What is the dream of a white horse. The Magic of Numbers

As you know, the horse symbolizes loyalty and friendliness. It is quite natural that horses seen in a dream portend fruitful cooperation, partnership and just pleasant communication. The positive meaning of the plot is enhanced if the horses are of light colors. The dream interpretation warns that night dreams in which "dark horses" appear warn of the likelihood of a trick. A number of explanations of what else these animals dream of are given below.

skin color

If you dreamed of a black horse, such a dream warns of imminent danger: a serious illness or major trouble. The modern dream book suggests a simple solution to avoid problems: take only those steps that are beyond doubt. Also seen in a dream means that you are patronized by the elements of the earth.

An explanation of why an animal with a white mane is dreaming is given by Grishina. The forecast is quite optimistic. An unmarried lady will find family happiness, and the marriage will be extremely successful. Another white horse can dream of good news, wealth and a reason for great joy.

If you dreamed of a brown horse, the plot should be interpreted based on external factors. The universal dream book warns that you cannot avoid change. If you are now at the pinnacle of success, you do not need them, but if things go worse than ever, the prediction will certainly please you.

If you dreamed of a bay horse, it means that unexpectedly and absolutely free of charge, your cherished desire will come true. This dream can mean a career take-off, a financial breakthrough, meeting a person who will later become a good friend, and other pleasant surprises.

The red horse symbolizes the element of fire. It is not surprising that such a violent element is incompatible with a measured life. You will find yourself in the very epicenter of events, there will be a lot of anxiety, fuss and noise. Nevertheless, everything will end happily and even profitably.

When a black horse is dreaming, the interpreter advises not to make impulsive decisions, as what you see reflects the depth of your despair. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers indicates that the source of confusion is one's own fussiness and gluttony. Before you have had time to try the cake, you are already reaching for the next piece.


If you happen to ride a horse at a gallop, impatience can harm you. Anyone who runs the risk of taking high barriers in a dream, and in reality, can exaggerate their capabilities. Riding a lame horse portends chagrin.

The dream in which you had to ride indicates that you have done a good job on your reputation, and now it's her turn to work for you. Aesop's dream book has no doubt that your position is reliable, and your authority is high. So this plot can be interpreted literally: you are on a horse.

Night dreams in which you ride on a horse over mountains and hills do not promise easy victories. Vlasov's dream book warns that you will have to work hard to achieve the goal. Nevertheless, you can rightfully be proud of your achievements.

A description of why a similar plot is dreamed of can also be found in Shereminskaya. Riding in a dream means that in real life you feel at your best. The prediction applies primarily to the business sphere. Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya claims that you will be promoted, good luck in trading, a bonus and other well-deserved awards.

horse death

If you dreamed of a dead horse, this means that there will be a radical change of residence. You will find yourself in completely different, previously unseen conditions, and you will have to adapt to them. Dream Interpretation of the Seasons warns that the news that you will soon find out will greatly sadden you.

Several horses

If in a dream a herd of horses ran across the field, then in reality happiness hurries into your hands, it remains only to catch it and not miss it. The modern dream book reminds of the inconstancy and transience of fortune and advises to use the favorable combination of circumstances as efficiently as possible.

The rider is a man

If you dream that a man is riding a horse, this means the successful completion of an important matter. True, if he suddenly decides to dismount, the dream will take on the opposite meaning: the matter will not be decided in your favor. If you managed to notice how a man gets into the saddle - you will be lucky in love.

Appearance, breeding

Why horses dream is best told by their appearance. A dream in which you saw thoroughbred horses promises positive changes in the family and business. Horses grazing in lush thick grass portend profit.

The Eastern dream book is convinced that dreaming ponies reflect your sense of helplessness.

A thin, emaciated mare portends difficulties. A horse in a beautiful harness dreams of a successful marriage.

Miller's explanation of sleep

Miller's dream book believes that the horse seen in night dreams reflects your positive or not very mood, confidence and willingness to win. The plot should be interpreted based on the color of the animal (the lighter, the better) and the direction of movement.

If in a dream you ride, it means success. The path from the hill can be a harbinger of disappointment.

If you happen to see a horse rearing up, this portends the protection and patronage of a high-ranking person. If you dreamed about how horses shod hooves - this is a high position.

Various interpretations

When a rider is dreaming, pay attention to which direction he is moving. If it jumps at full speed towards you, it can bring bad news. The receding rider promises a change for the better. If you are in the place of the rider, such a dream symbolizes fatigue from a hopeless relationship.

If you dreamed of a restive horse, this dream is a harbinger of unforeseen, but nevertheless surmountable difficulties in business. If a calm horse is seen, it means that everything planned will go smoothly. A dream in which a heavy horse is dragging luggage with difficulty should be regarded as advice to delegate some of its duties.

Dreamed of a horseback ride? This is a good sign. If in a dream you had a chance to ride on the back of a horse, such a plot assures that friends will come to the rescue. Dream Interpretation Grishina claims that together you will easily and cheerfully overcome all obstacles, and a difficult problem and its resolution will seem like an exciting adventure.

If you dreamed of a white horse, then be calm - luck is on your side. Best of all, if in a dream you manage to ride it, or at least take it by the bridle. Why else dream of this magnificent image, the dream book will tell.

Exceptionally positive sign

At night, a white horse guarantees general well-being and success in business. This is an unspoken symbol of nobility, wealth and honors. The image marks good thoughts, bright aspirations and an incredible positive, directed to the world.

Seeing a snow-white horse in a dream means that a great idea will visit you, and your own imagination will surprise and delight.

Why does a woman dream of a white horse? The dream interpretation believes that soon she will meet a reliable person who will become a support for life.

Excellent results!

What does it mean to ride in a dream on horseback? If the white horse is unsaddled, but you confidently hold on without a saddle, then as a result of a difficult struggle you will gain a high position and comfort in life.

Did you have a chance to ride in a saddle in a dream? It is necessary to perform work related to literary creativity or art.

Miller's confirmation

The fact that the white horse is an extremely positive sign is also confirmed by Mr. Miller's dream book. It promises friendship with kindred spirits, strength of relationships and happy circumstances.

Do not worry!

Why dream - to ride a horse calmly? Dream Interpretation believes that your usual existence will be just as measured and pleasant.

In a dream, riding a horse means that with your deeds you will certainly earn the respect of others and without much difficulty you will achieve your goal.

The girl dreams of a leisurely ride to groundless worries about her future fate. Her vision promises a worthy husband in the future and a bunch of fans in the present.

You will definitely get lucky!

In a dream, were you lucky enough to fly on a magic horse? The dream book is sure that the dream marks your finest hour, the time when everything will work out easily and successfully. It is also a reflection of inner strength and even paranormal abilities.

Did you dream of a carriage harnessed to a white horse? You are definitely lucky even in the smallest details.

Why dream that it happened to ride on it? The dream interpretation promises unusual circumstances in which you can demonstrate your talents and earn universal admiration.

Decryption of actions

Luck is a changeable and wayward lady, therefore in a dream a white horse can behave rather obstinately and non-trivially. It is from these actions, according to the dream book, that the final interpretation of sleep depends.

  • Tries to reset - you risk missing the chance.
  • Kicking - difficulties, mines of ill-wishers.
  • Kicks - health will deteriorate, a loved one can betray.
  • Bites - get a new position.
  • Taming a wild mustang is a business success.
  • To run away from him is a deceit, envy.
  • Running at you - freedom, ecstasy, movement.
  • Harness - reconsider your attitude to duties.

I dreamed that the white horse kicked wildly, but were you able to stay in the saddle? This means that in reality you will be able to control the situation and do not miss a single good opportunity.

Inspiration or loss?

What is the dream of a rider riding a snow-white horse? The dream interpretation considers this a sign of the rise of vitality and creative inspiration.

It is very interesting what the white horse is dreaming of. If a white horse dreamed in a dream, then this means that emotions in life will be joyful, and a sense of confidence will prevail in a person. Also, a white horse promises an upsurge in spiritual development and vitality.

If we consider the general meaning of a horse in a dream, then it is very positive. You should also pay attention to the actions of the horse in a dream.

Riding a white horse in a dream means the strength of friendly ties, but if the horse is dirty, then envy and lies on the part of ill-wishers are possible. Feeding a horse in a dream means that someone close needs help. Combing a horse's mane is a meeting with an interesting and noble person. If you dream of a battle on a horse, then this indicates danger. If a horse saves a person, it means that he has a good friend who is always ready to help and help out. Saddle a horse in a dream - hope for someone's help in a difficult matter. If the horse is dead in a dream, then this is not a very good dream, an unpleasant event is possible.

If you dreamed of a horse, then you should also consider his actions in a dream. A white horse can ride in a dream, rear up, and sometimes even talk. Regardless of his actions, seeing a horse in a dream means a good meaning, and you should not be afraid if you suddenly dreamed of such a horse.

Horses are often mentioned in books, fairy tales, films. Since ancient times, this noble animal has served to help people. During the wars, horses were used for campaigns. Knowing the endurance of horses, people harnessed them to chariots, wagons, and used them for plowing. The Persian king Cyrus was one of the first to find a useful use for horses, which he used in postal services. However, even earlier horses were used in the form of prey-horse meat.

The symbolism of the horse is also multifaceted and is still not completely clear. The horse symbolizes such qualities as speed, wisdom, knowledge, light, the passage of time, the speed of thought. A frisky and fast horse was associated with the wind, with fire and light. According to tradition, earlier horses were depicted as either white or fiery red.

The white horse dreams of important events that are coming in life. Taking care of a horse in a dream - to the emergence of a new friend. But to beat a horse in a dream means the loss of a friend. It is also not a very good dream about buying or selling a horse - it portends expanse in the family and other troubles. The white horse also dreams of wealth, which may soon make happy. If women dream of a white horse, then in reality it is possible to meet a noble and intelligent man who is not deprived of money. Sometimes, it even means a proposal from the groom or even a wedding. If you dream that you need to shoe a horse, then such a dream portends a happy and healthy old age.

It is advisable to remember all the actions of both the horse and the person in a dream. This will help you better understand what the white horse is dreaming of. From actions in reality there can be both positive moments and not so much, so you need to be careful about dreams.

The most important thing after sleep is to set yourself up for good thoughts so that only good things are attracted. You need to think about wealth, good luck, an important meeting that will change your life for the better, and then all this will definitely come true! Do not attach great importance to those dreams that you do not like. If you think about the negative, then he will constantly pursue in life.


Dream interpretation White horses, why do White horses dream in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation white horses symbolize loved ones and friends, possibly work colleagues. To see a dream in which white horses are present is, fortunately, a successful outcome of the plan.

Family dream book If you dream of White horses from a dream book:

Why do white horses dream - joy in reality, dizzying success, support from true friends. Horses are considered to be human helpers, therefore, to see white horses in a dream means to receive support soon, the help of close friends. In another way, white horses may dream of the successful completion of a business started jointly with friends, a promotion, and an improvement in their financial situation.

If the white horses you saw in a dream have an untidy appearance or a painful condition, this is a bad sign. Such white horses portend deception on the part of work colleagues or material losses caused by friends' problems.

Dream interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why do White horses dream in a dream:

White horses dream of a successful meeting with friends, close friends. Riding one of the white horses - soon achieve dizzying success in a career or creativity. To feed white horses - you will have to provide all possible assistance to loved ones, but in the near future you will receive a reciprocal reward from them for their timely care.

Watching dirty white horses run from the side - soon your life will change for the worse, but these changes will not last long and the situation will soon stabilize. Minor difficulties in the material sphere, meeting with a former lover (lover).

Dream interpretation of psychologist Z. Freud Why do White horses dream:

Freud's white horses for a man are difficulties in choosing a partner. White horses dream of a man who has difficulty forming the ideal image of a woman. Horses in a dream symbolize the beauty of the future chosen one, passion and sexuality.

Dream Interpretation white horses dream of a woman who is dissatisfied with her current relationship for an imminent change of partner. In this case, the white horses seen in a dream symbolize a woman's subconscious desire to find an ideal partner who will become her good lover, loyal friend, and loving husband at the same time.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: White horses in a dream

Why do white horses dream - joy, happiness.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream of White horses:

Why do white horses dream - to see beautiful white horses in a dream - for good. This is an ancient symbol of well-being, material wealth and beauty. Riding one of the white horses - to the birth of a talented first-born in the family.


Dream Interpretation Horse, why dream of a Horse in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of a Horse in a dream book:

Seeing a horse in a dream for a girl - for an early engagement.

Why do horses dream of a girl - riding a black horse for a girl means that she will have an opportunity to realize herself or meet wise people. Riding a white horse, but seeing a black rider behind you for a girl means that in her life a streak of bad luck will be replaced by a streak of success, etc.

Horse girl in a dream - get off the horse and see that this pig - they will make you an offer of marriage, but you will reject your fan.

A brown horse - for a man to ride it means success in the business sphere, for a woman - success among fans.

Why is a brown horse dreaming - stroking it - dreaming of a family, if you feed a brown horse with an apple or a carrot - your desires will come true in the near future.

A well-groomed beautiful brown horse indicates that you are absolutely healthy.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Horse in a dream

To see horses in a dream - Scattering - misfortune; rearing up - great protection; to own horses - well-being; ride a horse - get a value; to see how they are forged - to achieve a high position; raven - sadness; white - joy and happiness; grazing - a position free from anxiety; to see a dead one is hard to work for a piece of bread; thin - to meet numerous obstacles in life; get on a horse - get patronage; a well-saddled horse - you have or will have a good wife; to see how they are harnessed - to lose your beloved.

Why dream of a Horse on the run - To have success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis If you dream of a Horse:

Interpretation of the dream book: Why do Horses (horses) dream - These are thoughts-ideas (which can take you somewhere far away). The fact that whites are good thoughts-ideas, they lead to the Higher worlds.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why the Horse is Dreaming:

According to the dream book, the Horse is an Animal that strongly represents female vitality and the eroticism associated with it. If a woman sees a horse, this means a positive desire for sexual intercourse in general or for sexual interaction with a particular person. If this image is visualized by a man, this may indicate an erotic orientation, conscious or unconscious in relation to the mother or another woman. In general, this is rather negative, as it denotes a repressed regressive relationship for the subject. The same meaning can be for a woman if she identifies herself with a horse, does not interact with it.

Children's dream book What does a horse mean in a dream book?

What is the dream of Why is the Horse dreaming - Someone close to you, to whom you feel the greatest disposition and sympathy. If you ride a horse, then you will use the help of your friend to achieve your goal. If a horse grazes in a meadow with lush grass, then you will soon have to participate in a business that will bring profit. If you feed a horse from your hands, it means that you will soon help someone close to you.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream of a Horse:

  • Why the horse is dreaming - For the most part, the meaning is favorable;
  • riding a horse marks perfect success in business;
  • to catch a horse means a false acquisition;
  • a black horse means a rich but evil wife, also loss and harm in the estate;
  • a white horse marks a wife with a beautiful face and virtuous, also an increase in wealth;
  • to see a horse with a temper means confusion and an obstacle;
  • to forge a horse means labor and hard work;
  • to see a horse running free portends the onset of a happy time and the fulfillment of all our desires;
  • riding a horse in the company of other riders means happiness and profit, and in the company of ladies it portends misfortune and treason;
  • to see a stranger riding on your horse portends the discovery of adultery;
  • to see a horse with a long and thick tail portends the assistance of friends in every enterprise, happiness and success in intentions and a profitable marriage;
  • to see a peaceful horse and ride it means fun and well-being;
  • buying a horse portends new news;
  • to see horses in harness means a good state of affairs, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Horse dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream To see a horse in a dream - Carrying a heavy cart - do not take on all the problems, “share” them with a man. Galloping - the time to think about your appearance, this should not be forgotten. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - says that the time will come when you will gain well-deserved recognition; from Wednesday to Thursday - in the future you need to beware of burns.

Erotic dream book Why does the Horse dream in a dream?

According to the dream book, see a Horse - Seeing a horse or a herd of horses in a dream - to an exhausting, tiring love relationship that will lead to severe physical fatigue and satiety. Stroking, brushing or washing a horse - you feel the need for your sexual partner to see in you not only an object of desire, but above all a person. For a young woman, such a dream portends a betrayal of her lover.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: What does a horse mean

Why the horse is dreaming - Fate, hope; white - complaint, arrangement of affairs, wedding (for a woman); getting off the horse - loss of position; to ride - the realization of hopes.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Horse in a Dream

  • Why the horse is dreaming - The horse is prancing in front of the house. - Trouble will be resolved.
  • On a horse you go on a long journey. - There will be great joy.
  • You are foolishly glad that you are riding a horse. - portends misfortune.
  • You ride a horse back and forth. - Cases related to literature, writing.
  • The horse enters the room. - Indicates a situation involving adultery.
  • The horse carries valuables, goods. - You will lose your job.
  • Having cleaned and cleaned the horse, you set it free. - Happy event.
  • A herd of horses is passing by. - Resolution of all troubles, normalization of the state.
  • The criminal is hiding on a horse. - The danger is over.
  • You ride a white horse. - Illness.
  • Bitten by a horse. - There will be career advancement.
  • You ride on a mule. - There will be profit, wealth, good luck.
  • A live horse appears in the house. - portends great happiness, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why is the Horse dreaming?

See in a dream
  • Horse - Seeing a horse in a dream means that you will hear a lie against you.
  • Seeing her on her hind legs - to a quarrel, falling - to ruin, holding a horse by the bridle in a dream - to danger, seeing a dead horse - to a possible move to the countryside temporarily or permanently.
  • Seeing a white horse in a dream - to success in business; a bay suit - to meet a good friend, a black horse - to trouble.
  • Buying a horse in a dream - to news, news; ride a quiet horse in a dream - you have a chance to find family happiness.
  • Riding a horse in a dream is a joy, catching it is a loss.
  • Seeing a horse in a dream is a harbinger of visiting a very hospitable house, where you will be touchingly taken care of.
  • Rushing in a sleigh or racing droshky on an excellent trotter means that soon you will have to do a difficult but completely useless task.
  • Driving around a horse is a failure.
  • Seeing horseback riding is for change.
  • If a man dreams of a horse - this is a good dream, for a woman he promises weakness.
  • You were under a horse in a dream - a tragic blow is possible.
  • Riding - to family happiness.
  • A saddled horse in a dream - for a long trip; if the horse prancing in front of the house - to trouble; a horse in the house - sleeps fortunately; to see how a horse carries valuables, goods - to the loss of a place; if a horse bit in a dream - expect promotion; if you dream that you are riding a horse back and forth, - soon you will have business related to literature or art; if you see a herd of horses in a dream, the troubles will go away and your condition will return to normal.
  • If in a dream a beautiful, frisky and well-saddled mare entered the house - for an early marriage or marriage.
  • Milking a horse in a dream - to a change in business.
  • Seeing a herd of horses is a very auspicious sign, especially for a woman who dreams of marriage.
  • Feeding foals in a dream is a sign of profit and reconciliation with enemies; a frolicking foal is a sign of pleasure and fulfillment of desire.
  • Seeing a foal in a dream is a longing for a beloved woman.
  • The stable you dreamed about is a harbinger of happiness, good luck, a pleasant surprise.
  • A stable full of racehorses is a very auspicious sign that promises you success in business, a new acquaintance that is useful to you. An old neglected stable with workhorses is a harbinger of hard work and need.
  • Riding in a dream on a dashing troika means waking up for a long time to pay for a moment of pleasure.
  • For a woman to see that she is being rolled on a troika means, because of her coquetry and frivolity, to lose a dear person, to pass by real happiness.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why the Horse is dreaming:

Seeing a Horse in a dream - Lies, deceit. White horse - to the dead.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The horse is dreaming of - The most clearly expressed symbol of fate and everything that happens to it; the vitality of the sleeper; progress of affairs. White - love; to the wedding. Tabun - large forces are involved. Dead horse - go to live in the village. Winged - creativity, extraordinary luck. The horse can perform in other aspects: see Add. Sl. "mythological" (centaur, pegasus, unicorn, incubus), in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing a Horse in a dream

  • Horse - In general, seeing a horse in a dream is a very good omen. A dream in which you ride or sit on a horse is especially favorable.
  • A good sign is a dream about a running horse: most likely, all your long-cherished plans will come true.
  • If in a dream you curb an obstinate horse or hear its neighing, success in official affairs awaits you, you will show courage and dignity.
  • But shoeing a horse or riding a lame horse is a temporary obstacle in your plans.
  • A good omen is a dream in which you see horses in a luxurious harness - such a dream promises you a stable position in society, a good reputation, wealth.
  • White horses - dream on the eve of joyful events, to a meeting with an important person on whom your fate depends, to a successful marriage.
  • Black - to temporary difficulties, sorrows, worries and troubles.
  • A dream about a red horse portends many worries.
  • If in a dream you are leading a horse to a watering place, health will not betray you, this dream promises recovery to the sick.
  • Affectionate care of a horse is a sign of a new true friendship, but if you dream that you are pushing or beating a horse, you run the risk of losing something very dear to you in reality if you are not careful.
  • A dream about buying or selling a horse is unfavorable - it promises discord in the house and other troubles.
  • The dream in which your horse bit the bit and suffered is unkind - after it you may have to endure some defeat.

Lunar dream book Why is the Horse dreaming?

How the dream book interprets: What the horse is dreaming of - Arrangement of affairs; dismounting a horse is a loss of position.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Horse according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream To see a horse in a dream - Sensual aspirations, desire for sexual interaction. More broadly - a creative upsurge, inspiration, a surge of vitality. Being in the saddle is a sign that you are in control of a risky situation. A beautiful horse - to success in love, creativity. Frozen nag - to failure in business. Ride - you will be a winner in all circumstances.

Assyrian dream book What is the dream of the Horse in the dream book:

Horse - If in a dream a person meets a horse, then he will have a savior and protector. If he is given horse meat, he will be dishonored in court.

Muslim dream book Why the Horse is dreaming:

Horse - If someone sees himself riding a horse, then he will get power and authority. If someone sees himself sitting on a horse behind another, then with the help of the person behind whom he was sitting, the one who saw such a dream will become the ruler of the country, or will be the governor (noib) of that person. If anyone sees that a horse with a pack has arrived in any village or city, greatness will fall to his lot in that place.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Horse:

Seeing a horse in a dream is a trap. Someone suspects you of an unseemly act, and the nets have already been set. Be riding a horse with someone getting ready to take revenge on you. The dead have the opportunity to escape punishment and retribution, especially if you consider them unfair. Note: if in a dream you are not sure who it is, a horse or a horse, then this image must be interpreted in the context of a dream, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream Interpretation: Horse in a dream

  • What a horse is dreaming of - A saddled horse seen in a dream or a horse on which you are sitting promises a rapid rise up the career ladder, heralds fame and fortune.
  • If in your dream the horse harness is in disarray - to lower your status.
  • Fly on a winged horse - to glory.
  • If you see yourself sitting on a horse without a saddle, then know that such a dream will entail you committing great sins.
  • A white horse promises marriage. Your chosen one will be handsome and wealthy.
  • Black horse - check. Immediate marriage; your spouse will be of completely humble origin.
  • A piebald horse is a harbinger that your spouse's parents will be of different nationalities.
  • If a horse kicks or bites you once, then be prepared for the fact that your spouse has secrets from you. In a hurry to drive a horse is a harbinger of the fact that at the most crucial moment you are able to let down those you are counting on.
  • A dream in which a horse drags you along the ground promises a fair amount of wealth.
  • If you dreamed that you were talking with a horse, then know that one of your future actions will literally amaze everyone to the core.
  • When a horse appears in your dream not alone, but with a foal, this portends the birth of your son.
  • Lost horse - to divorce.
  • A dream in which a horse is stolen from you is very unfavorable, as it portends the death of a spouse. However, it is possible that this is an indication of his quick and final departure from the family.

Psychological dream book Dream Interpretation: See a horse in a dream

What a horse is dreaming of - Masculinity, passion, impulsiveness, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Horse dream in a dream:

Horse (see Horse) - Enemy; buy - news, hope; without a tail - a dispute; fallen - ruin; black - a nuisance; white - good luck, wedding (for a woman).

Explanatory dream book Why does the Horse dream in a dream book?

Why see a white horse in a dream - arrangement of affairs; black - a nuisance; on the hind legs - a quarrel; fallen - ruin; hold by the bridle - danger; dead horse - rural life; buy a horse - new news (here, see which horse, by that you can judge whether the news will be pleasant); riding a quiet horse is family happiness.

Idiomatic dream book What does the Horse dream about in a dream book:

Seeing a Horse (horse) in a dream - “Bet on the wrong horse” - make a mistake; "horse instinct" - intuition, connection with fate; "dark horse" - a secretive person; "work like a horse" - hard work; “horses die from work” - rejection of any activity; “bullshit” (nonsense), “like a gray gelding” (to lie); “to be on a horse” is a complete success; "Horse Face" "draft horse" (strong and overworked). See add. Horseman, collar, according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered in this way.

Modern dream book If you dream of a Horse:

Solves a dream book: Horse, ride - Victory, luck

Women's dream book What is the dream of a Horse in a dream book:

  • Horse, what a horse is dreaming of - Beautiful horses in a dream are a sign of success and prosperity.
  • If you dream of dirty horses, deceit and envy on the part of those whom you trusted are possible.
  • A wounded or dead horse may dream of sad news. Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign that promises the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting loved ones.
  • The black horse means success in business and, as a result, coming to the thought of the vanity and futility of one's occupations.
  • Horses in apples dream of future business gains.
  • Riding a beautiful bay horse portends exaltation in the service, satisfaction of desires.
  • If the horse kicks under you - you will find many difficulties on the way to good luck.
  • If the horse threw you off and kicked at the same time, fate will send you a test in the form of opponents or illness.
  • Grabbing a horse by the bridle and subordinating it to your will portends a sharp but favorable change in life.
  • Participate in races - to well-being and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why the Horse is dreaming:

  • Horse, horse - Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign.
  • First of all, it promises you the strength of friendly ties and the joy of meeting with comrades in spirit.
  • If you see that your horse is dirty, then deceit and envy on the part of those you trust are possible.
  • If you dream that you are riding a black horse, this means that you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your studies.
  • Watching the run of brown horses promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse.
  • This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies.
  • Seeing horses in apples (spotted) is a future business benefit.
  • Riding a beautiful bay horse - portends exaltation, satisfaction of desires. To a woman who sees this dream, he promises determination to refuse an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future.
  • To see that your horse is running away, joining a wild herd, means that news of someone's illness awaits you. In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity.
  • If in a dream you are riding through a transparent stream, good luck awaits you, but joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into dark water.
  • The fulfillment of many dreams and gaining profit in business promises you a dream that you are crossing a clean river on the back of a horse.
  • But to see a wounded or dead horse in a dream is sad news.
  • Riding a kicking horse - to various difficulties on the way to good luck.
  • If the horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the face of opponents, or illness awaits you.
  • Grab a horse by the bridle and subdue it to your will - promises you a sharp favorable change in life.
  • If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse, your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination. For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life.
  • Participating in horse racing is a harbinger of a prosperous life.
  • Shoeing your own horse yourself - to acquire property in a dubious way.
  • If you dream that you are deftly riding a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to gain prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and reliable help from friends is also possible in this dream.
  • Riding in a female environment promises you uncertainty in future desires. your addiction.
  • If you watch how a horse is cleaned, or you clean it yourself with a comb, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the way to honors and a firm position in life.
  • For business people, peasants, writers, a dream is very favorable in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse.
  • If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles to happiness - if you dream that you are climbing a high mountain along a narrow path on horseback, you will achieve a very strong life position in reality.
  • If, however, with such an ascent, the horse does not stand up, and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts.
  • If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected event that will help the fulfillment of her desires, as well as her communication with wise respectful interlocutors.
  • Going down the hill - to failure.
  • Seeing a lover riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting successful fans.
  • If the rider is frightened, then this portends her in reality the anxiety and jealousy of a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig, then this portends her reckless rejection of profitable marriage proposals, after which her preferred freedom will soon seem hateful to her.
  • If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse over a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul for the fate of an important business for her. - if you dream of a horse that fell from heaven and turned into a stranger who throws something at you - this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and for a while - the failure of your attempts to master the situation.
  • If in a dream you see horses grazing in a meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. Barren pasture, dry land promise you poor but devoted friends. For a young person, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.
  • Seeing a horse trader in a dream promises you material gain, but risky ventures.
  • Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you is a loss.
  • Selling a not very good horse, leaving yourself a thoroughbred one, is a great luck.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Horse in a Dream

In a dream, what the Horse is dreaming of, what horses are dreaming of - Deception, illness - on the run - to be successful in business - a lot of those who scatter - misfortune - rearing up - great protection - own horses - well-being - ride - get value - see how they are shod - to reach a high position - black - sadness - white - happiness and joy - grazing - a position free from anxiety - to see a dead one - work hard for a piece of bread - thin - meet numerous obstacles in life - get on a horse - get patronage - well saddled horse - you have or will have a good wife - see how they harness - lose your beloved

Folklore dream book What does it mean if you dream of a Horse:

The horse stumbles - To failure.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Horse mean in a dream:

What horses dream of - Strong friendships and success in business. Imagine that you are prancing on a beautiful, healthy horse; your friends are sitting on the rest of the horses.

Star dream book Dream Horse what is the dream of?

Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams: What a horse is dreaming of is a symbol of a partner. Riding a horse is a profitable business. The black horse symbolizes a dangerous business partner. He is hiding something, a white horse dreams of an honest and open relationship. Sun in Libra

Islamic dream book Why the Horse is dreaming:

  • To see a horse in a dream - if the tail of the horse is long, then the one who saw the dream will have many followers, and if the tail of the horse is short, then the followers of the one who saw the dream will have fewer.
  • If he sees himself praying while sitting on a horse or sees that the horse has wings, this means that he will receive dignity and honor in this and the next world.
  • Whoever sees in a dream that he has acquired a horse will acquire good and good and defeat his enemies.
  • And if he sees that he is sitting on a horse and will be one of those who are suitable to ride a horse, then he will achieve greatness, high position and wealth.
  • If you dream that a herd of horses broke into a village or city, then spring rains will pour on this city.
  • If the horses are all saddled, then this place will experience many joys.
  • The neighing of a horse, heard in a dream, is a symbol of authority and a prototype of the speech of a noble person.
  • If the sleeper hears a conversation in the voice of this animal, then his words must be understood in the most direct sense, since animals never deceive.
  • Seeing a piebald, motley mare in a dream - to get acquainted with a very beautiful and rich woman.
  • A black or gray horse - to meet a very religious and pious woman.
  • White horse - to joy and vitality.
  • If you see that a horse unfamiliar to you enters your possessions, wait for the visit of a stranger.
  • A mare wallowing in the dust is a symbol of wealth and good luck.
  • To be bitten by a horse in a dream - to the betrayal of his wife.
  • The death of a horse is a harbinger of the death of a wife.
  • To sit on a riding horse - to a long journey.
  • To sit on a naked, unharvested horse means to commit big sins in reality.
  • To fly in a dream above the ground while sitting on a horse, portends a move with your family to a more convenient place of residence.
  • It is believed that the one who in a dream could not keep the fleeing horse is the "henpecked" wife.

Home dream book Why does the Horse dream in a dream?

Interprets the dream book: Horse - energy; abundance of vitality. Beautiful horses - success and prosperity.

Jewish dream book What does a Horse mean in a dream:

What a horse is dreaming of - To illness or to deceit. Lame horse - to sorrows. Riding a horse at a gallop - spoil an important matter with your impatience. A white horse with black apples - to receive good news, which turns out to be false. A horse with a dog's head - to improve mood and well-being.

Big dream book Why the Horse is dreaming:

  • Horse - White horses in a dream portend that you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way, you will find joy and happiness in the circle of friends close to you in spirit.
  • Black horses (that is, black) are a sign of trouble and sadness, despite external well-being and apparent prosperity, you will experience internal dissatisfaction with yourself, those around you, and your business.
  • Brown (light chestnut, reddish) horses portend a sharp transition from favorable circumstances to the worst consequences and vice versa.
  • Reddish-red horses with a black tail and mane, that is, a bay color, are a harbinger of fulfilled desires and material gain, as well as a good career.
  • Seeing a strange bipedal horse in a dream portends that you will be given high honor and trust.
  • Shod horse - success will exceed all conceivable expectations.
  • Short horses or ponies mean that unfavorable circumstances will be used by your enemies against you.
  • Stately, beautiful, thoroughbred horses - for a change for the better at work and at home.
  • Seeing a pacer means that you will choose the wrong path, from which it will be difficult to get off.
  • A bucking horse portends many difficulties and opposition from enemies on the way to the implementation of the plan.
  • A kicking horse means that fate will send you a serious test, which will be aggravated by illness.
  • A horse that has fallen at full gallop is a threat of final ruin and hopeless need.
  • Seeing dead horses means hard work and living away from home.
  • Thin, emaciated horses - living together with a person who is directly opposite to you in character.
  • A saddled horse promises a good husband and a happy family life.
  • Galloping horses - unfortunately, grazing - a serene life in the bosom of nature.
  • A large herd of horses means that you will cause a sensation by appearing at the party in a new outfit.
  • A dream in which you see a furious stallion warns that the surrounding luxury will spoil your character, making you arrogant and arrogant, which will alienate your friends from you.
  • Horses standing in a stall indicate that you will have serious health problems if you do not pay attention to the deterioration of your condition in time.
  • Caring for horses in a dream promises you great tests of endurance and performance.
  • Engage in taming wild horses - show courage unexpected for yourself in an extreme situation.
  • Driving around horses - master a related specialty, which over time will become your main one.
  • Riding a horse means that gradually and steadily you will gain high prestige and strengthen your position.
  • Crossing a water barrier on a horse portends good luck if you can wade it; if you have to swim across - annoying breakdowns and inconsistencies are possible.
  • Riding a horse in the mountains means that in reality you will reach a high position at the cost of great effort and sacrifice.
  • Jumping on a horse over barriers - risking your health or career by making a rash decision.
  • Ride in any horse-drawn carriage - will be lucky in small things.
  • If in a dream you are racing on a sleigh carried by a trio of horses along a snowy path, you will soon have the opportunity to fully demonstrate your talent and professional abilities, achieving great success.
  • Harnessing horses in a dream threatens in reality with the loss of a loved one, unharnessing - an indefinite position will oppress you for quite a long time, but will be resolved safely.
  • A horse harness or harness portends the fulfillment of desires, if it is in good condition, if it is tattered, you will suffer from hasty actions and hasty conclusions.
  • A dream in which a horse's mane and tail are decorated is a favorable sign for those who are engaged in intellectual and creative work.
  • Seeing a horse with a mane to the ground means that you will be offended by a loved one.
  • The same long tail on a horse means that you yourself will unwittingly bring grief to loved ones.
  • A very short, cropped horse tail indicates that all the best in life is already behind.
  • To have your own horse in a dream or to breed them is a harbinger of a successful outcome of an unpleasant business.
  • Take part in horse races - you will be overcome by household chores and chores.
  • Watching horse races from the stands of the hippodrome is lucky in a gambling game where you can hit a big jackpot.
  • If in a dream you buy a horse - in reality you will receive good news.
  • Bargaining in a dream with a horse breeder about the price of a horse promises you material gain in a risky venture.
  • If at the same time you benefited by acquiring a thoroughbred horse for a relatively low price, you will incur losses in real life; if you paid dearly, and they slipped you a horse with a flaw - this is a valuable find or an unexpected bonus at work.

Magic dream book Interpretation of sleep Horse:

  • Horse - work, deeds, diligence.
  • A horse with a long mane is ambition.
  • White horse - to be right, for women - preparation for the wedding.
  • Circus horse - selfishness.
  • Ride a horse - successfully use the labor of others.
  • A black horse means delays in the fulfillment of desires. Horse in apples - profit from various transactions.
  • To be thrown out of the saddle - after winning there will be a loss.
  • Black horse - to have protection from powerful people.
  • Horses frolicking in the pasture are love affairs.
  • A rearing horse - the long-awaited will happen.
  • Feed horses - invest in business. To see how a horse is shod - to achieve a strong, stable position, to see how they are harnessed - to lose your beloved.
  • A beautifully, festively decorated horse with an expensive saddle is a wife you will be proud of. Horses grazing in the meadow - a position free from anxiety.
  • A thin, emaciated horse - to hard work for a piece of bread.

Eastern Feng Shui dream book What does it mean if a Horse dreams in a dream according to Eastern traditions?

Seeing a Horse in a dream - Seeing how you ride a horse - to fame or money. Seeing you fall off your horse is a demotion. Seeing a beautiful blanket on a horse is a rich life. To water horses - to demotion. The patient sees horses - to recovery.

An old dream book What is the dream of a Horse in a dream book:

  • Horse - A horse in a dream can symbolize the most diverse aspects of life, therefore all the minor details of a dream that reveal the meaning of its appearance are especially important.
  • To see a beautiful (not black) horse in a dream - fortunately, to consolation in passion and sorrow.
  • Mare, nag - slander.
  • A skittish stallion is an enemy of hard work. Saddled - a nuisance. To see a horse in a dream is a kind of lie.
  • The horse strives to kick or bite - they want to harm you with a lie; guest with bad intentions.
  • White horse - joy; the rise of mental and vital forces; unexpected income
  • kauraya or tricolor horse - Wealth, happiness.
  • Redhead - doubts, suspicions; binge.
  • Black - harm from a stranger; trouble, sadness.
  • A circus horse is your excessive attention to external propriety and conventions of life.
  • To buy a horse is to lead, to be the owner of a beautiful horse is an honor.
  • A two-legged horse is an honor.
  • To have a quiet horse is well-being.
  • Milking a horse is a change.
  • Seeing a harnessed horse is good luck.
  • A dead horse is a lucky break; change from urban life to rural life.
  • A fallen horse is a ruin.
  • Rearing - a quarrel.
  • Keeping a horse by the bridle is a danger.
  • A horse getting out or bogged down in a swamp - a lot of work is ahead of a peacefully grazing horse - a godsend.
  • To be pursued by a wild horse is misfortune; girls: engagement.
  • Keep a horse skull in your hand - misfortune; disease.
  • To see a statue of a horse in a dream is a great harm.
  • To see a horse tail in a dream is a dispute, strife.
  • Eating horse meat is a hoax.
  • Seeing a foal in a dream is a joy.

English dream book Why does the Horse dream in a dream?

What does it mean to see a Horse in a dream - Strong, decisive, smart - for centuries the horse has been one of man's closest friends. All over the world, in myths and in life, this animal has symbolized travel, the movement of people and animals from one place to another. What is the dream about: Did you ride a horse? This symbolizes the movement towards the goal; if you were driving smoothly, then everything is going well, but if not, you foresee problems. Traveling alone indicates that you prefer to do things your way, and if you were traveling in a group, that teamwork is important to you. If the horse ran away from you, you feel that opportunities are slipping away from you; if she ran towards you, you feel the approach of opportunities, but you need to grab them and hold them tight.

Assyrian dream book What is the dream of the Horse in the dream book?

What does it mean to see in a dream A horse to see in a dream - A horse is a strong animal, personifying nobility and honesty. If the dreamer is on horseback, then he probably manages his life himself. Such a dream can symbolize sexual impulses and desire for power.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does a Horse mean:

  • What is the dream of a horse - you see a white horse in a dream; you sit on top of it - your well-being, your well-being would be impossible if you did not have true experienced friends; what you have achieved in life, you would not have achieved alone; do not skimp on gifts to friends.
  • You see yourself riding a black horse - success in business awaits you; sometimes you are confused by thoughts about the goals of human life, about the meaning of life in general; your problems and joys seem to you so small in comparison with the infinity of time and space that you even give up - why this fuss, this swarming? ..
  • You are riding a bay horse - all your desires will be satisfied; you will rise in the eyes of those around you; it is possible that you will be promoted; for more responsible work will increase the salary.
  • You see a horse in apples - fate promises you a profitable business.
  • You are riding a bareback horse - it will not be easy for you to achieve prosperity, but you will achieve it; some of your actions will be risky; this risk is justified.
  • The horse is trying to throw you off - great difficulties await you on the path to success.
  • You see a very beautiful horse, you admire it - your happiness is not far off; you will come to tenderness, looking at your growing family; you will be proud of your prosperous business; you will be caring towards your employees.
  • You see in a dream a horse harnessed to a carriage - you will go to your happiness along a very thorny path; the burden of the past will not weigh you down in the future.
  • You dream of a horse grazing in a meadow - you will be able to unite smart and energetic business partners around you; together you will establish a business that will bring you profit without giving failures.
  • The horse seemed to stumble and fall - this dream says that you are on the verge of ruin.
  • You see a dead horse in a dream - you will run into a person at the door who will bring you sad news.
  • It is as if you are riding a horse across a fast stream - you will overcome the last obstacle and achieve good luck.
  • You are riding through muddy dark water - your joy will be overshadowed; misfortunes and troubles always take us by surprise.
  • You grab the horse by the bridle - you will find yourself master of the situation; you will take matters into your own hands; you will take control of a previously unpredictable situation; you will be able to influence circumstances and achieve favorable changes in your life.
  • It’s like you are shoeing a horse - you will strengthen your business, and it will bring profit faster; but another interpretation of sleep is also possible: you will succeed by resorting to dubious methods.
  • You bathe and clean the horse - you are really on the verge of great trials; if you endure them, you will achieve a stable position in society; you will be honored; you will be invited to cooperate and to all kinds of celebrations, presentations.
  • You dream that they are selling a horse - only because of a large material gain will you venture on a risky venture; to your satisfaction, the risk will be justified.
  • Your horse is racing - your hardships and ordeals are over; ahead - a leisurely prosperous life; you will fully enjoy the pleasures you dreamed of. Your horse seems to have no tail - in real life, a dispute will flare up in earnest. Your horse has a very long mane - the person you love is suspicious of you or not entirely flattering about you, and there is nothing you can do about it.
  • The horse reared up - this dream is a harbinger of a major quarrel.


Why is the horse dreaming

Icelandic dream book

To see a castrated horse - to secret harm.

Small Velesov dream book

Horse - a son to be born (pregnant), independence, to good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength / severe illness, death, enemy, unexpected guest, wind will be, fire, deceit; your horse - a lot of work, slander, illness (to his wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, lead (letter) / snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead / death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests / illness, fever, for worse, for fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness / illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

If in a dream you are racing in a cart drawn by four black horses, you will be trapped, as you underestimated your opponent.

If the horses are white, you yourself will drive your enemy into a corner.

For women, this dream promises victory over a man who shirks marriage.

If in a dream four horses harnessed to a beautiful carriage flies past you at great speed - in reality you may be left out of work, since all your ideas run counter to generally accepted judgments and principles, so they will try to tactfully take you out of the game. Perhaps it will be a sudden business trip or you will be asked to visit a friend. In no case do not leave the city on the 4th and 22nd.

Russian folk dream book

The horse is a symbol of nobility, grace and speed.

The image of a horse in a dream indicates that in life you are faced with a person who embodies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate the sex of a preoccupied man, a stallion.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Horse is dreaming?

Seeing a herd indicates that you know how to attract people to yourself and many of your new acquaintances become your good friends.

If you dreamed of a red horse - in the opinion of those around you, you have to commit a crazy act, but having decided to take this step, you will become happy.

Seeing in a dream a horse with a fluttering mane rushing past indicates that you dream too much and forget about business.

If in a dream you ride a horse - this dream promises you victory over opponents.

To see how a horse chews grass - to family well-being and prosperity in the house. Seeing a floating horse indicates that you will achieve your goal. A girl has such a dream - promises a happy marriage.

Seeing a horse rearing up with a rider on its back promises a woman the devotion of a loved one.

If you dream that you are riding a troika, you will have disagreements with your loved ones.

To harness a horse - speaks of your self-doubt and that you need the support of others.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

To be pursued by a wild horse is a misfortune / for girls - an engagement.

Hold a horse skull in your hands - misfortune / illness.

Seeing an old horse is a great harm.

To see a horse's tail is a dispute, strife.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends.

If horses try to beat you with their hooves, beware of an accident. Do not travel in the coming days.

But if you have such a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, you will be promoted or have a long profitable business trip.

The dream in which you watch the races or take part in them is to defeat your competitors. A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, you may be able to put into practice already half-forgotten plans.

If a revived horse attacks you - beware, an enemy that you have long forgotten about may reappear in your life.

The revived stone horse reaches out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you.

Riding a stone horse - you have illusions about your environment, which will lead to problems.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

The horse is a complete success and victory in all areas of life, pleasure and satisfaction in one's life path.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The black horse is a harbinger of risky adventures.

If he breaks his leg or stumbles, such a dream warns against unnecessary risk that threatens to turn into big trouble.

The white horse is a symbol of nobility, as well as honors or wealth.

Horse in apples - can mean a varied, eventful life.

A red or red horse is a sign of irrepressible, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live on a whim, obeying more feelings than reason.

Silver horse - speaks of your daydreaming and rich imagination.

Riding it is a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a heavy horse or a tired, driven horse - such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly using your nobility, or that you yourself have overburdened someone with your requests or prodding.

Dream Interpretation of Health

The image of a horse - characterizes your upcoming actions and emotions, their accompaniment; black horse - actions are dangerous, risky, can cause regret and sadness; white horse - confident actions, joy is sure to come; red - events will unfold quickly, the result is doubtful, and emotions are stormy: from joy to crying.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

A bay horse is a hateful spouse.

To drive a horse - to severe fatigue.

Bridle a horse - to trouble through a lie.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

The furry horse is dreaming to surprise.

Bay horse - dreams of surprise in your life.

Drive the horse into the stall - you will come to some kind of decision.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing a horse running along the road is a difficult day.

Bay horse - dreams of moving.

Seeing in a dream how a lathered horse gallops - to a breakdown.

Bridle a horse - you want to give work to another, shift your work to others.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Black horse - a warning of mortal danger; a falling horse is bad news; white - to wealth; motley - to a small income.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a Horse is dreaming in a dream?

Black horse - sadness; riding it is a risky venture; saddle a horse - profit and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Horse - success, victory.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: A horse according to a dream book?

Horse, stallion - a sign of help, strength, energy, sexual urges.

For a woman - love impulses; lover, marriage; fate.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

The horse is a long journey.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

The figure of a horse is often associated with fate, which is interpreted depending on its suit.

If you harness a stallion - this is your victory.

Get off the horse - loss of position; to ride - the realization of hopes.

Aesop's dream book

Horse - symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse caused by your subconscious mind in a dream suggests that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities.

The horse has long been for people - it was an assistant, a warrior, protection, they composed songs about it, composed poems. Folk expressions have come down to us in which this magnificent noble animal is briefly and accurately characterized: “A horse has wings for a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat”.

Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane, then such a dream portends an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

Fighting in a dream on a horse is evidence that in real life you need to show all your discretion and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation.

If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you can lose your best friend due to your frivolity and craving for gambling.

If the horse saved you by taking the wounded from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you at a difficult moment.

Saddle a horse in a dream - a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will have a risky event that may end badly for you.

To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream portends an unpleasant event that will occur due to your indiscretion.

If you bury a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive bad news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will make you an advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you.

Ukrainian dream book

They say how horses dream - it will be some kind of lie.

As a man dreams of a horse - something good, but as a woman - this is a weakness.

How to dream that a horse will bite - then it will be some kind of weakness on this person.

As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow.

Horses are definitely a lie.

Like beautiful horses - that lie will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with that lie for a long time.

Riding a white horse is happiness, and riding a bulan is weakness.

White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health.

A bay, black horse is a disease.

If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter.

Buying a horse is news, riding on top is family happiness.

A rearing horse is a quarrel.

Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger.

A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, strength; dream of a foal - joy, independence; feed - welfare.

Gypsy dream book

White or gray horse - promise success and prosperity.

Black or brown horse - means power and high position in society.

If you ride a horse, this means that you will be well rewarded for the work done.

If you shoe a horse - in old age you will be guaranteed peace.

Stallion - symbolizes sexual power. Mare - sexual satisfaction.

Esoteric dream book

To see a horse - to a speedy resolution of affairs.

Riding is a reliable friend, help from friends.

Tabun - break free.

Squadron - to be drawn into politics or public intrigues.

The color of the horse - can be interpreted in two ways.

The attention of those who are interested in the occult, he draws to the forces of nature.

White - water element. Pale - air element. Red - fire element. Black is the element of earth. The rest of the colors also speak of your inclusion in the subtle world. It's time to get acquainted with magic and consciously use it.

For an ordinary person, the suit of a horse means the scope of interpreted events.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: A horse according to a dream book?

According to the dream book, a horse portends exhausting work, or a meeting with a noble person.

If this is your horse, you will have to work hard and hard.

Rush in the saddle - defeat all ill-wishers.

To see a black horse in a dream is a bad sign, someone will die, a white one - you will learn something.

If he is well-fed, your health can only be envied, and if he is skinny, it will deteriorate sharply.

I dreamed that he was inanimate - by your own negligence you do not entail problems.

He has come back to life and is aggressive towards you - someone you have already written off will threaten you.

They saw a horse that was castrated - they will stealthily harm you.

Harness a horse - you do not have your own opinion and are too dependent on how others treat you, you are afraid not to cope without them.

I dreamed of riding a horse - you have to deal with various kinds of troubles. Or get sick.

The black horse is a dream that explains what moves you through life, directs you towards certain goals, what guides you in your work.

I dreamed of riding a horse - you will easily resolve the difficulties that will fall to your lot. At this time, the likelihood of a disease transmitted by airborne droplets is high.

Black horse - you will, contrary to your desire, take part in an adventurous business.

Red horse - feelings will overwhelm you, events developing too quickly, will not let you recover.

White horse - a dream before pleasant events, before you experience enthusiastic emotions and sincere joy. Maybe your boyfriend will unexpectedly propose to you.


A horse in a dream portends a meeting with a noble person, the need to perform exhausting work. Seeing a man on a horse - a dream promises the successful completion of affairs, victory in current endeavors.

What color was the horse in your dream? What did you do in your sleep? What did the horse look like in your dream? What did the horse do in your dream? Who was in your dream besides the horse?

What color was the horse in your dream?

Brown horse Red horse Black horse White horse

What did you do in your sleep?

ride a horse ride a horse

Riding a horse in a dream

Riding a horse in a dream portends a long journey, unforeseen obligations. Watch your belongings - there is a danger of losing valuables on a trip. Sometimes a dream promises betrayal or deceit.

What did the horse look like in your dream?

black horse

Dreaming of a beautiful horse

The dream of a beautiful horse is a symbol of success on the love front and in creativity. A dream also promises a harmonious atmosphere in the family. It is possible that at work everything will also go like clockwork.

bay horse

What did the horse do in your dream?

I dreamed that the horse ran away

The horse ran away in a dream - in reality you will have to show a lot of effort. First of all, this will concern work - profitable projects will require significant investments, both material and physical.

Dreaming that a horse is attacking

I dreamed of a horse attack - you should be careful. Soon an ill-wisher will appear on your way. Show cunning and resourcefulness to defeat him.

Seeing a running horse in a dream

Dreaming of a running horse is a good sign. Soon you can expect the fulfillment of your innermost desire. It will surely bring joy, delight and satisfaction.


red horse

Dream Interpretation Red Horse dreamed of why the Red Horse is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Red Horse in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse, stallion

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Red

Red color in a dream means that you will be honored by inviting you to a large and elegant celebration. A rich bright red color called purple means that your lofty plans will not come true. The red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and luck, red pencils are for spending money and acquiring real estate. Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family strife and quarrels with a loved one. The red color in the letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the day. Seeing a red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in married life. Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows. Buy, pick and eat red grapes in a dream - in reality you will receive reproaches in the family and reprimands from the authorities. Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of an upcoming fun walk soon. Cook jam and compotes from red berries - to health.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Running horses - to passion.


Horse woman

Dream Interpretation Woman Horse had a dream about why a horse woman dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Woman on a horse in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Horses are the wind. They say how horses dream, it will be some kind of lie. As a man dreams of a horse, it is good, but as a woman, it is a weakness. As you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness on this person. As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow. Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, then lies will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with those lies for a long time. To ride the tops on a white horse is happiness, and on a bulan one is weakness. White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health. A bay, black horse is a disease. If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter. Buying a horse is news, riding on top is family happiness. A rearing horse is a quarrel. Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger. A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, a foal will dream of strength - joy, independence; feed - welfare.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse caused by your subconscious mind in a dream suggests that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been an assistant, a warrior, protection for people, they composed songs about it, composed poems. Folk expressions have come down to us in which this magnificent noble animal is briefly and accurately characterized: “A horse has wings for a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat”.

Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane, then such a dream portends an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

Fighting in a dream on a horse is evidence that in real life you need to show all your discretion and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation.

If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you can lose your best friend due to your frivolity and craving for gambling.

If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you at a difficult moment.

Saddle a horse in a dream - a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will have a risky event that may end badly for you.

To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream portends an unpleasant event that will occur due to your indiscretion.

If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive bad news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will make you an advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Horse, stallion

in a dream, a horse or stallion is a symbol of glory and success in business. To ride a stallion with a white star on his forehead in a dream means to live the rest of his life in joy, happiness and harmony with others. To see a horse from afar is to receive good news soon. A person who in a dream saw that a horse had died in his house would soon die himself.

A person who sits on a horse and is not able to control it commits sins. And the worse he manages it, the more he commits them. The white stallion is a sign of victory over all enemies and deliverance from adversity, since the horses of the angels are snow-white. To saddle an unbroken horse means to get into an unpleasant situation.

Flying in a dream on a winged horse symbolizes honor for you in this and the next world.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Black horse: a harbinger of risky adventures.

If he breaks his leg or stumbles: such a dream warns against unnecessary risk that threatens to turn into big trouble.

White horse: a symbol of nobility, as well as honors or wealth.

Dappled horse: can mean a varied, eventful life.

Red or red horse: a sign of irrepressible, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live on a whim, obeying more feelings than reason.

Silver horse: speaks of your daydreaming and rich imagination.

Riding it: a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a heavy horse or a tired, driven horse: such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly using your nobility, or you yourself have overburdened someone with your requests or prodding.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A son will be born (pregnant), independence, for good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // a serious illness, death, an enemy, an unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deceit (your horse - from your own, in the family), great work, slander, illness (to the wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead // death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - a quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If horses try to beat you with their hooves, beware of an accident. Do not travel in the coming days. But if you have such a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, you will be promoted or have a long profitable business trip. The dream in which you watch the races or take part in them is to defeat your competitors.

A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you will be able to put into practice already half-forgotten plans. If a revived horse attacks you, beware, an enemy that you have long forgotten about may appear in your life again. A revived stone horse reaches out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you. Riding a stone horse - You harbor illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horse - Black horse - a warning of mortal danger; a falling horse is bad news; white - to wealth; motley - to a small income.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse is a symbol of nobility, grace and speed. The image of a horse in a dream suggests that in life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate the sex of a preoccupied man, a stallion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horses grazing in the meadow - have many sexual partners.

Good luck in love, calm and stable state of life.

Running horses - to passion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horse - success, victory.


White horses in the snow

Dream Interpretation White horses in the snow dreamed of why in a dream White horses in the snow? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see White horses in the snow in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Horses are the wind. They say how horses dream, it will be some kind of lie. As a man dreams of a horse, it is good, but as a woman, it is a weakness. As you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness on this person. As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow. Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, then lies will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with those lies for a long time. To ride the tops on a white horse is happiness, and on a bulan one is weakness. White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health. A bay, black horse is a disease. If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter. Buying a horse is news, riding on top is family happiness. A rearing horse is a quarrel. Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger. A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, a foal will dream of strength - joy, independence; feed - welfare.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse caused by your subconscious mind in a dream suggests that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been an assistant, a warrior, protection for people, they composed songs about it, composed poems. Folk expressions have come down to us in which this magnificent noble animal is briefly and accurately characterized: “A horse has wings for a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat”.

Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane, then such a dream portends an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

Fighting in a dream on a horse is evidence that in real life you need to show all your discretion and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation.

If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you can lose your best friend due to your frivolity and craving for gambling.

If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you at a difficult moment.

Saddle a horse in a dream - a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will have a risky event that may end badly for you.

To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream portends an unpleasant event that will occur due to your indiscretion.

If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive bad news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will make you an advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

(See interpretation: ice, winter, avalanche, ice)

Getting stuck in the snow or falling into it in a dream means that you are in a position where nothing depends on you. You are too attached to some people and you have no chance in the near future to find a way out of this situation. But if in a dream you manage to safely get out of deep snow, then in life you will be able to find a way out of a situation that seemed hopeless. Getting lost in the snow in a dream is a harbinger of adversity. Snowfall in a dream means obstacles in business and trouble. If you dream that you see snowfall before Epiphany, then such a dream predicts you a quick separation from your lover. To see large snowdrifts of fluffy snow in a dream or to move among them is a sign of great happiness and wealth. It is easy to move around them - a sign of great luck in a difficult task. Falling into such a snowdrift in a dream is a sure sign that you will enjoy your wealth. The size of the snowdrifts and the whiteness of the snow are indicators of the size of your well-being and wealth. But getting stuck in snowdrifts in a dream indicates that you are in a hopeless situation and you should come to terms with it. The snowy peaks of the mountains in a dream indicate your ambitions and desire to become famous. Such a dream suggests that your claims are unfounded and you should be more modest and not flatter yourself with empty hopes in order to avoid disappointments and disappointments in the future. Soft snow in a dream portends pleasant meetings or news. Snow sparkling in the sun in a dream is a harbinger of happy changes in your destiny. Seeing a snowman in a dream means receiving early news from a loved one.

To see a lot of snow in a dream - to good profits and health. Wet, prickly snow in a dream indicates future troubles, humiliation and shame. Dirty snow in a dream warns you of the danger of scandal or betrayal. Melting snow in a dream is a harbinger of slow and small changes for the better.

A snowstorm in a dream is a harbinger of a big change in your situation for the worse. Playing snowballs in a dream - to deception and the collapse of hopes for the return of a monetary debt. Making snowballs in a dream means that you yourself will be to blame if your business suffers losses. Throwing snow at someone in a dream portends empty quarrels or useless proceedings. Rolling down a snowy mountain in a dream is a sign warning you of danger due to the fact that you will get involved in a risky business.

Dream Interpretation - Horse, stallion

in a dream, a horse or stallion is a symbol of glory and success in business. To ride a stallion with a white star on his forehead in a dream means to live the rest of his life in joy, happiness and harmony with others. To see a horse from afar is to receive good news soon. A person who in a dream saw that a horse had died in his house would soon die himself.

A person who sits on a horse and is not able to control it commits sins. And the worse he manages it, the more he commits them. The white stallion is a sign of victory over all enemies and deliverance from adversity, since the horses of the angels are snow-white. To saddle an unbroken horse means to get into an unpleasant situation.

Flying in a dream on a winged horse symbolizes honor for you in this and the next world.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Black horse: a harbinger of risky adventures.

If he breaks his leg or stumbles: such a dream warns against unnecessary risk that threatens to turn into big trouble.

White horse: a symbol of nobility, as well as honors or wealth.

Dappled horse: can mean a varied, eventful life.

Red or red horse: a sign of irrepressible, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live on a whim, obeying more feelings than reason.

Silver horse: speaks of your daydreaming and rich imagination.

Riding it: a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a heavy horse or a tired, driven horse: such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly using your nobility, or you yourself have overburdened someone with your requests or prodding.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A son will be born (pregnant), independence, for good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // a serious illness, death, an enemy, an unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deceit (your horse - from your own, in the family), great work, slander, illness (to the wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead // death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - a quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

Seeing snow in a dream is a laugh.

If you get caught in the snow, there will be a lot of fun. A “good” streak awaits in life, everything will work out for you, everything will work out. Seeing snowdrifts is a change for the better.

If you saw in a dream how individual snowflakes are falling, then you will have a pleasant pastime with your loved one, and if you are married, then well-being in family life. If the snow flies and sparkles, then there will be a lot of fun at some kind of home holiday. If you see snow covering a large area with an even veil, this means that for a long time you will not be bothered by any problems and troubles.

And to see melting snow in a dream means that before you start implementing your plans, you should put your thoughts and feelings in order. If the snow is dirty, then gossip will spoil your mood. If you see dirty snow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then someone deliberately spreads dirty rumors in order to interfere with your promotion. If such snow is dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, then one of the closest relatives will be slandered.

To feel the touch of snow in a dream is to experience an exciting love adventure. If you see snow or rain in a dream, then you will have to find out the bad news along with the good news. If you first see snow and then rain, then joy will be replaced by sadness.

Sweeping snow with your hand in a dream is a warning that your problems depend only on you. You are doing something wrong and therefore your life can change for the worse.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If horses try to beat you with their hooves, beware of an accident. Do not travel in the coming days. But if you have such a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, you will be promoted or have a long profitable business trip. The dream in which you watch the races or take part in them is to defeat your competitors.

A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you will be able to put into practice already half-forgotten plans. If a revived horse attacks you, beware, an enemy that you have long forgotten about may appear in your life again. A revived stone horse reaches out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you. Riding a stone horse - You harbor illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

The symbol means surprise or deceit. This is due to the nature of the phenomenon: among the people, snow was perceived as a surprise, the comparison with sugar stems from the appearance of snow and the inaccessibility of sugar to ordinary people.

Trying to make out what is outside the window: snow or rain - you strive to make life according to your own laws, although you realize that inevitability is stronger than you.

Seeing in a dream an absolutely even sheet of snow without any traces - you will not be able to find out what is of interest, because in this case everything is against you; rely on intuition, because there will be no clues.

Seeing in a dream that there is snow in a sugar bowl is an unexpected trick from loved ones.

To dream that on a summer day there was heavy snow with large fluffy snowflakes - you will be pleasantly surprised; expect a surprise; life will turn to you in an unexpected perspective; You are not aware of the prospects, but they will soon open at the most unexpected moment.

You are offered to buy snow that fell two years ago - you will become the subject of attention of a person whom you badly needed some time ago, but did not receive support from him and did not wait for a response to the request.

Seeing a person sweeping their tracks in the snow is a sign of suspicion, anxiety, a nervous state and unwillingness to communicate with old acquaintances.

Seeing a hare that confuses tracks in the snow is a reflection on a complex, difficult and rather sensitive issue that can only be resolved with courage.

In a dream, sculpt a snow figure - you do not have enough time to realize your desire to engage in a hobby; You feel like you're not doing your job.

Play snowballs - you will have close communication with children, with childhood friends; You will have to remember the skills that you have not used for a long time.

Melt the snow - you have to make a lot of efforts to achieve the desired result; do not hope for quick success; easy profit.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

Seeing heavy snowfall in a dream - big changes are coming in your career. Prickly snow with a strong wind portends obstacles in love. Snow that has covered huge snowdrifts - fortunately and a successful course of affairs.

Walking on the freshly fallen first snow means the ease with which you will overcome all obstacles. With difficulty making your way through deep snow, falling into it to the waist, portends trouble with friends. Fall into the snow - to unexpected difficulties.

Seeing endless fields covered with snow speaks of your desire to put yourself above your surroundings, no matter what it costs you. Snow that has covered trees in a silent winter forest - to inconsistencies in the new project due to insufficient financial study. Skiing in the snow - a fun trip out of the city with barbecue on a fire, etc. awaits you.

Melted spring snow, porous snowdrifts covered with frozen, like a glass crust of ice - such a dream means that your fears are groundless and everything will turn out as well as possible. Snow floating on ice floes along the river - miss your happiness because of exorbitant pride and self-interest.

To ride children on a sled on a packed snow crust - to luck in everything, on wet snow slush - you have to defend your interests in a stubborn struggle with a strong enemy. Dirty snow is a sign that portends family troubles, aggravated by money problems.

If you dreamed of a horse, and even a white one, then Fortune will definitely turn to face you. Even better, when in a dream you not only saw this graceful animal, but took it by the bridle and rode it. Why else is this image dreaming? We will look for the answer in the most popular dream books of the world.

Nobility, intelligence and honor

According to the dream book, a white horse is a symbol of prosperity, success, as well as honor and nobility. Such a vision falls to people whose thoughts are bright, thoughts are pure, actions are correct.

Sometimes such a dream precedes a certain discovery, a magnificent idea that will be born in the sleeper, and he himself will be much amazed, delighted with his abilities and the power of imagination.

Why does a woman dream of a white horse? In addition, the dreamer is about to meet a man who will become her faithful companion for many years.

Wonderful prospects

The one who, in night vision, rode on a white horse, and even without a saddle, in reality will cope with any trials, gain a high social position, earn honor, respect of people, the dream book promises.

Why then did you dream that you were riding a horse in the saddle? It turns out that this is a harbinger of the fact that a creative task is to be completed, to create a work in one of the genres of literary or other art.

Miller's interpretation

According to Gustav Miller, a white horse is a good sign that promises friendship with interesting, outstanding personalities, as well as a good combination of circumstances for the dreamer.

unhurried gait

The slowest step of a horse is the gait. Did you dream that it was so slowly that you were moving on a horse? The dream book suggests that in reality your life will be calm, measured in the near future.

In addition, such a plot suggests that, without rushing, you will achieve your goal, and others will respect you for your solidity and confidence.

An army of admirers and a meeting with a man who will become a wonderful husband - this is why the young lady dreams that she is sitting in the saddle of a white horse walking at a gait.

Don't miss your chance!

In a dream, did you just fly on a magical snow-white horse? Then, according to the dream book, your finest hour is approaching, the very moment when you feel like a triumph. And this plot also indicates that the dreamer has some kind of paranormal, extraordinary abilities.

Is the dreaming white horse harnessed to a carriage? Great, because upon awakening everything will go without a hitch: no problems, you are lucky in everything, starting with the little things.

Anyone who in a dream managed to ride in a carriage harnessed to a white horse will be able to really show off his talents and amaze the audience.

Very important details

A horse's temper is sometimes steep, and even the most obedient and trained horse can behave both in a dream and in reality obstinately, unpredictably. So, the behavior of the dreaming animal will also tell you how events will develop in reality.

Here, for example, in a night dream a white horse tried to throw off a rider - in reality, the sleeping one risks missing a rare chance. Does an animal kick in a dream? Get ready to repel the attacks of enemies.

A vision in which a horse kicks suggests a deterioration in well-being or a betrayal of a loved one. And if she bit, then rejoice, the dream book promises in this case a new position. Did you manage to tame a wild horse in a dream? Then in business you will find good luck and success. You have to face envy and deceit - that's what I dreamed of running away from a white horse.

A snow-colored horse rushing straight at you in a dream is a sign of freedom, movement, inspiration. And if in the night phantasmagoria you harnessed a horse, then the dream book recommends that you take your duties more responsibly in the future.

A wild mustang kicked and jumped in a dream, but did you stay in the saddle? So, in fact, you will cope with any problems, you will keep the situation under control.

Rider behavior

Creative upsurge, inspiration - this is what the dream of a rider rushing on a white horse prophesies. But if the dreaming person dismounted, let go of the bit, then the dream book warns: losses, losses are possible.

The choice is yours

What is the dream of that very textbook prince on a white horse? The representatives of the fair sex are inspired by the dream book: a meeting with a dream man is coming in reality.

Horses are symbols of freedom and rebellion. If they appear in the dream of a man or the fair sex, it means that additional opportunities will open up before the person or he will discover new strengths in himself. It is ladies who see horses in a dream much more often. In more detail, why a woman dreams of a horse is described below.

Why does a woman dream of a horse - interpretation from dream books

In Miller's dream book, a horse is also associated with freedom. If the girl simply watched the animal run and watched how its mane develops in the wind, then you need to take the juice as a signal that it's time to "breathe in fresh air." In reality, a woman lacks freedom. Perhaps she lives with a domineering spouse or overbearing parents. It is necessary to find the strength in yourself to get rid of the annoying control from others.

The Psychological Dream Book notes that fast galloping horses from sleep are an important sign. In reality, a woman lacks creativity and opportunities for self-realization. If she is mired in everyday life, it is time to find a hobby for herself.

According to the Gypsy dream book, a horse from a dream promises a girl the appearance of a fan in real life. True, a new acquaintance is better to immediately fight back. Relations with such a man will not bring anything good to the fair sex.

See how the animal grazes, eats grass

A beautiful well-groomed horse just grazing in the meadow? This is a great sign for a girl. She can be sure that in reality, if necessary, she will immediately receive the help and support she needs from friends. In addition, a similar plot suggests that a great period has come for any undertakings. If the fair sex begins to implement her own plans right now, then not only relatives and friends, but even influential authoritative strangers will meet her.

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