Stones are mascots for female lions. Lion stones, as well as talismans and amulets. Stones talismans for Leo according to the horoscope


Greetings to all! People born under the sign of Leo have their own amulets. And each stone has its own function. Today we will talk about all this. But first, about the people themselves.

People born under the sign of Leo are bright, passionate and always strive for leadership. There is no sign that would need more attention, admiration and recognition of merit by others.

In fairness, it should be noted that the Lions always have great potential. These people are usually noble and generous. They need recognition and praise not for the sake of narcissism, but as an energy recharge for future exploits.

Charm stones for Lions should have sunny hues, ranging from golden to dark orange.

The element of this zodiac sign is fire, therefore cold colors are unacceptable. Only warm and bright, consonant with the elements.

When choosing the perfect gift for a Leo, opt for brimstone. A nugget, enclosed in a decent frame or in a golden figurine of a lion, is simply out of competition and will become the strongest talisman for a representative of this zodiac sign.

Native sulfur

When trying to figure out which gemstone suits lions, it is extremely important to consider the decade of birth.

Those who were born on July 21st to July 31st can be given an emerald. This stone is able to bring wisdom and peace to the owner. Lions born in the first decade, the emerald is very suitable.

But the main gift that the emerald will present to its owner will be wisdom.

Tourmaline is perfect for those born between August 1st and 11th. This stone has a wide variety of colors, but Leo should not be given blue and gray shades. Red, green, yellow is possible.


Tourmaline always hides in itself not one, obvious, but two colors. As you turn this stone, you will always discover additional shades of green.

The color of the stone should be chosen based on the hobbies and profession of the future owner.

Red tourmaline is the talisman of artists, green tourmaline is a source of wisdom and inspiration for creative people.


Tourmaline was highly appreciated by folk healers.

They believe that this stone is able to cleanse not only the body of the owner, but also the room in which it is located from everything superfluous and harmful.

Those who celebrate their birthday from August 12 to 22 should pay attention to spinel - a very rare and beautiful stone.

It closely resembles a ruby, but has a softer, strawberry color.

There is also a blue variety of this stone, the color is very saturated. You can’t call it cold, because Lions can acquire all shades of spinel.

You should not wear this stone to overly impulsive people, for everyone else it will give a lot of fresh, seething energy, including sexual energy.

Gems for a lion woman

Lioness women should remember one important rule - they should not wear gold items without precious stones. The frame should not be massive - only sophisticated, openwork products.

Jewelry for a woman's lion must be purchased brand new or inherited.

Bright and dangerous lionesses are never “gray mice”, this is contrary to their nature.

For a regal and graceful female lion, the best gift would be bright gems in sunny, warm shades.

If we talk about shapes, then preference is given to round.


Royal representatives of the Leo sign love diamonds. And these magnificent gems reciprocate with the Lionesses and perfectly complement the bright image and strong character of these women.

But this applies only to those people who are generous in soul and noble. A similar situation develops with rock crystal.


If a lion woman is in search of spiritual development and harmony, this stone will become a successful talisman.

It is better not to give rock crystal to a mercantile and down-to-earth person.

Amber is ideal for women born under the sign of the lion. This stone is a talisman for the female lion. His Lionesses should be worn without gold, in its purest form.

But when purchasing amber jewelry, it is worth considering the age of the owner. The younger the girl, the lighter the shades should be. With age and life experience, the color should become thicker and more saturated.

Those Lionesses who want to reveal their talents should pay attention to the carnelian. In ancient Egypt, this stone was considered a symbol of the most influential and powerful goddess Isis.


Astrologers consider it a powerful protection against evil spells in any form. Carnelian is able to attract wealth and has played the role of a symbol of love since ancient times.


The Lioness girl, who wants to increase the number of fans, should wear jewelry with heliodor.

For a middle-aged woman suffering from heart disease, a ruby ​​would be the perfect gift.

It is advisable for sociable and energetic representatives of this zodiac sign to purchase jewelry with a pomegranate.

This stone has the ability to restore the strength of its owner.

Gems for lion men

If you really liked the pebble, and wanted to buy it, then only a gold frame is acceptable. This is what will bring good luck and give strength to the implementation of ambitious projects - male lions simply do not have others.

Astrologers are not happy with the abundance of cameos that will suit the royal male lion.

Ancient magicians called amber the magical resin of the forest and believed that it could help in the implementation of plans, bring clarity to thoughts, give peace, self-confidence and joy.

Protects this stone from diseases. Even philologists have noticed that in the Lithuanian language the consonant word gintaris is translated as “protector from diseases”.

Amber is widely used by folk healers of different nations in healing, and just wearing it as an ornament will be very useful.

Among the lions there are many creative people, artists. The reason lies in the love of this sign for the beautiful and the subconscious craving for the love of others, the more these people around, the better.

For the lions of men who have chosen a creative career, jasper in warm, natural shades will become a talisman. This stone has unique magical and mysterious properties.

Eastern peoples consider jasper the best material for talismans that protect against any threats and allow the owner of the stone to know the secrets of life.

Astrologers assure that there is simply no better assistant for finding a common language with the most intractable and stubborn people.

Jewelry with jasper should be taken to any negotiations - and everything will turn out well. This stone makes its owner more wise and self-confident.

The healing properties of jasper are also impressive, it tends to act on the body in a complex way, improves health and even prolongs life. Folk healers in ancient times recommended this stone as a protection against poisoning.

Representatives of the fire element are bright, passionate, unsurpassed Lions. Which of the stones will kindle an even greater flame in them, and which will put out the fire in their chest? Which of them are contraindicated for this sign and do not combine with it at all? We will select the best stone for Lviv.

Characteristics of the sign

Leos are always leaders, even if they don't show it. They are somewhat self-centered, but mostly kind, using their strength to protect the weak. Optimistic and friendly, they will get along with any company, and therefore they often have many friends.

Leo is not used to blaming himself for his failures, but he is also not used to stopping on the way to goals, because this shortcoming rarely interferes with the very representative of this sign. But because of this, sometimes others suffer. However, the generous Leo is not cruel and will not cause harm on purpose.

People born under this sign are extremely proud. To hurt this trait of Leo means to lose him forever. To loved ones, however, he is much more generous with forgiveness, and in the end you can get it if the King of Beasts decides that the person is worthy.

It was not in vain that this epithet was used: the Leo man is actually the king among the rest: he does not need self-affirmation, and those around him feel it, are drawn to him, and he majestically gives them his support. On the other hand, no matter how powerful he is, the talisman is not chosen by Leo himself: the stone, according to the sign of the zodiac, is destined from above.

The patron planet for Lviv is the Sun, personifying the nature of these people. Therefore, the talismans for this sign are similar to the brightest star - they are warm, even hot, shimmering with fiery gold. A stone for Leo can also be a translucent, very pure crystal, light and positive energy. Like all amulets of any sign, talismans are required to reduce the impact of negative character traits and reveal the best. According to the horoscope, the Leo stone should also ideally suit him - after all, representatives of this sign are looking for ideality in everything.


The very name of this stone makes a reference to the Sun. Heliodor is a type of beryl. This talisman is golden in color, light, closer to yellow than orange. Heliodor is the first stone of Lviv according to the horoscope, closely associated with their patron planet.

What helps?

It acts as a talisman because it has a positive influence and intellectual development, gives clarity to the mind and sobriety to thoughts. Thanks to him, the Lions can easily "throw garbage" out of their heads. In addition, heliodor improves the mood of its owner and combats melancholy.

He is also good as a stone of Lviv-women according to the horoscope, increasing their luck on the personal front.


This stone is also called chrysoberyl due to the fact that alexandrite is one of its varieties. The appearance of this talisman is magnificent: it can be called a chameleon. Alexandrite changes shades from dark blue to emerald green in daylight and gleams purple and violet under lamplight.

Properties for Leo

A stone for Leo alexandrite helps its owners to be more sociable, increases their self-confidence. The owners of the talisman begin to show leadership qualities more. No wonder alexandrite is called the stone of socialites.


Topaz has many shades, and all of them are sunny, from bright orange to pinkish. This is what makes it an ideal contender for the best Leo stone according to the horoscope.


The talisman inspires the owner with endless optimism and faith in the best. It nullifies negative emotions, allowing good thoughts to invade the lion's mind. This is an incredibly good stone of Leo-women according to the horoscope, but it also helps men a lot. In the first case, he keeps the beauty of the chosen one, in the second, he adds wisdom to the owner.

For both sexes, topaz also attracts good luck and protects against unfortunate love affairs.


Another name for carnelian is carnelian. It is a mineral of a reddish-orange hue, sometimes with light streaks. Even with his appearance, he personifies the passion and energy of the Lions.

How does it work?

Carnelian is extremely useful for young Lions. As a talisman, it protects against bad luck, increases the self-confidence of its owner. Carnelian owners become more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, realize their sexuality and use it. This stone for Leo reveals the creative potential of this sign and therefore is loved by young talents - artists, poets, musicians, who consider it their talisman and find new ideas thanks to it.


The appearance of this stone is the embodiment of a flame frozen in time. It is a rich orange color, but its shades are heterogeneous, like a fire kindled in the darkness of the night, it shimmers from dark to light and does not leave anyone indifferent, attracting to its warmth and light.

What is good?

According to the horoscope, this Lviv stone is also considered an amulet of creative personalities. In addition to inspiring the owners, it is also able to give them strength and health for new achievements, endurance and energy.

The amulet in the form of amber protects the children of the Sun from the evil eye and heart disease - the misfortunes that haunt this sign. Few stones suitable for Leo have this feature.


A variety of olivine, the gemstone of this mineral. Its peculiarity is in appearance: while the rest of the stones for Leo have sunny shades, chrysolite casts green. From emerald to yellow-green, only the light mineral is a little close to the "lion" shades. Which, however, does not mean that it is not good for representatives of this sign.


Chrysolite is a talisman that a little insecure Leo will choose. A stone according to the sign of the zodiac of the summer period gives its owner a special charm and strength. This allows the wearer of the talisman to improve relations with his surroundings and unleash his talents.


Dark red pomegranate looks mystically beautiful. It was exactly like him that many artists portrayed, for example, the mysterious Philosopher's Stone. You can peer into the depths of this mineral forever, like into fire and water, and each time you find something completely new and previously unexplored.

What is his strength?

Red garnet increases the strength of the lion spirit. He is also responsible for the disclosure of creative abilities. For Leo women, this talisman promises strong love, for men - true friendship. In turn, green pomegranate gives reliability to family ties.

Another amazing mineral of any shade protects against envy and betrayal.


This gem is also included in the "passionate" stones of lions. The sign of the zodiac is closely related to the appearance of this mineral: blood-scarlet, incomparably red.


Ruby wearers boast the fearlessness and strength of a true Beast King. He, like a fire that suddenly flared up in the night, drives away fears, depression, replenishes lost energy.

Women, on the personal front, who have continuous failures, wear a ruby ​​in order to find their prince. With the help of a talisman, men gain self-confidence, look for a way to reveal their inner sexuality. And, of course, for both sexes, the ruby ​​means passion. Not only in the usual sense, but in everything that the Lions do.


The notorious green stone is another exception to the rule. The appearance of this mineral is so famous that the corresponding color is even called emerald. This is a gem and its influence on Lviv is somewhat different from what is usually described.

What is he doing?

Emerald has the ability to soften the self-centeredness and pride (in some cases) of Leo. He makes his owner calm, leaving him his generous strength, but pacifying his ardent disposition. The talisman helps to acquire strong family ties and maintain this bright happiness for many years.

Hot and quick-tempered Lions obey the Sun. These representatives of the fire sign know no doubt, stubborn and purposeful. The people around are drawn to the warm representatives of this sign, but the Lions may well do without society. By nature, Lions are optimists, cheerful and sociable natures.

Representatives of the solar sign are materialists, prosperity is extremely important for them. However, they are generous and capable of grand gestures. Leo loves to relax on a grand scale, but he is deprived of diligence.

Leo is also the biggest hunter for compliments and flattery. It is always important for this sign how it looks, because it is in the very center of everyone's attention. Representatives of this sign look down on others, and criticism, albeit constructive, Lions perceive extremely painfully.

Representatives of the solar sign are very easily carried away - both by members of the opposite sex, and by new ideas.

Choosing a stone by date of birth (decades)

The lions of the first decade are ruled by Saturn. People born from August 23 to 3 need strong energy stones that will correspond to the strong and rebellious nature of these people. These are , and .

Leos, led by Jupiter (born August 4 to 12), need everything to obey the rules, ideally - invented by themselves. These people, who know how to insist on their own, are suitable for stones filled with inner light. For example, and .

Those born between August 13th and 23rd are ruled by Mars. Lions of the third decade are the most intelligent, strong, powerful and strong representatives of their sign. They are suitable for stones that are amulets of warriors and commanders in chief. Examples of such stones are, and, of course,.

Lion stones, as well as talismans and amulets

Amber will help the representatives of the solar sign to become magnanimous, cheerful and generous, give peace and joy. This stone is able to give Lions creative powers. Amber bestows faith and optimism.

Topaz will give Lions optimism, drive away hatred and anger. The stone gives beauty and attractiveness to lionesses, wisdom and strength to Lions. Topaz is also able to dispel groundless anxieties and fears. This stone will attract inspiration and prosperity.

The majesty and high status of Leo will emphasize the diamond. The stone will help the representatives of this sign to establish contacts with others and get rid of outbursts of anger. It is better if the diamond is in a light setting that will allow contact with the skin.

Stone for the lion of a woman

Heliodor, flint, zircon, pink and yellow sapphires, golden quartz, amber, chrysolite and jasper are the gemstones most suited to Lionesses. For efficient, authoritative and commanding representatives of the fair sex of this zodiac sign, sardonyx, pomegranate, topaz and ruby ​​are also suitable.

One of the powerful amulets of the Lioness is a ring with amber or jasper, always on the index finger. The stone must be set in gold or bronze, since silver jewelry will not benefit the Leo woman. On the ring, you can make an engraving in the form of an eagle, a lion, a swan or a peacock. All Lions prefer round jewelry, those that resemble the sun in shape. Representatives of this sign are best suited for bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces and watches encrusted with precious stones and bracelets of a round shape.

Carnelian decoration will help the young Lioness to reveal her talents.

An amber necklace will help Leo to endure grief and start a new life. Beads made of this stone will tell the representatives of this sign the right decisions, help to draw accurate conclusions, and protect from diseases and the evil eye.

Pomegranate will replenish the forces of an overly active and sociable woman, Leo, who gives a lot of her energy.

If the young Lioness lacks admirers, she must wear a heliodor. Older Leo women will love the heart-strengthening ruby.

Stones for male lion

Alexandrite will help Leo to become a leader and achieve success, give self-confidence and enhance the best qualities of the representatives of this sign. This stone will enhance Leo's ability to lead people, remove the feeling of insecurity in their abilities and will not allow them to feel like a weak person.

Sardonyx is a charm that will attract good luck to the representatives of the Leo sign, give it masculinity, courage and determination. All this in order for Leo to be able to realize his large-scale ideas and plans, as well as quickly move up the career ladder. Sardonyx will help eliminate pessimism, suspiciousness, empty fears and indecision, which the representatives of this sign carefully hide.

Stones that are contraindicated for lions

Representatives of this sign are strictly contraindicated! Completely free from fears and a relaxed nervous system will not benefit the Lions. This can incline courageous representatives of this sign to rash acts, and, as a result, financial losses. Moreover, turquoise will worsen relations with others and reduce performance. This stone will negatively affect reproductive function, and indeed on all health in general.

Lions do not want to wear blue stones. Aventurine will be involved in the appearance of complexes, suspiciousness, indecision and self-doubt. There will also be problems with chrysoprase, pearls, amethysts and obsidian. These stones carry features that are not characteristic of Leo natures, so the latter will suffer due to internal conflict.


Each organ and part of the human body with all predispositions to certain human diseases is ruled by a certain planet and its corresponding zodiac sign. Therefore, knowing a person's horoscope, many diseases can be avoided. ASTROMINERALOGY is like road signs that protect and warn of dangers on the difficult and thorny road of life. And the stones in this indomitable movement are our true friends and helpers!
So, since the Sun is now in the sign of LEO, we will talk about those stones that suit this particular zodiac sign.

a lion- a sign that wants power, power, success and reward, he considers himself successful only when he achieves this to one degree or another.
These people are impulsive and courageous, courageous and determined, purposeful and assertive. By choosing the right path in life, Leos are able to achieve great success and fulfill many of their desires. But even outwardly completely self-confident Leos can doubt and be afraid of failure. What they lack in self-confidence, they make up for in communication. This sign does not like half measures or the "golden mean", he needs big holidays, great love, a luxurious life, a prestigious job - in general, success in everything. Even they are completely lazy, not wanting to lift a finger. The nature of Leo requires freedom and independence, he does not tolerate when he is limited in some way and is too led by him. Having developed his natural qualities, he can become an excellent leader at any level and be happy from this. Of all the signs of the zodiac, it is Leo who has the most ability to lead and a tendency to power over other people. This sign loves to teach and analyze others, however, he understands himself worse, not noticing when he crosses the line and offends or suppresses others with his behavior.
In lions, the host planet is the Sun, which means that the stones are sunny, golden, orange and light. The last greenery of the outgoing summer and the golden colors of the new harvest, although there may be occasional darker, strong-willed and domineering stones, are harbingers of future autumn and winter. Leo cannot wear both very dark and too light stones at the same time - he must separate them and wear them at different times (depending on personal whims and moods). But the golden, orange and green tones of the stones are perfectly combined with each other.

ALEXANDRITE is a variety of chrysoberyl. In artificial light, it is red-violet, in daylight it becomes dark green. Alexandrite fully possesses a reverse - a rare property of minerals to change color when lighting changes. It can be used to distinguish fake stones - they do not have such clear color differences, and in the green "form" they have purple highlights, indicating that the stone has been painted. The property of alexandrite to change color is associated with its ability to predict the future - the appearance of a yellow tint in the color of the stone informs the owner of imminent dangers or an approaching illness. Since earlier it was mined only in Russia, it was called the "Russian prophetic stone."
It is believed that the duality of the color of alexandrite is magically connected with the duality of human blood - arterial and venous, and the stone regulates hematopoiesis, cleanses the blood and strengthens blood vessels.
Astrologers consider alexandrite a prophetic stone and claim that it predicts future misfortunes and affects the emotional state of the owner. Alexandrite is a stone of strong-willed people. He serves them, warning of possible troubles and troubles, helping to cope with any life difficulties (both in domestic and emotional terms). For people with a weak character, alexandrite can bring some misfortunes: it will subjugate the owner to itself and will influence his life, creating unfavorable situations. If a person withstands the tests that alexandrite subjects him to, happiness, glory, success in all endeavors await him. As a talisman, alexandrite helps the owner to become more calm, reasonable, contributes to his complaisance and sociability. It should be worn by the military, sailors, lawyers, socialites.
Alexandrite must be worn in pairs, that is, you must have Jewelry Set from alexandrite.
Alexandrite enhances positive traits of Leo, gives him confidence in his abilities, helps to achieve power and become a leader. This stone helps Leo to forget about feeling like a loser or a weak person and enhances the ability to lead people.
The largest deposits are in Brazil; in the Urals, where it is mined in underground mine workings along with other valuable minerals.

POMEGRANATE- got its name from the Latin word granatus meaning grain. The color of the mineral can be varied - red-brown, red, green, but the most typical, and often the most beautiful, is blood-red garnet with a fiery tint. This variety is called pyrope. The effect of pomegranate on humans is very ambiguous. On the one hand, this stone helps to increase physical and moral strength, protects against negative impacts; on the other hand, a pomegranate, especially a fiery red one, is able to deprive its owner of peace and plunge into a sea of ​​passions. Pomegranate enhances the depth of any experience, gives a tremendous incentive for creativity and self-expression. However, people who are not inclined to constancy in affections are not recommended to wear pomegranates, otherwise they risk falling into slavery to their own weaknesses; it is undesirable to turn to this mineral and those who suffer from a lack of vitality - the influence of pomegranate can be detrimental to their nervous system. Garnet enhances the aura, creates a protective field for the one who wears it. Women can turn to the blood red pomegranate to find happiness in love. However, if their main goal is to harmonize existing marital relations and happiness in the family, it is better to choose a green stone.
The stone helps fire signs well: Sagittarius and lion, with the exception of Aries, since people born under this sign are quick-tempered, but quickly calm down, while a grenade needs a constant heat of passion.
The pomegranate, which was worn in quality, provided the owner with a good disposition of friends, averted danger, protected from treason.
Garnet stones are mined today in the USA, in the Urals, in Scotland, Switzerland, Tanzania, Latin America, Azerbaijan, Primorye, etc.

DIAMOND- one of the crystalline forms of carbon. He is rightfully considered the "king" of precious stones - he is valued more than any other stones, and more is known about him than about any other. Its name comes from the Greek "adamas", which translates as "unsurpassed", "persistent", deserved due to its hardness.
The jewelry industry consumes only about a tenth of the diamonds mined worldwide. This is due to the fact that it requires fairly large (starting from 0.3 carats) and high-quality stones, especially colorless ones.
The extraordinary properties of the diamond gave rise to a lot of legends. The ability to bring good luck is just one of the countless properties attributed to the diamond. Diamond has always been considered the stone of winners, it was the talisman of Julius Caesar, Louis IV and Napoleon. Diamonds first came to Europe in the 5th-6th centuries BC. At the same time, diamond gained its popularity as a precious stone relatively recently, only five hundred and a half years ago, when people learned how to cut it. The first similarity of a diamond was possessed by Charles the Bold, who simply adored diamonds. Today is classic brilliant cut has 57 facets, and provides the famous "play" of the diamond. Diamond is a symbol of many different aspects of personality, such as purity, innocence, invincibility, strength. If you believe the legends, the owner of this stone will always be protected from illness and bad sleep.
Diamond is very demanding. Self-indulgence on the part of the owner does not forgive and can even turn against the person himself. According to legend, a diamond must come into the hands of a person in an honest way, without the use of force, otherwise it may have a negative impact on the new owner.
Diamond is the first stone of the zodiac, because it has tremendous energy power. It reflects the entire zodiac and is the "leader" of all other minerals.
South Africa currently holds the largest diamond reserves, with Russia and China being the largest and most important suppliers of diamonds.

Leo is a complex sign of the horoscope, within its framework there are both calm strong personalities from chivalric novels, and fatal beauties with a storm of emotions. Therefore, in order to find out which stone is suitable for Leo women, you need to take into account both your character and the temper of the future talisman.

Main stones for Leo women

Each mineral or gem corresponds to a person's name, date and year of birth. A stone that suits its owner - helps, protects and is the main protector. There are two types of stones: main and secondary. The main stones include:, peridot, emerald. Minor: jasper, malachite, carnelian.

ruby jewelry

Now about each stone in order, description, value and which month it fits.

By date of birth

Crystal is suitable for those born between July 23 and August 1. Their positive effect on the owner is amazing, they help to cope with anger, anger, envy. Also, good, alexandrite.


August 2 to August 12:, sardonyx. They bring family happiness, positive energy, which is skillfully balanced.

August 13 to August 23: emerald, jade, carnelian. They bring wisdom, composure, suppress aggression and help find the right solution in difficult situations.


Health enhancing

Properly selected natural stones have a great effect on health and help protect yourself from unwanted influences:


Suitable for people born in July. Ruby is considered a royal stone, symbolizes passion, fire. For a person, he acts as a talisman against dark influences. Gives positive energy and regulates energy balance, increases and improves immunity.

The red ruby ​​has healing properties. Ruby jewelry improves internal pressure in the body, increases vascular tone, normalizes blood rhythm. Beads will help get rid of heart disease, promote wound healing. He did not bypass the nervous system. The owner of such an ornament will quickly recover from depression and stress, his brain function also improves.


A mineral that keeps female lions healthy in case of gynecological failures.


Gives spiritual strength. Also, it helps to strengthen the immune system, kidneys, spleen and pancreas.


Considered a strong stone that promotes conception. In the East, women took this stone in their hands during childbirth. It regulates menstruation, eases contractions and strengthens teeth.

Lionesses born in the year of the horse, dog, snake or dragon are advised to wear a moonstone or agate for comfort. Stones that are diametrically opposite in energy are generally suitable for this zodiac sign, since the emotional outburst of Lionesses can sometimes “overwhelm”.

To balance the mood, it is better to use the named semi-precious stones. Why precious ones are not suitable for calming: almost all of them symbolize some element, and this contributes to the development of emotional outbursts, mood swings.

To attract wealth

The month is August. Charm stone, amulet. One of the most important functions is the purification of the aura, preservation from damage, theft, and fires.

Peridot smooths out conflicts and quarrels. it brings stability, prosperity, happiness. Peridot jewelry relieves colds and helps with eye diseases.

Products that are on the neck will help to cope with problems of the spine and asthma. Amulets containing peridot are good to wear for insecure people who have difficulty communicating. If you are a purposeful person, then this particular amulet will help you achieve your goal.

To attract love


Pomegranate is a symbol of love, fortitude and faith, devotion, friendship. His magical powers are considered: arousal of passion, sexuality, courage, endurance. Pomegranate builds relationships with relatives, he makes children obedient. It can be considered the talisman of the family. Suitable more for mature and experienced Leo women who are strong in spirit, character, passionate in nature.

Indecisive people, this stone is useless. As for health: if the pomegranate is framed with silver, then it is recommended to wear it to people with a disease of the pulmonary system. Pomegranate in gold is good for headaches, sore throat, high fever. If this is a ring, then it is better to wear it on the middle finger of the right hand.


A stone of truth, ideal against infidelity, deceit of its owner. He struggles with this, and if he fails and cannot resist these qualities, he splits. Antidynamic, in a word. If the decoration is on the neck, it improves memory. Earrings improve vision, relieve eye fatigue.

Emerald helps against bad dreams, insomnia and contagious diseases. An emerald ring will serve as your talisman. He will save your marriage, support the family, keep goodness and love in the family. Natural stone improves energy and protects against negative interference.

aquamarine ring

You can not wear - the name itself symbolizes the water element. Cats do not like water, and on an energy level this stone is contraindicated for Lionesses, like coral stone.

Water remembers everything that happens to a person, and therefore it is likely that water will remember, mostly negative - this can adversely affect the efforts of female Lionesses to attract good luck and money.

If we talk about other minor gems, then they will not bring harm to Leo. They just aren't as strong as the main ones.

But there are also stones that are categorically contraindicated for Leo according to the horoscope: pearls, black, serpentine, topaz, turquoise. They can bring bad luck and various diseases.

Knowing the characteristics of these stones, you can better manage your destiny, improve your health, build relationships. And although the talisman stone cannot do everything for you, it will become your reliable assistant in all your endeavors.

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