Pisces zodiac sign which gemstones are suitable. Precious and semiprecious stones of fishes. What stones are suitable for Pisces women

In order to choose the right stones according to the zodiac sign of Pisces, you need to know the features of this sign. It is the final one in a circle of twelve signs, beginning on February 20th and ending on March 20th. The patron planet is Neptune, and the natural element is water. Representatives of the sign are distinguished by spirituality, developed intuition and daydreaming. They have a great sense of humor, they are kind and helpful friends. The disadvantages for people born under the sign of Pisces are such qualities as compliance, gentleness of character, lack of will in making their own decisions. At the same time, it is quite difficult to live with them in a family, despite their compliance, because they are rather helpless in everyday life, but they know how to use it and manipulate loved ones. All these characteristics are explained by weak energy, which can be strengthened with the help of properly selected talismans and amulets.

Pisces stones that enhance energy

Diamond Amethyst Pearl

H is useful to Pisces, it helps to overcome inertia, attracts money and love.
gives peace to the family, brings good luck to its owners. He shares positive energy with his owner, but you need to be very careful if amethyst is given - he is able to fall in love with the donor.
traditionally considered a symbol of love and gives Pisces a calm and long family life. If the pearl becomes cloudy, then it signals that its owner has health problems.
allows you to honorably get out of stressful situations, and also attracts money. You cannot wear a moonstone all the time.
useful in that it enhances love and family well-being. Astrologers recommend opals of milky white color to representatives of this zodiac sign. Opal also enhances the creativity of fish.

Which stone is suitable for fish by date of birth

When choosing a talisman and amulet, you must take into account the date of birth.
Pisces born in the first decade of the sign (20.02 - 01.03) have the patron planet Saturn. These are vulnerable, creative people. The main stone for those born in the first decade is. It helps such people to unleash their creativity and think clearly. Blue is also suitable, which contributes to being wise and hardworking. And it will help to overcome laziness and improve memory.

Emerald Sapphire

In the second decade (03/02 - 03/11), the most suitable gem is this. He will help his owner in the implementation of plans. Heliotrope for the zodiac sign Pisces is a way of protection from bad influence and envy. will help its owner become more practical, bring good luck. It is especially useful to wear opal rings on romantic dates to become more self-confident. - a complex stone, it cannot be given away, only given or accepted as a gift, because opal is able to exchange energy between the donor and the donee. If the energy is negative, then it will only bring harm and even serious illness to both people.
According to the horoscope, representatives of this sign, born in the third decade (03/12 - 03/20), tend to be cheerful and capricious. This is because their planet is Mars. Representatives of the third decade should have talismans made of onyx, hematite, carnelian,. These stones balance emotions, improve health and mood, and promote new beginnings.

Gems for Pisces - women

The influence of the zodiac sign Pisces on women is most pronounced, because this is the so-called "female" sign. The beautiful half, born under this sign, is distinguished by sacrifice in the name of the good of people close to them. They will be helped to preserve energy, health and beauty by blue topaz. Also suitable. He is a talisman of family happiness and protects from ill-wishers and envious people.
Astrologers strongly recommend that unmarried girls according to the zodiac sign Pisces wear jewelry with pearls.
. This stone is preferably chosen in blue, then it helps to restore one's mental and physical strength, as well as maintain beauty and youth for many years.
It will help to be more open, friendly to its owner. Preserves marital fidelity and family happiness, because it is a symbol of constancy.

Talismans for Pisces men

Due to the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign are too soft and not always confident in their own abilities, they can be advised to use the power of stones.

- developed spirituality. They are dreamers and idealists, connoisseurs of nature. At the heart of their actions are intuitive impulses. Representatives of the sign are generously endowed with a sense of humor. They are sociable, friendly, tolerant of other people's mistakes. Among Pisces there are many selfless natures who give themselves entirely to family and friends. Other people's troubles cause them more suffering than their own.

The life of Pisces is complicated by a lack of will, a tendency to agree, excessive compliance. Unable to understand their "I", many individuals are forever rushing between high and low, between the Temple and the Den.

Despite their innate softness, Pisces are difficult partners in family life. Due to worldly helplessness, some of them learn from childhood to manipulate other people, not having the ability to earn money, willingly agree to a marriage of convenience.

The cause of the problems is weak energy. Passivity and lethargy prevent Pisces from coping even with minor domestic troubles.

Stones selected in accordance with the horoscope help to fill the lack of energy, correct problematic areas.

Astrologers advise Pisces to constantly wear amulets,. They should include at least 12 pieces in their collection.

The main stones of the mascots of Pisces

The time of the sign is early spring. The dazzling blue of the sky is diluted with white clouds. Pale primroses break through the melted snow. The gems of Pisces seem to reflect the cool spring flavor. Minerals of milky, lilac, blue, green, light purple shades are in harmony with their inner world.


Beryl of the color of the sea enhances the active vitality, restores peace of mind, softens anger. It is useful to inert Pisces. It also attracts love and money.


The gem gives good luck, brings peace to the family. It relieves Pisces of mood swings, charges with positive energy. softens the bitterness of love failure, contributes to the emergence of a new feeling. But he has one insidious feature. Presented as a gift, amethyst can make the giver fall in love and betray former love.


The color of the stone is strikingly different from other Pisces amulets. He's black. The personification of the secrets of the night, jet protects nervous, sensitive individuals from dark dreams, extinguishes inexplicable fears, dissolves in its blackness all the evil directed at its owner.


It is a symbol of true love. It brings a happy and long life to fish. Ring with - protection from thieves and scammers. The tarnishing of the gem signals the development of a hidden ailment in its owner.


Along with the mournful black jet, bluish-silver preserves Pisces' sleep, helps to maintain composure in stressful situations. Moonstone attracts money. But it cannot be worn all the time - the mineral dulls the sharpness of the reaction at the moment of danger.


Pisces tend to embellish reality. protects them from envious people, swindlers, liars. It gives firmness to weak natures. Due to its changeable color, opal is associated with impermanence. But for Pisces, the milky-white variety of the mineral (cacholong) brings family well-being and sublime love. There are many creative people among the representatives of the sign. Opal enhances their talents, gives rise to inspiration.

Choosing a talisman stone according to the date of the horoscope for Pisces

The patron planets endow people with their own characteristics. When choosing gems, you should consider the date of birth.

During this period, poets, romantics, lovers of change are born. Influence takes them away from the realities of life into the world of dreams. It is useful for such individuals to include the following instances in the set of talismans:

  • - a symbol of creativity and clarity of mind;
  • - the personification of wisdom and intelligence, helps to overcome laziness, exacerbates sensitivity to lies;
  • - stimulates interest in humanitarian studies, strengthens memory.

Jupiter's wards dream of a worthy assessment of their merits by others.

Their additional amulets:

  • – effectively protects against envy and other negativity;
  • - helps to realize dreams;
  • - protects against reckless actions; gives self-confidence.

The third decade obeys. People of this period are cheerful, sociable. At the same time, they are capricious, quick-tempered, suspicious. They are recommended to add to the main talismans:

  • - a stone of longevity, happiness and prosperity, balances emotions;
  • chrysoprase - attracts the sympathy of others, promotes new beginnings, drives away nightmares.

Additional list of auspicious stones for Pisces

  • (blue);
  • (pale green);
  • (blue and colorless);
  • tourmaline;
  • uvarovite;
  • spinel.

Dangerous stones for Pisces

Pisces is a sensitive sign. Active, assertive stones are contraindicated for them. The bright red and thick dark color of the minerals can provoke depression. Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about inappropriate stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Solar sign, but according to a weak

The constellation Pisces completes the zodiac cycle. A person born under the sign of the Zodiac number 12, whether male or female, is a true "Rubik's Cube" for everyone who communicates with them. This mystery is expressed not only in the soul of the representatives of the last sign of the Zodiac.

In a chaotic arrangement of seventy-five small celestial sparks of this faintly luminous constellation, scattered between Aquarius, Andromeda and Aries, only the most inventive dreamers can see the contours of two fish swimming in opposite directions: one to the north, the other to the west. But this is exactly how the constellation Pisces is depicted in the ancient Greek atlas of the ancient scientist Claudius Ptolemy, who has come down to us in medieval manuscripts of astrologers.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are affable and friendly, they tend to help others without sticking out their merits, but their inner world is a mystery. Often this is a mystery even to themselves. Pisces are capable of incredible, strange things from the point of view of others. Sometimes these impulses are heroic, they strike their contemporaries around them and arouse deep respect among their descendants.

Make sure of this by reading our article about the most famous people of the Pisces sign. A colossal contribution to the progress of mankind was made by Pisces, such as Nicolaus Copernicus, Yuri Gagarin, Amerigo Vespucci, Albert Einstein and other representatives of this amazing zodiac sign.

  • Control the fate of the Pisces planets Venus and Neptune
  • The element of this zodiac sign is Water.
  • Lucky colors - azure blue, light green, light lilac
  • Lucky metals - silver, tin
  • Favorable numbers - 6, 7, 11

Choosing a stone by date of birth

Transparent blue and green gems of all shades are compatible with Pisces:

Opaque stones, which tend to shimmer and shimmer, are friends with this sign. For example, moonstone, alexandrite, pearls (except for black, it is able to turn some Pisces stones into generators of negative energy). Various opals are good for Pisces, their colors and features will be selected by a specialist, then the mineral will be most useful as a talisman.

And now let's find out from a more detailed horoscope which stones are suitable for Pisces, depending on the decade of birth.

I decade: February 20 - March 01

If you belong to this period by date of birth, then you should know: the first decade brings into the world of God romantic dreamers, and gives them self-confidence the influence of the planet Saturn. These are talented people, but often far from being able to solve the problems posed by life. Pisces of the first decade will suit such precious jewelry - moonstone, amethyst. Lithoastrologers by zodiac sign and horoscope also recommend:

II decade: 02 - 11 March

During the decade, starting from March 2 at 00:00, brave people, open to loved ones and very tough with opponents, are born. They are accompanied the influence of the planet Jupiter. Their stones are opal, rutile quartz-hair, pierced by the finest hairs-crystals. The best of these quartzes will be druse with six-beam inclusions, these stones are mined in Brazil.

It is not necessary to process the crystal, its energy may suffer. The horoscope also advises Pisces of the second decade a few more stones:

Coral stone is traditionally good for Pisces as a talisman. For women, it will help maintain youthful skin.

III decade: March 12 - 21

In the third decade of the passage, Pisces completes the astrological year and is under the influence of Mars. This planet leaves an imprint on the character of those born during this period. They boldly defend not only their loved ones, but also everyone who requires the protection of a strong personality.

Talisman for Pisces, born in the third decade - diamond. Other recommended amulets for Pisces, which have positive energy and strength, belong to the highest category of jewelry:

  • green and blue

A woman of the third decade of the sign will come to realize her own beauty if she wears charoite. Jewelry should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

For a man born these days, a good talisman will be alexandrite, filling the owner with spiritual strength and energy.

main stone

Astrological horoscopes define two main stones for Pisces - amethyst and pearl. Pisces can buy these stones, but it is better to receive them as a gift or as an inheritance.

Stones for women of this sign

Horoscopes say that the best stone for Pisces women is a rare mineral. cacholong milky with a bluish tint. This stone in ancient Egypt was a symbol of fertility, and the Hindu tradition considers cacholong to be drops of milk from a magical heavenly cow, symbolizing the sacred maternal essence.

For an indecisive woman born under the sign of Pisces, an aquamarine jewelry set will be a good purchase. Such stones are fully suitable for Pisces women, they will give the hostess self-confidence and previously unusual looseness. Aquamarine will help Pisces feel at ease.

The stones of the Pisces-woman, decorating and protecting her, will perfectly complement the energy of translucent blue topaz, moonstone.

Combinations in chrysolite and sapphire jewelry are good for Pisces women.

Coral develop feelings of love and happiness.

Stones for men of this sign

To establish contacts with work colleagues, business partners, and with other environments, Pisces men, like women of this zodiac sign, will be helped by a stone aquamarine. Harmonization of the inner world of Pisces-men will be provided by the energy of light lilac amethyst. They wear jewelry in a ring. A pearl crowning a golden tie-pin will subtly remind the wearer that one should devote time to oneself, and not just to help those in need.


A wonderful amulet for Pisces - a stone jet. It is also called black amber. This, in fact, is not a stone, but the petrified wood of trees that grew on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago. Black jet has powerful magical energy. A caring family half of Pisces will express its love in the best possible way if it presents such a wonderful gift to a person of this sign.

What stones should Pisces avoid?

Pisces is a sign of the zodiac, not distinguished by particularly powerful energy, such as Scorpio or Leo. In addition to organic jet, which is an organic formation, black magic stones Fish can be severely damaged. These are the stones Pisces should exclude from their jewelry and accessories. morion, obsidian, nephritis, Labrador and other similar stones. These minerals will cause apathy, loss of interest in your favorite work, and even depressive states, from which it is very difficult to get out. Here are a few more gems that are undesirable for Pisces:

  • sardonyx.

It also applies to them jasper, yellow and brown stones topaz also forbidden for astrological Pisces.

Stone Compatibility

Amethyst shows good astrological compatibility with aventurine, diamond, chrysoprase. The energy of the main Pisces stone is combined with aquamarine, beryl, coral, moonstone and opal. Amethyst conflicts with garnet, jasper, heliotrope, rose quartz.

Before purchasing amulets in any combination, you should consult a lithoastrologer. After all, often designers select stones for jewelry, not guided by the astrological nuances of their compatibility.

Pearl, the second astrological stone of Pisces, is combined with aquamarine, diamond, aventurine, emerald, chrysoprase. Pearls conflict with jade, sardonyx, beryl. There is another stone that is unpleasant for pearls, Pisces should not combine it with malachite.

Famous Pisces

The most famous person on the planet Earth, born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces - Yuri Gagarin (09.III.1934). One day this smiling guy from the village of Klushino said "Let's go!", and in a few minutes he brought humanity into space. Valentina Tereshkova, also born under this sign (March 06, 1937), became the first woman in the world to overcome gravity and enter the near-Earth orbit.


Among the rulers born under the sign of Pisces is the first US President George Washington (22.II.1732), one of the fathers of the American nation and state, the Russian Emperor Alexander III (10.3.1845), whose reign was not overshadowed by any war. He is followed by the first and last President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev (March 2, 1931), who failed to save the communist USSR from collapse.


The guiding stars of Pisces led the Russian admiral, commander of the Black Sea Fleet Nikolai Ushakov (24.II.1745). Under his leadership, the fleet did not lose a single ship in battle. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized the righteous warrior Fyodor Ushakov as a saint (2001).

Art and culture

Two titans of the Renaissance were born under this sign - the sculptor, painter, architect and poet Michelangelo Buonarotti (06.III.1475) and the Florentine painter Sandro Botticelli (01.III.1445).

Pisces contributed to the success in the work of the artists Mikhail Vrubel (March 17, 1856) and Kazimir Malevich (February 23, 1879).

The Pisces sign gave the world talented composers: in Russia - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (March 18, 1844), in Italy - Antonio Vivaldi (March 04, 1678), in Poland - Fryderyk Chopin (February 22, 1810).


The Pisces sign accompanied the French novelist and playwright Victor Hugo (26.II.1802) from birth.


The rating of Hollywood stars born under the sign of Pisces is headed by martial artist Chuck Norris (March 10, 1940), Bruce Willis (March 19, 1955), who is not much inferior to him, the beautiful Sharon Stone (March 10, 1940). 1958). The Russian actress Tatyana Dogileva (27.II.1957) became famous for her talented roles in the cinema.

Show Business

The Pisces constellation shone at the birth of American singer and film actress Liza Minnelli (March 12, 1946) and supermodel Cindy Crawford (February 20, 1966).

The science

The most famous scientist born under the sign of Pisces was the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (19.II.1473), his heliocentric system of the universe marked the beginning of a real scientific revolution. It was surpassed only by the creative potential of Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879), who laid the foundation for modern theoretical physics, which allowed us to learn more and more deeply the secrets of the Universe. In this section, we will name another representative of this sign, the German pessimistic philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (22.II.1788).


Fish inspired the Scotsman Alexander Bell (March 3, 1847) to create telephones and telephony networks, without which it is impossible to imagine the modern world. And Bell in 1888 founded the famous illustrated magazine National Geographic Magazine, which today, 130 years later, is published in different languages ​​(including Russian) around the world.


Under the sign of Pisces, the Florentine traveler and successful entrepreneur Amerigo Vespucci (09.III.1454) was born, whose name is given to both Americas - North and South.


Under the constellation Pisces, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexy II (23.II.1929), was born.

Women born under the sign of Pisces are often a mystery not only to others, but also to themselves. The horoscope claims that these are very sociable, friendly and cheerful people who are liked by others. Pisces are able to sympathize with others, but they are not able to understand themselves. They just "go with the flow".

The Pisces Woman is charming, and no man can resist her charm. She wants a man to protect her, take care of her. She will gladly cling to his broad shoulder, and the man will understand how dear he is to her. He will tell her all his problems, and the Pisces woman will listen to him and take pity on him. When choosing jewelry, the question arises - Which stone suits Pisces women?

What gems are suitable for a Pisces woman

According to the horoscope, this zodiac sign represents the water element. The palette of stones that are suitable for this sign can be of a wide variety of shades - green, blue, white and transparent.

Stones ideal for the zodiac sign Pisces mascots are:

Characteristics of Pisces gemstones

Aquamarine makes the flaws of this sign not so noticeable and helps a woman overcome her stiffness. She is getting bold and at the same time charming, showing all her charisma. Aquamarine warns her against wasting her energy on helping other people who don't deserve it. As a decoration, this stone is worn in the form of beads, only in this case, its owner will always have a good mood.

Nephritis wonderfully helps a woman cope with her insecurities. In addition, this talisman becomes a companion for people who want to change their lives very drastically. It gives strength and support during the most important decisions. If the mineral darkens, then this is a very bad sign. Such a change in color indicates that some kind of danger is approaching, or it symbolizes the sin that lies on the soul of a woman. If you wear a jade pendant in the form of a butterfly, then you can be sure that family life will be happy, and complete harmony awaits in relations with your loved one.

Chrysolite helps a lot in solving various problems, developing logic. In addition, any trip will bring profit and help save money. For women who like to overspend, this stone will help them spend more rationally.

Rhinestone helps a woman get rid of unnecessary experiences and helps her get out of a state of uncertainty. To evoke sympathy and love from others, women should wear a small piece of the mineral in their pocket on the left side. If there is a fairly large piece of the mineral in the house, then there will always be prosperity in it. Pisces woman with the help of this stone is able to get rid of many ailments. It is an ideal mineral for medicinal use.

Opal gives a woman energy and vitality. Basically, Pisces women are dreamy and trusting. It is difficult for them to be on the alert all the time and in a timely manner to recognize the threat that may come from others. An opal amulet helps to protect oneself from negativity, preventing negative energy from affecting the owner of this stone. If a woman begins to feel that both physical and moral forces are leaving her, then she should immediately acquire an opal amulet. It will help to strengthen the strength of the spirit and mental abilities.

Emerald is a very effective and effective amulet. This stone has a calming effect and is used by many during meditation. In addition, it protects against illegal actions and rash acts. There is an opinion that the emerald has a very strong influence on a woman, correcting the mistakes of the past and making her thoughts clearer. If a woman is too sentimental and trusting, the talisman helps to gain strength of mind and the ability to listen to yourself. The green color of the stone has a calming effect on the nervous system and relieves eye strain.

Astrologers warn that amethyst is perfect women born under the sign of Pisces, however, it needs to be removed periodically. This stone has a healing effect, relieving a person of his anxieties, various fears, nightmares and bad thoughts. It is advisable to give this mineral to women who are starting a new career, because it is able to give its owner a powerful charge of vivacity and confidence. Amethyst is great for young people, helping them to correctly prioritize their lives.

Alexandrite has a powerful property to strengthen the emotional system of a person. It is recommended to wear it for women who have a strong and domineering character, only in this case the stone is able to show all its strength. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, heals sore joints, cleanses the blood and normalizes blood pressure. In addition, alexandrite cures digestive diseases.

Diamond brings out the best in a person. A woman who wears jewelry with a diamond is less likely to show negative feelings, learn to build relationships with people around her. It is considered a stone of diplomats and managers, giving confidence in dealing with people, making its owner successful in her endeavors. This mineral is able to form a very strong bond between lovers, ensuring harmony and fidelity in relationships. Diamond is considered a symbol of prosperous motherhood.

Characteristics of non-precious stones Pisces

Among the non-precious stones that are ideal for women born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, the following are distinguished:

  • Moonstone;
  • corals;
  • jet.

Moonstone contributes to the meeting of your soulmate. This crystal calms all negative feelings, endowing a woman with charm and sophistication. For women in love, the stone helps to maintain fidelity, harmony and harmony. You should know that the moonstone feels betrayal very subtly, fading or changing its color.

The horoscope calls such character traits as suspiciousness and indecision in the most crucial situations as a disadvantage of Pisces. To cope with internal contradictions, it is necessary to wear coral jewelry. It will help to give confidence in their abilities and push them to make the right decision. A coral necklace should be worn by young girls who are starting to take their first steps in business.

wonderful a talisman against the evil eye considered jet. It protects against external irritants, stress and provocations. It is also believed that if you wear an amulet with such a stone, then the immunity becomes stronger, as a result of which no infectious and seasonal diseases are terrible. Since this stone has a very powerful energy, it should have a small shape in decoration.

Stones that Pisces should not wear

The horoscope claims that the life of Pisces is the most difficult among all the signs of the zodiac. They move through life by touch, so active and influential stones are contraindicated for them. Pisces need constant rest, peace and tranquility. They often lack luck.

This zodiac sign should also not be worn. jewelry with bright and red stones, because they can make Pisces aggressive, and this is alien to them.

Each talisman stone for Pisces has its own specific properties, which, one way or another, can affect their lives. With their help, people born under this sign can get rid of the bad qualities of their character and replenish their vitality. To do this, you just need to choose the right stone and try to make friends with it.

As you know, Pisces is one of the most sensitive and receptive signs of the Zodiac. They easily recognize not only the mood of other people, but sometimes, as it seems to those who surround them, thoughts. However, they almost never use this knowledge. After all, Pisces, like no other, are far from the image of manipulators, they do not like to act. These are creative people, and often they, in addition to this, manifest the fantasy world they like much more than the real one. If the Sun in the horoscope of representatives of this sign is damaged, they may try to abstract from what is happening around them with the help of drugs, alcohol, or virtual life. What stones are suitable for Pisces, this touching and, as a rule, defenseless sign in the face of the surrounding reality?


If representatives of other signs may be suitable for a particular type of pearl, then in the case of Pisces, these restrictions do not exist at all. River and sea, pink, black or white - in a word, you can choose whatever your heart desires. The main function of pearls in this case is to minimize the number of actions and actions performed impulsively. Why does it have to be mentioned when it comes to which stones are suitable for Pisces? Quite often in life they are guided by impulses, and later they begin to suffer because of their behavior, to regret some perfect actions and their consequences. At the same time, pearls give Pisces the opportunity to become balanced, harmonious and calm. Its impact allows you to get rid of internal grievances and direct all your efforts to spiritual development, finally, to become an interesting whole person.


What stones are suitable for Pisces yet? Of course, these are all kinds of talismans and crystal products. The sensitivity of these people often becomes the cause of their resentment, they often harbor anger, displeasure, envy inside for a long time. And it is crystal that allows you to cleanse your soul of such negativity, learn to live on the positive and not spoil your mood because of trifles.


Another stone that is definitely worth mentioning when studying which stones are suitable for Pisces is, no doubt, spinel. It's no secret that without a reliable patron, on whom you can rely and trust him 100%, it is often difficult for Pisces. Just spinel can become it, attracting financial well-being, love and good luck to a person.


In the people it is often called the "healing stone". When choosing which stone suits Pisces men and women equally, you should opt for it. It is amethyst that protects its owner from various addictions, in particular from drunkenness. The healing abilities of this are also manifested in the spiritual plane: with the help of it, it is easier for Pisces to find and choose reliable and faithful people as friends. Like spinel, it attracts love and good luck and opens up many new perspectives for a person.


When looking at which stones are suitable for Pisces, it is impossible not to mention coral. After all, it is he who makes it possible to discover and develop one of the strongest sides of its owner - intuition, enhances the gift of clairvoyance. And in general, coral has a very good effect on the psyche.


Emerald can also be advised to those who are looking for which stone the Pisces sign has. It is extremely useful for memory, normal functioning of the nervous system, maintaining internal balance. Emerald also brings happiness and prosperity to the family.

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