Aries. Planet, stones, colors, mascots, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. Lucky numbers of the zodiac sign Aries

We would like to tell you about what numbers will be most successful for the representative of the Zodiac sign Aries, and in general, the numerological horoscope for him. The question from the point of view of numerology is studying the Horoscope. Guru!

Numerological horoscope for Aries - unit

The main and first figure for Aries will, of course, be one. This is the figure of "life for yourself", and this is what Aries "in life" is busy with. He has himself, he has his joys, his pleasures, everything that makes up his life. The rest is of little importance. And that is why the main figure for Aries is the number "one" - everything related to the number one, he can use with joy, enjoying this number!

One would assume that since Aries are born mostly in March and April, the numbers "three" and "four" should be lucky for them. But three is the number of the family, and four is communication with other people. This should be taken into account, and if Aries born in March really wants to rely on the number “three”, he risks being very family-friendly (and it’s not a fact that he wants to), and April with the “four” risks hanging on himself a lot of social contacts. So it is better to trust the number "one" and not worry too much.

It is also important that, for example, "ten" and "eleven" are completely different numbers. In the Zodiac, ten would rather correspond to Scorpio, and "eleven" to Libra. And therefore, if Aries relies on these numbers due to the presence of a unit in them, what will happen? He is the element of Fire, Libra - Air, and Scorpio in general - Water. In fact, the fire will simply extinguish itself with air and water. Neither ten nor eleven are lucky for Aries! So those numbers that, when added together, form a ten, will not work either - you can’t make a unit out of them. There is only "one". He is the first in the Zodiac - he should be the first in life, period. Although, of course, one should also take into account his own numbers - birth (the day he was born) and life (the sum of all digits of the date of birth)! But here already at everyone individually.

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a - Zodiac sign - Aries.

Basic properties:

A person born under the sign of the Zodiac - Aries, is ambitious, perky, irritable and stubborn. Poorly gives in to someone else's will, and the desire to insist on one's own can turn into despotism. A strong will knows no limits, and the heat of passions knows no boundaries, an active mind pushes forward without fear of obstacles.

Properties Description
The date: Western astrology March 21 - April 20
Indian astrology April 14 - May 14
constellation by sun April 19 - May 14
Mascot: Hammer, golden fleece.
Symbols: Ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Colors: Bright red, carmine, orange, blue, lilac, raspberry and all shiny (purple - unfortunate).
Stones: Diamond, ruby, amethyst, bloodstone, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, emerald.
Metal: Iron, steel.
Essential oils: Mint, lemon, sage, laurel, sandalwood, rosemary, cypress, thuja, jasmine, rose, fennel, pine, fir, sage.
Hawthorn, anemone (anemone), sweet pea, violet, cornflower.

Temperament and character:

The influence of Mars and the Sun gives a spark, relentless movement and a tendency to exaggerate. But Aries will do everything to avoid boredom and depression. Aries feel more than think. They can be extremely generous, love to give gifts and give orders. Very active and even impulsive. Aries is stubborn or focused on one thing they hold dear. In some situations, it can be compared to a child. He values ​​being treated fairly. And do not seek to be cunning, and declares itself directly. Courageous, often stoic type, full of original ideas and tends to everything new. Sign of pioneers and inventors. He likes to pave his own path, curiosity can turn into indiscretion and intemperance. Aries has an element of "self", self-affirmation, but also a thirst for responsibility, self-dramatization and self-denial. You should never argue with an Aries.

Love and marriage:

Ready for love and sex at an early age, earlier than society allows, because of this and a number of cases, Aries go through domestic conflicts in their youth. They tend to fall in love at first sight at all ages. If they fall in love, nothing can resist their passion. They are often attracted to the forbidden fruit, they seek to get it at any cost. In return, they are ready to give themselves. They are generous, sometimes prudent. When repulsed, the passion of Aries turns into obsession. Early pride and rage, and sometimes to the point of murder. On the other hand, they quickly reconcile and calm down. For Aries, any beautiful adventure, temptations - an invitation to change. All Aries are impulsive, impetuous, sometimes naive. Almost touching lovers, whose whims must be satisfied like those of a capricious child. Aries cannot bear to be limited in the pursuit of will, ideal, ambition. When he loses himself for a while, life collapses. If he is not adored, he begins to fear himself. Marriage in Aries is under more threat than in other signs, it needs loving patience to save the marriage. His energy should be directed carefully, without oppressing his enthusiasm, giving the right direction. In marriage, Aries loves the partner to emphasize the importance of the direction he has chosen. He really does not like it when they interfere in his personal space, trying to change something there. He is not the best psychologist, but he prefers to do "surgical intervention" on the partner's mental problems himself. His biggest possible mistake is the perception of a partner as "the fool himself." Aries should avoid in marriage and friendship Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Must look for Libra, Sagittarius, Leo.

Choice of profession:

Aries are capable dynamic salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, policemen, butchers, wonderful surgeons, sculptors. Good with fire and metal. The muscular body of an Aries promises a sports career. Regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best fighter. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado, window dressing.

Attitude towards money:

Money is often treated with coolness. For him, they are only a means to achieve something more. Aries is not inclined to overspend. But, if necessary, he can spend a large amount where he considers it necessary.

Passions in comfort:

The concept of comfort in Aries is relative. He loves spartan conditions. And he rests in an environment that annoys another person, if he is not an Aries, and does not allow him to relax.

Life planning:

Aries doesn't like to plan because planning brings order. When everything is in order, it is difficult to hide imperfections. Doing things spontaneously is the motto of Aries. The main thing is to start, and others will finish.


Aries has an innate intuition, but he may not trust it. Too spontaneously, her revelations come to him. It is easier to follow the knurled path of social opinion. Here a contradiction may arise, on the one hand, the desire for individuality, and on the other hand, the opinion of society.


The motto of this fiery sign is "Always forward!". Aries enthusiastically make plans, but do not always translate into reality. If you want to give them flowers, then the best choice would be tulips or gladioli. They love a classic perfume with a strong scent. Pungent odors activate them, make them more stubborn and attentive. Woody notes improve well-being and inspire them to good deeds. Aries impresses with a gift in cherry red packaging.

Days and numbers:

    Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9), 11.

    Lucky days: Tuesday, Sunday.

    Unlucky days: Friday, Saturday.

From March 21 to March 31 - under the influence of Mars - natures are born especially brave, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and ardent in love. Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

Born from 1 to 11 - under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, able to overcome obstacles. Love for them is a great affection. Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

Born from April 12 to 20 - under the influence of Venus - natures are passionate and gentle, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts. Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.


For those born under the sign of Aries, the vulnerable part of the body is the head. Tendency to headaches. They should avoid drafts, colds, sore throats, regularly check their teeth not only for holes and hollows, but also abscesses, gum infections, pay attention to bad breath. Parents of an Aries child should ensure that there is good lighting when reading, check whether glasses are needed, especially during puberty, which affects Aries due to the early sexual desires inherent in this sign. Aries do not like to eat in a poorly lit room. Aries tend to be carefree about their health. Often these are reckless parents. They are addicted to everything that comes to them in a tin, they can exhaust themselves to exhaustion, which leads to high blood pressure, insomnia, and creates susceptibility to heart attacks, as well as hepatitis. Aries is an impatient patient. His relationship to illness: don't go to bed, move, don't give up, don't abstain from sex. Women either feel great, or on the verge of physical exhaustion. During puberty, girls sometimes lose their sight. Men take the 2nd place after the men of the Virgo sign in terms of the number of impotent. The Aries body needs constant training to avoid premature aging, which is more typical for this sign than for others. If the location of the heavenly bodies at the time of birth was favorable, the Sun in Aries gives the newborn the ability to resist ailments. It is very rare to meet disabled people with this sign. The will to overcome the disease and the ardent desire to "get involved in vigorous activity" is stronger than the disease. But contempt for ailments has a negative side. Sometimes an Aries goes back to heavy workloads instead of lying in bed. You should listen to the advice of a doctor, friends or relatives. A special danger to the health of Aries can be the negative location of the planets at the time of birth. In general, however, all those born under this sign should avoid colds and eye strain, frequent visits to the dentist, and avoid quarrels and mental strain that may arise from their temperament. Aries are subject to headache attacks, fever, skin diseases, memory disorders, neuralgia of the head and face, dizziness and nervous exhaustion. Many, if not all, claim that they could have avoided this if they followed a regimen, diet, and self-discipline. Over the years, Aries must find a hobby that helps to avoid a depressed state. Since this is an intellectual sign, there are many activities for him (reading, club activities, creativity in some form of art) that will take up all his time and allow him to use his vital abilities. One more piece of advice. Aries can be prone to accidents (especially if the Sun is negative or Saturn and Uranus were lords in the constellation at the time of birth), so sharp objects or instruments should be avoided and driving a car should be avoided. A thirty-five-year study of the carriers of this sign in the United States has shown that when the Sun is mostly turned towards Mars, accidents, including car accidents, are especially likely.


Aries, as a rule, are promiscuous and indifferent to what they eat, unless, of course, there are contrary indications in their horoscope. This is not to say that they do not enjoy good food, especially in the company of people. As the owner, Aries is very hospitable, trying to treat with exotic dishes and excellent wine. But when he is alone (which he does not like) or in a family, he is not interested in cooking. It is desirable for Aries in the last decades of life to reduce the amount of food taken due to a decrease in activity. Fatty foods that cause atherosclerosis should be avoided. Aries are prone to strokes (paralysis) caused by constriction and blockage of the vessels of the brain. Therefore, it is also better not to smoke, as tobacco compresses blood vessels, causing them to temporarily block. Although Aries is not characterized by digestive disorders (if the Moon and Venus are harmoniously located), a deficiency of potassium phosphate is still possible, which allows the restoration of brain cells and nervous tissue, as well as the mental energy that people of this sign spend so wastefully. The lack of this substance causes anger, headaches, nervous dyspepsia and a general feeling of exhaustion. Fortunately, potassium phosphate is found in common foods: beets, celery, lettuce, cauliflower, watercress, spinach, onions, mustard, radishes, carrots, cucumbers, dates, apples, walnuts, and lemons. The diet should include adequate amounts of organic iron and the muscle-building protein found in lean meats and beans. Herbs that are most harmonious with this sign are aloe, basil, laurel, capsicum, capers, Oregon grapes, red pepper, peppermint, horseradish.

Exercise time between 9 and 11 am; venue outdoors on a sunny day or in a well-ventilated, draft-free room; duration 5 minutes. Sit or stand up straight with your shoulders back. The back is straight. Mentally relax, free yourself, expel from your head and consciousness all worldly worries that kept you in suspense. Inhale slowly, counting to 7. Pause for a count of 1. Slow exit, counting to 7. Repeat 8 times. Farther. Stick out your lips, as if whistling. Stretch the tongue forward between the teeth to the lips. Holding the nostrils closed with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, slowly inhale through a narrow hole in the hollow of the tongue, counting to 7. Hold the breath for a count of 1, then slowly exhale through the nostrils for a count of 7. Repeat 16 times.

Aries man:

Militant, but not because he is a born warrior with weapons in his hands, but because he wants to show himself strong. Aries man wants to be independent. All his actions are subordinated to this motive. Most of all, it humiliates when he is considered a child. But this is true, because in the cosmic plane he is a child. That is, his soul was just born and began to exist. Therefore, many of the actions of Aries men are regarded as childish. In the worst case, his infantilism drags on for a long time. In this case, he is a bully, but he gives little account of what consequences await him. His main impulse is to prove his individuality to others. Someone sees her in her originality, but the Aries man perceives her as a demonstration of his strength. In different situations, he can demonstrate it. Sometimes the situation throws him into the extreme conditions of the mountains, the sea or the mine. Everywhere he demonstrates his capabilities on the verge of survival. In less extreme conditions, protected by the methods of modern civilization, the Aries man demonstrates his intelligence. Behind the word, a real ram "will not climb into his pocket" and will defend his innocence to the bitter end. His main weaknesses are that Aries man does not know how to lose. And besides, he pays little attention to his appearance. That is, his ambition to a small extent motivates the actions of Aries. Thus, the Aries man is usually strong, but has difficulty distinguishing boundaries. Therefore, he often tests them for strength.

Aries woman:

The Aries woman plays the role of a feminist for a long time, but then she takes everything at once. If you get to know her, then the first thing that may catch your eye is the absence of the usual femininity. Don't be surprised if you notice that her shoulders are somewhat wider than her hips. Unless, of course, an Aries woman does not do special exercises to develop the muscles of the pelvic region. Now everything can be adjusted. By nature, the Aries woman, of course, remains a woman, but by nature she often brings up masculine traits. In some situations, belligerence is shown. Sometimes she can go so far as to deny the role of a man in life. Here it will not even be a hindrance that only women can continue the human race. The role of a man here can be replaced by a test tube or the same man for one night. In any case, her actions are motivated by the fact that she really does not like to make efforts to participate in the construction of any kind of relationship. Here merges the infantilism of Aries and his militancy. Why women are not taken to the active army. Often refer to her natural weakness and purpose to give birth to children. Psychologists rightly believe that raising a child in an incomplete family (by one mother) is problematic. But in the case of the mother of Aries, this problem is removed especially in the childhood of the child. Then she will be able to replace his absent father, but at an older age of the child, when he needs experience in building relationships between a man and a woman, one mother-ram will obviously not be enough.

According to numerology, the lucky numbers for Aries are 4, 7 and 9. The sign of Aries is represented by the curved horns of a ram, although some astrologers believe that these are the nose and eyebrows, symbolizing the bright personality of the Aries man. This image is also considered a symbol of the hidden abilities of a person and knowledge that has not yet been revealed.

Aries lucky numbers

The luckiest numbers for Aries, according to astrology, are six and seven. These numbers can be used in different combinations to achieve success, and then luck will definitely accompany you and will not turn away from you.

At the same time, the most successful day for Aries is Thursday. It is on such a day that it is better to start a new project or go on a trip.

Number 4

This number is favorable in that it gives materiality to ideas, helps to translate the plans into reality. This number is hardworking in itself. Therefore, it will never leave Aries without work, on the contrary, it contributes to a quick rise up the career ladder. Also, on the fourth day of any month, Aries is accompanied by material success. Perhaps you will receive an award or learn about the good inheritance that you got.

Number 7

On the seventh day of any month, you can delve into research on various topics that interest or fascinate you. On this day, it is best to make new acquaintances, because this number loves a good environment. Therefore, it will certainly help you to meet worthy people who in the future can become your good and reliable friends.

Number 9

Also, astrologers claim that the auspicious number for Aries is 9 (and all numbers that are divisible by 9). The number 9 has the same meaning for Aries as the number 4.

The main conditions for a comfortable life Aries

1. The need to constantly do something, not to sit in one place.

2. Rejection of established norms, conservatism and traditions - Aries love everything new and strive for improvement and development.

3. Pursuit. Without it, it is difficult for a ram to exist, because he is used to paving the way without seeing any obstacles, often thoughtlessly. That is why this sign may realize its mistakes too late.

It is not surprising that it is these people who will achieve success faster than anyone, however, due to an insufficiently thorough approach to business, they can not stay in a successful state for long. Often, the victory of the ram comes very easily, and, therefore, the rams can think that they will win any business from the very beginning of its implementation.

In love, rams are dominated by passion and hot feelings. Aries knows that if he wants to, he will win a partner by any method. Aries are temperamental and will give their partner a sea of ​​vivid feelings and emotions.

Is a long-term relationship possible with such an emotional sign? Yes, but when feelings began in school or student years, when it doesn’t work out completely to win a partner and this process stretches for years, due to which, feelings only intensify.

The most important years in the life of any Aries are seven and nineteen years, thirty and forty-two, forty-three years. Huge material rewards are possible here, a meeting of "one's own person" and, also, blows of fate. During these years, Aries collects all his energy, and strives to direct it somewhere, while fate can either encourage them in this, or, quite the opposite.

Aries lucky days for Aries character career health


His motto is "I DO"

cardinal sign, ruler - Mars. The element is fire.
lucky days- Tuesday, Sunday.
bad days- Friday Saturday.
Season- summer.
good places- stadiums, factories, forest, taiga.
Numbers- 4, 7, 9 (all divisible by 9), 11.
Color spectrum- blue, lilac, crimson, bright red, carmine, orange and all shiny. Purple is a bad color.
stones- amethyst, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, sapphire, emerald.
Metal- steel, iron (gold).
Flowers- anemone, violet, cornflower, sweet pea.
Symbols- ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Mascot- The Golden Fleece.
Happy lottery numbers - 7, 12, 17 and their combinations 71217...

Aries temperament: Choleric, fiery.

Aries personality: Aries has the nature of a leader, he is a born leader, energetic, confident, brave, noble, strong-willed, lively, independent, extroverted. The disadvantages of Aries include straightforwardness, impatience, incontinence, irritability, selfishness. At times, he can be idealistic and youthfully naive. Striving for authority and dominance, Aries can become aggressive due to their impulsiveness and inability to listen to advice. Aries will achieve a lot if he learns to reason, analyze his actions.

Aries Professions: The range of fruitful activities of Aries is unusually wide, since he can apply his abilities as an organizer, leader, administrator, military leader and statesman in many areas of life. Aries can succeed in politics, science, medicine, especially surgery, he is attracted to all dangerous, adventurous pursuits, military affairs, sports, theater, cinema. Success also awaits in professions related to fire, sharp tools, metalworking. Aries feels very confident in the natural sciences and liberal professions.
Science and higher education
: Engineering sciences (electronics), military sciences, management and politics, work in education.
Production activity
: Mechanical engineering, metallurgy, energy-intensive industry, space, electronics and computers, television, information networks and mass media, including the Internet.
Entrepreneurial activity
in general, business, metro and underground communications, underground wealth.

The medicine: Surgery, resuscitation, dentistry, oriental medicine and acupuncture, massage, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Sport: Active and energetic sports (martial arts, boxing), technical sports, motorsports, speed sports.

Art: Acting, stage activities, show business, spectacles and performances, as a rule, of a mass nature (stadiums), various television shows.

Aries Job: In the role of a subordinate, Aries feels bad, because his nature requires vigorous activity, as well as attention and submission from other people. Often starts a career before he finds his place in life and often changes jobs. It is boring for Aries to sit out the allotted time if the work does not carry him away - hence the delays, delays and extraneous matters during working hours. It is better to entrust Aries with a small, but independent task, to allow a free work schedule - then he is ready to work overtime. Even in a subordinate position for Aries, the main thing is not so much money as success and recognition - he highly appreciates moral encouragement, especially for his ideas, which are usually constructive and reasonable, although they may look extravagant. Any Aries, not only a subordinate, terribly dislikes remarks and punishments, especially unfair ones. Aries cannot be kept in a low position for too long, although he will find space for his energy in any place - from a gardener and a blacksmith to a commando and a sales agent.

Aries career: As a boss, Aries is good at grasping ideas in general without going into details, which can lead to some sloppiness. The routine work of implementing even his own project disgusts the impulsive Aries, so he needs partners and subordinates who can take on everyday and "boring" work. Aries does not tolerate lazy subordinates who work without due enthusiasm and gets rid of them, although he looks through his fingers at minor violations and delays. Aries - the boss is not stingy, not greedy for flattery, but he wants to please everyone, including his subordinates, so he needs approval (but not rough flattery) like air. Stormy outbursts of anger, which he often has, pass quickly and without a trace - Aries is not vindictive.

Aries business: He knows how to earn money using his initiative, activity and enterprise, but also likes to spend it actively. By nature, Aries is a pioneer, a pioneer, but impulsiveness often leads him to unnecessary purchases and expenses, to unreasonable investments. Failure does not discourage him, and quickly recovering, he is always looking for new opportunities. Aries are attracted to speculative business, the elements of the stock exchange, gambling, cards, running and all kinds of lotteries, but success here rarely comes. Aries can become a successful businessman with strict self-control, and the best investments for him are those that are based on their own ideas. It is advisable to buy shares of the heavy, metalworking, and weapons industries. The most successful business for Aries is related to industries and new ideas.

Aries health: The classic Aries diseases are associated with Mars and the head. Aries is prone to bruises, blows to the head and face, concussions are very common. During the life of an Aries, there will definitely be surgical operations, often on the head and face (with the exception of the lower jaw). With the accumulation of affected planets in Aries, various neuralgias, nervous overwork, and insomnia can occur. Often there are weak teeth. Aries suffers illnesses on his feet until an attack knocks him down. If Aries suppresses the disease, it will break out in the form of sharp peaks in temperature, allergies or hives. To remove toxins, Aries are shown a bath, sauna, sports. Prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated. Homeopathic and natural iron is also shown to Aries. From herbs - rosemary.

Aries partners: Good sign compatibility a lion and Sagittarius . Poor sign compatibility Crayfish and Capricorn . This, although correct, is too general a statement. The true compatibility of two people (and not just signs of the Zodiac) must be assessed specifically, knowing the dates of birth of partners.

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Daniel Kahneman, Nobel laureate" I was responsible for the development and implementation of treatment programs, for innovative approaches with proven effectiveness, and at the same time continued to be a psychotherapist dealing with the problems of overweight people. During this time I have accumulated a lot of observations, comparisons, ... discoveries. I have long wanted to make accessible to anyone who reads Russian, which is why I wrote this book." Svetlana Bronnikova It is unlikely that among us there will be at least one woman who considers her appearance and weight to be impeccable. But sometimes relationships with the body and food become so tense that without their speedy resolution, a happy life seems impossible. After numerous attempts to lose weight, despair sets in, even if everything else in life is basically in order. “Eat less and move more” and other boring patterns evoke melancholy from their practical impracticability. Diets do not work: the weight returns in 95% of cases, according to the inexorable statistics. Moreover, diets cause bouts of overeating, which lead to excess weight. What to do?
All our dreams and fantasies about weight loss are well known to the clinical psychologist, psychotherapist Svetlana Bronnikova: she listened to them repeatedly and, probably, found a solution just as many times. You, too, can get rid of the burden of your weight and problems. To do this, it is not necessary to run to a nutritionist or psychologist.
The causes of excess weight, as a rule, are unprocessed emotions that push us to eat without feeling hungry, overeat and gain unnecessary kilograms. We try to make up for our lack of warmth, love, or self-respect with food; we eat out of boredom, fatigue; we eat to be left alone; we eat because we are in the company; we eat to quell anger or shame.
The book provides practical tools for identifying the specific causes of overeating and overcoming it. When you complete the tasks of the original Experimentarium, you will come to understand how to stop worrying about food and start feeling pleasure from it. Abandon dietary thinking, allow yourself to eat whatever you want, learn to listen to the signals of hunger and fullness and let your body regulate what, when and how to eat, while losing weight and not gaining any more weight - isn't this what we dream of?
"This fascinating book provides an effective, scientifically proven method for normalizing weight. Implement a specific plan proposed for you by a qualified nutritionist: stop exhausting yourself mentally and physically, become slim and calm." We are much stronger than we think, at least we become strong when life requires us to be. Inspiring stories from this Chicken Soup collection will help you overcome any challenge.
The book is a kind of "trigger mechanism" for consciousness, which begins to work. And this is the most important effect, since any change begins with the energy of thought. Since the first publication of the book, there have been many changes both in the country and in the world. And the author, being a creative person, also changed and improved along with the era, confirming his methodology with fruitful practice. Today we present you a new, revised and expanded version of the legendary book. Read and be healthy!

198 rub

Influence of celestial bodies: Mars, Sun.
Symbols: ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Colors: bright red, carmine, orange, blue, lilac, raspberry and all shiny (violet is unfortunate).
Stones: diamond, ruby, amethyst, bloodstone, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, emerald.
Flowers: hawthorn, anemone (anemone), sweet pea, violet, cornflower.
Metal: iron, steel.
Mascot: hammer, golden fleece.
Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9), 11.
Happy Days: Tuesday, Sunday.
Bad days: Friday Saturday.

March 21 to March 31 under the influence of Mars - natures are born especially courageous, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and ardent in love.

born from 1 to 11 April under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, able to overcome obstacles. Love for them is a great affection.

born from 12 to 20 April under the influence of Venus - passionate and tender natures, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts.

Temperament and character

The influence of Mars and the Sun gives a spark, relentless movement and a tendency to exaggerate. But Aries will do everything to avoid boredom and depression. For example, they may not go to the funeral of their best friend, but they will be surrounded by the care and attention of close friends.

Aries feel more than they think. They can be extremely generous and love to give gifts and give orders.

Courageous, often stoic type, full of original ideas and indefatigable curiosity for everything new. Sign of pioneers and inventors. He likes to pave his own path, curiosity can turn into indiscretion and intemperance.

Women - Aries like to go ahead of fashion, prone to extravagance, prefer bright colors: yellow, green, lemon, orange.

Both women and men of Aries are potential madmen, they are heroes, conquerors, crusaders. But all this is primary, raw energy. Brute force can give a person who is impatient, does not consider the feelings of other people, becomes furious and furious if they are interfered with, unfair and aggressive to the point of sadism and destruction (and self-destruction too).

Aries has an element of "self", self-affirmation, but also a thirst for responsibility, self-dramatization and self-denial. You should never argue with an Aries.


Aries usually know their profession from childhood or from school. Routine or sedentary life is not a good choice if there is no change, risk, prestige, a feeling of indispensability: "no one does it better than me."

As a rule, Aries knows how to handle people and animals, especially people who do not work daily from 9 to 17.

Aries are capable dynamic salesmen, salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, policemen, butchers, wonderful mechanics, surgeons, sculptors. Good with fire and metal. The muscular body of Aries promises a sports career.

Regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best fighter. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado, window dressing.

Attitude to money - skillfully earn and skillfully spend, not for the sake of influence, but for the sake of power.


Ready for love and sex at an early age, earlier than society allows, because of this, in some cases, Aries in their youth go through domestic conflicts.

Sometimes they have big troubles, as a male boy will violate any settings in the name of fulfilling his first desires.

The girl-woman will become a conscious bully and let herself be raped.

They tend to fall in love at first sight at all ages. If they fall in love, nothing can resist their passion. They are often attracted to the forbidden fruit, they strive to get it at any cost. In return, they are ready to give themselves.

Aries are generous, sometimes prudent. When pushed away, the passion of Aries turns into obsession and rage, and sometimes up to murder. On the other hand, they quickly reconcile and calm down.

For Aries, any beautiful adventure, temptations - an invitation to change. All Aries are impulsive, impulsive, sometimes naive.

Almost touching lovers, whose whims must be satisfied in the same way as those of a capricious child. Like children, they love to brag, "tear" applause.

There is something ostentatious in a man, and women like to demonstrate their advantages. They can be deeply committed, but temporarily, while the relationship is uncertain. At the first sign of repetition, everything is abandoned and removed.

The primitive male type has something of a caveman. He seeks to subjugate a woman and fulfill sexual needs, but to leave her when everything is behind. A more developed type wants to be a hero for his beloved, dreams of exploits for her.

Aries cannot stand to be limited in the pursuit of will, ideal, ambition. When he loses himself for a while, life collapses.

The primitive feminine type must be immediately satisfied. Not in control of his desires. If a man does not satisfy her, she breaks with him. A more developed type is the type of absolute love and devotion.

Dilemma: compete or cooperate. With his friend he likes to dominate, he will obey only a more intelligent and developed partner. Then she can become a wonderful mistress, whose whims are neglected because of their temporality.

Aries marriage is under b about More of a threat than other signs, it needs loving patience to save the marriage. His energy should be directed carefully, without oppressing his enthusiasm, to give the right direction.

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