Open lesson on the world around. Theme: "Health on a plate." How to eat to live? Health in a bowl. General parent meeting "Health on a plate". Nutrition culture as the basis of a healthy lifestyle for children

Nutrition experts at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), along with colleagues from Harvard Health Publications, released a Sept. 14 press release to provide a visual guide to healthy eating- Healthy plate. Like the U.S. government's My Plate, the Healthy Eating Plate is light and easy to understand.

Unfortunately, like the previously developed by the Ministry Agriculture The US food pyramid, My Plate mixes science with strong agricultural interests, and is not a recipe for healthy eating, says Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition and chairman of the Department of Nutrition at HSPH. The Healthy Eating Plate is based on the best available science and provides consumers with the information they need to make choices that can have a major impact on our health and well-being.

USDA's "My Plate" has the following drawbacks compared to Harvard's "Healthy Eating Plate": "My Plate" does not tell the consumer that foods from whole grain better for health than purified; its protein section doesn't say that protein-rich foods like fish, poultry, legumes, and nuts are a healthier choice than red or processed meats; it says nothing about healthy fats; it does not distinguish between potatoes and other vegetables; "My plate" recommends daily use dairy products, although there is currently no strong evidence that high consumption dairy products protect against osteoporosis, but there is substantial evidence that it can be harmful; it says nothing about drinks with high content Sahara.

The Healthy Eating Plate is based on the latest scientific evidence indicating that the diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and healthy proteins reduces the risk of weight gain and the development of chronic diseases.

We want people to use this as a model for their "healthy plate," and their children, every time they eat at home or in a restaurant, said Eric Rimm, assistant professor of epidemiology and nutrition at HSPH, in 2010 a member of the Advisory US Dietary Regulations Committee.

Healthy food plates sections include:

  • Vegetables. Eat a variety, the more the better. Limited consumption of potatoes is recommended as they are rich in rapidly digesting starch that causes short-term spikes in blood sugar levels, as are refined grains and sweets. In the short term, these spikes can lead to increased hunger and overeating, and in the long term, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and more. chronic diseases.
  • Fruit. Eat different fruits everyday.
  • Whole grains. Choose whole grain foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice. Refined grain products such as White bread or White rice act like sugar in the human body. Consuming products made from refined grains in large numbers may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
  • Healthy proteins. Choose fish, poultry, legumes, or nuts that contain healthy nutrients. Limit your intake of red meat and avoid processed foods, as eating even small amounts regularly can lead to weight gain and increase your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.
  • Healthy oils. Use olive oil, canola oil, or other vegetable oils when cooking, in salads, and at the table, as these healthy fats reduce the level bad cholesterol and good for the heart. Limit your butter intake and avoid trans fats.
  • Water. Drink water, tea or coffee (with little or no sugar). Limit milk and dairy products to one to two servings a day and juice to one small glass a day, and avoid sugary drinks.

Section sizes suggest the approximate relative proportions of each of the groups food products in the diet. They are not calorie-based and are not intended to be used for a particular purpose. daily amount calories, as these numbers vary for different people.

One of the most important areas in medicine over the past 50 years has been the study of how our health depends on what we eat. Knowing what foods to eat and in what proportions is critical to health. The Healthy Eating Plate shows this in an evidence-based, easy-to-understand way, said Anthony Komarof, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Chief Editor Harvard Health Publications.

State educational institution

« secondary school No. 6 Zhodino »

Completed: students of the 2nd "D" class

Asadulaev Ilya, Sushko Alesya


primary school teacher

Stankevich Ludmila Petrovna

Research objectives

  • Get to know the basic elements of food.
  • Learn to eat right.

Description of research work

  • Why does a person eat?
  • What and how do we eat?

Why does a person eat? builder fuel

  • Food is a builder. She helps you grow.
  • Food is fuel. She supplies you with energy.
  • Food keeps your body warm.

What and how do we eat?

Ingredients of food:

  • Squirrels
  • Carbohydrates
  • Minerals
  • vitamins

  • Proteins build your body.
  • Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products - best sources squirrel.


  • Carbohydrates provide you with energy.
  • There are a lot of carbohydrates in bread, cereals,

vegetables and fruits.


  • Fats also provide you with energy, keep your body warm.
  • Fats are creamy and vegetable oil, salo.
  • Fatty foods should be eaten infrequently and little by little.


  • The food is in a small amount minerals- calcium, phosphorus, iron and others.
  • Minerals are also needed by man.

The composition of minerals includes:





  • Life is impossible without vitamins.
  • Vegetables, berries and fruits are vitamin products.

Salads from vegetables and herbs should be in the diet daily.

Is all food good for health?

Vegetables, fruits, milk, cereals are good for health. These are Green Street products. They need to be eaten every day.

Lean meat, cottage cheese, cheese, fish, eggs, nuts are the products of the "Yellow Street". They are also good for health. But you need to eat them little by little and infrequently.

Not good for health fatty and sweet food- cakes, pastries, sweets, cookies, smoked sausages. Try to avoid such food.

"Eating Pyramid"

Make a diet plan:

Eat as much as you want...

Eat in moderation...

Eat a little...

Stop, my friend, stop! Refrain from harmful food!

Restricted products:

ice cream

Coca Cola

Now, my friend, remember What food do we benefit from?

Healthy foods:

poultry meat

"Healthy" eating habits

  • Before eating, wash your hands with soap.
  • Eat 4-5 times a day.
  • Don't forget to have breakfast in the morning.
  • Don't rush carefully

chew food with a closed

  • Do not talk or read while eating.
  • Drink 6-8 glasses of fluid every day.
  • Food should be varied and include more vegetables and fruits.

Goals, tasks: learn about the structure and functions digestive system person; Learn to be mindful of your diet.

Material: diagram of the human digestive system; granulated sugar, refined sugar; two glasses of water, a glass of water for each child, a phonendoscope.

Description : Educator: Guys, I will name the words, but do you think that this is one word? Porridge, fruit, chocolate, soup, chips.

Children: Food, food.

Educator: Do you think the foods we eat affect our health?

Children: Yes, they do.

Educator: Who knows what foods the body needs for a person to be healthy, grow and develop.

Children: Useful (fruits, vegetables, cereals, soup).

Educator: Now, please specify what we are going to talk about today?

Children : About useful products; about the foods you need to eat to be healthy.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Everything that we put in our mouth goes to us in ... (Stomach)

Children: Belly

Educator: That's right, let's repeat how the digestive system of our body works. What do you think our stomach does?

Children: digest food

Teacher: yes , it processes all the food we eat. For the human body to work well, everyone must eat. Every day a person eats food. Pay attention to the diagram of the human digestive system. Let's remember how the bull's-eye travels within us. So the journey begins! (Working with an illustration of a person with the depicted digestive organs and an apple - a large magnet) They bit off an apple, but what happens to it in the mouth?

Children: It is chewed by teeth, the tongue is moistened with saliva and turned over.

Educator: They ground an apple with their teeth, swallowed it, and it fell into a tube called ... tell me how?

Children: esophagus (in case of difficulty in children - repeat with them and individually).

Educator: What do you think it is for?

Children: It carries food down to the stomach.

Educator: That's right, he "leads" the food that we have swallowed, independently, regardless of our will. Even if we stood on our heads and managed to swallow a piece of something, it would still “go” through the esophagus in the right direction. And in this direction is the stomach. (Individual repetition of the word stomach and show on yourself with your palm). What happens to food in the stomach?

Children: Food is digested in the stomach.

Educator: The stomach produces a special fluid - gastric juice(individual repetition), which impregnates the food that enters the stomach and dissolves it. And this means that the food we eat will be quickly digested and turn into a transparent solution that absorbs blood and spreads throughout the body. Further, everything that is not digested in the stomach passes into a long winding intestine and goes out. What a long journey food makes in our body! (Figure 45)

Let's check whether it is necessary to chew food (invite two children to perform the experiment).

Sugar experience. In which glass did the sugar dissolve faster? (where small). And in which one does it dissolve for a long time? (with pieces). It also happens in the stomach. If we swallow food in pieces, it is difficult for the stomach to digest it. And if you chew thoroughly, then it is easier for the stomach to digest food. Conclusion: before swallowing food - it must be thoroughly chewed!

Next, the teacher invites the children to slowly, sip, drink water from a glass, draw attention to the sensations after swallowing: “Feel where the liquid is moving inside you.” right in the stomach, it works, moves, makes sounds. Offer to listen to the stomach with a phonendoscope.

Educator: Shoshina E.V.

Topic: Health on a plate.

Target: Create conditions for the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.


Continue to acquaint children with the structural features and functions of the digestive system.

Develop the desire to comply with the diet.

Cultivate a desire to take care of your health.

Integration of cognitive areas:

cognitive development- develop logical thinking, memory, attention, ability to work in a team.

Speech development- develop coherent, expressive speech, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Physical development- develop an initial idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.

Conduct form: gaming journey.

Preliminary work: talking with children about the structure of the human body.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, practical, otytno-experimental.

Equipment: diagram of the human digestive system. Cards: (teeth, clock, apple, candy, cubes, tree, trash can, soup, chips, croutons, carrots, chocolate,). Two banks with warm water, granulated sugar, refined sugar, red and blue card for each child.

Directly educational activities:

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. And you know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health. "Hello" - I wish you health.

Guys, do you want to be healthy?

What does it look like healthy man?

Do foods affect our health?

Who knows what foods a person needs to be healthy?

(fruits, vegetables, cereals, soup).

II. Cognitive activity.

Mystery: Everything we put in our mouth. It's called (belly)

We eat food every day. Let's see how the apple travels within us. And so the journey begins.

Bitten off an apple. What happens to him in his mouth?

Grinded teeth. Swallowed. Anywhere? (esophagus, stomach)

The stomach produces a special liquid - gastric juice. Thanks to this, food is quickly digested and turns into a solution that absorbs blood and spreads throughout the body. Everything that is not digested passes into the intestines and goes out. This is the long journey our apple has made.

Phys. minute.

Guys, I have prepared cards for you, with the help of which we will find out what food is best for us to eat.

Teeth. Let's check if you need to chew food or not.

Sugar experience. (dissolve refined sugar in one jar, granulated sugar in another).

Conclusion: Before you swallow food, you need to chew it thoroughly.

Candy and apple. Food may or may not be harmful. The yes-no game. If the product is useful red card and place it on a plate. Harmful blue card, product in the trash can. (apple, chocolate, chips, crackers, soda water, soup…..). Do you want your stomach to be a trash can?

Conclusion: You need to eat only healthy foods.

Watch. Why is it good to eat at certain hours?

What is the name of the first meal?

Conclusion: You need to eat food at a certain time.

Cubes. Is it good to eat the same foods?

Cube experience. Build a pyramid.

Conclusion: Nutrition should be varied.

III. Final part.

We learned a lot today. Interesting things about your health. Let's remember and repeat how we should eat right in order to be healthy and strong .. Chart cards will help you.

chew food

not in a hurry

Eat at the same time

Diverse food.

Olga Bolshakova
General Parent meeting"Health on a plate". Nutrition culture as the basis of a healthy lifestyle for children



Target: forming u parents of food culture as a component healthy lifestyle their children's lives


Give information about basic principles baby food ;

Reveal the meaning of the concept « healthy eating» ;

Show like breaking the rules diet affects children's health;

Conduct form: discussion club.

Preparatory work: preparing a presentation on the topic of children's nutrition, issue a memo for parents"harmful products", "Principles healthy eating» .

Equipment: invitation cards, posters with wise thoughts, memos, a folder in which wise thoughts on the topic are decorated meetings.

Implementation plan:

Introductory remarks by senior educator. Problem designation.

Performance children on the issue of assembly.


Test "Are you right? eat

Speech by a medical worker.

Proceedings of the meeting

Hello dear parents! We are pleased to see you, and we thank you for taking the opportunity to come to our event. And we want to start our event with an instructive tale ....

Tale of healthy eating

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had a wooden house, and next to it was a garden and a kitchen garden. Apple and pear trees grew in the garden, and the old men grew vegetables in the beds.

Once upon a summer vacation granddaughter Mashenka and granddaughter Nikitushka came to them from the city. The old man and the old woman rejoiced and began to prepare dinner. And now cabbage soup, porridge, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad are already on the table, plate with fruit and a glass of milk. But Nikitushka said that he would not eat, neither soups nor salads, but only sausage, chips, sweets and drink Coca-Cola.

The old man and the old woman threw up their hands, but there was nothing to do. The grandfather went to the store and bought everything that his grandson wanted.

The granddaughter eats sausages, and chocolates and gets fat by leaps and bounds. And Mashenka listens to the old people, eats vegetables and fruits.

Time has passed. Masha grew up and got stronger. Healthy blush on her cheeks. And Nikitushka became lazy, fat, clumsy, and even his stomach began to hurt. It became hard for him to run and play with his sister. The boy was just lying and watching TV.

3 slide Once Nikitushka had a dream unusual dream. He walks along the path, and there are two doors ahead. One of them has a sign « healthy food » , and on the other « junk food» . The boy approached the first door and heard a ringing laugh behind it. children. He approached the second door, and moans and cries are heard behind it. Nikitushka was frightened, turned around and entered the first door.

The boy saw a clearing, and on it cheerful children. They were playing various games. Unusual trees and bushes grew around the clearing. On some hung bread rolls, on others boiled vegetables, on the third fresh vegetables and fruits. There were even trees with milk and kefir bags. Spoiled food fell from the trees to the ground and large beetles carried them away somewhere.

At that moment, out of nowhere, Carrot and Cabbage approached Nikitushka. They smiled at the boy, took him by the hands and led him to the other children. Nikitushka began to play with them, and then they all ran up to the trees together, plucked and ate healthy food.

Nikitushka woke up and realized that healthy eating benefits the human body. And then he decided that he would eat only healthy foods.

4 slide Than easier food, the more pleasant it is - it does not bother, the healthier and the more accessible it is always and everywhere. L. N. TOLSTOY

Dear moms and dads! We are glad to see you as our guest again. As you may have guessed, today we will talk about feeding our children.

"Man is born healthy and all his illnesses come to him through his mouth with food.” Hippocrates

5 slide Healthy food - healthy child . BUT healthy the child in the family is the most important thing for parents. One of the important components of the successful development of the child is healthy eating. Food can help prevent the onset of the disease or, on the contrary, accelerate its occurrence. Therefore, in matters child nutrition parents should exercise the utmost care and vigilance.

Slide 6 Why does a person need food? adult food necessary to maintain the maintenance and vital activity of the body and inhibit the extinction of its functions. AT main task nutrition the child is to support his development. The development of a child is a chain of successive and physiological events taking place in a strictly in due course. A set of nutrients, their quantitative relationships, the form of food supply - everything must match age characteristics child. If such correspondence is achieved, then development acquires harmony and « The biological clock» go exactly. If not, there is inconsistency. physiological mechanisms, the organism becomes "cranky", unstable, easily breaks into illness. child's body "under construction" from nutrition like a house made of bricks, and food from these positions is, first of all, a supplier of plastic material and energy. Cells of many the most important organs (brain, blood vessels, muscles, bones) formed once and for life. The quality of their lifetime functioning depends on how they are initially built. The development of a growing organism occurs non-stop, and being late with the supply of the necessary "material" it is forbidden. If the body does not enter in a timely manner enough suitable "building material", then the cells will start using unsuitable, but similar in chemical properties substances. The result of the substitution will be the formation of tissues with degraded properties. Violations of the nutritional supply of growing bones are a striking example of such a turn of affairs. With a lack of calcium in the child's food, the bone immediately begins to build in itself alien (and for the body as a whole) elements. As a result, bone loss (or rather, will not acquire) resistance to injury, stress, disease. (pay attention to the table)

7 slide One of the most important reasons leading to the formation of right diets, is the information chaos that reigns in the product market nutrition. A person has long lost the ability to intuitively choose food that is healthy for him. By overeating some foods and undereating others, children form the wrong stereotypes of eating behavior, which, as a rule, persist for life and lead to deterioration. health. In order to preserve and increase health child, the most important task of adults is the formation of food culture.

8 slide One well-known author said that children need to be fed just like adults, only better. These words best describe the right approach to preschool nutrition. Rational food of any person implies a balance of quantity, quality and timeliness, that is, the products used for food should most fully and timely provide the body with the necessary amino acids and trace elements for its normal functioning. For a child, this is especially important!

Even in antiquity it was known that the correct food is an indispensable condition for a long life.

Performance children

Children with food cards, marching out, become a semicircle. Behind them "pedestal", in the shape of a large pyramid. The child comes forward.

How do we right eat?

you listen to the story:

Pyramid of products

We will build you now!

The child leaves, gets up last, immediately after him the next five come forward children with product cards of the bottom row, show them to viewers

1st child 9 slide

We jump, jump and run!

Why do we have so much energy?

The day needs to start with porridge!

Millet and rice, oatmeal, buckwheat

And semolina porridge, of course -

Here's what will help give strength!

2nd child

We also love muesli

From golden corn!

3rd child

Willingly eat potatoes -

Stewed or boiled!

4th child

And don't forget the pasta

Shells, vermicelli, noodles!

5th child

And the most important, the most delicious

Bread is the head of all products!

Children one by one move to the pedestal, put the cards on the lower step of the pyramid and stand at the end of the semicircle, four come out children with the second row product cards, the semicircle shifts again.

1st baby slide

We know: not to get sick,

Vitamins must be eaten!

We need a lot of vegetables:

Beets, radish, zucchini.

Cucumbers and tomatoes,

And cabbage and onions!

2nd child

eggplant, squash,

Both carrots and celery

Vitamins and fiber

For health of all children!

3rd child

Fruits - too, guys,

Rich in vitamins!

Apricots, pineapples,

oranges, quince,

Cherries, grapes, bananas,

Pears, apples, pomegranates!

4th child

tangerines and lemons,

Peach, plum and persimmon

How many fruits do we have nature

For health created!

Children put cards on the second step, get up last, everyone moves, three come out children, show the cards of the third row.

1st child 9 slide

To develop properly

To become strong, to become strong,

I need protein food!

2nd child

Eat meat, fish, poultry,

Beans, peas, beans and lentils,

An egg and a liver too sometimes.

3rd child

And dairy

- For bones and teeth:

Cheese, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese.

And, of course, milk!

Children put cards on the third step, get up last, everyone moves, two come out children, show the cards of the fourth row.

1st child 9 slide

We love sweets

But I will tell you, friends,

What sweets and chocolates.

2nd child

Chupa Chups, marmalade,

Pastilles, halvah, marshmallows

We can't eat too much!

Children put the cards on the fourth step, get up last, everyone moves, the child comes out, shows the card.

And quite a bit

On a holiday or an anniversary

Can we eat cake?

Or with a cream cake to eat!

The child puts the card up the pyramid, gets up last

Children (together)

So that stay healthy,

Need it right eat!

To the music of the march, the children leave one after another.

10 slide before assembly we conducted a survey parents(53 profiles). Here are our results turned out:

Dear parents!

We will be very grateful if you answer the questions of our questionnaire!

1. Do you think there is a relationship nutrition and health?

53 - answered yes

2. How do you feel about "quick" nutrition(semi-finished products, pizza, chips, vermicelli fast food and etc.)

49 - no, 3 - buy periodically, 1 - positive

3. Do vegetables and fruits make up daily basis of your family's diet?

38 - yes, 12 - not always, 3 - no.

4. Name favorite dish your child?

Pasta with cutlet, pasta with meat, pasta with sausage (3 people, milk, yogurt, semolina and buckwheat porridge, dumplings, milk soups, borscht, chicken in different form, kebab, fish meals, cabbage salads with cucumber, boiled beets, mashed potatoes with goulash, etc. 1 - no favorite dishes, 2 - found it difficult to answer, 1 - ice cream.

5. What does your child not like to eat? What foods does your child refuse?

Egg, meat, fish, borscht, dumplings, semolina, hercules, vinaigrette, vegetable salads, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, beets, cheesecakes, all soups, vegetable horn, milk, etc.

6. What meals do you cook for your child for dinner and weekends?

The menu is varied, according to the tastes of the family and children(mashed potatoes, cutlets, soups, cereals, fish dishes, pastries, pasta, casseroles, scrambled eggs, sausages, potatoes, horns, etc.). 2 - found it difficult to answer.

7. How often do you give your child sweets? Which? What time?

4 - whenever he wants, 9 - daily, 17 - often, 2 - available, 1 - once a week, 2 - in moderation, 18 - rarely.

8. 11 slide Does your child like fruits? Which?

1 - does not like, 1 - eats in moderation, 6 - likes all kinds of fruits, in mostly love apples and bananas, pears.

9. Does your family prepare salads? Which?

2 - not very often, 10 - cook vegetable salads(cucumbers, tomatoes, with cabbage, with carrots, beetroot salad, in mostly olivier, mimosa, herring under a fur coat, crab sticks, wit, cocktail, Greek, vinaigrette, cabbage.

10. Do you often eat sausages in your family?

1 - as requested, 1 - daily, 1 - do not use at all, 25 - rarely, 25 - often.

11. How often used in your family staple food: milk, cottage cheese, cheese, butter and vegetable oil, cereals, fruits? (underline foods that are consumed daily)

AT mostly milk, butter and fruits.

12. What dishes and drinks from the kindergarten menu do you cook at home?

2 - do not follow the menu in kindergarten, 5 - found it difficult to answer, in mostly At home they cook the same dishes as in kindergarten.

13. How does your child respond to nutrition in kindergarten?

4 - does not say anything, the rest - positively and well.

14. Rate the organization nutrition in kindergarten on a five-point system.

8 - rated "four", 1 – "4+", 43 – "5", 1 – "5+"

Based on the results of the survey, the following positive results:

1. In general parents satisfied with the quality feeding children in kindergarten, are interested in the menu, ask for an opinion children about nutrition, include dishes from the kindergarten menu in the home diet.

2. Majority parents pay attention to healthy eating in their family.

But at the same time, it is clear from the questionnaires that children are given a lot of sweets, they abuse sausages, far from children's salads. (with mayonnaise).

12 slide The family should lay in early age child the right eating habits. Food child preschool age must to be:

First, full-fledged, containing in required quantities proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water.

Secondly, diverse, consist of products of plant and animal origin. The more diverse the set of products included in the menu, the more fully the need for food is satisfied.

Thirdly, benign - do not contain harmful impurities and pathogenic microbes. Food should be not only tasty, but also safe.

Fourthly, sufficient in volume and calorie content to induce a feeling of satiety. Received by a preschooler food should not only cover the energy expended by him, but also provide the material necessary for the growth and development of the organism.

13 slide Test - survey "Are we right? eat»

1. Do you have breakfast, lunch and dinner every day?

b) Depends on my employment on a particular day. 2

c) No, not always. 3

2. When you get home from work, how long does it take on average before you sit down to eat?

a) At least half an hour. 2

b) an hour or more. one

c) I try to have something to eat right away. 3

3. And how do you choose meals?

a) Eat what is at hand. 3

b) Based on them nutritional value . 1

c) Eat whatever you like. 2

4. Usually during meals, you:

a) follow the rules: When I eat, I am deaf and dumb. one

b) I am distracted by all sorts of conversations. 2

c) I read the press or watch TV. 3

5. Do you always chew your food thoroughly?

a) No, it's not about me. 3

b) It doesn’t happen once at a time, it largely depends on the time that I have. 2

c) Of course, yes. one

14 slide 6. After taking hot food do you usually go straight to tea drinking?

a) No, I postpone tea drinking for at least half an hour or an hour. one

b) differently. 2

c) Yes, immediately. 3

7. Do you eat at night?

a) Yes, it does. 3

b) I don’t eat after six in the evening. one

c) I stop eating at least two hours before bedtime. 2

8. You follow the principle of separation nutrition?

b) From time to time, but in general I do not attach it of great importance. 2

9. How often eat dry food?

a) This happens often. 3

b) Sometimes. 2

c) Almost never. one

10. You try to stick regulations: During the day, do not limit yourself to food, but eat small portions?

a) Yes, of course. one

b) I know the rule, but I do not always follow it. 2

Count the scores

15 slide 10-16 points. Witty Socrates noticed: We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live. You are probably diligent about how and when to eat, thereby helping your body to live and work at its maximum efficiency.

17–23 points. You know the truth that an excessive passion for food, as well as an arrogant inattention to it, is unreasonable, but sometimes you forget about it. It doesn't hurt to take a more responsible approach to how you eat to ensure you don't have food problems in the future. health associated with incorrect nutrition.

24–30 points. It's time to think about starting to change your habits, because, apparently, you don't really care about how you eat. As a first step, try not to sit at the table when you are very tired or irritated. Such a meal will not go for the future. Do not eat hastily, this will allow you not to overeat. Make it a rule to eat hot food at least twice a day.

16 slide Eating behavior and health

As you know, the peculiarities of eating behavior are laid down in childhood and are stable. Children who eat wrong most likely will not change their habits in adulthood and will be exposed to serious and dangerous diseases. This applies, for example, to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, there is an increased arterial pressure, signs of atherosclerosis or overweight body, and often all of the above states together.

17 slide All this can be prevented by instilling in a child the habit of correct nutrition. to the most significant negative features eating behavior children are:

Excess consumption of salt, sugar, saturated fats;

Micronutrient deficiency in the diet nutrition;

Insufficient consumption of fish, dairy products, vegetables, and other foods that are a source of micronutrients and dietary fiber.

18 slide Diseases caused by improper nutrition:


Diseases of the digestive system;

Thyroid disease;

Hypertonic disease (arterial hypertension);

Overweight and obesity;

dental caries;

intestinal infections;

Infestations and food poisoning;

Intestinal dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis);

metabolic syndrome;

Some malignant neoplasms (colon cancer);




19 slide Copying according to the sample

Wrong diet children is associated not only with a deficiency of vitamins in food, but also with inadequate eating behavior that children learn from adults and others children.

There are many explanations for why children do not always eat what and not in the quantities that adults would like. One of them is the influence of significant adults and other children on the development of food preferences and related habits.

This fact is natural and obvious: the child watches what an adult or another child is doing and imitates their actions.

If on dining tables put salt shakers in kindergarten, then many kids, looking at each other (and trusting the adults who put these salt shakers, begin to salt their food too much (which is why salt shakers in children's institution absolutely unacceptable).

20 slide Role parents

The attitude in the family to food intake, taste preferences is actively adopted by the child. The closest person, a role model for a child, first of all, is the mother. The preschooler communicates with her more often, shares his impressions, listens to her more than other family members. Fathers in the interpersonal relations of the child in the family ranked second. As for grandparents, children often share their impressions with them, but they obey only in 3% of cases.

The influence of mother and father in the formation of taste habits is much stronger than the influence of others adults: grandparents, educators, nanny.

21 slide Neophobia

In preschool children often refuse unfamiliar healthy meals. This is a manifestation of neophobia - the fear of eating new foods and dishes. Neophobia - natural defense mechanism, allowing the child to avoid eating unfamiliar and unidentified substances. This mechanism is present from birth and normally, significantly weakening, passes into adult life. The peak of neophobia falls on 2-6 years. neophobia has a lot reasons:

Personal (genetic) factors;

Food family and ethnocultural traditions;

Social influences in the organized children's team and etc.

22 slide The behavior of the people around the child and their eating habits affect the success of overcoming neophobia. Watching others eat previously unfamiliar dishes, the child gradually gets rid of the fear of the new. It is important to emphasize that observing significant others has more strong impact on a child than their persuasion and talk about food. With some types of dysbacteriosis, selectivity in food and a sharp restriction of food and dishes consumed is associated with the desire of the child to protect himself from unwanted pain.

23 slide To overcome neophobia, children usually need about 15 trials of a new product.

The results of the NIAC (scientific information and analytical center) research found that the readiness children trying new foods is closely related to behavior parents.

So, it turned out that parents of children, who are ready to try an unfamiliar dish, are more likely to buy new products, while parents of abandoned children rarely buy and try something new.

The naming of the product and its properties, promotes confidence and increases the likelihood of eating it.

24 slide Food is a necessary need of the body, and required condition human existence. We most often we feed on what we like about palatability what you are used to or what you can quickly, easily cook. It is important to turn to the rational in time nutrition. It is your example that will lie in foundation for your child's future nutritional culture. You will form his first taste norms, addictions and habits, his future will depend on you health.

25 slide Finish our meeting I want famous wisdom: "Eat to live, not live to eat". Only moderate balanced food can be a guarantee years life.

"harmful products"

Top 10 harmful products which should be abandoned.

1. Lollipops, gummies, marshmallows and marmalade in unnaturally bright colors.

In addition to the amount of sugar that goes off scale beyond all reasonable limits, these sweets also contain dyes and flavors that are especially dangerous for our body, literally killing human cells.

2. Chips, french fries.

These, of course, delicious, products are harmful not only for the figure, but also for health in general, because they are richly flavored with chemical flavor enhancers and spices, a mixture of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats.

3. Carbonated drinks.

4. Chocolate bars.

The huge amount of sugar contained in them very quickly causes addictive: a person literally cannot live a day without another "Marsa" or "Snickers".

5. Sausages and sausages.

6. Fatty meat.

An excess of animal fat leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques resulting in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

8. Fast food.

There is no talk about any benefit of this category of products. account for: to speed up cooking, a record amount of chemicals are added to them, which cannot positively affect health the people who use them.

Sleep disturbances, hypotension, swelling - these are not all the problems that arise from eating too salty foods.

10. Alcohol.

Do not believe those who claim that in small doses alcoholic beverages are useful. On the contrary, even one glass of alcohol can interfere with the absorption of vitamins, disrupt blood circulation.

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