What does oops mean. UPS, UPS, uninterruptible power supply - what is it? Main types of UPS

1. What is UPS?

And the English abbreviation UPS (pronounced Yu-P-Es from the English Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source) is translated into Russian as a UPS - an uninterruptible power supply. A UPS is a power source that supplies electrical power to valuable equipment even if the main source of power supply - the electrical network - is turned off. In Russian speech, both abbreviations UPS and UPS are now approximately equal in rights, which is why they are used interchangeably on our website, successfully replacing each other.

When there is normal voltage on the mains, the UPS powers the load (equipment connected to the UPS) from the mains. And when the voltage in the network becomes too low, too high, or even turns off, the UPS powers the equipment from).

2. The simplest UPS -

The problem of uninterrupted power supply to the DC load is most simply solved. The rectifier supplying the load with minor alterations (or even without them) performs the function for ().

An alarm system, a radio station, or even an entire communication center can be connected to. As long as there is mains voltage, the DC UPS powers the load and

An uninterruptible power supply or UPS (UPS) is a device that allows you to receive high-quality electric current without interruption. In this article, we will talk about what UPS is and what it is used for.

There is always a risk of losing unsaved work results due to a power surge. Sometimes such a failure can cost many hours of work. Moreover, if you are not lucky, such a drop can damage your computer. In order to avoid such problems, the so-called UPS is used.

By connecting to the network through an uninterruptible power supply, you will have several minutes of battery life in case of a power failure in the network. This time will be enough to save the results of the work and shut down the computer correctly.

But not all peripherals should be connected to the UPS. So, "copiers" are not recommended to be connected to an uninterruptible power supply. These devices at some point create too much peak power.

Modern UPS performs the following functions:

  • Removal of small and short-term power surges
  • Voltage filtering, noise reduction
  • Ensuring uninterrupted power supply in the event of a power failure in the network
  • Short circuit and overload protection

Main characteristics of UPS:

  • Power. The higher the power, the more powerful the equipment will be able to support the UPS.
  • Working hours. This is the battery life that the UPS can provide.
  • Number of outlets
  • Type of. Modern UPSs are of the following types:
    • Reserve.
    • Line Interactive
    • continuous action

Main types of UPS

Redundant or Off-Line are the simplest devices. When there is voltage in the network, they simply feed it to their outputs, passing it through a filter. Such UPSs switch to using the battery only in the event of a sag or power outage in the network.

Line-Interactive or Line-Interactive these are already more advanced and complex devices. Line-interactive uninterruptible power supplies are able to regulate the voltage depending on how the voltage in the network changes. In this case, the transition to battery operation occurs only when the drops in the network exceed the levels allowed for this UPS.

Continuous or On-Line these are the most advanced and expensive uninterruptible power supplies. In these models, batteries are used constantly, and act as a "buffer". The disadvantage of such UPS is the dissipation of energy in the form of heat and the rapid wear of the device.

Synonyms for the word oops are words close in meaning to the word oops, which can easily replace it in texts and in conversation. In total, synonyms were found for the word oops - 5 pcs. They can include both words and phrases. Of the found synonyms, words - 4 pcs, and synonymous phrases - 0 pcs. Very often, especially when solving crossword puzzles, the question arises: "A synonym for the word oops", therefore, our dictionary also presents the number of letters that make up one or another synonym. The smallest synonym for oops is 2 letters, and the longest is 4 letters. You can find the desired synonym word by the number of letters using the table above, and specifically the number of letters column.

About synonyms

Without the words of synonyms in texts of a different nature, whether it be narration, reasoning, motivation, one cannot do without overcoming the unjustified repetition of the same word. Also, the use of synonymous words instead of oops is used in the literature as a way to link adjacent sentences in the text. In the style of Russian literature, when a text is written, the repetition of the same words is identified as a tautology and is a gross lexical error. Thus, when presenting the text at the initial stage, one of the keywords of the synonym is used, and further along the text, synonyms that are suitable in meaning are already used, revealing and reinforcing the theme of the text for a broader presentation.

Do not forget that in terms of their qualities, synonyms can be applied using the prefix “not” to antonyms, words that are opposite in meaning. At the same time, the lexical meaning of the formed word of the antonym with the prefix is ​​not also characterized as a synonym.

The word is characterized by a synonym and polysemantic words that form a complex phrase of words in their polysemy according to the lexical meaning of one of the words of the proposed synonym in the context.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize what an important role synonyms play in people's speech. The use of synonymous words and the ability to use additional resources in the form of dictionaries makes it possible not only to express one's thoughts in the most accurate and diverse way, but also leads to the enrichment and saturation of our native Russian language.

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