If varicose veins begin. What to do with advanced varicose veins? Anti-varicose tights and bandaging

Varicose veins are a disease known to mankind long enough. According to some reports, our ancestors began to suffer massively from it after, to their misfortune, they began to dress in overly tight clothes. It is necessary that earlier varicose veins were observed mainly in people of middle and older than age. However, over time, he has become much younger - today twenty-year-old girls can get sick of them. Therefore, all of us, regardless of age, need to carefully monitor the condition of our feet.

Is it possible to warn phlebeurysm or quickly cure at its very initial stage? Unfortunately, this is quite difficult to do. Varicose veins are insidious - they creep up almost imperceptibly, without showing themselves for a long time. Its first symptoms are blue, similar to small stars, stains, which first appear on the thighs and legs. "Stars" are dilated vessels, which then turn into a kind of worms. As a result, the legs become covered with ugly blue spots, heaviness arises in them, and pain may appear. They look terrible, get tired quickly and swell in the evenings. AT calf muscles convulsions often occur. If the disease is not treated, it begins to develop quite rapidly, reaches deep stage and can lead to serious and dangerous complications.

Causes of varicose veins. Prevention

Varicose veins are an expansion of the walls of blood vessels, which occurs due to a violation of normal blood circulation. The disease, starting small, progresses rapidly, the veins increase more and more, and, as a result, turn into large knots, ugly protruding on the legs.

What is the reason for this problem, which is becoming more and more urgent every year? The reason for its appearance may be genetic predisposition, bad habits, flat feet, hernias, pregnancy, overweight. Significant prerequisites for the development of varicose veins are prolonged exercise, tight underwear, a lack of plant foods in the diet, hormonal disruptions, the use of estrogen and progesterone and their derivatives. In a word, phlebeurysm I can provoke any factors associated with a violation of the outflow of blood. The risk groups include those women who have to sit a lot, and even those who like to visit the bath and sauna.

Of course, this disease, like any other, can be prevented by trying to remove the load from the legs as often as possible. For example, if you have to stand for a long time, you need to periodically shift your body weight from one foot to another, step from heels to toes, and rise on tiptoe. When sitting for a long time, you should sometimes try to raise your legs as high as possible, or regularly pour them over the sauna cool water. In addition, with a predisposition to varicose veins, it follows from squeezing underwear, no matter how capricious fashion requires it. And in no case should you try to hide curvaceous forms with the help of tight clothes, otherwise varicose veins cannot be avoided! If these forms are so annoying, you can go swimming, cycling, skiing. These sports not only allow you to maintain normal body weight, but are also excellent remedy fight against varicose veins. But bodybuilding, tennis, aerobics, some types of weightlifting are not recommended for people prone to the appearance of this disease - they increase venous.

If the stars on the legs began to show through a little, you can significantly slow down the development of varicose veins with the help of quite simple ways. First, the diet should include as much as possible herbal products, eating bread from wholemeal flour, dishes from wheat bran, salads and more. Secondly, the legs should be given rest as often as possible, laying them on a pillow, cushion, chair or even a table.

Thirdly, it is necessary to abandon sunburn - ultraviolet significantly reduces the elasticity of veins and skin. In addition, doctors strongly recommend avoiding steam rooms, hot baths or showers at the first appearance of varicose veins - they contribute to stagnation of blood in the legs.

And finally, you need to sort out your wardrobe and the most free and comfortable clothes and shoes. And let them seem not too stylish - phlebeurysm on your feet is more terrible than the condescending looks of terry fashion lovers.

With the appearance of blue stains on the legs, in order to reduce the risk of developing varicose veins, you can resort to a proven folk remedy- rubbing "stars" apple cider vinegar in the mornings and evenings. Good help in this case, infusions of lingonberry leaves, wild rose, chestnut, St. John's wort.

Recommended to do daily massage treatments with the help of a weak jet of water, which is poured over the legs from behind from the toes to the heels, then up the calves to the knee, and in front from the fingers to the knee.

If the veins nevertheless stand out significantly, you will have to pay quite a lot of attention to them. Now sold in pharmacies various ointments and gels from varicose veins veins, however, these funds only strengthen the walls of the veins, thus slowing down the development of the disease. They cannot completely cure varicose veins, since they do not destroy the cause of its appearance. There are other, more effective ways to treat this disease.

Treatment of varicose veins

If there is a predisposition to varicose veins, you should regularly, once a year, visit a phlebologist for preventive examination. He will advise which gel or cream to treat the legs for veins and increase their resistance, prescribe the right drugs, and, if signs of varicose veins appear, will conduct an examination and choose the most appropriate treatment option. There are several such options, and their choice depends on the stage of the disease and the number of affected vessels.

One of the most effective ways fight against varicose veins - tight tightening of the legs with elastic bandages, which is called "elastic compression". This method strengthens the veins well, preventing them from expanding. However, it is not entirely convenient - in this case, the legs will have to be hidden under trousers or jeans.

Available for sale compression stockings, stockings and tights that can be worn both for the prevention of varicose veins and for its treatment. They are quite comfortable and extremely useful for pregnant women. The only downside to this compression stockings- it is hard to pull on and off, which, of course, delivers, during the day, some discomfort.

Quite successfully, you can fight varicose veins with the help of sclerotherapy and laser coagulation. These are methods based on the principle of gluing the walls of the veins, as a result of which they stop protruding and become almost invisible from the outside. Both sclerotherapy and laser coagulation rather belong to the cosmetic field than to the medical field. They are able to lead our legs in full order but they do not cure the disease itself. As a result, glued veins will disappear, but after some time new “stars” will appear in other places.

Radical but extremely effective remedy against varicose veins - venectomy. it surgery during which all dilated veins are removed. It does not belong to the category of complex, and is the best option fight against advanced varicose veins.

Varicose veins are a curable disease. So don't panic if nice legs began to be covered with blue stains. You just need to contact a specialist and devote more time and attention to the fight against varicose veins, your health. And then, through certain period, our legs will again become the subject of admiration for the stronger sex.

Kocheva Olga
Women's magazine JustLady

Toward evening, you have heaviness and pain in your legs. By the end of the day, you can't even zip up your boots all the way because your feet are swollen. And if you look closely, you can see a trace from the gum golf. If any of the above is present in you, then you are forced to upset, these are signs of a serious diseases - varicose veins. Varicose veins develop rapidly. And if the development is not stopped in time this disease, then serious complications can arise that affect not only beauty, but also health.

Varicose veins in fact, a fairly common disease (according to statistics, approximately one in four has it), but this is precisely a disease, and not an external flaw that spoils beauty. And, like any other disease, varicose veins it is necessary to treat, and not just ask the question: Varicose veins. What to do?

What to do if you have varicose veins?

1. Ointments and creams

If you have an initial stage of varicose veins, then you can try to get by with special ointments and creams. Naturally, you should first consult with a phlebologist. Such creams and ointments contain substances that increase the elasticity of the veins. They are also called venotonics (i.e., enhancing the tone of the veins).

2. Sclerotherapy

On the early stages varicose veins also great effect brings sclerotherapy. The sclerotherapy procedure is simple. A thin long needle is taken through which a special potent drug is injected into the vein. Chemical substance. It kind of burns the walls of the vein from the inside. As a result, after the provocation of inflammation, the vessel thromboses and stops functioning. There is a so-called obliteration of the vein. The blood no longer flows through the vein, but finds another way for itself through the deep veins.

3. Bandaging and anti-varicose tights

Varicose veins also treated with mechanical contraction of the veins. Currently, you can buy special support tights made of tight, dense material. Outwardly, they look like absolutely ordinary, but the legs will feel the difference. Anti-varicose tights are made of a special material, so ordinary, even tight tights, cannot replace them. You can only buy them at a pharmacy.

Legs can also be bandaged with an elastic bandage. First bandaged ankle joint, then the turn of the foot comes up (the heel is also captured), then they return to the ankle again and go up to the middle of the thigh. There shouldn't be any stretches. In addition, the foot and lower leg must be bandaged very tightly, but not the thigh. This is done so that the blood does not stagnate on the lower leg. Bandaging should be done in the morning, before getting out of bed.

4. Water procedures. Can be used for beginner varicose veins. If you pour your feet cold water or wipe them with ice cubes, then you can forget about fatigue and swelling of the legs at the end of the day. Contrasting foot baths are also beneficial.

5. Massage or self-massage of the feet. Helps well with initial signs varicose veins. The only thing is that you can not massage the protruding veins. And you should first consult with a phlebologist.

6. Diet. Pay attention to foods that are rich in vitamins P (rutin) and C ( vitamin C). Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and vitamin P promotes the rapid absorption of vitamin C.

7. Operation

If the varicose veins are running, then there is only a surgical way out - an operation. Its medical name is extirpation of the saphenous veins. The operation itself is simple. With its help, a diseased vein is removed. Scars are not visible.

But don't wait for the hard forms of varicose veins Get treated at the first sign of illness. And then the question is: Varicose veins. What to do? - will cease to be relevant to you.

For a long time varicose veins are latent, not manifesting themselves severe symptoms. A small mesh on the legs does not cause great inconvenience, especially if it can be hidden under clothing, and everyone, without exception, explains the fatigue of the legs by the evening with a busy working day and general fatigue.

Despite the fact that the symptoms of varicose veins remain mild, the actual varicose veins without proper treatment continues to actively progress. Sooner or later, people notice that the legs begin to get even more tired, knots appear on the veins, and pronounced edema appears on the arch of the foot. By the morning, fatigue disappears, but by the next evening they reappear, and the changes in the veins no longer decrease, but continue to steadily increase.

Severe varicose veins have begun, and this causes great concern and a desire to find universal remedy for treatment that would help get rid of aesthetic flaws and symptoms that reduce performance in order to return to the old life. But is there such a tool today?

Treatment before severe varicose veins have begun

pledge effective treatment varicose disease veins is, above all, the timely start of therapy. As soon as you noticed the appearance of the venous network, you began to notice even a slight fatigue of the legs in the evening, which was not there before, or other symptoms of the disease appeared, you should try to reconsider your lifestyle.

It is not always possible to change life radically and give up work or the usual way of life, but increase physical activity, stay less in a standing position, preferring walking or running, and also refuse bad habits You can always - there would be a desire.

But to resort to the use of tablets on the most early stages sickness is not worth it, especially if you have not changed your lifestyle and have not used non-drug measures, such as tight bandaging of limbs.

Preventing the appearance of severe varicose veins is one of the main tasks, since at a certain stage even the most powerful therapy may be ineffective, and the only way the fight against the disease will be carried out surgical intervention.

What to do if severe varicose veins have already begun?

If you notice that the disease is progressing strongly, then you need to contact a specialist. Regardless of whether you used any means or did not use the treatment. Start off self-treatment with pronounced varicose treatment it is impractical, if only because you can start the disease so much that you will have to resort to surgery in the future.

But a consultation with a phlebologist and proper treatment may save you from surgery. It should be said that in itself surgical treatment, contrary to popular belief, does not make it possible to get rid of the pathology as such, it only allows you to remove the vein and prevent thrombosis and the development of complications. This is the only way out on the most advanced stages diseases, but this is not an opportunity to prevent the development of varicose veins in other veins.

Therefore, even if you were initially advised to have an operation, and you performed it, since there was no other way out of the situation, this does not mean that varicose veins are completely cured. You need to consult a phlebologist and follow his recommendations for at least in order not to start the disease again and not be faced with the need to perform a second operation.

Refusal of any treatment, especially if severe varicose veins have begun, is big risk trophic changes in veins lower extremities due to impaired blood flow and nutrition, as well as the development of thrombophlebitis, and then thromboembolism. Embolism pulmonary artery is life threatening condition, therefore, approach varicose veins exclusively as aesthetic problem or a disease that restricts motor activity, not worth it. This is a really serious and formidable pathology with its complications, therefore, when symptoms of the disease appear, and even more so if severe varicose veins have begun, it is by no means worth refusing to visit a doctor.

The disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, how drawing pains, fatigue and stiffness, cramps, swelling. In patients, a fine network of capillaries first appears, then they appear and swell saphenous veins and nodes. The disease delivers not only physical discomfort, but also aesthetic. What to do with varicose veins of the legs and who to contact? Before self-medicating, you should know what is dangerous varicose veins on the legs. Venous insufficiency can lead to trophic disorders. As the disease progresses, the skin on the legs becomes dry and thinner. Over time, eczema may develop and trophic ulcer. From the thinned dilated veins, bleeding is possible. At the first signs of the disease, it is worth contacting an angiosurgeon (phlebologist, surgeon). After the examination, the specialist will determine the degree venous insufficiency and explain how to remove varicose veins on the legs. To stop varicose veins in the legs, treatment begins with lifestyle changes. It is worth noting that the following categories fall into the risk group:

Given the characteristics of the disease, the severity of symptoms and consequences, conservative or surgical treatment is offered. Surgical intervention is indicated for pathological discharge of blood from deep veins into superficial ones. Phlebologists strongly recommend surgery when trophic disorders and bleeding appear. There are methods that allow you to defeat varicose veins on the legs:

  • elimination of dilated veins;
  • elimination of blood reflux superficial veins;
  • conservative ways: compression (knitwear, bandaging), phlebotonics, physiotherapy exercises.

Compression with special knitwear or elastic bandages helps to improve the condition of venous valves, reduce the load on the saphenous veins and improve tissue trophism. Depending on the stage of the disease, compression is prescribed for a short or long term. Foot care for varicose veins should include cold and hot shower, the use of local preparations . State vascular wall improve venotonics (Cyclo 3, Venoruton, Reparil, Troxevasin). To eliminate soreness and relieve swelling, doctors recommend lying with legs raised several times a day for 20 minutes.

People with signs of the disease should know what are the contraindications for varicose veins on the legs. Women should give up uncomfortable shoes on heels. Because hormonal contraceptives aggravate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. With trophic disorders and venous nodes, it is forbidden to massage, visit saunas and baths. Smoking is the main contraindication for this disease.

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Reviews and comments

Zoya Petrovna- 15 Mar 2019, 10:22

A year ago, I got a job as a consultant in a fashionable women's clothing store. I really like my work, because thanks to me, women are transformed, they begin to new life, build families, just enjoy new purchases. It was only after a year that I ran back on my feet with such enthusiasm, serving my clients, that I began to feel that my legs were getting tired. But according to the dress code, I can’t do without heels. At work, an employee advised me to buy Varius gel. I trust her, but I went to the forums and read reviews about him. I decided that this was my salvation. It all turned out that way. After two weeks of using the anti-varicose agent, I run as before. The pain is gone, the legs do not hurt.

Like varicose veins can be divided into two periods: hidden and explicit. The first gives itself out as heaviness in the legs and swelling, which usually pay little attention. Because of this, the disease is not treated at the beginning, and it is gaining momentum. The symptoms of the second period are already impossible not to notice: they appear on the legs blue stars and lines.

Arteries deliver blood from the heart to the organs, but back it moves through the veins. There are valves in their walls that allow blood to pass in portions and close, preventing it from flowing down. If the valves do not perform their functions well, the blood stagnates in place, overflows the veins and stretches them.

Enlarged and congested veins shine through the skin, and the blood in them thickens, sometimes to the point of a blood clot. Unfortunate heredity plays an important role in the appearance of varicose veins: structural features of the veins, or rather, a defect, are genetically transmitted connective tissue vessel walls. On "prepared" soil, the disease develops much more often and faster. If at least one of the parents suffered from it, then the probability of inheriting the problem reaches 60%. Hormonal factors can provoke the situation contraceptives. Fat and tall, smokers and hostages also fall into the risk group. sedentary image life. Pregnancy is one of the natural triggers. At this time, the volume of circulating blood in the woman's body increases and the load on the circulatory system increases.

Varicose veins: the second phase

In the second phase, varicose veins bring a lot unpleasant moments. With varicose veins on the legs, saphenous veins are contoured. It is not worth waiting for them to disappear by themselves. Rather, on the contrary, the veins will acquire a more intense blue or purple, will increase in size and quantity, cover a large area, capturing the hips in addition to the shins. Pain and heaviness in the legs intensify, cramps appear. Edema increases immediately after getting up in the morning, or even stops subsiding altogether. On the late stage the skin over the swollen veins darkens and flakes, blood clots appear in the vessels, and trophic ulcers appear on the legs.

Varicose veins: what to do?

If you consult a doctor with the first signs of varicose veins, many complications can be avoided. After ultrasound of the veins, the specialist will draw up a treatment and preventive plan to combat the disease. It includes observation by a phlebologist or surgeon, the use of compression stockings, nutritional advice and physical activity, drug therapy, minimally invasive interventions. Compression tights, stockings, stockings are designed in a special way. In them, every part of the leg experiences different pressure: the upper third of the thigh is the minimum, the upper third of the lower leg is higher, and the area above the ankles is the maximum. As a result, the weakness of the venous wall is compensated from the outside, and deoxygenated blood does not stagnate.

The degree of influence varies.

Preventive jersey "presses" no more than 18 mm Hg. Art. Products from it can be chosen independently, without the advice of a doctor, and worn by everyone healthy people who spend many hours standing on their feet or sitting in a chair - office workers, sellers, hairdressers.

You have to be careful with medicinal products. You can not self-medicate by purchasing stockings or tights and focusing only on the manufacturer's advice indicated on the labels. All things with higher compression (above 18 mmHg) should be recommended by a doctor.

Diet for varicose veins is also very important. Blood testing will identify foods that increase the disease, and will provide an opportunity to develop an individual menu in each case.

Exercises for varicose veins

Well-developed calf muscles can also become support for the veins. Running, walking, water aerobics, Pilates, yoga are especially useful. It is better to exclude exercises with power loads and jumping.

There are also special gymnastic complexes that load the feet, calf muscles, activate blood circulation and develop deep breathing. Exercises can be performed sitting on the floor, standing or lying down. The first group includes circular motions feet, flexion and extension of the toes. AT vertical position you need to spring and walk on your toes and heels. In the horizontal - do a "bicycle", scissors, lift and pull the legs to the chest, bent at the ankle and knee joints. Movements should be repeated 10-20 times. The signal to end the workout is warm and pleasant fatigue in the legs.

Treatment of varicose veins

If you already have varicose veins and the veins in the legs are clearly visible, care should be taken to get rid of this symptom. In some cases, medications help - venotonics, which strengthen the walls of the vessel. In the rest, the operation is shown. The essence of surgical intervention is to remove the diseased vein from the circulation - its desolation. By changing the route, the blood switches from surface scheme to the deep A similar result can be achieved different ways. The choice of a specific technique depends on the degree of varicose veins. Minimally invasive intervention involves sclerosis, otherwise the method is called thermal laser obliteration (translated from Latin obliteratio - destruction). If you need to process large vessel, then the laser is injected into it through a puncture (incision) of tissues. When they are engaged in small ones - with the help of a thin needle. Both manipulations are performed in a day hospital under local anesthesia.

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