Colds on the lips quick treatment at home. Treatment of herpes on the lips. How to quickly treat herpes at home? Alternative Methods

The appearance of a cold on the lip is a rather unpleasant thing, and especially for girls. Unfortunately, if you have had herpes at least once in your life, any hypothermia is fraught with its return. The virus lives in the body and can remind of itself in the form of rashes on the lip, nose, and various parts of the body. You always want to get rid of a cold quickly and effectively. How to do it at home, we will describe in detail in this article.

How is the disease progressing?

For a better understanding of how to quickly and effectively get rid of a cold that has appeared on the lip, you should understand with stages herpes. So, at first, at the site of the appearance of a cold, a tingling or burning sensation is felt. The duration of this stage is no more than a day. Then, on the lip (or nose), the size of herpes rapidly increases, which is accompanied by a rash of bubbles with liquid. It is these two stages of the disease that are susceptible to the start of treatment, so doctors recommend getting rid of a cold in the initial stages. It is also possible to do this at home.

In the absence of treatment, the next stage begins: the bubbles with liquid burst, and ulcers appear instead. At this stage of the disease, a person is most contagious to others!

And finally, the last stage of the course of herpes is the gradual healing of wounds. Sometimes small scars remain after a cold, but more often the disease goes away without a trace.

What to treat?

Is it possible, and how to quickly cope with the disease at home? Consider a few popular recipes.

The first remedy that will help you quickly get rid of a cold is calendula. It can be used both as a tincture and as a decoction. It is famous for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

For the treatment of herpes, tinctures and decoctions of calendula are used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made by yourself.

To prepare the recipe, you will need two tablespoons of the flowers of the plant. They must be filled with 100 grams of vodka. This mixture is infused for 14 days. So, at home, you can get a tincture of calendula, which is used to make lotions.

If we talk about a decoction that will help get rid of a cold on the lip (or elsewhere), then 2 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers are needed to prepare it. They need to be poured into boiling water (250-300 ml) and boiled for about five minutes. We insist for several hours, after which you can make lotions or take 125 ml orally 30 minutes before meals.

Calendula is one of the most effective remedies in the fight against herpes.


Soda is an equally well-known remedy that quickly copes with herpes. It is recommended to dilute soda in hot water to a sufficiently thick consistency. Next, you need to apply the mixture to the sore spot. In the near future, a crust will begin to form, which will indicate that the procedures were successful.

Fir oil

Traditional medicine advises the use of fir oil in the treatment of herpes. It quickly and effectively affects the healing process of a cold, as it fights viruses and microbes very well. To obtain a medicinal recipe, you need to add three to four drops of oil to the calendula tincture. To make the solution not so aggressive, you can add a little water. Apply it to the infected area up to 4-5 times a day.

Also, if you are not allergic to coniferous oils, it can be used and in pure, undiluted form: lubricate them with a sore spot several times a day. But not more often than every two hours.


Many proponents of home medicine quickly fight herpes with aloe, because it has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, and also speeds up the process of tissue regeneration. It is recommended to simply lubricate the affected area with the juice of the leaves of this plant. Repeat after a few hours.

To speed up recovery, compresses should be made from freshly crushed aloe leaves.

It is possible to use this medicinal plant inside, after mixing it with honey. In addition to fighting a cold, this remedy will protect you from similar troubles in the future.

Another effective remedy is celandine. It is necessary to squeeze the fresh juice of this plant and drain into a container. It is infused for a week, no longer. When the medicine is ready, you can make lotions for herpes on the lip. Be careful not to get it on the mucous membrane!

Most likely, this recipe can hardly be called an "ambulance", since its preparation is not fast enough, it takes a certain time. However, if you know your tendency to get colds in the cold season, then such a medicine can prepare in advance.

In this article, we have given some of the most effective recipes that you can quickly prepare at home. Indeed, in the fight against herpes, one of the main rules is speed, otherwise the disease can go into the phase when any treatment is practically useless. Try to protect yourself from this disease, because it is always better and easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Here are some simple tips:

  • Avoid hypothermia and excessive overheating: for this, you should choose the right clothes according to weather conditions.
  • Be careful with drafts.
  • Do not overwork, because a properly defined mode of work and rest is very important for the state of the whole organism, and it is always easier for a virus to "attach" to a tired and tired person.
  • Try to maintain the necessary physical activity - this is the key to good health and immunity.

Transparent bubbles with a crust on the lips, we often call a cold. In other words, it is a manifestation of the herpes virus in our body, the carriers of which are almost the entire adult population on Earth.

Causes of the appearance of a cold on the lips

The virus, held back by the immune system, exists in our body for years. The following reasons may contribute to its manifestation:

  • diseases in which immunity is significantly reduced, but the virus can also manifest itself with a common cold;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the body;
  • experienced stress;
  • poisoning;
  • abuse of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes);
  • poor nutrition and debilitating diets;
  • overwork;
  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • airborne infection.

Symptoms of a cold on the lips

In more than 75% of cases, when it first enters the body, the herpes virus does not manifest itself and can only be detected by passing a special blood test. In other cases, the virus begins to multiply rapidly and manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • the very first - itching, burning and pain in the lips;
  • after a few hours, redness and the formation of vesicles filled with a clear liquid;
  • within a few days, the bursting of bubbles is the most dangerous period, during which you are more contagious to others;
  • ulceration and crusting.

With the above symptoms, the temperature may rise, the lymph nodes in the neck may slightly increase, weakness, joint pain.

Treatment of colds on the lips with medications

Modern medicine offers a large selection of antiviral drugs to treat the symptoms of herpes. The most effective are:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Zovirax.
  • Valtrex.
  • Florenal.
  • Bonafton.
  • Tromantadin.
  • Herperax.
  • Miramistin.
  • Zinc ointment.

These drugs lubricate the area affected by herpes several times a day.

You should not treat a cold on the lips with brilliant green, iodine or alcohol. You will only get a drying effect, but the herpes virus will not disappear and there is a risk of getting burned.

Treatment of colds on the lips with folk remedies

If there were no medications at home, a cold on the lips can also be treated with proven folk remedies. They do not have antiviral effects, but they can significantly relieve symptoms and speed up the healing of sores.

  • Baking soda and salt - stop inflammation and speed up wound healing. Grains are applied several times a day to the inflamed area.
  • Toothpaste - effective for the first symptom of herpes. Dries and disinfects.
  • Fir, almond, sea buckthorn oils - applied to the wound every 2-3 hours. Accelerate the healing process.
  • Lemon juice, Kalanchoe juice, aloe juice, aspen leaf juice - blisters are smeared with freshly squeezed juice to dry.
  • Garlic - rub the wound with a slice or smear with garlic juice.
  • Aloe - a piece of the plant is peeled and applied to the affected area for 20 minutes. Accelerates the healing process.
  • Honey - applied to the formed crusts to soften and prevent cracking.

Prevention of colds on the lips

Many mistakenly believe that once infected with herpes, there will be no recurrence. Herpes is contagious and it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it later.

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Strengthen your immunity.
  • Eat a balanced diet and take your vitamins.
  • Do not overheat in the sun in the summer and try to avoid hypothermia in the cold season.
  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap as often as possible.
  • Avoid close contact with people with herpes.
  • Use separate utensils if a member of your family is ill.

Regardless of the choice of treatment for a cold on the lips, be sure to visit a doctor and get professional advice.

A cold on the lips is a sign of labial herpes. The disease manifests itself in small watery vesicles for various reasons. The first and most important is a decrease in immunity.

Other important factors that provoke fever on the lips are:

  • Smoking.
  • Strong stress.
  • body intoxication.
  • Hypothermia or overheating.
  • Seasonal cold, flu, sore throat.
  • Hormonal fluctuations in women.
  • Physical or mental fatigue.
  • Increased consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.
  • Exhaustion of the body after diets or due to malnutrition.

Labial herpes is contagious. It is easy to pick up the virus when using household items of a sick person (towels, dishes, personal hygiene items, lipstick).

The most contagious cold on the lips at the time of the outpouring of the contents of the bubble. Lymph contains a mass of viral bodies, which, if unskilled, spread onto healthy skin and infect it.

Since herpes affects not only the face, but also any part of the body, incl. and eyes, you need to know how to treat a cold on the lips quickly and prevent the pathogen from spreading to healthy areas of the skin and damage to internal organs.

Effective cures for colds on the lips

Of the pharmaceutical preparations, the most effective are antiviral ointments. Treatment with them is most effective until the cold itself crawls out on the lip, but only a slight tingling, burning, tingling occurs. In extreme cases, the ointment must be applied to the lips in the first 2 to 3 days after the appearance of bubbles.

It is desirable to use antiviral drugs together with immunostimulants, then the disease will recede faster.

What ointments help with herpes:

  • Acyclovir, Zovirax. They are recommended to be applied at an early stage of labial herpes, every 4 hours for 5 days. If viral blisters form on the lips often, in large numbers and with an increase in body temperature, antiviral agents are best used in tablets. They will cure the lips and support the body suffering from viral activity.
  • Oxolinic ointment. At a three percent concentration, oxolin quickly copes with primary herpes and instantly extinguishes the inflammatory process in rare episodes of the disease. Oxolinic ointment is allowed to be treated for children and pregnant women.
  • Viru-Merz Serol. This is a gel intended for external treatment of affected areas up to 5 r. in a day. If after 2 days of treatment the fever on the lips does not disappear, you should consult a doctor and choose another medicine.
  • Famciclovir, Valaciclovir. Analogues of Acyclovir, after penetrating under the skin, turn into acyclovir and do their job - they fight the virus.

What kind of ointment for colds on the lips copes with a herpes infection better, you can find out from your doctor or pharmacist. The range of modern antiviral agents is large, and each of them effectively fights different strains of herpes at the first symptoms of damage.

If bubbles appear on the lips several times a year, this indicates a weakness in the immune system. Strong immunity is able to resist the herpes simplex virus, so the appearance of liquid papules on the surface of the skin indicates a significant weakening of the body's natural defenses and the need for complex treatment of herpes.

Immunomodulators are prescribed in separate courses and as a component of the complex therapy of herpesvirus. Choosing how to treat a cold on the lips and at the same time strengthen the immune system, experts consider three groups of drugs:

Remember that for opened vesicles, the effectiveness of treating a cold on the lips with ointments decreases, since the virus has already become as active as possible, and then the sore will disappear on its own. However, the application of the ointment at this stage does not hurt. When the blisters burst and ooze viral fluid, the drug acts as an antiseptic and prevents skin infection.


Folk remedies for colds on the lips

If there is no antiviral ointment in your home medicine cabinet, and you don’t know how to anoint a cold on your lip, use the suggestions of traditional medicine. For example, prepare an apple-garlic ointment and apply it on your lips throughout the day.

Consider other home remedies for colds on the lips, which are classified as folk:

  • Drinking tea. A tea bag is brewed, cooled to a warm temperature and applied to the affected area for 10 to 20 minutes. Manipulation is repeated up to 4 p. per day.
  • Ointment with calendula. Juice is squeezed out of the petals of the plant and diluted with vaseline 1: 1. The sore lip is treated with the composition.
  • Onion. A cut half of the vegetable is applied to the papule several times a day. The used bulb can not be thrown away. By cutting off the top layer, you get a fresh juicy surface.
  • Lemon. A slice of citrus fruit is applied to a cold on the lips up to 6 p. in a day.
  • Sage. 1 tbsp plants are steamed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. The liquid is filtered and the bubbles on the lips are smeared with heat, and the mouth is also rinsed.

At the first sign of a cold on the lips, a painful place can be smeared with toothpaste. It contains components that prevent the growth of bacteria and quickly extinguish the inflammatory process caused by the virus.

For internal use with a cold on the lips, an infusion of chrysanthemum is prepared. 1 tsp dry flowers insist on boiling water for 40 minutes. Drink phytopreparation 4 r. ¼ cup per day.

In small portions during the day with labial herpes, it is useful to use a vegetable mix. To obtain it, take fruits of medium size:

Juice is squeezed out of them and parsley juice is added. You can take a cocktail one hour after preparation.

With frequent recurrences of herpes, in order not to wonder how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lips, healers advise making a therapeutic composition and taking it as a preventive measure. Its components are walnuts, peeled and passed through a meat grinder, and natural honey. The mass is kept in a cool dark room for exactly a month, then take 3 r. a day before meals, 1 spoon.


How to prevent the spread of herpes

Given the high contagiousness of a herpes infection, if you have a cold on your lips, try not to touch the bubbles and wash your hands thoroughly with soap every time after medical manipulation or accidentally touching the elements.

Do not kiss children and relatives, do not have oral sex. Allocate for yourself during the illness separate dishes, towels and other accessories that, when used, come into contact with a cold on the lips.

Until the healing process is complete, give up makeup. Do not paint lips, eyes to avoid development

Many had to look for ways to quickly cure a cold on the lip at home. She jumps out unexpectedly and often breaks plans. It is especially unpleasant when the sore is activated on the eve of a solemn event, a date or an important meeting. The problem causes physical and psychological suffering, making people ashamed of their appearance. If you take action when the first symptoms appear, you can reduce the lesion and speed up the healing of sores. In some cases, it is possible to stop the disease before the formation of blisters.

Antiviral drugs

How to quickly get rid of a cold on the lips is well known to people whose herpes infection often worsens. They carry effective antiviral drugs with them and use them as soon as the first signs of a relapse appear.

Most often, an acyclovir-based cream (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Acigerpin, Gervirax, Virolex) is used to treat fever on the lips. With it, you can get rid of symptoms for 5-6 days. A crust on the lesion will form on days 6–8, and full recovery will occur on days 7–9. The drug is used up to 5 times a day. Drugs with bromnaphthoquinone (Bonavir, Bonafton) act similarly.

To quickly achieve the desired result, it is better to use a more effective penciclovir cream (Penciclovir, Fenistil Pencivir). It will allow you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease on the 3-4th day and achieve a complete recovery on the 4-6th day. The cream is applied to the lesion every 2 hours.

Already on the second day there is a noticeable improvement after using the gel with tromantadine (Viru-Merz serol). It helps not only to quickly cure a fever on the lip, but also to prevent an exacerbation for a long time.

  • it has an antiseptic, drying and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • the ointment is applied to the affected area several times a day for 3-5 minutes, and then it is removed.

During the first days after the appearance of precursors of rashes, a little streptocide should be applied to the lesion. If you do this in time, the bubbles will not appear. Streptocide should be used very carefully. The substance often causes an allergic reaction, nausea or vomiting.

You can quickly cure a fever with the Zvezdochka (Golden Star) balm. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. If you apply the balm three times a day, the sore will disappear in one day.

Valocordin drops can prevent the development of fever. A cotton swab is immersed in a liquid and the lesion is treated with it several times a day.

If treatment is started late, drugs with dexpanthenol (Panthenol, Depanthenol, Dexpanthenol, D-Panthenol) will help speed up the healing of ulcers. They have a regenerating, metabolic (normalizes cellular metabolism) and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment with available products

How to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip, many housewives know. They use products that are available in any kitchen. If an antiviral drug is not at hand, you can use baking soda:

  1. 1 st. l. soda is poured into a glass and filled to half the volume with boiling water.
  2. The liquid is stirred and cooled.
  3. A cotton swab is immersed in the solution and the rash is treated with it.
  4. After the liquid dries, a soda crust will remain on the lesion. It is advisable not to delete it, if possible, stay at home.
  5. The procedure should be repeated 1 time in 2-3 hours until the symptoms of the disease decrease.

You can treat a cold at home with finely ground salt. During the day, it is necessary to apply salt to the cold 3-4 times. To enhance the effect, the affected surface must first be moistened.

After the procedure, a little salt is placed under the tongue and wait for it to dissolve completely. At night, it is recommended to make a saline compress. To prepare a saline solution for a compress, 1 tbsp. l. salts are dissolved in a third of a glass of warm water. Gauze, folded in several layers, is dipped into the solution and applied to the rashes. The compress is fixed with adhesive tape. Treatment with salt is continued until the signs of the disease disappear completely.

Treatment at home can be done with ice. The virus is not afraid of low temperatures. He is able to withstand them for a long time. The therapeutic effect of cold is associated with a slowdown in blood circulation and metabolic processes in the lesion. Ice slows down or stops the development of pathology, accelerating recovery. It is applied several times a day.

Hygiene treatment

Colds can be cured by toothpaste. It is necessary to use a white hygiene product, without additives. Gels and colored pastes do not have the necessary properties. Toothpaste should be smeared immediately after the appearance of a characteristic tingling, which indicates the activation of a herpes infection. In some cases, it is enough to apply the remedy only 2-3 times to stop the development of the disease. If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of bubbles, toothpaste will help reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lesion and speed up recovery.

Deodorant-antiperspirant acts similarly to toothpaste. A small amount of the product should be applied to the affected area as soon as possible. If an aerosol deodorant is used, spray it on any surface and use a small amount of liquid to treat a cold.

The treatment of colds on the lips is successfully carried out with the help of laundry soap. It dries the skin, reduces swelling and relieves inflammation. The affected area is treated with soap until bubbles appear or during their formation. Soap should be left on the skin for as long as possible. After removing it, the treatment is repeated. Use only brown solid soap. Other hygiene products do not have the necessary properties.

Uses of garlic

Garlic is an effective remedy for treating colds on the lips. The clove is cut in half and the affected area is rubbed with a cut. You can use the juice of the plant. The teeth are crushed in a meat grinder or blender, the gruel is placed on gauze and the juice is squeezed out of it. The treatment should be repeated 4-5 times a day, as well as at night. After applying the garlic juice, a little honey is smeared on the bubbles. The disadvantage of this treatment is the pungent smell of garlic.

You can treat a cold on the lips at home with an ointment based on garlic. The glass is half filled with natural yogurt. Then 1 tsp is added to it. ground coffee, 2-3 chopped garlic cloves, and 1 tbsp. l. flour and honey. Mix the ingredients well. The mixture is applied to the cold and allowed to dry. When the crust falls off, the composition is smeared again. The procedure is repeated until the symptoms disappear completely.

A slurry of chopped fresh apple and garlic cloves can be applied to the lesion. Products must be taken in equal parts.

An effective remedy for colds on the lips can be prepared from garlic, honey and wood ash. 6 cloves of garlic are ground in a mortar, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. ash. The ingredients are mixed and the mixture is applied to the cold several times a day.

Methods popular among the people

How quickly, folk healers know. They advise to lubricate the fever with aloe juice, Kalanchoe or aspen leaf juice. You can use not only aloe juice, but also the pulp of its leaves. The leaf is cut lengthwise and applied with a cut to the cold. It is secured with adhesive tape. If you do this procedure daily, the signs of the disease will disappear after 3 days.

A good result is the treatment of bubbles with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. If there is no lemon, you can use its oil. It has a mild antiviral effect.

Ginger helps to cure a cold on the lips. A thin slice of ginger should be rubbed well with your hands so that it releases the juice. Then the slice is applied to the rash for 10-15 minutes. You can fix it with adhesive tape. The procedure is accompanied by a slight burning sensation. However, with its help, you can quickly achieve a cure. Ginger is applied every 3-5 hours.

To treat the disease, you can use propolis tincture. It is applied to the bubbles, and after 10 minutes the affected area is treated with baby cream. The procedure is repeated 5-7 times a day. Before treating a cold on the lips with propolis, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it.

The lesion should be wiped with a cut of the cut bulb immediately after the onset of itchy sensations. Each time you need to make a new cut. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

At the stage of healing of sores, sea buckthorn oil is used. It speeds up the recovery of the skin.

Effectively. If you treat the lesion with oil before the appearance of bubbles, they will not appear. Tea tree oil has a similar property. In the later stages of the development of the disease, it will accelerate healing.

To get rid of fever on the lips quickly, you can prepare an ointment from calendula juice. Fresh flowers are crushed in a meat grinder and juice is squeezed out of them through gauze. The juice is mixed with medical vaseline in equal parts. The ointment is applied to colds several times a day.

At the earliest stage of activation of the infection, when a characteristic tingling appears on the skin of the lips, it is used. If you manage to detect a sign of the disease in time and immediately smear earwax, the bubbles will not appear. Already after the first application, there is a noticeable improvement.

Quite often you can see a person with small sores in the lips or nose. Especially, these rashes on the face bother us in a rainy autumn or cold spring. This disease has another name - herpes.

Everyone knows the feeling that you experienced when you saw a painful swelling on your face in the morning. A cold on the lip causes trouble to our appearance and causes painful discomfort. It seems to be nothing to worry about. Many believe that after some time the sores go away on their own. But the herpes virus is not as simple as we think it is. And if a cold on the lips popped up in a pregnant woman or a small child, you should worry and take this disease more seriously and responsibly. After all, there are still no drugs that destroy this virus and completely remove it from the human body. True, it is possible to temporarily get rid of this sudden misfortune, and quite quickly. But…

Before continuing reading: If you are looking for an effective way to get rid of constant colds and diseases of the nose, throat, lungs, then be sure to look into section of the site "Book" after reading this article. This information is based on the personal experience of the author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. NOT advertising! So, now back to the article.

Find out the cause of the disease before treating it

The herpes virus is currently considered the most common infection in the entire globe. If this virus somehow ended up in the human body, then it becomes impossible to remove it or destroy it. Usually he "visits" us in childhood, and so it remains in our body. Where is the place where herpes hides? Viral particles, once in the body, rise through the nerve endings into the cranial cavity, occupy the nerve plexus, called the trigeminal ganglion, and it is there that they remain in a “sleeping state” for a long time. Occasionally, during the activation of the virus, the particles wake up and infect the mucous membranes of our body. Among the world's population, up to 90% of people are its carriers. True, with good human immunity, the virus "does not give itself away." Under the influence of what reasons does herpes wake up, causing the appearance of a cold on the lips? They are often different for different people.

  • This is, most often, hypothermia, or, conversely, overheating
  • Women may be associated with critical days
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee
  • emotional stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Comorbidities such as the common cold, flu, HIV, or diabetes
  • Any injury to the lips
  • Smoking

But, despite the different reasons, there is one thing in common - the herpes virus usually affects people with a weakened immune system, or at those moments when a person's immunity is weakened for any reason (stress, colds, etc.).

Stages of development, as well as symptoms of a cold on the lips

Stage 1: the onset of the disease manifests itself in a sudden burning sensation or even pain in the lip area. The duration of this period is from two hours to a day. By the way, right now you can “slow down” the disease and avoid its further development if you start using special medicines or folk remedies. In this case, the disease can be cured in two days. If you did not catch herpes "by surprise" or ignored it altogether, the affected skin will bother you for more than a week.

Stage 2: redness and swelling appear near the lips, that is, the inflammatory process begins. And now bubbles have already formed, which contain a colorless liquid. Just in these bubbles there are thousands of viruses.

Stage 3: The bubbles burst after some time, the liquid is released, it begins to dry out, and ulcers form at this place. It is at this stage that the disease becomes contagious.

Stage 4 (final): the sores eventually become covered with a crust, which soon disappears.

Remember, a cold on the lips is contagious

If you touch the sores on your lips with your hand, then the virus particles will already be on your hand. And then they can go anywhere. The virus is especially dangerous for the eyes. Therefore, most importantly, try to carefully monitor the cleanliness of your skin during illness. And, above all, it concerns your hands. Wash them frequently with soap.

During the entire period of the disease, you will have to think not only about how to cure your illness, but also about how to protect your loved ones. Avoid kissing while you are sick. Remember that by kissing your child, you supply him with this virus for life.

During the illness, use only individual cutlery, because the virus is contained in the saliva of a sick person. Make sure no one else uses your towel.

Be careful when communicating. After all, a cold on the lips is easily transmitted through the air through the saliva of an infected person.

Catarrhal manifestations on the lips during pregnancy are especially dangerous. After all, it follows that the herpes virus has become more active in the body. Of course, this virus is not inherited. Experts believe that primary rashes are the most dangerous for pregnant women (that is, if herpes did not bother you before pregnancy). Secondary rashes often do not have a serious impact on pregnancy and on the intrauterine development of the baby. But the infection of the mother (by the way, in these cases, the most dangerous cold on the labia) is easily transmitted to the child at conception, as well as during childbirth. Viral infection in pregnant women is very difficult to cure. Therefore, herpes encephalitis, today, is one of the most common causes of death in infants.

Young mothers with this disease especially need to be careful. You can’t touch your baby’s skin with your lips, and while feeding and caring for a baby, it’s better to use a gauze bandage (mask). And be sure to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly!

Complications of herpes

In the event that a cold on the lips for some reason does not quickly go away, and the sores do not disappear for more than a week, it's time to see a doctor. After all, herpes on the face can only be a manifestation of another, more serious disease.

It also requires a mandatory visit to the doctor and the case if, together with a cold on the lips, the following symptoms occur: chills, fever, fainting, loss of smell, joint pain, etc.

It is obligatory to visit a doctor if a cold on the lips struck a pregnant woman, a child under the age of three, a person with AIDS or cancer, a person with diabetes (that is, the category of people who have weakened immunity). After all, ordinary, but painful rashes on the lips can lead to very dangerous complications.

The herpes virus, if handled carelessly, can affect the eyes. Especially, be more attentive to sores near the lips of a small child. After all, if he touches the painful place near the mouth with his hand, and then touches the eyes, then the eye disease in the baby is guaranteed. It runs very hard. And without proper treatment, it can lead to blindness. In addition, the virus can also infect the skin of the fingers. The result of this exposure is herpetic eczema. Stomatitis is also one of the consequences of herpes activity. In this case, the oral mucosa is affected. To prevent the spread of the virus, start treating a cold in the area of ​​​​the lips or nose of the baby in a timely manner.

In immunocompromised people, such as those with HIV or cancer, the herpes virus can infect internal organs. Detecting herpes can be quite difficult even for doctors. Its treatment is just as difficult. By the way, mortality from the herpes virus among the world's population now ranks third (after influenza and AIDS). Recall that a drug that completely destroys this virus does not exist today. There are only drugs that allow you to quickly cure a cold on the lip, or rather, quickly stop the reproduction of the virus.

How to get rid of an unpleasant cold on the lip in a short time?

After all, the first question that we ask ourselves when we suspect herpes is “How to anoint these purulent sores that come from nowhere?”

First, of course, it is a special cream that contains antiviral agents. With this cream, you need to lubricate the lips and the area around the lips about 5 times a day.

In general, if you have “outbreaks” of a cold on your face quite often (several times a year), then you should always keep such a cream with you. As soon as you feel a tingling, itching in the lips or nose, immediately begin to lubricate the affected areas.

The most common mistake women make when they try to mask this notorious cold on the lips with various creams and powders that come to hand. This, of course, should not be done, since cosmetics and the components contained in them can lead to even more enhanced reproduction of viral particles and the disease will drag on for a long time.

Remember! When treating a cold on the lips, never squeeze out the bubbles or break off the formed crusts. After all, otherwise you create favorable conditions for the spread of the virus to the eyes or other parts of the face. Wait until the crusts fall off on their own.

Of the medications, it copes well with a cold on the lips - Acyclovir, as well as ointments based on it. 5% acyclovir ointment is much cheaper than various imported products. Its effective action is manifested precisely at the first signs of herpes rashes on the face. Of course, it can be used in later stages as well. It is necessary to apply the ointment about 4 times a day, gently but thoroughly lubricating the painful areas of the skin. This drug, however, has its drawbacks. With frequent use, the skin of the lips shrinks and cracks. And, again, the frequent use of this remedy causes the body to get used to it. Therefore, the effect of the ointment on the virus becomes less and less effective.

"Acyclovir", as well as "Zovirax", can be successfully used by both pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding, since the components of the ointment are not absorbed into the blood at all. And they will not bring any harm to the baby.

For the treatment of severe colds on the lips, stronger medications are used: zovirax tablets or valaciclovir. But these drugs can only be purchased with a prescription.

Or maybe you will use folk remedies for the treatment of colds on the lips? Indeed, in our country this is a fairly common method of treatment ...

Probably one of the easiest remedies that you can use if you have a cold on your lip is to lubricate it with garlic juice, onion juice or the juice of such a well-known medicinal plant as aloe. By the way, aloe juice can be consumed orally at the same time (one teaspoon of juice before meals). But it is possible that other methods will help you to quickly treat a cold of your lips. Try to choose the most effective remedy, namely, for you.

  • "Chamomile officinalis": Infusion of medicinal chamomile is always good for inflammatory processes in our body. It is prepared as follows: Take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and pour a glass of boiling water over them. You have to wait half an hour for the solution to infuse. Then be sure to filter. For the treatment of lips, it is good to add a tablespoon of 10% alcohol propolis to the infusion of chamomile. Ready infusion should be applied to painful areas of the skin at least five times a day. Chamomile infusion is useful to drink (one tablespoon three times a day).
  • "Ice": Herpes vesicles are "afraid" of ice. Wrap the ice in a napkin and hold it to your lips as much as possible.
  • "Zinc solution": Maybe a solution of a salt such as zinc sulfate will help you. 4 gr. this salt must be dissolved in cool boiled water. And you need to keep this solution on your lips for about 30 minutes.
  • "Melissa": Lemon balm requires an alcohol solution. 10 gr. Lemon balm leaves are poured with a small amount of alcohol. The infusion must be kept for several days. During the day, apply the infusion to the lips as often as possible.
  • "Freshly brewed tea". A teaspoon must be heated in hot black freshly brewed tea. A well-heated spoon should be applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a day. Treat carefully to avoid burns.
  • "Baking soda" Add one tablespoon of baking soda to ½ cup of boiling water. The solution must be thoroughly mixed. In this water, heat a spoon or a regular piece of cotton wool and also apply to your lips several times a day. Do not remove the resulting crust from the lips.
  • "Fir oil" It is good to lubricate the areas that herpes has "chosen" with fir oil. We especially recommend doing this procedure at night.
  • "Propolis" Propolis tincture is often used against colds on the lips. She, as it were, cauterizes the formed sores. After cauterization, do not forget to lubricate the skin with a softening cream.
  • "Toothpaste" with a cold on the lips. As you know, toothpastes have a drying effect. It is advisable to lubricate the skin areas on which you feel itchy with it. You can lubricate the already formed bubbles with toothpaste. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. But, if during this treatment you experience reddening of the skin or a strong burning sensation, then immediately stop the treatment.
  • "Raspberries" Berries and raspberry leaves are an excellent remedy for colds. But in the treatment of colds on the lips, we will use freshly cut raspberry sprigs. They need to be washed, poured over with boiling water and crushed to gruel. Then apply on the lips for about half an hour several times a day.
  • "Eggshell" Peel off a thin film from the inside of the eggshell and apply to the lips. Drying up, the film will have a curative effect on the common cold.
  • "Valocordin" Rashes around the lips are very well dried by valocordin (as well as Corvalol). Just soak a cotton ball with it and apply it to the area captured by herpes for a few minutes. Very often there is a burning sensation, but it quickly passes.
  • "Ointment with Ash" Perhaps the following recipe will help you: take 3 cloves of garlic and one teaspoon of honey. Mix finely chopped garlic with honey. Place a piece of paper in a glass container, set it on fire. Add the resulting ashes to the honey-garlic mixture and mix thoroughly. Apply the finished ointment to painful areas of the skin every 4 hours. Keep it for 10 minutes. After that, rinse with cool water.

Almost all methods of treating herpes sores provide for a duration of use of at least 5 days. Even if the external manifestations of a cold have disappeared, continue treatment. Otherwise, the virus may reactivate.

During the illness, pay attention to your diet. It turns out that the amino acid lysine “slows down” the spread of the virus. It is found in large quantities in potatoes, eggs, yogurt, milk, and fish. Conversely, the amino acid "arginine" contributes to the development of the disease. It is found in nuts, seeds, chocolate. Accordingly, during treatment, you will have to reduce the consumption of these products.

In order not to treat herpes once again, take preventive measures

If your lips are affected by herpes quite often and unpleasant sores jump up again and again, and you are tired of fighting it, take care of prevention.

Protect your lips from wind, sun and frost. To do this, you can use special creams, lip balms. Try not to overcool or overheat.

Boost your immunity. How? Try to keep the daily routine, exercise. Try to start hardening. Echinacea root is one of the herbal remedies to boost your immune system. This tool can be used in the form of infusion, and in the form of tablets. The immune system will help strengthen ordinary garlic or ginseng.

During epidemics of influenza and SARS, avoid contact with sick people. Don't go to crowded places.

Be wary of prescribing your own treatment, especially antibiotics, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. In all cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary!

Pay attention to your diet. It is better if your diet becomes more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those that contain vitamin C. Avoid fatty foods. Eat less sugar and chocolate. Drink more liquid, especially if it is a decoction or tea based on herbs such as sage, wormwood, sweet clover, lemon balm, etc.

As soon as you feel itching and burning around the lips, immediately start using therapeutic agents. But what? These can be medications or you will use the advice of traditional medicine ... Your body will tell you what to choose. Learn to “listen” to your inner “I”, to your body, and then you will be able to maintain your health and beauty for a long time!

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