Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants pdf. Download the rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants. for their condition

1. General Provisions

2. Organization of operation of thermal power plants

2.1. General provisions

2.2. Staff Tasks

2.3. Staff requirements and training

2.4. Acceptance and approval for operation of thermal power plants

2.5. Monitoring the efficiency of thermal power plants

2.6. Technical control over the condition of thermal power plants

2.7. Maintenance, repair and conservation of thermal

power plants

2.8. Technical documentation for thermal power plants

2.9. Metrological support

2.10. Ensuring safe operation

2.11. Fire safety

2.12. Environmental Compliance

3. Territory, industrial buildings and facilities for accommodation

thermal power plants

3.1. General provisions

3.2. Territory

3.3. Industrial buildings and structures

4. Fuel economy. Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels

4.1. General provisions

4.2. Fuel storage and preparation

4.3. Ash collection and ash removal. Ash collection plants

5. Heat generating power plants

5.1. Auxiliary equipment of boiler installations (smoke exhausters,

pumps, fans, deaerators, feed tanks,

condensate tanks, separators, etc.)

5.2. Pipelines and fittings

5.3. Steam and hot water boiler plants

5.4. Heat pumps

5.5. Heat generators

5.6. Non-traditional heat generating power plants

6. Heating networks

6.1. Technical requirements

6.2. Exploitation

7. Condensate collection and return systems

7.1. Technical requirements

7.2. Exploitation

8. Storage tanks

8.1. Technical requirements

8.2. Exploitation

9. Heat-consuming power plants

9.1. Heat points

9.2. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot

water supply

9.3. Heating systems

9.4. Units of systems of air heating, ventilation,


9.5. Hot water systems

10. Technological power plants

10.1. Heat exchangers

10.2. Drying plants

10.3. Evaporators

10.4. distillation plants

10.5. Installations for thermal and moisture treatment of reinforced concrete

10.6. steam hammers

10.7. Steam pumps

11. Preparation for the heating season

12. Water treatment and water-chemical regime of thermal power plants and


13. Requirements for metal and other structural materials, control

for their condition

14. Energy oils

15. Operational dispatch control

15.1. Tasks and organization of management

15.2. Operating mode control

15.3. Equipment management

15.4. Prevention and elimination of technological violations

15.5. Operational and dispatching personnel

15.6. Switching in thermal circuits of boiler houses and heat networks

16. Investigation of technological violations

power plants.

Appendix No. 2. Journal of Knowledge Testing of the Rules of Technical Operation

thermal power plants

Appendix No. 3. Knowledge Test Certificate Form

Appendix No. 4. Approximate list of operational documentation

Appendix No. 5. Passport of the heating network

Appendix No. 6. Passport of the thermal point

Appendix No. 7. Passport of a cylindrical vertical tank

Appendix No. 8. Passport of the booster pumping station

Appendix No. 9. Passport of the ventilation system

Document Format: .doc(MS Word)

9.2.12. Tests for the strength and density of the equipment of the systems are carried out annually after the end of the heating season to identify defects, as well as before the start of the heating period after the repair is completed.

9.2.13. Tests for the strength and density of water systems are carried out by test pressure, but not lower than:

Elevator units, water heaters for heating systems, hot water supply - 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm2);

Heating systems with cast-iron heaters, stamped steel radiators - 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm2), panel and convector heating systems - with a pressure of 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm2);

Hot water supply systems - with a pressure equal to the working pressure in the system, plus 0.5 MPa (5 kgf / cm2), but not more than 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm2);

For heaters of heating and ventilation systems - depending on the working pressure established by the technical specifications of the manufacturer.

Steam heat consumption systems are tested by test pressure. The value of the test pressure is chosen by the manufacturer (design organization) within the limits between the minimum and maximum values:

The minimum test pressure during hydraulic testing should be 1.25 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2);

The maximum value of the test pressure is set by the strength calculation according to the normative and technical documentation, agreed with the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia;

The strength and density test of the control unit and the heat consumption system is carried out at positive outdoor temperatures. At outside temperatures below zero, a density test is only possible in exceptional cases. The temperature inside the room should be at least 5 degrees. FROM.

The strength and density test is carried out in the following order:

The heat consumption system is filled with water with a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees. C, air is completely removed through the air vents at the upper points;

The pressure is brought to the operating pressure and maintained for the time necessary for a thorough inspection of all welded and flanged joints, fittings, equipment, etc., but not less than 10 minutes;

The pressure is brought to the test, if within 10 minutes. no defects are detected (for plastic pipes, the time for the pressure to rise to the test should be at least 30 minutes).

Strength and density tests of systems are carried out separately.

Systems are considered to have passed the test if, during the test:

No "sweating" of welds or leaks from heating devices, pipelines, fittings and other equipment were found;

When testing the strength and density of water and steam heat consumption systems for 5 minutes. the pressure drop did not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf/cm2);

When testing the strength and density of surface heating systems, the pressure drop for 15 min. did not exceed 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf/cm2);

When testing the strength and density of hot water systems, the pressure drop for 10 minutes. did not exceed 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2); plastic pipelines: with a pressure drop of not more than 0.06 MPa (0.6 kgf / cm2) for 30 minutes. and with a further fall within 2 hours by no more than 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf / cm2).

For surface heating systems combined with heaters, the test pressure value should not exceed the maximum test pressure for heaters installed in the system. The value of the test pressure of surface heating systems, steam heating systems and pipelines to ventilation installations during pneumatic tests should be 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm2). In this case, the pressure drop should not exceed 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf / cm2) when held for 5 minutes.

The results of the check are documented in the act of testing for strength and density.

If the results of the strength and density tests do not meet the specified conditions, it is necessary to identify and repair leaks, and then retest the system.

When testing for strength and density, spring pressure gauges of an accuracy class of at least 1.5 are used, with a body diameter of at least 160 mm, a scale for a nominal pressure of about 4/3 of the measured pressure, a division value of 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf / cm2), verified and sealed by the state trustee.


Question 1. What are the requirements of these Rules?

Answer. Establish requirements for the technical operation of the following thermal power plants:

production, production and heating and heating boilers with an absolute steam pressure of not more than 4.0 MPa and with a water temperature of not more than 200 ° C on all types of fossil fuels, as well as using non-traditional renewable energy resources;

steam and water heating networks for all purposes, including pumping stations, condensate collection and return systems and other network facilities;

heat consumption systems for all purposes (technological, heating, ventilation, hot water supply, air conditioning), heat-consuming units, heat networks of consumers, heat points, and other structures of a similar purpose (clause 1.1).

Question 2. Which thermal power plants are not covered by these Rules?

Answer. Does not apply to thermal power plants:

thermal power plants;

sea ​​and river vessels and floating facilities;

rolling stock of railway and road transport (clause 1.2).

Question 3. What kind of accounting of thermal power plants is kept in organizations that operate them?

Answer. Accounting is kept in accordance with Appendix 1.

Question 4. What bodies supervise compliance with the requirements of these Rules, rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources in organizations, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation?

Answer. Carried out by state energy supervision bodies (clause 1.6).

Question 5. Who is responsible for the implementation of these Rules?

Answer. Bears the head of the organization that is the owner of thermal power plants, or the technical manager who is entrusted with operational responsibility for thermal power plants, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 1.7).


2.1. General provisions

Question 6. What document appoints the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants and his deputy?

Answer. They are appointed by the administrative document of the head of the organization from among the management personnel and specialists of the organization (clause 2.1.2).

Question 7. What document establishes the limits of responsibility of production units for the operation of thermal power plants?

Answer. Established by the administrative document of the head of the organization. The head determines the responsibility of officials of structural divisions and services, based on the structure of production, transportation, distribution and consumption of thermal energy and coolant, providing for the specified responsibility by the official duties of employees and assigning it by order or instruction (clause 2.1.3).

Question 8. Who is personally responsible for non-compliance with these Rules, which caused violations in the operation of a thermal power plant or heating network, a fire or an accident?

Answer. We are personally responsible for:

employees directly servicing and repairing thermal power plants - for each violation that occurred through their fault, as well as for wrong actions when eliminating violations in the operation of thermal power plants in the area they serve;

operational and operational-repair personnel, dispatchers - for violations committed by them or by personnel directly subordinate to them, performing work on their instructions (order);

management personnel and specialists of workshops and departments of the organization, heating boiler houses and repair enterprises; chiefs, their deputies, foremen and engineers of local production services, sites and mechanical repair services; chiefs, their deputies, foremen and engineers of district heating networks - for unsatisfactory organization of work and violations committed by them or their subordinates;

heads of the organization operating thermal power plants and their deputies - for violations that occurred at the enterprises they manage, as well as as a result of unsatisfactory organization of repairs and failure to comply with organizational and technical preventive measures;

managers, as well as specialists of design, engineering, repair, commissioning, research and installation organizations that performed work on thermal power plants, for violations committed by them or their subordinate personnel (clause 2.1.4).

Question 9. What document determines the division of responsibility for the operation of thermal power plants between the organization - the consumer of thermal energy and the energy supply organization?

Answer. It is determined by the energy supply agreement concluded between them (clause 2.1.5).

2.2. Staff Tasks

Question 10. What does the head of the organization provide? Answer. Provides:

timely and high-quality preventive maintenance;

repair, modernization and reconstruction of thermal power plants;

development of job and operational instructions for personnel;

personnel training and testing of knowledge of operating rules, safety precautions, job and operational instructions;

maintenance of good condition, economical and safe operation of thermal power plants;

compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents regulating the relationship between producers and consumers of thermal energy and coolant;

preventing the use of technologies and practices that have a negative impact on people and the environment;

accounting and analysis of violations in the operation of thermal power plants, accidents and the adoption of measures to prevent accidents and injuries;

unimpeded access to power plants for representatives of state supervision bodies in order to check their technical condition, safe operation and rational use of energy resources;

fulfillment of instructions of state supervision bodies within the established time limits (clause 2.2.1).

Question 11. Who is appointed by the head of the organization to directly implement the sanctions on the operation of thermal power plants?

Answer. Appoints a person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the organization's thermal power plants and his deputy from among the management personnel or specialists with a special heat and power education after checking the knowledge of these Rules, safety rules and instructions (clause 2.2.2).

Question 12. Who can be responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants when thermal energy is consumed only for heating, ventilation and hot water supply?

Answer. It may be assigned to an employee from among the management personnel and specialists who does not have a special heat and power education, but who has undergone training and knowledge testing in the manner prescribed by these Rules (clause 2.2.3).

Question 13. Who can appoint those responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants of structural divisions?

Answer. Can appoint the head of the organization. If such persons are not appointed, then the responsibility for the good condition and safe operation of the thermal power plants of the structural units, regardless of their territorial location, lies with the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the organization's thermal power plants (clause 2.2.4).

Question 14. What measures are provided by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the thermal power plants of the organization and its divisions?

Answer. Provides:

their operation in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, safety regulations and other regulatory and technical documentation;

observance of hydraulic and thermal modes of operation of heat supply networks:

rational use of fuel and energy resources;

development and implementation of standards for their spending;

accounting and analysis of technical and economic indicators of thermal power plants;

development of measures to reduce the consumption of fuel and energy resources;

operation and implementation of automated systems and instruments for monitoring and regulating hydraulic and thermal regimes, as well as accounting for thermal energy and coolant;

timely maintenance and repair of thermal power plants;

maintenance of established statistical reporting;

development of job descriptions and operating instructions;

training of personnel and checking their knowledge of these Rules, safety regulations, job descriptions, operating instructions, labor protection and other regulatory and technical documents;

development of energy balances of the organization and their analysis in accordance with the established requirements;

availability and maintenance of passports and executive documentation for all thermal power plants;

development with the involvement of specialists from structural divisions, as well as specialized design and commissioning organizations, long-term plans to reduce the energy intensity of products, the introduction of energy-saving and environmentally friendly technologies, utilization plants using thermal secondary energy resources, as well as non-traditional methods of generating energy;

acceptance and admission to operation of new and reconstructed thermal power plants;

compliance with the instructions within the established time limits and timely provision of information on the progress of the implementation of these instructions to the state supervision bodies;

timely provision of information to the authorities of state energy supervision and Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on the investigation of technological violations (accidents and incidents) that occurred in the operation of thermal power plants and accidents associated with their operation (clause 2.2.5).

2.3. Staff requirements and training

General provisions

Question 15. What groups, in accordance with the adopted structure in the organization, are the personnel operating thermal power plants divided into?

Answer. Subdivided into:


heads of the structural unit;

managerial staff and specialists;

operational managers, operational and operational-repair personnel;

maintenance personnel (clause 2.3.2).

Question 16. What kind of training does the organization's personnel undergo before admission to independent work or transfer to another job (position) related to the operation of thermal power plants, as well as during a break in work in their specialty for more than 6 months?

Answer. Undergoing training for a new position (clause 2.3.3).

Question 17. What does the program of industrial training for a new position provide?

Answer. Provides:

study of these rules and regulatory and technical documents for the operation of thermal power plants;

study of safety rules and other special rules, if necessary for the performance of work;

study of job descriptions, operational instructions and instructions for labor protection, plans (instructions) for the elimination of accidents, emergency modes;

study of the device and principles of operation of technical safety equipment, emergency protection equipment;

study of the device and principles of operation of equipment, instrumentation and controls;

study of technological schemes and processes;

acquisition of practical skills in the use of protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and first aid for victims of an accident;

acquisition of practical skills in managing thermal power plants (on simulators and other technical training aids) (clause 2.3.5).

Question 18. Who determines the required level of qualification of the organization's personnel?

Answer. It is determined by its head, which is reflected in the approved regulations on structural divisions and services of the organization and (or) job descriptions of employees (clause 2.3.6).

Question 19. What are the mandatory forms of work with different categories of workers?

Answer. The required forms of work are as follows:

with executives of the organization:

introductory briefing on labor safety;

verification by state energy supervision bodies of knowledge of the rules, labor protection standards, rules for technical operation, fire safety (clause;

with the head of the structural unit: introductory and targeted briefings on labor safety; verification by the state energy supervision bodies of knowledge of the rules, norms for labor protection, rules for technical operation, fire safety (clause;

with management staff and specialists:

introductory and targeted briefings on labor safety;

fire-technical minimum (clause;

with operational managers, operational and operational-repair personnel:

checking knowledge of the rules, norms for labor protection, rules for technical operation, fire safety;

duplication; special training;

control emergency and fire fighting drills (clause;

with maintenance staff:

introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor safety, as well as briefings on fire operation;

training for a new position or profession with on-the-job training (internship);

Answers to questions about tickets

1. The requirements of what rules must be observed during the operation of electrical equipment of thermal power plants?

Rules for the installation of electrical installations;

Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations;

Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations;

2. Who is responsible for ensuring the fire safety of premises and equipment of thermal power plants, as well as for the availability and good condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment?

For the head of the organization

3. How often should external inspections of chimneys and flues be carried out?

Once a year in spring

4. What should be the maximum temperature of fuel oil in receiving tanks and reservoirs?

15°C below the flash point of the fuel, but not higher than 90°C

5. How often are water-indicating devices checked by purging and reconciliation of readings of reduced water level indicators?

At least once per shift

6. Who issues the permit for connection of heating networks and heat consumption systems after installation and reconstruction?

Energy Supervision Department of Rostekhnadzor

7. What test pressure is used to test the strength and density of hot water systems?

Pressure equal to the working pressure in the system, plus 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2), but not more than 1 MPa (10 kgf/cm2)

8. How many days before the test fire, before the start of the heating period, the heat supply organization must notify consumers about this?

For three days

9. In what case can equipment that is in operational control or operational management of higher operational and dispatching personnel be taken out of operation without the permission of this personnel?

Only in case of a clear danger to people and equipment

10. What document regulates the work on the equipment of thermal power plants and heating networks?

11. What are the personal responsibility of the leaders of the organization operating thermal power plants and heating networks?

For violations that occurred at the enterprises they manage, as well as as a result of unsatisfactory organization of repairs and failure to implement organizational and technical preventive measures

12. Who carries out the admission to operation of new or reconstructed thermal power plants?


13. When is the serviceability of the pipe lighting fittings monitored?

Daily with lights on

14. Who performs shift control over the condition of ash collectors and their systems?

Operating personnel

15. Can the heat pump be operated with faulty shutdown protections?

Not allowed

16. How fast should heating of network water be carried out when circulation is established?

Not more than 30°C per hour

17. What shut-off valves are used as shut-off valves at the input of heating networks to a heating point?


18. When does the heating season end?

If within five days the average daily temperature of the outside air is + 8 ° C and above

19. Who approves the list of complex switching in the thermal schemes of boiler houses and heating networks?

Technical leader of the organization

20. Which of the following are organizational measures that ensure the safety of work during equipment repair?

Registration of work by order or order, admission to work, supervision during work, registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, completion of work

21. What administrative fine can legal entities be subjected to for commissioning thermal power plants without the permission of the relevant authorities?

From ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days

22. Which of the organization's specialists can be appointed responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants?

A specialist from among the management personnel or a specialist with a special heat and power education after checking the knowledge of the relevant rules and instructions

23. How often should an internal inspection of the chimney and flue be carried out with the shutdown of all connected boilers?

5 years after commissioning and thereafter at least once every 10 years

24. How should fuel be supplied to boiler rooms?


25. What thickness should be the thermal insulation of the supply pipelines of hot water supply systems, with the exception of connections to water-folding devices?

Not less than 10 mm

26. Which of the following activities are not included in the set of measures in preparation for the heating period to ensure the reliability of heat supply to consumers?

27. How often are standard switching programs reviewed?

At least once every three years, as well as after the commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, taking into account changes in technological schemes and schemes of technological protection and automation

28. Who owns the right to issue orders for work at thermal power plants?

Specialists of the workshop (section) in charge of the equipment, who have passed the knowledge test, are allowed to work independently and are included in the list of workers entitled to issue orders

29. What body of executive power carries out technical control and supervision in the electric power industry?

Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

30. Who carries out the acceptance of thermal power plants from the overhaul?

The working commission appointed by the administrative document for the organization

31. In accordance with the requirements of what regulatory and technical documents should the operation of industrial smoke and ventilation pipes be carried out?

In accordance with the Safety Rules for smoke and ventilation industrial pipes (PB 03-445-02)

32. What should be the oxygen content in gas pipelines after purging?

Not more than 1%

33. How often should hydraulic tests of boilers be carried out?

At least once every three years

34. What material should fittings be installed on the outlets of heating networks from heat sources?

35. What document must be drawn up for each heat point?

Technical certificate

36. Where should heat supply organizations approve a schedule for limiting the supply of heat in case of taking urgent measures to prevent or eliminate accidents in the heat supply system?

At the local executive authority

37. In accordance with what document are tests of thermal power plants carried out, as a result of which the power supply regime may change significantly?

In accordance with the working test program

38. What are the requirements for the design of outfits?

The work order is issued in two copies. In both copies, the entries must be clear and legible. Corrections and deletions of the written text are prohibited.

39. What federal law establishes the basic rights and obligations of subjects of the electric power industry in carrying out activities in the field of electric power and consumers of electric and thermal energy?

40. Under what condition is the inclusion in the operation of thermal power plants?

After the admission of thermal power plants to operation

41. What documents determine the territory for the placement of industrial buildings and structures of thermal power plants?

Project and passport of a thermal power plant

42. How often should an inventory of the amount of fuel delivered to the warehouse and consumed by the boiler be carried out?

3. At least once a quarter

43. What is the minimum holding time under test pressure during hydraulic testing of the boiler?

44. With what frequency should the hydraulic regimes of water heating networks be developed for the heating and summer periods?


45. How often should the internal parts of the ventilation system air ducts be cleaned?

At least 2 times a year, if the operating conditions do not require more frequent cleaning

46. ​​Where should cases of untreated water supply for feeding the heating network be noted?

In the operating log

47. In what operational states can thermal power plants accepted for operation be located?

In operation, reserve, repair or conservation

48. How long should closed outfits be kept?

49. Which thermal power plants are not subject to the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants?

50. How long is a comprehensive testing of the equipment of thermal power plants?

within 72 hours

51. How often are mandatory inspections of buildings and structures of thermal power plants and heating networks carried out?

2 times a year, spring and autumn

52. How often should scheduled repairs of gas equipment be carried out?

At least once a year

53. How often is it necessary to conduct an internal inspection of deaeratra?


54. What is the total duration of interruptions during the year for electrochemical protection installations?

No more than 7 days

55. When is heating systems flushed?

After the end of the heating season, as well as after installation, overhaul and maintenance with the replacement of pipes

56. Who controls the quality of source, make-up and network water in heat supply systems?

57. What should the operational and dispatching personnel do if an erroneous order from the higher operational and dispatching personnel is received?

Report the error to the person who gave such an order, if the task is confirmed, complete it and make an entry in the operational log

58. Who should check the preparation of workplaces when a team is admitted to work along side?

The work manager and the work foreman, together with the admitting

59. What body of executive power is the body of state energy supervision?

Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

60. What is not included in the mandatory forms of work with management personnel and specialists in the operation of thermal power plants?


61. How many days before the start of the heating season is a partial inspection of those parts of buildings and structures for which defects in repair work were revealed during the general autumn inspection?

For fifteen days

62. How often should the route of underground gas pipelines located on the territory of the boiler house be bypassed?

63. Who gives instructions for commissioning after installation or reconstruction of technological protections that act to shut down equipment?

64. In what case is it allowed to connect new consumers to heating networks?

Only if the heat source has a reserve of power and a reserve of throughput of the mains of the heating network

65. Within what limits is the deviation of the average daily temperature of the water entering the heating and hot water supply system allowed?

Within 3% of the set temperature curve

66. With whom should the schedule for turning on and off heat consumption systems be agreed?

From energy supply companies

67. In what case is round-the-clock dispatch control organized in the organization?

When operating heat supply and heat consumption systems with a capacity of 10 Gcal / h or more, as well as if the organization carries out production activities for the production, transmission

68. What is the minimum allowed number of team members and what is the minimum allowed number of students that can be included in the team?

When working along the side, the team must consist of at least 2 people, including the foreman, who is not indicated in the lines of the order "with members of the team". It is allowed to include in the brigade for each of its main members one trainee or student, or a newly hired worker undergoing practical training, without checking their knowledge of the requirements of safety rules

69. How is the division of responsibility for the operation of thermal power plants between the organization - the consumer of thermal energy and the energy supply organization determined?

On the basis of an energy supply contract

70. With what frequency should the organization conduct operational and adjustment tests and work to develop regime charts and standard characteristics of the elements of the heat supply system?

At least once every five years

71. In boiler houses of what capacity is it necessary to monitor the level of groundwater?

72. How often is it necessary to check the alarm and the correctness of the instrumentation readings?

According to the approved schedule, but at least once a week

73. What data is not indicated on the plate of pumps used to supply boilers with water?

Name of the design organization

74. How often should heat networks be tested for the maximum coolant temperature?

Once every five years

75. What is the allowable rate of hourly leakage of coolant from heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems?

Should not exceed the norm, which is 0.25% of the volume of water

76. When does the heating season begin?

77. To whom, first of all, is the operating personnel of the heat source obliged to report a forced deviation from the load schedule?

Heat network manager

78. How is a break in work processed during the working day?

Carried out by the manufacturer of works alone with the obligatory execution of a new order

During a break in work during the working day (for lunch, according to the conditions of work), the team is removed from the workplace and the outfit remains with the foreman. The admission of the brigade after such a break is carried out by the manufacturer of work alone without registration in the order

79. Who, in accordance with Federal Law No. 35-FZ of March 26, 2003 "On the Electric Power Industry", is a consumer of thermal energy?

Persons purchasing thermal energy for their own household and (or) production needs

80. Which of the following is not indicated in the job description of the staff?

Procedure for preparation for launch, start-up, shutdowns during operation and when troubleshooting

81. What is the storage period provided for executive schemes-general plans of underground structures and communications on the territory of the organization?


82. What is not allowed to do to prevent spontaneous combustion of coal?

4. To prevent spontaneous combustion of stone, all of the above prohibitions must be observed

83. What should be the minimum test pressure for hydraulic testing of pipelines?

1.25 operating pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2)

84. How are preliminary and acceptance tests of pipelines of heating networks carried out?

Water, in some cases pneumatically

85. What kind of lighting should supply chambers of ventilation systems have?


86. How often is it necessary to audit water treatment equipment and adjust it?

Periodically, at least once every 3 years

87. How does the operational staff carry out the acceptance and handover of the shift during the elimination of technological violations?

Acceptance and delivery of a shift during the elimination of technological violations is not allowed

88. How are changes in the composition of the brigade processed?

A change in the composition of the brigade is drawn up in both copies of the work order by the work manager

89. What should an employee do if he notices a malfunction of an electrical installation or protective equipment?

Immediately report this to your immediate supervisor, in his absence - to a higher manager

90. How are pressure measuring instruments selected?

The maximum working pressure measured by the device must be within 2/3 of the scale maximum at a constant load, 1/2 of the scale maximum - at a variable load. The upper limit of the scale of self-recording pressure gauges must correspond to one and a half times the working pressure of the medium being measured

91. Who in the organization approves the schedule for preventive maintenance of buildings and structures of the boiler house?

Head of the organization

92. How often is a selective revision of reinforcement carried out?

At least once every four years

93. With what frequency are the regime and adjustment tests of boilers operating on gaseous fuels carried out?

At least once every three years

94. What water is used to feed the heating network?

softened deaerated water

95. How often should the equipment of supply ventilation systems be inspected?

At least once a week

96. At what time is the development of preparation schedules for the upcoming heating period?

Until the end of the current heating season, but no later than May of the current year

97. In what case is an extraordinary knowledge test not carried out?

If there is a break in work in this position for more than 3 months

98. What is not indicated in the documents for the supply of liquid fuel?


99. Where are the results of the technical examination of heat pumps entered?

In the pump passport

100. How often should thermal chambers be inspected during the heating season?

At least once a month

101. Why is there a red line on the pressure gauge scale of a heat-consuming installation?

It shows the allowed pressure.

102. When does the heating period start?

If within five days the average daily temperature of the outside air is + 8 ° C and below

103. In accordance with what document are tests of thermal power plants carried out, as a result of which the power supply regime may change significantly?

104. Which of the following does not apply to the duties of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants?

Preparation of documents regulating the relationship between producers and consumers of thermal energy and coolant

105. How often are current inspections of buildings and structures with a service life of up to 15 years carried out for boiler houses with an installed capacity of less than 10 Gcal/hour?

Allowed once a year

106. When using wet fuel, how often should bins be completely emptied for inspection and cleaning?

107. With what frequency are the operational and adjustment tests of boilers operating on solid and liquid fuels carried out?

At least once every five years

108. With what frequency should rounds of heat pipelines and heat points be carried out during the heating season?

At least once a week

109. What should be the surface temperature of the thermal insulation of heat-consuming installations?

It should not exceed 45°C at an ambient temperature of 25°C

110. In what case can equipment that is in operational control or operational management of higher operational and dispatching personnel be taken out of operation without the permission of this personnel?

Only in case of a clear danger to people and equipment

111. What are the personal responsibility of the leaders of the organization operating thermal power plants and thermal networks?

For violations that occurred at the enterprises they manage, as well as as a result of unsatisfactory organization of repairs and failure to implement organizational and technical preventive measures

112. At what break in work in the specialty is it necessary to undergo retraining for personnel associated with the operation of thermal power plants?

Over 6 months

113. Who in the organization approves the schedule of preventive maintenance of buildings and structures of the boiler house?

Head of the organization

114. What should be the maximum value of the gas pressure fluctuation in the gas pipeline of the boiler room?

Not higher than the value specified in the local regulation, but not higher than 10% of the working pressure

115. Who has the right to remove seals from protection equipment that has devices for changing settings?

Only to workers servicing the protective device

116. What normative value should not exceed the leakage of the coolant during the operation of heating networks?

0.25% of the average annual volume of water in the heating network and the heat consumption systems connected to it per hour

117. What information is not indicated on the plate of a heat-consuming power plant operating under pressure after its installation and registration?

FULL NAME. and the position of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of heat-consuming power plants

118. Which of the listed activities are organizational, ensuring the safety of work during equipment repair?

119. What Federal Law establishes the basic rights and obligations of subjects of the electric power industry in carrying out activities in the field of electric power industry and consumers of electric and thermal energy?

Federal Law "On Electricity"

120. With what frequency is the check of operational leaders carried out in the control emergency training?

At least once every three months

121. What is the storage period provided for executive schemes-general plans of underground structures and communications on the territory of the organization?


122. What data is not indicated on the plate of the safety valve?

Commissioning date

123. What valves and gates on thermal networks are equipped with an electric drive?

Diameter 500 mm or more

124. How often is it necessary to replace sealing gaskets of flanged joints of heating systems?

At least once every five years

125. Who controls the quality of source, make-up and network water in heat supply systems?

Chemical laboratory or a special structural subdivision of the organization

126. What document regulates work on the equipment of thermal power plants and heating networks?

Written order or verbal order

127. Who, in accordance with the Federal Law of March 26, 2003 N35-FZ "On Electricity" is a consumer of thermal energy?

Persons purchasing thermal energy for their own household and (or) production needs

128. How is the admission of personnel to independent work at thermal power plants issued?

An administrative document of the head of an organization or structural unit after passing the necessary safety briefings, training (internships) and testing knowledge, duplication in the scope of the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants and the absence of medical contraindications when performing work

129. What size should crushed pieces of coal and shale be before being fed into the boiler room?

Max 25mm

130. In which case of the listed boiler is not subject to immediate stop and shutdown?

If the pressure in the boiler drum has risen by 5% above the allowed one and does not increase further

131. How often should technical inspections of cathode and drainage installations of electrochemical protection of heat networks be carried out?

2 times a month and 4 times a month respectively

132. What kind of water is used to flush heating systems?

Tap or process water

133. How many days prior to the test fire before the start of the heating period, the heat supply organization must notify consumers about this?

For three days

134. How often are standard switching programs reviewed?

At least once every three years, as well as after the commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, taking into account changes in technological schemes and schemes of technological protection and automation

135. How are changes in the composition of the brigade formalized?

A change in the composition of the brigade is drawn up in both copies of the work order by the work manager

136. Who approves the schedules for testing the knowledge of personnel operating thermal power plants?

Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants

137. In boiler houses of what capacity is it necessary to monitor the level of groundwater?

In boiler houses with an installed capacity of 10 Gcal/hour or more

138. How is the tightness of the connections of the gas pipeline and fittings installed on it checked?

By external signs of gas leakage (by smell, sound) using a soap emulsion

139. In what case is it allowed to use one hand pump to feed water-heating boilers?

If their working pressure is not more than 0.4 MPa (4 kgf / cm2) and the total heating surface is not more than 50 m2

140. With what frequency should training be conducted with operational personnel on emergency switching schemes between highways?

On schedule, but at least once a quarter

141. Is it allowed to lay pipes with flammable and combustible liquids and gases through the room for ventilation equipment?

Not allowed under any circumstances

142. Which of the following activities are not included in the set of measures in preparation for the heating period to ensure the reliability of heat supply to consumers?

Increase in tariffs for consumers for heat and power supply

143. Where should the diagrams of thermal power plants be stored?

At the workplace of service personnel

144. When is the serviceability of the pipe lighting fittings monitored?

Daily with lights on

145. How often is external inspection of fuel oil pipelines and fittings carried out?

At least once a year

146. What temperature should the water used in hydraulic testing of steam and hot water boilers have?

Not lower than 5 and not higher than 40°С

147. How often should changes be made to plans, schemes, profiles of heating mains?

Annually in accordance with the actual state of heating networks

148. In what case are extraordinary tests for the strength and density of heat-consuming power plants carried out?

In all of the above cases

149. For what period is an order for the production of work issued?

The order is of a one-time nature, its validity period is determined by the length of the working day of the performers

150. What administrative penalty can be imposed on legal entities for violating the rules for the operation of thermal power plants?

Imposition of an administrative fine from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days

151. What will happen to the permission to allow the power plant to operate if the power plant is not technologically connected to the grid within three months?

Nothing, the permit is valid for six months from the date of its receipt

152. With what frequency is the serviceability of safety valves checked by their short-term "undermining"?

At each start-up of the boiler and periodically once a week

153. On what heating networks should valves and gates be provided with bypass pipelines (bypasses) with shutoff valves?

On water heating networks with a diameter of 500 mm or more at a conditional pressure of 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm2) or more

154. What fittings can be used as stop valves with DN up to 50 mm in hot water supply systems?

Any of the above

155. Where should heat supply organizations approve a schedule for limiting the supply of thermal energy in case of taking urgent measures to prevent or eliminate accidents in the heat supply system?

In the local executive authority.

156. How are fittings on the supply pipeline and corresponding fittings on the return pipeline designated?

Odd and even numbers respectively

157. With what frequency should management personnel and specialists of the organization conduct inspections of heat points?

At least once a week

158. Requirements of what rules must be observed during the operation of electrical equipment of thermal power plants?

All of the above rules

159. For what period should records of readings of registering instruments be kept?

At least two months

160. What water level should be maintained in the boiler?

Factory installed and corrected based on commissioning tests

161. What should be equipped with a heating network to control the parameters of the coolant?

All listed selection devices

162. With what frequency is it necessary to inspect the distributing pipelines of heating systems located in the basements?

At least 1 time per month

163. Which of the listed measures are organizational, ensuring the safety of work during equipment repair?

Registration of work by order or order, admission to work, supervision during work, registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, completion of work

164. Which of the following is not included in the required documentation for the operation of thermal power plants?

Copies of conclusions on the absence of medical contraindications for employees to perform work related to the operation of thermal power plants

165. Who in the organization approves the schedule of preventive maintenance of buildings and structures of the boiler house?

Head of the organization

166. Under what condition is it allowed to drain water from a stopped steam boiler with natural circulation?

167. What temperature should the water be when filling the pipelines of heating networks?

Not higher than 70оС

168. What temperature of hot water must be maintained at the points of water intake for centralized hot water supply systems in open heat supply systems?

Not lower than 60°C and not higher than 75°C

169. In accordance with what document are tests of thermal power plants, as a result of which the mode of power supply can change significantly?

In accordance with the Working Test Program

170. With what frequency should the operating instructions for a thermal power plant be reviewed?

At least once every two years

171. What documents determine the territory for the placement of industrial buildings and structures of thermal power plants?

Project and passport of a thermal power plant

172. How often should the bypasses of the route of underground gas pipelines located on the territory of the boiler house be carried out?

At least once every two days

173. Where should the regime cards for the operation of boilers be located?

On control panels

174. During what time should the emergency stock of consumables used by operational personnel to eliminate damage to heating networks be replenished?

In 24 hours

175. What heat-consuming power plants should be subject to additional surveys in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions?

All listed heat-consuming power plants

176. Who approves the list of complex switching in the thermal schemes of boiler houses and heating networks?

Technical leader of the organization

177. Which of the following is not indicated in the operating instructions for a thermal power plant?

List of instructions and other regulatory and technical documentation, installation diagrams, knowledge of which is mandatory for the employee

178. How should the ends of conveyor belts be connected in case of their repair?

By bonding and vulcanization

179. Under what condition is it allowed to drain water from a stopped steam boiler with natural circulation?

After reducing the pressure in it to atmospheric

180. What is the maximum deviation from the specified mode at the heat source is allowed for the temperature of the water entering the heating network?

181. Whether it is possible to carry out analysis of network water from the closed systems of heat supply?

Analysis of network water is not allowed

182. How long should closed outfits be kept?

Within 30 days, work orders for gas hazardous work within 1 year from the date of their issue

183. Who conducts periodic inspections of thermal power plants?

Persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants

184. What is the conditional diameter of the shut-off valves of fittings installed at the lowest points of water and condensate pipelines?

Not less than 25 mm

185. With what frequency should re-briefing on labor safety be carried out for personnel servicing thermal power plants?

At least once every six months

186. What is not allowed to do to prevent spontaneous combustion of coal?

To prevent spontaneous combustion of stone, all of the above prohibitions must be observed.

187. What data is not indicated on the plate of the safety valve?

Commissioning date

188. How often should technical inspections be carried out to check the efficiency of installations for electrochemical protection of heating networks?

1 time in 6 months

189. What are the requirements for pipelines laid in basements and other unheated premises?

They must be equipped with thermal insulation.

190. What is the minimum duration of duplication after knowledge testing is established for operational managers of thermal power plants?

191. With what frequency should the bunkers when using wet fuel be completely emptied for inspection and cleaning?

Scheduled, but at least once every 10 days

192. Who gives instructions for commissioning after installation or reconstruction of technological protections that act to shut down equipment?

Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants

193. Whether it is possible to apply shutoff valves as regulating?

3 .Not allowed under any circumstances

194. What is the frequency and timing of the current repair of heat consumption systems?

At least once a year (in summer), must end no later than 15 days before the start of the heating season

From ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days

195. In what case can the responsibility for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants be assigned to an employee who does not have a thermal power education?

When thermal energy is consumed only for heating, ventilation and hot water supply

196. In what case is it allowed to use non-metallic pipes for pipelines of heating networks and heating points?

At a water temperature of 115°C and below at a pressure of up to 1.6 MPa inclusive

197. How often is it necessary to clean the outer surfaces of heating devices from dust and dirt?

At least once a week

198. Who carries out maintenance and repair of measuring instruments of thermal parameters of thermal power plants?

Personnel of the subdivision performing the functions of the metrological service of the organization

199. Who issues permission to turn on or turn off heat points and heat consumption systems?

Manager of the power supply organization

200. Which thermal power plants are not subject to the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants?

For thermal power plants of thermal power plants

201. Who approves the procedure for organizing and conducting rounds and inspections of workplaces?

4. Head of the organization

202. What heating system is equipped with devices for automatic control of the consumption of thermal energy and coolant?

A system with an estimated heat consumption for space heating of 50 kW or more

203. In what case is an extraordinary survey of thermal power plants carried out?

In any of the above cases

204. How often are current inspections of buildings and structures with a service life of up to 15 years carried out for boiler houses with an installed capacity of less than 10 Gcal/hour?

Allowed once a year

205. What surface should platforms for drain equipment have?

They must have a concrete surface.

206. When are tests of air heating and forced ventilation systems carried out to determine the efficiency of installations and their compliance with passport and design data?

Before acceptance into operation after installation, reconstruction, as well as during operation in case of deterioration of the microclimate, but at least 1 time in 2 years

207. In what case is round-the-clock dispatch control organized in an organization?

When operating heat supply and heat consumption systems with a capacity of 10 Gcal / h or more, as well as if the organization carries out production activities for the production, transmission



Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia

From 24.03.03 No. 115


Ministry of Justice of Russia

04/02/03, registration number 4358




Mandatory for all consumers of electricity, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership


Gosstroy of Russia

No. LCH-7 385/12 dated 09.12.02


Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

No. BK-03-35/288 dated 30.09.02

Rules technical operation of thermal power plants.-M: Publishing House of NTs ENAS, 2004.-208 p.

The rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants establish the basic organizational and technical requirements for the operation of thermal power plants, the implementation of which ensures their good condition, safe operation, as well as reliable and economic operation.

These Rules apply to design, construction, installation, repair and commissioning and operation of thermal power plants.

For workers and specialists involved in the design, construction, repair, adjustment and operation of thermal power plants.

1. General Provisions

2. Organization of operation of thermal power plants

2.1. General provisions

2.2. Staff Tasks

2.3. Staff requirements and training

2.4. Acceptance and approval for operation of thermal power plants

2.5. Monitoring the efficiency of thermal power plants

2.6. Technical control over the condition of thermal power plants

2.7. Maintenance, repair and conservation of thermal power plants

2.8. Technical documentation for thermal power plants

2.9. Metrological support

2.10. Ensuring safe operation

2.11. Fire safety

2.12. Environmental Compliance

3. Territory, industrial buildings and structures for the placement of thermal power plants

3.1. General provisions

3.2. Territory

3.3. Industrial buildings and structures

4. Fuel economy. Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels

4.1. General provisions

4.2. Fuel storage and preparation

4.3. Ash collection and ash removal. Ash collection plants

5. Heat generating power plants

5.1. Auxiliary equipment of boiler plants (exhausters, pumps, fans, deaerators, feed tanks, condensate tanks, separators, etc.)

5.2. Pipelines and fittings

5.3. Steam and hot water boiler plants

5.4. Heat pumps

5.5. Heat generators

5.6. Non-traditional heat generating power plants

6. Heating networks

6.1. Technical requirements

6.2. Exploitation

7. Condensate collection and return systems

7.1. Technical requirements

7.2. Exploitation

8. Storage tanks

8.1. Technical requirements

8.2. Exploitation

9. Heat-consuming power plants

9.1. Heat points

9.2. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water systems

9.3. Heating systems

9.4. Units of air heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems

9.5. Hot water systems

10. Technological power plants

10.1. Heat exchangers

10.2. Drying plants

10.3. Evaporators

10.4. distillation plants

10.5. Installations for thermal and moisture treatment of reinforced concrete products

10.6. steam hammers

10.7. Steam pumps

11. Preparation for the heating season

12. Water treatment and water-chemical regime of thermal power plants and networks

13. Requirements for metal and other structural materials, control over their condition

14. Energy oils

15. Operational dispatch control

15.1. Tasks and organization of management

15.2. Operating mode control

15.3. Equipment management

15.4. Prevention and elimination of technological violations

15.5. Operational and dispatching personnel

15.6. Switching in thermal circuits of boiler houses and heat networks

16. Investigation of technological violations

Appendix N 2 Knowledge test log of the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants

Appendix N 3Form of certificate of knowledge testing

Appendix N 4 Sample list of operational documentation

Annex N 5 Passport of the heat network

Annex N 6 Passport of the heat point

Annex N 7 Passport of a cylindrical vertical tank

Annex N 8 Passport of the booster pumping station

Annex N 9 Passport of the ventilation system

These Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish the basic organizational and technical requirements for the operation of thermal power plants, the implementation of which ensures their good condition, safe operation, as well as reliable and economical operation.

The rules apply to design, construction, installation, repair and adjustment work and operation of thermal power plants.

The Rules do not cancel the Rules of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in terms of the construction of thermal power plants and their safe operation and do not contradict them.

The rules were put into effect from 01.10.03. At the same time, they are recognized as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation "Rules for the operation of heat-consuming installations and heating networks of consumers", 3rd edition.

The current and issued departmental regulatory and technical documents for the operation of thermal power plants must be brought into line with these Rules.

Suggestions and comments on these Rules should be sent to the Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of Russia at the address: 103074, Moscow, Kitaisky proezd, 7.


Hot water storage tank (BAGV)

A container designed to store hot water in order to equalize the daily schedule of water consumption in heat supply systems, as well as to create and store a supply of make-up water at heat sources.

water heater

A device that is under pressure above atmospheric, which serves to heat water with steam, hot water or other heat carrier.


Height, width and depth of the unit with insulation and cladding and reinforcing or supporting elements, but excluding protruding appliances, sampling tubes, impulse tubes, etc.

Boundaries (limits) of the boiler along the steam-water path

Locking devices: supply, safety, drainage and other valves, valves and gate valves that separate the internal cavities of the boiler elements from the pipelines connected to them. In the absence of locking devices, the first flanged or welded connections from the boiler should be considered outside the boiler.

Test pressure

Excessive pressure at which a hydraulic test of thermal power plants and networks for strength and density should be carried out.

pressure allowed

The maximum allowable overpressure established based on the results of a technical examination or a strength control calculation.

Operating pressure

The maximum overpressure at the inlet to a thermal power plant or its element, determined by the working pressure of the pipelines, taking into account resistance and hydrostatic pressure.

Closed heating system

A water heating system that does not provide for the use of network water by consumers by taking it from the heating network.

Individual heating point

A substation intended for connection of heat consumption systems of one building or its part.

Source of thermal energy (heat)

A heat generating power plant or a combination thereof, in which the heat carrier is heated by transferring the heat of the burned fuel, as well as by electric heating or by other, including non-traditional methods, participating in the heat supply of consumers.


A set of measures to ensure the storage period or temporary inactivity of thermal power plants and networks (equipment, spare parts, materials, etc.) determined by technical documentation by protecting against corrosion, mechanical and other human and environmental influences.

Hot water boiler

A device in which fuel is burned in the furnace, and the heat of combustion is used to heat water, which is under pressure above atmospheric pressure and is used as a heat carrier outside this device.

Steam boiler

A device in which fuel is burned in a furnace, and the heat of combustion is used to produce water vapor at a pressure above atmospheric pressure, used outside of this device.

Waste heat boiler

A device used to heat the coolant by the products of fuel combustion that have been used in another device.

Boiler room

A complex of technologically connected thermal power plants located in separate industrial buildings, built-in, attached or built-on premises with boilers, water heaters (including installations of an unconventional method of obtaining thermal energy) and auxiliary boiler equipment, designed to generate heat.

Open water heating system

A water heating system in which all or part of the network water is used by taking it from the heating network to meet the needs of consumers in hot water.

Energy Efficiency Index

The absolute or specific value of consumption or loss of energy resources, established by state standards and (or) other regulatory technical documents.


Devices protecting boilers, vessels, pipelines, etc. from increasing the pressure inside them above the set value.

Network water

Specially prepared water, which is used in the water heating system as a heat carrier.

Heat consumption system

A complex of thermal power plants with connecting pipelines and (or) heating networks, which are designed to meet one or more types of heat load.

Heating system

A set of interconnected sources of heat, heat networks and heat consumption systems.

Stationary boiler

Boiler mounted on a fixed foundation.

Heating network

A set of devices designed for the transmission and distribution of coolant and thermal energy.

Thermal power plant

Power plant designed for the production or conversion, transmission, accumulation, distribution or consumption of thermal energy and coolant.

Heat pump

A device that transfers heat from a low temperature level (from air, soil, water) to a higher temperature level for heating purposes.

Thermal point

A complex of devices located in a separate room, consisting of elements of thermal power plants that ensure the connection of these plants to the heating network, their performance, control of heat consumption modes, transformation, regulation of coolant parameters.

Heat generatingpower plant (TGE)

Thermal power plant designed to generate thermal energy (heat).

Thermal protection of buildings

The property of a set of enclosing structures that form a closed internal space of a building to prevent the transfer of heat between rooms and the external environment, as well as between rooms with different air temperatures.

Heat-consuming power plant (TPE)

Thermal power plant or a set of devices designed to use heat and coolant for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply and technological needs.

Central heating point

A heat substation designed to connect heat consumption systems of two or more buildings.


The period of existence of a thermal power plant, including preparation for use (adjustment and testing), intended use, maintenance, repair and conservation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish requirements for the technical operation of the following thermal power plants:

Production, industrial heating and heating boilers with an absolute steam pressure of not more than 4.0 MPa and with a water temperature of not more than 200 ° C on all types of fossil fuels, as well as using non-traditional renewable energy resources;

Steam and water heating networks for all purposes, including pumping stations, condensate collection and return systems and other network facilities;

Heat consumption systems for all purposes (technological, heating, ventilation, hot water supply, air conditioning), heat-consuming units, heat networks of consumers, heat points, and other structures of a similar purpose.

1.2. These Rules do not apply to thermal power plants:

thermal power plants;

Sea and river vessels and floating facilities;

Rolling stock of railway and road transport.

1.3. The electrical equipment of thermal power plants must comply with the rules for the installation of electrical installations and be operated in accordance with the rules for technical operation and safety rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations.

1.4. The arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, steam and hot water pipelines, gas facilities supervised by the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.5. In organizations operating thermal power plants, their records are kept in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

1.6. Supervision over compliance with the requirements of these Rules, rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources in organizations, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation, is carried out by state energy supervision bodies.

1.7. Responsibility for the implementation of these Rules lies with the head of the organization that owns thermal power plants, or the technical manager who is entrusted with operational responsibility for thermal power plants in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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