Didenko Siberian regional center. Vice Governor Oleg Klimov - about the conflict with the General of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the latest tragedies. Vice Governor Oleg Klimov - about the conflict with the General of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the latest tragedies

The meeting was held in the building of the Ural Regional Center at Sheinkman, 84. The event was not public, but its participants talk about it in social networks: firstly, many received a notification about the upcoming staff reduction, and secondly, the meeting made a painfully strong impression on them with the "liquidator".

The conversation began with the fact that the general raised two people with long hair from their seats. “Here you are, shaggy, and here you are! Get up, ”an eyewitness recalls his words. Two forty-year-old men, still not understanding what was happening, got up from their seats. "What's on your head? Is this a feature?" the general asked.

Further, according to the participant of the meeting, the general talked for about 30 minutes on the topic of the inadmissibility of a beard and long hair. One of the main theses, which he repeated several times, was: “No matter how many you saved and how professional you are, no one sees you there. Here you are filmed by cameras. If you are dirty and hairy, you have no place in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.” Eyewitnesses say that the general even asked if the rescuers had lice.

“Against the background of K. Bryullov’s painting The Last Day of Pompeii, we were trampled into the mud,” one of the rescuers shared his feelings. - The guys were silent, because the head of the detachment, the honored lifeguard, was silent. And General Miroshnichenko was silent.

Ironically, it was precisely these rescuers “with long hair” that the same Miroshnichenko (still the head of the Ural Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) awarded a year ago for an extreme search expedition to the Dyatlov Pass, when they, having overcome more than 300 km in 30-degree frosts along mountain ranges on snowmobiles, delivered to the place of death of the Chelyabinsk tourist, the criminologist of the Investigative Committee.

Today, many employees of the UrPSO do not have confidence that they will continue to work: they, like the employees of the Ural Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, were given notifications of the upcoming reorganization and job cuts the day before. At the beginning of the new year, Sergei Didenko should come to Yekaterinburg again and discuss the continuation of a career personally with each employee. “After the 10th, I will come with a check and fire,” one of the participants in the meeting broadcasts the words of the general.

The press service of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations commented on the incident. “I myself was not at the meeting, it is difficult for me to evaluate, and it would be incorrect to comment on the actions of the leader,” Irina Butenko, head of the press service of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, told URA.Ru. “My personal opinion: since we are people of the state system, which has weight not only in the country, but throughout the world, the appearance of a person (whether in uniform or not) is important: he must look worthy, according to the status of a representative of the ministry.”

Sergey Didenko came to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after serving in the army (1985-1999). Like many senior officials in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Didenko is a tanker. In February - March 1995, he took part in the hostilities in the Chechen Republic. In the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he held various senior positions, and became the main rescuer of Siberia in October 2015. Didenko became famous all over the country last year, when, against the backdrop of a general delay in payments to firefighters, he asked Minister Puchkov for material assistance for himself in the amount of 600 thousand rubles "due to the difficult financial situation."

Against the background of upcoming layoffs and meager salaries in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Minister Vladimir Puchkov allocates hundreds of thousands of rubles in assistance to his generals. The leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations spoke about this in detail at the first collegium in 2016, which was recently held at the National Anti-Crisis Center.

According to the deputy head of the department, Vladimir Stepanov, who made the main report at the board, it is necessary to optimize the staffing of the main regional departments and the central office.

Employees have long been whispering on the sidelines of the Ministry of Emergency Situations about what is pretentiously called optimization. It got to the point that even a protest action of the capital's firefighters was being prepared, who wanted to go outside in front of the minister's office on Teatralnaya Street in Moscow and protest against low salaries. The action did not take place, apparently, the bosses, by promises or intimidation, somehow settled relations with their subordinates. But in itself, the announcement of this action, unprecedented for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, gave rise to great gossip within the department. Here is what the TASS news agency reported on January 22. “Regional centers (RCs) of the EMERCOM of Russia will save in 2016 the budgetary funds allocated for their financing, in particular, by enlarging (merging) some fire brigades. This decision was made at a meeting in the ministry under the leadership of its head Vladimir Puchkov. According to him, the purpose of this work is "to increase the efficiency of spending funds." As Deputy Head of the Southern Regional Center Stanislav Ropotov noted, as a result of optimization, the number of fire brigades will be 49 instead of the existing 69.”

Indeed, now is not the best of times, it is difficult for all state employees. Mostly very adequate people who understand all this work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Although the salaries of the rank and file are really low. And when you have a young wife, a child, lack of housing and a salary of thirty thousand rubles a month, then the prospects of being on the street do not add optimism. But employees, probably, could somehow understand their leadership, if not for the shocking documents that suddenly became public.

One of them is a statement by the head of the Siberian Regional Center, Sergei Didenko, addressed to the minister with a request to provide him with financial assistance in the amount of 600 thousand rubles in connection with a difficult financial situation. And, interestingly, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations granted this request.

It should be clarified here that Sergei Didenko was appointed to this position just a few months ago, namely on October 1 last year. At the same time, along with a position that tens of thousands of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can only dream of, the officer received a second general's star on shoulder straps, becoming a lieutenant general. Accordingly, he received an additional increase in salary. It is very difficult to admit that the general's financial situation is extremely difficult. As the people say: "General is not a title, it is happiness."

Now in all of Siberia, General Didenko is the main rescuer. If he already has a difficult financial situation, then it is easy to imagine what situation the rest are in - ordinary employees of the department: firefighters, psychologists, explosives experts, divers, mine rescuers.

For many days now, social networks have been hotly discussing the speech of one of the top leaders of the ministry at a recent meeting. Employees with experience easily recognized Deputy Minister Alexander Chupriyan in the orator. The general from the "old guard", who stood at the origins of the formation of the department, knows firsthand what is happening now in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In the current situation, Chupriyan considered it impossible to hush up the problems and sharply criticized the established order in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Here are just a few of what Colonel-General Alexander Chupriyan spoke about at the meeting.

There is no high readiness. As there was a minuscule in the guard, so he remained, we did not strengthen anything, we did not turn on any additional equipment. And this slyness that permeates the entire system, it eats with pleasure at every level from the main administration to the regional center, from the regional center to the NTsUKS. We play, that's all... I'll share my impressions after trips to the subjects where I was sent to understand what kind of atmosphere is in our teams in connection with non-payment of wages. This is a unique feeling of shame, you don’t know what to do with your eyes, although the next year has already come ... I spoke with many specialists and in general I want to emphasize that employees are determined that they will not receive money. But in almost every unit I was asked one question: “For what? Why are you firing me? I am forty years old, fifteen years of service, not a single penalty, I have a family”… And we fire them. But in fact, these are piece people: from articulated lifts, from “fifty” ladders, from other special equipment, squad commanders, assistant chiefs of guards, who have to be trained for decades. And then there is an installation: to fire and not hire anyone. Do you even realize that you have included the process of euthanasia? What is now above the fourth floor is no longer protected by us. I'm trying to look into the eyes of the chiefs of headquarters. And they told me: "Such an indication." Listen, well, I don’t communicate with robots ...

This performance by Alexander Chupriyan turned out to be extremely sharp and emotional. And yet, for some reason, it remained ignored by almost everyone. The discussion is conducted only in social networks and, in a whisper, on the sidelines of the department. All this emphasizes and confirms two facts. The first - the Ministry of Emergency Situations is in a fever. And the second - inside the department, many are afraid to speak the truth openly. But if the current deputy minister voices such facts, it means that in the department that was once considered exemplary, big problems and a lot of discontent have really accumulated, which at any moment, having reached a critical level, can explode.

Sergei Didenko, head of the Siberian Regional Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, visited Yekaterinburg. The day before, Didenko met with employees of the URC and members of the Ural Search and Rescue Team.

The meeting was held in the building of the Ural Regional Center at Sheinkman, 84. The event was not public, but its participants talk about it in social networks: firstly, many received a notification about the upcoming staff reduction, and secondly, the meeting made a painfully strong impression on them with the "liquidator".

The conversation began with the fact that the general raised two people with long hair from their seats. “Here you are, shaggy, and here you are! Get up, ”an eyewitness recalls his words. Two forty-year-old men, still not understanding what was happening, got up from their seats. "What's on your head? Is this a feature?" the general asked.

Further, according to the participant of the meeting, the general talked for about 30 minutes on the topic of the inadmissibility of a beard and long hair. One of the main theses, which he repeated several times, was: “No matter how many you saved and how professional you are, no one sees you there. Here you are filmed by cameras. If you are dirty and hairy, you have no place in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.” Eyewitnesses say that the general even asked if the rescuers had lice.

“Against the background of K. Bryullov's painting The Last Day of Pompeii, we were trampled into the mud,” one of the rescuers shared his feelings. - The guys were silent, because the head of the detachment, the honored rescuer, was silent. And General Miroshnichenko was silent.

Ironically, it was precisely these rescuers “with long hair” that the same Miroshnichenko (still the head of the Ural Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) awarded a year ago for an extreme search expedition to the Dyatlov Pass, when they, having overcome more than 300 km in 30-degree frosts along mountain ranges on snowmobiles, delivered to the place of death of the Chelyabinsk tourist, the criminologist of the Investigative Committee.

Today, many employees of the UrPSO do not have confidence that they will continue to work: they, like the employees of the Ural Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, were given notifications of the upcoming reorganization and job cuts the day before. At the beginning of the new year, Sergei Didenko should come to Yekaterinburg again and discuss the continuation of a career personally with each employee. “After the 10th, I will come with a check and fire,” one of the participants in the meeting broadcasts the words of the general.

The press service of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations commented on the incident. “I myself was not at the meeting, it is difficult for me to evaluate, and it would be incorrect to comment on the actions of the leader,” Irina Butenko, head of the press service of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, told URA.Ru. “My personal opinion: since we are people of the state system, which has weight not only in the country, but throughout the world, the appearance of a person (whether in uniform or not) is important: he must look worthy, according to the status of a representative of the ministry.”

Sergey Didenko came to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after serving in the army (1985-1999). Like many senior officials in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Didenko is a tanker. In February - March 1995, he took part in the hostilities in the Chechen Republic. In the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he held various senior positions, and became the main rescuer of Siberia in October 2015. Didenko became famous all over the country last year, when, against the backdrop of a general delay in payments to firefighters, he asked Minister Puchkov for material assistance for himself in the amount of 600 thousand rubles "due to the difficult financial situation."

An ex-employee of the disbanded Ural Aviation Rescue Center, Anatoly Dolgovykh, wrote an open letter to the President criticizing the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In response, the head of the Siberian regional center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, according to a source, called the Dolgovs a person with "low social responsibility."

Considering that quite recently Vladimir Putin used the same phrase in relation to the priestesses of love, what is at stake is not at all difficult to guess.

I don't want to take all these nuances: they are so petty and simply show the very low social responsibility of a person who decided to throw a spoonful of tar into a barrel of honey. We are ready for this, for God's sake: honey always pushes out everything foreign. I do not want to say that we are honey, we are the Ministry of Emergency Situations, although the initial letters are similar. Anyone can stop any car and find 100 flaws in it or go to any institution and find 100 flaws in it. This is called “criticism,” Didenko said.

For harsh criticism of his former subordinate, the lieutenant general was not too lazy to fly to the Urals and arrange a big press conference in Yekaterinburg. At the same time, he replaced the head of the Ural division. And despite the fact that the official reason for leaving the post of Valery Kudinov was his own desire, it seems that this is how the letter from his subordinate came back to him.

Difficult financial situation

General Didenko is generally quite cheerfully walking up the career ladder. Having worked for more than 10 years in command posts in the Ministry of Defense, in 2011-2015 he headed the Department of Civil Protection of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, and in 2015 he was appointed head of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergencies, which then combined the Ural and Siberian divisions.

He also worked as deputy head of the Volga Regional Center, where he received the rank of general. For what merits, however, is unknown. But, according to his subordinates, he was still that tyrant - he allegedly mocked his subordinates and put them in a corner, and having received a “suggestion” from above, he took out his anger on employees. Evil tongues say that when he went from Moscow to work in Nizhny Novgorod, they didn’t cry for joy there - is he really now gladly accepted back?

He behaved interestingly and headed the SRC of the Ministry of Emergencies: in January 2016, it turned out that he had asked for ... material assistance for 600 thousand rubles in connection with the "difficult financial situation." And after all received! And here the question is brewing: if a general who has taken a high position (and received at the same time a solid increase in salary) complains of poverty, then how do his subordinates live?

Or did Didenko cheat and simply put Minister Vladimir Puchkov in an uncomfortable position?

Burning Siberia

One of the main ideas of the letter of the former paratrooper rescuer, which he published on his page in social networks, was the lack of communication between pilots and rescuers as such. He also drew attention to the lack of helicopters, parachutes and the general terrible state of technology.

And everything would be fine - indeed, in which of the departments are they completely satisfied with the logistics? - but the Ministry of Emergency Situations has recently been coping so badly with its duties that this leads to certain thoughts.

Forests burn every year in Siberia. By the end of June, the total area of ​​fires exceeded 75 thousand hectares, even the Baikal-Lena Reserve in the Irkutsk region was on fire. Transbaikalia is suffocating in smoke, the area of ​​forest fires in the first half of summer increased by 3,000 hectares almost daily. And now it turns out that the rescuers are not doing their job due to the poor condition of the equipment. Although funds for these purposes are constantly allocated. So where are they?

For example, 1.74 billion rubles were allocated by the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the purchase of Be-200 fire-fighting amphibious aircraft. No one saw the planes, because instead of them they bought ... fire engines. To Crimea. And the Siberian division, instead of the latest high-performance aircraft, got one helicopter, which is used in some unknown place and how.

However, representatives of the department cheerfully reported to the claims of the investigative committee: if we had not used the money, they would have been stolen. Well, well, no matter how! Maybe someone just received kickbacks to Puchkov's department?

In the SRC of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this, it seems, would not surprise anyone. For kickbacks, for example, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Omsk region, Yevgeny Leshchev, was imprisoned. During the construction of the Ural Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is also under the jurisdiction of General Didenko, 25 million rubles were stolen. In the same place, in the Urals, a fire station near Novouralsk remained unfinished, the money for which was also stolen. And all this already looks not like isolated cases, but like a developed system.

An awl for soap?

It looks like Didenko truly deserved a promotion. It is all the more ridiculous that if he nevertheless gets the post of deputy minister, he will be put in the place of Leonid Belyaev, who was vacated in November 2016. In relation to him, the military prosecutor's office of the St. Petersburg garrison and the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg are still being checked.

Belyaev headed the St. Petersburg Ministry of Emergency Situations from 2006 to 2015. During this time, his family acquired about 20 apartments. And the money for this, it seems, was taken from the corruption schemes he was running, including money he was paid by developers for “biased” approval of his work. The total amount of detected violations exceeded 10 billion rubles. Against this background, it already seems insignificant that he arranged for a good position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of his nephew.

And only the department sighed without Belyaev - they prepared a replacement for him. And it seems that Didenko can achieve even greater "success" in his post than the previous deputy minister. But before implementing the accumulated experience, he should remember that the predecessor will most likely end up in prison ...







Recommended list of dissertations

  • Conditions and factors for optimizing the management of a region with high natural and technogenic risk 1999, candidate of psychological sciences Fridman, Elena Volkovna

  • Models of decision-making in the formation of a reserve of leading personnel of the fire department 2007, candidate of technical sciences Shavyrina, Tatyana Aleksandrovna

  • Value Foundations of the Professional Activities of the Military Personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia: A Socio-Philosophical Analysis 2006, candidate of philosophical sciences Akimov, Yuri Nikolaevich

  • Managing the staffing of the state youth policy in the region 2008, candidate of sociological sciences Boyarinova, Irina Vladimirovna

  • Management of professional training of state civil servants: on the example of regional environmental security bodies 2007, candidate of sociological sciences Pryazhnikova, Diana Enkhbaatarovna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Management of the development of professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region"

Relevance of the research topic. The practice of recent years shows that technological evolution affects not only all spheres of the development of society, but also a significant part of nature (eco-environment). She sharply raised the question of the ability of public institutions to effectively manage internal phenomena associated with individual human activity, which led to the formation of qualitatively new requirements for solving the problem of social stabilization. One of the options for such a solution, which is differently evaluated by politicians, scientists and the public, obviously, should be considered the globalization of world development due to the evolution of world communication networks. In the process of globalization, “the noosphere, about which V. Vernadsky wrote more than half a century ago as a kind of almost philosophical category, quite recently, in the mid-nineties, condensed into a quite tangible technological reality”1.

This process has both positive and negative consequences. Among the clearly tangible negative consequences of global technologization is the increase in risks, dangers and threats to the life of a particular person and all of humanity.

One of the answers to this challenge of civilizational development was the formation of the sociology of security as an independent scientific discipline. The object of research in it is the systemic relationship between a person and his environment, the problems of protecting a person from the dangers that arise in this case.

Research in the field of sociology of security suggests that the problem of security is multidimensional. Its solution requires, firstly, the identification of various sources of danger with the determination of the probability of their implementation and the extent of possible damage. Second, adequate

1 Bratimov O.V., Gorsky Yu.M., Delyagin M.G., Kovalenko A.A. The practice of globalization: games and rules of the new era. - M., 2000. - P. 15. Definition of objects of protection, parameters of their vulnerability in relation to a specific type of impact. Thirdly, the development of measures aimed at preventing adverse events, methods for their localization, mitigation, elimination, etc. The problem is significantly complicated by the fact that a person is simultaneously a subject that creates dangers, an object of exposure to sources of danger, and a subject that counteracts dangers.

Ensuring the safety of a person, society and the natural environment is a complex social task that requires for its correct solution not only the identification and determination of the quantitative characteristics of possible types of hazards, the formation of goals and the corresponding safety criteria, but also the consideration of the laws of social development and a set of conditions that give rise to various types of hazards and threats. Social institutions that carry out prevention of emergency situations (ES) should be functionally ready for practical activities in extreme conditions and for predicting the system of risks that give rise to emergency situations, for implementing a system of preventive measures to prevent their occurrence. This requirement fully applies to the activities of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (MES), which is entrusted with the main functions of preventing emergency situations and eliminating their consequences. Currently, the structures of the Ministry are implementing a broad program of actions aimed at ensuring the security of society and the individual.

Experience shows that the effectiveness of the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at the federal and regional levels depends to a decisive extent on the professionalism of the personnel. Working conditions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations impose specific requirements on employees. These requirements should be formulated and implemented in practice in the form of regulatory documents regulating personnel processes in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The current practice of selection, training and retraining of specialists as a whole makes it possible to ensure a high level of their professional competence. However, there are many unresolved problems related to the insufficient level of vocational education; underdevelopment of some professionally important qualities, incomplete satisfaction of workers with the conditions of professional activity. These and other problems can be solved only if there is a scientifically based strategy for the development of human resources, based on the continuous improvement of the professional competencies of employees. It is especially important at the regional level, since the departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation operate in the most difficult conditions. They are especially characterized by insufficient efficiency of personnel work.

Thus, the relevance of the study is determined by:

The importance of activities for the prevention of emergency situations and the elimination of their consequences for improving the quality of life of the population;

The need to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the Ministry of Emergency Situations as the leading structure that implements in practice the prevention of emergency situations;

The importance of the theoretical development and practical implementation of a scientifically based strategy for the formation and development of professional competence of specialists from regional departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The degree of study of the topic.

The need for a scientific approach to ensuring security led to discussions about the choice of further paths for the development of society and the assessment of the resources available for this, which were especially acute in the 80s and 90s. Their important result was the emergence of a number of fundamental works devoted to the analysis of the problem of sustainable development, prepared mainly in line with the noospheric approach, one of the founders of which was V.I. Vernadsky1. His co

1 See: Vernadsky V.I. Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon: Otv. ed. AL. Yanshin. - M., 1991. Temporary followers considered the conceptual foundations of the security of the state, society and the individual, developed the basic concepts used in this area of ​​theoretical research and practice1. Specialists in the field of sociology of security, the most famous among whom is VN Kuznetsov, tend to analyze a wide range of problems related to this topic. In the studies of many of them, the problem of security is closely linked with the solution of the problem of improving the quality of life of the population (E.G. Animitsa, V.P. Babintsev, A.A. Garmashev, A.M. Elokhov, l

S.A. Merkushev and others).

Among the priority areas of research of this kind in recent years is the theory of risks, which is being developed simultaneously within the framework of philosophy, political science and sociology4. An important conclusion in the publications of domestic researchers is the position that “risk and uncertainty acquire the significance of problems of a societal nature, and the study of risk requires its consideration in conjunction with the phenomena of a systemic crisis”5.

1 See: Rats M.V., Sleptsov B.G., Kopylov G.G. Security concept. - M., 1995; Yanovsky R. Global changes and social security. - M., 1999; Yanovsky R.G. Social Dynamics of Humanitarian Change: Sociology of Russia's Chance for a Decent and Safe Life for its Peoples. - M., 2001.

2 See: Kuznetsov V. Security through development. - M., 2000; Kuznetsov V.N. Security Culture: A Case Study (Series "For Our and Your Security"): Supplement to the journal "Security of Eurasia". - M., 2001; Kuznetsov, V. Sociology of Security: Building a Culture of Security in a Transforming Society / Supplement to the Eurasian Security Journal. - M., 2002.

3 See: Animitsa E.G., Elokhov A.M., Sukhikh V.A. The quality of life of the population of the largest city. - Yekaterinburg, 2000; Vasiliev Yu.A. Quality and lifestyle of Russian rural society in the 60-90s: syndrome and lessons of social transformation // Social reforms in Russia: theory and practice. - M., 1996; Merkushev S.A. Quality of life of the urban population of the Perm region: territorial aspect // Territory and society. - Perm, 1999; Babintsev V.P., Garmashev A.A., Ushamirskaya G.F. Strategy for sustainable development of the region and improving the quality of life of the population // Standards and quality. - 2003. - No. 2; Gundarov I. A goal that unites everyone // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. - 1997. - February 4.

4 See: Algin A. Risk and its role in public life. - M., 1989; Beck W. Risk society: Towards another modernity. - M., 2000; Vladimirov V.A. Risk assessment and industrial safety management. - M., 2002; Zubok Yu.A. The problem of risk in the sociology of youth. -M., 2003; Ostroukhov O.V. Risk and emergency in the social system. Dissertation abstract. doctor of social Sciences. - M., 2000; Risk in the social space / Under. ed. A.V. Mozgovoy. - M., 2001; Emergency risk management. - M., 2002; Risk management: risk, sustainable development, synergy. - M., 2000.

5 ZubOk Yu.A. The Phenomenon of Risk in Sociology: The Experience of Youth Research. - M., 2007. - S. 3.

Increasingly, scientists and practitioners are turning their attention to the analysis of emergency situations, the mechanisms of their occurrence and prevention technologies (works by V.A. Akimov, Yu.L. Vorobyov, Yu.G. Glukhovenko, B.N. Porfiriev and a number of other researchers) one. They seek to justify technologies for the prevention of emergencies and the elimination of their consequences, while paying special attention to unresolved problems. Among such problems is the problem of training and effective use of professional staff of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is constantly in the center of attention of psychologists, managers and sociologists2.

To study the topic, of interest are theoretical developments in the field of personnel policy, personnel management, carried out in Russia in the 90s - early 2000s (publications by T.G. Kalacheva, V.A. Maltsev, O.V. Solovyov, V. A.Selemov, A.I.Turchinov, A.A.Khokhlov and other authors)3. Of particular importance in this regard is the study of professional

1 See: Akimov V.A. Assessment of natural and technogenic safety: theory and practice. - M., 1998; Vorobyov Yu. Fundamentals of the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of reducing the risks of emergency situations. - M., 2000; Vorobyov Yu.L. Sustainable development: security of society and the state. - M., 2001; Vorobyov Yu.L. Management of strategic risks of emergency situations in the system of ensuring the national security of Russia // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. - M., 2003; Glukhovenko Yu.M. Assessment of the risk of fires and catastrophes // Problems of safety in emergency situations. Overview information. - M., 1992; Disasters and people. Russian experience of countering emergency situations. - M., 1997; Porfiriev B.N. Emergencies and economic development: the world and modern Russia // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. - M., 2003; Potapov V.Ya. Assessment and forecast of dangers and threats of modern Russia // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. - M., 2003; Ragozin A.L. Assessment and forecast of strategic natural risks in Russia // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. - M., 2003; Shoigu S.K. Vladimirov V.A., Vorobyov Yu.L., Dolgin N.N., Makeev V.A., Shakhramyan M.A. Russian security. Legal, social, economic and scientific and technical aspects. Protection of the population from natural and man-made emergencies - M., 1999.

2 See: Vishnyakov D.Ya. On the role of the human factor in managing strategic risks // Strategic Risks of Emergencies: Assessment and Forecast. - M., 2003; Ivashchenko S.A. The study of individual psychological characteristics of rescuers of the EMERCOM of Russia. Thesis. cand. crazy. Sciences. 19.00.04. - St. Petersburg, 2003.

3 See: Maltsev, V.A., Marchenkov P.A., Kalacheva T.G. Sociological approach to the analysis of the professionalism of civil servants. - M., 1997; Markova, A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M., 1996; Soloviev O.V. Study of personnel processes in the state and municipal government of the region (based on the materials of the Belgorod region). - Belgorod, 2002; Sulemov V.A. State personnel policy in modern Russia: theory, history, new realities. - M., 2006; Turchinov A.I. Actual problems of the state personnel policy of the Russian Federation // Formation of the managerial personnel potential of the region. Collection of materials of the scientific-practical conference. - Belgorod, 2002; Turchinov A.I. The professionalism of a civil servant should be based on the actual competence of personnel, the formation of professionally important qualities in them. A promising direction in this regard is the acmeological approach to the definition and interpretation of professionalism1.

In Russian socio-political science in recent years, issues of social technologies have been actively developed (publications by N.S. Danakin, L.Ya. Dyatchenko, V.M. Zakharov, V.I. Patrushev, V.N. Ivanov, Yu.P. Surmin and other authors). The results of these studies are important in substantiating the technologies for the formation and development of the professional competence of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

However, the analysis shows that at present there are practically no publications that consider the sociological aspects of the development of professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

The idea of ​​the relevance of the topic and the degree of its development in the scientific literature provides a basis for formulating the main problem of the study. It is determined by an unresolved contradiction between the objective need to improve the professional competence of specialists from regional divisions of the Ministry of the Russian Federation in terms of constructive ones. Public Service. - 2003. - No. 2; Turchinov A.I. Social dimension of state personnel policy / A.I. Turchinov // Man and labor. - 2001. - No. 7; Khokhlov A.A. Sociology of staffing of authorities: theoretical and methodological aspect. - Eagle, 1997; Khokhlov A.A. Personnel processes in the system of state power (Sociological analysis). - M., 2000.

1 See: Derkach A.A. Acmeological assessment of the professional competence of civil servants. - M., 2006; Zimnyaya I.A. Key competencies - a new paradigm of the result of education // Higher education today. - 2003. - No. 5.

2 See: Abramov R.N. Network structures and the formation of the information society // SO-CIS. - 2002. - No. 3; Danakin N.S. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the design of social management technologies. - Belgorod, 1996; Diatchenko L.Ya. Social technologies in the management of social processes. - M., 1993; Diatchenko L.Ya. Socio-technological culture as a universal basis for effective social practice in the 21st century // Socio-technological culture as a phenomenon of the 21st century. - Belgorod, 2006. - Part I; Kotelnikov G.A. Synergetics: textbook. - Belgorod, 1995; Lukov V.A. Social design. - M., 1997; Fundamentals of modern social management / Ed. V.N. Ivanova. - M., 2000; Patrushev V.I. Formation and development of socio-technological theory // Social-technological culture as a phenomenon of the XXI century. - Belgorod, 2006. - Part I; Plotinsky Yu.M. Models of social processes. - M., 2001; Surmin Yu.P., Tulenkov N.V. Theory of social technologies: Textbook. - K., 2004; Surmin Yu.P., Tulenkov N.V. methodology and methods of sociological research. - K., 2000. Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief and the lack of studies that offer the most effective ways and forms of solving this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a concept of a system of practical actions aimed at developing the professional competence of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, at introducing effective technologies for managing this process.

The object of the study is the process of professional development of personnel in the subdivisions of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in the region.

The subject of the research is the technologies for managing the development of professional competence of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at the regional level.

The aim of the study is to develop a meaningful technological model for managing the development of professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region.

Research objectives:

Study of the conceptual foundations for the development of professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

Diagnostics of the state of professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Belgorod region;

Substantiation of the management strategy for the development of professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region.

The research hypothesis consists of several interrelated assumptions. First, on the assumption that the solution to the problem of professional competence involves the study of the system of professional competences of specialists, which can be considered as special standards of professional behavior. Since the professional competencies of employees are formed under the influence of multilevel factors, it is permissible to assume that professional education, work experience, conditions of practical activity, and the communication system have a decisive influence on this process. Secondly, the analysis of scientific literature suggests that the acmeological approach has a significant heuristic potential in the study of professional competencies, which should be supplemented with a sociological analysis of the professional dispositions of workers. Thirdly, the generalization of the available empirical data and the analysis of theoretical developments in the field of personnel management make it possible to assume that an effective strategy for managing the development of professional competencies of specialists should be based on the application of a conceptually sound system of regulatory technologies.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the provisions of system analysis, which involves the integration of experience in the development of the philosophical principle of consistency and related categories, as well as the definition on this basis of the conceptual apparatus and modeling tools. The methodology of system analysis provides for the formation of an idea of ​​professional competence as an organized multi-level system that includes the core (center), elements and stable links between them. The system is in constant interaction with the environment. Network analysis1 allows revealing the regularities of this interaction.

The dissertation is based on studies of the problem of professional competence by representatives of the Russian school of acmeology (S.A. Anisimov, A.A. Derkach, V.G. Zazykin, N.I. Konyukhov and others), who substantiated the theory of personal and professional development of civil servants and principles its psychological and acmeological support. The core direction of this activity is to promote the maximum disclosure of the creative potential of employees, assistance in identifying and updating the reserves of personal and professional development.

1 See: Abramov R.N. Network structures and the formation of the information society / RN Abramov // SOCIS. - 2002. - No. 3; Kuznetsov V. Sociology of security: Formation of a culture of security in a transforming society / Supplement to the journal "Security of Eurasia". - M., 2002.

2 See: Derkach A.A. Acmeological assessment of the professional competence of civil servants. - M., 2006; Zimnyaya I.A. Key competencies - a new paradigm of the result of education // Higher education today. - 2003. - No. 5.

The empirical sources of research are:

1. Results of a documentary and statistical analysis of materials related to personnel processes in the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, as well as in the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Belgorod Region1.

2. State regulatory legal acts on the problems of prevention of emergency situations2.

3. Results of a monitoring study conducted by the author in two stages. At the first stage of monitoring (November 2005), 300 specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were interviewed using the method of multistage quota sampling, as well as 24 experts. Among the experts were the heads of structural subdivisions of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Belgorod Region, as well as the heads of the executive authorities of the region, whose functions include ensuring regional security. On the second

1 See: Regulations on the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters [Electronic resource] // Mode of access to the publication: http://www.mchs.gov.ru/8246/. - System requirements: IBM PC; Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters [Electronic resource] // Mode of access to the publication: http://www.rnchs.gov.ru/8246/. - System requirements: IBM PC; Qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties by federal state civil servants of the central apparatus and territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters [Electronic resource] // Access mode to the publication: http: //www.mchs.gov.ru/8246/. - System requirements: IBM PC.

2 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technical Emergencies”. Federal Law of December 4, 2006. No. 206 - Federal Law [Electronic resource] // Access mode to the publication: http://www.mchs.gov.ru/8246/. - System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer; "On Combating Terrorism". Federal Law of March 6, 2006. No. 35 - Federal Law [Electronic resource] // Mode of access to the publication: http://www.mchs.gov.ru/8246/. - System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer; "On the state of emergency" Federal Law of May 30, 2001. No. 3 - FKZ [Electronic resource] // Mode of access to the publication: http://www.mchs.gov.ru/8246/. - System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer; "About fire safety". Federal Law of December 21, 1994. No. 69 - Federal Law [Electronic resource] // Mode of access to the publication: http://www.mchs.gov.ru/8246/. - System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer; "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" Federal Law of December 21, 1994. No. 206-FZ [Electronic resource] // Access mode to the publication: http://www.mchs.gov.ru/8246/. - System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer. During the monitoring phase (December 2006), 196 specialists and 21 experts were interviewed.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it:

A sociological and acmeological approach to the study of the professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is substantiated, considering it as a process and result of the implementation by employees of socially determined standards of behavior in the professional sphere;

A model of sociological monitoring of the professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region has been proposed and tested, including an assessment of the value-semantic, motivational, praxeological elements, as well as the state of the social networks that determine them;

A strategy has been developed to manage the development of professional competence of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region on the basis of a single algorithm, differentiation and operationalization of technological procedures.

Provisions for defense:

1. Sociological and acmeological approach to the study of the problem of professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations involves the study of socially determined standards of professional behavior; sociodynamics of professional qualities; identifying the socially conditioned potential for professional development; increased interest in the value core of the process of professional development of personnel. The professional competence of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is considered as a process and result of the practical implementation of the algorithms (standards) of professional behavior implemented by employees. The main elements of the professional competence of the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are value-semantic, motivational and praxeological.

2. The model for monitoring the professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations includes an assessment of its main elements and the influence of chronotopic, actual praxeological and communicative social networks on them. Monitoring should be carried out annually according to a specially developed program, with the participation of scientists and specialists from personnel services. In this case, it is advisable to combine a questionnaire survey and expert assessment. Approbation of the developed monitoring model made it possible to identify a number of characteristic features of the professional competence of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Belgorod Region. The structure of their professional values ​​is dominated by "values ​​of everyday life", to a somewhat lesser extent - the values ​​of service to society and selfish (material) values. Among the motives dominated by the motives of the prestige of material support. The most formed professional qualities of personnel are: the skills of formulating and solving problems; performance. Among the least developed are the ability to analyze information, the organization of interaction with other law enforcement agencies; skills in working with computers and technology.

3. The successful solution of the problem of increasing the professional competence of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations requires a systematic solution based on a unified strategy. Its formation and implementation are ensured by a clear understanding of the mission of personnel work; observance of the system of general principles underlying personnel technologies; variability of activity and the need for its technologization. Technologies for managing the process of formation and development of professional competence of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region are scientifically based procedures for creating conditions for the implementation of standards of professional behavior, their development and modification. Such procedures include technologies for optimizing social networks, which determine the formation and development of professional competencies, and regulatory technologies for influencing employees, which allow adjusting the standards of their professional behavior through the formation of organizational culture.

The scientific and practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the fact that it formulates practical recommendations for the personnel services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

The program and tools of sociological research can be used to diagnose the state of the human resources potential of the regional departments of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. They are of interest for assessing personnel processes in other public administration structures.

The provisions of the dissertation can be used in teaching courses on sociology, management theory, sociology of management, theory of social technologies, sociology of security in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, including educational institutions of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Approbation of the results of the dissertation was carried out in the form of presentations at scientific and practical conferences: XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Prevention. The rescue. Help (Theory and practice of 15 years in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia); International scientific and practical conference "Social and technological culture as a phenomenon of the XXI century" (Belgorod, 2006).

The dissertation was also tested during the work of the applicant as the first deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Belgorod Region in 2000 - 2006, as well as in the position of deputy director of the Department of Logistics and Armaments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia from 2006 to the present.

The technologies developed in the dissertation were applied in the course of organizing personnel work in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Belgorod Region.

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Sociology of Management", Didenko, Sergey Leonidovich


Ensuring the safety of the lives of Russian citizens is one of the most important tasks of state policy. Without its solution, it is impossible to count on improving the quality of life of the population, on providing favorable conditions for the realization of the individual. Various state bodies are involved in the practical implementation of the security policy. The leading role among them is played by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. Departments of the Ministry operate in various regions of Russia, including the Belgorod region.

The functional tasks of the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have to be solved in extremely difficult conditions of increased risk, insufficient logistics, imperfection of information systems and insufficient readiness of the population to protect themselves from dangers and threats. In this situation, the requirements for the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are increasing. The problem of their quality is turning into a key problem of ensuring the success of activities to prevent emergency situations, eliminate their consequences, and perform other functions assigned to this structure at the federal and regional levels.

An indicator of the quality of personnel of specialists is the level of their professionalism. The most important aspect of professionalism is professional competence, which reflects the degree to which a person meets the requirements of the profession. It finds its expression and completion in the success of professional activity, the ability of employees to solve specific problems, based on the knowledge and skills gained in the process of practical activities, professional training and professional development.

In the scientific literature, there are several main approaches to the study of the problem of professional competence of workers in various fields. These include: personal-activity, activity and ak-meological. Each of these approaches, along with undeniable advantages, has its drawbacks. They manifest themselves in the one-sidedness of the explanation of professional competence, either only as static qualities of a person, or as potential abilities determined by individual characteristics.

Sociological and acmeological analysis allows to overcome many shortcomings of approaches to solving the problem of professional competence. It is focused on reviewing the standards of professional behavior of employees; to study the sociodynamics of the professional qualities of the individual; identification of the social potential of professional development and the study of the value core of the process of professional development of personnel.

In the categories of sociological and acmeological analysis, the professional competence of the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is considered as a process and result of the practical implementation of professional competencies, which are algorithms (standards) of professional behavior of employees. The content of professional competencies is determined by both personal characteristics and external socio-professional conditions. These conditions are formed in the process of evolution of three types of social networks: chronotopic, actual-praxelogical and communicative. The chronotopic network is the materialized experience of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, accumulated in the course of mastering and applying professional competencies. The actual-praxelogical network acts as a complex, multi-level system of interactions, which includes employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the course of their daily activities. The communication network is embodied in the system of relationships that develop between the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The conducted research confirmed the hypothesis that the professional competence of the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can be considered as a practical result of the formation, development and implementation of professional competencies. This allows us to propose a three-level structure of professional competencies for personnel of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. When building it, four circumstances are taken into account: the need for a systematic approach; recognition of value-semantic patterns as a backbone factor of professional competencies; position on the multifactorial conditionality of professional competencies; the priority of the analysis of the sociodynamics of competencies. This structure is made up of a value-semantic core that determines professional activity; professional motivation of employees and professionally important qualities.

The highest level of professional competencies includes the formation of a system of professional values, which include ideas about the importance of certain of its elements, about choosing the most effective methods of work. The second level is reduced to the motivation of professional activity, which in a concentrated form reflects the relationship between such elements of it as needs, interests, expectations of remuneration, results, ideas of justice. The third level includes the instrumental component of professional competence, represented by knowledge, skills and abilities.

The sociological-acmeological approach was the theoretical basis for the diagnostics of the state of professional competence of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations carried out in the preparation of the dissertation and made it possible to determine it in terms of content. Sociological monitoring was chosen as the optimal technological model of diagnostics, the necessary conditions of which are: conducting not one-time, but periodic measurements; systematic clarification of the state of phenomena, objects and processes and the use of this information through feedback channels to make optimal management decisions; combination of the results of a sociological survey with expert assessments; development and implementation of transformative control actions on objects. The tested monitoring model provided an opportunity to evaluate a number of parameters of personnel processes in the departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; to check the validity of the data not only on the basis of comparing the results obtained at different times, but also by comparing the opinions of employees and experts.

The model was based on an assessment of the state of the main elements of the professional competence of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: value-semantic; motivational and praxeological. At the same time, the nature of the influence on the professional competence of specialists of three types of social networks was analyzed: chronotopic, actual-praxeological and communicative. The presence of a time lag between the stages of monitoring made it possible to form an idea of ​​the dynamics of changes in indicators for the positions under consideration. The obtained data were interpreted taking into account the personal experience of the applicant in the structures of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. At the same time, it was concluded that the data of sociological monitoring should be interpreted taking into account the results of practical experience and intuition.

In the course of diagnosing the value-semantic block, on the basis of the criterion of dominant professional values, four groups were distinguished among the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: workers oriented towards serving society; for self-realization; specialists guided by selfish goals; and also - preferring values, which were defined as "values ​​of everyday life". Based on the analysis carried out in the dissertation, it was concluded that the value orientations of the first three groups potentially contribute to the development of the professional competence of employees. The share of such specialists, according to the results of the study, in 2006 amounted to about two thirds of the respondents. Representatives of the fourth group of specialists, who accounted for about one third of the respondents, focused on the "values ​​of everyday life", on the contrary, have little interest in developing their professional competencies.

Diagnostics of the motivational block of professional competence revealed the three most typical motives for choosing a professional activity: the motives of altruism, self-realization, and social recognition. All these motives can act as effective incentives to improve professional competence. Nevertheless, the results obtained give grounds to assert that the altruistic or service motive has the strongest mobilizing effect in the course of the development of the professional competence of employees.

The assessment of the level of professional competence led to the conclusion that the skills of the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Belgorod region were sufficiently developed. The most formed among them are: the ability to formulate and solve problems; focus on quality activities; performance. Among the least developed qualities of the specialists of the Ministry are: the ability to analyze the information necessary for professional activities; organization of interaction with other power structures; skills in working with computers and other devices.

Most specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Belgorod region do not have the necessary level of professional education and experience. But, despite this, they do not intend to change the scope of their professional activities. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are mainly focused on professional development, but do not consider it necessary to spend significant effort and money for this. It is essential that the departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have created an internal communication environment favorable for the development of professional competence, characterized by constructive vertical and horizontal interaction. A circumstance that complicates this process is the increased formalization of activities that is inevitable in a paramilitary structure, the great importance of subordination and hierarchy.

The problems identified in the course of social diagnostics of the professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region, as the study shows, can only be solved on the basis of a systematically organized personnel strategy. Its necessary conditions are: a clear formulation of the mission of personnel work; observance of the general principles underlying personnel technologies; variability of activities for the professional development of personnel. Determining the mission of personnel work is a key problem in the development of professional competence and requires the formation of its content model. The construction of such a model connects human capital with the strategy and results of the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; destroys the binomial stereotype "work-person", eliminating the inflexibility characteristic of models based on the concept of "work"; allows you to equally manage both individuals and the entire structure; makes promotion potential objective, allowing workers to be moved based on their profiles; facilitates results-based management and retraining.

The dissertation proposes a general algorithm for the professional competence model, which includes statistical and dynamic parameters. Among the former are the standards of professional values ​​and meanings, motives for professional activity, professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Among the second are standards for the development of professional consciousness, motivation and stimulation, as well as professional development.

A necessary prerequisite for an effective strategy for managing the development of professional competence of personnel of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief is a high level of technologization of its procedures. Technologization is considered in the dissertation research as a purposeful and systematic design and implementation of special technologies that correspond to advanced scientific concepts in this field.

In the process of implementing the strategy for managing the development of professional competence of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, two groups of technologies should be implemented. The first includes technologies for optimizing social networks that determine the formation and development of professional competencies: personnel marketing; management of adaptation of specialists; communication network optimization. To the second - regulatory technologies of influencing employees, allowing to adjust the standards of their professional behavior, integrated into the system of actions for the formation of organizational culture. The priority areas for the formation of organizational culture in the subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are: increasing the level of personnel culture of managers; involvement of specialists in the implementation of organizational changes; continuous training and retraining of personnel.

The study provides a basis for formulating a number of practical recommendations to the state authorities, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Belgorod Region. In particular, we offer at the level of the Ministry:

Conceptually develop the mission of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which should formulate the legitimate values ​​of employees, the standards of their professional motivation;

Develop models of professional competence of specialists from various departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

Based on the developed models, to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the professional competencies of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, organized according to the monitoring model;

To hold the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, at which to discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of managing the professional development of the personnel of the Ministry;

Approve mandatory standards for the professional development of personnel of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters;

Develop a methodology and carry out certification of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

Include regulatory requirements for the level of core competencies in the job regulations of specialists.

At the level of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Belgorod Region:

Propose a professional development program for personnel;

Develop and implement professional development standards for various categories of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

With the participation of external experts, create a methodology for assessing the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in key personnel situations, adapted to the specifics of the organization;

To put into practice professiographic studies of various categories of employees;

Introduce the practice of targeted contract training of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in educational institutions;

Create a comprehensive system for evaluating information about specialists of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Belgorod Region;

Develop standards and regulations for the professional activities of specialists.

The study revealed a number of problems, the theoretical and empirical analysis of which will allow further study of the issues of developing the professional competence of specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. These include:

Theoretical substantiation of the process of modeling the professional competence of specialists;

Analysis of factors hindering the implementation of professional competencies, taking into account the specifics of individual units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

Determination of indicators for assessing the professional competence of specialists;

Justification of the criteria for assessing the professional development of personnel

Development of standards for professional competencies;

Clarification of the tools of sociological diagnostics of professional competence of specialists.

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37. Kotelnikov, G.A. Theoretical and applied synergetics. Text. / G.A. Kotelnikov. Belgorod: BELGTASM, Peasant business, 2000. - 162 p.

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40. Kuznetsov, V. Sociology of security: Formation of a culture of security in a transforming society / Supplement to the journal "Security of Eurasia" Text. / V. Kuznetsov. M.: Respublika, 2002. - 367 p.

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55. Reznik, Yu.M. Life strategies of personality (experience of complex analysis) Text. / Yu.M. Reznik, E.A. Smirnov. M.: Institute of Human RAS, Independent Institute of Civil Society, 2002. - 260 p.

56. Risk in the social space / Under. ed. A.V. Mozgovoy Text. M.: Publishing House Inst. Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001. - 347 p.

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62. Starilov Yu.N. Public service in the Russian Federation. Text. / Yu.N. Starilov. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House, University, 1996. - 453 p.

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75. C.A. Shapiro. M.: Gross Media, 2005. - 223 p.

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83. Abramov, R.N. Network structures and the formation of the information society. Text. / R.N. Abramov // SOCIS. 2002. - No. 3. - S. 133 - 140.

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85. Atamanchuk, G.V. Systematic approach to the problem of public administration. Text. / G.V. Atamanchuk // Municipal world. 2000. - N° 5. -S. 59-63.

86. Babintsev, V.P. Technology for the development of a regional program to improve the quality of life of the population. / V.P. Babintsev, A.A. Garmashev // Modern management. 2002. - No. 12. - S. 11 - 27.

87. Babintsev, V.P. Strategy for sustainable development of the region and improving the quality of life of the population. Text. / V.P. Babintsev, A.A. Garmashev, G.F. Ushamirskaya // Standards and quality. 2003. - No. 2.

88. Babintsev, V.P. Problems of technologization of public administration in the region: challenges of troubled times. / V.P.Babintsev, G.F.Ushamirskaya // Modern management. 2006. - No. 2. - S. 57-65.

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94. Vorobyov, Yu.L. Management of strategic risks of emergency situations in the system of ensuring national security. / Yu.L. Vorobyov // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 4 -14.

95. Getman, N.I. Public safety in Russia: assessment and forecast. Text. / N.I. Getman // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 99 - 104.

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98. Delokarov Yu.M. System paradigm of modern science and synergetics. / Yu.M.Delakarov // Social sciences and modernity -2000.-№6. -FROM. 23-45.

99. Winter, I.A. Key competencies a new paradigm of educational outcomes. Text. / I.A. Zimnyaya // Higher education today. - 2003. - No. 5. -FROM. 34-42.

100. Kartashov, S.V. Risk management in the socio-economic system of modern society. Text. / S.V. Kartashov, S.S. Chebotarev // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003.-S. 170-174.

101. Kizyun, S.N. Dangers and threats of the Russian Federation in the military sphere. Text. / S.N.Kizyun // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 92 - 99.

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103. Kurdyumov, S.P. Principles of sustainable development of social systems // Second All-Russian scientific conference "Russia XXI century" Text. / S.P. Kurdyumov. - M.: Edition of the Federation Council, 2000. - S. 151 -158.

104. Lapin, N.I. Sociocultural approach and societal-functional structures. Text. / N.I.Lapin // Sociological research. 2000. - No. 3. - S. 3 -12.

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106. Leontiev, D.A. Human life world and the problem of needs Text. / YES. Leontiev // Psychological journal. 1992. - No. 2. - S. 11 - 18.

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109. Poddubny, N.V. The core of the system: ontological status and epistemological meaning of the concept Text. / N.V. Poddubny // System approach in modern science. -M.: Progress-Tradition, 2004. S. 386 - 406.

110. Porfiriev, B.N. Emergencies and economic development: the world and modern Russia // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast Text. / B.N. Porfiriev. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 61-73.

111. Potapov, V.Ya. Assessment and forecast of dangers and threats of modern Russia. Text. / V.Ya. Potapov // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 15-25.

112. Ragozin, A.L. Assessment and forecast of strategic natural risks in Russia. Text. / A.L. Ragozin // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 196 - 203.

113. Rudenko, G. Soft or hard approach. On the development of human resources of JSC "Aeroflot" Text. / G.Rudenko, E.Ivankovich // Kadrovik. Personnel management. 2006. - No. 11. - S. 27 - 34.

114. Sergeeva, L. Humanitarian security. Political aspect Text. / L. Sergeeva // ANDISY. 2000. - No. 3. - S. 3 - 31.

115. Serebryannikov, E.A. Fire safety is an integral part of national security Text. / E.A.Serebryannikov // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. - M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 37 -47.

116. Sosunova, I.A. The concept of sustainable development and Russian reality. Text. / I.A. Sosunova // Conversion in mechanical engineering. 1998. - No. 1-S. 12-19.

117. Sungurov, A.Yu. Chronotope as a tool for regional political analysis Text. / A.Yu.Sungurov // POLIS. 2003. - No. 6. - S. 65.

118. Stepin, B.C. Russia in the context of global civilizational changes. / B.C. Stepin // Second All-Russian Scientific Conference "Russia XXI century". - M.: Edition of the Federation Council, 2000. - S. 30 - 44.

119. Sulemov, V.A. Personnel potential of the civil service: evaluation criteria, state and development paths. Text. / V.A.Sulemov // Personnel policy in the public service. Information-analytical bulletin. M.: RAGS, 1997. - No. 3. - S. 24 - 35.

120. Sulemov, V.A. The concept of state personnel policy: concept, initial ideas, essential features. Text. / V.A.Sulemov // State personnel policy: Conceptual bases, priorities, implementation technologies. M.: RAGS, 1996. - S. 12 - 24.

121. Sulemov, V.A. Principles, mechanisms and technologies for staffing the apparatus of government bodies. / V.A.Sulemov // State personnel policy: Conceptual bases, priorities, implementation technologies. M.: RAGS, 1996. - S. 71 - 90.

122. Turchinov, A.I. The professionalism of a civil servant must be constructive Text. / A.I. Turchinov // Public service. 2003. - No. 2. - S. 101 -107.

123. Turchinov, A.I. Social dimension of the state personnel policy. Text. / A.I. Turchinov // Man and labor. 2001. - No. 7. - S. 78 -80.

124. Turchinov, A.I. Civil service management as a factor in improving the efficiency and professionalism of public administration. / A.I.Turchinov // Education and society. 2006. - No. 3. - S. 5 - 10.

125. Ursul, A.D. Sustainable development, the formation of the noosphere and advanced education. Text. / A.D. Ursul // Global environmental problems on the threshold of the XXI century: Proceedings of Conf. M., 1998. - P.273 - 295.

126. Frolov K.V. Scientific developments in the analysis of risk and security problems // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast Text. / K.V. Frolov, N.A. Makhutov. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 25 - 36.

127. Shershnev, L.I. Russia and the world: moving towards a new security in the 21st century. / L.I. Shershnev / Security. 2000. - No. 1 - 12. - S. 5 - 13.

128. Yakovenko, M.E. Ecological risks of modern Russia. Text. / M.E. Yakovenko, V.A. Kiryanov // Strategic risks of emergency situations: assessment and forecast. M.: Triada, Ltd., 2003. - S. 104 - 109.

130. Akhalaya, O.A. Improving the personnel assessment procedure in key personnel situations: Dissertation. cand. economy Sciences Text. / O.A.Akhalaia. SPb., 2000. - 218 p.

131. Balashova, N.V. Personnel assessment system in public administration: Dissertation. cand. economy Sciences Text. / N.V.Balashova. -Irkutsk, 2001.- 182 p.

132. Barkatunov, V.F. Staffing of internal affairs bodies in modern conditions. Dissertation abstract. cand. social Sciences. 22.00.08 Text. / V.F. Barkatunov. Belgorod, 2000. - 21 p.

133. Ganyushkin, A.D. Study of the state of a person's mental readiness for activities in extreme conditions (based on the materials of gymnastics). Dissertation abstract. cand. psycho, science Text. /one. A.D. Ganyushkin. L., 1972.

134. Gridchin, A.A. Staffing of international police forces in conditions of extreme migration of the population Abstract of the thesis. cand. social Sciences Text. / A.A. Gridchin. Belgorod, 2001.-21 p.

135. Gruzkov, V.N. Spirituality in the professional training of military personnel (social philosophical aspect). Dissertation abstract. Doctor of Philosophy Sciences Text. / V.N.Gruzkov. Saratov, 1997. - 52 p.

136. Zakharov, V.M. Staffing of anti-crisis management of enterprises: Dissertation. cand. social Sciences Text. / V.M.Zakharov. Belgorod, 1996.-23 p.

137. Ivashchenko, S.A. The study of individual psychological characteristics of rescuers of the EMERCOM of Russia. Thesis. cand. psycho, science Text. / S.A. Ivashchenko. SPb., 2003.- 192 p.

138. Marchenko, I.P. Features of the process of transformation of the personnel potential of the state (municipal) service in Russia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Thesis. cand. social Sciences Text. / S.A. Ivashchenko. Barnaul, 2005.-p.

139. Matirko, V.I. Formation of personnel potential of federal executive authorities: Dissertation. doc. economy Sciences Text. /

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141. Ostroukhov, O.V. Risk and emergency in the social system. Dissertation abstract. doctor of social Sciences Text. / O.V. Ostroukhov. -M., 2000.-p.

142. Sokolov Yu.V. Evaluation of personnel of financial institutions: Dissertation. cand. economy Sciences Text. / Yu.V. Sokolov. M., 1999. - p.

143. Solovyov, O.V. Regulation of personnel processes in regional authorities. Dissertation abstract. cand. social Sciences Text. / O.V. Soloviev. Belgorod, 2002. - 22 p.

144. Fedorenko, V.N. Evaluation of managers and specialists of labor collectives in the new conditions of economic activity: Abstract of the dissertation. cand. sociological Sciences Text. / V.N. Fedorenko. M., 1990. - 20 p.

145. Chernikova, D.V. Communication and management in the aspect of socio-synergy: Dissertation. cand. philosophy Sciences Text. / D.V. Chernikova. -Tomsk, 2004. 150 p.

146. Shagieva, O.V. Management of development of organizational culture of municipal service. Thesis. cand. social Sciences Text. / O.V. Sakulina. Belgorod, 2006. - 210 p.

147. Shoigu, Yu.S. Professional psychological selection of cadets of universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of future rescuers (substantiation of psychodiagnostic tools). Thesis. cand. psycho, science Text. / Yu.S. Shoigu. - M., 2003.-168 p.

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151. Competences as a myth and reality of modern HR practice, or Why thoughts are confused Electronic resource. // Publisher access mode: www.hr-zone.net. System requirements: - System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer.

152. Official site of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Electronic resource. // Mode of access to the publication http://www.mchs.gov.ru/8246/. System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer.

153. Sorokin, P.A. Declaration of Independence of Social Sciences Electronic resource. / P.A.Sorokin // Mode of access to the publication: http://knowledge.isras.ru/si/si/sj2-02sor.html. - System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer

154. Widdett, S. Competency Guide Electronic resource. / S.Widdet, S.Hollyfield // Publication access mode: http://www.hr-portal.ru/pages/hrm/competition.php. System requirements: IBM PC; Internet Explorer.

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