Dream interpretation gold and silver rings. Why dream of a silver ring: it speaks of your greed or, conversely, generosity. Silver chain with a cross in a dream

A silver ring in a dream is a multifaceted symbol, one of the most difficult to interpret. It is often very difficult to take into account all aspects of such a dream. So, the ring itself can personify the cyclical nature of life, the continuity of human existence, the principle of "boomerang" in the commission of bad and good deeds, loyalty and devotion, constraint and constraint, success and a number of other variant meanings. On the other hand, silver has long been considered a symbol of purity, sincerity, luxury and wealth, universal love, healing properties and good health. In addition, completely different situations are possible in a dream, which can also radically change the meaning of a dream. Therefore, it is very important, when choosing the correct interpretation of such a dream, to consider all its details.

  • The dream girl, in which she had to wear a silver ring on her finger, speaks of the sincerity of feelings. It is about both herself and her partner. The dreamer should not doubt the correctness of the choice made. She and her soul mate have a bright future together.
  • A silver ring on a finger in a dream can also portend the imminent fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • For a dreamer or dreamer, if he or she is in a difficult life situation, a silver ring on the finger portends unexpected help from the person from whom support is least expected. The dreamer or dreamer should not turn up his nose in a fit of imaginary pride, hoping that help will come from somewhere else. Where better to accept it, even from the enemy. Perhaps this will help improve relations, turn them into neutrality or even strong friendship.

For a lonely, unrelated dreamer, such a dream portends an exciting love adventure, an ardent and passionate romance, which is unlikely to result in something more, but will bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

For men who are interested in financial transactions and owning a business, wearing a silver ring on their finger promises success in implementing plans. All the dreamer's undertakings will be successful if only he makes every effort, enthusiasm and desire to achieve what he wants.

Wearing a silver ring on your finger without being able to take it off in a dream is not a good sign. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer or dreamer is cramped, his or her soul asks for change, adventure, travel and new acquaintances.

The ring is put on by a stranger

Unlike those cases when the ring is located on the finger of a dreamer or dreamer, a dream in which a stranger puts it on cannot be called favorable.

  • For a dreamer, a silver ring on someone else's finger promises a collision with an envious woman, her desire to "recapture" her young man from the girl. Encroachments on family well-being cannot be ignored, it is necessary to stop them as soon as possible in any of the possible ways.
  • For men, a silver ring on someone else's finger portends a collision with a competitor in the business field.
  • He will face a difficult situation: it will take a lot of effort, vitality and precious time to prevent financial collapse, frighten or defeat competitors and achieve a strong position in society, financial independence and stable material well-being.
  • A silver ring on the finger of an ill-wisher of a dreamer or dreamer portends rumors and gossip spread by envious people around their personal life and career. This kind of talk, if not stopped in time, can cause serious damage to the reputation of the dreamer or dreamer.
He or she should exercise caution, refrain from rash acts, narrow the circle of persons to whom he or she can entrust his ideas and plans. It is best not to tell anyone about them, but this can be very, very difficult.

It is important to remember that if the wrong person finds out about them, the dreamer or dreamer will not soon be able to cope with the consequences of the intrigues and intrigues of his or her competitors and haters. Extra care and discretion has never hurt anyone.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream "silver ring": what is the dream and a complete interpretation from various points of view.

The silver ring, both in reality and in a dream, has many symbolic meanings: cyclicality and isolation, well-being and family ties. Interpreting what this piece of jewelry is dreaming of, the dream book takes into account the healing and magical properties of silver. The plot of the dream also plays a role: if you manage to lose or drop a jewel in the dirt, you will miss your chance for a short time and in reality.

In most cases, the interpretations open up positive perspectives for the sleeper, and only some of them are of a warning nature. Their main purpose is to prevent trouble from taking you by surprise and help you avoid possible mistakes.

Everything that a silver ring dreams of is often associated with affection and fidelity. For a woman dreamer in love, what she had in a dream means that she can not doubt her chosen one and her own feelings for him.

When you have to see in a dream a silver ring that looks unattractive, for example, lies in the dirt, the dream tries to warn of all kinds of intrigues on the part of envious people. Most likely, the stumbling block will be something that has a financial background: position or property.

Silver ring on your own and someone else's finger

Why dream of a silver ring on a finger, the dream book explains based on whether it was on the dreamer's finger or on someone else's hand. The first option is much more preferable: the dream book promises the fulfillment of a wish, unexpected support, a romantic adventure, the beginning of a new business that will turn out to be successful. If you unsuccessfully try to remove it, the dream reflects tightness and isolation.

The decoration on someone else's hand portends lost opportunities. Due to excessive caution and suspicion, the dreamer runs the risk of actually missing his chance.

If the jewelry was given as a gift, the personality of the donor should be taken into account in order to find out what the dream means. A silver ring donated by a man portends gratitude from a higher person. Moreover, the matter is not limited to verbal praise: the dreamer expects a large material reward.

Such an unexpected present from a woman promises nothing but family quarrels. If you yourself act as a donor in a dream, the dream book claims that in the future a lot will connect you with the person to whom you gave the gift.

If you happened to see a silver ring with a stone in a dream, the Mayan dream book explains this symbol by your feeling of a vicious circle from which you can’t find a way out: you return to the starting point over and over again.

However, the wise Indians claim that there is a way out: if you see something like this in a dream, wrap the index finger of your right hand with long black hair the next night. The next morning the situation will certainly clear up, the dream book promises.

Why dream of finding a silver ring, the dream book explains with new promising connections. One or more people who are very significant to you will appear in your environment. You may be lucky enough to meet true love or find good friends who are pleasant to you in every way.

It so happened historically and practically that, first of all, silver is associated with wealth and money. But this metal also has powerful energy and healing properties. The same applies to jewelry, which can serve as both decorations and amulets. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret what the silver ring is dreaming of, you should remember all the details and circumstances of the dream.

General value

Silver is a symbol of good luck, portending happiness in personal life and financial well-being. In addition, this metal is associated with the moon, which is responsible for spiritual power.

The ring is a symbol of fidelity, family ties and completeness, promising happiness and stability.

Thus, various interpretations of what the silver ring is dreaming of answer that this is a very auspicious dream. However, to complete the picture, the nuances and plot of night dreams are important, since the accuracy of interpretation depends on its development. And not always the symbol of sleep itself is decisive. Actions and events associated with it may play a more significant role.

Why dream of a silver ring on your finger?

Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Much matters: the type of the ring, its owner, the condition of the fingers, the feelings experienced and the environment.

The appearance of the ring

  • When asked why a silver ring is dreaming of being dirty or defective, the dream book gives a disappointing answer. What you see warns of deceit. It is worth paying attention to your surroundings. Someone in him is playing a double game, smiling in his face, and behind his back he is trying to do harm, spreading bad rumors.
  • To dream of your dirty hand adorned with a beautiful silver ring is a good sign. Which is a symbol of good change. Deserved success will replace failures and disappointments.
  • If the sleeper sees an old silver ring on his finger, it means that he has a very strong spiritual connection with his ancestors. Such a dream can be interpreted as a message that the ancestors are satisfied with the dreamer and protect him.


The answer of the dream book to the question of why a silver ring with a stone is dreaming is also ambiguous. The interpretation depends on the above circumstances, and on the stone that adorns the ring. If it is precious, then it is a symbol of power, influence, prestige and prosperity.

  • So, the seen silver ring with a diamond speaks of the dreamer's desire for excellence and high living standards, which will soon be achieved.
  • A ring with chrysolite or beryl promises the reliability of family ties and the support of loved ones.
  • With carnelian - improving the financial situation.
  • With turquoise - success in business, well-being.
  • With a ruby ​​- career growth, goal achievement, power.
  • A ring adorned with sapphire prophesies the acquisition of knowledge and an exit to a new intellectual level.
  • And why dream of a silver ring with many stones? The interpretation does not disappoint, as it portends a mass of benefits, including a high social position, recognition and material well-being.
  • A dream in which a silver ring is decorated with a cheap bead speaks of weak life positions and deceived hopes.

many rings

A dream in which there are many different rings has the same variety of interpretations. Therefore, in this case, one should take into account the totality of the factors already listed and the plot of the dream.

Why dream of a silver ring: put on or take off

Other activities associated with the ring

Miller's dream book

what is the dream of a silver ring

A dream about a silver ring that was donated by a loved one is to buy some useful thing. The purchase will cost a lot of money. Do not regret the money spent, because the thing will make sense and bring benefits. It is bad if you purchased a ring from a jeweler. This is a symptom of a sudden illness.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

dreamed of a silver ring

A dreaming silver ring is a symbol of unfinished problems. The ring is associated with the following life themes: - affection; - the oath; - Loyalty in a relationship. If you put a silver ring on the hand of a loved one, you are faithful to him. Otherwise, wait for help (they will help with a long-standing problem). A bad sign is the fall of the ring (from the hand). This indicates a violation of fidelity and soon you will have to go through life's difficulties.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

dream interpretation silver ring

Buy a silver ring - you will be followed by an interesting offer. Lose a ring in a dream - you will get divorced soon.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

dream silver ring

A silver ring in a dream means greatness, glory, power. A positive sign is to find a ring. Also, such a dream can mean marriage, the birth of a child. Acceptance of the ring - to good luck, to gain useful knowledge.

Freud's dream book

a silver ring in a dream what is it for

To receive a silver ring as a gift - perhaps they want to make a marriage proposal to you. Otherwise, the initiative will come from you. If the ring breaks in a dream, separation is possible.

Loff's dream book

A silver ring is a bad sign that prophesies about imminent trouble. The reason for this is greed. If in a dream the ring was in a puddle, then your loved one will betray you. A ring thrown into an urn - to a break with relatives (for a long time).

Dream Interpretation Hasse

what does it mean if a silver ring in a dream

Finding a silver ring is a disagreement with someone. To lose - success (honor) does not shine. Receive as a gift - they want to convince you of something. Give - to matchmaking. Buying a ring is in love. In addition, the ring is an opportunity for an early marriage (if you are not married).

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

what does it mean if a silver ring in a dream

The silver ring represents cyclicity (circle), the continuation of the cycle of life. Plus, it can mean the end of a business. The ring affects unity, wholeness, friendship, marriage.

Silver is a noble metal, it is used not only for jewelry, but also for the creation of church utensils, religious objects. Astrologers believe that silver is associated with the moon, which is why it is called the lunar metal.

Esotericists believe in the power of silver to drive away

Therefore, amulets are made from it. Doctors confirm the antiseptic properties of silver. So what does the dream in which you saw a silver ring portend?

Silver ring on the finger

A dream promises situations in which you have to show worldly wisdom, not to succumb to temptations and temptations.

Antique silver ring - experience a feeling of light sadness for the past, by the time when you were happy, you realize the transience of time.

Silver ring with a large stone

For married people, a dream in which they happened to see a silver ring with a stone is a harbinger long happy marriage.

Ring with a large stone - test feeling of superiority and triumph satisfaction from the fact that circumstances are developing exactly the way you want.

A warning about impact and loss is a dream in which you see a ring with a fallen stone.

A cracked, muddy stone in the ring - to a false, insincere relationship.

with pearls

For a person who is away from home or relatives, close people, such a dream serves as a warning that you need to be extremely careful not to make a fatal mistake.

In ancient dream books, a dream about a ring with a pearl has several interpretations:

  • to pleasant meetings, interesting acquaintances, social improvement;
  • to tears, insults, minor disappointments and vain promises.

With loose stones

Seeing in a dream a luxurious silver ring with a scattering of shining diamonds is a great success, a triumphant victory, a sense of superiority over defeated enemies. But it is worth remembering that success can be temporary, and the situation can quickly change (such is the interpretation of the ephemeral brilliance of precious stones).

Silver ring with blood red stones – to envy and betrayal people from close circle, well known.

Silver ring with emeralds or sapphires (blue or green stone) - such a dream promises good luck, success in solving important cases.

To see a ring with beautifully iridescent stones - to the speedy fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Turquoise ring - for small fleeting joys.

Silver ring on the ring finger

For married people, such a dream portends family joys, the joy of being parents, well-being and prosperity in the house.

For lonely and single people, this dream portends a meeting with a person who may well become your faithful life partner.

Drop a ring from the ring finger in a dream - to quarrels and squabbles in the family, mutual resentment.

To see this after a quarrel with a spouse - for a speedy reconciliation.

See on the finger of an unmarried girl

Such a dream for an unmarried lonely girl promises a meeting with a man who is destined for her marriage.

To see such a dream for an unmarried girl who already has a chosen one - for an imminent wedding or a change in marital status.

A dream about a cracked (dented, dirty or rusty) ring on the ring finger warns of a spontaneous quarrel, a major quarrel, and a loss of trust between lovers.

See in your hand

If in a dream a silver ring fit, then in real life you will have a good period, prosperity and prosperity.

To see a clearly large ring that is barely held - in reality you have to perform other people's duties, you will experience the feeling that live someone else's life.

A dirty, bent ring on your hand - to trouble, showdown and vain accusatory words addressed to you.

Ring "Save and Preserve"

To see such a dream for a churched person - to temptations and temptations. It is possible that against your will you will be drawn into risky business and undertakings, and only faith and fortitude will help you avoid big trouble.

Seeing such a dream for a non-religious person is a blow and trials. As a result of which fatal, fatal changes in life await you. It is possible that after these upheavals change your outlook on life including religion and spirituality.

To see such a dream to a sick person - to recovery.

To dream about such a ring to a person who is in reality in a difficult life situation - things will go smoothly, the situation will improve and it will be possible to count on a favorable outcome of events.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

To receive a ring as a gift is good news, calm the heart.

Giving a ring to a close, dear person - such a dream promises meetings, unexpected guests.

Seeing silver in a dream

wedding ring

- to a long, strong marriage, in which the husband and wife will understand each other well and live by the same interests.

Seeing a silver ring in a dream for an unmarried girl - to the emergence of attachment in her life which will not bring her much happiness.

Miller's dream book

Trying on a silver ring in a dream - in reality you will have new obligations, financial burdens.

Losing a ring - such a dream portends that soon to be pleasantly surprised and be confused for a while.

Accepting a ring as a gift - do not rely on people who make too loud promises.

Giving a ring is good news from afar, in news about those people for whom you have warm feelings.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Wear a silver ring on your hand to have fun, interesting conversations.

Hide the ring - hear in your address groundless grievances and claims.

Buying a ring - good luck will accompany you in financial matters, try to catch up.

Wearing a tight ring - resentment, squabbles, squabbles await you in reality, and a vision from the world of dreams warns you about this in an allegorical form.

In this article we will talk about how to interpret a dream about a silver ring. Each dream book interprets this symbol differently. We will try to describe the value on which most sources converge.

Silver ring in a dream

Many people wonder what the silver ring is dreaming of. Most often, this symbol does not bode well. As a rule, it is associated with friendship and strong relationships. Therefore, if you saw a silver ring in a dream, then with a high degree of probability you can expect some pleasant events, new acquaintances and unexpected love. True, it is also worth considering the circumstances under which you saw the ring in a dream.

One of the authoritative dream books states that this item is a symbol of an imminent wedding. If in a dream a woman sees the process of buying a ring, then this suggests that communication with a certain friend of hers will develop into a love relationship. Men usually dream of silver rings to confirm the correctness of their decisions.

Another dream book says that a woman who sees her own hand with a silver ring can expect a pleasant acquaintance. Buying this piece of jewelry in a store portends an interesting journey in the near future. It is worth noting, however, that a broken ring can mean a rather deep depression, which will not be so easy to deal with.

Thus, it can be argued that in many respects the meaning of sleep will depend on circumstances and small details. If you don’t remember or don’t know if the ring was silver, then you can refer to the article on our site about the meaning of the ring in a dream.

As in real life, a silver ring seen in a dream can have several meanings, so when interpreting it, it is important to take into account other details of the plot. Try to remember what the jewelry looked like, what you did with it, etc. In addition, it is necessary to draw an analogy between the events that occur in reality and the information received.

Why dream of a silver ring?

Most often, such decoration in a dream is related to fidelity and sincerity. For people in such a dream, it represents the fidelity of a partner. If you see a dirty silver ring in a dream, then you should be on the lookout, as enemies weave intrigues and prepare traps for you. To receive jewelry as a gift from a man is a harbinger of receiving gratitude from an influential person. If a woman presented the ring, then expect family scandals. I dreamed of a silver ring on my finger - this is a good sign that promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire, a romantic dream, as well as a new successful business. If the jewelry was on the hand of another person, then in reality you will lose a great chance to improve your life. All the fault will be excessive caution.

Finding a silver ring in a dream is an omen of a new promising relationship. Soon people will appear in close circle with whom you will become friends, or you will find a new love. Seeing silver in a dream means you can count on strong and prosperous family relationships. Night vision, where a large number of such decorations appeared, indicates that there are people in close circle who can be counted on in difficult times. If you dreamed of a blackened silver ring, it means that there are enemies in life who can do harm at any suitable moment. A dream about a silver ring with precious stones is a symbol of material well-being and well-being.

The silver ring, both in reality and in night dreams, represents many different interpretations: circularity and isolation, prosperity and marriage. Explaining why such an ornament is dreamed of, the dream book suggests paying attention to the magical and healing properties of silver metal. The content of sleep also takes on significant importance: in the case when you accidentally dropped it into the dirt, or lost it altogether, this means that in reality you can also miss your opportunity.

Often, explanations promise favorable prospects for the dreamer, and only a few of them warn of adverse events. Their main mission is to protect you from impending problems and prevent possible missteps.

What a silver ring dreams of is often interconnected with adoration and devotion. For a loving sleeping woman, dreaming in a dream means that she should not worry about the loyalty of her lover and her love feelings for him.

If you had to see an ugly silver ring in a dream, for example, it was dirty in the mud, the dream wants to inform you of the possible dirty tricks from your envious and enemies. Most likely, the basis of such intrigues will be a financial reason.

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