What causes untimely treatment of caries. Complications of caries: what are the consequences of the disease. Complications resulting from caries

Complication of caries (pulpitis, periodontitis) is a serious problem. It is important to prevent caries. If it was not possible to prevent the disease, it should immediately begin to fight. It is very important to treat caries in a timely manner. Otherwise, the disease will go into the advanced stage, which is much more difficult to treat.

Patient neglect preventive examinations at the dentist often lead to the fact that to stop the development of caries on early stages fails. carious lesions progress, bacteria penetrate into the soft tissues of the tooth and provoke complications. The most common complications of caries include three diseases: pulpitis, periodontitis and granuloma.

What is dangerous running caries? Consequences and complications

To begin with, we note that the treatment of complicated caries in an advanced stage will most likely include certain surgical intervention. If neglected caries is not treated, but simply drowned out with painkillers (not a rare case), the nerve of the tooth will begin to die very soon, and in carious cavity the decay process starts.

At the same time, the body begins to fight the complications of caries on its own, forming a granuloma around the root, which almost always increases in size over time and becomes a cyst. Experts also note such a type of disease as deep caries, the complications of which will be even more serious.

Prevention of complications

The most effective and reliable method of prevention possible complications disease, naturally, is considered an obstacle to its occurrence. To do this, follow the following banal rules:
- Helps to avoid the appearance of insidious and terrible caries. From childhood, a person should get used to brushing his teeth twice a day. You still need to change your toothbrush to a new one and carefully select for yourself toothpaste taking into account individual needs and characteristics oral cavity.
- The procedure requires the mandatory intervention of a dentist.
- That is, you can not leave voids in the mouth. In the very first place, this will inevitably spoil the bite. Also, each tooth will be assigned another more load, because of which inflammatory processes can begin to develop, leading to dental caries, the consequences of which can be the most unpredictable;
- Timely periodic visits to a specialist for an examination of the oral cavity will make it possible either to avoid the appearance of caries altogether, or to cure it at the stage of its first manifestations, which will help not to face serious complications.

What is pulpitis?

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the pulp resulting from the penetration of microbes into the tooth cavity from a carious defect. Its course can be acute, very painful, forcing the patient to immediately consult a doctor. The resulting pains are often pulsating, radiating to the entire half of the jaw, often to the ear and other parts of the head. chronic course pulpitis is less painful, mostly pains of a causal nature, i.e. arising from a specific factor, such as cold, sour or sweet drinks. If the resulting pain is prolonged and does not go away within 3-5 minutes, pulpitis should be assumed.

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the periodontal tissues surrounding the tooth root. It can also be acute, with severe pain, including aggravated by biting on a bad tooth. If you do not apply for medical assistance, then there may be swelling of the gums and even an abscess near the causative tooth. This process causes changes throughout the body: temperature rises, leukocytosis, ESR. This is especially true for purulent acute periodontitis, which requires urgent intervention: opening the tooth and cutting the gums. Acute non-purulent (serous) periodontitis proceeds more calmly. There may be medication or toxic periodontitis as a result of the application medicinal substances in the treatment of caries or pulpitis. There are traumatic periodontitis that occurs as a result of trauma or significant overload of the tooth with poor-quality prosthetics or fillings that overestimate the bite, i.e. interfering with the normal closing of the teeth. Acute periodontitis must be treated: open the tooth cavity, remove the remnants of the pulp, drain the fluid or pus that has accumulated in the periodontal area, and, if necessary, make an incision in the gums. When worsening general condition to avoid complications, the tooth should be removed. If a acute process manages to stop (stop) and turn into chronic, then further treatment teeth depends on the technical ability to expand the tooth canal well and seal it using modern technologies.

What is a granuloma?

Granuloma is a manifestation of chronic periodontitis, i.e. untreated acute sludge that arose gradually, as a result of the further spread of infection. Granuloma is characterized by certain formations in the root apex, diagnosed radiographically. Chronic periodontitis is often manifested by exacerbations due to hypothermia, blockage of the carious cavity of the tooth, deterioration in the general state of human health. You should know that chronic periodontitis is a foci of infection in the body that has a very adverse effect on human health, often provoking exacerbation or the appearance of cardiovascular, neurological diseases, deterioration of functions excretory system and especially the kidneys. That's why the teeth chronic periodontitis, or granuloma, must be treated (Root Canal Treatment), and if this is not possible, then remove or resect, i.e. promptly remove the root apex (Outpatient surgical care). Such teeth can be treated by filling with special pastes and pins, but subject to good complete passage canal of the tooth.

Is it possible to get rid of a granuloma or cyst without surgery?

Indeed, there are currently special pastes, which are introduced into the root canal on certain time, during which the radiological changes occurring in the area of ​​​​the granuloma or cyst are controlled, and when positive results temporary filling material in the canal of the tooth is replaced with a permanent one. Monitoring of dental treatment is also carried out on the basis of patient complaints (pain, swelling in the root of the treated tooth) and examinations of the oral cavity. However, it is not always possible to obtain nice results treatment, especially if there is a cyst in the root apex. In this case, if conditions permit, resection of the root apex is performed.

The consequences of neglecting caries

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to prevent the disease, it is very important to cure it as soon as possible. Timely treatment will help the patient save the tooth and even avoid a large number of related problems associated with caries complications. Moreover, if treatment of complicated caries is required, the process will be longer and, quite possibly, less effective.

Not treating caries leads to the presence in the oral cavity of a permanent focus of infection, which can lead to much more serious problems:
- The development of various cardiovascular diseases;
- Inflammatory processes in the joints;
- Allergic reactions in a chronic form.
Often, patients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to die from caries. Dentists do not give any unambiguous answer to it.

Naturally, it is almost impossible to die simply from a diseased tooth, but given the possible serious complications that cause other diseases, fatal outcome cannot be ruled out.

Among other things, according to experts from the Israeli University, caries leads to impotence in men. Of course we are talking about advanced forms of the disease, due to which inflammatory processes spread throughout the body. This is evidenced by a large number of conducted research.

Complications of caries appear in those people who do not properly care for their teeth, carelessly treat their own health, put off a visit to the dentist for years because of fear of pain. But the pain that they periodically experience for several years, they endure. A large selection of painkillers that provide temporary relief for such patients is a reason to postpone going to the doctor. elimination painful symptoms does not eliminate the causes that caused them. As a result, the condition of the teeth continues to deteriorate, leading to serious complications.

What is caries and what are its complications?

Caries refers to an infectious process external origin. Its appearance and development can be caused by:

  • microflora, which destructively affects the enamel;
  • disadvantage useful substances in the body (vitamins, proteins, change salt balance) due to malnutrition;
  • the presence of a special composition of trace elements in the food consumed.

With regard to the last point, it should be borne in mind that if the fluoride content in the food consumed is low, caries begins to develop and spread more intensively. The risk group includes patients who:

  • have suffered or are suffering from acute infectious diseases;
  • suffer from chronic systemic diseases;
  • were exposed to radiation;
  • affect your body with immunosuppressants;
  • were treated with intensive corticosteroid therapy.

The risk group includes women who have pregnancy with pathologies. Depending on how deep the caries has penetrated, and what its localization is, the following types of it are distinguished:

  • elementary;
  • average;
  • deep.

By clinical course the disease is divided into:

  • acute;
  • sharpest;
  • chronic.

The complication of dental caries leads to the appearance of acute toothache, which is very difficult to endure. These complications include:

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • the appearance of a granuloma of the tooth;
  • cyst formation.

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How does pulpitis appear and manifest itself?

Not timely treatment caries leads to the fact that it continues its development, destroys the tooth and gets right to the nerve or ligament of the tooth. As soon as this happens, the nerve becomes inflamed and makes itself felt. acute pain. It is caused by cold or hot food, an attempt to bite something. Continue pain at least 5 minutes.

Refusal of cold or hot food won't get rid of the pain. Pain can appear without any reason. But the surest sign of pulpitis is severe pain at night, which can torment a person for several hours.

Keep in mind that caries gets close to the nerve for a long time. This process can be asymptomatic or accompanied by unpleasant sensations. But already in a complicated form, it affects the deep layers, including soft tissues tooth, is the cause of the appearance and development of inflammation of the pulp. Hence the name - pulpitis, the development of which never occurs by itself.

This disease can be treated conservatively or surgically. In the first case, measures are taken to preserve the viability of the pulp. To do this, carry out mechanical treatment of the affected areas, apply local treatment use drugs, including antibiotics. In the second method of treatment, the pulp is removed altogether. Before removal, the pulp can be killed.

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Periodontitis: its appearance and development

But pulpitis is not dangerous in itself. As a result of its development, inflammation of the tissues that surround the tooth occurs. Therefore, the following chain can be noted:

  • the occurrence of caries;
  • its development and complication;
  • the emergence and development of pulpitis;
  • appearance of periodontitis.

The danger of this complication lies in the fact that the ligaments that hold the tooth are affected. As a result, two new symptoms arise:

  1. Pain occurs when pressure is applied to the tooth, because this irritates the ligaments and other tissues.
  2. The patient has a subjective feeling that the tooth seems to have grown a little.

With periodontitis, it becomes painful for a person to chew food. This disease can be both acute and chronic. If it acute form manifests itself clinically, which is the reason for going to the doctor, then the chronic form proceeds without these symptoms and is detected when examined by a specialist.

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The appearance of a granuloma

The most persistent patients who, when periodontitis appears, cannot reach the dentist, expect unpleasant news. They may develop a granuloma, which is an advanced form of periodontitis. It is characterized by the fact that a small purulent sac appears at the root of the diseased tooth, which for a long time doesn't worry at all. But at some point there is an exacerbation, accompanied by acute pain.

A granuloma can be identified using x-ray, and this happens when the situation becomes critical. In an advanced form, a tooth granuloma leads to the development of a cyst, flux or phlegmon in it.

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What happens if you don't see a doctor?

If everyone who has problems with their teeth asked this question and still went to the dentist, then the cases of complications of caries would decrease dramatically. And the problem is not at all that the treatment of caries at its early stage is easier, faster, more effective and cheaper if you go to a private clinic.

Further development of the pathology, the appearance of its complications leads to the fact that a permanent focus of infection appears in the mouth. And this stimulates the development of such serious illnesses, how:

  • cardiovascular;
  • inflammation in the joints;
  • chronic allergies.

To the question of whether it is possible to die from caries, doctors and scientists do not give a definite answer. It is allowed that in long term if the disease progresses, causes serious complications that pass into other diseases, this can seriously shorten life expectancy. If not from caries itself, then from cardiovascular diseases people die.

Curious studies were carried out by scientists in Israel. As a result of numerous observations, they came to the conclusion that dental diseases that occur in a complicated form, stimulating inflammatory processes throughout the body, cause impotence in men.

It's important to know! If timely treatment of periodontitis is not started, then its development will lead not only to granuloma, but also to osteomyelitis of the bone. mandible and development of sepsis. The resulting granuloma is a strong infectious focus, increasing the risk of not only cardiovascular, neurological, but also other pathologies.

We most often visit the dentist when a toothache has already appeared, and this is a signal that caries is in the complication stage. Of course, better teeth not lead to their complete destruction and pain. But what to do when the nerve is already inflamed?
After all, if you endure pain, then the infection can penetrate deeper into the tooth, while affecting the tissues around. Which ultimately leads to tooth extraction.

It happens that the pain has subsided, but this does not mean that this tooth has “recovered”, there was simply a necrosis of the nerve bundle, and therefore the signal from the diseased tooth stopped, that is, the irradiation of pain.

Toothache that occurs when taking sweet food (chemical irritants) indicate that the patient is developing superficial caries, and if the reaction manifests itself to the cold - deep. If the pain continues even after you have removed the irritant, this means that the nerve is inflamed. And the pain arising from hot food speaks of deep defeat- pulpitis, periodontitis, granuloma or even cyst. With the destruction of the tooth by more than half, prosthetics are already required. Unfortunately, this rule is often neglected by both dentists and patients, which often leads to chipping of the walls and fractures of the tooth. And in this case, even a crown does not always save and treatment of complex forms of caries is required.

And so consider pulpitis - the most common type of complication of caries. This is the first of the stages inflammatory process, which is caused by the lack of its treatment. The disease develops inside the tooth, because the pulp is surrounded by enamel and dentin. At the same time, carious cavities increase in volume, and the dentin becomes thinner.

The disease often proceeds in an acute form, which causes sharp causeless pain. And the chronic form is characterized by pain sensations with a certain frequency, which occur when exposed to a certain factor (for example, sour food or cold drink).
There are two methods of pulpitis treatment: surgical and conservative. In the first case, the inflamed soft dental tissues are to be removed, in the second, the viability of the pulp is preserved. Conservative treatment the same as the treatment of caries and it is used only in cases where the disease is still reversible.

What is the danger of caries in a neglected state? If pulpitis is not adequately treated, then it flows into periodontitis, that is, inflammation of the bone tissue surrounding the roots of the teeth. If periodontitis is in the acute stage, then there is an increased body temperature, swelling of the gums, throbbing pains. Even with a light touch to the tooth, severe pain occurs, because the periodontium is irritated. Non-purulent or serous forms of periodontitis proceed quite calmly, in contrast to acute purulent. Treatment of acute periodontitis will require urgent intervention by a surgeon and almost always ends with tooth extraction, while chronic periodontitis can often be stopped (stopped) by less radical methods.

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Dentists of the clinic, who have extensive experience and use high-quality tools, equipment, in combination with effective methods treatment of complications of caries and dental prosthetics and individual approach Each client is highly trusted.

Caries, if it has already appeared, must be treated, and preferably, on early stages. If the carious process is started, the death of the nerve of the tooth will begin very soon, and in the carious cavity- process decay. At the same time, the body begins to fight the complications of caries on its own, forming a granuloma around the root, which, increasing, eventually becomes a cyst. As a result, a person can simply lose a tooth.

Often a complication of caries leads to the following problems:

  • pulpitis,
  • periodontitis,
  • to granuloma and cyst,
  • to cardiovascular disease,
  • to allergic reactions in a chronic form,
  • to inflammatory processes in the joints,
  • to impotence in men.

Pulpitis - inflammation of the dental nerve - the most common complication this disease. It is characterized by very severe pain that occurs when biting and when too cold or hot food enters the oral cavity.

Can sometimes lead to pulpitis poor quality treatment caries: the doctor leaves fragments of carious tissues under the filling, thermal burn pulp during drilling, infection of the pulp after treatment deep caries. Running pulpitis usually leads to the development of periodontitis. With this disease, in addition to the dental nerves, the inflammatory process also covers the ligaments that hold the teeth to the bone.

Periodontitis is conditionally divided into two stages:

  • acute stage. It is characterized by obvious pain sensations.
  • Chronic form of the disease. It is characterized by the fact that often does not make itself felt pain.

A neglected form of periodontitis is a granuloma. Tooth granuloma characterizes the appearance purulent sac small size at the root of the tooth, accompanied by severe pain. Granuloma, being a focus of infection, provokes the development of neurological, cardiovascular and other diseases. An untreated granuloma may soon develop into a tooth cyst, phlegm or flux.

Prevention of complications is reduced to compliance with the following rules:

  • Careful observance of oral hygiene: daily double (morning and night) toothbrushing; timely replacement of your toothbrush with a new one; careful selection of toothpaste, taking into account the characteristics of the oral cavity.
  • Timely removal of plaque and tartar at the dentist.
  • Mandatory restoration of the dentition (you can not leave voids in the mouth). Lack of teeth leads to an incorrect distribution of loads on the remaining teeth, which may cause caries to develop;
  • Mandatory periodic visits to the dentist for an examination of the oral cavity. This makes it possible to either avoid the appearance of caries, or cure it at the initial stage, which will help not to face serious complications.

Many people think that they carry out the prevention of dental diseases at home. But they are surprised by the fact that caries, after all, appears. Dental care at home is not a guarantee of caries prevention. To prevent complications, the help of a dentist is necessary.
Everyone has heard of people who are afraid of dentists. Checking their teeth with a doctor becomes torture for them. When pain and caries arise, people often endure to the last. And this - Right way to complications and serious dental disease. The aggravation of the situation and complications can quickly become chronic.

infectious process that affects dental tissue is caries. The causes of the disease are the following factors:

The photo shows the examination of the teeth using a dental mirror with initial stages caries.

Complications of caries

Launched caries is fraught with serious consequences that can lead to total loss of the dentition. Running stage the disease is characterized by severe pain, since the destructive process extends not only to the dentin, but also to the pulp and periodontal tissue.

The picture shows the stages of development internal caries.

Very often, patients drown out a sharp toothache various painkillers, as a result of which the nerve of the affected tooth completely dies, the process of tissue decomposition begins and pus accumulates in the carious cavity.

The purulent process can lead to the development of strong allergic reactions and intoxication of the body. In addition, the patient's immunity begins to independently fight the complication of the disease, resulting in the formation of a granuloma, which can develop into a cyst.

Ignoring or delaying the visit to the doctor is a guarantee of the onset of dental disease. Caries formed on the tooth can also occur on adjacent teeth. And this is a dangerous possibility of losing the dentition. Therefore, it is urgent to resort to the treatment of a damaged tooth.

Otherwise, caries will develop into acute diseases:

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • granuloma;
  • cyst.

Consider the advanced forms of caries disease in more detail.

The photo shows the stages of tooth cleaning from purulent pulpitis: before and after.

Pulpitis occurs when infectious bacteria enter the teeth hard tissues. The infection enters the dental nerve (pulp) and inflames it. Bacteria multiply inside the tooth. This causes squeezing of the veins and swelling. Edema compresses the nerve endings, which causes severe pain.

The picture shows the stages of development of caries into pulpitis.

Signs of pulpitis:

  1. When consuming cold, hot, sour food, there is a sharp pain impulse. It lasts less than five minutes.
  2. Pain also appears when biting on an aching tooth. It also causes pain at night.
  3. Regardless of the use of food, pain occurs, covering the entire dentition. Also, the pain impulse is given to the ear cavity. Often, it is even difficult to determine which tooth is causing the pain.
  4. Headache in a certain part of the head from the side of the painful tooth.

There are two ways to treat pulpitis: biological and surgical. With biological (conservative), the affected nerve is preserved. In the case of surgical intervention, the pulp is removed, and the empty cavity is sealed.

A complication of caries is characterized by toothache, which is acute. Pulpitis occurs as a result of damage to the pulp by cariogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products. Toothache occurs spontaneously and is paroxysmal in nature. Pain sensations are felt not only in the area of ​​the affected tooth, as they radiate along all branches trigeminal nerve, give to the jaw, temple and ear. It is possible to distinguish pulpitis from neuralgia by increasing toothache at night, as well as with horizontal position sick.

If the pulpitis is not acute, but chronic, then pain can occur under the influence of chemical, mechanical and thermal stimuli. At the same time, the pain does not fade for a long time even after the elimination of irritants. When probing the carious cavity, the patient feels a sharp shooting pain.

If an acute form of purulent pulpitis develops, then the patient feels a continuous throbbing toothache, which is aggravated by thermal exposure. Attacks are long, and painkillers stop pain for a short period of time.

Pulpitis requires urgent dental treatment, which does not exclude surgical intervention.


Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the root of a tooth is called periodontitis. As a rule, the disease proceeds acutely, toothache increases with mechanical irritation of the affected tooth, gum edema occurs, and an abscess may form in the area of ​​the diseased tooth. The disease is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body, which is manifested by nausea, fever, headaches, weakness, and vomiting. Treatment of a purulent form of periodontitis requires urgent surgical intervention, which consists in the outflow of pus and the relief of the inflammatory process. Very often, in order to avoid possible complications, they resort to the removal of the affected tooth.

The occurrence of periodontitis can be caused by several reasons:

  • periodontitis. Inflammation of the gums can be one of the reasons for the development of periodontitis;
  • dental trauma of a mechanical nature;
  • lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements in the body;
  • diseases chronic form (diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system);
  • bad habits.

The first warning sign of periodontitis is bleeding gums. Also, the appearance bad smell from mouth.

The photo shows a severe form of periodontitis with bleeding gums.

There are two types of periodontitis - chronic and acute. At acute periodontitis the tooth is in pain. When you press it, the pain intensifies. Also, the pain impulse appears from eating hot food. When eating cold food, on the contrary, it subsides. There is swelling of the gums around the affected tooth. Also, there may be purulent formation near him. Periodontitis is accompanied elevated temperature feeling of nausea, vomiting. Periodontitis is characterized by a feeling of weakness and intoxication of the body as a whole.

Periodontitis in purulent form requires urgent surgical intervention. In the case of a non-purulent form of periodontitis, the diseased tooth can still be cured. At the same time, without resorting to its elimination. There is an option classical treatment. If you do not see a doctor in time, the tooth will have to be removed. It is possible to improve the condition of the tooth and reduce the symptomatic picture. But after 1-1.5 weeks, periodontitis will become chronic. This will lead to high mobility of the dentition, the formation of gaps between the teeth. If the problem is not eliminated, the bacteria will lead to diseases of the joints, heart, kidneys. Periodontitis can develop into a granuloma.

Dentist's opinion.

The non-purulent form of periodontitis proceeds with less severe symptoms, and it can be treated with conservative methods (expansion and filling of the dental canal).

The photo shows a severe form of periodontitis with severe recession. bone tissue and gums.

Granuloma is called advanced periodontitis. It is characterized by the presence of a purulent formation at the base of the tooth. It can only be diagnosed with x-rays. A granuloma may not show any signs, but one day it may become inflamed. Feels strong pain pulsating character. Tooth enamel darkens and appears purulent discharge. Treatment of a granuloma with a conservative method does not always allow saving a damaged tooth. If the granuloma has grown into a cyst, surgery is the only treatment option. At its core, a granuloma is a focus of infection. It can cause disease internal organs.

The photograph shows an x-ray of a tooth with a granuloma along the root of a molar.

It is possible to diagnose a granuloma with the help of an X-ray examination, it occurs gradually and is a consequence of such carious complication like periodontitis. Gradually increasing, the granuloma manifests itself in the form of swelling of the gums and its pain on palpation. If a purulent process flutters in the granuloma, then the patient feels a throbbing toothache, tooth enamel darkens, purulent discharge appears.

The chronic course of the disease may be asymptomatic, and as the disease progresses, the granuloma transforms into a cyst. The granuloma is the focus chronic infection in the body and in addition to tooth loss can cause serious complications on the organs of the respiratory tract and cardiovascular system.

conservative methods granuloma therapy does not always allow saving a tooth; when it is transformed into a cyst, they most often resort to surgical intervention.

The image shows the location of the granuloma at the root of the tooth.

Prevention of caries complications

Preventive measures for complications of caries include early diagnosis and timely treatment of caries, professional cleaning oral cavity, orthopedic treatment allowing to evenly distribute the load and restore the dentition.

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