Oily river fish. Benefits of fatty fish. Can fish be substituted

Fatty varieties of fish should be included in the diet of any person who cares about their health. This product contains many beneficial vitamins and substances involved in almost all processes.

In the store you can unknowingly buy fish and Not fatty varieties, the quality of which is less important for the organism.

Important! In addition to fatty varieties of fish, moderately fatty varieties are also distinguished. This variety is characterized by a moderate balance of trace elements and calories.

Thus, fish of fatty and moderately fatty varieties not only contributes useful trace elements to the diet, but also helps to maintain a figure. At the same time, the dishes are quite hearty and tasty. In order not to confuse fish varieties, it is important to know which species belong to which varieties.

List of varieties of river and sea oily fish:

Type of fish Variety feature Product calorie content
Catfish Great effect on brain activity especially children. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels. The number of calories is 104, and fat is 3.6.
Pink salmon It is maximally enriched with nicotinic acid. Thanks to this content, quickly and efficiently relieves stress. 147 calories and fat by a factor of 7.
Flounder This is a marine variety of oily fish, which differs not only in its nutritional value and beneficial properties, but also contains a high concentration of iodine. In 100 grams boiled product 106 calories. Fat - 2.6.
Mackerel A marine representative of this variety, which, in addition to many useful qualities has wonderful taste. The calorie content of mackerel is 191, and fats are 13.2.
Pangasius Reduces blood cholesterol levels, so ideal for people who are struggling with overweight or follow a medical diet. Calories - 147, fat - 2.8.
Cod The most valuable part of this variety of fish is the liver.

Vitamins and elements contained in the product have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and the state of blood vessels.

The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 76, but at the same time it contains approximately 0.7 fat.
Carp River fish, which in its properties almost completely corresponds to marine species. The nutritional value is 95 calories, the protein content in 100 grams of the product is 19.9.
sea ​​bass In excess, it contains omega 3 acid. It increases immunity and completely eliminates the appearance of blood clots. Calories - 95, fats - 1.5.
capelin The main advantage of capelin is that it is inexpensive, and taste qualities And beneficial features are at a high level. Nutritional value - 99, protein - 22.9.
Pollock Improves skin condition and has a positive effect on work digestive tract. The nutritional value of the product is 122, the protein content is 25.1.
Keta Has a wonderful taste. Trace elements contribute to the active and correct work all body systems. Nutritional value - 144.
Trout Ideal for people who suffer from wrong exchange substances. Favorably affects hematopoietic processes. Calorie content is lower than that of any other fish - 89, fats - 3.
Salmon It contains a huge amount of omega 3 acids, but at the same time it has a high calorie content. Nutrition is 108, and fat is 1.3.
Halibut and Tilapia They have almost identical characteristics. Improves heart function and stabilizes blood pressure. Nutritional value 132.
Tuna A fairly affordable variety of fatty fish, which remarkably affects the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Contains 156 calories.
Perch River fish is an oily variety that has a wonderful sweetish taste and contains a lot of phosphorus, improving brain activity. The nutritional value is 157 units.


Popular representatives of fatty fish, such as carp, salmon, silver carp, have a huge amount of useful macro and microelements. This also includes pearl fish.

The benefits for the body when using such a product are not appreciable. It is necessary at least once a week to consume at least 100 grams of the product in any form.

Sea and lake fish of fatty varieties has many useful qualities:

  1. oily fish rich omega 3, therefore, coordinates the work of almost all body systems.
  2. Enriched with acids, which significantly increases the chances of fighting cancer cells and infectious diseases.
  3. The product is remarkably digestible and promotes rapid assimilation. Helps in the fight against excess weight, but it does not exhaust the body.
  4. It is recommended for children to eat, as it improves brain activity.
  5. Marine species contain a huge amount of iodine, which means they control the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Amino acids have a wonderful effect on the condition of the skin.

The main thing is to prepare the product correctly, otherwise it will do harm, not benefit. Skillfully combined fish with other products will improve digestibility and enhance the beneficial properties of the dish.


River fish, even fatty varieties, like sea fish, can bring not only benefits, but also harm. And although the list negative impact on a small organism, it still exists.

Harm of fatty fish:

The main condition in order not to turn benefit into harm is proper preparation.

Fish protein is best absorbed by the human body. This protein is healthier than meat. Marine goods can be bought at any store.

The ideal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates makes the dish dietary. Find out what marine fish are, look at the photo with the names.

Description and characteristics of marine fish

The underwater world is rich in a variety of species of inhabitants. IN sea ​​depths you can meet countless thousands of individuals who please with their appearance or frighten with huge teeth.

  1. Cod representatives. dietary view, which include hake, haddock, hake, cod and other white varieties.

    They called the fish "chicken" for a small amount of bones in meat. useful variety helps to overcome beriberi and rickets due to the vitamin composition.

  2. mackerel group has a peculiar stripe. The meat is tender and fatty compared to white varieties.

    It contains vitamin D and omega-3, which help maintain immunity.

  3. Scad group. Subspecies - more than 200 individuals. Horse mackerel has a slightly sour taste, the fat content of meat is no more than 5%. The class includes seriola, lychia, caranxa.
  4. Scorpion family. A species called "sea bass" is known. Fatty varieties of fish that are popular with cooks.
  5. Spar group. On the shelves of stores, a mix of Cuban crucian carp, chon fish and other representatives will be sold as oceanic crucian. The fat content of meat reaches 10%.
  6. notothenic family. A fatty variety, the main representatives of which have tender, almost boneless meat. Fat content - up to 25%.
  7. Gorbyl representatives. There are more than 150 subspecies of individuals. Reminiscent of the taste of the river, do not have a sharp sea smell.

    Famous representatives are captain fish, trout, umbrina.

  8. Herring and her friends. Source of income for most port cities.
  9. Smelt. The main known representative is capelin. Despite small size, is in demand on store shelves.

And that's not all representatives. The sea and the ocean are a space that has not been fully explored. Fish is the basis daily diet proper nutrition.

Everyone a representative is easy to find on store shelves in raw and ready-made form.

Types of edible marine fish

The habitat is the sea. Such species differ from their river relatives big amount useful minerals and vitamins in meat. Conventionally, marine life can be classified into 6 groups.

Check out the list in the table:

Representatives of predators are sharks. Its meat is eaten as a delicacy. Mercury accumulates in meat, which complicates the cooking process. Sharks number more than 450 species.

herring species do not have scales on their heads. Representatives have small teeth, a simple color. Meat is rich in protein and vitamin A.

Herring- one of the most popular marine abodes. A similar group is mackerels.

Habitual Marine life like cod, mackerel often end up on our table.

Flounder - dietary meat, saturated with phosphorus, selenium and vitamins of group B. Halibut is a fatty type of flounder family.

There are more than 500 subspecies in the group. Eating such varieties prevents the development of atherosclerosis and improves blood flow.

The cod group is the largest. It includes white varieties of fish. The garfish family are individuals of the garfish.

When cooked, the meat changes color to green, this normal phenomenon. This needle-like appearance is delicious.

Names of oily, white and red fish

As part of fish meat the percentage of proteins is much higher than the fat content. Low-fat varieties are suitable for diet food, caloric content of white meat - no more than 100 kcal per 100 g.

The fat content of representatives is up to 1.5%. These are pollock, argentina, hake, blue whiting, saithe, etc. White meat is easy to digest useful material quickly absorbed by the body.

Important! Include white varieties of fish in your diet and improve your well-being.

Red varieties like pink salmon, trout, salmon are medium fat fish. This group includes herring, tuna, horse mackerel.

The average calorie content is higher than the low-fat group - up to 150 kcal per 100 g. Low-fat fish is included in the diet of children and athletes.

Salmon and cod are suitable for salting, frying and stewing - as the culinary fantasy dictates.

To bold species include representatives whose meat exceeds the fat content of 7%. Caloric content - more than 200 kcal per 100 g.

Halibut, eel, mackerel - fatty varieties are the most healthy for health, contain a huge amount of polyunsaturated acids. Suitable for feeding people leading active image life.

How useful is such a fish for humans?

Fish is not inferior to pork or beef in protein ratio. Polyunsaturated fats do not allow cholesterol to accumulate.

It is worth including seafood in your diet for several reasons:

  1. Vitamin composition.
  2. Iodine and other trace elements.
  3. Omega 3.

in sea fish most iodine. The river can not boast of such a rich composition. Use marine products contributes to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

It also strengthens the immune system, improves memory, reduces pain syndrome. Eat marine representatives to avoid heart attacks and strokes.

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What is the fattest fish used by culinary specialists for cooking second and first courses? This is the question we will answer in this article. We will also tell you about whether such a product can be useful for the human body and what dishes can be prepared from it at home.

What is the fattest fish in our country?

Few people know, but the most oily fish lives in Lake Baikal. This is golomyanka. There are two varieties of it: large and small. Regardless of the type, her body is 40 percent fat. By the way, the small golomyanka often reaches a length of 15 centimeters, and a large one - 25.

Details about golomyanka

Now you know which fish is the fattest in our country. It is almost invisible in the water. This is due to the fact that her body is transparent. She lives alone. In addition, golomyanka is the only one in our latitudes.

Can you fry?

The fattest golomyanka fish living in the waters of Lake Baikal is not commercial. Also, it is not used for fattening livestock. However, she has great importance in the eco chain. After all, the bulk of Baikal feeds on it.

Having learned what the fattest fish lives in our latitudes, many ask the question of whether it is possible to fry it. The hostesses who tried to use it in cooking claim that after heat treatment they only have melted fat and a small skeleton. That is why golomyanka is not caught by fishermen and is not used for cooking various dishes.

What is the fattest?

Probably, there are no such people who would not like red fish. After all, it is very tasty and nutritious.

We talked about the fattest fish that lives in Lake Baikal above. However, we found out that it is impossible to use it for cooking. That is why most people buy red fish, which has a fat content of 10 to 20 percent (depending on the season).

So what is the fattest fish after golomyanka? The second step of the pedestal in terms of the content of this substance is occupied by all representatives of salmon. The most popular of them are trout and salmon. Their meat is very tender and tasty. Moreover, these types of fish are practically devoid of small bones.

How does oily fish affect the body?

Salmon, the fattest fish from boasts high concentration omega-3, as well as its ideal ratio with omega-6. Similar balance fatty acids have only flax-seed and walnuts.

With the regular use of red fish for food, a person can normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, avoid the appearance of thrombophlebitis, as well as improve blood circulation and strengthen arteries, immunity and have a beneficial effect on the liver.

In a person who regularly includes this product in their diet, the risk of death from heart disease is significantly reduced. One serving of a dish made from fish a week will prevent the likelihood of a pathology such as rheumatoid arthritis.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of fatty fish for older people. After all, thanks to its use, a person is able to prolong own life for several years.

Few people know that oily fish is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent for the brain and heart. It is impossible not to say that as a result of long-term studies, experts have found that the substances contained in fatty fish have a positive effect on sexual function male body.

How to cook at home?

What is the fattest fish for frying best? Of course, salmon. It is good to fry in small quantities. olive oil pre-dipped in breadcrumbs. In addition, such fish is baked (usually in foil), smoked and salted. It is also often kept in a fragrant marinade, and then cooked on coals.

If you want to get a liquid and nutritious dish, then from the head and fins of salmon it is good to cook fish soup with the addition of rice or barley hodgepodge.

After heat treatment, red fish acquires a delicate structure. And it is simply impossible to digest it.

If you are planning to make sandwiches from red fish, then you just need to sprinkle it lightly with salt, leave it for a day, and then cut it into thin slices, place it on a piece of bread and sprinkle with lemon juice. By the way, it is from salmon and trout that everyone's favorite sushi and rolls are made.

Other types of oily fish

Despite the beneficial properties of red fish (it is rich in minerals and vitamins), not everyone can buy it. After all, its cost exceeds 500-600 Russian rubles per 1 kilogram. Therefore, ordinary residents of our country prefer to purchase more affordable, but no less healthy and oily fish. These are northern herring and pink salmon. They contain many minerals, as well as high-grade proteins.

Summing up

Now you know which types of fish are the fattest. Despite the high calorie content, they are very useful for human body. After all, they contain an incredible amount of vitamins and fatty acids. Moreover, compared to more dietary varieties they have an unsurpassed taste and aroma. Using them, you can cook not only second and first courses, but also various salads, sandwiches, snacks and even pies.

Believe me, by including in your diet you will definitely become healthier and stronger.

Fish is the product that perfectly balances all the vitamins and microelements that contribute to mental activity, good health, ideal appearance. Many therapeutic diets or diets for weight loss include fish dishes.

Any fish is useful for the body, but fatty fish varieties are more easily digestible and rich in amino acids. At the same time, it doesn’t matter if a sea or river specimen is listed on the menu.

Note! Residents of coastal areas are less likely to complain about problems with the heart and the cardiovascular system in general. People who eat fish at least 2-3 times a week practically do not suffer from depression.

Fatty fish are quickly and easily digested, unlike others. meat products. There is a conditional division of all varieties of fish into three categories: fatty, medium fat and lean.

Most often, fish is included in diet menus, as it replaces all heavy foods that contain protein. At the same time, all components are remarkably absorbed. It is important to consider the varieties of oily fish and the main characteristics of the product that best describe the properties.

List of river and sea fish of fatty varieties:

Variety name The nutritional value Main characteristics
Catfish Fats - 5.3, calories - 126. Inhabitant of the seas and oceans. Great amount vitamins and minerals makes fish unique product which can be used in any form. Favorably affects the thought process.
Cod 100 grams of the product contains 0.7 amount of fat. Energy value is 78 calories. Refers to fatty varieties. The main feature is that the meat has a high nutritional value.

The liver is of particular value, as it improves the structure of the blood, stabilizes the work of the heart and circulatory system.

Trout The amount of fat is 2.1, and the calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 97. Rich in omega 3 acids. All vitamins contained in excess, help hematopoietic system work most efficiently and effectively.
Mackerel 100g finished product contains 11.9 fat, calorie content is 181. All vitamins and amino acids of the product are easily absorbed. Does not cause allergic reactions. hearty and various ways cooking.
Pink salmon Fat - 6.5, 142 calories per 100 grams of fresh filet. Valuable variety of oily fish, contains nicotinic acid therefore, the use of dishes prepared from the product has a positive effect on the nervous system and its work.
Salmon 13.6 is the amount of fat and 201 calories. Valuable variety, which belongs to fat look. Like trout is rich various acids and vitamins. It fills you up quickly, yet is easily digestible.
Flounder Fat - 1.8, calories approximately 78. Sea fish, which is enriched with iodine. This has a positive effect on thyroid gland and immunity in general.
Pangasius Fats - 2.9, The nutritional value of the product is - 89. Rich in macro- and microelements. Balances metabolism. Favorably affects the skin.
capelin 11.5 fat content, the nutritional value – 157. A huge amount of B vitamins. Enriched with iodine and macronutrients that stabilize blood cholesterol levels.
sea ​​bass 99 calories per 100 grams of product, fat content - 15.3. Micro and macro elements help to improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and strengthen bone tissues.
Salmon 140 calories, 6 - fat. Improves blood flow, reduces risk cardiovascular diseases. Protects against the formation of blood clots.
Tuna Fat - 1.101 calories. Reduces risk cancer reduces the risk of disease and inflammatory processes in organism.
Keta 5.6 - the amount of fat, 138 - calories. Rules out atherosclerosis. Nutrients that help improve metabolism.
Halibut 3 – fat content, 102 - calorie content. Saves vision. Actively saturates the body.
Pollock 0.9 - fat, 72 - nutritional value. Protects against loss of hair, nails and teeth. Ideal for nursing mothers. Helps maintain connective tissues.
Tilapia 1.7 - fat, 97 - calorie content. Ideally balances the diet of children, nursing mothers, the elderly. Content a large number fats and acids.
Carp 2.7 - fatty acids, 97 - nutritional value. Prevents anemia, improves the immune system.
silver carp The amount of fat is 0.9, 86 - calories. Balance the work of the central nervous system. Prevents the development of many diseases.
Carp 5.3 - fat, 112 - the degree of saturation. Good for mucous membranes. Antioxidant effect.
Perch Sea: 115 calories, river: 82. A dietary dish, in whatever form it is served at the table. Enriches the body with useful macronutrients.

Benefit and harm

Any fish is enriched with valuable acids and macronutrients. The benefits of fatty and lean fish varieties are undeniable. It does not matter where the catch was made in the river or, the sea or the ocean.

But apart from positive impacts on a person, negative effects can also be produced:

Naturally, it is red fish that has the greatest value. This snag lies in the method of cultivation and the small number of individuals. White fish of fatty varieties is of the same importance for the human body as varieties of red fish.

Important! Properly prepare the product. It is possible to preserve the useful properties as much as possible if the fillet is baked, boiled.

Pearl fish is a separate family, which is distinguished by its small size. But this is a fatty variety, which is represented by a huge variety and low price.

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Fatty fish list and health benefits

Fatty fish have fat in tissues and in abdominal cavity in area gastrointestinal tract. Its fillet contains up to 30% fat, although this figure varies both within and between species. For example, fatty fish include small forage fish such as herring and anchovies, as well as other large pelagic fish such as salmon, trout, and mackerel ().

Oily fish can be compared to white fish, which only contain fat in the liver (much less than oily fish). White fish include, etc. White fish is usually a demersal fish that lives on seabed or close to it, while oily fish are pelagic - live in the water column.

Fatty fish meat is good source vitamins A and D and rich ( white fish also contains these nutrients but at a much lower concentration). For this reason, consuming fatty fish rather than white fish may be more beneficial for humans, especially in relation to cardiovascular disease ().

However, oily fish are known to carry more high levels pollutants (such as mercury or dioxin) than white fish. Among the others beneficial effects researchers note that omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish may help improve inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

Oily sea fish: list

Oily fish contains a significant amount of fat in all tissues of the body and in the abdominal cavity. Here is a list of oily fish:

  • sea ​​trout
  • anchovies
  • sardines
  • sprat
  • saithe
  • tuna
  • shark
  • Atlantic sturgeon
  • sea ​​bass
  • flounder

Elderly people who eat fish or seafood at least once a week are less likely to develop dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. In addition to providing vascular protection, omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil, may reduce inflammation in the brain and play a role in brain development and regeneration nerve cells ().

In a French study published in 2002 in British medical journal(BMJ), were attended by 1774 elderly residents of southern France for seven years. Scientists studied how much they consumed meat and seafood, and how this was associated with the presence of symptoms of dementia.

The conclusion was that people who ate fish at least once a week had significantly more low risk diagnosing dementia for seven years. This study strengthened the results of studies Annals of Neurology. Due to the longer study period BMJ provided stronger evidence of a genuine protective effect.

Cardiovascular diseases

Consuming 200-400 grams of oily fish twice a week may also help prevent sudden death due to myocardial infarction, preventing cardiac arrhythmia ().

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), found in fish oil, appears to drastically reduce inflammation by converting within the body to resolvins with beneficial effects on of cardio-vascular system and arthritis ().

In 1994 UK Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA) recommended that people eat at least two servings of fish per week, one of which should be oily fish.

In 2004 UK Food Standards Agency published recommendations on recommended minimum and maximum quantities oily fish to eat per week to balance the beneficial properties of omega-3 fatty acids and potential hazards use of polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins. It reaffirmed the 1994 guidelines of two servings of fish per week, including one serving of oily fish. However, it was recommended to eat no more than four servings per week, and no more than two servings for pregnant or breastfeeding women ().

protection agency environment USA (EPA) indicates that the maximum allowable oral dose toxic substance methylmercury is 0.1 micrograms per kg of body weight per day. The corresponding blood mercury limit is 5.8 µg/L. Restrictions apply to certain oily fish:

  • marlin
  • swordfish
  • shark
  • tuna (to a lesser extent) ()

The recommendations for maximum oily fish intake were up to four servings (1 serving = 140 g) per week for men, boys, and women past childbearing age, and up to two servings per week for women. childbearing age including pregnant and lactating women and girls. There is no recommended limit on the consumption of white fish.

Guidelines EPA And USDA for 2007 set a limit only for the consumption of oily fish with more than one part per million of methylmercury, in particular:

  • malacantha
  • king mackerel
  • shark
  • swordfish

However, there are restrictions for breastfeeding/pregnant women and children under the age of six. These populations should completely avoid eating fish with high risk mercury contamination (listed above), and limit fish consumption to moderate and low content methylmercury up to 340 grams per week. Albacore tuna (albacore) should be limited to 170 grams or less per week.

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