strength and help to see this world in bright colors.

Stones that can protect a person from various ailments deserve special attention. Often, relatives and friends have a question, which stone is suitable for a Cancer person who is often sick? For example, people prone to problems c gastrointestinal tract Topaz is perfect.

If the pathologies are women's bodies or failures in hormonal system, then you should pay attention to pomegranate or jasper. So, giving preference to one or another stone, Cancers must take into account many factors.

Stones suitable for Cancer women

Like most signs that are under the auspices of water, Cancers simply do not like the soul in iridescent shades. This is especially true for women. Therefore, the stones for Cancer women must be truly graceful and feminine.


Cancer women simply need pearls, as this stone repels negativity and protects from envious people. An interesting fact is that at bad mood the stone just starts to darken. In no case should you choose stones of bright colors for Cancer women.

Red, orange or black pearls make the representatives of this sign more anxious. The only exception in this case is black pearls. However, in this case, you should be guided by your own feelings.

Pearls, which are framed in silver, are best suited for Cancer women. Stones for Cancer women in the form of a pearl necklace will help to cope with mental discomfort or bad thoughts.

Pearls are suitable for married women, but it is better for free girls to give their preference to another stone talisman, for example, a moonstone.


Moonstone allows Cancer women to protect themselves from constant mood swings, which are directly related to the action of the Moon. It is this stone amulet that attracts love to the owner.

The moonstone will help the Cancer woman relieve emotional stress and prevent her from losing self-control in any situation.

This stone talisman will give its owner physical health, which in this sign is directly related to the inner experience. After all, as you know, Cancer women very often suffer from nervous tension and emotional overload.

Moonstones for Cancer women can be worn as a pendant or earrings, and in the form of an amulet.


The turquoise stone is a symbol of prosperity for the Cancer woman. This stone is more suitable for married women than for young Cancer girls.

Talismans with turquoise are able to protect their mistress from the negativity that was in her life in the past. Such stones for Cancer women are perfect as magical amulets - damage and the evil eye are powerless against these stones.

Turquoise has always been considered a talisman of success, so it can become the best assistant in business. Cancer women are advised to wear this stone exclusively as a pendant.

In general, this expensive stone has female energy - such as, for example, chalcedony or amethyst.


Chalcedony is a natural stone suitable for Cancer women. This stone will protect the Cancer woman from melancholy and help to contain negative emotions. This lucky mascot will help unmarried girls Cancers will attract love into their lives. He helps to find his soul mate and find family happiness.

Chalcedony is quite a powerful amulet. He is able to neutralize various negative magical effects on his mistress and protect her from ill-wishers.

If a Cancer woman is often overcome by bouts of anger, then we advise you to wear this mineral on your little finger. When choosing this stone, it is better to choose a pastel-colored mineral, as it is able to calm a storm of emotions and direct energy in the right direction.

The chalcedony stone has a very strong energy, therefore its continuous long-term wearing is not recommended.


Amethyst is a natural mineral that symbolizes purity. It is a strong stone amulet for Cancer women of the creative profession.

Such a stone as amethyst will help Cancer women achieve harmony with the special and with the outside world. Contributes to the normalization of relations in the family with loved ones and relatives.

Also, with the help of this stone, you can achieve mutual understanding among colleagues at work and business colleagues. For successful women Rakov recommend using jewelry with amethyst.

Eye of the Tiger

Eye of the Tiger least of all is suitable for the title of a talisman for Cancer women, however, as a magical amulet, it is very effective.

The energy of this stone improves personal relationships, protects from strangers negative impacts. Married women Cancers, he helps to keep love and is able to keep them from casual relationships.

Lonely Cancer girls Tiger's eye will help to meet their love. In addition, this natural mineral is recommended to be worn by children from damage and the evil eye.

Using jewelry with this stone, it will be easier for a Cancer woman to build relationships with people around her. The tiger's eye also helps to find mutual understanding in the family and with work colleagues.


The most powerful of all protection stones suitable for women sign Cancer, is considered heliotrope. It is recommended to wear it as jewelry- especially in the form of earrings.

It helps in the speedy resolution of all conflict situations and removes obstacles on the way to the intended goal. Jewelry with the use of heliotrope is also recommended for Cancer women who lead a secluded lifestyle.

The heliotrope stone will help the Cancer woman to establish contact with the people around her, and also charge her mistress with positive energy and strength.

Stones suitable for Cancer men

When choosing mascots for Cancer, you need to consider which stones are best suited for Cancer men. Raku stones can be given to a man in any form. From the mineral, you can independently make a keychain or a talisman of arbitrary shape.


Onyx stone is most suitable for strong and self-confident Cancer men according to the zodiac sign.

Onyx is able to give the Cancer man leadership qualities, as well as perseverance and self-confidence.

This is a very harmonious stone, gives its wearer determination, helps to avoid bouts of pessimism. If a Cancer man wears this stone, then he is unlikely to be able to fall under the influence of others.

The action of onyx is enhanced if it is framed in silver. So the best amulet for a Cancer man would be a silver onyx ring.


Carnelian stone is very suitable creative men Cancers. The peculiarity of this mineral to reveal hidden talents has been known since ancient times.

In Cancer men, this gem increases self-esteem. Carnelian makes men of this sign sociable and relaxed.

Also, the energy of this stone well brings Cancer men out of depression and drives away melancholy.

Even the failures that can happen to people of this sign will not be able to drive them into melancholy and despondency. Carnelian stone helps to quickly recover from them and start moving forward again.

Such stones for Cancer men will attract joy into his life and give permeability, which will allow him to protect himself from ill-wishers.


By purchasing a ruby ​​stone, a Cancer man will be able to strengthen his own heart and gain courage.

The talisman, whose role is entrusted to the ruby, will protect the Cancer man from the appearance of depression. It also contributes to the activation of mental activity.

Under the influence of this precious stone Cancer men are more likely to be inspired to do good deeds.


Sapphire is a stone of modesty, fidelity, inner dignity and contemplation. Sometimes it is called a symbol of the soul, which rushes into eternity.

This stone is ideal for Cancer men. He is able to heal from melancholy, attracts people's sympathy and good luck, protects from envy, and also helps to find positive in everything.

If a Cancer man has health problems, then you can use the help of sapphire. This mineral is great for asthma, heart disease vascular system and neuralgia.

The stone will help its owner meet good friend or protect yourself from ill-wishers.

Stones suitable for both women and men Cancers

Agate is able to make a Cancer woman more successful not only in her career, but also in her personal life. Married Cancer women are recommended to wear this stone to normalize family relations.

Jewelry with agate, as well as with hematite, makes a Cancer woman stronger in spirit add wisdom to it. These stones for Cancer women are able to increase her feminine beauty and will not let her make rash steps.

Another bright representative Talisman stones for Cancer men are gray agate. It will give its owner vigor and faith in their own strength.

The stone perfectly neutralizes the self-doubt and pessimistic mood that is characteristic of Cancer men. These stones are simply necessary for people who do not know how to be happy.

These stones for Cancer men are able to teach their owner to enjoy simple little things and enjoy life.

Agate grinds with its power negative sides character of a Cancer man, such as:

  • hypersensitivity,
  • vulnerability,
  • excessive emotionality,
  • bouts of self-pity.

If you don’t know which stone talisman to give a Cancer man, give an agate. This stone will teach its owner to go through life with confidence and become truly happy.

Among the stones suitable for Cancer women special place occupies an emerald. He will betray his owner a little cheerfulness and joyful mood.

If unmarried girl Cancer decided to wear an emerald ring, then it should be worn on left hand. Another interesting fact- decoration with emerald implies paired wearing. If you choose a ring with an emerald, then you will need a bracelet or necklace with this stone.

For suspicious Cancer women, the emerald stone will give composure and wisdom. Another emerald attracts finances and does not give money be wasted. This mineral minimizes negative emotions, which saves the Cancer woman from excessive impressionability.

Emerald is very calming. nervous tension and allows you to control your own emotions in Cancer men.

Also, this mineral is able to eliminate melancholy and give Cancer men a feeling of joy.

Emerald gives hope, wisdom and tranquility, and will also make its owner more relaxed.

Men born under the sign of the Cancer zodiac are, in a sense, timid, suspicious and superstitious. Emerald with its powerful energy can completely get rid of these mental illnesses.

This stone will protect the Cancer man from the evil eye and envy, and also attract good money and strengthen the well-being of its owner.

Lucky Stones for Cancers

Which stones are not suitable for Cancers

Zodiac sign Cancer is a representative of the water element. Therefore, stones for Cancer should be chosen transparent and iridescent.

Crayfish are not very suitable for stones of bright red color and uniformly dark. Such minerals have Negative influence on representatives of this sign and can do much harm. Sensitive Cancers are contraindicated for stones with strong external energy, such as:

  • topaz,
  • pomegranate,
  • diamond.

You should not choose a talisman stone based only on zodiac recommendations. The feeling of discomfort while wearing a stone talisman will not give strength to a person, but rather make Cancer even more withdrawn and nervous.

After you have decided on the choice of a stone talisman, you must tune it to your wave and activate it. But before this procedure, the stone must be cleaned of extraneous energy.

To perform the cleansing, put your stone in running water, setting it to cleansing. The longer you keep it in running water, the better the stone will be cleansed of extraneous energy.

The same purification can be carried out with the help of fire, holding the stone over the flame of a candle or fire.

After the purification ritual, it is necessary to activate the stone from the evil eye and damage and to help in earthly everyday affairs. Activation is carried out through a magical rite, the amulet is revived with breath, saliva or blood.

Desirable natural stones worn on the body, but can be in a pocket or bag. The main thing is that the magic object is in close proximity to the person. The farther the stone is from its wearer, the less effective its protective power.

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