Soluble chicory: harm and benefit, indications and contraindications. Soluble chicory - useful properties and contraindications. Instant drink from chicory

On the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS, it is ubiquitous interesting plant perennial - common chicory. From the dried roots, a pleasant taste with a delicate coffee aroma is prepared. chicory, soluble beneficial features and contraindications which have been known to the natives since the time of the ancient Egyptians and Romans.

The beneficial properties of chicory were described by the ancient scientists Pliny the Elder, Avicenna, Theophrastus. They are the first:

  • began to use it in the practice of treating certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and joints;
  • drew attention to the property of chicory to satisfy hunger and relieve fatigue;
  • recommended it to patients with loss of vitality.

Medicinal chicory in Russia

In Russia, chicory as " medicinal culture”began to be grown at the beginning of the 18th century, and by the end they were already exporting abroad up to 6 thousand kg per year. Growing chicory on their plots, the peasants noticed that the chicory root never rots during storage. For this property, chicory was popularly called the golden root. It was used as a talisman (against the evil eye, "from a bullet and a sword, from a sharp knife"), and was given as a dowry for daughters. A bag of dry ground root was taken on long trips, for winter hunting.

In the 18th century Europe was fond of coffee. The miraculous drink started and ended the day. A German gardener from Thuringia really liked a drink made from dried chicory roots, which, in taste and smell, was very reminiscent of secular coffee. Exactly Tamm of Thuringia is credited with creating from dried chicory roots wonderful drink , which began to successfully compete with natural coffee beans.

What is useful in chicory

All parts of chicory are different a huge list substances that support health and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

The roots and leaves of chicory contain:

  • easily digestible substances, in which 60% is inulin, easily soluble in hot water;
  • vitamins of groups "B", "C", "A", "E", more than 13 items in total;
  • sugar (2-3%), in which the content of fructose is 9.5%, levulose up to 20%, pentosans up to 6.5%;
  • intibin glycoside, which gives a slight pleasant bitterness to the chicory drink (0.1-0.2%);
  • choline,
  • tannins;
  • micro and macro elements, including iron, zinc, selenium, copper and others;
  • organic acids and other substances.

No less rich in the necessary chemical compounds are the flowers and seeds of the plant, containing:

  • coumarin glycosides, cytocorin;
  • cytocoric and hydroxycinnamic acids,
  • oxycoumarins,
  • fatty oils (contained in seeds), the amount of which in the compounds of other plants is negligible. Their number reaches 15-28%.

Useful properties of chicory

The root, leaves, flowers and seeds of chicory are used in official and traditional medicine with many diseases. Integral part some medical preparations in diseases digestive system used inulin. It normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and, in turn, is food for bifidobacteria living in the intestines. Chicory is used as an antipyretic, choleretic, hypoglycemic, antihelminthic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent.

The nutritional qualities of chicory were appreciated by restaurateurs, including

  • spring vitamin salads;
  • side dishes of fish, meat and other lunch and snack dishes;
  • bread and confectionery baking, giving them new taste qualities.

Instant chicory as an alternative to coffee

Manufacturers mix specially processed and roasted chicory roots with coffee beans, the mixture is crushed and the source material is obtained. good substitute coffee is a drink made from pure chicory. It is almost indistinguishable from coffee, but has best quality. There is no caffeine in the chicorn drink.

Chicory drink is easy to prepare at home. It is necessary to carefully grind the dried roots and brew like ground coffee beans.

AT last years on the shelves of supermarkets, along with powdered chicory, instant chicory appeared. What is the difference? Nothing in composition. Both drinks are made from the roots. The main differences are in the method of obtaining a soluble powder.

Obtaining soluble chicory

To obtain soluble chicory, the beneficial properties of which would repeat ordinary chicory, carry out water extraction (washout) of substances from the powder dried ground roots. Then the solution is sprayed in spray ovens with simultaneous drying. The water evaporates, and the dry residue is packaged in waterproof packages. Was on sale pure powder. Flavoring additives in the form of blueberries, ginseng, echinacea or their mixtures and other berries, fruits, medicinal herbs are added to it.

To the taste of an amateur: you can brew natural chicory in a Turk and enjoy the unusual taste and aroma of the drink. Hurrying to work, you can drink a cup of instant chicory without or with flavoring.

Chicory soluble, useful properties

By appearance instant chicory practically does not differ from natural coffee powder, and even surpasses it in taste. Like natural ground chicory, soluble form adds and expands the list of useful properties.

  • Chicory soluble has high natural sweetness and does not need large additions of sugar.
  • Inulin in chicory does not contribute to the accumulation of sugar in the blood. Chicory drink can be used instead of coffee by diabetic patients and those prone to obesity.
  • Drink soothes nervous system , supports liver function, promotes the elimination of toxins, strengthens the immune system.
  • use alcohol tincture for chronic wounds, tumors, eczema.
  • Soluble chicory has unique property: in the morning - invigorates, drunk at night - soothes and relieves insomnia.

Contraindications for taking instant chicory

Soluble chicory has a number of contraindications:

  • contraindicated in obvious allergies to herbal preparations. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor;
  • during exacerbation chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • with hemorrhoids, it can provoke bleeding;
  • you can not systematically use the drink for varicose veins, frequent bronchitis.

How to drink instant chicory drink

Soluble chicory enters the store counter in the form of a powder packed in sealed containers or in the form of a thick extract in jars.

  • Before use, dilute in hot or warm water.
  • Sweet lovers add sugar when dissolved.
  • Chicory extract, when added with sugar, resembles bitter natural chocolate (not soy substitute).
  • Natural additives can be added to the drink.
  • It is not forbidden for lovers to add milk.
  • It is better to store soluble chicory powder in a metallized sealed package.
  • In a humid environment, it becomes stone-like and becomes unfit for consumption.

How to choose chicory when buying

When purchasing a product, check the description of the composition. It must be 100% natural product. The content of natural additives (not taste imitations) of blueberries, rose hips and other berries and fruits is allowed. Pay attention to the amount of inulin. The higher its content (40-60%), the better the product. If the concentration of inulin is below 30%, the product does not meet the requirements of GOST.

  • Golden spine;
  • Health;
  • Khutorok;
  • Chicory.

How to choose a quality instant chicory

Chicory is produced in 3 types:

  • ground chicory;
  • soluble chicory;
  • chicory is liquid.

Drink manufacturers, sometimes instead of chicory, sell fakes containing additives from finely ground grains of oats, rye, and barley. It is easier, and therefore more often counterfeit ground and soluble chicory powder. Therefore, be careful when buying a dry product.

Quality powdered chicory should be:

  • finely dispersed loose;
  • light dark brown. Too light indicates the presence of additives;
  • lumps are not felt to the touch;
  • when shaking, a quiet rustle of spilling contents in the bag is heard;
  • Vacuum packaging is better.

At home, be sure to check the quality of the purchased product. It may contain thickeners and artificial flavors.

A sharp, sharp, too “bright”, obvious smell is an obvious evidence that an artificial flavor was used in the manufacture of the product, which may have allergic properties.

The next component of the falsified product is maltodextrin. It is prepared from vegetable starch and used as a product thickener. The sweet taste of the drink is a clear fake. Natural product when diluting 1 teaspoon of the powder in a glass of hot water without sugar, it will be slightly bitter.

How to identify maltodextrin

To determine the maltodextrin in the product, it is enough to make a solution of chicory and drop a drop of iodine. Blue or purple tint to the solution– evidence of the presence of ground cereal products. Such a drink should not be consumed in diabetes, which is similar to natural sugar in terms of negative effects. If the dry product is slightly shaken and it begins to dust, outwardly unusually light, it means that it contains maltodextrin.

Most quality products shipped from Poland, France, Germany. In Russia, products of the Yaroslavl region are considered to be of high quality. Even children can drink instant chicory drink. They don't mind a cup of delicious medicinal drink if it is of good quality.

How to make a homemade drink

To make your own chicory coffee, you need:

  • fry dried chicory roots to a coffee color;
  • grind the roots to a powder;
  • Brew 1-2 teaspoons of the powder with a glass of hot water;
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In the last 5–6 years, Russian market chicory is widespread, whose benefits and harms are discussed in this material. This is a soluble product (powder), which is poured with boiling water to prepare a drink, in its own way. taste characteristics reminiscent of coffee. Therefore, it is preferred by many people seeking to give up caffeine due to hypertension, stomach diseases or to maintain white teeth. This drink contains vitamins and minerals, and therefore is useful for the body.

General information

Chicory - herbaceous plant Astrov family. This herb is native to the Mediterranean. It is currently cultivated on an industrial scale for further processing and obtaining a powdered soluble product for making a drink.

Before the instant drink appeared on the general market, it was harvested by hand. With this preparation, the benefits of chicory were preserved. To do this, it was necessary to collect and clean the roots, then cut them and dry them. After that, the particles were fried and ground into powder. Currently, this problem does not exist, since the root of this herb in ground, whole or in the form of a soluble product is widely available on the market.

Useful material

The benefits of chicory are explained by the content of vitamins in it. The composition contains 12 vitamins:

  1. beta-carotene (3430 mg) has a powerful antioxidant effect, strengthening the cell membrane so that free radicals do not penetrate through it, forming insoluble compounds in cells that can contribute to the development oncological diseases;
  2. vitamin C (24.0) helps to strengthen the immune system, therefore it is useful for pregnant women who especially need strong immunity for guard own organism and fetus from infections ( daily allowance 120–150 mg);
  3. choline (12.8) is involved in fat metabolism and actively cleanses the liver of fats;
  4. vitamin E (2.26), like beta-carotene, has antioxidant properties, strengthens cell membranes and prevents penetration into them free radicals, which reduces the likelihood of developing cancer, its molecules surround red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells, protecting them from the damaging effects of these same free radicals;
  5. vitamin B5 (1.16) promotes healing skin involved in the production of antibodies immune system, corticosteroids and hormones of the adrenal cortex;
  6. vitamin PP (1.02), together with B vitamins, is involved in the processing nutrients into energy;
  7. vitamin B6 (0.11) is involved in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, contributing to the conversion of nutrients into energy (with its help, enzymes are formed in the liver, which break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins);
  8. vitamin B2 (0.1) is involved in the processes of cell division and body growth processes, therefore it is necessary for women during pregnancy for normal growth fetus ( daily rate 2.2 mg);
  9. vitamin B1 (0.06) strengthens cell membranes protecting them from negative impact peroxidation products (in fact, it is an antioxidant);
  10. vitamin K (297.6 mcg) normalizes the process of blood clotting, accelerates the healing of cuts and wounds, therefore it is necessary to restore the body after operations (daily rate is 2 mcg per kg of weight);
  11. vitamin A (286) is part of rhodopsin, a visual pigment that helps the eye to distinguish between dark and light, see in the dark and distinguish between color shades, so daily intake of the vitamin (1000–1500 mcg) helps maintain visual acuity;
  12. vitamin B9 (110) is indispensable for pregnant women, because it is involved in the formation of the nervous system of the fetus (daily rate 200-500 mcg).

The second thing that chicory is useful for is the minerals in its composition:

  • Potassium (420 mg) is involved in the normalization of muscle function, including the heart muscle. In this regard, it has medicinal properties for arrhythmia, because it helps to align heartbeat and reduce the severity and frequency of seizures;
  • Calcium (100) is an important "building" material for bones, teeth and nails. Required for normal development skeleton;
  • Phosphorus (47), along with calcium, is involved in bone formation. Helps them to maintain strength, protects against deformation;
  • Sodium (45) - an important substance in the composition interstitial fluid. Involved in the processes of transfer of nutrients to cells;
  • Magnesium (30) contributes to the complete absorption of calcium and potassium;
  • Iron (0.9) after entering the human body, interacts with oxygen, this is necessary for hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier. This explains its medicinal properties in anemia (decrease in the iron content in the body);
  • Manganese (0.43), together with calcium and phosphorus, is involved in the formation bone tissue. Promotes the complete absorption of vitamins A, B and C;
  • Zinc (0.42) is also involved in the formation of bones, and therefore is necessary for children during active growth(daily rate up to 11 mg);
  • Copper (0.3) promotes collagen production. This increases the elasticity of the skin. This also explains its healing properties in vascular diseases - the presence of collagen increases the elasticity of their walls and restores their tone;
  • Selenium (0.3 mcg) is indispensable for men, because it stimulates the production of testosterone.

The calorie content of the instant powder drink is very low. In 100 g of dry product 21 kcal, and in one teaspoon 7 g of soluble powder and less than one and a half calories. Thus, depending on the saturation of the drink, in one glass of it (without sugar or milk) from one and a half to five calories (in black tea 5–7, in coffee up to 37).

Preparing a drink

Liquid chicory (powder diluted with boiling water) replaces coffee for many people who are forced to give up caffeine (pregnant women with increased nervous excitability, hypertensive patients). It not only tastes like coffee, but also has an invigorating effect due to the content of inulin, a polysaccharide that acts as a natural energy source, in the composition of grass and roots.

The process of preparing a drink is usually described on the packaging with the powder. Most often, it is recommended to pour 250 ml of boiling water over one dessert spoon of powder and let it brew for two minutes. Then drink the drink.

There are also ways to brew chicory extract in milk. In this case, a dessert spoon of powder is poured into 250 ml of hot milk, not water. This method allows you to make the taste of the drink more like coffee, because chicory brewed with boiling water has a characteristic flavor that not everyone likes.

Important! The benefits and harms of chicory diluted in milk must be considered separately. The presence of cow's milk hinders the absorption of iron. Therefore, with anemia, it is worth replacing it with a vegetable analogue, for example, soy milk.


The main beneficial properties of chicory for weight loss are explained by the presence of inulin in its composition. Up to 60% of the powder volume is inulin and fiber. The content of inulin is reduced to 30% if high temperatures (above 60 degrees) were used during harvesting, since inulin is destroyed during them. Inulin does not allow glucose to fall, thereby suppressing the feeling of hunger. It also promotes the complete absorption of vitamins and minerals. Invigorates no worse than coffee.

The main property that chicory is useful exclusively for men is the content of selenium. It promotes the production of testosterone. The hormone, in turn, increases potency. The diuretic properties of the drink from this herb have a positive effect on genitourinary system preventing the development of infections. it important feature, because according to statistics, about 50% of men reproductive age suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system.


Before use, it is important to find out the contraindications of chicory, because sometimes healthy drink does harm. The reason for the abolition of the use of an instant drink from chicory root is the use of antibiotics. Chicory extract negatively affects their digestibility, as it contains calcium salts, which reduce the degree of absorption of tetracycline drugs up to 80%. The effectiveness of antibiotics also decreases and the healing properties decrease.

Chicory has contraindications for varicose veins. Daily use expands the veins even more due to the presence of vitamins A, C and E, which can affect the walls of blood vessels, increasing the lumen. They also increase capillary permeability. This property complicates the course of the disease and causes aggravation of current symptoms. For the same reason, you should not use chicory extract for hemorrhoids.

Due to excessive vasodilation and blood thinning under the action of magnesium and vitamin C, which prevent erythrocytes from sticking together, liquid chicory is contraindicated in hypotension (low blood pressure), with jumps in blood pressure in both directions. Even a single dose causes a decrease blood pressure, which in hypotensive patients leads to dizziness, nausea, weakness.

Chicory also harms the body of allergy sufferers. High content of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) can exacerbate allergic reaction. Also at daily use more than three glasses of the drink, there is a possibility of hypervitaminosis in vitamin C.

Despite the fact that in many respects the benefits of chicory are due to high content it contains calcium, the same fact explains its harm to people suffering from urolithiasis. Liquid chicory contains calcium oxalates, which reduce the acidity of urine. This is what leads to the formation of sediment in the kidneys and bladder, growth of stones or their formation.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it .

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What does chicory look like: a photo during the flowering period

In the photo, the chicory does not look outstanding. However, a root up to 15 meters long is hidden underground. Not a small sample! And this is beneficial for us: it is in it that the benefits of the plant are concentrated.

Plant roots: the main raw material for instant chicory

How the product is made

Powder or granules are the result of drying and roasting at high temperature(up to 220 C). Naturally, this technology destroys many useful material as part of the root, although the taste is a convenient raw material for a drink resembling coffee.

Syrup is another variant of a curious product on sale. Alas, this is not the best choice, since in its production the mentioned powder is used, produced according to the method stoving, in combination with sugar, which adds harm both in diabetes and for all followers of a healthy lifestyle.

New with a key advantage!

Sublimated instant chicory.

The main thing is known about it - the preservation of useful substances due to a special production technology. As a result, all vitamins mineral salts, valuable biocompounds and the prebiotic inulin are preserved and serve the benefit of the body.

Where to buy and personal experience

Convenient points of sale, where there is always right kind drinks are online health food stores. For example, the giants Ozone and iHerb. Our hero is much more popular in the US than in Russia, so the product line on iHerb is very wide.

It also makes sense to pay attention to sublimated soluble chicory "Ecology - healthy eating". It was developed at the Institute of Nutrition and received several prestigious awards.

In this product pleases relatively affordable price and content label. Before the eyes - all the useful properties. There will be no question of brewing. Outwardly, these are porous granules resembling coffee.

The chemical composition of chicory

We will only talk about the useful form of the product - dry soluble, which is made by sublimation.

Calories per 100 grams - 320-370 kcal

  • Carbohydrates - from 50 grams
  • Proteins - up to 10 grams


  • A - 286 mcg
  • K - 297.6 mcg
  • E - 2.26 mg
  • C - 24 mg
  • B6 - 0.11 mg
  • B9 - 110 mcg
  • And also B1, B2, B4, B5


  • Potassium - 420 mg
  • Sodium - 45 mg
  • Phosphorus - 47 mg
  • Manganese - 0.43 mg
  • Calcium - 100 mg
  • Magnesium - 30 mg
  • As well as zinc, selenium, etc.

There are coumarins, polyphenols, pectins and a very valuable component of inulin - a fructose polysaccharide and a special kind dietary fiber, which is shown for use by almost everyone.

According to GOST, in high-quality chicory for brewing tea, there should be from 30% inulin. In products from TM Ekologika prebiotic up to 46% (!)

Beneficial features

1) Reduces stress and protects the intellect from age-related changes.

2006, Journal of Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior: "Repeated caffeine consumption combined with stress causes a significant increase in cortisol." ()

This is the main difference between our hero and coffee, which spurs stress. The reason for this is caffeine. It is even available in "decaffeinated" versions.

Our hero does not contain this substance and reduces nervous tension. Even that herbal tea, where we add a little coffee for flavor, is significantly better than another cup of pure coffee mania.

Drinking chicory infusion at night, we solve several problems at once. Light sedative effect, decreased anxiety and normal long sleep. Deep and uninterrupted sleep includes anti-aging mechanisms led by melatonin, a natural protector against aging. As a result, chicory is another step towards active longevity and the preservation of intelligence.

2) Protects against systemic inflammation.

Plant polyphenols can fight inflammation. The so-called "systemic senile inflammation" is the cause of all age-related pathologies that shorten life or significantly reduce its quality at the age of 60+.

Any foods that contain a lot of anti-inflammatory substances are useful to introduce into the diet from the age of 35-40.

In addition, the anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties of chicory are an excellent help in the treatment of extensive skin pathologies (eczema, psoriasis, acne).

3) Protects liver cells.

2015, Damanhour University, Egypt. Four groups of patients with different lesions liver and treatment regimens. Daily chicory extract (100 mg/kg body weight, 1 r/day, 2 consecutive weeks) prevented cell damage, ultimately improving liver health. ()

The liver is an unpretentious and phenomenal working organ. She is constantly disarming toxic substances and synthesizes compounds important for life.

The ability of chicory extract to protect hepatocytes from the action of toxins and free radicals has been proven in many studies. Additionally, the product has a mild choleretic effect. It alleviates the condition with dyskinesia of the gallbladder and at the first stage of cholelithiasis.

And phenolic resins are antioxidants. This adds anti-cancer activity to the drink.

4) Prevents and slows down the development of type 2 diabetes and helps to lose weight.

Insulin-independent diabetes is the scourge of civilization. But the situation is not as dire as it may seem before studying methods of prevention and treatment. In protecting against the development of diabetes, a lot depends on nutrition and those natural remedies that normalize metabolism.

Our hero may be an effective supplement to a diabetic diet. It will also be useful in proper nutrition all people over 30 years of age in order to prevent the development of the disease. The reason for the anti-diabetic properties of chicory is the already mentioned healing inulin.

Lower the GI of a meal!

Thanks to inulin, tea reduces glycemic index meals. This reduces spikes in blood glucose. As a result, fewer carbohydrates are stored in fat. This encourages weight loss, and the glycoside intibin dulls the appetite.

5) Restrains manifestations of arthritis.

2010, The University of Texas completed a study showing that chicory root extract has anti-inflammatory properties and may help with degenerative joint disease. Chicory extract was drunk by 18 patients older than 50 years with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint. 13 patients noted a 20% improvement in pain and stiffness. ()

6) Normalizes bowel cleansing and nourishes beneficial microflora.

2012, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 28 days, elderly with constipation. Conclusion: “Reduction of difficulty in defecation. A daily supplement of 15 g of inulin relieves constipation and improves quality of life.” ()

Again, the beneficial properties of chicory thanks to the prebiotic inulin, which passes the upper sections digestive tract without changes. In the lower sections, it becomes fertile ground for nutrition. beneficial microflora. It grows by suppressing opportunistic pathogens. The assimilation of vitamins and minerals improves, it forms a convenient for evacuation food bolus. Ultimately, this strengthens the immune system.

Contraindications for use

  • A strict ban on chicory tea for all people with individual intolerance. The risk increases if you are allergic to nearby plants. These are marigolds, daisies, ambrosia.
  • Cholelithiasis, from stage 2, with large stones. Our hero, like everyone else choleretic drinks, enhances the peristalsis of the gallbladder. If the stones move into the duct, there will be a blockage and surgical treatment.
  • Inflammatory diseases upper divisions digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer).
  • Varicose veins of the extremities and severe hemorrhoids.
  • Serious pathology of the nervous system (schizophrenia, severe nervousness, organic changes in the brain).
  • Children's age up to 3 years.

A relative contraindication is pregnancy. In Western sources, doctors do not prohibit chicory, but women who did not use it before pregnancy should not abruptly replace coffee. Right choice- give up coffee and its substitutes.

Can chicory be breastfeeding? And again discrepancies in herbal medicine. American women drink tea during GW. Our doctors advise to be careful.

Soluble chicory: how much you can drink per day

2-3 cups (200 ml) per day- the standard recommendation of endocrinologists for the prevention of diabetes in healthy people. The number of spoons for brewing 1 cup is shown on the package.

Do not fill with boiling water!

Need hot water about 80-90 C and the time for the tea to infuse - 3-5 minutes, under the lid.

What can add to drink for taste?

  • At the beginning of addiction - a little coffee for flavor;
  • ginger or cinnamon;
  • Milk and honey (in a cooled infusion);
  • Lemon or Orange juice(in warm tea).

Possible harm from increasing the amount of inulin in the diet is temporary flatulence and bloating. To avoid discomfort, introduce the product gradually.

To reduce appetite and lose weight:

In the evening, brew in a thermos for 1 liter of boiling water 2 tablespoons of chicory roots. Drink the infusion 30 minutes before meals, using the entire liter in 1 day.

The taste of chicory tea cannot be equated to coffee. You are unlikely to switch to it completely without effort. After fragrant Arabica, give at least 2 weeks to get used to the health replacement.

Get ready: a sweetish drink made from instant chicory - with a slight bitterness. But its useful properties are great, and contraindications are insignificant. It makes sense to introduce a drink into the family menu at least in the most vulnerable and delicate periods. In autumn and winter, after illness, during breastfeeding and pregnancy, for elderly hypertensive patients and during weight loss.

You may not want to go back to coffee, especially instant granules, which are not healthy or harmless, but we will talk about that next time. Learn the important, try the useful and be healthy!

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Vitamin A;- vitamin B;- vitamin C;- vitamin E;- potassium;- sodium;- magnesium;- calcium;- iron;- pectin;- inulin;- proteins;- fat;- choline;- chicoryne;- essential oil; - carotene; - organic acids; - glycoside inhibitor; - mineral salts; - bitter and resinous substances; - tannins; - gum.

Collection and harvesting of chicory

Chicory is a tall plant with blue flowers and long healing root reaching up to 1.5 m. Since ancient times, this plant has been famous for its medicinal properties. Residents of many countries use chicory leaves to make salads, dry the roots and make a drink from it that replaces morning coffee. When reading the works of European writers of past centuries, one can often find mention of chicory.

Chicory is harvested in the fall, when the flowers and leaves wither, the root is carefully dug up. They clean, get rid of small roots and rotten parts, wash and dry in the sun for 5 days.

You can check the readiness of the root by breaking it. If a noticeable crunch is heard, the root is considered ready for use.

The dried plant can be stored for 3 years in paper bags.

Useful properties of chicory and their application

Chicory leaves are added to salads, they are rich in vitamin C, but they should not be consumed in large quantities, as they can cause allergies. All the benefits of chicory, mainly, lies in its healing root.

Chicory is very popular due to the fact that a drink is prepared from it that resembles coffee in taste. Coffee is prepared from chicory as follows: 100-200 g of the dry root of the plant is roasted until light brown. Then they are crushed in a coffee grinder, 1-2 teaspoons of ground chicory root are brewed with a glass of boiling water.

The use of chicory during pregnancy

  • More

In order for the drink not to be too bitter, sugar with cream or honey is added to it. You can also grind dry rosehip berries together with the root.

Recipe for chicory tea: 1 teaspoon of chicory roots pour 250 ml cold water, bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes. Then strain the tea and add honey to it.

People who cannot drink organic coffee due to high pressure, chicory coffee will perfectly replace it and give the same cheerfulness and good health. For those who are accustomed to instant coffee, the producers have prepared a gift - instant chicory, which contains all the vitamins and nutrients of the medicinal plant. Those who have low blood pressure should refuse chicory.

Chicory is good to drink with milk, it helps to assimilate it, you can also prepare pleasant cold drinks from the root of the plant with the addition of honey, lemon, apple juice. In addition, chicory is added to different dishes and confectionery.

The healing properties of chicory have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, sedative, diuretic, choleretic and hypnotic effects. In the morning, a cup of chicory coffee or tea gives vigor, and in the evening it cures insomnia in the elderly.

Inulin, which is part of chicory, is a polysaccharide, which is used as a substitute for starch and sugar, so chicory can be included in the diet of patients with diabetes. Potassium normalizes the state of the heart muscle and the whole body, B vitamins have positive impact on the nervous system, iron - on the hematopoietic system.

Chicory is used as vasodilator with atherosclerosis, tachycardia, arrhythmias. For the treatment of arrhythmia, a decoction is prepared as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of crushed roots with 2 glasses of water, boil and infuse for 2 hours, then strain the decoction, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink 3 times a day for half a glass.

Chicory is used for the treatment and prevention of gastritis, diseases of the kidneys, spleen, liver, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There are many folk recipes that help to get rid of ailments.

So, for the treatment of gastritis and an enlarged spleen, it is advised to pour 2 tablespoons of crushed root with boiling water (0.5 liters), leave for 2 hours, strain, drink half a glass 2 times a day before meals.

White chicory with mozzarella in fish sauce

  • Go to recipe

Before using chicory for people with gastritis and a diseased liver, you should consult a doctor.

Chicory helps with skin diseases and acne and can also serve as a weight loss aid. The recipe is simple: boil 1 teaspoon of crushed root in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, take 3 times a day for half a cup.

If you are drinking a decoction of chicory for the treatment of obesity, you need to consider that chicory causes appetite, so you should try to combine this remedy with diet and exercise.

Tincture and decoction of chicory roots are used for toothache, joint diseases, gout, scurvy and as tonic. Fresh Juice stems is useful for anemia.

Contraindications to the use of chicory

Like many medicinal plants, Besides great benefit, chicory has enough contraindications. It should not be used by people with stomach and intestinal ulcers, especially strict contraindications concern people with varicose veins veins, as well as suffering from vascular diseases, hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to use chicory for allergy sufferers, because it contains a large number of vitamin C, and it causes allergies in many. Chicory is contraindicated in people suffering from chronic cough, bronchitis and asthma.

It is believed that chicory is good for children and pregnant women, especially if you drink it with milk. However, in children it can also cause allergies, in pregnant women it can affect the health of the unborn child, although chicory is useful for women themselves, as it relieves constipation and heartburn, cleanses the body of harmful substances.

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They decide to give up coffee and look for a replacement. Chicory often becomes such a substitute. Let's figure out what the benefits and harms of chicory. This information will help you get the most out of chicory and avoid possible harm for good health.


The benefits of chicory

1. The benefits of chicory as a coffee substitute.

The mere fact that chicory helps to give up coffee already makes it useful.

Chicory(more precisely, a drink made from chicory roots) tastes like coffee. I drink it without milk and sugar, but many people prefer to drink a drink from chicory the same way they used to drink coffee - with milk and sugar. Milk does not make this drink healthier (read more about the benefits and dangers of milk). However, you can replace regular milk with soy, nut, coconut, rice ... there are many possibilities. And sugar can be replaced with stevia - a natural sweetener (synthetic sweeteners can cause considerable harm to health).

In addition to taste, chicory resembles coffee in that it invigorates and improves mood. Only chicory does this without harm to health! But about these beneficial properties of chicory - below ...

2. The benefits of chicory for the nervous system.

Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3), which are part of chicory, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. They improve mood, give strength, energize and vigor. At the same time, unlike coffee, chicory has a calming effect on the nervous system, and not an exciting one.

3. The benefits of chicory for weight loss.

Chicory contains inulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. If you cannot deny yourself sweets, pastries and other sweets, drink a drink made from chicory. Inulin will help neutralize the harm from these products.

4. The benefits of chicory in diabetes.

As mentioned above, the inulin contained in chicory regulates blood sugar levels, which alleviates the condition of patients with diabetes. Chicory can also be used as additional remedy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

5. The benefits of chicory for the skin.

The composition of chicory includes such important minerals for the skin as calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, E, B 1, B2, B3, C, PP. These vitamins and minerals accelerate the regeneration of collagen fibers and tone the skin.

You can not only drink a chicory drink, but use chicory tinctures for external use! Thanks to all the same vitamins and minerals, as well as the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of this plant, chicory accelerates wound healing, helps with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases. However, with psoriasis, I would recommend doing a bowel cleansing, ideally, going through several sessions of hydrocolonotherapy.

6. The benefits of chicory for hair.

Chicory is also good for hair (for the same reason as for skin). Both the chicory drink and the chicory root infusion, used as a rinse after washing the hair, improve the structure and promote hair growth.

7. The benefits of chicory for intestinal microflora.

And again, remember the main useful component chicory - inulin. Inulin is especially beneficial for the intestinal microflora. Important for our health bifidobacteria living in gastrointestinal tract, eating fiber, perceive inulin very well, which is special kind fiber. Thus, chicory helps prevent dysbacteriosis and related problems such as constipation.

8. The benefits of chicory for immunity.

Improving immunity with regular use of chicory is associated not only with vitamins, but, above all, with the same inulin. Inulin in chicory improves metabolism, helps cleanse the body of toxins and, as a result, improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals. In addition, chicory contains chicory acid, which directly improves immunity.

Strengthening the immune system will help not only in the fight against colds and viral infections but also in the prevention of more serious diseases.

9. The benefits of chicory for the cardiovascular system.

A drink made from chicory root, as a caffeine-free coffee substitute, is good for heart vascular system. Chicory is rich in potassium, which is essential for heart health, while magnesium helps fight tachycardia and other heart conditions. Also, chicory promotes vasodilation, an increase in amplitude and normalization of the rhythm of heart contractions. In addition, as we have already said, chicory helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Such a complex effect makes chicory extremely useful in diseases such as hypertension, tachycardia, ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis, etc.

10. The benefits of chicory for anemia.

Chicory contains a large amount of iron. In addition, iron from chicory is perfectly absorbed by the body. Therefore, chicory is recommended for the prevention and treatment of anemia. But, it should be borne in mind that if you add milk to a drink from chicory, the absorption of iron will decrease significantly. That's why, cow's milk it is better to replace with some vegetable equivalent - nut, rice, soy, coconut. Such milk can not only be purchased at the store, but also easy to make yourself (for example, see

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