I do not smoke the second day a strong drowsiness. I quit smoking - I constantly want to sleep. What to do

When quitting smoking, many smokers experience a withdrawal syndrome that occurs with an abundance of clinical symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms appear when the concentration of nicotine in the bloodstream decreases.

Patients experience mood lability, outbursts of aggression and irritability, apathy or depression. Then pathological drowsiness joins and increased appetite.

A former smoker must understand that this is a short-term condition, which is a manifestation of the body's adaptation. However, when pronounced violation normal life withdrawal syndrome requires medical attention.

The absence of nicotine in the body triggers a cascade of adaptive reactions that affects all organ systems. All changes are intended to preserve steady state and maintenance of normal physiological processes.

Etiology of hypersomnia

The appearance of drowsiness when quitting smoking is the result of a number of reasons:

  • The pharmacological action of nicotine is represented by a stimulating and tonic effect on the structures of the nervous system. With a decrease in its usual concentration in the blood, apathy, loss of strength, a decrease in volitional potential and hypersomnia occur.
  • Refusal of cigarettes leads to temporary tissue hypoxia due to disruption of normal blood oxygenation. Most of all, the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen, where the centers for regulating sleep and wakefulness are located.
  • Hypersomnia is defensive reaction organism on stressful condition. The nervous system tries to compensate for severe distress and generates inhibitory impulses that inhibit activity.
  • In an attempt to cope with stress, many patients themselves resort to sedatives, and drowsiness becomes a side reaction.
  • Long-term smoking produces in a person conditioned reflexes and false assumptions. Most smokers start their mornings with a cigarette, which, in their opinion, gives a burst of energy and cheerfulness. Rejection bad habit breaks established patterns. The patient unconsciously simulates drowsiness and prostration.

According to the observations of former tobacco addicts, when you quit smoking, you want to sleep for about a month. The body then adjusts to function without nicotine stimulation, and the entire withdrawal pattern disappears.

Appetite increase

Increased appetite is associated with physiological and psychological reasons.

Physiological factors

The development of polyphagy is based on a violation of two mechanisms.

Nicotine affects receptors in the pituitary zone of the brain. In the adenohypophysis there are centers responsible for saturation. Excitation of this area leads to a decrease in appetite.

Nicotine indirectly affects adrenaline, increasing its release due to stimulation of the nervous system. This hormone increases glucose concentration and fatty acids in the blood, so the body needs less nutrients from the outside.

Psychological factors

The reason for polyphagy lies in the desire to find an alternative to smoking. The patient is trying to get the pleasure or satisfaction that cigarettes previously brought.

food becomes the only way distract from the pathological craving for nicotine. The frequency of meals correlates with the occurrence of the desire to smoke.

Quitting smoking is essential. The patient must have a stable motivational base that will help him cope with the manifestations of dependence.

There are many helper methods aimed at the treatment of withdrawal symptoms.

You should strictly adhere to the daily routine and normalize your schedule in order to avoid overexertion and deterioration.

Possible consequences

Ex-smokers may experience a number of unwanted symptoms that affect all areas of life:

  • temporary loss of working capacity;
  • decreased cognitive function and concentration;
  • fatigue and inability to perform usual duties;
  • violation of psycho-emotional status;
  • decreased libido.

Patients working in the areas of transport services, with mechanical systems or in chemical production are at greater risk. A decrease in concentration and attention span in this group of people can lead to occupational injury or disability.

Get rid of general weakness, hypersomnia or increased appetite, you can use simple recommendations, follows:

  • observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen, following a predetermined schedule;
  • walk daily;
  • ventilate the room and maintain the optimum room temperature;
  • you need to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor in the evening;
  • drink vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • diversify diet and include all the necessary nutrients.

When the withdrawal syndrome is resistant to conservative therapy should apply for medical care. The doctor will prescribe tonic drugs and give recommendations on proper organization daily routine.

What is forbidden to do?

The patient should not resort to methods that create a false perception of improvement. These include the following methods:

  • use alcohol and psychoactive substances;
  • return to smoking
  • use medications without consulting a doctor;
  • accept increased dosages tonic drugs;
  • abuse energy drinks.

Many smokers eventually notice that they want to sleep during the day after smoking another cigarette. Most often, drowsiness is associated with a banal lack of sleep, but many note that during the holidays, when it is difficult to talk about heavy loads, fatigue and lack of sleep, the problem does not disappear, as it turns out that it is associated with addiction. Why does smoking make you want to sleep? How to get rid of the problem? How long will the recovery process take?

Possible reasons

Medicine immediately notes a complex of reasons that, when smoking, can become the answer to the question of why you want to sleep and, accordingly, the working capacity, attentiveness and learning ability of a person decreases:

What happens in the body

Nicotine entering the body causes a spasm of blood vessels in all internal organs. This is especially reflected in the brain, which consumes the lion's share of oxygen and nutrients. Bottom line permanent lung fasting becomes the development of tissue ischemia and disruption internal organs(first of all, the sex glands, adrenal glands and thyroid maintaining normal health and normal work the whole organism).

Lack of nutrients and oxygen along with large quantity harmful substances entering the body, negatively affects the condition immune system, which can no longer effectively fight diseases. The result of this is the appearance of various life-threatening diseases, primarily of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, tuberculosis, COPD, cancer). In addition, the constant stress of the immune system leads to an overexpenditure of energy and, accordingly, fatigue, which ends with the fact that from smoking you constantly want to sleep.

How to deal with it?

If you smoke and constantly want to sleep, then getting rid of the problem should be comprehensive and begin with quitting smoking. After that, the natural process of restoration of all internal organs and systems will begin in the body. Its duration is determined by the experience of the smoker, the state of health and usually takes several months.

What to do if you want to sleep and how to shorten the recovery period of the body:

  1. normalize the daily routine by allocating at least 8 hours a day for sleep (it is advisable to go to bed at the same time, and, if possible, put into practice daytime sleep);
  2. take daily walks fresh air(the bigger, the better);
  3. reduce the amount of stress;
  4. stop drinking alcohol, coffee and other stimulants (they exhaust the body even more, giving an imaginary feeling of cheerfulness for a while);
  5. go in for sports (a daily light jog in the morning or evening will be quite enough).

In addition, it is advisable to consult a therapist and undergo complex diagnostics organism, which will determine the presence of any diseases and allow them to begin treatment. Often, ex-smokers notice the onset of symptoms only after giving up the addiction due to the normalization of the immune system, which begins to respond to alarm signals from the internal organs, so listen carefully to your body.

The process of restoring the body after giving up nicotine becomes a complex, responsible job. It does not disappear overnight and it is not known how many days it will last, but it obviously takes much less time than was spent directly on smoking tobacco, which the smoker spent for past period nicotine addiction.

If you have no conscience, you are the founder in false reasoning. You start following the wrong lines of thought, looking at the wrong things, making the wrong plans for the wrong people by ignoring the right people and tending to treat people the wrong way.

Even if you do not smoke, the oxygenation of the blood and brain decreases. If you don't receive enough oxygen in your brain, you live in a state of weakened consciousness, half-asleep, numb. Think about your decision to smoke every cigarette consciously.

A bit of "paradoxical psychology": The next time you smoke, try to enjoy it too. Do nothing but enjoy the taste, smell and sensation of smoking. Do this - pay attention to smoking - and you may find yourself smoking less.

What to do when you throw the last cigarette, and how not to break loose if you want to smoke no less than on the first day after the decision to get rid of the annoying habit? What to do if the desire to smoke does not weaken for a long time and constantly irritates with importunity? And how not to smoke again? What to do if the habit is addictive and becomes dangerous? How can you stop in time?

Also, if you smoke this way, you will be less likely to smoke unconsciously and automatically as a reflex habit. Finally, as you learn to pay more attention to how you feel, you will soon find that it feels much better not to smoke.

If necessary, on Saturday or Sunday, let me smoke. You smoke because you have problems. But in smoking, you develop a mentality that causes your problems. Perhaps you are not smart enough. This is the easiest chart for breaking a habit: 10% reduction every week.

Typically, the craving for smoking and the ability to break loose occurs after:

  1. stressful situations.
  2. naps.
  3. Just food.
  4. Physical loads.

A long smoking period enhances attraction, again causing positive emotions after taking a certain dose of nicotine. Lighting a cigarette again in moments of joy, anger, fatigue, a person, instead of quitting completely, stops wanting a cigarette, calms down and after some time normalizes the nervous system. The list of reasons why you fail to quit smoking and one day you start smoking is endless.

Another rejection trick: choose to go out for only 5 days. After that, you can resume your habits. First day: you hardly notice it. Day 2: If the urge kicks in, start saying to yourself, "I made it to the end of the week." Day Four: It's like a Thursday in a work or school week: almost "Friday" which will be easy.

Day Five: The "Friday" of your week is a breeze because you can already start looking tomorrow into tomorrow. With these general tricks, you can easily make it in five days. And that will be enough to notice positive effects. Sooking is neither self-actualizing nor self-actualizing behavior.

The desire to defeat addiction, to want not to break loose, to control behavior after giving up cigarettes does not immediately arise. Time passes, but the urge to smoke is no less strong. It must be taken into account that some time will have to be taken for the initial craving for smoking, the disappearance of physical and emotional associations and the emergence of the ability to do right choice. Many treatises have been written on the topics of how to stop wanting to smoke and how not to break loose. Inveterate smokers re-read educational materials all day long, but, if they want, they condescendingly undertake to smoke another cigarette.

You smoke because you are depressed, but later the physiological effects of tobacco make you depressed. You breathe because you are worried and worried about the future; but smoking makes you miss the opportunities of today. you could see your true feelings, attitudes, preferences and beliefs, you would not smoke. This is a basic problem with human psychology. The Not-Self is built from false beliefs about who we are. Our false self is built on these erroneous and incorrect opinions. People feel a great need to act consistently.

To learn how to stop wanting to smoke and understand the intricacies of your own behavior after giving up the addiction, you must consciously analyze at what point the thought comes: I’m quitting, but I want to smoke! It is worth considering how you imperceptibly begin to want tobacco more, take a cigarette and smoke with a sense of accomplishment.

Therefore, as soon as we receive false opinions about ourselves, we are forced to act on them. When you smoke, you get into identification with your Not-Self; you make it stronger, more rooted. We are not talking about distant, abstract or esoteric concepts here.

Your true self is in control when you do what you know you should do. By following your Not-Self, you are not leading happiness because it is built on assumptions and beliefs about who you are, not who you really are. All your excuses for not leaving right now are weird.

After realizing why you want to smoke, it will become easier not to break loose and not fall into your arms. cigarette smoke and overcome the cravings for smoking.

What interferes with nicotine?

This checklist of triggers will help you:

  • Quickly get rid of unwanted associations.
  • To give the ability to fight the desire to smoke.
  • Find out what to do.
  • Understand how to quit smoking and not break loose after a while.

In nine out of ten cases, after it starts to turn out and you absolutely don’t want to smoke, the quitter or the person who has already quit cannot stop and returns to the habit one day. It is worth deciding what pulls you to smoke and why you can’t quit smoking, how you get captured by nicotine.

They are not motivated by true reasoning, but by false reasoning caused by addiction or unconscious motives. Everything related to smoking is self-deception. This is a lie: you want to smoke; that it makes you feel good; it's terribly hard to stop.

With this feature: wage for sin was precisely that you do not recognize sin as sin, that it harms you and that you do not want it. No time to smoke a reasonable or logical thing. It's always incorrect choice among the available options. So when you decide to smoke a cigarette, it means that you are either habitually alone or you are not thinking logically. Therefore, the very fact of your smoking should alert you to evaluate and change your mental state.

The urge to smoke and the desire to smell tobacco when quitting smoking are among the four states discussed below.

  • Hunger

It is better to distract hunger not by smoking a cigarette, but by light, but low-calorie snacks. If a former smoker fears weight gain after quitting habitual smoke, then you need to drink some ordinary drinking water. Fluid will help you want to eat less and not smoke again. Prepare healthy and healthy snacks every day. An ordinary carrot or a small bunch of grapes will come in handy.

Falcon is bad habit- and focus on the word "habit". It's like other habits - things that people do automatically without realizing it. One of the keys to breaking bad habit- do an action that you notice consciously.

If you're going to smoke, don't smoke and don't forget what you're doing. Consciously say to yourself, "I'm smoking right now." Conscious of activity, you can bring your higher mental capacity. You can start asking questions like. People can sometimes relax when they smoke because it forces them to take long, slow, controlled breaths. You can do the same without a cigarette and it's much better.

Small weight gain after nicotine withdrawal is reduced by exercise. They will balance the metabolism, and the questions of what to do and how not to break loose will gradually fade into the background. Some unpleasant long days will pass, and when the expected positive result, it will become easier to defeat the feeling of hunger. The person begins to want to eat usual amount food, as before the moment when he quit smoking.

If you examine your thoughts before smoking, you will begin to notice a pattern: immediately before your decision to smoke, your thinking becomes negative. A person rarely, if ever, smokes while thinking something good. You don't say to yourself: Wow! Rather, your thoughts will most likely look like this: "Life is bad" or "I'm worried about money."

What you need to do is to catch yourself in the process of descending into negative thinking. As you practice paying attention to this, you will begin to notice the specific decision point. Then see if you can resist the "temptation" to think negatively.

You should not become strict and stop living normally, limiting the stomach in eating. If you feel like smoking and don’t know what to do, then a light snack will help you not to break loose and endure the tobacco cessation program. The main thing after the body has got used to the absence of the usual dose of nicotine is to know how to quit smoking and not start again, and you can lose weight later.

You don't smoke because you enjoy it. It is a neurotic habit with a hidden, unconscious, negative motivation. You continue because you have created a social persona that includes smoking. You are afraid that you will not be able to imagine yourself to others without it. When you quit smoking, your natural good qualities will appear automatically.

The philosopher Plato proposed a model of the human mind - much better than Freud's. Plato's model, like Freud's, consists of three parts: intellect, appetites, and a third part that does not have a simple modern name but it is a combination of anger, courage, heroism, ambition and defiance. Used inappropriately, this third essence produces anger, hatred and aggression. Here, what this means is simply: bring out your natural tendency to anger and courage, and turn it against your smoking.

  • Anger

Anger is another reason why a person cannot quit tobacco and suppress the urge to smoke. The persistent urge to smoke a cigarette is greatly enhanced. In order not to succumb to anger and know what to do, it is necessary not to start pulling a new portion of nicotine from the pack, but to find a rational way out of the situation. If the reason for anger that has arisen is eliminated, you should quickly solve difficult problems, and not break loose quickly to smoke a cigarette.

That's where your innate ability to anger exists - to use it to vigorously confront your own shortcomings. This is the most natural and effective way to improve yourself. In fact, to give a complete model, Plato compared the mind to a chariot driving a pair of winged horses, one black and one white. Ideally you are a charioteer, use strength like horses - properly balanced and controlled - to bring your chariot to the height of human existence. When you smoke cigarettes, everything is disorderly: the charioteer is sleeping, the black horse is running, and the noble White horse beats aimlessly.

The main thing is to be distracted and not allow the desire to smoke to suddenly arise. This is a false path, and it is necessary to understand that smoking cessation does not occur immediately. Sustained people successfully control negative emotions.

It is worth preparing for the occurrence of such experiences and being able to reduce the impact without medication. negative energy before the smoked tobacco causes tangible damage. Therefore, when you want to smoke more than usual, a person who has quit self-poisoning already knows what to do and is ready to want to stop angry emotions without returning to smoking. It is worth taking responsibility and, knowing how to get rid of the desire to smoke, control outbursts of anger without the help of tobacco smoke.

You must regain control of your chariot. Pull the board and reveal the black horse that is the boss. Use the power of the white horse to keep him in line. There are a lot of bad things in the world here. Many or most of these things are vastly superior to your personal power to control. You cannot control the government; your conduct alone cannot stop wars or end injustice. But it is entirely within your power to quit smoking.

You must not smoke. When you smoke, you are opposing your own nature. You smoke that you don't have your action together, but stop and you take a big step forward. The job works as a "complex interest". The more Virtue you have, the faster you improve.

  • Boredom

Sometimes breaking a habit causes a feeling of boredom. Smoking is a pleasant distraction that kills time on a regular basis, and without it, people don't know how to fill the gaps. And no matter how much you want to smoke, a walk, a distracting movie, or an attempt to find an interesting hobby will help you keep yourself occupied and find something more useful than constantly being in a smoke screen. Gradually, you will stop wanting to smoke, and life will again show its versatility.

Stop after 5 years. There are many extremely and, unfortunately, sad and lonely people in the world; but while you are smoking you do nothing to help them. With this money, they find new and insidious ways to sell their goods around the world and corrupt society. He is anti-green - on par with multinationalism, corporate greed and destruction environment. Smoke and you give energy to these things. Turn on your green membership card because you are not in the club.

Do you expect other people to respect your rights? Then you shouldn't respect others? Is it possible for other non-smokers to sit in a park or walk down the street without suffering from cigarette smoke? If you smoke around other smokers, your smoking influences them not to quit.

Depression falls into the same category. People who do not know what to do if they want to smoke are especially susceptible to dreary experiences and lack of constant activity. After all, smoking was an activity and a pleasant companion who was always there. Leaving cigarettes, many feel like they have lost a reliable friend, although that friend stole the time of his life. After many years of habit, this feeling becomes unbearable.

If you stop smoking, you will set a positive example by making the world a better place. While the American tobacco companies drop their products all over the world. There are far fewer smokers in America than in Europe. For many years there have been restrictions on smoking. To continue financially, American tobacco companies have set their sights on Europe and Asia. If you smoke American cigarettes, you are contributing to the modern version of economic imperialism. It should make you angry to quit smoking.

When smoking, people are often open to conversation. But here's the irony: all the conversations that go on when smoking is in a negative context. This occurs in the form of an anti-reality that inevitably gives rise to the fact of smoking, which is harmful, unnatural, unethical and contrary to innate human goodness. Therefore, the content and products of such a conversation will be spoiled.

  • Fatigue

Fatigue can trigger the process of returning to smoking. Instead of a smoke break, you should allow yourself to rest, take a nap and go to bed early. This perfectly rational advice will help you learn how not to start smoking again. The proposed solutions will protect health, both physical and mental.

Practice shows that many people with dignity go through such trials and forever stop wanting tobacco intoxication. Every smoker has taught himself how to smoke, and he must also want to learn how to live without cigarettes.

The blind lead the blind and both will fall into the pit. The "system" loves to see you smoke. Content with your "opium", you accept the status quo and suppressive taxes. You are too disorganized and dependent on calling the system. You are more likely to die young and therefore reduce welfare.

If you smoke it means you don't respect yourself. If you don't respect yourself, then you can't respect anyone else. Network performance decreases exponentially as the integrity of each node decreases. And if you smoke, you've been chosen. If you want to continue smoking, this is your choice. But don't fool yourself by saying, "I'm just a rebel." Smoking is completely controlled and conditioned. Part of the manipulation is to get you to think about it, your idea.

Very soon, quitting smoking will not take much effort, and the desire to smoke will gradually disappear. Life becomes natural and easy.

Many smokers eventually notice that they want to sleep during the day after smoking another cigarette. Most often, drowsiness is associated with banal lack of sleep, but many note that during the holidays, when it is difficult to talk about heavy workloads, fatigue and lack of sleep, the problem does not disappear, since it turns out that it is associated with addiction. Why does smoking make you want to sleep? How to get rid of the problem? How long will the recovery process take?

Possible reasons

Medicine immediately notes a complex of reasons that, when smoking, can become the answer to the question of why you want to sleep and, accordingly, the working capacity, attentiveness and learning ability of a person decreases:

  • oxygen starvation of the brain due to spasm of blood vessels caused by nicotine;
  • negative impact on the body of harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke;
  • a general deterioration in the state of the body against the background of a lack of nutrients and oxygen in all internal organs;
  • the development of various endocrine disorders and hormonal disruptions;
  • development of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

What happens in the body

Nicotine entering the body causes a spasm of blood vessels in all internal organs. This is especially reflected in the brain, which consumes the lion's share of oxygen and nutrients. The result of constant light starvation is the development of tissue ischemia and disruption of the internal organs (first of all, the sex glands, adrenal glands and thyroid gland suffer, which maintain normal health and normal functioning of the whole organism).

The lack of nutrients and oxygen, together with a large amount of harmful substances entering the body, negatively affects the state of the immune system, which can no longer effectively fight diseases. The result of this is the appearance of various life-threatening diseases, primarily of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, tuberculosis, COPD, cancer). In addition, the constant stress of the immune system leads to an overexpenditure of energy and, accordingly, rapid fatigue, which ends with the fact that smoking constantly makes you want to sleep.

How to deal with it?

If you smoke and constantly want to sleep, then getting rid of the problem should be comprehensive and begin with quitting smoking. After that, the natural process of restoration of all internal organs and systems will begin in the body. Its duration is determined by the experience of the smoker, the state of health and usually takes several months.

What to do if you want to sleep and how to shorten the recovery period of the body:

  1. normalize the daily routine by allocating at least 8 hours a day for sleep (it is advisable to go to bed at the same time, and, if possible, put into practice daytime sleep);
  2. daily walks in the fresh air (the more the better);
  3. reduce the amount of stress;
  4. stop drinking alcohol, coffee and other stimulants (they exhaust the body even more, giving an imaginary feeling of cheerfulness for a while);
  5. go in for sports (a daily light jog in the morning or evening will be quite enough).

In addition, it is advisable to contact a therapist and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the body, which will determine the presence of any diseases and allow them to begin treatment. Often, ex-smokers notice the onset of symptoms only after giving up the addiction due to the normalization of the immune system, which begins to respond to alarm signals from the internal organs, so listen carefully to your body.

The effects of smoking and nicotine on sleep are endless. But there are 5 separate facts that are worth dwelling on in more detail. They will help you understand what really happens when a person quit smoking, what you get rid of and what good you get by getting rid of nicotine addiction and its negative effects.

Fact #1. Smoking interferes with the functioning of the nervous system

Nicotine is considered a medium stimulant, so like any other, it increases blood pressure and makes the heart beat faster. In other words, under no circumstances, even in theory, can it help a person to relax. At the same time, unlike other drugs, nicotine is not only addictive, but at the same time is a powerful poison that gradually destroys the nervous system. Therefore, every time you take a puff, a person satisfies the desire to smoke and at the same time gets nicotine poisoning.

If at this moment a person does not have the opportunity to drag on a cigarette, naturally, he feels the discomfort caused by the withdrawal syndrome. However, this condition has nothing to do with pain. A person suffers not at all because symptoms of “withdrawal” appear, but because he cannot satisfy his desire (or, as it seems to him, need) to smoke. Of course, he gets annoyed, sometimes so much that he wants to "tear off someone's head." And there is nothing surprising in the fact that, having satisfied his desire to smoke, he becomes more peaceful and "calm", and it seems to be easier for him to fall asleep.

It seems to a person that he is relaxed, but in fact
he just satisfied his desire to smoke

Fact number 2. Smoking makes you live in constant tension

It’s hard for smokers to believe this, but cigarettes not only do not relieve stress, they, on the contrary, create it. The fact is that nicotine really interferes with some processes occurring in the human body and brain. For example, it partially blocks the release of dopamine and serotonin, which makes the smoker feel dissatisfied, frustrated, and apathetic. Allen Carr also called this feeling "emptiness." In addition, nicotine partially blocks the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands, so a person may feel weak and unwell not only during the withdrawal period, but also all the time while he smokes. And since these processes are slow and imperceptible, it is difficult for smokers to believe that this is happening to them now.

Fact number 3. Smoking does not allow a person to breathe normally

In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains carbon dioxide, which is also an incredibly powerful poisonous element. It causes vasoconstriction and blockage tiny capillaries. It causes a violation of the processes of tissue nutrition and the provision of each cell with oxygen. And it is carbon dioxide that does not allow smokers to get enough sleep! And even if they sleep until dinner, they do not feel rested.

Fact number 4. Nicotine is not all that enters the human body along with tobacco smoke

A smoking person, along with tobacco smoke, inhales not only nicotine, which, as we said above, is a stimulant and poison. Along with it, other toxic substances enter the body, which tend to accumulate. And if a person smokes not a year, not two, not even a dozen years? Does it create an effect? Of course yes! Apathy and drowsiness, insomnia and malaise - this is not only what happens during the withdrawal period, it lasts a lifetime. Do you think that nicotine can stimulate you? Not at all. Moreover, the use of any stimulants in principle is not practical, because they are addictive, and sooner or later there comes a point when the dose no longer works.

Fact #5. Smoking causes sleep disorders: insomnia or drowsiness

In the first days, when a nicotine addict quits smoking, his body experiences discomfort (for example, it can be drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia). More precisely, a person begins to pay attention to this condition, but the fact is that it did not appear now, when the person quit smoking, it was always there, all the time while he continued to smoke. In any case, it does not matter how it manifests itself, since this is a natural normalization process.

So do cigarettes affect sleep?

When a person smokes day after day, naturally, nicotine and other chemicals contained in tobacco smoke will gradually destroy the body, interfere with natural processes organism. Especially if it happens during years. And it is not surprising that the body begins to experience some discomfort after quitting smoking, but after all, addiction to nicotine lasted more than one day.

Yes, there is discomfort, but it accompanies a person throughout his life, every day, while he smokes. What smokers actually suffer from when they quit is longing for cigarettes, the desire to inhale a "pleasant" haze in familiar times. It is this “love” and longing for cigarettes that makes the process of weaning from nicotine flour! Only this melancholy has nothing to do with sleep or other things.

The most common manifestations in getting rid of nicotine addiction are considered to be irritability and increased appetite. However, a huge percentage of people who quit smoking additionally complain about constant drowsiness. It's quite normal phenomenon, which should be taken only positively. After all, the desire to “hibernate” means that positive changes in the body have already begun.

Why do you get sleepy when you quit smoking?

Nicotine affects everyone differently. On some - as a tonic and aphrodisiac, while others, on the contrary, - from smoking you want to sleep. Therefore, the manifestations of giving up a bad habit can be radically different - from insomnia to "eternal slumber". But still more often there is a desire to sleep. And that's why:

  1. Significant psychological stress and overwork. The loss of such a beloved, albeit a bad habit, is often a great stress for a person.
  2. Change in lifestyle and loss of landmarks that affect the daily routine. For example, a smoker often perceives smoking as a signal to wake up and, conversely, to go to sleep.
  3. Smokers almost always high blood pressure. It forces the body to work to its limits. When you give up cigarettes, the pressure gradually decreases, which causes a feeling of relaxation.
  4. The use of sedatives. With the help of them, many try to smooth out irritability, but at the same time provoke drowsiness.

Whatever the underlying cause sleepy state, remember that it is temporary. Usually, nervous system independently rebuilt in a new, healthy way after 2-3 weeks. And in general: “I want to sleep” is already much better than “I want to smoke”.

Although this is an understandable condition, it can cause considerable harm. former smokers. After all, they still need to study, perform official and household duties. And if households in most cases get into position, and the ex-smoker is at least partially relieved of household duties, then hardly any boss will be so understanding. In this regard, considerable problems can arise (up to the loss of a job). This is especially true for drivers and people who, on duty, must communicate a lot with people.

There are many ways to avoid new problems and at the same time not return to the past hobby:

  • Develop a routine for your day new feature. As a rule, people who have recently quit smoking are already falling asleep at 8-9 pm. You should not resist the natural desire, but it is better to try to finish all things by this time.
  • Walk outdoors whenever possible. Saturation of the body with oxygen helps to quickly adapt to a new state.
  • Take anti-anxiety medications only when absolutely necessary. But you should not forget about multivitamin and general strengthening complexes. Also, wild rose, lemongrass, aralia, etc. have proven themselves well. However, you should not start taking them without the consent of your doctor, since some components have contraindications.

What is strictly forbidden to do?

Even if no methods help, and you continue to complain: “I want to sleep even more”, in no case should you resort to prohibited methods:

  1. Drink alcohol to combat stress and as a “sleeping pill”. No one has ever benefited from alcohol. In addition, intoxication can provoke a desire to smoke again. Tonic drinks are also bad option on the way to consolidating the achieved results.
  2. Assign to yourself drug therapy. Entrust it to qualified specialists.
  3. Take both sedatives and stimulants at the same time.
  4. Start smoking again. Was it worth holding on so long to return to the question of “how to quit smoking” again?

If you feel sleepy when quitting smoking, then this may well be just a psychological setting. After all, most publications on this topic say that giving up cigarettes is a very difficult process, during which you will have to deal with irritability, sleep, appetite, etc. That is why the Allen Carr technique got rid of nicotine addiction great amount heavy smokers. Just main task The author was to convey that not everything is as scary as you think. In fact, anyone can quit smoking, and without any painful manifestations. So, having decided to say goodbye to this addiction, tune in only to the positive, and it is likely that the unpleasant accompanying manifestations will bypass you.

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