Summary of the lesson: "My City". Summary of educational activities "Communication" on the topic "My native city" (middle group)

Abstract of a lesson in the middle group on the topic “My city”, conducted by the teacher Agoshkova V.F.

Goal: p continue to acquaint children with their small homeland, its sights, streets, residential buildings, public buildings, their purpose, professions and place of work of their parents. Expand children's ideas about their hometown, consolidate children's knowledge of their address, kindergarten address, Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.

To bring to the understanding that the people who built the city tried very hard and did their job well.


To learn how to perform the application of a large house, to convey the rectangular shape of the walls, rows of windows. Develop coherent speech, figurative thinking and memory. attention, imagination, creativity, consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights. Learn to form adjectives from nouns (glass house - glass ....), understand and use generalizing words.)

To cultivate love for the native city and a sense of pride in it, the desire to make it even more beautiful.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing, examining, staging.

Verbal: explanation, questions, consideration, conversation, comparison, artistic word.

Practical: dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs", D / I game "We are builders" D / I "Different houses", physical minute "Bus", "Walk"

Individual work: memorization of the poem "Our City".

Material: f oto-stand “My favorite city”, cardboard for applique, house details for applique “What a wonderful house”, glue, napkin, pictures and photos of the city, parents of the group, equipment for the game “We- builders”, models of houses, road crossing, traffic light. .

Preliminary work: a tour of their streets, looking at the photo album “My Home, My Family”, making a family tree, talking about the city of Valuyki,

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, let's stand in a circle. And we will stretch our hands to the sun, which always warms us, and shake the hand of a neighbor. It is the warmth of kind hands and kind souls. We offer our warmth, our hands to friends and say:

Morning is coming

The sun is rising.

We are going to,

Let's go on a good journey.

Educator: I am very pleased that you are good friends. It is interesting to go hiking and play with such children, but today we are going on a trip around our native city together.

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? (Valuiki).

Where is our city? (On the banks of the Valuy River)).

Educator: There are a lot of big and small cities in the world. And we will talk about our city, about the most beloved, about the most beautiful. Am I right in saying that our city is the most beautiful? (children's answers)

Guys, today we will travel. I will give you a riddle, and you guess where we will go on an excursion.

Now guess what kind of transport we will be using. (Riddle about the bus)

We are asking everyone to get on the bus.

We will look at our city.

We got on the bus together

And looked out the window

Our driver stepped on the gas

And the bus ran.

Guys, let's repeat the address of our kindergarten. (26 Parkhomenko Street) Next to our kindergarten there is a large building of school No. 4. Graduates of our kindergarten study in it. Look guys Dunno is standing, for some reason he looks very sad. Let's find out what happened to him.

What happened, buddy?

I left school and don't know how to get to the house.

What address do you live at? We'll take you.

Don't know.

This is bad. Our guys know their address. Please tell me your address. (Children say their addresses.). Well, it doesn’t matter, sit down with us. Maybe along the way you will recognize your home.

Our bus is going fast

He brought us to the factory.

Guys, look at this huge enterprise, the Prioskolie plant, mothers work here: Slava Kashuba, Polina Makushchenko, Karina Pavlenko and Evelina Rudophilova. They produce a lot of meat products for the residents of our city. Look how many buildings of this plant you see, let's count. (Review of the plant and photos of parents)

The driver drove us so quickly, and brought us to another plant. This plant is called Lobaz, look how big it is. mothers work at this plant: Kristina Pakhomova and Pasha Podobedov. This plant produces food for our beloved animals (Seeing the plant and photos of the parents). We are a little tired and now we will rest.

And now we drive through long beautiful streets with our own names and stop at a large beautiful building, and what kind of building you will learn from an interesting riddle. (Riddle about the train)

Trains from different cities arrive on this platform and bring guests of our city here. Parents work on the railway: Sasha Dudkina, Albina Kiryanova. Near the station there is a beautiful square for guests who visited our city, on it you see a monument to the military commander Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin. And not far from the monument to a Russian soldier, an eternal flame burns on a mass grave. Let's get off the bus and walk through these beautiful places of our city.

And again, the driver quickly drives us and brings us to new, beautiful places.

Pay attention to the beautiful houses and buildings that we see from the bus window. They are made of various materials. They are of different sizes and shapes, they all protect their residents from cold, rain and wind, uninvited guests.

Let's define what houses built of bricks are called(brick, wood, clay, glass) Is it possible to make houses out of paper, straw? Why not? Didactic game "Different houses"


Up and down jerking hands, as if we were waving flags

Stretching our shoulders

Hands move to meet

Hands to the side. Smile.

Right, left bow.

In the beautiful stores "Diamant", "Zarya", "Magnet" mothers of our children work: Masha Lobenko, Albina Kiryanova, Andrey Koltyapin. They offer useful, high-quality, beautiful goods: clothes, shoes, food. The customers are grateful for this. Which store would you like to visit? (toy store) There are a lot of such shops in our city "Hippo", "Button", "Lily of the valley", etc.

The next stop guys, the center of our city, where all residents have a rest, spend their free time, celebrate holidays. Near the square there is a recreation park, which delights its guests with fountains in the summer, and children's playgrounds for games and recreation are organized for children. We will get off the bus and walk along the paths of the autumn park.

Physical education:

We walk around the city, we observe nature

Looked up at the sun

And the rays warmed us.

The birds are sitting in their nests

Birds fly across the sky

And they jump over the bumps and no one cries.

Guys, not having time to drive off from the park, we stopped. Why? At what color of the traffic light did the driver stop and what are the pedestrians doing at this time? Our tour comes to an end

Now we will move with you to the most desirable place for children, the children's recreation and entertainment park "Divnograd". We are met by the world of fairy-tale heroes. Look, two piglets are sad near the house, let's find out why they are so sad?

Our houses were destroyed by an evil wolf, and winter is coming soon. We will not have time to build new houses

Let's help the piglets build strong brick and stone houses. Do not forget what parts they consist of. To do this, we will play the game “We are builders” and build a house from parts in order to make it strong, reliable (foundation - foundation, walls - foundation, walls, roof - foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors - foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors, tree and flowers near the house).

And now the guys will build houses for our piglets, and for those who do not have their own home. (Application).

What good fellows you are! They all have beautiful new homes. (the guys give houses to piglets and make up a new street from the houses.

Guys, let's come up with interesting names for our street. (Fabulous, Forest, Happy, Ours)

The piglets thank you for the new homes. . And we return to our home - kindergarten. Did you like our city? Guys, let's remember what we saw on the tour and read poems about our city.

There is a town on a small river

He is not cuter in the world.

Here, every native corner is everywhere,

Favorite on the whole planet.

For many years you have lived in my city,

The sun rises early on you.

Belgorod our land,

Be always strong as before!

Valuiki, always be beautiful,

Big, beautiful, new, different!

Gaitanova Tatyana Evgenievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 10 "Sun"
Locality: Blagoveshchensk Republic of Bashkortostan
Material name: abstract
Topic: Integrated lesson in the middle group "My city"
Publication date: 05.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the middle group "My City"
Continue to acquaint children with their small homeland.
- Expand children's ideas about the republic, their hometown; - To evoke in children a sense of admiration for the beauty of their native city; - To cultivate love for the native city and a sense of pride in it, the desire to make it even more beautiful.
Vocabulary work:
Homeland, small homeland, Fatherland, city of Blagoveshchensk, Blagoveshchensk, Belaya River, street names, building names (hospital, library, school, kindergarten, shop).
ball, photo booth "My favorite city", presentation, Dunno costume, "bus", cap, steering wheel, illustrations, tape recorder with bus traffic recording, disk, framed photo of the city, circles - traffic lights.
Preliminary work:
a city tour, memorizing poems about the city, looking at the photo album “The Nature of Our City”, conversations about the city of Blagoveshchensk, the application “City Houses”. Course of the lesson: (Children stand in a circle.)
The game "Call it affectionately"
- Guys, show your hands. Rub them against each other. What do you feel? (Warm). It is the warmth of kind hands and kind souls. Let's transfer our warmth through the palms of our friends and say: Morning is coming, the Sun is rising. We are going, We are going on a good journey. Let's look at each other
We say to ourselves: “Who is good with us? Who is handsome? "(Children take turns calling each other affectionate words, sit down).
TSO. Listening to a song
- Guys, listen to the song and tell me what it is about? (The soundtrack of the song “Where does the Motherland begin?” Sounds) + This song is about the Motherland. - What is Motherland? + Motherland is the place where a person was born, grew up. - You can also call the Motherland the Fatherland. Let's say this word together. What republic do we live in? + We live in the Republic of Bashkortostan. - Right. And this is our country.
The game "Pick up words - signs"
- The most expensive place for all people is where he was born and raised. Our small homeland is our city. - What is the name of our city? + City of Blagoveshchensk. - Pick up words - signs for the word city. What is our city? + Big, beautiful, beloved, native, amazing, rich, interesting, unusual, wonderful, beautiful, old, warm, close. - If we live in the city of Blagoveshchensk, what are the inhabitants of the city called? + Annunciation.
The opposite game

There are a lot of streets in our city. The streets are different. (The teacher picks up the ball). - The streets are wide and ... (narrow). Long and ... (short). New and ... (old). Dark and ... (light). Straight and ... (winding). Clean and ... (dirty). - Each street has its own name. For example, our kindergarten is located on Sedova Street.
Game "Name the address"
- Where do you live? State your address. (Children give their addresses).
surprise moment
(Dunno runs in, holds the steering wheel in his hands). Stranger: Hello guys! Did you recognize me?.. Who am I? + Dunno! Dunno: Guys, today I visited your city for the first time. I liked you so much! What is the name of your city? + Blagoveshchensk
Finger gymnastics
Educator: Dunno, our children will now tell you about our city. Here listen! (Self-massage of the pads of the fingers alternately: first on one hand, then on the other). + Collection of streets, squares - 1 Cars, buses, people - 2
Multi-storey buildings - 3 They stand like book volumes. - 4 But still, we love the city! - 5 For the fact that from summer to winter - 1 We meet joyful friends, - 2 And you can go to the museum with them, - 3 And go to the circus, and to the skating rink, - 4 And take a walk on any day! - 5
Educator: You told a lot about our city. They correctly said that we have many streets, houses, beautiful nature. There are many people working in the city of Blagoveshchensk who want our city to become better, more beautiful and richer. Guys, what river flows near our city? + The Belaya River flows near our city. Stranger: White? Why not red? Or yellow? + Because at the bottom of the Belaya River there is silt, similar to white chalk. Therefore, White, like chalk. Dunno: How I would like to know more about your city! Educator: We will be happy to show you our city! I suggest everyone go on a tour. And we'll go by bus. Vanya, you will be the driver. (They put on a cap). And we guys are passengers. (The curtain opens, there is a “bus”, everyone sits down, soft music “bus movement” sounds). Educator: Let's say a chants: + We are going on an excursion (imitation of steering wheel rotation), We want to know our city. We’ll drive along the streets (arms are spread to the sides), And we’ll look out the window! (Turn your head.)
Teacher: Stop! First stop. Look out the window. What is this building? + City administration. (Slide). + This is the main building of our city. Educator: Right! There are people of different professions who are engaged in the management of our city. Stranger: What building is next? + City House of Culture. (Slide). Dunno: And what is this house of culture for? + Various holidays are held there, “Yolka”, for example. + They also show performances and cartoons there. + The circus is coming! Educator: Get on the bus, guys. Let's go further. Stranger: This is the building! Is this a movie theater? + No! This is the Reinforcement Factory! (Slide). Educator: Arsenia Semenov's mother works here, now he will tell us who she works for. (The child holds a photo of his mother).
Child's story
+ This is the Reinforcing Plant, my mother works here, her name is Yulia Mikhailovna ... Dunno: I know, this is the Belaya River. + No, it's a city pond. (Slide). + There are different types of fish. Dunno: Are there sharks? + No. Pike, ruff, perch, tench, grayling are found in the pond. (Show illustrations).
Educator: Before, Dunno, there were a lot of fish in our pond, but now there are very few left. Stranger: Why? Did you catch all? + No, because people began to pollute the pond, stopped cleaning it. + The pond became dirty, and the fish in it began to die. Educator: Therefore, guys, you and I need to protect our city, do not pollute water bodies, do not scatter garbage ... And now we will make a stop. Look out the window guys. What is this building? + This is a city park. (Slide). Stranger: What is it for? + In spring and summer, children with their parents come here to relax. + Here they ride on carousels and rides. + And there are different holidays. Stranger: Oh! I also want to relax! Educator: Well then. Then we have to cross the road. And for this you need to know how to cross it correctly. Dunno: So I know how to cross correctly. Now I will teach you. You need to look at the traffic lights. As soon as the red light turns on, you must quickly cross the road. Here! Educator: Guys, do you agree with Dunno? Let's tell you how to cross the road correctly. + Red light - no way! Yellow - get ready to go! Green light - go! + Don't rush and run across the road! + You need to cross only at the pedestrian crossing. Educator: Remember, Dunno? Dunno: I will never again switch to a red light, only to a green one, and I will not rush, I will be attentive.
(The teacher picks up a traffic light, turns on the lights one by one). Educator: So, guys and Dunno, get ready to cross the road. (Children on the "pedestrian crossing" cross the "road" to the green light) ... Well done, guys! You crossed the right path. Now let's go to the park and play a little game.
Round dance game "How are we all alike?"
- We lead a round dance in a circle, We love each other very much. Let's turn around, smile, Let's hold hands tightly. We will jump together, We will stomp together, Like horses, we galloped, Like chanterelles ran. We look like bears, How similar we all are! We will return to the round dance again, Let's join hands stronger. We all go in a circle, Let's stop, inhale: We inhale with a full chest, Exhale with a narrow tube. Everyone liked the game? It's time to repeat it! Educator: Well, now get on the bus. Let's go further. Look out the window. What building are we passing through now?
+ This is Mail. (Slide). - Guys, we went on an excursion to the post office. Tell Dunno what profession people work at the post office? Dunno: So I already know - mailers. + Wrong! They are called postmen. Educator: Guys, tell Dunno what is the profession of a postman? + The postman delivers mail to people: letters, newspapers, magazines, telegrams. + They have a very hard job: with a heavy bag they deliver mail in any weather. Dunno: When I grow up, I will definitely become a postman. Educator: Guys, what is this building? Dunno: I know, this is the Police! + No, it's the Police building. Educator: Dunno, now the police are talking, not the police. A policeman, not a policeman. Remember. Guys, what is this profession? + Police catch criminals. + They protect the inhabitants of the city, guard our peace. Teacher: Look out the window. What is seen in the distance? Dunno: This is the Belaya River! Educator: That's right, Dunno! This is our Belaya River. The city of Blagoveshchensk is lucky that we are located near the most beautiful and deepest river in Bashkiria. In summer it is so nice to relax on the banks of the river, and walking is good for health. Dunno, do you like to relax in nature? How do you like to relax? Dunno: I like to eat all sorts of sweets on vacation, but I don’t clean up after myself.
Educator: Children, explain to Dunno how to behave on vacation: + On vacation, such grace! + Hurry up and run here to swim and sunbathe! + But just don't leave various rubbish in the grass, + Don't bury it in the sand and don't throw it into the water! + Do not litter now not a forest, not a reservoir - + And we will come here more than once with you! Dunno: Well, then you can throw garbage in the city, because the janitors clean it there. Educator: Is Dunno right? + No, not right! +Don't flip the urns! This is ugly, uncivilized! + Garbage will scatter around the district, a clean city will turn into a dirty one, + And the janitors will again have to collect this garbage in bins. + But it is not without reason that people say: It is clean only where they do not litter! Educator: Remember, Dunno, all these rules and never break them ... And now we move on. See what building is this? + This is our kindergarten "Solnyshko". (Slide). Educator: Guys, do you like your kindergarten? For what? + I have many friends there. + And I like going to music classes. + I like to sculpt and draw. + When I'm at home, I miss toys and caregivers. Educator: Dunno, we invite you to our kindergarten. (Everyone gets off the bus, sits on chairs).
TSO. Video showing

Dunno: Thank you guys for showing me your city, it is very beautiful! Also, you taught me a lot. Do you want me to tell you about my city? (Yes)… I live in the Flower City. I have many friends there. Here, look. (Video screening: excerpts from the cartoon). Educator: Thank you, Dunno, for an interesting story about the Flower City. Dunno: Guys, I want to give you a CD with the cartoon Dunno in the Flower City. It's good for you guys, but I already missed my city, and my friends probably lost me a long time ago. No wonder they say: "Where I was born, there I came in handy." Educator: And you come to us again. And as a keepsake from us, take this photo with the image of the city of Blagoveshchensk, show it to your friends. Stranger: Thanks guys! Goodbye! (Takes the steering wheel and drives off.)
Summary of the lesson
Educator: Guys, where did we go today? What did you see? What did you like the most? What is the name of our city?

Tatyana Telitsyna
Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the middle group "My City"

Abstract of the integrated lesson on patriotic education "My city" in senior group

Theme of the lesson: "The best city"

Program content:

Cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for your hometown

Introduce children to the sights of the city

Develop imagination and desire to depict your city in drawings

Build the ability to work in a team

Equipment: a ball, a multimedia system, a slide show with the sights of the city, an audio recording with the sounds of the city, children's drawings.

Handout: scissors, glue, drawing paper; images of cars, yards, trees, houses from magazines, coloring books.

Preliminary work: drawings of children and parents on the theme "My yard".

Integration with other educational areas:

1. Physical culture: physical education minutes.

2. Health: verification of compliance with the rules of seating at the tables; control over correct posture.

3. Safety: self-control over the rules for lifting the chair and moving it to the right place; self-control over the rules for using scissors in work.

4. Socialization: to teach to come to each other's aid, to listen carefully to each other, not to interrupt a friend.

5. Labor: help in preparing and cleaning your workplace.

6. Cognition: give an idea of ​​the sights of the city

7. Communication: to form the ability to tell from a drawing, to enter into a dialogue with an adult and with each other.

8. Reading fiction: teachers' poems about the sights of G. Shakhty.

9. Artistic creativity: joint production of a collage.

10. Music: listening to an audio recording: the sounds of the city.

Lesson progress

1. Children are on the carpet in a circle. Psycho-gymnastics "Never hang your nose."

Goal: developing a better understanding of oneself and others, relieving mental stress, creating opportunities for self-expression.

Guys, every person has a bad and good mood. How do you know what a person's mood is? (children's answers).

The teacher invites children to depict different feelings and emotions on their faces.

Guys, now show me how you feel? Smile to each other and we will all be in a good mood. And when people are in a good mood, miracles happen.

Hear someone knocking on our door. Who could it be? (children's guesses).

2. Surprise moment.

The teacher opens the door, there is a box on the floor.

Children, what do you think it might be? (children's answers). The teacher opens the box, and there is a magic ball.

Guys, look, it's a ball. He came to visit us from his city Magic balls. Let's get to know him (children take turns calling their last name, first name, patronymic).

3. Children go to the chairs, which are located in a semicircle and continue to get acquainted with the ball.

And you know that the ball rolled to us from another city. He has never been with us and does not know the name of our city, region. What kind of streets we have and where we can have fun and play. Shall we tell him?

Didactic game "Finish the sentence."

1. We live in the city .... (Mines).

2. The inhabitants of the Mines are called ... (Shakhty).

3. Our district is called ... (Artemosky district).

4. Our kindergarten is called …. (Birch).

5. What streets are there in our city ... (children's answers).

6. I live on the street…. (4 - 5 children answer).

4. Guys, let's take a tour for our guest along the streets of Shakht. But first we will listen to the sounds that we can hear in our city. (Listening to the sounds of the city: the noise of cars, the singing of birds, the noise of leaves, the noise of fountains). What do you think we heard? (children's answers).

5. And now we will show our guest how beautiful it is and you will tell us about these places.

Viewing a slide show, children's stories about familiar places (children's stories are supplemented by the teacher's story): Culture Park, Sodata Square, Drama Theater, Museum of Local Lore, Alley of Heroes, etc.

Poems about sights (children tell)

My city is the best

He is the only one for me

Beautiful, clean, necessary

He is simply irreplaceable!

I live in Shakhty

I'm quite proud of them

After all, our city is known

Like a forge of ideas!

I love my city dear

The city is bright and big!

For me, he is everyone's favorite

For me, he is all native!

And also our city of Mines -

There is no merit in him...

Both miners and athletes

There are outstanding ones.

There are great talents

Both singers and musicians.

If it wasn't for everything

Still loved him!

I live and was born

In a small town

He is famous for the production of heat

The mine is called.

Also our city is strong

in sporting achievements,

Lots of Olympians in it

And even record holders.

Museum, theatre, park...

There is even Arbat street

There is a soldier on top of it.

Everything in Shakhty is made for us -

Something to be proud of

In our city!

6. Exhibition of children's works.

Educator: - Ball, look, the guys have drawn their favorite yard, where they live, play with friends. They really want to tell you about it. (Children's stories based on pre-drawn drawings of their yard).

7. Problem situation.

Educator: Children, the ball is crying. What happened?

Guys, he told me that he was crying because there are no such beautiful places, yards, playgrounds, museums in his city. In the city where he lives with his friends, he is bored. Do you think we can help him? (children's answers).

Look at the city of Klumochka. (Whatman is hung out with the image of the road and the sun). What do you think is missing here to make our guest happy? (Answers of children).

Can we help him?

8.Teamwork. City for the Ball.

Children cut out from blanks what can be in the city (fountains, buildings, playgrounds, trees). Everything that is cut out, the children stick on whatman paper.

9. The result of the lesson.

The ball thanks the children and asks what they liked the most today. (Answers of children).

With the help of the Globe, children thank each other for the time spent together. They say these words:

The ball rolled along the path,

Jump - jump to the guys in the palms.

For example: “Lisa, it was interesting for me to play with you. Goodbye".

Agoshkova Valentina Fedorovna
MDOU CRR Kindergarten No. 8 "Golden Fish" Belgorod Region Valuyki

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group on the topic "My city"

Abstract of a lesson in the middle group on the topic “My city”, conducted by the teacher Agoshkova V.F.

Target: P continue to acquaint children with their small homeland, its sights, streets, residential buildings, public buildings, their purpose, professions and place of work of their parents. Expand children's ideas about their hometown, consolidate children's knowledge of their address, kindergarten address, Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.

To bring to the understanding that the people who built the city tried very hard and did their job well.

To learn how to perform the application of a large house, to convey the rectangular shape of the walls, rows of windows. Develop coherent speech, figurative thinking and memory. attention, imagination, creativity, consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights. Learn to form adjectives from nouns (glass house - glass ....), understand and use generalizing words.)

To cultivate love for the native city and a sense of pride in it, the desire to make it even more beautiful.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing, examining, staging.

Verbal: explanation, questions, consideration, conversation, comparison, artistic word.

Practical: dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs", D / I game "We are builders" D / I "Different houses", physical minute "Bus", "Walk"

Individual work: memorization of the poem "Our City".

Material: f oto-stand "My favorite city", cardboard for application, details of the house for the application "What a wonderful house", glue, napkin, pictures and photos of the city, parents of the group, equipment for the game "We are builders", models of houses, road crossing, traffic light . .

Preliminary work: a tour of their streets, looking at the photo album “My Home, My Family”, making a family tree, talking about the city of Valuyki,

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, let's stand in a circle. And we will stretch our hands to the sun, which always warms us, and shake the hand of a neighbor. It is the warmth of kind hands and kind souls. We offer our warmth, our hands to friends and say:

Morning is coming

The sun is rising.

We are going to,

Let's go on a good journey.

Educator: I am very pleased that you are good friends. It is interesting to go hiking and play with such children, but today we are going on a trip around our native city together.

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? (Valuiki).

Where is our city? (On the banks of the Valuy River)).

Educator: There are a lot of big and small cities in the world. And we will talk about our city, about the most beloved, about the most beautiful. Am I right in saying that our city is the most beautiful? (children's answers)

Guys, today we will travel. I will give you a riddle, and you guess where we will go on an excursion.

Now guess what kind of transport we will be using. (Riddle about the bus)

We are asking everyone to get on the bus.

We will look at our city.

We got on the bus together

And looked out the window

Our driver stepped on the gas

And the bus ran.

Guys, let's repeat the address of our kindergarten. (26 Parkhomenko Street) Next to our kindergarten there is a large building of school No. 4. Graduates of our kindergarten study in it. Look guys Dunno is standing, for some reason he looks very sad. Let's find out what happened to him.

What happened, buddy?

I left school and don't know how to get to the house.

What address do you live at? We'll take you.

This is bad. Our guys know their address. Please tell me your address. (Children say their addresses.). Well, it doesn’t matter, sit down with us. Maybe along the way you will recognize your home.

Our bus is going fast

He brought us to the factory.

Guys, look at this huge enterprise, the Prioskolie plant, mothers work here: Slava Kashuba, Polina Makushchenko, Karina Pavlenko and Evelina Rudophilova. They produce a lot of meat products for the residents of our city. Look how many buildings of this plant you see, let's count. (Review of the plant and photos of parents)

The driver drove us so quickly, and brought us to another plant. This plant is called Lobaz, look how big it is. mothers work at this plant: Kristina Pakhomova and Pasha Podobedov. This plant produces food for our beloved animals (Seeing the plant and photos of the parents). We are a little tired and now we will rest.

And now we drive through long beautiful streets with our own names and stop at a large beautiful building, and what kind of building you will learn from an interesting riddle. (Riddle about the train)

Trains from different cities arrive on this platform and bring guests of our city here. Parents work on the railway: Sasha Dudkina, Albina Kiryanova. Near the station there is a beautiful square for guests who visited our city, on it you see a monument to the military commander Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin. And not far from the monument to a Russian soldier, an eternal flame burns on a mass grave. Let's get off the bus and walk through these beautiful places of our city.

And again, the driver quickly drives us and brings us to new, beautiful places.

Pay attention to the beautiful houses and buildings that we see from the bus window. They are made of various materials. They are of different sizes and shapes, they all protect their residents from cold, rain and wind, uninvited guests.

Let's define the names of houses built of bricks (brick, wood, clay, glass). Is it possible to make houses out of paper, straw? Why not? Didactic game "Different houses"


Up and down jerking hands, as if we were waving flags

Stretching our shoulders

Hands move to meet

Hands to the side. Smile.

Right, left bow.

In the beautiful stores "Diamant", "Zarya", "Magnet" mothers of our children work: Masha Lobenko, Albina Kiryanova, Andrey Koltyapin. They offer useful, high-quality, beautiful goods: clothes, shoes, food. The customers are grateful for this. Which store would you like to visit? (toy store) There are a lot of such shops in our city "Hippo", "Button", "Lily of the valley", etc.

The next stop guys, the center of our city, where all residents have a rest, spend their free time, celebrate holidays. Near the square there is a recreation park, which delights its guests with fountains in the summer, and children's playgrounds for games and recreation are organized for children. We will get off the bus and walk along the paths of the autumn park.

Physical education:

We walk around the city, we observe nature

Looked up at the sun

And the rays warmed us.

The birds are sitting in their nests

Birds fly across the sky

And they jump over the bumps and no one cries.

Guys, not having time to drive off from the park, we stopped. Why? At what color of the traffic light did the driver stop and what are the pedestrians doing at this time? Our tour comes to an end

Now we will move with you to the most desirable place for children, the children's recreation and entertainment park "Divnograd". We are met by the world of fairy-tale heroes. Look, two piglets are sad near the house, let's find out why they are so sad?

Our houses were destroyed by an evil wolf, and winter is coming soon. We will not have time to build new houses

Let's help the piglets build strong brick and stone houses. Do not forget what parts they consist of. To do this, we will play the game “We are builders” and build a house from parts in order to make it strong, reliable (foundation - foundation, walls - foundation, walls, roof - foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors - foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors, tree and flowers near the house).

And now the guys will build houses for our piglets, and for those who do not have their own home. (Application).

What good fellows you are! They all have beautiful new homes. (the guys give houses to piglets and make up a new street from the houses.

Guys, let's come up with interesting names for our street. (Fabulous, Forest, Happy, Ours)

The piglets thank you for the new homes. . And we return to our home - kindergarten. Did you like our city? Guys, let's remember what we saw on the tour and read poems about our city.

There is a town on a small river

He is not cuter in the world.

Here, every native corner is everywhere,

Favorite on the whole planet.

For many years you have lived in my city,

The sun rises early on you.

Belgorod our land,

Be always strong as before!

Valuiki, always be beautiful,

Big, beautiful, new, different!

Mushtaeva Marina
Abstract of the lesson in the middle group "My hometown"

1. Clarify children's ideas about hometown, introduce them to some of its attractions;

2. Cause in children a sense of admiration for beauty hometown; develop thinking, speech;

3. Cultivate love for hometown, the desire to keep cleanliness, order in their city

Material: sightseeing illustrations cities, poster, audio cassette, ball.

Course progress.

caregiver: Guys, do any of you know the name of city in which we live? (children's answers). We live in a wonderful city called Kemerovo...

caregiver: today I propose to go on a journey through our city, for this you need to sit comfortably put your hands on your knees and close your eyes. (noise recording sounds cities., and then tell what you heard, what characteristic sounds?

Children Caregiver: Guys, look at this magic tree with riddles.

1. Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far

Carries goods and people

You know her, of course. (car)

2. There is a big and kind house.

There are a lot of kids in it.

There are songs, jokes, laughter.

Pleasure for everyone. (Kindergarten)

3. The house is walking down the street,

We are lucky to work, (bus).

4. Houses stand in two rows,

Ten, forty, one hundred in a row.

And square eyes

Everyone is looking at each other (the outside)

What are the names of the people who live in Kemerovo?

We are called Kemerovo residents, because we also live here. There are many kindergartens in Kemerovo. Guys, what is the name of the kindergarten you go to?

Who among you will remember the name of the street where our kindergarten is located?

Shakhterov Avenue - the street was named after the miners of our region.

Our big city very cozy and beautiful. In a lot of buildings, houses and streets.

Now let's play a game "Name the street you live on". stand at the chairs, call their street and pass the ball further.

caregiver: Well done. All Kemerovo residents (both adults and children) love theirs very much city. Each of us has a favorite place here. But there is in our city ​​places, where not only Kemerovo residents like to come, but also guests from other cities. Such places cities are called attractions. How do you understand the word "Sight"? (beautiful, famous, memorable places).

Guys, do you like walking around Kemerovo?

Tell us where have you been in our city

Monument to Mikhailo Volkov

The monument to Mikhailo Volkov, the discoverer of Kuznetsk coal, is located on the square of the same name in Kemerovo. In 1721, the explorer Volkov, 7 versts from the Verkhotomsk prison, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe present the city of Kemerovo, discovered "Burned Mountain" twenty meters high. This discovery gave impetus to the industrial development of the Kuznetsk coal basin.

Memorial "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass"

Monument "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass" sculptor Ernst Neizvestny was opened on August 28, 2003 on Miners' Day, on Krasnaya Gorka. Miners for hard and dangerous work.

Victory Park,

named in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the park has monuments to G.K. Zhukov and home front workers, as well as a lot of military equipment and guns: T-55 tank, BTR-60 armored personnel carrier, BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle, etc.

Cathedral of the Sign the city of Kemerovo.

caregiver: this is another attraction of Kemerovo. Guys, do you recognize this place? This is a cathedral. It is at the center of our cities and decorates it a lot. Built from 1990 to 1996. Consecrated in 1991. Znamensky Cathedral immediately after its construction took an extremely important place in cityscape, becoming its most beautiful attraction.

Guys, what do you think the cathedral looks like? I think it looks like a fairytale palace. The temple is very bright, elegant and festive. Look at the roof of the temple. It is not the same as in an ordinary house. In an ordinary house - a roof, and a temple - a dome. Let's repeat this word - dome. And every temple has a belfry. Let's repeat this word - the bell tower. Before the service, bells ring and call the people to the temple.

Listen (Audio recording of bells ringing)

Kemerovo children's railway "Road of childhood" was created on the initiative of the Governor of the Kemerovo region A. G. Tuleev and opened in the fall of 2007.


We kick top, top

We clap hands, clap

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment

We shoulders chick, chick

One here, two here

(turns of the body to the right and to the left)

turn around you

Once sat down, two got up

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

Like a roly-poly steel

And then they jumped

(running in circles)

Like my bouncy ball

One, two, one, two

(breathing exercise)

Here the game is over.

Guys, look at this poster. Now I will read you advice "How to love your city» .

To in city it was clean and nice need:

1) break tree branches;

2) tear flowers, trample flower beds;

3) break benches, sandboxes;

4) paint buildings and houses;

5) to scatter garbage wherever they want.

caregiver: Guys, did you like these tips? Let's come up with useful tips. "To city was clean and nice needed.”(do not break trees, do not trample flower beds, do not litter, do not draw on the walls of houses and buildings, clean up garbage, follow the rules of behavior in nature).

caregiver A: Guys, you came up with very good advice. I hope you do them too.

caregiver: Guys, did you like walking around Kemerovo? What attractions cities did we meet today? (with Temple and Memorial) .

Go around a hundred roads

Circle the planet

Our town,

And there is nothing more expensive.

Here in such a wonderful the city we live in.

Related publications:

Abstract of direct educational activities using ICT for children of the middle group to study the topic “My hometown -.

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