What herbs help thin the blood. Herbs for thinning the blood and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Causes of the pathological condition

alternative medical supplies can become herbs that thin the blood and reduce pressure. An excellent addition to their treatment will be a diet, regular walks and simple physical exercises as well as quitting smoking and alcohol.

Few people think that overall health depends on the quality of blood. It is she who nourishes all organs, supplies them with oxygen, useful elements, hormones and many other compounds. The rate of delivery of substances depends on the consistency of the plasma: the thicker the blood, the slower its current will be, and, accordingly, all reactions in the body. High viscosity biological fluid leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, lack of oxygen in the tissues (hypoxia), accumulation of decay products in the cells. Dysfunction of blood flow leads to disruption of the heart, causes headaches, general weakness, pressure increase. The doctors prescribe medications, normalizing health, recommend compliance with the drinking and dietary regimen. An alternative to medical remedies can be herbs that thin the blood and reduce pressure. They must be taken with caution so as not to cause even more significant harm to the body.

Many herbs have a blood pressure (BP) lowering effect. But they also have secondary (side) properties. Therefore, when choosing which herbs will be taken for pressure, it is necessary to take into account possible side effects, and depending on this, a maintenance therapy plan should already be drawn up.

Herbs with targeted action on blood pressure

The following herbs reduce blood pressure (systolic and diastolic):

  • small periwinkle (in tinctures, all parts of the plant are used, except for the roots);
  • astragalus (infusions or decoctions are prepared from stems or petals);
  • cudweed marshmallow (a decoction of the leaves is used).

Typically, all these herbal remedies act purposefully to reduce blood pressure without causing significant side effects on the body. You can already buy in pharmacies finished preparations(charges) on their basis and take according to the instructions to normalize the pressure.

Plants to lower blood pressure and thin the blood

Herbs and plant-based preparations that can not only reduce blood pressure, but also speed up blood flow, are often used for high risk thrombus formation. They are indicated for use by patients at and above to prevent the formation of blood clots and combat the development of tissue hypoxia.

Herbs for blood thinning are prepared and taken strictly according to the instructions, otherwise you can only aggravate the state of health.

White willow bark: 1 cup of boiling water is needed for 1 large spoonful of dry ingredients. The product is brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, insist half an hour. Strained medicine is taken three times a day, 2 tbsp. before meals for 1.5 weeks.

Yellow sweet clover: pour a tablespoon of herbs into 500 ml of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. At high pressure take the drug 100 ml three times a day for a month.

Dioscorea Caucasian: you will need 0.5 liters of vodka and 60 g of finely chopped plant roots. The tincture is set aside for 2 weeks in a dark place, the container is shaken daily. Thin the blood with this remedy, taking 20 drops daily with water three times a day for 3 weeks. The course is repeated after a break of a week.

Meadowsweet meadowsweet: per liter cold water you will need 2 large spoons of dried flowers, which are poured for 12 hours. Strained medicine is taken 250 ml three times a day between meals. Blood thinning is noted 2 weeks after the start of treatment with the drug.

Horse chestnut: 30 g of chestnut peel is poured into 250 ml of vodka and insisted for half a month. Take the medicine 30 drops after any meal for a month.

Hazel: 2 tablespoons are brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water. dry leaves until completely cool. Accepted for hypertension, 150 ml 3 r. in a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Lungwort: 2 tbsp. plants pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist until cool. The strained remedy is drunk three times a day, 250 ml after any meal.

Blood-thinning tinctures and decoctions should be treated with caution. Before starting therapy with folk remedies, it is better to consult a doctor.

Means for the normalization of blood pressure

Herbal tinctures prepared according to folk recipes, or herbal preparations purchased from pharmacy network, should be accepted by people with high blood pressure daily. They help strengthen blood vessels and normalize the work of the heart. Long-term and stable pressure reduction is provided by plants:

  • laurel;
  • viburnum seeds;
  • cottonweed;
  • motherwort;
  • mistletoe;
  • hawthorn.

All plants have a lasting result, but for maximum effect therapy with such herbs should be carried out for at least a month and, with a successful result, periodically repeated.

Herbs with a diuretic effect

Such plants are suitable for patients with constantly high blood pressure and a certain renal pathology. For example, horsetail relieves swelling and normalizes blood pressure, but you need to make sure that it does not increase the frequency heart rate otherwise, the reception should be stopped. Birch drooping has a beneficial effect on kidney function. Bearberry is added to medicines if the pressure rises due to kidney failure.

In any case, the use of these plants is allowed only after consulting a doctor, since all of them can adversely affect the health of people with severe renal dysfunction.

What herbs are allowed for heart disease

When high blood pressure is combined with heart disease, it is dangerous to self-medicate. By the following means can be treated for hypertension after a medical consultation:

  • red hawthorn;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • pomegranate;
  • garlic with mint;
  • onion;
  • rose hip.

These plants and herbs provide a hypotensive effect, reducing the risk of exacerbation of heart disease. In pharmacies, you can buy drugs based on them and take them according to the instructions or with the permission of a doctor.

Recipes of folk remedies

Many plants can lower blood pressure, normalize health and achieve blood thinning. But some recipes have proven themselves best and are therefore widely used among hypertensive patients.

Infusion of garlic

Garlic is ground in a meat grinder and poured with vodka in a ratio of 1: 3. The product must be kept in a place where direct sunlight does not fall for 2 weeks. Every 2-3 days the medicine must be shaken.

Lemon honey mixture

You can cook pretty effective remedy from lemon juice and honey syrup in the same proportions. The contents are thoroughly mixed, and the product is taken in 1 tbsp. every day before bed. In addition to thinning the blood, this medicine helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent infection with influenza and SARS.

Collection of herbs

To prepare the medicine, you need to mix 1 tsp. each herb:

  • mountain arnica;
  • sweet clover;
  • sagebrush;
  • spiraea.

A tablespoon will need a glass hot water. The collection is poured at night (it is advisable to use a thermos), and in the morning it is filtered, divided into 4 equal parts, and taken throughout the day before meals. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

Important! You can not prepare the tincture for several days in advance, as it will lose its medicinal properties. Insist herbal mixture need to be renewed daily.


Freshly ground is mixed with 1 tsp. green tea with a pinch of cinnamon. The mixture is poured 2 tbsp. hot water and infused until completely cooled. The strained drink is diluted with lemon juice (from half of the 1st citrus) and honey as desired. It is necessary to divide the medicine into 4-5 parts, which are taken throughout the day, regardless of food.

Any of the means is quite easy to prepare and just as easy to take. An excellent addition to the treatment will be a diet, regular walks and simple exercise, as well as quitting smoking and alcohol.

It has been established that it basically has a liquid medium, which is called plasma, as well as suspended cells - leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets. These cells create the viscosity and density of the plasma. If , then it affects the functioning of the vital important organs. Medicinal herbs for blood thinning are popular among the people and are very effective in use.

Blood with high level viscosity is more difficult to move through the vessels and causes various pathologies. The heart muscle works much harder to pump it, which leads to the vital organs.

Thus, varicose veins can develop with blood viscosity, with the appearance of blood clots with the risk of occurrence, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and heart attacks. In general, a person with c feels weak and generally feels unwell.

List of medicinal herbs

The most popular and best are:

  • sweet clover:
  • meadowsweet;
  • willow bark:

In reality, there are much more helping herbs.

In addition to the above, also useful herbs from thick blood

  • acacia.
  • thyme;
  • wormwood flowers;
  • liquorice;
  • Maryin root;
  • cherry leaves;
  • mint;
  • lungwort;
  • kalanchoe;
  • meadow clover;
  • wild rose in May;
  • mulberry
  • common chicory;
  • hawthorn;
  • stomach;
  • currant, raspberry leaves;
  • bottom grass

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine recipes for quite diverse and easy to implement. Consider the main examples of infusions and decoctions in order to make our blood liquid.

Willow bark from thick blood contains a complex of salicylic glycosides. This is a fairly common folk remedy for an adequate state of the blood. It is often referred to as natural acetylsalicylic acid.

However willow bark with condensed blood does not have so many side effects from acceptance. At reasonable doses negative impact may be absent altogether.

For the purpose of blood thinning, willow drink is brewed in a certain way:

  • Put finely chopped bark into boiling water (the proportion per glass of water is a spoonful of bark), and boil for ten minutes. After boiling, the broth should be infused for an hour. Next, the drink is filtered, then it must be diluted with a small volume boiled water. This decoction should be drunk three times a day before meals, two tablespoons for ten days.

Decoction of Caucasian Dioscorea

The recipe for a decoction of blood density:

  • To prepare a decoction, the root of the plant is infused with vodka in dark places for half a month. The ratio for half a liter of vodka is sixty grams of a plant. It is necessary to further strain the tincture and keep in the refrigerator. Drink this decoction 3 times a day after meals in about twenty minutes. Drink twenty-five drops with water.

ginger drink

Blood thinning tea recipe:

  • An excellent choice for improving blood quality is a ginger drink. For its preparation, you need fresh chopped ginger root. Next, you need to add a little cinnamon and a pinch of green tea. All this is mixed and brewed with boiling water (about 400 ml.). After the broth is infused, you need to strain, if desired, add honey and lemon juice. Drink this decoction throughout the day in several doses.

Chestnut recipe:

  • The chestnut skin is suitable for the manufacture of alcohol tinctures. To do this, the raw materials are insisted on vodka (50 grams of bark per half liter of vodka) for a crescent, at the end of the period it is necessary to strain the tincture. Before taking the tincture inside, water is added to thirty drops of the tincture. Consume before meals three times a day. It is necessary to drink a decoction for three weeks.
  • Also suitable for consumption are the elements contained in the leaves and flowers of the chestnut tree. Small flowers are boiled for ten to fifteen minutes. Next, the broth is infused for thirty minutes. The medicine is drunk in the evening after eating in sips. To prepare decoctions of chestnut for blood, its flowers and leaves are mixed, poured with boiling water, which are infused for twelve hours. Take a decoction in the evening for half a glass for six months.

Decoction for the treatment of thrombophlebitis

For the treatment, as well as the prevention of thrombosis, herbalists advise to cook medicinal tea for healthy blood.

Decoction preparation method:

  • Rosehip petals (2 tablespoons), meadowsweet flowers, and black tea (2 tablespoons) are taken and mixed. A teaspoon of the mixture is infused for twenty-five minutes in boiling water. Drink a glass twice a day.

Ginkgo biloba tincture

Alcoholic tincture of ginkgo biloba gives excellent curative results for blood thinning with thrombophlebitis.

How to prepare ginkgo biloba:

  • Take half a liter of vodka and 50 grams of dried ginkgo biloba. The grass is poured with vodka and infused for two weeks. Drink half an hour before meals three times a day for a teaspoon. Apply tincture for a month with repetition treatment course after seven days.

How to prepare a decoction of red clover:

  • Red clover flowers are insisted on boiling water, until the moment when the broth becomes room temperature(three tablespoons of grass per liter of water). Drink at any time of the day.

bottom grass

Recipe medicinal decoction bottom grass:

  • It is necessary to add boiling water to the crushed sweet clover grass (50 grams of grass per half liter of water). Insist for two hours, then filter. Medicinal decoction you need to drink every day three times a day. Dosage - less than half a glass, the term for taking bottom broth is one month.


How to prepare an infusion of lungwort for healthy and pure blood:

  • It is necessary to add boiling water to the crushed raw materials (a glass of water per tablespoon of raw materials) and insist for about two hours. After the infusion has been filtered, it is necessary to drink half a glass three times a day. Drinking is carried out for three weeks.

Buckwheat flowers

Tea recipe:

  • The flowers of the herbal plant are poured with boiling water (half a liter of water per teaspoon of grass). Within two hours insist and filter. Drink three to four times a day for half a glass.

Herbal collection from thick blood No. 1

To prepare this medicinal drink is taken:

  • about a tablespoon of the following herbs: wormwood, mint, fireweed. A liter of boiling water is added and settled. This collection is drunk before meals for half a glass.

Of course, before taking herbal infusions and decoctions should be consulted with doctors and herbalists in order to avoid health risks.

blood viscosity is sufficient important indicator in the performance of our body. Quite effective are herbs that thin the blood and prevent thrombosis and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Causes of the pathological condition

Working out useful substances in the human body is carried out with the participation of zinc, vitamin C, lecithin, selenium. With an insufficient amount of these components in the human body, the appearance of pathology is observed.

An increase in hemoglobin in the blood is the cause of the pathology.

If the liver does not work properly, then this also leads to an increase in blood viscosity, which will be thinned by drugs and various herbs.

Platelets and erythrocytes in excessive quantities negatively affect the state of human blood. If a person consumes water in insufficient quantities, then this leads to dehydration of the body, which causes a pathological process.

Food can also adversely affect the performance of the body. When eating potatoes, carbonated drinks, fatty foods, smoked meats, buckwheat, sugar diagnose excessive thickening of the blood. Taking herbs such as motherwort or valerian can cause pathology.

Blood clotting is observed in people with the wrong way life. That is why it is recommended to take responsibility for your health.

Herbs to thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

The use of sweet clover

To thin the blood, it is recommended to use sweet clover. It is a versatile plant that has been used for centuries to treat various diseases. The indisputable advantage of sweet clover is that it is able to thin the blood. The medicinal culture is also characterized additional properties, which include:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorants;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Anticoagulants;
  • Hypotensive.

The plant is characterized by the presence of analgesic, diaphoretic qualities.

The composition of the culture includes cumalin, which leads to an increase in systolytic blood pressure.

The action of this herb is aimed at increasing the number of leukocytes in the blood, as well as relieving seizures. With regular intake of medicines based on sweet clover, blood circulation in the organs is improved. abdominal cavity. With the help of this herb, peripheral, cerebral and coronary blood supply is improved.

To thin the blood, you can use an infusion, decoction or alcohol tincture based on sweet clover, which are taken orally.

  1. To prepare the tincture, you need to take a tablespoon of pre-dried and crushed raw materials. Grass is poured with 0.5 liters of cold water. The drug is infused for 5 hours. A single dose of the medicine is ¼ cup. The medication should be taken half an hour before meals.
  2. To prepare a decoction of sweet clover, use the crushed ground part of the plant in the amount of 10 grams and pour 250 milliliters of water. The medicine must be boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. The medication should be taken three times a day. A single dose of the drug is a tablespoon.
  3. To prepare an alcohol tincture, you need to take one hundred grams of chopped dry grass and pour a bottle of vodka. The medicine should be infused for two weeks. After straining it, you must take 15 drops of the drug before meals. The frequency of taking the medicine is three times. Storage of the drug in the refrigerator can be carried out for two years.

Sweet clover is a universal medicinal plant, the action of which is aimed at thinning the blood. Due to the possibility of preparing several options for medicines, the patient can choose the most suitable option for himself.

Red meadow clover treatment

This herb has a positive effect on the condition of the capillaries. It is often used in the treatment of various cancerous tumors. The culture is often used to thin the blood for varicose veins.

The action of clover is aimed at healing various skin lesions. Clover tea can stabilize blood pressure.

This herb is an excellent drug, so it is widely used to treat various diseases lungs and bronchi.

An herb that thins the blood large quantity medicinal properties, which allows it to be used for various diseases. Effective, as well as eliminating the possibility of blood clots.

Blood cleansing in most cases is carried out using clover-based infusion. To prepare it, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of inflorescences and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water. Infused folk medicine In one hour. It is taken 3 to 5 times a day. At one time, the patient is recommended to take a quarter cup of medicine. It is recommended to take the medication before meals.

Nettle therapy

There are various medicinal herbs, the action of which is aimed at improving the condition of the blood: thinning, preventing the appearance of blood clots. Nettle - medicinal herb for those who suffer from thrombosis and weak vessel walls.

In addition, this herb has additional healing properties. This culture is often used for thrombophlebitis. It also has the following properties:

  • Wound healing;
  • Diuretic;
  • Laxative;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • expectorant;
  • Vitamin.

Nettle can reduce the possibility of blood clots. Nettle tea is recommended for high blood pressure therapy. Nettle contains great amount nutrients, which positively affects the strengthening immune system person.

To thin the blood for varicose veins, it is recommended to use a decoction based on nettle. For this purpose, dry, pre-crushed raw materials are used in the amount of two tablespoons. They must be poured with boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes.

After cooling the broth, it is filtered and used for oral administration, one tablespoon at a time. The drug should be taken 4 to 5 times a day. This is very good drug that reduces pressure in blood vessels.

Nettle is universal plant, with the help of which the reduced indicator of blood viscosity is stabilized.

Horse chestnut against blood clots

An increased level of blood viscosity can eliminate horse chestnut. It is often used to thin the blood for varicose veins. From this plant, you can prepare tea, infusions and decoctions, which qualitatively thin the blood.

This culture is characterized by the presence of bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and hemostatic properties. With the help of chestnut, diseases of such organs and systems are treated, such as bladder, lungs, liver. Medicines based on horse chestnut are able to fully eliminate inflammatory processes inside the body.

In order to prepare a decoction, you need to take the peel of horse chestnut in the amount of 50 grams. It is poured with 250 milliliters of water and boiled for 15 minutes. The medication should be taken before meals three times a day. To thin the blood, you can make tea from this plant. To do this, you need to take two fruits, put them in a thermos and pour boiling water over them. Tea should be infused for two hours. After that, it is taken orally a few tablespoons up to 5 times a day.

Horse chestnut is a highly effective crop with which you can stabilize the state of human health.

Willow bark treatment

There are a variety of medicinal herbs that are used to thin the blood. Quite effective of them is willow bark.

This culture has excellent antipyretic properties, so it is widely used when the body temperature rises. White willow bark is widely used to fight colds.

The culture has excellent diaphoretic and anticoagulant properties. This plant is characterized by the presence of anticoagulant abilities. The bark is characterized the minimum amount contraindications, which allows it to be used for the treatment of various diseases. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties.

The most effective is the decoction. To do this, pour a teaspoon of bark with a glass of boiling water. The preparation is boiled for 10 minutes and infused for three hours. It is necessary to take the medicine once a day, 100 milliliters.

Willow bark has excellent blood-thinning properties only under the condition proper cooking medicines.

Blood thinning products

There are a variety of foods that thin the blood when consumed. Dairy products have a positive effect on the liquefaction process.

Also, the patient's diet should consist of grapes, lemon, orange, blueberries, raspberries. To thin the blood, it is recommended to consume foods such as figs and grapefruit.

Orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps to normalize the blood. That is why patients are advised daily use glass of juice. Cooking should be done with cold-pressed vegetable oil.

It can also be replaced with linseed oil.

Patients are advised to eat fish fatty varieties- herring and mackerel. Seaweed and seafood are very good for the state of the blood. They include iodine, the action of which is aimed at increasing vascular tone and reducing blood viscosity.

People are encouraged to use vegetable soups, as they are a source of liquid. Sprouted wheat sprouts are quite effective in the treatment of pathology. They are most commonly used in salads. Teas based on cinnamon and ginger also help thin the blood.

If a person knows which herbs thin the blood, then he will be able to independently stabilize his health. The most effective in the fight against a pathological condition are sweet clover, willow bark, horse chestnut, clover, nettle, which we wrote about in detail above.

Thick blood is a problem for the modern civilized world. This result was predetermined malnutrition, the composition of consumed products, sedentary image life, leading to the appearance of blood clots. One more problem - weak walls vessels for which thick blood exerts a constant load.

The normal blood composition is 20% of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and 80% of blood serum. With thick, these indicators change, and it consists of 20% whey and 80% of other elements.

This leads to organ failure. What attracts mass serious illnesses primarily cardiovascular.

To thin the blood, improve blood formation, reduce the load on the heart, there are drugs (anticoagulants) that, when long-term use render Negative influence on the gastrointestinal tract, up to stomach ulcers.

Many people are looking for an alternative to this - foods that will allow naturally reduce density to normal.

Take note! negatively affect blood clotting bad habits: Smoking and alcohol, which lowers the body's water content, making it thick.

Water has a great influence on blood thinning, not liquid: tea, coffee, soda, etc., namely water. The exception is green tea, it lowers clotting well. It is necessary to drink 1.5 - 2 liters per day clean water. Water must be filtered or melted. Water should be drunk half an hour before meals or one hour after.

In the list of the most effective products includes:

  1. Garlic. Most beneficial effect garlic has an effect on blood clotting, it can be used in different form: fresh, dried, make garlic oil.
  2. Ginger. The property of ginger to reduce cholesterol, has a positive effect on reducing blood viscosity.
  3. Red wine. It is from the time Ancient Greece used for purification, restoration of blood. A good antiseptic, contains vitamins, salicylates.
  4. Raspberry and blueberry. Raspberry juice and raspberry leaf tea reduces viscosity and density. blueberries destroy blood clots and prevents thrombosis, as it contains salicylates.
  5. Berries and fruits. They contain a lot of water and acids. Acidic foods break down fats and prevent blood clots and cholesterol plaques. Vitamin C content.
  6. Vegetables. Tomatoes and cucumbers contain a lot of water. Carrots are rich in vitamin E and help break down blood clots. beets, celery, White cabbage, paprika, chili peppers, zucchini and eggplant contain vitamins, reduce blood viscosity and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Spices. Turmeric has a positive effect on blood flow, regulates the content of leukocytes and erythrocytes. Dill, oregano, mint, thyme improve the composition.
  8. Olive oil, flax, sunflower. Contain vitamin E, disrupt thrombosis.

How to reduce blood clotting during pregnancy. In this case, you should not do anything on your own, especially with medications.

If you have not found allergic reactions on products containing salicylates, then best solution will be their use. These include: tomatoes, red bell pepper, vegetable oils, berries and fruits.

Drugs and medicines to thin the thick blood

The list of drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots is not small. They should only be taken as directed by a doctor.

No matter how harmless the drug would be at first glance, it has contraindications and side effects.

Long-term use of aspirin tablets should be carried out only under medical supervision.

popular and universal drug today it is considered aspirin, another name acetylsalicylic acid. Everyone knows its effect on the blood, but it is also an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.

Aspirin reduces blood clotting, prevents platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots. The tablet must be thoroughly chewed and quickly washed down with plenty of water. Cannot be swallowed whole.

Curantyl. Contains antithrombotic substances, improves blood circulation in the brain. Reduces blood density.

Cardiomagnyl. It is used against the formation of blood clots, for prevention. Take the drug only on prescription.

Aescusan. The drug is made on the basis of an extract from horse chestnut, indicated for varicose veins veins, venous insufficiency, has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.

How to quickly thin the blood at home: folk remedies

Let's consider several options:

  1. Folk remedies and cooking at home. The use of drugs that reduce blood clotting adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract. How to bring the state of the blood back to normal without aspirin? Here the tried and tested for centuries come to the rescue unconventional methods treatment - folk remedies.

    The use of water and diluted natural juices brings many benefits and helps to reduce clotting.
    Combine 1⁄2 cup honey and 5 garlic cloves, grated. Stir, close and leave for 20 days in a dark place. Drink half an hour before meals, one spoonful.
    Take as a rule, use Bay leaf when preparing first courses.

  2. Herbs. Take 1 tablespoon of white willow, brew 0.25 liters of boiling water. Leave for an hour, put in a strainer and drink 30 minutes before meals. Juice from the leaves and roots of dandelions 1/3 cup, 3 tablespoons of honey, mix, add a little water and drink half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Injections in the stomach. With high blood clotting, the doctor will prescribe Heparin injections in the stomach. This drug is used to reduce platelets in the blood as a treatment and as a preventive measure.
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There are many red cells and plasma in the blood. It is their ratio that affects the density of this substance. If there are more red blood cells than normal or they stick together, then the blood becomes thick. In some cases, the blood plasma becomes very thick, which can cause blood clots.

Remember that thick blood is not a disease, but a symptom. However, if you do not pay attention to such a condition, subsequently diseases may occur that occur due to the density of the blood.

It becomes much thicker if, for some reason, less plasma is produced than usual. This can happen with dehydration. It is not necessary that it occurs during the development of a disease, but doctors note that it can be provoked by:

  • heat;
  • violation of the drinking regime;
  • overheating, especially in nature;
  • burns and viral infections.

However, there are diseases in which the blood becomes thicker. First of all, they include:

Quite often, the cause of blood density is not an insufficient amount of plasma, but an excess of leukocytes and erythrocytes. The reasons due to which there are so many red blood cells that the blood thickens are as follows:

  • heart failure, especially chronic;
  • diseases in which the body does not have enough oxygen, blocking and disrupting respiratory activity: diphtheria, whooping cough, pulmonary insufficiency;
  • erythremia;
  • long stay in highlands or underwater;
  • tumors of various origins of the brain, kidneys;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • myeloid leukemia.

If the number of leukocytes in the blood is increased, then there may be several reasons for this. First of all, if there are really a lot of them, then there is inflammation or some kind of infection in the body. Very often, there are a lot of leukocytes if:

  • there is an allergic reaction;
  • stress;
  • with infectious diseases;
  • leukocytosis;
  • Wakez-Osler disease.

The viscosity of the blood, which is very thick, contributes not only to thrombosis, but also fatigue, can provoke various varicose veins, as well as heart attacks and strokes. The heart works with an increased load, so if you have thick blood, you need to use herbs that thin the blood and strengthen the walls blood vessels. AT medical practice widespread use various drugs which make the blood thinner. These are drugs such as aspirin, aspirin cardio, thrombo ACC, cardiomagnyl and many others. However, some older people should not take them due to various contraindications. Therefore, experts advise stopping at herbs, the regular use of which contributes to more liquid blood.

What herbs thin the blood

Quite a few of them are mentioned in traditional medicine. Plants, herbs that thin the blood can be bought at any pharmacy, and they are inexpensive. Almost all of them can be brewed like tea and drunk in small sips. But you can also alternate taking drugs such as aspirin cardio with others. For example, nettle, willow bark and other herbs. Nettle is very good at thinning the blood. Here's what to take if you want to keep the blood thin.

In medicine, the following medicinal herbs are used that can reduce arterial pressure and make the blood liquid:

  • white willow bark;
  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • sweet clover yellow;
  • horse chestnut;
  • licorice;
  • peony root;
  • rose hip;
  • lungwort;
  • acacia;
  • hawthorn;
  • cherry, raspberry and currant leaves.

Recipes for the preparation and use of such herbs may be different. Here are some teas and foods that thin the blood.

  • cranberries, lingonberries, cherries, raspberries;
  • apples;
  • tangerines and oranges;
  • lemons, especially in combination with mint and melissa. This herb thins the blood;
  • onion and garlic;
  • nuts, and any. They contain arginine, which prevents the formation of blood clots.

However, not only these products contribute to the fact that the blood will run through the body faster. The following dietary changes will help you improve your circulation significantly:

  • you need to drink during the day as much water as possible;
  • juices instead strong coffee, soups instead solid food, especially meat, also contribute to the fact that the blood becomes less thick;
  • regular consumption of foods such as lemons, oranges and tangerines, you can make the blood thinner;
  • using foods such as green tea, coffee, including green, you disperse the blood, and it also becomes thinner.

Foods such as meat, potatoes, cereals in in large numbers, as well as bread products, sweets, on the contrary, contribute to the density of the blood. If you want it to become more liquid, try to limit or completely eliminate such foods.

Useful herbs

Not everyone knows which herbs are good for avoiding blood clots. Doctors advise the following formulations that can be taken just like tea, including for thinning the blood with varicose veins.

Willow bark is considered a good remedy. To brew tea with it, it is enough to pour a spoonful of raw materials with boiling water and let it brew. Such tea must first be filtered, then poured warm water and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The decoction can be mixed with green or mint tea and drink with honey. Full course- 10 days. Also, willow bark is recommended to be taken against the formation of blood clots as a prophylactic.

With thrombophlebitis, horse chestnut helps. To do this, you need to collect the peel of horse chestnuts and pour it alcohol tincture. Then insist for 2 weeks and then take a few drops for 3 weeks with water.

At weak vessels and high pressure, you can use a decoction and chestnut flowers. To do this, the flowers are washed, boiled under water for 10 minutes, filtered and drunk. They give excellent strengthening of blood vessels, and also contribute to a tonic effect.

Here are some medicinal plants capable of strengthening blood vessels.

Clover red. Together with mint and melissa, it can be used as a tea that reduces blood pressure. To do this, pour a spoonful of dried flowers with boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Then filter and start drinking. This decoction is able to reduce pressure. The peeled beet fruit has a similar property. To do this, the vegetable is boiled, then cut and juice is squeezed out of it. After that, cool and take half a glass on an empty stomach. Can be cooked and beet kvass. It perfectly lowers blood pressure, and they also do such a procedure as cleaning blood vessels at home. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple: 2 beets need to be boiled, peeled and skinned. Then squeeze the juice and put in a dark place. The bread is then mixed with a small amount sugar and pour water for a day to get the usual kvass. You can add some raisins to taste. Then you need to squeeze into the cake, mix kvass with beetroot juice and drink.

It has been noticed that people who regularly consume this tasty and healthy drink are much less likely than everyone else to suffer from high blood pressure.

Another drink that does not thicken the blood is quite simple to prepare - green tea with lemon, orange and lemon balm. To do this, you first need to brew ordinary green tea, then separately make a decoction of mint mixed with lemon balm. You can even make a tea collection with the addition of leaves black currant and raspberries. The condensed drink, if it turned out to be thicker than you planned, needs to be diluted with water. Drink throughout the day like tea. This composition will increase blood thinning, showing reduced cholesterol and blood pressure. If you have increased rate blood density, then the regular use of any mint drink (only natural) will reduce this figure to normal.

Here are a few more delicious recipes which thin the blood, reducing the risk of blood clots.

Tea with lemon balm, raspberry leaves and berries.

The classic recipe for this drink is simple: you need to mix 2 tablespoons of lemon balm or candy mint with the same amount of raspberry or blackcurrant leaves and brew like tea. Then add a teaspoon of thawed or fresh raspberries and honey to it. Mix and drink. Raspberry has amazing properties: it is not in vain that it is recommended against colds, since it acts on the blood as natural aspirin. It cleanses the blood, reduces blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease, and a drink with it turns out to be surprisingly tasty and healthy.

Others, no less healthy drink is a green tea with linden flowers, blackcurrant leaves and berries. If not, it is allowed use of jam and preserves. You must first brew linden with blackcurrant leaves, then green tea. Mix everything and drink berries together, you can add a little liquid honey to taste. This drink is very tasty and surprisingly nutritious. When cool, it is kind and significantly reduces pressure if it is elevated.

Highly good drink, which thins the blood, is strong Mint tea with an orange. To do this, an equal amount of several types of mint and lemon balm is brewed like tea, infused for an hour, then drunk with orange or lemon juice. If desired, sugar or honey can be added to the drink. Regular consumption of this drink will protect against thrombosis and heart attacks.

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