Ears hurt for a long time. How long is otitis media of different types treated. How to treat otitis externa at home

If a person becomes ill with otitis media, then one of the important points is information about how long otitis media is treated.

A characteristic sign of otitis media is typical sharp, “shooting” pains in the ear.

Often a high temperature rises, which indicates the severity of the inflammatory process.

In addition, this disease is also fraught with serious consequences.

Otitis is a medical term that refers to an ear disease associated with inflammation of the latter. The duration of treatment directly depends on the type of otitis media and the severity of the disease.

You can find out how long otitis media is treated by determining the degree of development of the inflammatory process. It is impossible to recognize with the naked eye what type of disease you have. This should be done by a specialist - an ENT doctor, this is an otolaryngologist, and he will already prescribe the necessary treatment. Read more

Depending on the localization of the process, doctors distinguish:

Otitis externa- occurs due to damage to the auricle, with injuries of the external auditory canal. As a rule, with it there is a low temperature, aching pain in the ears, a slight swelling may appear.

There are two types of otitis media: localized and diffuse..

  • Limited otitis media characterized by the appearance of boils in the ear canal. First, the ear begins to itch strongly, then the itch turns into pain, and in terms of strength, such pain can be much greater and more intense than the pain that accompanies otitis media. Furuncles are opened with an incision so that pus flows out, the ear canal is washed with an antiseptic solution. Ear drops, antibacterial ointments, and sometimes even physiotherapy are also prescribed. Such otitis will have to be treated for at least a week.
  • Diffuse otitis media- this is a developed inflammation that can reach the eardrum. It also begins with itching in the ear, turning into pain, covering half of the head and aggravated by chewing. Hearing may decrease, lymph nodes increase, pus is released from the ear. This kind of inflammation of the ear lasts two to three weeks, and only then comes relief and recovery. However, the inflammation can become lingering, chronic, and eventually lead to hearing loss.

Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear. Most often, it develops against the background of colds and SARS as a complication with a severe cold, sinusitis. Inflammation of the middle ear can cause dangerous complications - hearing loss, brain infections.

The terms of treatment of otitis media are from a week to 3 weeks.

Otitis media are divided into types according to the nature of the inflammatory process..

  • Catarrhal otitis- initial inflammation of the middle ear. This is the most common type of otitis media, especially otitis media in children. If catarrhal otitis is caught in time and all measures are taken to eliminate it, then it is treated quickly - no more than 5-7 days. However, if you start the disease, otitis media goes into the next stage and drags on in time.
  • Purulent otitis media often occurs as a complication of SARS, sinusitis. Characterized by high fever, earache, noise, sometimes pus. It is necessary to treat such otitis media with the use of antibiotics. How long is otitis media of this form treated? Otolaryngologists answer - from a week to two.

otitis media may appear if you do not start treating otitis media in time. With such a diagnosis, a person is immediately admitted to the hospital and surgical treatment is prescribed. The duration of treatment can reach a month or more.

Can otitis media go away on its own?

Can otitis media go away on its own without treatment? Theoretically, it can, if it is otitis externa or mild average.

Since hearing is one of the important senses for a person, it is better to consult a doctor at the slightest discomfort in the ears. Only a competent specialist, when examining the eardrum, otoscopy, can make the correct diagnosis and highlight the type of otitis media. It is this information that affects the duration of the disease and helps to choose a treatment.

There is an opinion that otitis media goes away on its own without additional interventions. I would like to note that now the treatment is understood as the course of taking any medications. Treatment is any external influence on the body with the aim of improving health. Therefore, compresses and even instillations into the nose are a treatment, even if indirect.

It is important to understand that the correct answer to the question "can otitis media go away on its own" will be "it cannot without additional complications."

It's not worth the risk. It is better to see a doctor and take the prescribed course of treatment. It is very important to treat otitis media to the end, especially in children, because untreated inflammation of the middle ear can recur and develop into chronic or inflammation of the inner ear.

How many days does otitis media in adults pass?

The inflammatory process in the ear has no age restrictions, that is, it can occur in both children and adults. How long is otitis media treated? The answer to this question is of interest to many who are faced with the disease. Doctors say that it is impossible to give a specific answer, since the duration of therapy depends on several factors, primarily on the location of inflammation.

Causes and symptoms of otitis media

purulent discharge from the ear

Otitis media rarely acts as an independent disease. In most cases, the disease is a concomitant disease that has arisen due to the ingress of pathogenic bacteria into the auditory cavity. Most often, ear inflammation is a complication of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis or sinusitis. Most often, otitis media affects people with weakened body defenses.

Symptoms of the pathological process are pronounced and cannot go unnoticed. Regardless of the specific form, otitis media is always accompanied by painful sensations. The disease may be accompanied by discharge from the ear of a different nature. The external form of inflammation is characterized by severe itching.

Reference: acute otitis media is accompanied by elevated body temperature.

What affects the duration of the course of the disease

First of all, the duration of the inflammatory process in the ear depends on the patient's immunity. If the body has high protective functions, the treatment of the disease can last no more than 4-7 days. With greatly weakened protective forces, therapy can drag on for several weeks and even turn into a chronic, completely incurable form. The greatest discomfort causes unbearable pain, which is characteristic of the acute form of otitis media. As a rule, the appearance of pain indicates the accumulation of exudate inside the ear. In order to cure the disease as soon as possible and increase the effectiveness of drug treatment, the primary goal is to remove fluid from the auditory tube.

Also an important role in relation to the duration of treatment is the severity of the pathological process. If the disease was detected at the initial stage, in addition, the patient began to treat the ear in a timely manner, the duration of therapy is significantly reduced. With the advanced stage of otitis media, the opposite effect is observed.

It often happens that otitis does not go away after antibiotics. Usually this happens with self-medication, when the disease does not have a bacterial etiology at all. In this scenario, therapy takes additional time.

How long is otitis media treated on average

Can otitis media go away on its own? This question is often asked at a doctor's appointment for the purpose of interest. Doctors say that in order to completely get rid of the pathology without further relapses, full treatment is necessary. The duration of treatment for otitis media primarily depends on the location of the inflammatory process. Let's consider in more detail.

Otitis externa

This disease involves an inflammatory process in the outer ear. In this case, all unpleasant sensations, including pain, are observed only from the outside. To check whether we are really talking about such an ailment, you can slightly pull down on the earlobe. A healthy person will feel absolutely no discomfort. With external inflammation, there will be a feeling of severe itching in tandem with pain. On average, the duration of treatment takes 7 days.

otitis media

It is the most serious form of the inflammatory process, which, if not properly treated or absent, leads to irreversible consequences. This ailment occurs infrequently, compared with external and otitis media. The cause of such an ailment is often trauma to the head or ear canal through mechanical damage. Otolaryngologists strongly recommend inpatient treatment. Therapy of internal inflammation lasts at least one month.

Otitis media

This form of the inflammatory process begins abruptly. First, the ear hurts a lot, then the body temperature gradually rises. In most cases, the disease is treated with antibiotics. Acute, excruciating pain can be removed in 1-2 days, otitis media completely disappears in 5-7 days.

Do they give sick leave for otitis?

When diagnosing any form of otitis, of course, an adult patient is given a sick leave until complete recovery. It is worth noting that unconditionally a disability certificate is given exclusively for otitis media, and not for ear pain. The otolaryngologist establishes such a diagnosis after examining the auditory cavity with an otoscope. For other diseases accompanied by pain in the ear area, the issue of opening a sick leave is controversial and is decided on an individual basis, depending on the diagnosis.

How to speed up recovery

To reduce the duration of the course of the disease, first of all, you need to contact an otolaryngologist to make a specific diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Self-treatment of otitis media is highly undesirable due to serious complications. Sometimes ear pain overtakes at the most inopportune moment and many are interested in how to speed up the healing process. Doctors claim that there are two ways: to briefly relieve unpleasant symptoms with the help of folk remedies, to fully cure the pathological process with the help of drops, tablets, and in some cases injections.

Effective medicines

To quickly eliminate inflammation in the ear, therapy is carried out in a complex manner. If we are talking about a small child or an elderly person, treatment is recommended to be carried out in a hospital. Consider a list of medications that will help get rid of the disease as soon as possible:

  1. If otitis media is caused by bacterial etiology, the otolaryngologist prescribes antibacterial drugs for local and internal use. Sofradex is recommended as drops, Amoxicillin for oral administration.
  2. To relieve swelling, antiallergic drugs such as Claritin are prescribed.
  3. Otipax drops will help relieve acute pain in the ear.
  4. To eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce the temperature, you can use Paracetamol.
  5. With external otitis, Sinaflan is prescribed to eliminate itching.
  6. With a fungal infection of the ear, Clotrimazole ointment is recommended.

This is important: The above treatment is not a guide to self-treatment. All drugs, course duration and dosage are calculated by the doctor.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for otitis media relieve unpleasant symptoms only for a while, but cannot act as the main treatment. Let's look at a few tools:

  1. To relieve itching in the external form of the inflammatory process in the ear, use dry pharmacy chamomile. A handful of dry raw materials are poured into 100 mg of boiling water and infused for about an hour. Cotton wool is abundantly moistened with liquid, squeezed a little and rubbed the ear shell 5-6 times a day.
  2. In acute otitis media, pain can be relieved with ordinary salt. It must be heated in a hot frying pan and pour the contents of a cotton handkerchief. Apply to the ear until the compress cools down.
  3. You can reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process with a decoction of bay leaf. For this purpose, the decoction is taken orally and the ear is laid as a gauze turunda.

This is important: With internal otitis, folk remedies are unacceptable and ineffective.


To reduce the risk of an inflammatory process in one of the three sections of the ear, preventive measures are aimed at increasing the body's defenses:

  1. When a runny nose appears, start treatment immediately. In addition to vasoconstrictor drops, other physiotherapy procedures should also be carried out.
  2. During colds, infectious or viral diseases, bed rest should be observed.
  3. Treat pathologies to the end, without interrupting the course of treatment prescribed by the attending physician.
  4. Take medicines only as directed by your doctor.
  5. Spend time outdoors every day.
  6. Avoid hypothermia, dress according to the weather.


How long otitis will last depends on the person's immunity. In order to recover as soon as possible and return to the usual rhythm of life, in no case self-medicate, at the first unpleasant symptoms in the ear, contact an otolaryngologist.

How to get rid of otitis media forever?

When we talk about otitis media, we usually mean an inflammatory process localized in the middle part of the ear. It is this form of the disease that deserves the main attention as the most common, prone to chronicity and causing complications.

The troubles that occur with the external auditory canal, occupy the second place among ear inflammations and are called otitis externa. This form of the disease is relatively easy to treat and does not entail serious consequences.

Finally, the third part of the auditory system is the inner ear, in which sounds are transformed into nerve impulses. It is isolated from other departments in the temporal bone. Inflammation of this section is rare, but has devastating consequences for hearing.

How long does otitis media last?

The most common differentiation of otitis is based on the nature of the course of the disease, which can be acute or chronic.

The disease always begins with an acute stage. With frequent repetitions or undertreatment, there is a possibility of chronicity of the pathological process, which involves alternating stages of remission and relapse. It is impossible to cure the chronic form of otitis media quickly, especially at home. Often the only option is a surgical method to get rid of accumulations of fluid in the tympanic cavity.

To understand how long otitis media goes through, another classification of this disease matters: into a purulent and non-purulent form. The first is characterized by sharp dynamics and more acute symptoms. The second is sluggish, does not declare itself with severe pain and fever. However, non-purulent otitis media, due to its calm nature and untimely treatment, tend to become chronic.

Nonpurulent otitis media

Non-suppurative otitis media always begins as swelling of the Eustachian tube mucosa (tubo-otitis) against the background of an inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract (SARS, influenza, measles and other infections). Thus, at the initial stage, the treatment of an infectious source in the nasopharynx is important.

If we talk about adults, then many symptoms of tubootitis occur after exposure to cold air, hypothermia, freezing of the legs. Leading symptoms indicate simultaneous swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and ear:

If a person has good immunity and there are no pathogenic microbes in the environment, then the listed symptoms of otitis media disappear on their own soon after the ambient temperature returns to normal. Such temporary swelling of the mucous membranes does not require treatment in either adults or children.

Otherwise, an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx will be observed with symptoms such as:

  • throat redness,
  • purulent discharge from the nose,
  • creaking "wet" sounds in the ear against the background of congestion and hearing loss.

In the absence of treatment or with its inadequacy, the symptoms of tubo-otitis intensify and expand. The disease passes into the secretory or serous stage, during which a liquid effusion from the blood supply vessels accumulates in the tympanic cavity. The release of the secret can occur for a year or more. At the same time, its consistency thickens, it acquires a sticky form, the process of fibrosis begins - the formation of connective tissue scars, which significantly impair hearing and ultimately lead to deafness. Otitis in this stage lasts up to 2 years, does not go away on its own and often flows into a chronic form.

Purulent otitis media

Inflammation of the middle ear with purulent discharge is characterized by a rapid and abrupt course. The suppuration phase in the tympanic cavity takes 7-14 days and is accompanied by severe pain and high body temperature. If the tympanic membrane retains its integrity, forced perforation is indicated to ensure the release of pus. Suppuration occurs within 10 days, in exceptional cases it lasts up to 30 days. Further, the symptoms subside, but without treatment, the disease passes into the chronic stage with perforation persisting, periodic suppuration, and degenerative changes in the auditory system.

How long does otitis media take?

The course and duration of otitis is determined by several factors:

  • Type of otitis and the nature of the disease
  • The state of the immune system
  • Patient's age
  • Individual features of the structure of the ear system
  • The presence of a neoplasm in the nasopharynx

Otitis media

To cure otitis at home as quickly as possible, the main attention should be paid to the treatment of primary respiratory tract infection, because. the presence of an infectious focus, even with adequate therapy, will lead to re-infection. This is especially true for the treatment of children whose immunity is in the process of formation, and relapses of otitis media can occur constantly.

Therapy of non-purulent otitis media involves the use of:

  • Medications (vasoconstrictor, anti-allergic, corticosteroid, secretion thinners, if necessary - antibiotics).
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (blowing, vibromassage, pneumomassage, heating, laser exposure).
  • Surgical sanitation of the tympanic cavity.

Often, in the home treatment of a non-purulent form of otitis media, warming compresses are used. This can help relieve pain. However, it is impossible to cure otitis with one compress. The use of folk remedies for swelling of the middle ear mucosa and liquid effusion is ineffective.

Catarrhal otitis associated with a respiratory disease, with concomitant treatment, disappears after about 14 days.

Since the therapy of exudative otitis media can be long-term, and the disease itself tends to become chronic, it is not possible to limit the treatment to a time frame.

Treatment of purulent otitis media in acute form is usually within 30 days.

In children, otitis media is often bilateral with signs of acute inflammation, requiring hospitalization for up to 2 weeks.

Otitis externa

Inflammation in the outer ear can be represented by:

  • Diffuse otitis media resulting from exposure to water, drugs, mechanical trauma, etc.
  • Focal otitis, the cause of which is inflammation of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland in the ear canal.
  • Fungal otitis.
  • Bullous otitis, which is a consequence of a common infectious disease.

Of these forms, fungal is the longest. To cure this otitis, it takes up to 60 days, in each of which it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the ear with the laying of an antifungal drug. At the same time, the probability of recurrence remains at a high level.

Bullous and focal (furunculous) otitis are characterized by rapid dynamics. The decline in symptoms is associated with the breakthrough of painful neoplasms or sometimes with their resorption (in the bullous form). The disease usually resolves within 7 to 14 days.

Diffuse otitis is the least defined by its timing. It can last both 7-10 days, and - while maintaining the provoking factor - periodically worsen.

The basis of the rapid treatment of external otitis is drops with an antibiotic and glucocorticosteroids (eg, Sofradex). It is important to disinfect the ear canal. For this purpose, apply:

Infusions of herbs, plant juices are widely used in the treatment of the external form of otitis media. The use of warm compresses can significantly reduce discomfort and speed up the healing process.

otitis media

Initially, the treatment of acute inflammation of the labyrinth involves the elimination of its cause, which in most cases is purulent otitis media. Complex drug therapy includes intravenous administration of antibiotics.

In some cases, a hospital stay is required. It is impossible to quickly cure otitis media of the labyrinth. The task of minimizing the consequences and complications for hearing, the vestibular system and the brain comes to the fore.

How long does otitis media take?

It is widely believed that otitis is a childhood disease, but this is not entirely true. Inflammation of any part of the ear is a very dangerous disease, which is quite common in adulthood. If it is not treated on time, the consequences can be irreversible.

If such a nuisance has already happened, then patients are primarily interested in how much otitis media is treated. The answer to this question makes it possible to plan cases, calculate the terms of the sick leave and determine the effectiveness of the treatment complex used.

Otitis therapy

Treatment of this disease should begin and continue to take place under the supervision of a doctor who will establish the cause of the onset of the disease and its stage. Regardless of the form of otitis media, bed rest and rest are recommended, otherwise the risk of complications increases. TO main methods of treatment, which may vary in each individual case, can include the following:

There is a direct relationship between how long otitis media will be treated and the stage of its disease. But this is only if you follow all the instructions of a specialist and do not self-medicate.

Otitis - terms of treatment

After the ENT determines the stage of development of inflammation, the patient will know how many days the otitis media will pass. Depending on the location of the inflammatory process specialists determine:

  • otitis externa- appears with damage to the auricle. It is divided into two forms: limited and diffuse.

limited form characteristic is the formation of boils in the ear, which are opened with an incision. This otitis needs treatment. at least one week.

Diffuse view- inflammation that can reach the eardrum. This type may last 2 – 3 weeks and, after which the symptoms subside and the patient recovers.

It is worth considering that inflammation can turn into a protracted and even develop into a chronic stage, which, as a result, threatens with hearing loss or hearing loss.

  • otitis media- inflammation affecting the middle part of the ear. Usually the period of therapy of this form is 1-3 weeks. This otitis media according to the characteristics of inflammation is divided into catarrhal and purulent.

catarrhal- inflammation of the middle ear in the initial stage. If you start treating it in a timely manner, then you can get rid of it. in 5 - 7 days. If not treated, it will move to the next stage with an increase in the time for therapy.

Purulent- manifests itself under the guise of complications during the illness of sinusitis and respiratory diseases. For the treatment of this type of ailment, specialists take 1-2 weeks.

  • otitis media- appears if timely treatment of otitis media of the middle ear is not taken up. This type of disease is very dangerous, with it the patient is immediately placed in a stationary department and surgical intervention is performed. The recovery period may take about a month or more.

However, these are only approximate dates, it is very difficult to establish the exact time, even if we consider each specific case. The point is that, how many days will the ear hurt with otitis media, also provide influence such factors:

  1. concomitant or chronic diseases;
  2. features of the anatomical structure of the organ of hearing;
  3. congenital pathologies;
  4. lifestyle of a person, his age;
  5. the state of the body's immunity;
  6. observance of hygiene rules.

With an attentive attitude to one's own health and an optimistic prognosis ear pain can go away in just a couple of days without leaving a trace behind.

Can otitis media go away on its own?

Rumor - one of the vital senses for a person. Even with minimal discomfort in the ears, you should consult a doctor. Don't wait for these discomforts to go away on their own.

Otitis media won't go away! And if you neglect the signals that the body gives, you can simply get a chronic form from the initial stage of the disease. And maybe even worse - various complications that the disease is fraught with.

Ignoring symptoms or self-medicating is a risk in this disease. The best thing in this situation is to provide your body with timely and competent medical care.

Treatment of this disease under the supervision of a specialist, compliance with preventive measures is the key to a successful and faster recovery, as well as the exclusion of a possible recurrence of the disease.

How long does the treatment of otitis media in children and adults last?

A frequently asked question is: how long is this or that form of otitis media treated. The calculation of the approximate time allows you to make plans for the future, calculate the terms of the sick leave, and also determine the effectiveness of the treatment method used. In children and adults, this indicator may differ, since the ear has anatomical differences in different age categories.

What is otitis media, the main symptoms and their duration

To roughly understand how long otitis media is treated, you need to figure out what this disease is. In fact, this is an inflammation of the tissues of the ear, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, the formation of secretions, swelling and temporary hearing loss. It is impossible to say unequivocally how many days exactly otitis media passes, since this disease has many forms and nuances of the course of the process.

It is worth noting the features of the hearing organs in children and adults, as well as the tendency of children to frequent otitis media. The fact is that the Eustachian tube goes into the middle ear from the nasopharynx, which equalizes the pressure in the auditory cavity and ensures the outflow of excess fluid. With inflammation and the development of edema, these processes are disrupted. A child's short and more germ-free Eustachian tube allows infections to enter the middle ear. The already weak body of the baby can not quickly cope with this problem.

The first symptoms of the disease are:

  • temperature increase;
  • sensation of fullness in the ear;
  • nasal and ear congestion;
  • hearing loss;
  • pain and discomfort;
  • noise and autophony.

Both in children and adults, the disease develops according to the same principle. Depending on how much and how much the ear hurts with otitis, one can judge the form of the disease and roughly calculate the period of infection in the body. In acute inflammation, the whole process covers 3-4 days. Protracted and chronic otitis media can last from several weeks.

It is more difficult to determine how long otitis media will hurt the ear in a small child. He cannot explain his feelings, so you need to monitor the condition of the baby. You can verify that there is a problem in the following way: press on the tragus of the ear. With otitis media, the child will cry from the sharp pain caused by pressure on the cartilage process.

Also, a deterioration in the perception of sounds during games, communication, etc. may indicate the presence of a problem.

Features of individual forms of the disease

When answering the question of how long otitis media will approximately last, it is important to take into account the very form of the disease. We single out the following types of illness:

In both adults and children, the middle ear most often hurts. The inflammatory process can proceed in an acute form, purulent and chronic. In the first case, the disease develops rapidly, the symptoms are intense, but this form also passes in just a week.

How long purulent otitis media will be treated depends on when the treatment was started. In a few days, the usual serous inflammation can develop into a purulent stage. It will take several weeks to eliminate the infection, remove pus and eliminate the negative consequences.

Complicates the situation and increases the duration of the disease by blocking the natural pathways of excretion. Congenital anomalies in the structure of the hearing organs and nasopharynx can provoke the development of chronic inflammation in both adults and children. The accumulation of pus in the pockets of the auditory cavity leads to a protracted disease. In chronic otitis media, symptoms can bother the patient for many months, and then disappear for a period of remission. The risk of recurrence remains high.

External otitis media is easier to cure, since access to the affected area is more open. But internal inflammation is the most difficult to treat. The situation is aggravated by the fact that ordinary inflammation can provoke damage to the vestibular apparatus, cause labyrinthitis and lead to the development of hearing loss due to damage to the receptors.

Average treatment time

For adults, it is especially important to know how many days otitis media is treated. It depends on how long a person will be absent from the workplace and how long his sick leave will last. Usually, a period of 1-2 weeks is taken into account. It is extremely difficult to determine the exact timing, even if we consider a specific case.

The following factors influence how long otitis media lasts in each case:

  • form and type of disease;
  • timely visit to the doctor;
  • method of treatment and selection of medicines;
  • the use of auxiliary techniques, in particular, physiotherapy;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • features of the anatomical structure of the hearing organs;
  • the presence of congenital pathologies;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • the level of the body's immune forces;
  • the patient's lifestyle;
  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • patient's age;
  • adherence to treatment time limits.

For young children, even ordinary otitis media can become a problem, since the protective functions of the body have not yet formed sufficiently. For adults, a busy lifestyle, stress, disruption of the regimen, the presence of health problems and bad habits can slow down the recovery process.

With an optimistic prognosis, the ear can pass in just a few days, and without residual effects.

The accumulation of negative factors and extraneous influences increases the duration of treatment. In the absence of proper therapy and neglect of one's own health in general, otitis media can remain for life. In this case, we are talking about its chronic purulent form, which, among other things, can provoke the development of other pathologies of the hearing organs and lead to its complete loss.

If otitis media does not go away for a long time

Depending on the form of otitis, the reasons why it does not go away for a long time may be different. There are the following situations:

  • Wrong treatment. For example, with allergic otitis media, traditional therapy can be used, which is suitable only for ordinary otitis media, and, naturally, in this case has no effect.
  • Weak drugs. The selection of suitable antibiotics is also of great importance, since when drugs are instilled into the ear, to which bacteria practically do not react, they will not give any result, even after a week of intensive therapy.
  • Weakened immunity. This is especially true for a child. Weakened by disease, the body resists infection worse, which makes treatment difficult.
  • Congenital and chronic pathologies. Some adults have diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus) that not only slow down the recovery processes in the body, but can also provoke the development of relapses.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to reliably determine after how many days otitis media passes, approximate dates allow you to navigate the situation. With a protracted course of the disease, it is necessary to determine the cause of this condition and start looking for an alternative solution to the problem.

Features of the course of the disease in children

Parents are concerned about the question of how much otitis in children is normally treated. For young patients, some features of the course of the disease are distinguished. One of the most important factors is immunity. At an early age, defenses are only being formed, and therefore it is easier for a baby to catch an infection. It will take more time to fight it than for adults.

Only certain types of antibiotics are used to treat a child. Do not abuse strong drugs. At the catarrhal stage, you need to give the child's body the opportunity to cope with the problem on its own. The temperature can last for several days, but if it is within 38 degrees, it is not necessary to bring it down. It depends on how soon immunity against certain types of bacteria is developed, and how long otitis media in a child will be treated.

In general, a general conclusion can be drawn regarding how long otitis media lasts in children on average. The acute form lasts 3-5 days, the serous one takes 5-10 days. If the ear begins to fester, more drastic measures must be taken, otherwise the disease will drag on for months.

Precautionary measures

To prevent the development of complications and speed up the healing process, it is necessary to perform a number of measures. In addition, some of them will serve as a prevention of the recurrence of inflammation. Do not rely on the fact that otitis media can go away on its own. This is possible only in healthy adults and in exceptional cases.

First of all, for prevention, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system:

  • eat right, saturate your body with vitamins;
  • temper yourself;
  • take sun baths;
  • walk outdoors more often;
  • exercise in moderation;
  • do not abuse medicines, especially antibiotics.

To protect the ear from inflammation, avoid the risk of injury. It is also important to perform hygiene procedures correctly: gently clean the sulfur, do not fill the channel with water and do not blow your nose with excessive effort, as bacteria can enter the hearing organs through the Eustachian tube.

Hypothermia or a draft can cause inflammation in otitis media, so take care of having a warm hat for the period of cold weather, and in the summer do not sit in a draft or under an air conditioner.

Parents are responsible for the health of the child. In addition to the measures already mentioned, try to prevent foreign bodies from entering the ear canal. Toddlers often strive to put objects in their ears, nose or mouth.

Timely treatment of otitis media, agreed with a specialist otolaryngologist, as well as the implementation of preventive measures, contribute to the acceleration of the patient's recovery and protect him from the recurrence of the disease. It is important to take care of your health and prevent complications.

Otitis - what is it, types, symptoms in adults, treatment of otitis media

Otitis is an ENT disease, which is an inflammatory process in the ear. Manifested by pain in the ear (throbbing, shooting, aching), fever, hearing loss, tinnitus, mucopurulent discharge from the external auditory canal. The severity of the pathological process depends entirely on the virulence of microorganisms, and the state of human immune defense also plays an important role.

What is it, what are the first signs and symptoms of otitis media, and how to treat in adults without consequences for the ear, we will consider later in the article.

What is otitis?

Otitis is an inflammatory lesion of the inner, middle or outer part of the human ear, occurring in a chronic or acute form. The disease is characterized by damage to the structures of the outer, middle or inner ear, while patients present specific complaints. Symptoms in adults depend on the area of ​​inflammation, the addition of local or systemic complications.

Pathology can develop at any time of the year, but the peak of visits to the hospital occurs in autumn and winter, when people do not have time to change from warm to cold.

The causes and symptoms of otitis media depend on the type of disease, immune status, and environmental factors. The fundamental elements in the formation of the disease are the influence of air temperature, the purity of the water used for hygiene, the season.

The causes of otitis media are:

  • Penetration of infection from other ENT organs - as a complication of a concomitant infectious viral disease;
  • Various diseases of the nose, its sinuses and nasopharynx. This includes all types of rhinitis, deviated septum, adenoids (adenoid vegetations);
  • Injuries of the auricle;
  • Hypothermia and weakened immunity.

Conditions that significantly increase the risk of developing the disease include:

  • allergy;
  • inflammation of the ENT organs;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • performing surgical operations in the area of ​​the nasopharynx or nasal cavity;
  • infancy, childhood.

Otitis in adults is a disease that must be taken seriously, to know its symptoms, consequences and treatment.

Types of otitis media

The structure of the human ear is divided into three interconnected parts, which bear the following names:

Depending on in which specific part of the organ the inflammatory process occurs, in medicine it is customary to distinguish three types of otitis media:

Otitis externa

Otitis externa can be limited or diffuse, in some cases it extends to the eardrum, it is more common in elderly patients. Occurs as a result of mechanical or chemical trauma to the ear. A patient with otitis externa complains of throbbing pain in the ear, which radiates to the neck, teeth and eyes, and is aggravated by talking and chewing.

Development is facilitated by two factors:

  • Infection with a sharp object (hairpin, toothpick);
  • Ingress and accumulation of moisture in the external auditory canal.

It often occurs if the ear is constantly in contact with water, such as when swimming, which is why it is called "swimmer's ear".

Otitis media

With otitis media, the inflammatory process occurs in the tympanic cavity. There are many forms and variants of the course of this disease. It can be catarrhal and purulent, perforative and non-perforative, acute and chronic. Otitis media can develop complications.

otitis media

This type is also called labyrinthitis, its symptoms can vary in severity (from mild to pronounced).

The symptoms of otitis are similar in all forms of the disease, but their intensity and some features depend on the type.

According to the nature of the course of the disease, forms are distinguished:

  • Acute. Occurs suddenly, has severe symptoms.
  • Chronic. The inflammatory process continues for a long time, has periods of exacerbation.

According to the ways of manifestation of otitis media, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Purulent. There is an accumulation of pus behind the eardrum.
  • Catarrhal. There is swelling and redness of the tissues, there is no liquid or purulent discharge.
  • Exudative. In the middle ear, fluid (blood or lymph) accumulates, which is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms.

The otolaryngologist determines how and how to treat otitis media by establishing the type and degree of the disease.

Symptoms of otitis media in adults

The clinical picture of otitis media directly depends on the location of the pathological process.

  • earache. This symptom is constantly disturbing and is the main one that brings the greatest discomfort. Sometimes the pain shoots into the teeth, temple, lower jaw. The cause of the development of this condition with otitis media is considered to be increased pressure in the ear cavity;
  • redness of the ear canal, discoloration of the auricle;
  • gradual deterioration of hearing due to the opening of abscesses and the filling of the auditory canal with purulent masses;
  • fever - most often there is an increase in body temperature, however, this is also an optional sign;
  • discharge from the ear with otitis externa is almost always. After all, nothing prevents the inflammatory fluid from standing out.

Symptoms of otitis are often accompanied by a runny nose, which leads to swelling of the nasal mucosa and congestion of the auditory tube.

  • In the case of acute purulent local external otitis (furuncle in the ear canal), the patient complains of pain in the ear, which is aggravated by pressure or pulling on it.
  • There is also pain when opening the mouth and pain when the ear funnel is inserted to examine the external auditory canal.
  • Externally, the auricle is edematous and reddened.
  • Acute infectious purulent diffuse otitis media develops as a result of inflammation of the middle ear and suppuration from it.
  • heat;
  • ear pain (throbbing or aching);
  • decrease in hearing function, which usually recovers a few days after the first manifestations of symptoms;
  • nausea, general malaise, vomiting;
  • purulent discharge from the ears.
  • The main symptom of the acute form is severe ear pain, which patients describe as twitching or shooting.
  • The pain can be very intense, worse in the evening.
  • One of the signs of otitis is the so-called autophony - the presence of constant noise in the ear, not associated with sounds from the outside, ear congestion appears.

Acute otitis should always be treated to the end, as the pus will begin to spread inside the skull.

  • Hearing loss.
  • Periodic purulent discharge from the ear.
  • Dizziness or tinnitus.
  • Pain appears only during periods of exacerbation.
  • Temperature rise is possible.

If you have symptoms of otitis, you need to urgently consult a doctor who will correctly diagnose and tell you how to treat inflammation.


Do not think that otitis media is a harmless catarrhal disease. In addition to the fact that it knocks a person out of the rut for a long time, reducing his ability to work for at least 10 days, it is possible to develop irreversible changes with persistent deterioration or complete loss of hearing.

When the disease is allowed to take its course, the following complications may occur:

  • rupture of the eardrum (as a rule, it takes 2 weeks for the hole to heal);
  • choleostomy (growth of tissue behind the eardrum, hearing loss);
  • destruction of the auditory ossicles of the middle ear (incus, malleus, stirrup);
  • mastoiditis (inflammatory lesion of the mastoid process of the temporal bone).


A competent doctor diagnoses acute otitis without special devices and innovative technologies. A simple examination of the auricle and auditory canal with a head reflector (a mirror with a hole in the center) or an otoscope is enough to diagnose otitis media.

As methods confirming and clarifying the diagnosis, a general blood test can be prescribed, which reveals signs of inflammation (increased ESR, an increase in the number of leukocytes, and others).

Of the instrumental methods, radiography, computed tomography of the temporal regions are used.

How to treat otitis media in adults?

Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.) play a special role in the treatment of otitis media. Their use has a number of features - the medicine should not only act on the bacteria that caused otitis media, but also penetrate well into the tympanic cavity.

Treatment of inflammatory changes in the auricle begins with bed rest. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretic drugs are prescribed simultaneously. The combination of drugs allows you to effectively treat the pathology.

Comprehensive treatment of otitis media

It's no secret how acute otitis in adults is treated - drops in the ears. This is the most common remedy for otitis media. Depending on the type of disease, different drugs are used. Ear drops can contain only an antibacterial drug or be combined - contain an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory substance.

There are the following types of drops:

  • glucocorticosteroid (Garazon, Sofradex, Dexon, Anauran);
  • containing anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agents (Otinum, Otipax);
  • antibacterial (Otofa, Tsipromed, Normax, Fugentin).

The course of treatment takes 5-7 days.

  1. In combination with ear drops for otitis media, otolaryngologists often prescribe vasoconstrictor nose drops (Nafthyzin, Nazol, Galazolin, Otrivin, etc.), thanks to which it is possible to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and thereby reduce the load on the eardrum.
  2. In addition to drops in the complex, antihistamine (antiallergic) agents may also be prescribed, pursuing the same goal - removing mucosal edema. These can be tablets of Loratadine, Suprastin, Diazolin, etc.
  3. To reduce temperature and reduce pain in the ear, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on paracetamol (panadol), ibuprofen (nurofen), nise are prescribed.
  4. Antibiotics for otitis media in adults are added to the treatment of acute moderate form with the development of purulent inflammation. The use of Augmentin has proven itself well. Rulid, Amoxiclav, Cefazolin are also effective.

In addition to the above measures, physiotherapy procedures are used:

  • UHF for the nose area;
  • laser therapy for the mouth of the auditory tube;
  • pneumomassage focused on the eardrum area.

If all the above actions did not lead to a regression of the process, or treatment was started at the stage of perforation of the tympanic membrane, then first of all it is necessary to ensure a good outflow of pus from the middle ear cavity. To do this, carry out regular cleansing of the external auditory canal from secretions.

Local anesthesia is used during the procedure. A puncture is made in the eardrum with a special needle, through which pus is removed. The incision heals on its own after the discharge of pus stops.

  • You can not independently prescribe medicines for yourself, choose a dosage, interrupt the medication when the symptoms of otitis media disappear.
  • Wrong actions performed at one's own discretion can cause harm to health.
  • Before going to the doctor, you can only take a paracetamol tablet to reduce pain. This drug is effective and has few contraindications. When used correctly, paracetamol rarely causes side effects.


The main goal of preventing otitis media in adults is to prevent the Eustachian tube from becoming blocked by thick mucus. This is not such an easy task. As a rule, acute rhinitis is accompanied by liquid secretions, but in the process of treatment, the mucus often becomes much thicker, stagnating in the nasopharynx.

  1. Foci of chronic infection - tonsillitis, pharyngitis increase the risk of otitis media.
  2. After swimming, especially in open water, it is necessary to dry the ears thoroughly to prevent water from getting inside along with bacteria. Especially for people prone to otitis, antiseptic drops have been developed that are instilled into the ears after each bath.
  3. Regularly clean your ears from dirt and sulfur, maintain hygiene. But it is better to leave a minimum of sulfur, since it protects the ear canal from pathogenic microbes.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that otitis media is a very unpleasant disease. Do not think that all symptoms will go away on their own. Be sure to consult a doctor at the first signs. Often, people treat otitis media unjustifiably lightly, not realizing that complications from this infection can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

How long does otitis treatment last?

How long otitis media is treated depends on the localization of the inflammatory process. For example, otitis externa can be completely cured in 2 weeks, while with labyrinthitis, the duration of therapy is more than 1 month. The terms of treatment also directly depend on the age of the patient, the general condition of his body, the presence or absence of chronic pathologies. It is worth remembering that if treatment is started at an early stage, the time of illness is significantly reduced.

Otitis in children at an early age is quite difficult. This is directly related to deficiencies in the immune functions of the body. It takes much more time to completely eliminate the pathology in a child. It is important to remember that otitis media is a disease that has the peculiarity of recurring, therefore it must be treated until all symptoms are completely eliminated.

Even a doctor cannot determine the exact timing of treatment, because a lot depends on the patient himself. To speed up the healing process, you need to take care of yourself, that is, refuse to walk in cold weather, observe bed rest, drink plenty of warm liquids, and take vitamins. Provided that the above recommendations are followed in combination with taking medications that the doctor prescribes, otitis media will not linger for a long time.

Duration of therapy

The question “how long is otitis media treated” worries many, but it is impossible to answer it exactly. The recovery period depends on many factors:

  • type of pathology;
  • the form of the disease;
  • the correctness of the treatment;
  • the use of additional methods of therapy;
  • compliance with the recommendations of a specialist;
  • the presence of any anomalies in the structure of the ENT organs;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • the level of immunity;
  • patient's age;
  • patient's lifestyle.

Otitis in young children often develops due to a lack of body defenses. Children's immunity is simply unable to fight penetrating viruses and bacteria. That is why the duration of the disease may increase slightly. The presence of bad habits, non-compliance with doctor's recommendations, constant stressful situations can complicate the course of the disease in adults.

The presence of several negative factors at the same time significantly lengthens the treatment process. In the absence of timely medical treatment, ear inflammation can remain for life. This happens in the case of the transition of pathology into a chronic form. This and other complications of otitis are dangerous because it can provoke the development of diseases of other ENT organs. Based on this, we can conclude that the earlier treatment is started, the faster otitis media will pass. Timely access to an otolaryngologist is the key to recovery.

Duration of treatment of otitis media of various forms

After determining the form and stage of the disease, the doctor will be able to tell the patient more precisely the duration of the course of the disease. The table below contains approximate dates that correspond to reality, subject to timely access to a doctor and proper treatment of the pathology.

Recovery time for otitis:

  1. With a limited form of otitis externa, boils form in the ear cavity, a similar inflammatory process requires treatment. With diffuse manifestation of otitis externa, inflammation reaches the tympanic membrane. The healing process in the absence of complications takes about two weeks.
  2. Otitis media can be catarrhal and purulent. Depending on the characteristics of the manifestation, the duration of treatment of the disease of this form is up to 3 weeks.
  3. Internal otitis is the most dangerous pathology. It takes 1 month or more to eliminate all symptoms. The disease is dangerous for the development of intracranial complications.

It is worth noting that the risk of complications in any form of otitis media, provided timely access to specialists, is minimized.

Why otitis media does not go away for a long time

In some cases, otitis does not go away for a long time. The reasons for this may be as follows:

  1. Wrong diagnosis. If the intensity of the manifestation of the disease does not decrease, provided that the patient follows all the recommendations of the specialist, the reason is hidden in the wrong diagnosis. You should contact another specialist to determine the exact cause.
  2. The use of weak drugs. It's no secret that many pathogens are immune to antibiotics. Accordingly, weak antibiotics simply do not destroy them. In this case, you should discuss the dosage of the drug with a specialist again.
  3. Congenital pathologies. In the presence of pathologies in the structure of the ENT organs, a full recovery takes more time.
  4. Weakened immunity. Otitis in children under the age of 3 years is longer. This is due to the fact that a weakened immune system is not able to counteract diseases.
  5. Chronic diseases of the ENT organs. In patients with chronic pathologies of ENT organs, the recovery process takes longer.

Recovery periods are approximate. Terms of full recovery are individual in all cases. The course of the pathology should be monitored by a doctor who can timely determine the cause of the long course of the pathology and select a method to eliminate such a problem.

The auditory function is one of the most important, which is why it is recommended to consult a doctor even if there is minimal discomfort in the ears. You should not think that otitis media will pass on its own after some time. Inflammation of the ear is a rather serious pathology that requires medical intervention. In the absence of therapy, the risk of chronicity of the process increases. Treatment under the supervision of an experienced specialist is the best solution.

Treatment of otitis and removal of inflammation of the ear

Distinguish external, average and internal otitis media, labyrinthitis. Treatment of ear inflammation directly depends on the location of the lesion. This is due to the causes of the disease, clinical manifestations, the condition of the eardrum, and the involvement of the cochlea in the process. The same factors determine the terms, how much otitis media is treated.

The most favorable course and the minimum duration of treatment are characteristic of external otitis media, which can occur in a diffuse form or be localized, as in the development of a focus of pyoderma in the external auditory canal or auricle. In this case, only local treatment is required, consisting of ear drops or ointments containing an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory component.

Otitis externa can be cured without antibiotics.

The use of antibacterial agents, even local ones, can only be discussed with severe clinical manifestations, accompanied by general malaise, fever. To relieve pain, the treatment of otitis media in an adult in this case includes the following drugs:

  • 3% alcohol solution of boric acid;
  • ear drops Otipax;
  • ointment Bactroban.

Among antibiotic drops that could be prescribed for otitis externa, Candibiotic has gained popularity. This is due to the wide spectrum of action of this drug. In addition to the local anesthetic and antibiotic, the composition also includes an antifungal agent, which makes it active against various pathogens.

Features of the treatment of otitis media

Treatment for otitis media depends on the integrity of the eardrum and the presence of otorrhea.

At the first preperforative stage, the treatment of otitis media in an adult includes:

As drops with an analgesic effect, Otipax drops, which include a local anesthetic lidocaine and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, are widely used. Sofradex may also be effective if its anti-inflammatory action is used. As for the antibacterial component, this effect should not be counted on at this stage, since the antibiotic cannot penetrate the tympanic septum, and, therefore, its action will be limited to the external auditory canal.

To relieve pain in otitis media, a 3% alcohol solution of boric acid, heated to body temperature, is widely used. This remedy, which is an antiseptic, has a pronounced analgesic effect. However, the drug can be used only for external otitis or catarrhal.

The presence of suppuration with otitis media is a contraindication for the use of boric acid.

Otherwise, 70% ethyl alcohol, which is part of it, can have a toxic effect on the middle ear, leading to hearing loss.

In addition, there are certain rules on how to properly bury your ears:

  1. For instillation, use means heated to body temperature, that is, 35-40 degrees. To do this, for several minutes before use, the bottle must be held in your hand;
  2. Before the procedure, the patient must take a horizontal position. Instillation is carried out alternately on one side, then on the other side;
  3. The time interval between instillation of both ears should be several minutes;
  4. In the event that the external auditory canal is filled with exudate, the procedure is first carried out to evacuate the contents, mucus, pus;
  5. In many cases, it makes sense to instill the ear with the injection method. With such a manipulation, it is necessary to press the tragus with a finger, closing the passage, and carry out injection movements into the ear cavity.

First aid for otitis is the use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

Since in most cases the development of ear inflammation is due to swelling and the presence of mucus in the auditory tube, the use of nasal drops contributes to the fact that the disease can regress already at the initial stage. You can relieve the pain of otitis by using drugs with an analgesic effect, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen.

Dry heat in the form of heated salt or sand, heating pads, vodka compresses are those physiotherapeutic procedures that can be done for ear inflammation in adults. However, warming procedures should be stopped immediately if the pain syndrome increases, the general condition worsens.

During the period when suppuration appears, any physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated, since their conduct can lead to the spread of the process.

Treatment of otitis media in adults with antibiotics begins 2 days after the ineffectiveness of other treatments. In the preperforative stage, drugs of the amoxicillin group or its compounds with clavulanic acid, such as augmentin, amoxiclav, are more often used. The perforative stage allows more extensive use of local remedies, drops of Otofa, Tsipromed.


Otitis in adults is treated for a long time, for at least 10 days, even if the clinical symptoms regress by the second or third day. Throughout the treatment, an examination by an otolaryngologist is extremely important. It is the ENT doctor, using instrumental diagnostic methods, who will be able to clarify the diagnosis if the ear is inflamed, and determine the subsequent tactics.

With increasing symptoms of intoxication, as well as pain syndrome, an otoscopy performed allows you to clarify the condition of the tympanic membrane, and decide on the need for paracentesis.

Ear surgery for otitis requires maintaining the immobility of the operated organ. Therefore, it is carried out under local anesthesia in adults and under anesthesia in children. A special tool is used to make a puncture in the eardrum, allowing the contents of the middle ear to come out. Thus, the possibility of a breakthrough of pus into the region of the mastoid process of the temporal bone and the development of mastoiditis, brain abscess is prevented.

With the appearance of suppuration, the treatment tactics change somewhat. It is necessary to treat otitis media in adults, based on the fact that thermal procedures are contraindicated during this period, as well as the use of agents that can have a toxic effect on the structures of the middle ear. Hazardous substances include alcohol-containing drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antibiotics with ototoxic properties, gentamicin, kanamycin, netilmicin. The use of antibiotics in drip form is justified. In the case of combined medicines, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for the preparations, since failure to comply with the conditions can have tragic consequences for the preservation of the hearing of the patient.

With otitis media in the stage of perforation, the necessary procedure is to conduct a regular toilet of the external auditory canal. In the event that it is not possible to carry out these activities in a specialized room, cotton swabs soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution are used to evacuate pus.

With ineffective treatment of acute otitis media, the presence of concomitant diseases from the ENT organs, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, as well as a genetic predisposition to this pathology, there may be a transition from acute inflammation to a chronic form. This pathology involves surgical treatment of inflammation of the ear. In this regard, a large role is given to preventive measures, including an increase in immunity, as well as the treatment of comorbidities.

Types of acute otitis media and their treatment

Ear infections are common in children and adults. Most of the varieties of acute otitis media, if not properly treated, can lead to serious consequences. Prescribes diagnostics, course of treatment and prevention of ENT.

Acute otitis media

This is a fast-acting infectious disease. The focus of inflammation is in the middle ear. The disease is one of the most common in pediatric and adult otolaryngology.

Inflammation affects the tympanic cavity, directly the middle ear. The latter is located in the thickness of the temporal bone. Outside, the cavity is limited by the tympanic membrane.

Equally common in women and men. Doctors note that in adults, the symptoms can be "blurred", and in children there is a tendency to relapse. In babies, the structure of the ear is special, therefore, with the development of the disease, infection of the mastoid cave occurs almost immediately.

There are three types of inflammation:

It implies acute purulent inflammation, affecting other parts of the auditory organ. The causative agent of this disease is bacteria that enter the auditory region through the tube. Purulent otitis is characterized by stages. Local and general symptoms vary depending on the stage and severity of the process. There are three stages:

In the first stage, local and general symptoms appear. The pain is very strong, gives to the temple. It grows over time. The cause of the occurrence is the formation of an infiltrate.


This form differs in that there is a perforation of the eardrum, suppuration. The pain at this stage subsides, the temperature decreases. Allocations with purulent otitis media in children in the early days are abundant, may be mixed with blood. Sometimes there is a pulsating reflex during otoscopy.

In the photo, purulent otitis media with perforation

After this stage comes the reparative stage. There is a cessation of pus discharge, the eardrum is restored, hearing is normalized. This course is typical, but at any stage the disease can become chronic.

If the second stage does not occur, then the development of severe headaches, vomiting is possible, the general condition becomes very difficult.


The disease is characterized by the formation and long-term preservation of transudate in the tympanic cavity. It is much more common in children than in adults. During the illness, there is a violation of the ventilation function. This leads to the formation of a vacuum and sweating of serous contents. Sometimes blood is added to the latter. There are several forms of the disease.


It is formed more often in children due to minor injuries, including burns, frostbite, chemical or mechanical effects. Through a damaged eardrum, the infection easily reaches the middle ear.

At the first stage, it resembles a purulent form of purulent otitis media. Most of the patients are children under one year of age. A vacuum builds up in the area of ​​the eardrum. After that, a slight autophony is formed. Hearing loss is sometimes so slight that it may go unnoticed. After 30 days, mucus appears, which leads to the appearance of noise, a feeling of fullness.

If for all other forms the prerequisites are a decrease in immunity, the appearance of microcracks, then the bullous appearance is formed due to the presence of a virus in the blood. First, flu symptoms appear, after the virus circulates through the body, a focus of inflammation is formed in the middle ear.

Basically, the disease is found in adults with a weak immune system. Bubbles appear on the membrane and on the walls of the passage, leading to moderate pain. Bullae can be quite small or the size of a pea.

If the disease is preceded by SARS, then in addition to discharge from the ear, itching, body temperature rises, a feeling of weakness develops.


One of the most dangerous forms, as it leads, if left untreated, to a sharp decrease in hearing. The cause of development is infection of the upper respiratory tract or inflammation of the adenoids. The causative agent is coccal bacteria.

The main factor for the formation of catarrhal otitis becomes a persistent violation of the ventilation and drainage function of the auditory canal. Therefore, the form is characterized by increased secretion, has a protracted course of the disease.

Otitis media usually lasts up to 3 weeks. At the first stage, the appearance of intense pain in the ear is noted. It can be unbearable, so it causes a lack of sleep and a decrease in appetite. Gives to the temporal region. The temperature rises to high levels, chills appear, signs of intoxication of the body.

In the second stage, the pain subsides if the membrane ruptures, this leads to a decrease in temperature. Suppuration lasts no more than 7 days.

At the last stage, there are practically no unusual sensations. Active healing occurs, but if the perforation is larger than 1 mm, the fibrous layer of the membrane is not restored.

When the hole is overgrown, an atrophic and thin film is formed, lined only with epithelial and mucous layers.

Among the main reasons are:

  • Hypothermia. During a decrease in temperature, vasoconstriction occurs, which leads to a decrease in local temperature. Bacteria begin to multiply actively.
  • Infections of the nose, nasopharynx. Even if they were in a “sleeping” state, they are activated at any moment under the influence of adverse factors.

In 70% of patients, when examining the contents, they find:

  • Streptococcus pneumoniae,
  • haemophilus influenzae,
  • Moraxella catarrhalis.

How to treat?

Based on the complaints received from the patient, the doctor assumes the presence of an inflammatory process in the middle ear. Cartonal study is being carried out. It allows you to set the quality of hearing. The doctor can send general tests for a bacterioscopic examination of the exudate. After treatment is prescribed.

Medical standards

At the first sign, drops are prescribed. If purulent contents appear, local antibiotics are prescribed. With the appearance of a high temperature, the risk of developing the disease, injections with antibacterial agents are prescribed.

Most drops have an anesthetic in their composition. It allows you to relieve pain, leads to the restoration of appetite. Otipax drops, a Tsitovich compress (gauze is impregnated with a solution of boric acid and glycerin) have a good analgesic effect.

Good reviews for the drug "Otirelax", which has similar actions. By the way, you need to drip into two ears, regardless of whether you have bilateral, left- or right-sided otitis media.

To reduce the swelling of the auditory corpse, vasoconstrictor nasal drops and antihistamines are prescribed. They allow and improve the outflow of pus from the middle ear.

Antibiotics are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since not all are suitable for treating the ear. If there is no effect after three days, the drug is replaced by another.

How much to treat in adults?

Treatment in adults is at least 8-11 days. Even after the condition improves, treatment continues. Early discontinuation of drugs often causes relapse or hearing loss.

How long does otitis media last in children?

If the disease did not have time to become chronic, recovery occurs from 3 to 5 days.

Chronic species require more thorough treatment up to 10 days.

Untreated diseases, against which otitis media develops, lead to the fact that the duration of treatment increases.

Folk methods of ear treatment

These methods are used more often as an adjunct to drug therapy. Geranium, aloe, Kalanchoe will help relieve pain. The leaf is torn off, folded into a tube and put into a sore ear. Aloe and Kalanchoe can be kept in the refrigerator for a day, then juice is squeezed out of them. They are impregnated with gauze, which is put into the ear.

Eat honey and lemons. The first component is diluted with warm water. Buried in each ear.

Herbs are also used. Useful heel, sweet clover. An excellent solution would be a ready-made tincture of calendula. It is bought in a pharmacy.


If treatment is not started immediately, a purulent form of otitis media and a rupture of the eardrum quickly form. Among the most dangerous consequences is mastoiditis, requiring surgical intervention. Sometimes purulent meningoencephalitis leads to death.

To prevent the development of hearing loss, to protect your life, you need to consult a doctor at the first symptoms.


Deafness is the main consequence. In adults, the eardrum does not fully recover. Sometimes it takes years to improve hearing. This is especially dangerous for children in the first years of life, since problems with the ears often cause a delay in speech development.


Doctors say that it is necessary to treat colds in a timely manner, to make sure that the adenoids do not become inflamed. Teach children how to blow their nose correctly by closing their nostrils one at a time. Otitis is often preceded by a decrease in immunity. Therefore, do not forget to strengthen it.

Definition of otitis, its types, symptoms and treatment

Otitis occupies the first place among diseases of the organ of hearing. However, not everyone knows what otitis is? How long does otitis media last? How to deal with it? Otitis media is called inflammation of the ears.

Types of disease

Depending on the place of inflammation of the organ of hearing, the following types of otitis media are distinguished:

This is an infectious inflammation of the skin of the outer part of the hearing organ, which occurs with equal frequency in both adults and children.

Classification of otitis externa:

Otitis externa in an adult can be acute or chronic. It occurs due to:

  • damage to the skin of the outer part of the ear with a piercing object, after which the infection joins, and an inflammatory process occurs;
  • excessive water entering the ear when swimming or performing hygiene procedures.

Signs of inflammation of the outer part of the ear - soreness, itching, swelling inside the ear canal.

Diagnosis consists in examination (otoscopy) of the ear. The ENT inserts a special metal funnel into the ear, pulls the ear shell up and back, directs light to the funnel, and examines the ear canal. There is redness and swelling of the skin inside the ear canal.

If there is a boil, the swelling will be localized, and pus may come out in this place. During an otoscopy, the doctor takes a small amount of purulent discharge to determine the causative agent of the infection and select the most sensitive antibiotic.

Treatment of inflammation of the ear canal

The main objective of the treatment of otitis externa is the destruction of the infection. To do this, it is necessary to clean the ear canal from pus daily. Use tampons that are moistened in hydrogen peroxide or furacilin.

For the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic otitis media and other ear diseases in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends a proven, reliable remedy based on only natural ingredients, no chemicals! After talking with people who have experienced this method, we decided to publish a link to it.

In addition, the doctor prescribes topical drugs. These can be antibiotic-based drops (Anauran) to kill the infection, or corticosteroids (Otipax, Otinum) to relieve inflammatory symptoms. They are instilled into the ear twice a day.

In difficult cases, when the infection spreads to other anatomical areas, the otolaryngologist prescribes antibacterial drugs that are taken orally or intramuscularly. With severe soreness in the ear, it is possible to take anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Nimesil).

With adequate and timely treatment, acute external otitis media resolves in 5-7 days. The complicated form lasts 15-20 days.

If left untreated, otitis externa becomes chronic, lasting for years, with periods of exacerbation and remission.

Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle part of the auditory analyzer. Often the disease occurs in children and is combined with a cold. In viral diseases, the infection can get into the Eustachian tubes, which open in the nasal cavity. They swell, the pressure between the nasal cavity and the middle ear does not equalize, as a result of which the patient's ears are blocked. At the same time, he feels a noise in his ear.

It is also possible for the infection to enter the middle ear through the meningogenic route, through the ear labyrinth.

In rare cases, otitis media occurs due to the ingress of infectious agents from the blood.

Classification of otitis media:

  • catarrh;
  • exudative inflammation;
  • purulent inflammation.

Also emit otitis media with acute and chronic course.

Stages of acute inflammation of the middle part of the ear:

The course of various forms of otitis media

Acute catarrhal otitis in an adult, in particular the middle ear, is often caused by a viral infection. Almost always it is combined with inflammation of the pharynx and trachea. The patient has unpleasant sensations, and lays his ears. Symptoms disappear as the underlying disease is cured.

There are times when bacteria enter the tympanic cavity. Then a purulent exudate forms inside, pressing on the middle ear. There is a purulent form of inflammation of the ear.

The exudative form of otitis media develops when the auditory tube is blocked by mucous exudate from the nasal cavity. The disease is caused by viruses or bacteria. Exudative otitis media quickly turns into a purulent form. In some cases, conductive hearing loss occurs against the background of this disease.

Chronic purulent otitis media in an adult occurs when an acute process is treated incorrectly or untimely.

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Due to the breakthrough of pus, a hole is formed in the tympanic membrane, which does not scar for a long time. A characteristic symptom is prolonged discharge of pus from the ear. In this case, there is a decrease in hearing.

How is otitis media diagnosed?

Diagnosis of otitis media includes anamnesis, examination by a doctor, instrumental and laboratory research methods. With the help of an otoscope, the ENT performs otoscopy, examining the membrane of the tympanic cavity. Depending on the stage of the disease, it looks different:

Diagnosis of the level of auditory function is carried out using a tuning fork. In the initial stages, hearing is slightly reduced.

Laboratory diagnostics includes a general blood test and exudate analysis. In the blood, there is an increase in the level of white blood cells and an acceleration of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The analysis of purulent discharge allows you to understand which antibiotics are best suited to treat the disease.

Otitis media in an adult is treated by different methods, depending on the stage. However, common is the use of local drops, vasoconstrictor sprays, antibacterial drugs, washing the nasal cavity with saline solutions, dissection of the tympanic membrane.

Drops that relieve inflammation can only treat that otitis media, in which there is no perforation of the membrane. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse. When ear drops enter the middle ear, hearing loss is observed, up to deafness. Perforated otitis is treated with drops containing antibiotics. They are instilled into the affected ear twice a day.

Not all otitis media need antibiotic therapy. However, taking antibiotics prevents the development of complications. If there are no serious symptoms, such as severe arching pains in the head, high fever, nausea with vomiting, antibiotics are not required during the first two to three days from the onset of the disease.

Mandatory is the appointment of antibacterial drugs for children under two years of age and people with immunodeficiency.

In the stage of inflammation of the auditory tube, its catheterization is necessary. Every day, a mixture of a vasodilator and an anti-inflammatory drug is injected through the catheter.

During catarrh, a cotton turunda is placed in the ear, which is pre-moistened with a mixture of alcohol and glycerin. Then the ear is covered with cotton. Turunda should be in the ear for 24 hours. During this period, the nose is instilled with vasoconstrictor drugs to relieve swelling of the auditory tube.

In the third stage, in addition to the above procedures, antibiotics are prescribed. If after 1-2 days the patient does not feel better, a puncture of the tympanic cavity is performed. Strong painkillers (paracetamol, ibuprofen) are also prescribed.

At the stage of perforation, drops containing antibiotics are added to the treatment.

During the recovery phase, a visit to the ENT is necessary only in case of a large perforation. At this time, it is important to monitor the process of scar formation. Otherwise, the disease can become chronic.

If properly treated, otitis media in an adult, it passes quickly enough. The duration of the disease is 10-14 days.


Otitis of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) is an inflammatory process that occurs in the labyrinth canals of the inner part of the auditory analyzer. It is a fairly serious disease that is not common. The infection enters the labyrinth from the middle part of the ear, from the membranes of the brain or from the blood stream in various common infectious diseases. It has two forms: acute and chronic.

The main symptoms are tinnitus, severe dizziness, nausea, sometimes with vomiting, impaired coordination of movements, hearing loss. If the process subsides, the inflammatory exudate resolves, if not, pus accumulates in the inner ear, the patient loses his hearing completely.

Diagnosis involves a general blood test and X-ray of the sinuses of the temporal bone. In the blood, inflammatory signs (leukocytosis, accelerated ESR) will be observed. An x-ray can detect the accumulation of pus in the temporal sinus.

Therapy for otitis media

Depending on the severity of the disease, such otitis media in an adult is treated conservatively or surgically.

Conservative treatment includes antibiotics. Cephalosporins or penicillins are often used. It is forbidden to use antibacterial drugs that have a toxic effect on the ear (Gentamicin).

Dehydration therapy consists of prescribing a diet (you need to limit fluid and salt intake) and taking diuretics. Intravenously administered glucose and calcium chloride.

To normalize the trophism of the semicircular labyrinth canals, B vitamins and ascorbic acid are prescribed. To reduce dizziness and vomiting, drugs are prescribed that improve the blood supply to the vestibular apparatus (Betaserk).

With the progression of the disease, the patient needs to open the cavity of the inner ear. In extreme cases, the entire labyrinth is removed from the patient.

The duration of internal otitis depends on the severity of its course, and averages 2-3 weeks.

As can be seen from the above, otitis media in adults and children is an unpleasant disease that, if left untreated, can have serious consequences. Therefore, when the first signs of otitis appear, you need to visit an otolaryngologist to conduct an examination and prescribe therapy.

Otitis: symptoms and treatment

Otitis, the treatment of which is rather difficult, is an inflammatory process inside the auricle, a generalized name for ear diseases of various degrees of complexity.

Otitis media is more common in children. An adult is also not immune from its appearance, because any inflammation of the nasopharynx can lead to the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the ear canal.

Causes of otitis media

Before you know how to treat otitis media, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence.

Not only hypothermia, SARS, acute respiratory infections or reduced immunity can be the culprits of the disease. Frequent pressure drops during scuba diving, conquering mountain peaks, flying - also cause injury to the hearing aid. The reasons are water procedures (visiting the pool, frequent ingress of liquid into the ear), practicing various types of martial arts, head injuries, blows to the ear, internal damage by foreign objects.

The risk group also includes those who have undergone surgery, surgery in the nasopharynx, as well as allergy sufferers. Violation of hygiene rules, neglect of hats, even a common cold can lead to inflammation of the ears.

Only an otolaryngologist can prescribe a competent treatment for otitis media in adults and children after a thorough examination and diagnosis. As a rule, the treatment of otitis is a complex of procedures and medicines, such as antibiotics, injections. If you do not seek help and start treatment in a timely manner, there will be serious consequences in the form of meningitis, infection of the temporal bone, deterioration and loss of hearing. Therefore, you should understand what otitis media is, what are the signs of otitis media and symptoms.

Types and symptoms of otitis media

Do not forget that otitis media is an infectious disease. It is necessary to be extremely careful when the first signs of otitis occur and not to postpone a visit to the doctor. These include the appearance of pain and pulsation in the ear, a burning sensation, irritation of its inner part. Symptoms of otitis media such as redness of the auricle and canal, hearing impairment, feeling of congestion, pressure inside the canals may appear.

Otitis media has different forms and symptoms, depending on the location of the inflammatory focus. Outer otitis media looks like a subcutaneous boil. It appears when an infection enters the sebaceous glands or hair pores of the hearing aid. In this case, pain occurs when moving the jaw (chewing, talking, yawning), the temperature rises slightly, the color of the auricle changes.

Interior otitis - inflammation of the ear as a result of the penetration of infections, viruses, bacteria. This form often passes to the middle ear and affects the auditory tube, eardrum, which complicates the treatment process.

How to define otitis? At the stage of inflammation of the middle ear, the obvious symptoms of otitis media in adults are swelling of the nasal cavity, redness of the external passage, shooting sharp pain radiating to the neck, teeth, forehead, temples, high temperature (hyperthermia), voice resonance, hearing loss. After a few days, pus forms in the middle canal due to the accumulation of fluid. Such signs of otitis media in adults are a cause for serious concern. At this stage, the inflammation of the ear passes into the stage of formation of adhesions, scars, the work of the ear ossicles is disrupted.

Otitis media is also called labyrinthitis due to the complex localization of inflammation. It causes general malaise, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, as part of the bony vestibular ear labyrinth is affected. The danger is that the focus of the disease is located too close to the inner ear. The infection is quickly carried by the blood, and moving to the inner ear, it becomes a direct threat to the brain.

With an unfavorable process of otitis media in adults, pus enters the cranial cavity. Perhaps the development of meningitis, hearing loss, brain abscess, there is a need for an operation.

Stages of development of otitis media

Depending on the stages of the course of the disease, otitis media is divided into catarrhal, purulent and exudative.

catarrhal- represents the initial stage of the process. When the cavity of the ear is infected, tissues and integuments begin to become inflamed, exudate is produced and accumulates, and several ear sections are affected. The patient feels pain of a different nature, appetite decreases, noise or ringing in the ears appears. The reason for this is often streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal bacteria that enter from the nasal area. The presence of adenoids, cough, weak immunity, diseases of the ENT organs worsens the situation. During a medical examination, with the help of special instruments, redness of the eardrum is noticeable.

Purulent otitis in an adult occurs when a purulent mass accumulates. The provocateurs of exacerbation are infections of the mucous membrane of the ear cavity, which leads to a weakening of the protective barrier and a decrease in the resistance of local immunity. How to recognize acute otitis media? The resulting pus comes out or begins to act on the eardrum, forming a perforation in it, and seeps into the external passage. There may be a deceptive relief, a decrease in temperature, a decrease in pain. In such a situation, the disease is prone to relapses and complications, in order to avoid which serious medical treatment of ear inflammation is required.

Exudative otitis is a disease that affects the tissues of the epithelium, the auditory tube. The reasons are the transfer of serious ENT diseases, poor hygiene, improper use of cleansers, allergies, clogged ear canal, sulfur plugs.

How long does otitis media last? It is not always possible to immediately identify such inflammation of the ear in adults. Symptoms at the exudative stage are insignificant - slight hearing loss, temporary noise, redness of the membrane imperceptible to the patient. A month later, the second stage begins, which already clearly lets you know about the presence of an acute illness. Its development can take about a year. During this time, the internal pressure in the auditory cavity increases, signs of hearing loss appear, the sound of the liquid and the feeling of its flow during head movements. Then comes the mucosal phase - thickening of the fluid in the ear canals, which can progress within two years. After it - fibrous. At this stage, the work of the ear ossicles is disrupted, hearing is significantly lost, and hearing loss progresses.

Self-treatment of otitis media

What to do with otitis? First of all, try not to harm or aggravate the situation. It is better to seek help from a doctor. He will make a diagnosis, determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

If there is no qualified medical care nearby, the ear has already become inflamed, the symptoms of the disease have begun to appear - you need to follow some rules and know how to treat otitis media in such a situation.

There are many methods of traditional medicine for the treatment of otitis in an adult. When applying them, it should be remembered that home remedies are auxiliary and are used only for first aid for otitis media. They do not replace a full course of therapy.

For the treatment of otitis externa (furuncle), it is recommended to apply steamed leaves of plantain, white cabbage or a cotton pad soaked in chamomile broth. A strong infusion of bay leaves will also help: 5-6 leaves are poured with boiling water and, wrapped, insist for about half an hour. Warm laurel water is instilled with a pipette into the ear - 7-10 drops. Another popular method is the use of an ointment made from elecampane root calcined on fire and ground in a coffee grinder with lamb, badger or nutria fat. The ingredients are well mixed, and the resulting mass lubricates the site of inflammation.

It is difficult to treat otitis media on your own. The patient, as a rule, is hospitalized, blood tests and x-rays are prescribed.

Often, in the treatment of otitis media, antibiotics are indispensable.

But you can help yourself relieve the symptoms by taking an infusion from the collection of herbs. For its preparation, 4 parts of calendula (flowers), 4 parts of a string, 2 each of licorice and yarrow and 3 parts of eucalyptus leaves are mixed. 1-2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture is poured with boiling water, infused for half an hour and drunk throughout the day. Such a remedy should not be used if there are contraindications to the use of any herbs.

A vodka tincture (100 ml) of bittersweet nightshade herb (2 tbsp), aged for a week in a dark place, or an alcohol extract of propolis with vegetable oil (1: 4) will cope with a decrease in pain. Chamomile, walnut, sea buckthorn, olive oils are used. Glycerin with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1 is also an effective remedy for pain. All methods are applied in the same way: turundas are moistened in solutions, which are inserted into the sore ear 3 times a day.

How to cure otitis media if there are no remedies at hand? Use heat and warm up. In this method, it is important that it is dry heat that is used - excess moisture can only harm. For this method, you need to make a mini-heater - calcine salt in a pan, pour it onto a cloth, tie it in the form of a knot and apply it to your ear for 20-30 minutes. It is convenient to use a simple sock. Care must be taken not to use too hot salt, so as not to get burned, or to apply it through several layers of fabric.

If the house has a blue lamp (UHF) - it will become a real savior in the treatment of otitis media. Warming up with such a lamp will speed up the healing process and will show that otitis media can be cured without antibiotics, in the early stages, without starting the disease if its cause is not bacterial.

It is strictly forbidden to use heat treatment for hyperthermia and the appearance of purulent discharge. This will only aggravate the disease and contribute to the rapid spread of the infection.

To warm the ear from the inside, many recommend instilling warm vegetable oils. But it is important to know at what stage the development of the disease is, since these funds are not always allowed by the attending physician for use. They can harm or complicate the treatment process.

Diagnosis and drug treatment

Having information about how otitis media manifests itself, you should not independently establish a diagnosis for yourself. Self-medication, the use of all improvised means and methods, thinking about how to quickly cure otitis media without visiting an otolaryngologist - all this only takes precious time and gives the disease freedom of action. And some "useful" tips even worsen the patient's condition. Any symptomatic signs indicating the development of inflammation are grounds for an urgent visit to the clinic.

The standard treatment for otitis media includes:

  • Washing with special disinfectants, antibacterial treatment
  • Physiotherapy (heating, UHF)
  • Prescribing antibiotics
  • Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antipyretic therapy
  • The use of antihistamines that relieve swelling
  • Surgical intervention

Based on the symptoms of otitis media, treatment is prescribed. After the examination, the doctor prescribes special products for home use. These can be ear drops, sprays, rinse formulations. For pain and temperature, antipyretic drugs, analgesics are prescribed. To maintain immunity and strengthen the body's resistance - a course of multivitamins.

The question of how long otitis media is treated cannot be answered unambiguously. It all depends on the cause of the onset of the disease, on the stage at which the patient sought medical help, how quickly he began treatment, what is the area of ​​the lesion, the form, type of otitis media, how much the body resists infection, etc. The ear can become inflamed not only from hypothermia, but also from the ingress of bacterial microflora into it, which greatly complicates and prolongs the duration of therapy. With local expression of the disease, antibacterial agents are sufficient, in other cases, it is necessary to take stronger drugs (injections, pills). If antibiotics are prescribed, it is mandatory to take funds that protect the microflora of the stomach and intestines.

When otitis occurs against the background of diseases of the nasopharynx, a complex treatment of all inflamed organs is carried out. After the condition improves, it is desirable to undergo procedures for blowing the ear tubes, a course of massage of the auricle and eardrum. This will help remove the remaining fluid and contribute to the resorption of adhesions formed as a result of inflammation.

To determine the degree of hearing loss, audiometry and tympanometry are performed - the internal pressure of the ear is measured. The work of the ear bones is also checked with the help of various tuning forks. If complications of otitis media are identified, an X-ray examination, computed tomography, may be prescribed. Sometimes surgery is required.

Do not self-prescribe medications. Each case is individual and pathogens may not be sensitive to a particular type of antibiotic. For the correct appointment, it is necessary to determine the type of microbe-causative agent by passing blood tests, smears for bacterial culture, passing microscopic examination. An unprofessional choice of medicines exacerbates the disease, killing the bacteria that the body needs, which increase its resistance, complicates the recovery process, and increases the risk of side effects.

Consequences and prevention

Otitis media itself is not contagious. The patient should not be isolated and afraid to contact him. But it is important to understand that the disease is infectious in nature, so minimal precautions are needed. The sick person needs to allocate a separate towel, pillow, bed linen, which must be washed at high temperatures and carefully ironed, in order to avoid transmission of infection.

But the danger of otitis should not be underestimated. This is not a harmless disease. It reduces the ability of an adult to work for a long time, torments with painful sensations, weakens the immune system, and can lead to serious consequences. Deterioration and loss of hearing, meningitis (infection of the lining of the brain), mastoiditis (inflammation of the bone process behind the ear), inflammation of the joints of the jaw, salivary gland - not the whole list of complications.

To prevent otitis media, certain rules of care and hygiene must be observed:

  1. Avoid hypothermia.
  2. Wear a hat during the cold season.
  3. Timely and correctly clean the sinuses, without drawing mucus inside.
  4. Completely treat respiratory and infectious diseases.
  5. Avoid getting dirty water into the auricle.
  6. Correctly dispose of excess sulfur, prevent the formation of traffic jams.
  7. Dry your ears after swimming.
  8. Do not go outside with wet ears or head.
  9. Do not use foreign objects for cleaning.
  10. Do not touch your ears with dirty hands.

The ear is a very fragile and vulnerable part of the body that requires careful handling. Appreciate the opportunity given by nature to hear and learn the world with the help of a variety of sounds!

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Antibiotics are prescribed for adults to treat purulent-inflammatory diseases of the hearing organ caused by a bacterial infection.

Diseases of the outer, inner, middle ear are caused mainly by:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia;
  • hemophilic bacillus;
  • group A streptococci;
  • mushrooms;
  • viruses.

The causative agents of external limited otitis media, in which a boil forms in the auditory canal, is most often Staphylococcus aureus. Diffuse, that is, spread to the soft tissues of the ear, otitis media is provoked by streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococci.

Acute inflammation of the ear is caused by one type of infection. To suppress the activity of a pathogen, it is first prescribed to take a broad-spectrum drug amoxicillin + clavulanate.

If within 1-2 days there is no improvement when taking this antibiotic, the drug is replaced with another antibacterial drug that has a wider spectrum of activity and is effective against otitis media.

In chronic otitis media, inflammation is caused by an association of several types of bacteria. It is much more difficult to treat such a mixed infection. In this case, it is prescribed to take an antibiotic that is most effective against the predominant type of bacteria.

Treatment of inflammation of the outer ear

External otitis occurs as a furuncle in the auditory canal, or as a diffuse, i.e., widespread inflammation, in which the soft tissues of the ear and the mucous membrane of the eardrum become infected.

The appearance of a boil in the auditory canal is accompanied by severe pain, swelling, redness of the tissues. External ear infections are treated topically with drops, antibiotic ointments, and systemic drug treatments in pills and injections.

The list of the best antibiotic drops for topical treatment of otitis externa in adults includes drugs with names:

  • ear drops:
    • Levomycetin, Normaks, Fugentin, Tsipromed, Otofa;
    • combined funds - Sofradex, Otipaks, Otinum;
  • ointment with mupirocin - Bactroban, Bonderm.

On the first day of treatment, with severe pain in the ear, Otipax drops are prescribed. They relieve swelling, reduce inflammation, and have a local anesthetic effect.

The naturally occurring antibiotic mupirocin is different from other antibacterial agents. It is obtained from the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, it is used only externally.

The properties of mupirocin have been little studied. Children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy, lactation, mupirocin ointment is not recommended.

For infections of the external ear, mupirocin is used 3 rubles / day * 10 days, lubricating the affected areas of the auricle.

Antibiotics in tablets

With a furuncle in the ear and diffuse otitis media, inflammation develops very quickly and it is necessary to take the medicine on the first day of treatment. It is not possible to conduct a test for the sensitivity of microflora and determine the exact type of pathogen.

Prescribes which antibiotics should be taken in the treatment of otitis externa in an adult, an otolaryngologist, based on the epidemiological situation of the area.

The drug of choice for external ear infection is the inhibitor-protected beta-lactam penicillin amoxicillin + clavulanate.

The list of drugs containing this antibiotic is extensive and includes Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Medoklav, Arlet, Flemoklav Solutab, etc. If you are allergic to penicillins, you may be prescribed to take fluoroquinolones, which include ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin.

Dosages of drugs

From chronic external diffuse otitis, antibiotics are prescribed in tablets in a course of 7-10 days:

  • amoxicillin + clavulanate - drugs Augmentin, Amoxiclav, 3 doses / day. 625 mg each;
  • ciprofloxacin (Ciprolet) - 2 doses / day. 500 mg;
  • levofloxacin - 1 dose / day. 500 mg.

With a boil in the ear, the same antibiotics are used, the course of therapy is 5 days and the dosage of the drugs is less.

Furuncle is treated with antibiotics in tablets:

  • amoxicillin + clavulanate - 3 doses per day, 375 mg each;
  • Cefalexin - 4 doses of 250 mg;
  • Cefadroxil - 2 doses / day. 250 mg - 500 mg.

In addition to antibacterial drugs, antiseptics for local treatment, analgesics, and antipyretics are used for external ear infections. Read more about the causes, symptoms of inflammation of the outer ear on the page "Otitis externa".

Antibiotics for acute otitis media

Acute inflammation of the middle ear is characterized by infection of the mucous membranes of the tympanic cavity and the Eustachian tube. Otitis media, which occurs in a mild form, is treated on an outpatient basis, and drugs are prescribed in tablets.

With inflammation of the ear, beta-lactam antibiotics are treated, the list of drugs includes:

  • amoxicillin + clavulanate - Amoxiclav, 3 doses / day 5 - 7 days, 625 mg each;
  • cefuroxime axetil - Zinnat tablets, 2 doses / day. 500 mg;
  • ceftriaxone - Rocefin intramuscularly 1 g 1 injection / day for 3 days;
  • combined antibiotic ampicillin + sulbactam - 1.5 - 3 g, 3 rubles / day.

If an allergy is observed to penicillins and cephalosporins, then they are replaced with macrolides or fluoroquinolones of the 3rd generation in tablets, in a dosage:

  • macrolides - a course of therapy for 5 days:
    • azithromycin - preparations Sumamed, Azitrox, 500 mg 1 dose / day;
    • clarithromycin - Klabaks, Klacid, 500 mg 2 doses / day;
  • fluoroquinolone levofloxacin - drug Tavanic, 500 mg 1 dose per day.

Improvement in the treatment of otitis media in adults with antibiotics should occur after 2 days. Ear congestion in adults may persist 2 weeks after completion of therapy.

Treatment of purulent otitis media

In severe cases of inflammation of the middle ear in adults, accompanied by the release of pus, antibiotics are prescribed intravenously for 2 to 5 days:

  • amoxicillin + clavulanate - 1.2 g 3 injections / day;
  • ticarcillin + clavulanate - 1.6 g, 3 injections / day.

In addition to levofloxacin, in adults, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin are used in the treatment. But these drugs are prescribed less frequently, since they have less activity against the pathogenic microflora that causes purulent otitis media than levofloxacin.

With the threat of complications, the patient is hospitalized. The doctor selects the treatment regimen individually. From purulent otitis media in adults, fluoroquinolones antibiotics can be prescribed:

  • 10-day course of Spartflo in tablets - 400 mg / day. once on the first day, and in 2 doses of 200 mg on subsequent days;
  • Avelox - 1 dose / day, 400 mg for a week.

What are the features of the course of purulent infections of the middle ear, read on the page "Acute otitis media in a child."

Catarrhal otitis

For catarrh of the ear, antibiotics in tablets or injections to treat infection in adults are not prescribed immediately after seeking medical help. First, they are treated with antibacterial drops Otinum, Tsipromed.

Drops act directly in the lesion, without entering the general circulation and without having a systemic effect. If the treatment is ineffective, then antibacterial drugs in tablets and injections are introduced into the treatment regimen in adults.

Read about the treatment and symptoms of catarrhal otitis on the page "Catarrhal otitis."

Chronic otitis media

Chronic purulent otitis is called an inflammatory disease of the ear, in which there is a discharge of pus from the auditory canal for 2 weeks or more. As a rule, a chronic disease develops with inadequate therapy of acute inflammation.

Chronic inflammation of the ear in 60% of cases causes hearing loss in adults. Antibiotics in tablets are not always prescribed, the otolaryngologist chooses the treatment regimen individually, first prescribing antibacterial drops:

  • with an antibiotic - Otofa, Normaks;
  • with antibiotic + glucocorticosteroid - Sofradex.

Which antibiotic drops are better to choose for instillation into the ear for otitis, the doctor decides, given the possibility of perforation in adults of the eardrum.

If its integrity is broken, then ear drops with aminoglycosides neomycin, gentamicin, framycetin and other representatives of this series are not used.

Drops that are not allowed for perforation of the eardrum include Sofradex, Polydex, Anauran, containing the ototoxic aminoglycoside neomycin. Drops from this list can only be used for otitis media without perforation of the membrane and in the treatment of infection of the outer ear.

The best and safest means in terms of ototoxicity are antibacterial drops containing:

Drops are used in courses lasting up to 10 days. Antibiotics are used in chronic otitis in preparation for surgery to restore the functions of the middle ear and eardrum.

The need for surgery is due to the fact that chronic inflammation responds poorly to conservative treatment. In 20% of adults with chronic otitis, even during periods without exacerbation, inflammation does not stop, and pathogenic microflora is sown.

Lincomycin, bicillin, gentamicin, benzylpenicillin, tetracycline are not prescribed for the treatment of chronic ear infections.

Antibiotics for labyrinthitis

Inflammation of the inner ear or labyrinthitis is often a complication of otitis media, and is treated with antibacterial drugs. Labyrinthitis is treated in a hospital, since this disease affects the vestibular apparatus, and a person is tormented by dizziness, coordination disorder.

To ensure complete suppression of pathogenic microflora, 2 antibiotics are prescribed simultaneously, administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

A patient with internal purulent otitis is hospitalized, drugs effective against pathogenic microflora are prescribed, with a course of 7-10 days:

  • 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins:
    • Cefuroxime with metronidazole - 500 mg intravenously three times a day;
    • Cefotaxime, Cefoperazone, Ceftriaxone - in tablets 1-2 doses / day. 2-4 g;
  • penicillins:
    • amoxicillin + clavulanate - in / in, up to 4 rubles / day. 1.2 g each;
    • Ticarcillin + clavulanate - Timentin IV, 3 rubles / day. for 3 years

In adults with allergies to beta-lactam penicillins, clarithromycin from a number of macrolides is prescribed intravenously twice a day. The course of treatment lasts up to 10 days.

Severe conditions in adults are treated with intravenous fluoroquinolones. The duration of treatment with moxifloxacin, levofloxacin is 7-10 days, the drug is administered 2 times a day. 250 - 500 mg each.

Ear diseases are treated taking into account the ototoxicity of drugs. When choosing ear drops, preference is given to Tsipromed, which includes ciprofloxacin, which is safe for the hearing organ.

You can learn more about which antibacterial drugs can cause hearing loss on the Ototoxic drugs page.

With a significant decrease in hearing, severe dizziness, the risk of intracranial complications, surgical treatment is resorted to. Find out in detail what treatments are available for an inner ear infection in adults on the Labyrinthitis page.

Antibiotics for otitis media in adults

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By self-medicating, you can waste time and harm your health!

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Is boric acid effective for ear pain? Instructions for use in the treatment of otitis media

Often, doctors for diseases of the ears prescribe boric alcohol or boric acid in the ear. In diseases of the ears, boric acid is an indispensable assistant, which has excellent antiseptic properties.

This method has been used in medicine for a long time and has positive aspects. Otitis media is an inflammatory process in the ear. With him, he brings pain and severe discomfort. The disease can affect people of almost all ages. The high statistics of the sick falls on children aged from 1 to 3 years.

Symptoms of the disease

The main early signs of otitis media include:

  • feeling of fullness in the ear;
  • swelling of the outer ear;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • hearing loss;
  • discharge from the auricle;
  • pain sensations.

Symptoms of otitis media can appear both quickly, literally in one day, and slowly, up to a week. Therefore, it is often difficult to diagnose in the early stages and take appropriate measures.

In order to understand the patient's otitis media or not, you should slightly press on the tragus (a triangular cartilage on the outer ear). In the case of otitis, the patient will experience pain. If we are dealing with another ailment, the pain syndrome will not be observed.

What to choose?

The pain symptoms experienced by a person suffering from otitis media will force him to see a doctor. Along with other drugs in the prescription issued by the otolaryngologist, boric acid or boric alcohol is sure to be found.

Treatment of otitis by this method is known to our grandmothers, but over the years it has not become less effective. Which of the drugs to choose?

  • Boric alcohol is an alcohol solution of boric acid, ready for use. It is diluted in the optimal proportion for treatment. The patient only needs to buy a bottle and instill the solution into the ears according to the doctor's recommendations.
  • Boric acid. Sold as a white powder. Before use, it must be diluted with water or alcohol.

The attending physician will have to choose between boric acid and boric alcohol. While acid may be more effective, boric alcohol is safer. Self-medication for otitis is highly undesirable, but if for some reason a visit to the doctor is not possible in the near future, a solution of boric alcohol should be chosen.

How does the medicine work?

For pain in the hearing organs, a solution of boric acid is traditionally used. It has an antiseptic effect and will help to recover.

If the dosage is incorrect, burns can lead to burns of the mucous membranes and eardrums. Boric acid has a negative effect on the cell structure of pathogenic microorganisms that cause otitis media. It destroys proteins and the shell of bacteria. The solution accumulates in the body and is completely excreted five days after cessation of use.

Advantages and disadvantages

Boric acid diluted in water or alcohol is a unique remedy for the treatment of otitis media and other ear diseases.

Obvious benefits of boric acid treatment:

  • pronounced antiseptic effect;
  • drying effect, extremely important for purulent inflammatory processes;
  • the warming effect helps to fight various kinds of infectious diseases;
  • availability, low price.

The remedy can negatively affect the body of pregnant women and young children under 3 years old. Therefore, before use, it will not be superfluous to consult an otolaryngologist and clarify the dosage.


Like all drugs, boric acid has contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to boric acid;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Instructions for use for otitis media

The most popular way to use the medicine in the case when the organ of hearing hurts is instillation. However, there are several more effective methods that you should be aware of.

  1. Trundochka. Trunda is a special tampon that is indispensable for purulent otitis media and other ear diseases. It is easy to do and the benefits are enormous. In order to make a trunda, you need to take a small piece of sterile cotton wool, fluff it slightly in your hands. Roll up a roller with a diameter of 1-2 millimeters, fold it in half, moisten it in a solution of boric acid and insert it into the shell of the diseased ear. Trund should be inside until the solution dries.
  2. Compress. In order to make a compress from boric alcohol, you first need to prepare a few trunds. We will put the medicine directly into the ear. Soak the prepared swabs in a solution of boric acid and place tightly in the ear canal. Cover the ear with cotton wool or gauze and rewind with a bandage. Remove the compress after 2.5 - 3 hours.
  3. Burial. Before instilling a solution of boric acid, the ear should first be cleaned with a cotton swab from sulfur and other secretions that are characteristic of otitis media. Lay the patient on his side, for better penetration of the medicine, slightly pull the earlobe. An adult needs to drip no more than 4 drops into a sore ear. The procedure should be repeated every 3-4 hours.

When can you expect recovery?

Otitis is an ear inflammation, it has many forms, so it is impossible to say exactly how much a person will be sick. Such information can only be given by the ENT doctor who leads the patient. In children and adults, the disease develops in the same way.

However, a weak children's body cannot quickly cope with the disease. Therefore, children's otitis lasts much longer. And they go much harder. On average, the acute phase of the disease lasts from 3 to 5 days. In advanced cases up to a week.

Side effects during treatment

Side effects with proper use of the drug have not been identified. Immediately after instillation or insertion of a tampon, discomfort in the auricle, itching or a slight burning sensation may be felt. But it goes away after a few minutes.

In case of an overdose, intoxication can be observed, the symptoms of which are:


Otitis media, like any other disease, is easier to prevent than to treat. It will not be superfluous to start with strengthening the immune system and strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene. Avoid hypothermia. Take care of the auricle, do not neglect the examinations of the otolaryngologist.

Prevention of otitis includes both general health methods aimed at preventing colds and strengthening immunity, as well as specific ones, such as proper blowing of the nose, timely cleaning of the nose, etc.


Otitis media is a serious disease. It is naive to believe that it will pass by itself. When the first symptoms of otitis media appear, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication is fraught with complications. In children, not fully treated otitis media can develop into a chronic form. Take care of your health and do not neglect medical help!

Otitis externa symptoms and treatment

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Symptoms and treatment of otitis media in adults

  • ear anatomy
  • Causes of otitis media
  • causative agents of the disease
  • General principles of diagnosis
  • Treatment of otitis externa
  • Prevention of otitis media

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear, a general term for any infectious processes in the organ of hearing. Depending on the affected part of the ear, there are external, middle and internal otitis media (labyrinthitis). Otitis media is common. Ten percent of the world's population has had otitis externa during their lifetime.

Every year, 709 million new cases of acute otitis media are registered in the world. More than half of these episodes occur in children under 5 years of age, but adults also suffer from otitis media. Labyrinthitis, as a rule, is a complication of otitis media and occurs relatively rarely.

ear anatomy

For a better understanding of the topic being presented, it is necessary to briefly recall the anatomy of the organ of hearing.

The components of the outer ear are the auricle and the ear canal. The role of the outer ear is to capture the sound wave and conduct it to the eardrum.

The middle ear is the tympanic membrane, the tympanic cavity containing the chain of auditory ossicles, and the auditory tube.

Amplification of sound vibrations occurs in the tympanic cavity, after which the sound wave follows to the inner ear. The function of the auditory tube, which connects the nasopharynx and the middle ear, is the ventilation of the tympanic cavity.

The inner ear contains the so-called "cochlea" - a complex sensitive organ in which sound vibrations are converted into an electrical signal. An electrical impulse follows the auditory nerve to the brain, carrying encoded information about the sound.

Otitis externa

Otitis externa is inflammation of the ear canal. It can be diffuse, or it can occur in the form of a boil. With diffuse external otitis, the skin of the entire auditory canal is affected. A furuncle is a limited inflammation of the skin of the outer ear.

Otitis media

With otitis media, the inflammatory process occurs in the tympanic cavity. There are many forms and variants of the course of this disease. It can be catarrhal and purulent, perforative and non-perforative, acute and chronic. Otitis media can develop complications.

The most common complications of otitis media include mastoiditis (inflammation behind the ear of the temporal bone), meningitis (inflammation of the meninges), abscess (abscess) of the brain, labyrinthitis.


Internal otitis is almost never an independent disease. Almost always it is a complication of inflammation of the middle ear. Unlike other types of otitis media, its main symptom is not pain, but hearing loss and dizziness.

Causes of otitis media

  • After contact with contaminated water - most often, external otitis occurs after water containing the pathogen enters the ear. That is why the second name of this disease is “swimmer's ear”.
  • Injury to the skin of the external auditory canal - in addition to the presence of infection in the water, there must be local conditions that predispose to the development of inflammation: microcracks in the skin, etc. Otherwise, each of our contact with unboiled water would end in the development of inflammation in the ear.
  • A complication of acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis - in this case, the causative agent of otitis media penetrates into the tympanic cavity from a completely different side, the so-called rinotuber path, that is, through the auditory tube. Usually, the infection enters the ear from the nose when a person is sick with SARS, a runny nose or sinusitis. In severe middle ear infections, the infection can spread to the inner ear.
  • With infectious diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypothermia against the background of reduced immunity, the risk of developing inflammation in the middle ear increases. Blowing your nose through 2 nostrils (wrong), coughing and sneezing increase pressure in the nasopharynx, which leads to the entry of infected mucus into the middle ear cavity.
  • Mechanical removal of earwax - it is a protective barrier against infections.
  • High air temperature and high humidity.
  • Foreign objects entering the ear.
  • Use of hearing aids.
  • Diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis on the face, eczema, psoriasis.
  • The reasons for the development of acute otitis media are also genetic disposition, immunodeficiency states, HIV infection.

causative agents of the disease

Otitis externa can be caused by bacteria or fungi. Microorganisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus are especially common in the ear canal. For fungi of the genus Candida and Aspergillus, the skin of the ear canal is generally one of the favorite places in the body: it is dark there, and after bathing it is also humid.

The causative agents of otitis media, and hence internal, can be viruses and bacteria. Fungal infection of the middle ear also occurs, but much less frequently than the outer ear. The most common bacterial pathogens of otitis media are pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella.

Clinical picture - symptoms of otitis media

  • Pain is the main symptom of otitis media. The intensity of pain can be different:
    • from barely perceptible to unbearable
    • character - pulsating, shooting

    It is very difficult, most often impossible to independently distinguish pain in otitis externa from pain in inflammation of the middle ear. The only clue may be the fact that with otitis externa pain should be felt when the skin is touched at the entrance to the ear canal.

    With otitis media, if a perforation (hole) has not formed in the eardrum, there is no discharge from their ear. Suppuration from the ear canal begins after the appearance of a message between the middle ear and the ear canal.

    I focus on the fact that perforation may not form even with purulent otitis media. Patients suffering from otitis media often ask where does the pus go if it does not break out? Everything is very simple - it will come out through the auditory tube.

    • Tinnitus (see causes of tinnitus), ear congestion are possible with any form of the disease.
    • With the development of inflammation of the inner ear, dizziness may appear (causes).

    Acute otitis media occurs in 3 stages:

    Acute catarrhal otitis - the patient experiences severe pain, aggravated by night, when coughing, sneezing, it can radiate to the temple, teeth, be stabbing, pulsating, boring, hearing, appetite decrease, weakness and fever up to 39C appear.

    Acute purulent otitis media - there is an accumulation of pus in the cavity of the middle ear, followed by perforation and suppuration, which can be on the 2nd-3rd day of illness. During this period, the temperature drops, the pain decreases, the doctor may perform a small puncture (paracentesis), if an independent rupture of the eardrum has not occurred.

    Recovery stage - suppuration stops, the defect of the tympanic membrane closes (fusion of the edges), hearing is restored within 2-3 weeks.

    General principles of diagnosis

    In most cases, the diagnosis of acute otitis media is not difficult. High-tech research methods are rarely needed, the ear is well visible to the eye. The doctor examines the eardrum with a forehead reflector (a mirror with a hole in the middle) through the ear funnel or with a special optical device - an otoscope.

    An interesting device for diagnosing otitis media was developed by the famous Apple Corporation. It is an otoscopic attachment for the phone's camera. It is assumed that with the help of this gadget, parents will be able to take pictures of the child's eardrum (or their own) and send photos for consultation to their doctor.

    Diagnosis of otitis externa

    Examining the ear of a patient suffering from external otitis, the doctor sees redness of the skin, narrowing of the ear canal and the presence of liquid secretions in its lumen. The degree of narrowing of the ear canal may be such that the eardrum is not visible at all. With inflammation of the external ear, other examinations than an examination are usually not necessary.

    Diagnosis of otitis media and labyrinthitis

    In acute inflammation of the middle ear, the main way to establish the diagnosis is also an examination. The main signs that make it possible to diagnose "acute otitis media" are redness of the tympanic membrane, limitation of its mobility, and the presence of perforation.

    • How is tympanic membrane mobility checked?

    A person is asked to puff out his cheeks without opening his mouth, that is, "blow out his ears." This technique is called the Valsalva maneuver after an Italian anatomist who lived at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. It is widely used by divers and divers to equalize the pressure in the tympanic cavity during deep-sea descent.

    When a stream of air enters the middle ear cavity, the eardrum moves slightly and this is noticeable to the eye. If the tympanic cavity is filled with inflammatory fluid, no air will enter it and there will be no movement of the tympanic membrane. After the appearance of suppuration from the ear, the doctor may observe the presence of perforation in the eardrum.

    Sometimes, to clarify the nature of the disease, you may need audiometry (a hearing test on the device) or tympanometry (measurement of pressure inside the ear). However, these methods of examination of hearing are more often used in chronic otitis media.

    The diagnosis of labyrinthitis is usually made when, against the background of flowing otitis media, hearing acuity suddenly drops sharply and dizziness appears. Audiometry in such a situation is required. You also need an examination by a neurologist and a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

    The need for x-ray studies arises when there is a suspicion of complications of the disease - mastoiditis or intracranial infection. Fortunately, such cases are rare. In a situation where the development of complications is suspected, computed tomography of the temporal bones and brain is usually performed.

    Do I need a smear for otitis to determine the bacterial flora? It is not easy to give an unambiguous answer to this question. The problem is that due to the peculiarities of the cultivation of bacteria, the answer to this examination will be received 6-7 days after the smear is taken, that is, by the time the otitis is almost gone. Moreover, for otitis media without perforation, a smear is useless, since the microbes are behind the eardrum.

    And yet a smear is better to do. In the event that the use of a first-line drug does not bring recovery, after receiving the results of a bacterial study, it will be possible to adjust the treatment.

    Treatment of otitis externa

    The main treatment for otitis externa in adults is ear drops. If a person does not have an immunodeficiency (HIV infection, diabetes mellitus), antibiotic tablets are usually not needed.

    Ear drops can contain only an antibacterial drug or be combined - contain an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory substance. The course of treatment takes 5-7 days. The most commonly used for the treatment of otitis externa are:

    • Ciprofarm (Ukraine, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride)
    • Normax (rub., Norfloxacin)
    • Otofa (rub, rifamycin)
    • Sofradex (rub, dexamethasone, framycetin, gramicidin)
    • Candibiotic (rub., Beclomethasone, lidocaine, clotrimazole, chloramphenicol)

    The last two drugs also have antifungal properties. If otitis externa is of fungal origin, antifungal ointments are actively used: clotrimazole (Candide), natamycin (Pimafucin, Pimafukort).

    In addition to ear drops, for the treatment of otitis externa, the doctor may recommend an ointment with the active ingredient Mupirocin (Bactrobanrub, Supirocin 300 rubles). It is important that the drug does not have a negative effect on the normal microflora of the skin, and there is evidence of the activity of mupirocin against fungi.

    Treatment of otitis media and labyrinthitis in adults

    Antibacterial therapy

    The main treatment for otitis media is an antibiotic. However, the treatment of otitis media with antibiotics in adults is another controversial issue in modern medicine. The fact is that with this disease, the percentage of self-recovery is very high - more than 90%.

    There was a period of time at the end of the 20th century when, in the wake of enthusiasm, antibiotics were prescribed to almost all patients with otitis media. However, it is now considered acceptable to do without antibiotics for the first two days after the onset of pain. If after two days there is no tendency to improve, then an antibacterial drug is already prescribed. All types of otitis media may require oral pain medication.

    In this case, of course, the patient must be under medical supervision. The decision on the need for antibiotics is very responsible and should be taken only by a doctor. On the scales, on the one hand, the possible side effects of antibiotic therapy, on the other hand, the fact that every year 28 thousand people die from complications of otitis in the world.

    The main antibiotics that are used in the treatment of otitis media in adults:

    • Amoxicillin - Ospamox, Flemoxin, Amosin, Ecobol, Flemoxin solutab
    • Aamoxicillin with clavulanic acid - Augmentin, Flemoclav, Ecoclave
    • Cefuroxime - Zinnat, Aksetin, Zinacef, Cefurus and other drugs.

    The course of antibiotic therapy should be 7-10 days.

    Ear drops

    Ear drops are also widely prescribed for inflammation of the middle ear. It is important to remember that there is a fundamental difference between the drops that are prescribed before the perforation of the eardrum and after it appears. Let me remind you that a sign of perforation is the appearance of suppuration.

    Before the occurrence of perforation, drops with an anesthetic effect are prescribed. These include drugs such as:

    • Otinum - (rub) - choline salicylate
    • Otipax (220 rubles), Otirelax (140 rubles) - lidocaine and phenazone
    • Otizol - phenazone, benzocaine, phenylephrine hydrochloride

    It makes no sense to instill drops with an antibiotic in this phase, since the inflammation follows the eardrum, which is impermeable to them.

    After the perforation appears, the pain disappears and it is no longer possible to drip painkillers, as they can harm the sensitive cells of the cochlea. If a perforation occurs, there is access for drops inside the middle ear, so drops containing an antibiotic can be instilled. However, ototoxic antibiotics (gentamicin, framycetin, neomycin, polymyxin B), preparations containing phenazone, alcohols or choline salicylate should not be used.

    Antibiotic drops, the use of which is permissible in the treatment of otitis media in adults: Ciprofarm, Normax, Otofa, Miramistin and others.

    Paracentesis or tympanotomy

    In some situations, inflammation of the middle ear may require a small surgical intervention - paracentesis (or tympanotomy) of the eardrum. It is believed that the need for paracentesis occurs if, against the background of antibiotic therapy for three days, the pain still continues to bother the person. Paracentesis is performed under local anesthesia: a small incision is made in the eardrum with a special needle, through which pus begins to come out. This incision is perfectly overgrown after the cessation of suppuration.

    Treatment of labyrinthitis is a complex medical problem and is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of an ENT doctor and a neuropathologist. In addition to antibiotic therapy, agents are needed that improve microcirculation inside the cochlea, neuroprotective drugs (protecting nerve tissue from damage).

    Prevention of otitis media

    Preventive measures for otitis externa include thorough drying of the ear canal after bathing. You should also avoid injury to the ear canal - do not use keys and pins as ear instruments.

    For people who often suffer from inflammation of the outer ear, there are drops based on olive oil that protect the skin when swimming in a pond, for example, Waxol.

    Prevention of otitis media consists of general strengthening measures - hardening, vitamin therapy, taking immunomodulators (drugs that improve immunity). It is also important to treat diseases of the nose in a timely manner, which are the main causative factor in inflammation of the middle ear.

    Causes of inflammation of the external ear and its symptoms in adults

    Otitis externa is the medical term for a type of ear infection. It means that inflammation has occurred in the external auditory canal (the tube that leads to the ear), possibly due to another disease, such as sinusitis or SARS.

    "Swimmer's ear" is another name for this disease. Very often, people complain of ear pain after swimming, diving, surfing, kayaking or other water sports. When water collects in the ear canal (often filled with wax), the skin can become wet and provide a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria.

    • Cuts or abrasions in the ear canal (for example, from careless cleaning of the ear) can also predispose to a bacterial ear canal infection.
    • Sometimes there is an infection of the hair follicles at the entrance to the ear canal, which also leads to external otitis media. This condition is called localized otitis externa.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the external ear are somewhat more common in women than in men. Usually this disease is diagnosed in people aged 45 to 75 years.

    People with certain long-term (chronic) conditions such as eczema, asthma, and allergic rhinitis are at greater risk of developing acute otitis externa.

    An external ear infection can be acute or chronic. When describing the disease, the terms "acute" and "chronic" refer to its duration and not the severity of the symptoms of otitis media in adults, however, the treatment is different.

    • An acute outer ear infection occurs suddenly and usually resolves within a week of onset.
    • A chronic external ear infection causes persistent symptoms that may last continuously for several months or appear intermittently. Otitis externa is defined as chronic when the duration of infection is greater than 4 weeks or more, or if there are 4 or more episodes per year.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the external ear are as follows:

    • The first symptom of an infection is a feeling of fullness in the ear and itching.
    • Then the ear canal will swell. At this stage, the ear will be very sore, especially its outer part. Swelling of the ear canal may cause swelling on one side of the face.
    • Examination shows erythema, edema of the epithelium, and accumulation of moist debris in the ear canal.
    • Finally, the lymph nodes in the neck may become enlarged, making it difficult for the patient to open their mouth wide (and the jaw hurts).
    • Eczema of the pinna may be present.
    • People with swimmer's ear may complain of hearing loss in the affected ear. This is a temporary phenomenon.

    External otitis: symptoms in children

    Swimmer's ear can develop in children after swimming in natural water springs or in a pool. Symptoms of otitis externa include:

    • The child may complain of severe pain when touching the ear, itching, or a feeling of stuffiness in the ear.
    • Discharge may flow from the ear.

    Signs of inflammation of the outer ear in children can also occur due to otitis media or foreign bodies in the ear. Only an otolaryngologist can determine whether a child's ear pain is due to symptoms of external otitis media or "due to the fault" of another condition.

    Treatment includes antibiotics, pain control medications, and sometimes antihistamines to relieve itching. Often in the treatment of external otitis resort to folk remedies. For example, boric acid is instilled into the ear. The use of this remedy requires caution, so be sure to consult your doctor if the use of this remedy is suitable for your case.

    Chronic otitis externa: symptoms

    If the symptoms of otitis externa persist for more than four weeks or bother more than four times a year, the disease is considered chronic.

    This condition can be caused by:

    • bacterial infection;
    • skin condition (eczema or seborrhea);
    • fungal infection;
    • chronic irritation (eg, use of hearing aids, insertion of cotton swabs, etc.);
    • allergies;
    • drainage due to inflammation of the middle ear;
    • tumor (rare)
    • nervous habit of scratching the ear frequently.

    In some people, more than one factor may be involved in the onset of otitis externa. For example, a person with eczema may subsequently develop a fungal infection.

    There are various reasons why some people develop chronic otitis externa. They are usually similar to the symptoms of acute otitis externa. However, for many people with chronic otitis externa, the underlying cause is unknown.

    The symptoms of chronic otitis externa are similar to those of acute otitis externa.

    Other symptoms may include:

    • Constant itching in and around the ear canal.
    • Tumor behind the ear.
    • Discomfort and pain in the ear, sometimes accompanied by a headache.
    • Redness and swelling of the skin around the ear.
    • Weakness of the facial muscles.
    • Fever.
    • Ear discharge.

    How to treat otitis externa at home

    With such a disease as external otitis, people encounter more often than they themselves think. It is a focus of inflammation located in the cavity of the outer ear or auditory canal (passage). Often this disease falls under the definition of "pain in the ear", which is attributed to changes in atmospheric pressure, a strong wind "blown into the ear", a runny nose, etc. However, the true causes of the development of the inflammatory process are somewhat different from these ideas.

    The essence of the disease is inflammation of the skin of the external ear and auditory canal, which can be caused by bacteria or fungi, less commonly by viruses. Otitis externa occurs in people of all ages, but most often the disease develops in children. Treatment of otitis externa at home, with the help of drugs chosen and prescribed by a doctor in most cases, is a very effective measure and allows you to quickly get rid of the disease. How to treat otitis externa and avoid complications?

    Medications to treat otitis externa at home

    How to treat otitis externa, what drugs will be required for this? Treatment of the disease is carried out using modern anti-inflammatory drugs based on steroids, as well as antibiotics. The drugs are available in several dosage forms. It can be an ointment for otitis externa or drops, depending on the degree and location of the focus of inflammation.

    Among the commonly used drugs for otitis externa are Sofradex and Garazon, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

    In addition to taking antibiotics for otitis externa in adults in children, treatment includes hygiene procedures according to a special scheme. They help clear the skin and speed up recovery.

    It is important to understand that if cotton swabs are used improperly, earwax is rammed and plugs are formed that injure the skin in the ear.

    Treatment of otitis externa with antibiotics

    Antibiotics for otitis externa are used to destroy the source of infection and gradually reduce pain, since most ear drops also contain painkillers. In this case, their use will be more effective, because after the suppression of microbial activity with an antibiotic, the steroid reduces the inflammatory process and the pain decreases and then disappears.

    How exactly to treat otitis externa, and according to what scheme to take the drug, only a doctor can determine. In the event that the antibiotic is selected incorrectly, serious complications may occur. Sometimes when using antibiotics, side effects occur in the form of partial or complete hearing loss, as well as a decrease in overall performance and a deterioration in well-being.

    Treatment of otitis externa with antibiotics should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician with regular evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy, in order to replace the drug in time if there is no improvement and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

    • taking a full course of antibiotics, the type and dose of which is prescribed by a doctor;
    • use of warm compresses;
    • rhinitis treatment;
    • taking vitamin complexes that increase the body's defenses.

    How to treat otitis externa with folk methods

    The first and most important stage of treatment, of course, is radical therapy using antibiotics and topical hormonal agents. Further, to speed up the healing process, you can use folk methods of dealing with this disease in addition to drug therapy.

    The use of medicinal plants such as:

    • calendula flowers;
    • yarrow herb;
    • pine buds;
    • eucalyptus and plantain leaves;
    • liquorice root.

    All these ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and brewed with hot water (0.5 liters of water is required for each tablespoon of a mixture of herbs). The resulting composition is infused under a closed lid for 30 minutes, then filtered and taken orally pulverized before meals 3-4 times a day. The remaining cake can be used for a warm compress on a sore ear.

    Ointments for the treatment of otitis externa: tetracycline and Levomekol

    Ointments for otitis externa are used very often, as they are easy to use and have been tested for years. One of them is levomekol ointment for otitis externa, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The main active ingredients of the drug are the antibiotic levomycetin, methyluracil, which is responsible for tissue regeneration and the production of interferon. The auxiliary component of levomekol is ethylene glycol, it provides the absorbent properties of the drug.

    Tetracycline ointment is also often used for otitis externa, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The active substance of the drug inhibits protein synthesis of bacteria and promotes the speedy recovery and healing of inflamed skin areas.

    Ointment for the treatment of otitis externa should be applied with a sterile cotton swab, gently applying it to the affected area. For each procedure, you must take a new cotton "tool". How many times to apply the ointment, and in what quantities, the attending physician determines based on the severity of the lesions.

    Risk factors for otitis externa

    In order not to provoke the development of this disease, it is necessary to exclude all risk factors and provide your body with decent protection.

    The main risk factors for developing otitis externa are:

    1. The presence of minor erosions on the skin of the ear canals, resulting from improper ear hygiene;
    2. Sulfur plugs that injure the skin of the auditory canals;
    3. Narrow passages and the presence of chronic otitis media;
    4. Diseases accompanied by a decrease in the body's immunity (HIV, diabetes mellitus).

    In addition, frequent ingress of water into the auricle due to swimming in open water can cause the development of otitis externa, therefore, after such water procedures, it is recommended to bury the ears with antibacterial ear drops for prevention.

    How to treat otitis in adults: the main symptoms of the disease and diagnosis

    Despite the fact that inflammation of the hearing organs of an adult is much less common than in children, the question "how to treat otitis media in adults" remains quite relevant and in demand.

    There are many prerequisites for the development of the disease in adults, as well as in the case of sinusitis.

    Even an elementary cold or hypothermia can turn into a serious form of otitis media.

    In addition, the following factors can affect the inflammation of the outer, middle or inner ear:

    • viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
    • viral diseases of the nasopharynx;
    • advanced forms of the common cold;
    • adenoids in the vault of the nasopharynx;
    • violation of the rules of ear hygiene.

    Depending on the infection of certain parts of the ear, otitis media in adults and children is divided into three types:

    • Otitis externa: most commonly caused by water accumulation in the ear canal, this form of the disease is often referred to as swimmer's ear.
    • Otitis media: mainly develops as a complication of the upper respiratory tract, it is this form that is collectively called "otitis media" in everyday life.
    • Internal otitis: develops mainly against the background of advanced purulent inflammation, as well as infections.

    In order to determine how to treat otitis in adults, it is necessary first of all to study the clinical picture, compare it with the characteristic symptoms of the disease, and also make a diagnosis.

    The main symptoms of otitis in an adult are considered to be:

    • feeling of congestion and tinnitus;
    • sharp or aching pain in the ears;
    • a sharp increase in temperature;
    • partial hearing loss;
    • headache;
    • general weakness and malaise;
    • lack of appetite;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • purulent discharge, possibly with an admixture of blood from the ear canal.

    It is important to know

    Even the presence of the symptoms listed above does not give the right to self-medicate, for a complete diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to urgently seek help from an otolaryngologist, who, using special ENT equipment, will establish the final diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

    To diagnose otitis, a doctor usually uses a suprafrontal reflector in tandem with an ear funnel or a modern optical device called an otoscope. In most cases, examination of the ear does not cause any difficulties, first of all, the tympanic membrane, ear canal and auricle are subject to examination.

    So, when diagnosing otitis externa, there is redness of the skin in the ear, narrowing of the ear canal, as well as the possible presence of fluid in the lumen. In this case, the ear canal can be narrowed so much that it is simply impossible to see the eardrum through it.

    On average, any inflammatory process in the ear (otitis media) lasts up to two weeks, during this entire period, in no case should the treatment process be stopped, even if there is a significant improvement. Otherwise, serious complications and the formation of chronic forms may occur.

    How long is otitis media treated in adults with basic medications

    Regardless of the nature of otitis media, viral or bacterial, it must be treated without fail. The disease itself can pass in rare cases, but it is quite likely that it will develop into chronic forms and complications with serious consequences. It depends on the course of prescribed therapy how much otitis media is treated in adults in time.

    One of the main remedies for the treatment of the disease are ear drops for otitis media.

    They can be exclusively antibacterial action or combined and consist of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory components. The course of treatment with such drops is 5-7 days, depending on the clinic of the disease.

    Antibiotics are also often used in the treatment of otitis media in adults, especially acute and purulent forms. The course of their treatment is 7-10 days, depending on the drug and the degree of complexity of the disease. In this case, the treatment of otitis media in adults and children at home with folk remedies is undesirable.

    It is important to know

    Antibiotics should be taken only after the appointment of a doctor strictly according to the scheme of the entire course. Even if after a few days of taking the symptoms of the disease significantly decrease or some of them disappear altogether, it is forbidden to stop the treatment of purulent otitis media with antibiotics for adults and children in order to avoid complications and re-exacerbation of the disease.

    Painkillers for otitis media in adults is another type of drug used to alleviate the condition of especially acute forms with pronounced pain.

    Such treatment should be carried out necessarily under the supervision of the attending physician, not cause allergic reactions and side effects.

    Pain therapy for otitis symptoms does not have a definite course of action and is used if necessary in each case.

    In some cases, otitis media requires minor surgical intervention. This procedure is called paracentesis or tympanotomy of the eardrum. It is usually carried out when there is no improvement after antibiotic therapy within the first three days. Its essence is to perform under the influence of local anesthesia in the eardrum itself a small incision through which the pus accumulated in the ear can flow freely. After the discharge stops, the incision heals successfully and closes without a trace.

    If there is no temperature with otitis media and there is no purulent discharge, doctors often recommend using dry heat - these can be folk methods of warming up at home or physical procedures.

    Based on the factors described above, it becomes quite obvious that it is impossible to give an unambiguous and accurate answer to the question of how long otitis media lasts in adults and how many days it needs to be treated.

    The process of treatment and recovery depends on many factors, ranging from the form of the disease, its clinical picture, ending with the correctly prescribed therapy, the conditions created for the patient, not to mention the individuality of each individual human organism. One thing is obvious - the duration of the course of the disease can be significantly reduced with timely access to an otolaryngologist and strict observance of all his prescriptions.

It is widely believed that otitis is a childhood disease, but this is not entirely true. Inflammation of any part of the ear is a very dangerous disease, which is quite common in adulthood. If it is not treated on time, the consequences can be irreversible.

If such a nuisance has already happened, then patients are primarily interested in how much otitis media is treated. The answer to this question makes it possible to plan cases, calculate the terms of the sick leave and determine the effectiveness of the treatment complex used.

Treatment of this disease should begin and continue to take place under the supervision of a doctor who will establish the cause of the onset of the disease and its stage. Regardless of, bed rest and rest are recommended, otherwise the risk of complications increases. TO main methods of treatment, which may vary in each individual case, can include the following:

  1. application ;
  2. painkillers and antipyretics;
  3. vasoconstrictor drops in the nose;
  4. physiotherapy;
  5. drugs that strengthen the immune system.

There is a direct relationship between how long otitis media will be treated and the stage of its disease. But this is only if you follow all the instructions of a specialist and do not self-medicate.

Responsible attitude to your health is the first step to a quick recovery

Otitis - terms of treatment

After the ENT determines, the patient will know how many days the otitis media will pass. Depending on the location of the inflammatory process specialists determine:

  • otitis externa- appears with damage to the auricle. It is divided into two forms: limited and diffuse.

limited form characteristic is the formation of boils in the ear, which are opened with an incision. This otitis needs treatment. at least one week.

Diffuse view- inflammation that can reach the eardrum. This type may last 2 – 3 weeks and, after which the symptoms subside and the patient recovers.

It is worth considering that inflammation can turn into a protracted and even develop into a chronic stage, which, as a result, threatens with hearing loss or hearing loss.

  • otitis media- inflammation affecting the middle part of the ear. Usually the period of therapy of this form is 1-3 weeks. This otitis media according to the characteristics of inflammation is divided into catarrhal and purulent.

catarrhal- inflammation of the middle ear in the initial stage. If you start treating it in a timely manner, then you can get rid of it. in 5 - 7 days. If not treated, it will move to the next stage with an increase in the time for therapy.

Purulent- manifests itself under the guise of complications during the illness of sinusitis and respiratory diseases. For the treatment of this type of ailment, specialists take 1-2 weeks.

The anatomical structure of the human auditory organ

  • otitis media- appears if timely treatment of otitis media of the middle ear is not taken up. This type of disease is very dangerous, with it the patient is immediately placed in a stationary department and surgical intervention is performed. The recovery period may take about a month or more.

However, these are only approximate dates, it is very difficult to establish the exact time, even if we consider each specific case. The point is that, how many days will the ear hurt with otitis media, also provide influence such factors:

  1. concomitant or chronic diseases;
  2. features of the anatomical structure of the organ of hearing;
  3. congenital pathologies;
  4. lifestyle of a person, his age;
  5. the state of the body's immunity;
  6. observance of hygiene rules.

With an attentive attitude to one's own health and an optimistic prognosis ear pain can go away in just a couple of days without leaving a trace behind.

Can otitis media go away on its own?

Rumor - one of the vital senses for a person. Even with minimal discomfort in the ears, you should consult a doctor. Don't wait for these discomforts to go away on their own.

Otitis media won't go away! And if you neglect the signals that the body gives, you can simply get a chronic form from the initial stage of the disease. And maybe even worse - various complications that the disease is fraught with.

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