San chickens treatment for pensioners. Sanatorium-resort treatment: who is supposed to be free, how to get

You can find out about the availability of places in the sanatoriums of the Russian Federation by the Ministry of Defense by clicking on this link. The military profession is associated with great physical and psychological stress, and often with a risk to life and health, therefore the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed a social protection program for employees of the department, one of the main aspects of which is the coverage of sanatorium and resort services. Where, in addition to rest, you can improve your health and cure a number of diseases.

Important! In connection with the entry into force of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 654 “On Amending the Procedure for Sanatorium and Resort Provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, paragraph 3 (How to issue a ticket) of this article has lost its relevance. From December 22, 2018, the distribution of vouchers is handled directly by the administration of the sanatoriums. It is to the chosen sanatorium that you need to send an application for a ticket. Preferential vouchers are distributed according to the time of receipt of the application. Since applications are submitted electronically, the time is entered automatically, which excludes any possibility of out-of-order allocation. Registration of applications for the next year begins at 00:00 on November 1 of the current year and continues until the limit of preferential vouchers is completely exhausted. Information about the availability of places in the sanatorium is provided at.

You can find out about changes in prices for vouchers to military sanatoriums.

Who is eligible to receive a preferential voucher to a military sanatorium

The provision of preferential vouchers to military personnel and civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is regulated by the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333, as amended and supplemented on March 9, 2016. The following are entitled to preferential sanatorium and resort services:

  • Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serving under a contract, military pensioners; members of their families; persons who are dependent on them.

Note: retired officers and warrant officers are entitled to preferential sanatorium and resort services, provided that their service life before retirement was at least 20 years.

July 4, 2018 V.V. Putin promised to quadruple the number of free vouchers for military children.

Important! In this case, family members mean only children (up to 18 years old; up to 23 years old, provided they study at a university in a hospital) and spouses of military personnel, as well as persons who are dependents of persons in a privileged category.

  • Widows (widowers), parents of retirement age and children of military personnel who died (deceased) during the period of service.
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and combat operations (all benefits).
  • Military personnel who did not take part in hostilities, but who served in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least 6 months, as well as those who were awarded orders and medals for service during the specified period.
  • Persons working in wartime at air defense facilities, construction of defense and military facilities, crew members of ships interned in June 1945 in foreign ports.
  • Family members of the dead or deceased participants in the Great Patriotic War and the category of citizens equated to them.
  • Persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".
  • Civilian personnel of military units, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense (only if established by an industry agreement between trade unions of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense).

Important! Military pensioners who are entitled to free sanatorium and resort services receive free vouchers only if they are not working anywhere at the time of application.

Important! The bank of applications for free and preferential vouchers for the next year is formed from November 1 of the previous year. Since 2016, a personalized system for recording incoming applications for vouchers has been operating, which makes the distribution procedure transparent. But this date may change, so you can subscribe to our news below and you will receive a notification by mail about the start of sales.

Information about the availability of vacancies is displayed on the sites of sanatoriums. If you have found a suitable option after the specified period, you should contact the department for sanatorium support of the Ministry with a statement indicating the sanatorium and the date of arrival you are interested in, or directly to the sanatorium voucher sales department by phone indicated on the website.

If there are grounds for granting a preferential voucher to a sanatorium, do the following:

  • Familiarize yourself on the website with military sanatoriums of the Russian Federation. Choose an institution that suits your profile of illness and the expected date of arrival..
  • Pass an examination (commission) at the clinic at the place of residence or at the medical institution where you are registered. After that, get a certificate from the local general practitioner in the form No. 070 / y-04.

Important! Certificate No. 070/у-04 is valid for 6 months. If more time has passed from the date of receipt of the document to the trip to the sanatorium, you should contact the medical institution for a certificate again.

  • Apply in person or via the Internet to the regional department for sanatorium support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or to the State Military Medical University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by mail (Znamenka St., 19, Moscow, 119160). Fill out the application of the established form, if desired, indicate the spouse, children or dependents with whom you are planning a vacation in a military sanatorium, and together with certificate No.
  • Within 30 business days, the department must approve or reject the application, stating the reason. After that, in this organization you should get a decision on the issuance of a ticket. If the application was made via the Internet, a notification will be sent to the e-mail address indicating the date of arrival and the reduced cost of the tour. The notice must be printed out for presentation to the health resort upon arrival.
  • On the day indicated in the notice (decree), you must arrive at the sanatorium, having the necessary documents with you.

Important! If a by respectful For reasons (described in order 333, clause 23), you cannot use the preferential voucher within the time specified in it, you should write a statement of the established form about its cancellation. At the same time, the right to sanatorium-and-spa services is preserved. And you can get a refund.

For military personnel:

  1. Military ID.
  2. Vacation ticket.
  3. If available, a passport.

For military pensioners

  • The passport.
  • Pension certificate with a mark on the right to social guarantees.

Sanatorium-resort recovery at all times was considered one of the best ways to restore your body after illness and to prevent the exacerbation of chronic ailments. During the existence of the USSR, vouchers for treatment were more affordable financially. Now their purchase can hit the wallet well, so those who want to improve their health are interested in: how to get to the sanatorium under the CHI program and is it possible to relax there for free?

How to get to the sanatorium under the CHI program and who is eligible?

Unfortunately, not every owner can get a ticket to a health resort under the CHI policy. You can get to the sanatorium for recovery only for certain indications on the basis of the conclusion of the medical commission. You can get a green light for a free ticket to one of the health resorts of the Russian Federation in 2019 under the following circumstances:

  • the patient is insured in the system of compulsory insurance of the Russian Federation and has a valid MHI policy;
  • the patient was subject to surgical intervention or suffered a serious illness.

Among the ailments that are cured in a sanatorium-resort institution, there are the following:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, angina pectoris, operations on the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the digestive system: removal of the gallbladder, surgery for gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal and central nervous system: orthopedic surgeries, defects and malformations of the spinal column, spinal surgeries, plastic surgery of joints, prosthetics;
  • diseases of pregnant women who are at risk.

Good to know! Many mistakenly believe that the above is a complete list of diseases, in the presence of which you can get a free ticket for preventive treatment in a sanatorium. However, it is not. A complete list of indications for spa treatment is given in the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.05.2016 No. 281n. Here you can see such an exhaustive enumeration of various diseases that they can be found in anyone, since this includes even insomnia, bronchitis and scoliosis.

The patient is admitted to the sanatorium for a course of rehabilitation if he has a referral in the form No. 057 / y-04 in his hands. The medical commission gives an opinion in the presence of the above indications and in the absence of contraindications.

What is the procedure for rehabilitation in a sanatorium

After admission to a medical institution, the patient undergoes an examination so that they can choose a rehabilitation program there. This is a complex of preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at restoring the body's strength after an illness or at alleviating the consequences of a congenital pathology. The rehabilitation procedure includes the following main activities:

  • reflexology, physiotherapy and a course of healing massages;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • diet food;
  • psychotherapy sessions.

This list may change depending on the conditions of the regional compulsory medical insurance program and the capabilities of the institution that provides the insured with a course of medical rehabilitation. In the last days of the patient's stay in the sanatorium according to compulsory medical insurance, an analysis of the effectiveness of the measures is carried out, and it is assessed whether the patient's condition has improved.

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium under the CHI program: step by step instructions

In order to receive a referral from the commission for rehabilitation in a sanatorium and prophylactic institution, a specific confirmed diagnosis is required. Therefore, you will have to go through several stages:

  1. Contact your doctor at the clinic at the place of residence, taking the CHI policy with you, and describe your complaints to him. If the diagnosis has not been confirmed earlier, the doctor will conduct an examination, give a referral for tests, and, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations.
  2. When the insured is or has been in hospital, he will need a discharge summary confirming the diagnosis. In this case, it is enough to simply provide it to your therapist, and as a rule, there is no need to undergo an additional examination.
  3. Based on the examination, the attending physician issues a referral for medical selection for rehabilitation in a sanatorium.
  4. Then you need to wait for the consideration of the documents by the medical commission, according to which a conclusion is issued on the presence or absence of indications and contraindications for undergoing a course of treatment in a medical institution.
  5. Based on this conclusion, the patient turns to his therapist for help in order to obtain a tour. . Its validity period is 6 months.

When it comes to free treatment under the CHI system, the insured cannot choose the institution on his own. It all depends on what tickets are available at the time of issuing the referral. However

Documents for the commission

To successfully pass the medical commission, it is necessary to properly prepare, because the absence of any one document can be a reason for refusal. The following papers are submitted for consideration:

  • CHI insurance policy (copy);
  • civil passport or other identity card (copy);
  • referral from the attending physician;
  • an epicrisis from the hospital or the conclusion of a therapist and other narrow specialists indicating the diagnosis;
  • analysis for TORCH - infections and the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • fluorography;
  • examination by a urologist (gynecologist).

Based on the results of consideration of the above documents, experts give either a positive or a negative conclusion. The duration of treatment varies between 14-24 days.

On a note! After receiving a referral for treatment, the insured must receive from the therapist a sanatorium card with indications for the selection of a rehabilitation course for recovery. In a prophylactic institution, the procedures performed and the results of treatment will be entered here.

The main reasons for refusing treatment

As mentioned earlier, to get a referral, you need to contact a therapist. He will conduct a preliminary diagnosis and clarify in advance all the indications and contraindications for treatment in a sanatorium.

Refusal to issue a referral for free rehabilitation under the MHI program can be obtained in the following cases:

  • in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • if necessary, urgent surgical treatment;
  • the impossibility of self-care;
  • oncological diseases;
  • disorders and disorders of the psyche;
  • the presence of alcohol or drug addiction;
  • serious violations of the heart rhythm, hypertension 3 tbsp.;
  • severe form of bronchial asthma;
  • the period of exacerbation of the disease or the postoperative period;
  • anemia, poor circulation;
  • the presence of any pathology that does not allow for wellness procedures.

If the insured believes that the refusal is unlawful, it is necessary to call the insurance company and clarify the nuances of providing free sanatorium treatment under compulsory medical insurance from its employees.

Program limitations you should be aware of

When applying for a free health improvement course under the compulsory medical insurance program, the patient should know that some inconvenience awaits him.

Free treatment in a preventive institution has a number of features and limitations:

  • Tickets are issued on a first come, first served basis. Thus, you can wait up to 4 months for your turn to come, and it’s good, if not longer, since the direction is valid only for half a year;
  • several vacationers are accommodated in the wards - you will have to pay extra for a separate room from your own pocket;
  • treatment is carried out only for a specific disease, i.e. there is a certain course that does not provide for any additional procedures;
  • stay in a sanatorium does not exceed 16 days, even if the patient is shown a longer recovery.

Considering that recovery is free of charge, you can turn a blind eye to some discomfort, because according to reviews, the result is worth it.


You can speed up the recovery of the body after a long and serious illness by being treated in a medical institution. A two-week therapeutic course allows you to cope with the consequences of the disease much faster and improve your health in general.

The good news is that if you have a compulsory health insurance policy, you can do this for free. To do this, you need to get the conclusion of the medical commission and pre-examined for indications and contraindications. It should be noted that not only seriously ill patients, but also insured persons with widespread ailments, including children, have the right to undergo a course of treatment.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments. Tell us, how did you manage to get into the sanatorium on compulsory medical insurance, what difficulties did you face?

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Vouchers to sanatoriums for pensioners are given free of charge by the state as an aid to some Russians.

If they wish, they can receive financial compensation instead, but the amount will be small: about 500 rubles every month.

Who can get

Pensioners can make a trip to a dispensary, rest home or boarding house at public expense. The right to go is given only to categories:

  1. Veterans of the Second World War;
  2. Leningrad "blockade";
  3. Military pensioners who participated in hostilities, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their families;
  4. Disabled persons of all ages;
  5. Citizens affected by radiation.

It's important to know: labor veterans are not included in these categories.

All of the above persons are eligible to apply for one free spa or spa treatment every 2 years, or they can choose to receive a 50% discount, but for each year. Travel is also paid in both directions by air or rail.

Disabled children and people in need of medical treatment can travel every year.
Also, babies and disabled people of the first group are provided with full payment for an extra bed to the accompanying person.

For military retirees, the requirements for receiving benefits are somewhat different:

  1. They receive a 75% discount on one trip per year;
  2. Their wives and minor sons and daughters receive a 50% discount;
  3. Heroes of the USSR and Russia, Socialist Labor and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory can count on a completely free ticket. Their widows will have to pay 25%.

Some of the major tour operators also offer assistance in buying cheap destinations for retirees. However, most often we are talking about not the most popular destinations and inexpensive hotels, which can be purchased at a significant discount.

Terms of receipt

It is not enough for a pensioner to be included in the above groups - there are two more necessary conditions for obtaining.

One of the social guarantees in the field of pension legislation is the establishment of the possibility of using preferential vouchers for pensioners. We will tell you how to exercise this right, and what documents you need to provide. In addition to vouchers, there are also provisions for pensioners, which will help to slightly reduce the cost of maintaining the property of this category of citizens.

Such assistance is paid from the state at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. It is in the department of this service at the place of residence that the pensioner should contact in order to get on the waiting list for a preferential voucher.

Preferential vouchers for pensioners - who will receive

Absolutely every pensioner, that is, a person who has implemented and passed the procedure, can receive a free ticket to spa treatment. But only once a year (more often if there are exceptional medical indications). In addition, such a pensioner must reach retirement age and not work. Employed workers are not eligible for discounted tickets. Also, the future user of such assistance should not be classified as those persons who are federal beneficiaries.

  • invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, who took part in hostilities (both during the times of the USSR and the Russian Federation);
  • military personnel of the automobile troops and battalions that delivered goods to Afghanistan in the period from 1979 to 1989;
  • family members of deceased and dead veterans and invalids of the Second World War, veterans of military operations;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • disabled persons of any category, incl. disabled since childhood, etc.

The procedure for obtaining a preferential voucher for a pensioner

The absolute condition for obtaining a free referral to sanatorium treatment is the presence of medical indications. And such a need is documented in the form of issuing a certificate of form No. 070 / y-04 (valid for six months). Such a certificate must be obtained from the clinic at the place of residence.

In addition to the certificate, the following package of documents is formed:

  • passport or other proof of identity
  • pensioner's ID
  • work book (we confirm the fact of absence of employment)
  • sanatorium-resort certificate in the form 072 \ y. A pensioner can also issue it immediately before departure upon receipt of a ticket. Moreover, both of these certificates must be issued at the clinic without a queue.

Federal beneficiaries will need a document confirming the benefit, as well as an application for waiver of financial compensation for spa treatment. In some cases, they may require the provision of a certificate of.

Having presented all the documents, the pensioner must be registered, since preferential vouchers are issued to pensioners in the order of the general queue. Within 14 days after the submission of the full package of documents, the number in the queue is reported, after which it remains to wait for a referral for treatment.

Use of preferential vouchers for pensioners

An application for a social voucher, along with documents, is submitted by the pensioner personally or by his representative for r or special. Upon receipt of the voucher, check the completeness of the filling, the seal of the FSS of Russia with the mark “Paid at the expense of the federal budget and not subject to sale.”

If during the year a pensioner has exercised the right to receive a preferential voucher, for example, he receives and is a beneficiary, then he will not be able to use the voucher in the general manner.

After the end of the vacation on a preferential voucher, the pensioner must: provide a tear-off coupon to the authority that issued the voucher, and a tear-off coupon of this card to the clinic where the sanatorium card was issued.

We have tried to answer as many questions as possible about how to get preferential questions for pensioners. It is fashionable to ask clarifying questions to lawyers on the site.

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