Laser coagulation of hemorrhoids - cost, reviews and when is the procedure prescribed? How is infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids performed? Indications and contraindications

One of the minimally invasive surgical interventions that allow solving the problem of hemorrhoids without blood and pain is infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids. Although this type of treatment is considered new, it has already gained popularity due to the simplicity and safety of the operation. How is the procedure performed and what does the patient need to know?

The essence of the method of infrared coagulation

consists in the local effect of infrared radiation on the legs of problematic venous plexuses of the rectum. As a result of thermal irradiation in the tissues, the process of coagulation (sticking, cauterization, coagulation of small particles) occurs, which leads to impaired blood circulation in the capillaries. As a result, the node receives less nutrients and oxygen, and then dies.

The procedure is carried out using a coagulator - a special device consisting of an electrical unit, a manual applicator gun equipped with a hard quartz LED, and a holder. The device operates in this way: through a low-voltage lamp, streams of infrared radiation are supplied to the LED, which is directed to the treated area. With the help of a polymer tip, the rays penetrate to the intestinal mucosa without losing the power of light energy.

Indications for infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids

After examination and diagnosis, the specialist directs the patient to coagulation of hemorrhoids at:

  • the initial stages of the disease (1 and 2 degree);
  • hemorrhoids complicated by bleeding;
  • combined hemorrhoids;
  • rectal bleeding that began after unsuccessful ligation (constriction of nodes with a special thread or latex rings).

With the external form of hemorrhoidal disease, such treatment tactics are not used; for this, there are other, more effective methods.

Preparing for infrared coagulation surgery

Like all surgeries, photocoagulation of hemorrhoids not carried out without a preliminary examination, which includes:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood sugar testing;
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • electrocardiography;
  • fluorography;
  • digital examination of the anal canal;
  • anoscopy, and if necessary - sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.

A day before the operation, the patient must refuse to eat heavy food: fatty, salty, fried, spicy, spicy. He should also refrain from foods that increase flatulence: legumes, cabbage, grapes, carbonated drinks. Before the procedure, the patient is given a cleansing enema, and the day before he takes a laxative.

The effectiveness of the infrared coagulation procedure

Photocoagulation of hemorrhoids Judging by reviews, allows you to significantly improve the condition within a few days after the manipulation: bleeding and the size of the cones decreases, pain during defecation decreases. Relapses of the disease within 5 years occur in 8% of patients. In advanced cases, this technique is ineffective, so patients are advised to choose another method of treatment, more cardinal, or use coagulation as an additional treatment.


Although coagulation of hemorrhoids painless, during the introduction of the dilator and anoscope, unacceptable sensations may occur, so the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The patient takes a knee-elbow position on the operating table or sits down in a proctological chair, spreading his legs wide and tucking them to his stomach.

The tissues of the perianal region are stretched with a dilator, and an anoscope with a lighting device is inserted into the anal canal, helping the specialist to examine the problem area. After that, a quartz LED is brought to the leg of the node and coagulation is carried out, which is performed instantly (in 1-2 seconds).

If a pile very large, then the top of the formation is also treated. In one procedure, you can process no more than three nodes. When the manipulation is over, the patient needs rest, 15-20 minutes. Then it rises to normalize blood circulation.

Important! If there are a lot of cones, the intervention is repeated, after two to three weeks. Depending on the severity of the pathological process and the nature of the lesion of the rectal region, the patient may need from one to six procedures.

Rehabilitation after infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids

In the postoperative period, the patient does not require additional therapeutic measures. After the completion of the manipulation, he is under medical supervision for 2-3 hours, and if there are no complications, he goes home (in rare cases, there were complaints of fever and unexpressed pain, but all this disappeared after 1-2 days). Within a day, a person can return to normal life.

To minimize the risk of complications, for 2-3 weeks, you should adhere to a sparing diet, avoid constipation, do not lift weights, engage in moderate physical activity, and exclude alcohol. To achieve normalization of the stool, to make it soft and regular, laxatives prescribed by the doctor will help. 10 days after the intervention, the patient must undergo a second examination by a specialist to assess the state of health and the results of the treatment.

Possible Complications

After the operation, complications occur in the form of:

  • acute pain syndrome;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • thrombosis hemorrhoidal cones;
  • necrosis of the treated node.

But such cases are extremely rare.

Pain is associated with the fact that hemorrhoids are located in places where pain receptors are located. Here, medicines in the form of rectal suppositories with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects help to correct the situation and alleviate well-being. Anal bleeding occurs when a dead node falls off 5-7 days after the procedure. To prevent this phenomenon, experts recommend avoiding constipation and not taking blood-thinning drugs. Thrombosis and tissue necrosis provokes a long and extensive infrared photocoagulation of hemorrhoids(for example, after treating several problem areas during one procedure).

Important! You can prevent the development of complications if you follow the recommendations and entrust the operation only to professionals. If anxiety symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help to prescribe appropriate therapy.

Contraindications for infrared coagulation

Infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids is modern procedure for the treatment of hemorrhoids, characterized by a combined or internal form of the pathological process. But at the advanced stages of the disease, this method is not used. It is also contraindicated in:

  • purulent-inflammatory processes occurring in the anorectal region;
  • combined hemorrhoids with no clear distinction between the pathological process;
  • tears of the anus and mucous membrane of the anal canal;
  • rectal fistulas, cracks;
  • inflammation of the rectum and pelvic tissues;
  • thrombosis of nodes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

has good reviews, since the operation is characterized by:

  • high efficiency in the treatment of pathology in the early stages;
  • speed of conduction (from 7 to 30 minutes);
  • painlessness;
  • bloodlessness or minimal blood loss;
  • ease of preoperative preparation;
  • short and easy rehabilitation period;
  • low risk of complications;
  • absence of postoperative scars and scars;
  • with the exception of the possibility of getting a burn, so the procedure is not based on the effects of electric current;
  • using local rather than general anesthesia;
  • carried out on an outpatient basis, and not in a hospital;
  • affordable cost.

The disadvantages of intervention include the following points:

  • low efficiency in the treatment of hemorrhoids at stages 3 and 4;
  • impact on the manifestation of the disease, and not the elimination of its true cause;
  • the likelihood of a relapse;
  • the need for several procedures in the treatment of multiple varicose plexuses;
  • carrying out the operation only on paid terms.

Among the shortcomings of infrared coagulation, one more can also be noted: with insufficient processing of the leg of the node, thrombosis and tissue necrosis may develop, and if it is torn off due to death or if the mucosa is injured during defecation, severe anorectal bleeding may begin.

Cost of treatment

Removal cost hemorrhoidal lump by infrared coagulation varies depending on the complexity of the case, the status of the medical institution and its location. On average, for one procedure you will need to pay from 5 to 7 thousand rubles.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is classical and minimally invasive. If there are very few classical methods for removing nodes, then sparing surgical techniques take a long time to understand. In this article, we will talk about a proven and effective method of treatment - infrared coagulation.

The essence of the technique

To carry out the manipulation, you will need a special device. It allows you to bring the tip to the hemorrhoids. This probe creates a powerful beam of infrared radiation. Getting on the tissues, the flow is converted into thermal energy, which destroys cell proteins.

The laser and electroknife work in a similar way. Only instead of infrared waves, they destroy tissues with current and laser radiation.

The flow of rays is directed by the doctor to the base of the node (the place where the feeding vessels pass). The probe destroys blood vessels and cuts off hemorrhoids from nutrition. After some time, the hemorrhoid undergoes necrosis, is rejected, and the “bumps” come out during defecation. Only a postoperative scar remains on the wall of the rectum.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Infrared coagulation is indicated for the 1st and 2nd stage of internal hemorrhoids. Only this type of hemorrhoids can be treated with a photocoagulator. In the later stages, infrared coagulation is suitable for emergency control of bleeding from inflamed hemorrhoids.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  1. proctitis in the acute phase;
  2. paraproctitis;
  3. fistulas of the rectum;
  4. nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  5. Crohn's disease;
  6. thrombosis of the hemorrhoid.

The absence of anesthesia and local anesthesia significantly expands the use of this procedure. The manipulations carried out by the doctor go outside the zone of sensitivity (above the dentate line). Proper technique provides only slight discomfort during manipulation.


Infrared coagulation requires high qualification of the operating surgeon. The radiation flux has a powerful energy that can cause serious changes in the human body.

The most common complications of the procedure are:

  1. bleeding;
  2. infections;
  3. pain syndrome;
  4. acute urinary retention.

Bleeding can occur with insufficient heat exposure to the tissue of the feeding leg. In this case, the vessels are not completely cauterized. Bleeding can be stopped by repeated coagulation or ligation of the node stem.

Normally, after the procedure, the patient has a slight bleeding from the anus on the 7-10th day of the postoperative period. This rejects the dead node. Usually the patient is warned about this.

Accession of an infection is a possible scenario of any operation. Follow your doctor's recommendations and you can minimize the risk of this complication.

Pain during the operation suggests that the doctor made a mistake. If the manipulations took place above the dentate line, then severe pain can be avoided. There may be slight discomfort and a burning sensation in the intestine.

In the postoperative period, the pain is also moderate. The doctor may prescribe an NSAID for 2-3 days. Usually they are enough to relieve sensitivity.

Urinary retention is a reflex reaction of the body to manipulations in the intestine. It is typical for men, due to the proximity of the prostate gland. To eliminate this problem, urine is released by a catheter. The main thing is not to endure and consult a doctor in time.


So, we list the main pros and cons of the technique:

  1. the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, it does not require hospitalization;
  2. used only for the initial stages of internal hemorrhoids;
  3. it can be used to urgently stop bleeding;
  4. the effectiveness of the method is 75% at the initial stages of the disease. Relapses occur within 5 years;
  5. the method does not require anesthesia;
  6. pain syndrome in the postoperative period is insignificant;
  7. per session, you can act on 1 node, a second procedure is carried out after 10-14 days;
  8. complications from photocoagulation are rare.

The method of exposure to hemorrhoids with heat is available and effective. In the initial stages of the disease, it allows you to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is classical and minimally invasive. If there are very few classical methods for removing nodes, then sparing surgical techniques take a long time to understand. In this article, we will talk about a proven and effective method of treatment - infrared coagulation.

Most of the remedies for "treating" hemorrhoids, which are advertised on TV and sold in pharmacies, are a complete scam. At first it may seem that hemorrhoid creams and ointments help, BUT in fact they only remove the symptoms of the disease.

In simple words, you buy a regular painkiller, and the disease continues to develop, moving into a more severe stage.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids can hide more serious diseases of the rectum: trauma, intestinal bleeding, necrotic changes, and even cancer.

We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the remedies for hemorrhoids in practice. So, it turned out that the only drug that does not remove the symptoms, but really treats hemorrhoids is this cream for hemorrhoids.

This drug is not sold in pharmacies and is not advertised on TV and on the Internet. Carefully! Many fakes have appeared recently, here is a link to the only official site.

To carry out the manipulation, you will need a special device. It allows you to bring the tip to the hemorrhoids. This probe creates a powerful beam of infrared radiation. Getting on the tissues, the flow is converted into thermal energy, which destroys cell proteins.

The laser and electroknife work in a similar way. Only instead of infrared waves, they destroy tissues with current and laser radiation.

The flow of rays is directed by the doctor to the base of the node (the place where the feeding vessels pass). The probe destroys blood vessels and cuts off hemorrhoids from nutrition. After some time, the hemorrhoid undergoes necrosis, is rejected, and the “bumps” come out during defecation. Only a postoperative scar remains on the wall of the rectum.

Infrared coagulation is indicated for the 1st and 2nd stage of internal hemorrhoids. Only this type of hemorrhoids can be treated with a photocoagulator. In the later stages, infrared coagulation is suitable for emergency control of bleeding from inflamed hemorrhoids.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  1. proctitis in the acute phase;
  2. paraproctitis;
  3. fistulas of the rectum;
  4. nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  5. Crohn's disease;
  6. thrombosis of the hemorrhoid.

The absence of anesthesia and local anesthesia significantly expands the use of this procedure. The manipulations carried out by the doctor go outside the zone of sensitivity (above the dentate line). Proper technique provides only slight discomfort during manipulation.

Infrared coagulation requires high qualification of the operating surgeon. The radiation flux has a powerful energy that can cause serious changes in the human body.

The most common complications of the procedure are:

Bleeding can occur with insufficient heat exposure to the tissue of the feeding leg. In this case, the vessels are not completely cauterized. Bleeding can be stopped by repeated coagulation or ligation of the node stem.

Normally, after the procedure, the patient has a slight bleeding from the anus on the 7-10th day of the postoperative period. This rejects the dead node. Usually the patient is warned about this.

Accession of an infection is a possible scenario of any operation. Follow your doctor's recommendations and you can minimize the risk of this complication.

Pain during the operation suggests that the doctor made a mistake. If the manipulations took place above the dentate line, then severe pain can be avoided. There may be slight discomfort and a burning sensation in the intestine.

In the postoperative period, the pain is also moderate. The doctor may prescribe an NSAID for 2-3 days. Usually they are enough to relieve sensitivity.

Urinary retention is a reflex reaction of the body to manipulations in the intestine. It is typical for men, due to the proximity of the prostate gland. To eliminate this problem, urine is released by a catheter. The main thing is not to endure and consult a doctor in time.

So, we list the main pros and cons of the technique:

  1. the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, it does not require hospitalization;
  2. used only for the initial stages of internal hemorrhoids;
  3. it can be used to urgently stop bleeding;
  4. the effectiveness of the method is 75% at the initial stages of the disease. Relapses occur within 5 years;
  5. the method does not require anesthesia;
  6. pain syndrome in the postoperative period is insignificant;
  7. per session, you can act on 1 node, a second procedure is carried out after 10-14 days;
  8. complications from photocoagulation are rare.

The method of exposure to hemorrhoids with heat is available and effective. In the initial stages of the disease, it allows you to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

I have already tried so many things, all the pharmacies of the city

Photocoagulation of hemorrhoids- This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, during which, using a focused infrared beam, cauterization (coagulation) of the base of the node is performed at several points, which subsequently causes a violation of blood supply and atrophy of the cavernous formation. The use of this method is justified for internal hemorrhoids of stage 1-2, including those accompanied by bleeding. The procedure is performed using an infrared coagulator inserted into the anal canal under the control of an anoscope. In one session of simultaneous coagulation, a maximum of three nodes are exposed. Immediately after the manipulation, the patient experiences a feeling of discomfort, which completely disappears after 2-6 hours. In some cases, after photocoagulation of hemorrhoids, mucosal necrosis, bleeding, thrombosis of the node and recurrence of the disease (secondary hemorrhoids) are observed.

The cost of photocoagulation of hemorrhoids in Moscow

Manipulation has an affordable cost, it is widely used to treat the initial stages of hemorrhoids. Fluctuations in the price of the procedure in different clinics can be associated with the form of ownership, location and level of prestige of the medical organization, the qualifications of the operating surgeon, training in a medical institution and the use of sedatives. In the presence of a large number of nodes and the need for repeated intervention, the price of photocoagulation of hemorrhoids in Moscow is calculated according to the formula "total cost of the first intervention minus the cost of preoperative examination."

The cause of hemorrhoids is a prolonged stagnation of blood caused by a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. In addition to unpleasant sensations, the disease threatens with numerous complications - anemia, infringement of hemorrhoids, bleeding and thrombosis.

If conservative therapy is effective in the early stages of the disease, then in advanced cases one cannot do without surgical treatment.

Today, surgical intervention, as the main method of treating hemorrhoids, has been replaced by modern minimally invasive techniques, such as infrared coagulation, cryotherapy, transmural desarterization, electrocoagulation, ligation with latex rings.

Laser coagulation is one of the most effective and least traumatic methods of treating hemorrhoids and is practically painless for the patient.

Indications for the use of laser coagulation are all stages of the disease - from a slight increase in hemorrhoids to a detailed clinical picture of prolapsing hemorrhoids, with thrombosis and massive bleeding.

The essence of the technique

The basis of the method is the ability of the laser to easily cut and instantly coagulate tissues without leaving marks. In proctology, this property of the laser beam is successfully used to treat early and late stages of hemorrhoids.

The technique of manipulation is reduced to burning out the hemorrhoid. With internal nodes, I work with a laser from the inside. In its place, connective tissue growths are formed, due to which the protrusion is significantly reduced.

The outer cones are completely cut off by the laser beam. At the same time, instant soldering of tissues prevents the development of bleeding.

The use of the laser in the early stages

The method of laser coagulation for hemorrhoids is effective in the early stages of the disease (stages 1-2) and avoids relapses and complications. The use of a modern anoscope with powerful illumination provides full access and control over the course of the procedure

During the operation, painfully dilated blood vessels that supply blood to the hemorrhoids are cauterized using a focused laser beam. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

The patient does not experience pain and immediately after cauterization, the patient can go home. During a short recovery period (from 1 day to a week), convalescents lead a normal, active lifestyle.

Application in later stages

In advanced cases (stages 2-3 of the disease), the nodes that have come out are cauterized with a laser. First, the doctor pierces them with a needle, and then cauterizes from the inside. The sintered knot "fades away", and the resulting cavity is gradually replaced by connective tissue.

The procedure takes about half an hour and is performed under regional or general anesthesia. Damaged tissues are instantly soldered under the influence of a laser, preventing bleeding and leaving no scars and scars after manipulation.

The recovery period will last no more than 2 weeks.

If it is necessary to get rid of hemorrhoids, the beam is precisely fixed at its base. After the cut, it is independently rejected, leaving behind a coagulated surface without noticeable traces of exposure.

In case of thrombosis against the background of hemorrhoids, a course of anti-inflammatory therapy is preliminarily carried out, and only after the removal of acute phenomena, a laser is used.

Three main methods of laser coagulation:

  • Transmucosal - used to remove nodes located under the mucous membrane of the rectum.
  • Subdermal-transmucosal - when the node is located deeper, in the subcutaneous fat layer. In this case, a puncture is made, and the laser exposure is performed from the inside of the node.
  • Foam sclerotherapy technique. For certain indications, laser treatment is supplemented by the administration of a sclerosing agent. The cavity of the node is filled with a special substance that causes the growth of connective tissue with subsequent rejection of the node.

Benefits of Laser Therapy

The minimally invasive bloodless technique has much more advantages than disadvantages:

  • The intervention is almost painless. The patient may feel a slight warmth, and in cases of lower pain threshold, local anesthesia is used.
  • The procedure is short and does not require prior preparation. The next day after cauterization, the patient can start work.
  • The mini-surgery does not leave scars and is absolutely bloodless - the laser beam instantly cauterizes the bleeding tissue.
  • Bleeding, inflammation, fistulas and fissures of the anorectal region are not contraindications for laser therapy. Moreover, infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids can eliminate these disorders.

Along with the advantages, laser coagulation of hemorrhoids has its disadvantages, which include:

  • The likelihood of relapses in the next 3-5 years in the presence of large "bumps" that cannot be cauterized at a time.
  • High price, which depends on the number of hemorrhoids and where laser coagulation of hemorrhoids is done. The cost of removing one node in Kazan is 6-12 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - 10-15 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 12-18 thousand rubles.
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