Compression knitwear - good or bad? Materials of manufacture and classes of compression underwear. When not to wear compression stockings

If you are prescribed compression stockings for deep vein thrombosis, you will need to wear them for at least two years.

Compression stockings are available in different thicknesses. They are different from anti-embolic stockings, which sometimes need to be worn after surgery.

What is deep vein thrombosis?

Deep vein thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot in one of the deep veins, usually in the legs.

Why do you need to wear compression stockings?

Compression stockings are special stockings that perform the following functions:

  • exert pressure;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • relieve pain, swelling and discomfort.

Why do I need compression stockings?

Compression stockings are usually prescribed by your physician for conditions that impair circulation to the legs, such as:

  • varicose veins (swelling and expansion of veins);
  • varicose ulcers (skin lesions that hurt and do not heal for weeks);
  • lymphedema (in which the tissues of your body swell painfully).

How to wear compression stockings

Your legs will be measured to determine what size stockings you need and your therapist or nurse will check to see if they fit you. You may need to wear them on both legs or just one.

Wear compression stockings during the day and take them off before going to bed. Put them back on immediately the next morning.

You will be given at least two stockings, or two pairs if you wear them on both legs, so you can wear one stocking (or one pair) while the other pair is being washed and dried. Stockings should be washed by hand and dried away from heat sources.

Your therapist will monitor your progress. Every 3-6 months it is necessary to re-measure the legs and change the stockings to new ones.

It is believed that compression stockings are one of the simplest and most effective ways to care for the legs, treat and prevent varicose veins of the lower extremities. These products are made of elastic material, usually knee-length or thigh-length. Compression is that such stockings exert pressure of varying degrees of force on parts of the leg - they fit the lower leg more tightly and the thigh or knee area less tightly. If you know how to wear such underwear correctly, you can significantly reduce the risk of varicose veins, as well as relieve swelling of the feet, reduce the likelihood of blood clots, support or strengthen damaged capillary walls.

At what age should compression stockings be worn?

Even if your legs are full of thighs or too thin - the modern assortment provides a wide choice for legs of various fullness and sizes.

After all, you really want to flaunt in a short dress or shorts in the summer, not embarrassed by dark and protruding veins. It is never too late to start taking proper care of your legs, although this ailment is considered age-related, but if there is a predisposition, why delay consulting a specialist?

Compression stockings are by no means an attribute of women of retirement age; often the first signs of inflammation of the veins also occur in young girls during pregnancy and do not go away after childbirth. So listen to yourself, examine your legs, and if the condition of your veins worries you - get compression stockings in your arsenal, wearing them even for several hours a day or days a week will help relieve excess stress and keep your legs healthy and beautiful!

How to choose stockings?

But which stockings to choose, how much time to wear them and how often - the phlebologist will tell you best, taking into account the lifestyle you lead and the type of load on your legs. You should not buy the first products that come across: the effect rendered also depends on the length, quality and price. If you choose compression stockings without the recommendation of a specialist and wear them for a long time, you can cause the opposite effect and worsen the health of the veins.

A competent specialist will select both the product and the wear schedule for you. These tips are for those who are just thinking about whether such stockings are needed or not, but if you already have a diagnosis of vein disease, or you have undergone a sclerotherapy procedure or are preparing for it - You can't avoid compression stockings.

Sclerotherapy is a procedure for the therapy and treatment of varicose veins and other diseases of the vascular and lymphatic system. The main advantage of this treatment is that the operation avoids tissue trauma and scarring.

The drugs are injected into damaged veins using a syringe and a thin needle, the number of injections per session should be no more than twelve and depends on the severity of the problem.

The injected drug causes the replacement of normal connective tissue, which causes a narrowing of the lumen of the vessel and a complete cessation of blood or lymph flow through it. After such an operation, the dressing of compression stockings is immediately prescribed, they help ensure that active superficial blood circulation does not interfere with the wall of the vessel (vein) sticking together. The attending physician will tell you exactly how long to wear them, but usually, even during the recovery period, you need to wear compression stockings for at least a month.

With thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, it is necessary to restore blood circulation, trophism of the skin and muscles. Compression stockings or stockings in these cases help to avoid circulatory disorders and eliminate congestion, the supportive effect and compression help restore proper blood flow and, thereby, supply body cells with nutrients and improve blood clotting.

How to wear compression stockings?

Wearing such products, depending on the severity of the condition, is prescribed for several hours a day, or even for the whole day, in especially severe cases, to achieve or maintain a positive effect, compression stockings are worn for years. And for example, in the heat it is not very comfortable, but health is worth it.

After EVLK (endovasal laser coagulation), the wearing of compression stockings and knitwear is usually prescribed for two to three weeks. But already during the second week, the period of wearing during the day begins to decrease, first at intervals of 20-30 minutes, then you can stay without compression stockings for several hours.

Then the time without compression hosiery is reduced significantly, and they are put on every other day, then after two. With a mild course of the disease, the terms of wearing such underwear are only a few days, and in the summer - no more than three to four days a week.

When removing areas of inflamed veins, compression therapy with class 2 knitwear after surgery is usually prescribed for 2 months.

After ovariectomy (removal of the ovaries) and after removal of the uterus, compression stockings are prescribed in conjunction with a supporting postoperative bandage, the period of wearing them can be from 7 to 30 days.

After arthroplasty (replacement of the hip joint with an artificial one), wearing compression stockings helps to significantly relieve pain and swelling, and also prevents the formation of blood clots. After the operation, they are prescribed not to be removed for a day, and 2-3 weeks after the operation, it is enough to wear them only at night.

Is it possible to remove stockings if there is discomfort and strong squeezing? And how often then to wear such jersey after the operation? Experts recommend not to abuse and wear compression stockings only to relieve symptoms of CVI (severity, swelling). The terms of wearing and the type of compression product must be discussed with the attending physician - remember that in each case everything is individual!

Be attentive to the condition and health of your feet!

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Phlebologists recommend wearing compression stockings to their patients, but often wearing medical knitwear is fraught with difficulties - the elastic material does not stay on its feet and slips.

To solve this problem is simple, it is quite competent to take measurements and determine the degree of compression required. Your doctor will help you set these parameters. The patient, in turn, should not save on the product, good stockings will last more than a year, and poor-quality material will become unusable in a few weeks.

Medical knitwear is often used to prevent the development and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. The degree of compression effect is determined by the phlebologist, depending on the stage of the disease and the patient's well-being.


In the departments of medical equipment, underwear of 4 degrees of exposure is presented. The maximum (fourth) is rarely prescribed when varicose veins are severely neglected.

The compression ratios for each option are discussed in the table:

First class underwear provides compression with functional distribution of pressure from the foot to the thighs. The list of indications for use includes:

  • spider veins;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • the period of labor activity.

Doctors recommend the use of such stockings for patients leading an inactive lifestyle - linen slows down the development of varicose veins and prevents its spread. This degree of exposure is sufficient to restore full blood flow and eliminate fatigue in the legs.

High-quality underwear of the second class of compression creates pressure on the skin and keeps swollen veins in an anatomical position. This type of underwear is used for progressive varicose veins and tombophlebitis. Stockings help stop the ensuing expansion of the veins and eliminate the feeling of heaviness. The therapeutic effect can be traced with prolonged use.

You can use underwear of this class as prescribed by a doctor. Under the influence of active pressure, the lumen of the veins narrows, and sagging areas are tightened, blood supply to problem areas is restored. Stockings of this class are produced using new technologies and have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. Severe compression is used in cases of deep vein thrombosis. Products are able to stop the progress of the disease and prevent blood stasis. Patients with deep thrombosis note a decrease in the intensity of pain when walking.

Linen of the fourth class of compression is used for severe violations of the outflow of lymph. The tool provides elimination of severe puffiness. It is often impossible to find suitable stockings, so doctors recommend using tight bandaging with an inextensible elastic bandage.

There is a so-called preventive underwear. Doctors recommend wearing it to patients with a predisposition to varicose veins. Such funds are worn with increased fatigue of the legs due to long static loads. Preventive knitwear is sold through pharmacies and shops.

Operating principle

Varicose veins cover different parts of the human body, but more often the disease appears on the lower extremities. The reason for its development is a strong stretching of the veins against the background of loss of elasticity of the vascular walls. The valves lose their ability to block the lumen of the vessels, and the blood flows in the opposite direction. This condition entails the progress of varicose veins with subsequent stretching of the vessel wall. The legs, especially the calves, receive a volumetric blood flow and varixes appear on the skin, swelling occurs.

To prevent the development of varicose veins, phlebologists recommend that the patient use special knitwear, in the form of tights or stockings for varicose veins. Medical products exert a distributed pressure on the limb and provide a systematic decrease in pressure in the vessels.


Men believe that stockings for varicose veins are prescribed only for women, but it is wrong. Phlebologists report that the treatment of a disease in men without the use of such drugs is more difficult, therefore, one should not refuse to prescribe a doctor.

Useful properties and harm

You can benefit from wearing medical stockings, subject to the rules when choosing, wearing and storing the product. The required degree of compression is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the nature of the course of the disease.

When used, you can get the following results:

  • narrowing of the venous lumen;
  • restoration of trophism of the skin;
  • elimination of pain;
  • elimination of night cramps;
  • reducing the likelihood of thromboembolism;
  • reducing the risk of developing trophic skin lesions;
  • stop the progress of varicose veins.

Medical knitwear is used during pregnancy and childbirth in women with a hereditary predisposition to venous diseases. Often used to simplify the course of the postoperative period.

Compared with elastic bandages, ready-made products have an undeniable advantage. Application does not require special skills from the user. Such underwear is imperceptible under thin, tight-fitting clothing and can be used regardless of the season.

Considering the shortcomings, it is worth noting that low-quality linen can provoke allergic reactions and often causes dermatological problems. It is better to take products that meet sanitary standards.

Indications and contraindications

The list of indications for use includes:

  • the initial stage of varicose veins;
  • genetic predisposition to diseases of the venous system;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • postoperative period;
  • the formation of spider veins;
  • complaints of heaviness in the limbs after a working day.

There is also a list of contraindications for use:

  • diabetes;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • heart disease;
  • lung disease;
  • osteosclerosis.

Wear rules

The duration of the use of underwear is determined by the doctor. Phlebologists recommend wearing it all the time during the daytime - only this condition ensures the desired therapeutic result.

How long to wear stockings for varicose veins

Medical jersey is used throughout the day, putting on immediately after waking up. In the summer, wearing becomes a cause of discomfort and inconvenience, but the problem is solved by purchasing breathable stockings.

The fact that discomfort is constantly present should be reported to the doctor. Pain and rubbing in the toe are not acceptable. When such violations occur, repeated measurements are taken and the correct size is selected. If underwear provokes irritation, baby powder is applied to the skin before putting it on.

How to wear

The technique of putting on stockings has its own peculiarities. Stockings are put on immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. The upper part of the product is folded into a pot and put on a sock on the foot, gradually straightening the stocking, pulling it up to the lower leg and thighs.

List of basic tips:

  • after removing linen, the skin is lubricated with a moisturizer;
  • put the product on dry skin;
  • worn during the day, removing before bed.


The elastic of anti-varicose stockings in the thigh area should not curl. This condition prevents normal blood flow. The product is considered unusable and must be replaced.

  • handwash;
  • it is forbidden to use bleaches;
  • liquid detergent or soap is used for cleaning;
  • washing is carried out at least 1 time in 3 days.

How to wear so as not to slip

Selected good quality compression stockings do not fall off when properly sized. The product should not sit freely, the patient should feel pressure on the limbs - if this condition is not met, the effect should not be expected.

In some cases, stockings and tights fall off due to poor-quality rubber bands or violations of the rules for washing and storing the product. The care instructions are indicated on the packaging and must be followed in order for the product to last a long time.

High quality stockings are wearable for 1-2 years, while a poor quality pair becomes unusable in a few weeks or months. When choosing underwear for long wear, you need to consider the options provided by trusted companies. For use in the postoperative or postpartum period, simple options are suitable, provided that the size is accurately determined.


Anti-varicose tights and stockings cannot be considered as a substitute for a full-fledged treatment. Therapy includes the use of medications and the use of physiotherapy techniques. Medical underwear helps to prevent the subsequent progress of the disease, but does not affect its course.

How to choose and wear stockings and stockings from varicose veins correctly? Phlebologists often hear this question from people who have been diagnosed with varicose veins. This disease is a fairly common pathology of the superficial veins of the lower extremities, caused by circulatory disorders and malfunctions in the functioning of the valve apparatus. In the absence of timely treatment, varicose veins are prone to progression, so the fight against it must be started in the early stages. Modern treatment of the disease is carried out in 2 ways: with the help of drug therapy and surgery. In both the first and second cases, doctors recommend that patients wear compression underwear made of compression stockings (stockings, stockings, etc.), which normalizes blood flow, prevents swelling and relieves heaviness in the legs.

Compression underwear has a therapeutic effect due to the constant dosed distribution of pressure along the walls of diseased vessels. Its regular wearing avoids further expansion of the veins, improves the functioning of the valves, supplies the tissues with oxygen, and prevents blood stasis in the legs. Indications for the use of stockings and stockings for varicose veins are:

  • prevention of the appearance of venous ailments in people prone to their development;
  • prevention of further progression of venous diseases;
  • the period after surgical treatment of veins;
  • high probability of thrombosis, if necessary, adhere to bed rest.

In order to choose the right socks and stockings for varicose veins, the patient needs to familiarize himself with their main varieties. Any elastic anti-varicose products are divided into compression classes. The smallest slimming effect is observed in prophylactic stockings and stockings. The average pressure on the venous walls is provided by elastic knitwear of 1, 2 and 3 compression classes. The highest pressure is in hospital products intended for people with severe forms of varicose veins.

Each compression class has its own characteristics and indications for operation. Preventive stockings and stockings for varicose veins are recommended for people who are prone to developing venous ailments. They put pressure on the veins of 15-18 mm Hg. Art. and help prevent varicose veins with such factors:

First-class compression knitwear exerts a pressure of 18-22 mm Hg on the lower limbs. Art. Indications for wearing it are:

  • prevention of varicose veins in pregnant women;
  • the initial stage of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI);
  • the presence of spider veins and dilated veins on the lower extremities;
  • complaints of pain, heaviness and swelling in the legs in the evenings.

Linen of the second class of compression has a pressure of 23-33 mm Hg. Art. and is prescribed for such problems:

Elastic stockings and stockings of the third compression class exert pressure on the legs of 34-46 mm Hg. Art. This underwear is shown:

  • with varicose veins, accompanied by edema and trophic ulcers;
  • in severe CVI;
  • with lymphedema;
  • with lymphovenous insufficiency.

Wearing hospital stockings and stockings for varicose veins allows you to create compression on the walls of blood vessels in excess of 49 mm Hg. Art. This type of underwear is recommended under the following conditions:

  • surgical treatment of varicose veins;
  • childbirth and the postpartum period in women suffering from venous ailments;
  • bed rest;
  • treatment in a hospital setting.

Slimming socks or stockings for varicose veins should be bought only on the recommendation of a phlebologist. The doctor will advise the patient on the required compression class and explain how to properly wear medical stockings. When should I choose compression stockings for varicose veins, and when should I prefer stockings? In case of a disease localized below the knee, it is necessary to purchase knee-high socks. If the pathology has affected the entire leg or areas above the knee, then it would be more appropriate to buy compression stockings.

Selection and use of products for varicose veins

How to choose compression socks or stockings? A properly selected product should correspond to the height and weight of a person, tightly fit his legs and not slip when walking. If the size of the slimming underwear is chosen incorrectly, it will not bring a therapeutic effect. It is necessary to purchase models of stockings and golfs for varicose veins in pharmacies on the recommendation of a doctor.

How to wear stockings for varicose veins correctly? Experts advise putting them on immediately after waking up and only then getting out of bed. They wear medical stockings throughout the day and take them off before going to bed. Do the same with elastic stockings.

Put on compression underwear as follows: the product is turned inside out, pulled over the toe, and only after that they begin to slowly distribute along the leg in the direction from the bottom up. For the best therapeutic effect, you need to wear stockings and stockings with your legs raised to the ceiling. At the end of each day, linen is washed with soap.

Jerseys against varicose veins are made for both women and men.

Women's models of stockings and stockings are available in various styles and colors and can be used instead of the usual sizeless tights or socks. Compression garments for men are discreet in color and designed to be worn exclusively under clothing.

How to wear compression stockings

Wearing compression stockings prevents varicose veins and the appearance of a venous mesh. Stockings and tights support the normal functioning of blood vessels, the tone of the skin of the legs. The use of medical products eliminates pain and discomfort in varicose veins.

Compression stockings can be used alone as a prophylactic, but only after consulting a doctor. Knitwear is selected individually, taking into account the length of the foot and the entire leg, the volume of the thigh and lower leg.

Wearing compression tights or stockings is prescribed for the following conditions and diseases:

· pregnancy;

varicose veins



According to the degree of pressure, compression knitwear is divided into 4 classes:

- the first class (18-21 mm Hg. Art.) is used as a prophylactic against venous diseases;

- the second (22–32 mm Hg) - at the first manifestations of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

- the third (33–46 mm Hg) and fourth (from 47 mm Hg) classes are used in the complex treatment of severe diseases.

How much you need to wear compression stockings is determined by a phlebologist. The minimum period of use of knitwear is 3 months. If varicose veins are identified, compression stockings may need to be worn constantly.

Products are put on after waking up, in a relaxed position, like ordinary stockings or tights. You need to wear them throughout the day, take them off only before going to bed or resting. When wearing compression underwear, it is allowed to use shoes with a heel no higher than five centimeters. Otherwise, the course of the disease may worsen.

The use of compression stockings is contraindicated in diseases such as:



lung and heart failure;

· diabetes;

thromboangiitis obliterans (Winivarter-Buerger's disease);


In addition, the use of medical knitwear is not recommended for cuts, skin diseases.

Compression stockings support the legs during everyday activities. Thanks to a wide selection, such products can be used daily, they practically do not differ from ordinary stockings.

Can I wear compression stockings for varicose veins?

Wearing compression stockings for varicose veins is not only possible, but necessary. However, you need to understand that anti-varicose stockings are a medical device, the choice of which must be approached responsibly. Compression stockings "Intex" differ in the degree of pressure exerted on the legs. The stronger the pressure, the higher the compression class (expressed in mmHg) indicated on the package.

If with severe varicose veins (a network of dilated superficial veins covers the legs from the lower leg to the thigh, severe swelling) wear stockings low compression class, elastic stockings will not have the desired effect. If in the initial stages of varicose veins (mild swelling without external manifestations) high compression stockings are worn (for example, compression classes 2 (23-32 mmHg)), stockings can provoke blood stasis and aggravate the condition.
Thus, before buying compression stockings (this primarily applies to stockings of the 2nd compression class), it is recommended consult with a phlebologist.

How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins?

In order for Intex medical stockings to be useful, you need to learn how to wear them.
How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins
Before putting on stockings, you need to put your hand inside the product, call for the heel part and turn it inside out to the heel area.

so you need to place the foot in the foot part of the stocking, carefully distributing the fabric along the heel. Then you need to intercept the stocking, distribute it along the ankle and, intercepting the inverted part of the knitwear, distribute the product along the leg. In this case, you need to ensure that the stocking does not twist and does not form folds.

How long to wear compression stockings for varicose veins
Varicose veins are an intractable disease. Even vein surgery cannot guarantee a complete recovery, so compression stockings must be worn throughout life. However, if the condition improves after compression therapy, the phlebologist will allow you to replace compression class 2 stockings with products of a lower class (1 or preventive compression class).

How long to wear compression stockings for varicose veins
With varicose veins, you need to wear compression stockings every day for 5-7 hours a day. At the same time, stockings should be put on immediately after waking up, when the swelling is minimal. If this is not possible, then before putting on stockings, you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes with your legs elevated on a pillow.

Therapeutic effect of compression stockings for varicose veins?

Previously, before the large-scale production of high-quality medical underwear, elastic bandages were widely used, the use of which has a number of disadvantages:

  • firstly, they should be applied very correctly every time, which does not always work out, and takes a lot of time
  • secondly, the appearance of the bandages does not allow them to be worn, for example, to work
  • thirdly, the low price for them turns out to be deceptive, since the bandages become unusable very quickly, which nullifies all the savings.

What is the effect of using medical medical knitwear? When squeezing dilated veins, compression underwear for varicose veins helps to accelerate blood flow through deep veins, thereby eliminating venous stasis (more about the mechanism of varicose veins). Moreover, high-quality modern compression knitwear provides for a graduated, that is, a gradual decrease in pressure from the lower leg to the thigh, or from the hand to the shoulder.

For example, in the lower part of the lower leg, the pressure that compression stockings or tights create is maximum 100%, and in the upper part of the thigh it is 40%. This is the most expedient and physiologically determined change in pressure, which has a therapeutic effect. This mode of distribution of pressure on the veins stimulates and normalizes the outflow of blood upward due to:

  • improvement and normalization of the valve apparatus
  • decrease in the enlarged lumen of the peripheral, especially the saphenous veins of the thighs and lower leg
  • increase the effect of the muscle pump - when the muscles contract from physical exertion, the blood is pushed up.

However, it should be remembered that treatment with compression underwear for varicose veins does not eliminate the deep causes of venous insufficiency, and it is used before radical, surgical treatment. This jersey imitates the situation - that the dilated veins are sealed or removed.

In addition, non-surgical conservative treatment of leg diseases should be comprehensive. The maximum effect can be obtained if you use creams, ointments recommended by your doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle, wear compression stockings or tights daily, and use folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins (see treatment of varicose veins).

Contraindications for the use of compression stockings

As with any treatment, each remedy or drug has a number of contraindications, and therapeutic medical knitwear is no exception. Some people absolutely should not use compression underwear, others should use it with caution after a thorough diagnosis and consultation with a doctor. If there are relative contraindications, you should consult a dermatologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

  • Such underwear is absolutely contraindicated for atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis obliterans, endoarteritis, orthoarteritis. With such chronic diseases of the arteries of the legs, leading to a decrease in the lumen of the vessels and systolic blood pressure less than 80 mm. rt. Art. it is absolutely impossible to reduce pressure in the lower extremities with the help of medical knitwear.
  • Care should be taken to use therapeutic jersey for people with excessively sensitive skin.
  • It is not advisable to use compression underwear for inflammatory skin diseases, allergic skin reactions, various dermatitis, bedsores, open wounds, acute thrombophlebitis and eczema.
  • A relative contraindication is diabetes mellitus, since if the vessels of the legs are damaged due to diabetes, such underwear should also not be used.
  • With septic phlebitis and serious cardiopulmonary insufficiency, when circulatory disorders occur at rest, compression stockings should also not be used.

Many people are afraid to start wearing compression underwear due to the fact that there is an opinion that knitwear provokes the development of atrophy of the muscular layer of the vein walls, and when their use is stopped, the opposite negative effect can occur - when the venous wall cannot counteract blood pressure in the lumen of the vessel. Therefore, due to atrophy of the walls of the veins, the existing varicose veins will progress even more.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to conduct clinical studies on each vein subject to compression, but phlebologists believe that this opinion is erroneous, since:

  • The patient cannot wear compression garments around the clock
  • In veins that are subject to compression, blood flow is reduced rather than stopped altogether.
  • Atrophy of the muscle wall most often occurs with a genetic location and a local specific inflammatory process during venous stasis and filling of the vein. And all this is reduced when using knitwear.
  • This can only happen according to the initial sensations of patients when the use of linen is stopped. In this case, a temporary deterioration in the condition and well-being occurs for some time, which is not explained by atrophy and progression of varicose veins, but by a temporary decrease in the tone of the venous wall.
  • Feedback and feelings of patients at the end of the use of compression underwear for varicose veins - it is difficult for most people to get used to starting to walk after using compression stockings. Many argue that when using a medical product, the legs become as if light and many do not want to refuse to use them anymore.

The opinion of British scientists - does compression stockings really help with varicose veins?

How to choose compression underwear

Medical compression underwear, knitwear is divided into: hospital, which is used only in hospitals, preventive and therapeutic. We will take a detailed look at the compression classes of therapeutic anti-varicose compression stockings, how to choose compression underwear, how to wear it and how to care for it.

The most important point is that you should buy compression stockings, tights, stockings only in specialized, orthopedic salons or salons of dealers of well-known brands. In them, trained staff knows how to choose the exact size of the linen, since the wrong size can turn the treatment into completely ineffective. In a special store, the seller will measure the leg in 4 places and select the size of tights or stockings according to a special table.

There are 4 levels of compression:

  • 18-21 mm. rt. Art. 1 compression class- this is a preventive compression that can and even needs to be constantly worn by persons:
    • prone to varicose veins
    • pregnant women
    • persons with initial signs of varicose veins, when the veins under the skin stand out strongly, if after a long sitting or standing there are pains in the legs, if the spider veins are pronounced and swelling appears in the area of ​​the feet and ankles at the end of the day.
    • healthy people whose lifestyle and work forces them to sit or stand for a long time - office workers, drivers, hairdressers, sellers.
  • 23 - 32 mm. rt. Art. 2nd compression class- this is the best, popular class that is used to treat thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
  • 34 - 46 mm. rt. Art. 3rd compression class- used for trophic disorders and severe venous insufficiency.
  • 49 and more 4th compression class- is used extremely rarely, with lymphatic edema.

Those who choose anti-varicose knitwear for the first time should not immediately buy expensive underwear of the 2nd degree of compression, it is possible that your vascular system will not be able to withstand it. When you walk around in inexpensive underwear for some time, get used to it if you feel comfortable in it, then you can choose better and more expensive compression underwear.

For prevention, of course, it is worth using only underwear of the 1st compression class, and already with the development of varicose veins, the compression class is determined by the phlebologist. Compression underwear cannot cure varicose veins, since the causes of its appearance are very deep and external influence can only stop it, prevent it from developing further, that is, compression stockings for varicose veins are designed to prevent the appearance of new varicose veins. In the summer, of course, it is impossible to wear knitwear, so in the warm season you should take medications orally, or use other methods of treatment.

You should also know that any compression underwear holds compression for no more than 5-7 months.

Reviews of some women about the quality of compensatory underwear from various manufacturers - Sigvaris knitwear, the average price of which, within 4,500 rubles, is almost no different from Copper, which costs about 2,500 rubles. Also quite good quality underwear made in Germany Ortho and Venoteks, the prices for which are quite reasonable 1000-1500 rubles.

What to look for when buying and how to avoid fake?

For therapeutic compression underwear for varicose veins, there are quality standards, one of the most significant and strict is the European standard RAL-GZ-387. In order for a manufacturer to use the logo of this standard, it must be rigorously certified in Germany or Switzerland. If the underwear has such a certificate, it means it is really of high quality, creates a distributed pressure of 40-70-100% and is therapeutic, you can learn about this standard from the packaging and the label on the product.

It is worth choosing the manufacturer very carefully, since there are a lot of fakes on the Russian wild market, so it is better to purchase compression stockings or compression tights either in dealer stores or in specialized stores, where specialists will accurately select the right model according to your measurements.

Since such knitwear should be worn every day, it must be hypoallergenic, in order to determine this, the purchased product must have the sign of the European environmental safety standard Oeko-Tex Standard 10.

Are there any peculiarities when putting on compression stockings, tights, stockings?

You should be aware that even the second class of compression hosiery, which is considered the most common, is sometimes “beyond the strength” for the patient:

  • Often this occurs due to the inconvenience and difficulty of putting underwear on your feet. The peculiarity of such knitwear is that it cannot be worn like children's tights, gathering it into an accordion and then pulling it up. Both stockings and tights should be put on gradually, straightening on the leg. If a person has a large belly, and tying a shoelace is already a problem, then it will also be difficult to put on underwear.
  • For ease of putting on, many use special devices offered in the same salons. As well as gloves that you should definitely wear, they can be both household and medical, since expensive underwear can be ruined by a manicure and it will be better to slip underwear if your hands are in gloves.
  • Naturally, toenails should be trimmed, filed, there should be no calluses, roughness, otherwise the linen will quickly tear or there will be a lot of puffs.
  • It is also important that the legs are dry, and the underwear too, compression stockings should be worn in the morning, when the legs are not swollen and rested.
  • It is especially difficult to put on products of the 3rd compression class - this is a lot of work, and if the patient believes his phlebologist and is sure that he needs such treatment, then you should be patient, otherwise you should not start treatment with this class. It is usually recommended to wear compression classes 3 and 4 using a special special device.

How to care for compression underwear?

  • It is best to have 2 pairs of compression stockings, since it should be washed every day - this is necessary to get rid of the smallest specks, dust, skin particles, since they can damage the fibers of the laundry faster than detergents.
  • Wash only by hand with baby soap, as it cannot be washed in washing machines. The temperature of the water during washing should not be higher than 40 C, and it is also impossible to iron and bleach linen.
  • Any rinse aids and conditioners have a destructive effect on the structure, so they should also not be used when washing.
  • It is necessary to dry the linen in a straightened form on a horizontal surface, in no case should it be squeezed out by twisting, but only slightly gently pressed into a towel. Do not dry knitwear on a battery, on a conventional dryer in a vertical position, as well as in the open sun or with a hair dryer.
  • You should also take care of the silicone strips on the stockings, they quickly lose their fixing properties after contact with water, try not to wet them when washing, but wipe them with an alcohol wipe.

Why men's orthopedic stockings are needed for varicose veins on the legs

For proper prevention and treatment of varicose veins in the legs, doctors recommend wearing products made of elastic compression material, elastic stockings for varicose veins in the legs. Stockings are designed to strengthen muscle fibers, the venous system of the lower extremities, reduce swelling in the legs and pain.

The action of medical special compression stockings and tights consists in squeezing dilated veins with a special elastic fabric. As a result, the blood actively circulates, does not stagnate in the veins and does not form prerequisites for the formation of blood clots and clots.

Patients who systematically wear compression stockings for varicose veins notice a reduction in veins, a decrease in heaviness in the limbs and an improvement in general well-being.

How to choose compression stockings for varicose veins

Having decided to purchase corrective knitwear, people with varicose veins are interested in the composition, quality, strength of the material, and comfort. For women, the aesthetic appearance of the product is of great importance. These are not all qualities to consider.

In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is not recommended to purchase elastic stockings from varicose veins on the legs on your own, you need to consult your doctor. Only a phlebologist can determine the degree of compression, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

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The following types of stockings are produced: classic, with an open part. For patients with large limbs, silicone rubber bands, belt.

Elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs

Elastic underwear classes:

  1. Zero and 1 class are used for preventive purposes. No expert advice is required to purchase. It is recommended to use with a sedentary lifestyle, daily weight lifting, pregnancy, minor swelling.
  2. Class 2 and 3 are used for swelling, pain, spider veins, after surgery. Appointed by a phlebologist.
  3. Class 4 is used in the advanced stages of varicose veins, the postoperative period and prolonged bed rest.

For corrective models and simple socks, knitwear density units (DEN) are typical. The measurement parameters are millimeters of mercury. For prevention, zero-class models are recommended, their density should not exceed 18 millimeters of mercury.

At a certain stage of varicose veins, it is necessary to adhere to the following classification of the degree of compression. Compression underwear for varicose veins, therapeutic elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs are divided into categories:

  • The emphasis on the limbs is 18 - 21 millimeters of mercury. It is recommended for the initial signs of the disease, the wearing of heaviness and minor minor pains in the limbs;
  • Stockings have compression in the degree of 23-32 millimeters. Shown specifically for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • The pressure on the limbs that the product exerts can vary from 34 to 46 millimeters of mercury. Recommended for advanced deterioration and progressive course of the disease, trophic disorders;
  • Fourth grade. Compression exceeds 49 mm, is prescribed in exceptional cases.

Be sure to pay attention to the size. With the help of a centimeter tape, the hips, lower and upper parts of the lower leg, ankle, foot and leg length are measured, after which the dimensions are compared with the table. If the measurements do not match, these stockings cannot be used.

best time for measuring parameters are the morning hours, since by the evening there is a high probability of swelling on the legs.


Compression underwear is different from the usual, as it is made using a special technology. The stockings contain elastane, which creates a compression effect. A characteristic feature of the product is that they are difficult to stretch, creating maximum comfortable comfort. In any season of the year they do not let in the cold and breathe in the summer.

There are rubber and cotton lines of compression products. Especially for males, stockings are produced that act as a bandage. Visually, they resemble long black socks.

How to choose and wear medical stockings for men

Phlebologists advise wearing stockings for varicose veins for three months. They should be put on in the morning, walk all day, regardless of the season and temperature. At night, you should let your body rest and take off your underwear. In hot weather, the product can cause some discomfort, but for the sake of healing from an unpleasant disease, like varicose veins, you can put up with temporary inconvenience.

In extreme cases, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe stockings with a lower degree of compression.
Corrective tights or stockings must be worn carefully so that there are no hooks on them. For the duration of the treatment, it is better to get rid of the manicure.

In order not to stretch your knees, you should squat as little as possible. Ordinary thin silk socks that are worn on top will help protect the heel from rubbing and the appearance of holes.

To elastic stockings from varicose veins on the legs lasted longer, you should follow some rules for caring for them:

  • Wash by hand only;
  • The product cannot be twisted and squeezed;
  • Washing water should be warm, but not hot;
  • Dry away from radiators and heaters;
  • Avoid damage to the product, may lose effectiveness;
  • Stockings should be changed at 3-6 months.

It is better to buy two pairs to wear without interruption. While one pair is drying, the second is used.

Advantages of stockings 2 compression class

Compared with medical elastic bandages, corrective stockings for varicose veins of the lower extremities have a lot of advantages:

  1. High quality, attractive to look at.
  2. They do not differ from ordinary stockings.
  3. They don't slip.
  4. A wide range of products allows you to choose tights to your taste.
  5. Provide uniform pressure throughout the body on the veins and blood vessels.
  6. With careful use, they last a long time.

Elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs are more expensive than simple elastic bandages. Mathematical calculations show that buying stockings is more economically beneficial, since you will need a lot of bandages.

Healing properties

The compression pressure method is not innovative; for a long time, trophic ulcers have been treated with pressure bandages and bandages. A distinctive feature of corrective stockings is their ability to create a load of a certain force on different areas of the legs during wearing.

Elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs help a lot, you will begin to notice the first results after the first applications during the day. You will feel new sensations when wearing.

In the lower part of the limb, the pressure is 100%, the veins will need to make every effort to raise blood from this area. As the blood moves upward, the compression will weaken. On the shins, it will be 70%, on the hips - 40%. Stockings compress the veins, forcing blood to be pushed out and promoted through the vessels.

The blood flow directed towards the heart will be activated in the process of load distribution. The healing properties of orthopedic stockings include:

  • Creation of protection against stretching of the veins;
  • Stabilization of blood flow;
  • Prevention of the formation of blood clots, pathological nodes;
  • Getting rid of pain, swelling in the legs.


Special indications for the use and wearing of products:

  1. Vascular asterisks, edema, fatigue in the extremities.
  2. Family legacy.
  3. Pregnancy period.
  4. Swollen, protruding veins.
  5. Postoperative period (recommend stockings for surgery).
  6. The period after the intended treatment course of injections.

Corrective stockings can be worn as a preventive measure for the disease. Even to users who experience regular heaviness on the lower limbs, for example, athletes.

Contraindications for use are:

  1. Skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).
  2. Injured areas of the skin.
  3. The occurrence of diabetes.
  4. Identification of a patient with cardiovascular insufficiency in the body.
  5. Atherosclerosis.

Elena Malysheva's blog video

A video from Elena Malysheva's program “Live Healthy” - how to choose the right compression tights, socks, stockings from varicose veins on the extremities.

Stockings for pregnant women

During the period of bearing a child, wearing corrective products is desirable for preventive purposes against the disease. If signs of varicose veins in the legs were observed in a woman before pregnancy, stockings for pregnant women from varicose veins must be worn.
For expectant mothers, there are special products that do not have a compressive mesh and have a belt for fixation.

Tip - belly-supporting tights. In such models there are strong inserts that reduce pressure on the vessels. Sometimes orthopedic tights can cause irritation in pregnant women, the use of a moisturizer is recommended.

Photo of elastic stockings on a snake

How to wear and wear compression stockings after surgery

Before the procedure, it is necessary to put the feet in order with a file to remove peeling and calluses, remove jewelry from the hands. You can wear gloves, so it will be easier to move the stockings up.

Corrective stockings for varicose veins: where to buy, prices

You can buy corrective underwear in specialized stores, salons and pharmacies. The range is quite wide, the cost of the product ranges from 1500 to 6000 thousand rubles. Doctors do not recommend purchasing cheap models, they will serve the owner for a short period of time.

When buying, you should ask about all the documents on the quality standard. The most famous suppliers of compression underwear are German, Italian and Swiss brands.

Vascular disease is a common occurrence. Many women experience varicose veins after the age of 30. The problem is familiar to some men. Any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. As a preventive measure, you can use compression underwear for varicose veins. Which one is better? Decisions can be made after consulting a doctor.

What is varicose veins?

Before understanding the need to use compression underwear, it is worth understanding what varicose veins are. An irreversible change in the vessels that carry blood to the heart is considered a serious pathology. In some cases, varicose veins cause the formation of bloody plaques, which subsequently come off and lead to the death of the patient. Stretching of the venous walls is an irreversible process. Their condition can be restored only through surgical intervention. Medicines or special compression underwear can only stop the process of destruction of blood vessels and veins. Tight clothing can be used for prevention if the patient has a predisposition to varicose veins.

The problem is that women and men of working age face the disease. In connection with the anatomical features, the representatives of the weaker sex are more susceptible to the disease. Women who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to spend a lot of time on their feet (teachers, hairdressers, sellers, etc.) fall into the risk zone. The risk of varicose veins also increases in those who spend a lot of time in a sitting position (for example, in the office at the computer). Movement is the basis for the prevention of varicose veins.

A sedentary lifestyle is not the only reason for the development of the disease. Increased physical activity can also provoke the development of pathologies of blood vessels and veins. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase compression underwear for women and men who are professionally involved in sports. In addition, healthy women during pregnancy may encounter the disease. Varicose veins are the main cause of hemorrhoids.

It is impossible to predict whether you will have to face the disease. Prevention is the key to success. Compression underwear, stockings, bandages - all this will help if the first symptoms of the pathological process appear.

History reference

For the first time, the compression method began to be used in ancient Egypt. Special compression stockings then, of course, were not used. Slaves and soldiers wrapped their legs in dense cloth or genuine leather to relieve swelling and fatigue. In the future, in many countries, such bandages were used to increase the endurance of the military. The Russian army even had a special name - "onuchi".

Elastic bandage with polyurethane fibers is today considered the great-grandfather of compression underwear. It was used for medical purposes, not only to stop bleeding. The compression method is firmly fixed in various fields of medicine.

The first compression underwear appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Its plus was that the pressure was constantly applied, while the bandage had to be regularly tightened.

Compression hosiery is used in many areas of medicine today. Reviews of experts show that with its help, patients recover faster after operations, and its effectiveness in the fight against varicose veins is generally difficult to overestimate.

Types of compression underwear

The main feature of compression underwear is the distribution of pressure on the limbs of a person. The lower part of the leg (above the ankle) receives maximum pressure. With lifting up, the pressure decreases, the smallest is on the femoral area. This distribution of the impact force allows you to normalize the lymph flow, eliminate the stagnation of venous blood.

The range of special underwear is quite diverse. Depending on the localization of the problem, you can choose compression tights, stockings, socks, stockings, bandages and even sleeves. In addition, you will be able to choose the desired option for size and length. The most popular among women suffering from varicose veins are stockings. It was this type of product that at one time replaced compression bandages and made life easier for people suffering from the disease. Today, manufacturers take into account not only the healing effect of models, but also work on their appearance. Women have the opportunity to choose stockings for their style of clothing.

If varicose veins are observed above the knees, compression stockings will do. This option should also be chosen by patients suffering from hemorrhoids. Therapeutic compression underwear today practically does not differ from products without a special purpose. That is, squeezing tights look the same as ordinary nylon ones. Thus, a woman can look attractive and at the same time stop the development of varicose veins.

Compression stockings can be used for people with leg swelling. The height of the product usually reaches the knee. Therefore, this option is also suitable for the initial stage of vein expansion. Compression stockings are recommended for women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Thus, it will be possible to protect oneself from varicose veins provoked by rapid weight gain.

Indications for the use of compression stockings

All special knitwear is divided into two groups: therapeutic and prophylactic. Varicose veins are far from the only disease in which the principle of compression can be used. Compression hosiery is widely used for bedridden patients. Reviews of doctors show that due to squeezing, it is possible to normalize the condition of the patient's vessels. Due to this, blood stasis is significantly reduced. In some cases, compression underwear helps to prolong a person's life.

With the help of compression underwear, edema can be prevented in patients suffering from kidney disease. In this case, only a doctor should make an appointment. Do not use tights or stockings on your own. You need to know how to choose compression underwear in a particular case. Only a qualified specialist will help to understand this.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to use compression stockings. Women in position can wear it starting from the second trimester. Initially, this is not necessary if the woman is healthy and the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The compression method helps a woman remove swelling at the end of the day, prevent the development of seizures and, of course, varicose veins.

Compression knitwear in sports

Therapeutic compression underwear is also widely used by athletes. With its help, it is possible to restore the condition of the joints, blood vessels and muscles after grueling workouts. Scientists have long argued about the benefits of using the compression method when choosing clothes for professional athletes. However, most studies show that the use of special suits and underwear allows you to achieve success in numerous competitions.

Professional sports are a real blow to health. Representatives of this sphere sooner or later face malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system. Compression knitwear helps to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of professional sports. Reviews of experts show that such clothing contributes to the compression of deep veins. As a result, blood vessels narrow, blood flow is stimulated, more oxygen and nutrients enter the muscles. At the same time, carbon dioxide and decay products are removed from the body.

Another undoubted plus of special compression clothing for athletes is additional protection. As a rule, such jersey is made of durable materials and acts as a "shell" when struck. This means that compression clothing significantly reduces the risk of injury during tricks.

Compression clothing relieves pain. No wonder it is recommended for use in the postoperative period. Scientists have done interesting research. A day after running for a distance of 10 km, the athletes were offered to put on compression socks. All participants in the experiment noted that pain in the foot decreased. At the same time, in those places where compression was not applied, the pain remained the same.

Materials of manufacture and classes of compression underwear

They make special clothes from hypoallergenic materials. In most cases, these are elastic nylon or cotton fibers, lycra or microfiber. Special clothing has no seams. Therefore, first of all, compression underwear is shown for varicose veins. What is better to choose in a particular case? It is worth paying attention to the classes that are distributed according to the squeezing force.

  1. First grade. This is the least pressure. Such knitwear can be called preventive. It is recommended to use it if at the end of the working day you feel a strong fatigue of the legs, spider veins appear, the veins slightly increase.
  2. Second class. This is knitwear that is used if thrombophlebitis or moderate varicose veins are diagnosed.
  3. Third class. Linen is used for the treatment of venous insufficiency, as well as severe varicose veins.
  4. Fourth grade. These are the clothes with the highest degree of compression. Such knitwear is indicated for violations of the lymph flow.

Preventive underwear, as well as clothes belonging to the first class, can be selected and purchased independently. Knee-highs, socks and tights with increased squeezing should be selected by a doctor. In addition, the specialist should tell you how to wear compression underwear for a particular disease.

How to choose special compression stockings?

The choice of compression underwear is quite wide. It is necessary to select the appropriate option based on the problems to be solved. Ideally, advice should be given by a doctor. Where to buy compression underwear? Exclusively in pharmacies or specialized stores. Upon request, the seller must provide a quality certificate. The use of low-quality models can only aggravate the situation. As a result, varicose veins will progress and the patient will not be able to avoid surgical intervention.

The type of compression underwear should be selected based on the localization of the problem. And golfs, and stockings, and tights perfectly cope with their task. However, it makes no sense to overpay if varicose veins are observed only in the lower part of the leg. Tights will cost much more than stockings. In addition, manufacturers make tights with original patterns and pay great attention to design. And this only increases the final cost of the product. Golfs are designed to be used under trousers. Therefore, usually their appearance is not given much attention.

The compression class should be selected exclusively by a doctor. Today, many people prefer trusted brands that offer compression underwear for varicose veins. Which one is better? The greatest number of positive reviews can be heard about the brands "Inteks", ORTO, "Venotex". All products of the listed manufacturers are certified. Therefore, the likelihood of complications, subject to the correct selection and operation of knitwear, is absent.

How to wear compression underwear?

The way the product is used depends on its type. So, it is advisable to use preventive knitwear (first class) throughout the day, take it off only at night. There are no restrictions on the duration of use of such products.

How long to wear compression underwear if you had to deal with the initial stage of varicose veins? In this case, the specialist will most likely recommend using second-class underwear. It will have to be used within six months. Such underwear should be put on immediately after waking up and taken off before going to bed. After 6 months, the specialist examines the patient and decides on the need for further use of compression underwear. It is possible that you will have to wear models with a reduced degree of compression for another 6 months.

Hospital linens begin to be used a few days before the proposed surgical intervention and for several weeks after it. During the rehabilitation period, compression stockings can only be used at night.

Compression stockings are quite thick. Therefore, there may be some difficulties when putting it on. Specialty stores offer special gloves that increase glide over tights, socks or stockings. They are definitely worth buying. It will be possible to facilitate the process of using special underwear if you regularly take care of your feet (remove dead skin, trim your nails in a timely manner).

When should compression stockings not be used?

Any method of therapy has its contraindications. Medical compression underwear is no exception. For some people, special knitwear is categorically contraindicated, for others it must be used with caution. It will be necessary to refuse the use of compression underwear for aortoarteritis, atherosclerosis, and some other chronic diseases of the arteries. Constant squeezing of blood vessels will only aggravate the pathological process.

Patients with hypersensitivity of the skin will have to use compression socks, tights and stockings with caution. Constant squeezing can cause redness and peeling. You will have to refuse to use knitwear in case of skin injuries. Increased compression often causes bleeding. Do not wear compression stockings or stockings if there are deep cuts or purulent rashes on the legs.

A relative contraindication is diabetes mellitus, since this disease also damages the walls of blood vessels. The possibility of using compression stockings should be discussed with your doctor.

There is an opinion that the use of compression stockings leads to atrophy of the walls of the veins. As a result, after the cessation of the use of special tights, varicose veins progress even more. Such a probability exists only if the patient has been using underwear for more than 6 months continuously. Therefore, every six months it is necessary to consult a doctor. If there is no positive dynamics, the patient will be referred for surgery.

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