List of candles for the restoration of microflora. How to restore the microflora of the vagina: classic and folk remedies

To restore the microflora of the vagina, it becomes necessary when the body itself cannot regulate the ratio of bacteria. The causes of this condition may be transferred infectious diseases, poor hygiene, hypothermia or a change in climatic conditions.

Female dysbacteriosis, or a violation of the female microflora, leads to the fact that the flora of the vagina, which normally should help the immune system fight harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi, ceases to cope with its functions. This leads to a decrease in immunity, to frequent diseases of the genitourinary system, unpleasant sensations in the genitals - burning, itching, pain, dryness, irritation.

Now there are a large number of vaginal suppositories that will help to cope with the problem.


Vagical are women's candles, the active substance of which is of plant origin. Thanks to the calendula, which is part of the drug, suppositories act as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal agent. Women's suppositories contribute to the rapid regeneration of the vaginal mucosa, and also increase the protective function of the body from external stimuli.

The composition of medicinal calendula includes acids: salicylic and pentadecyl. Thanks to their action, streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria cease to multiply and die. But at the same time, calendula does not act on the female body as aggressively as antibiotics, it restores dead cells of the mucosa, and prevents scars from forming.

Women's candles improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, so inflammation passes faster. The drug is able to heal erosion of the genital tract.

The female drug Vagical improves the quality of life of women who are in menopause. Thanks to the extract of calendula, rich in plant mucus and polysaccharides, the drug fights against dryness, irritation and itching.

Before insertion into the vagina, a woman should moisten the suppository with warm boiled water. The candle dissolves quickly. The daily dose of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician, in most cases it is 2 suppositories per day. The course of treatment lasts about a week.

Vagical is prescribed in the following cases

Among the side effects can be identified an allergic reaction to the composition of the drug. It can be manifested by itching, dryness of the vagina.

Candles to improve the female microflora have no contraindications. During pregnancy and lactation, a woman should consult a doctor before using suppositories.

Women's candles Vakigal are produced in Poland, are available in a package of 10 pcs. Approximate price - 110 rubles.

Means analogues:

  • Vagilak;
  • Cifran;
  • Labilact.


Gynoflor - female tablets for the treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis, normalization of microflora. They include beneficial lactobacilli and the synthetic hormone estriol.

Lactobacilli, settling in the vagina, normalize the microflora, create acidity, which prevents harmful microorganisms from multiplying. A sufficient amount of lactic acid is produced in order to regenerate and protect the genital mucosa.

During the vital activity of lactobacilli, which are included in women's tablets, bacteriocins are produced. They act depressingly on pathogenic microorganisms.

Estriol is an analogue of estrogen produced by the ovaries. This substance is necessary in the preparation in order to stimulate the growth of mucosal cells for speedy regeneration. Thus, the condition of the walls of the vagina improves. Estriol helps to deal with unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

Gynoflor increases the ability of the female body to withstand external stimuli due to the barrier function of the vaginal mucosa.

Women's pills are effective in such conditions:

  • after antibiotic treatment;
  • after chemotherapy;
  • during menopause;
  • with non-specific secretions;
  • for the treatment of candidiasis (as an adjuvant);
  • with vaginitis.

Before use, female tablets are moistened with water and inserted into the vagina. The doctor prescribes 1-2 tablets per day. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days.

During the course of treatment, you should refrain from sexual intercourse.

Side effects occur in case of intolerance to the substances that are included in the drug. In this case, swelling of the mucous membrane, burning and itching may occur. In this case, it is better to stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Gynoflor is contraindicated:

  • with bleeding;
  • in the presence of tumors of the reproductive system or breast;
  • with endometriosis.
  • not recommended for women who have not reached puberty.

The country of origin of the remedy for improving the female microflora is Switzerland. The drug is available in 12 tablets per pack. Approximate price - 950 rubles.

Means analogues:

  • Hexicon;
  • Venro Keith;
  • Gynecitis;


Bifidumbacterin is a remedy that is available in the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories. It contains anaerobic bifidobacteria. They kill harmful microflora, maintain the desired acidity in the female body, and increase the barrier protective function.

The tool removes toxins from the body. Bifidobacteria stimulate the production of lactic acid, vitamins B and K, strengthen local immunity.

The drug can be prescribed as an additional remedy in the treatment of chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes.

Bifidumbacterin has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with colpitis, vaginitis, urethritis.

It is prescribed by a doctor after surgery on the genitourinary system, to prevent complications. In menopause, the drug helps to combat excessive dryness in the vagina or excessive discharge.

Candles treat dysbacteriosis after prolonged use of antibiotics, normalize the female microflora.

It is allowed to use in pediatrics, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The doctor prescribes 1-2 suppositories per day. The course of treatment is from 7 to 12 days.

When taken simultaneously with antibiotics, Bifidumbacterin can reduce the effectiveness of the latter.

Increases the effect of vitamin-containing products.

Produced in a package of 10 pieces, the manufacturer of the drug is Russia. Approximate price - 390 rubles.


Vaginorm-S refers to antimicrobial and antiseptic agents that improve the female microflora. The main active ingredient is ascorbic acid. Its content in 1 suppository is 250 mg.

The tool is able to increase the acidity of the vagina, which prevents further reproduction of pathogens.

At the same time, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria continue their vital activity. Thus, the microflora inside the genital organs is normalized.

Women's pills increase immunity, act as an anti-inflammatory agent.

The doctor prescribes the drug for such diseases:

  • colpitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • dysbacteriosis.

It is not recommended to use for candidal colpitis, because an increase in pH can aggravate the situation. It is not necessary to stop taking Vaginorm during menstruation and infectious diseases. The drug reduces the effectiveness of anticoagulants. You can use female tablets to normalize the microflora during pregnancy and lactation.

The doctor prescribes 1 tablet in the evening for a week.

There may be side effects in the form of:

The manufacturer of the tablets is Germany, in one package there are 6 pcs. Approximate price - 620 rubles.

Drug analogues:

  • Lactonorm;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Acylact;
  • Vagilak.


Kipferon is available in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories. It consists of:

  • interferon;
  • immunoglobulin complex;
  • Excipients.

Candles have an antiviral effect and an antibacterial effect against chlamydia.

The drug fights inflammation, intoxication of the body as a result of the vital activity of harmful bacteria. Kipferon promotes rapid healing of the mucosa, prevents the occurrence of scar tissue, improves the female microflora.

Candles increase the local and general immunity of the body. Kipferon helps with cervical erosion. Improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Prevents the occurrence of vaginal dysbacteriosis.

The drug is prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

It is used before surgery to reduce the risk of post-operative infections.

Can be used in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy as directed by a physician. It is prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories for children up to a year.

The drug has no contraindications. No side effects were observed.

Kipferon is produced in 5 and 10 pcs. packaged. The manufacturer of means - Russia. Approximate price - 600 rubles.

Drug analogues:

  • Giaferon;
  • Altevir;
  • Lifeferon;
  • Viferon.


Estriol - vaginal female suppositories, the active ingredient of which is exogenous estriol. Most often, the drug is prescribed to women who feel a lack of the hormone estrogen. This condition causes dryness and burning in the vagina, a violation in the regeneration of the mucosa and its atrophic changes.

Candles restore microflora, help in the division of mucosal cells, and normalize acidity.

Due to the action of the female remedy Estriol, local immunity increases, chronic diseases worsen less often.

Doctors prescribe women's candles:

The drug is contraindicated:

  • if there is a tendency to allergic reactions to components;
  • with the formation of blood clots;
  • with cancer;
  • with uterine bleeding;
  • with liver failure;
  • with hyperplasia of the walls of the endometrium;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • after a recent heart attack.

Prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects include:

The doctor prescribes 1 suppository at night. The course of treatment is from 7-14 days.

Estriol enhances the effect of glucocorticosteroids, and also changes the effect of anticoagulants, beta-blockers.

The manufacturer of the drug is the Republic of Moldova. The drug is available in a package of 15 pcs. Approximate price - 230 rubles.

Analogues of women's candles Estriol are:

  • Ovestin;
  • Estrocad;
  • Esterlan;
  • Klymen;
  • Menostar.

Candles for the restoration of microflora in gynecology are prescribed to women who have been diagnosed with dysbacteriosis, or there are suspicions of its development. The danger of this condition lies in the fact that it proceeds without severe symptoms, but the consequences are much more serious.

So, for example, some patients are faced with infertility, and when pregnancy occurs, its severe course is noted. To normalize the condition, doctors prescribe suppositories to restore vaginal microflora. These drugs have a mild effect, which allows them to be used not only in therapy, but also as a preventive measure.

Initially, if a woman feels a deterioration in her condition, she should go to an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will have to conduct an examination, as well as prescribe tests that will help identify the cause of the development of the pathological process. Only after that he will be able to prescribe suitable suppositories for vaginal microflora.

When dysbacteriosis is detected, treatment is necessarily carried out comprehensively, since initially it is necessary to get rid of pathogenic microflora. Antibiotics do an excellent job with this task, they kill the fungus and other types of pathogens that are located on the walls of the genital organs.

To normalize the microflora in gynecology, suppositories are also indicated for such a common problem as thrush (vaginal candidiasis at different ages occurs in every second woman on the planet). Such a dosage form is more preferable than, for example, tablets or injections, because it has less negative effects on the body. In this way, you can achieve the best therapeutic effect with minimal intervention.

Candles to restore the flora in gynecology after antibiotics are prescribed without fail. The fact is that the main drawback of the drugs of this drug group is the destruction of not only foreign, but also their own microorganisms present in the genitals.

Suppositories are able to directly affect the pathological focus, they are convenient to use, and due to the minimum list of side effects, they can be prescribed to women during the period of bearing a child. Candles for microflora in gynecology are considered one of the safest medicines, which allows them to be purchased without a prescription from a doctor.

But at the same time, women need to take a responsible approach to treatment, and not use the medicine without a prescription and consultation with a gynecologist. The doctor must determine the type of infection, which will allow him to accurately diagnose the disease. Suppositories will help only if the patient initially drinks antibiotics, and then starts using vaginal suppositories for flora.

Operating principle

Vaginal suppositories with bacteria contain lacto and bifidus organisms, the concentration level of these components is always different, so before buying, you need to choose the right dosage of the medicine, based on how much they are in the woman's body.

Actually, it is for this that the girl will need to go to the doctor, who will take a swab from the vagina, and then send it to the laboratory for study. Let us consider in more detail how vaginal suppositories work to restore flora:

  1. After the introduction of the suppository has been completed, it gradually dissolves in the vagina under the influence of body temperature;
  2. Further, active medicinal components begin to be released, which are gradually absorbed by the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  3. If we turn to anatomy, it will become known that the woman's vagina contains a lot of blood vessels, which is why after a quarter of an hour the medication is found in the blood and begins to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Suppositories for improving microflora in gynecology are known for their local effect. Due to the fact that they have the ability to turn the alkaline environment of the body into acidic, fungal microorganisms do not survive in it at all.

What to choose

Due to the rapid progression of pharmacology, each pharmacy has a wide range of drugs that will help to cope with dysbacteriosis, in particular, there are suppositories for normalizing vaginal microflora. Thanks to these drugs, it is possible to normalize the balance of the necessary microorganisms that inhabit the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

As mentioned earlier, any drug, including lacto or bifidus vaginal suppositories, should be prescribed by a gynecologist, since each clinical case is individual, as well as the degree of neglect of the pathological process, its severity of progression. In most cases, doctors prescribe probiotics, which contain lactobacilli.

If a woman has a pathology that is accompanied by an inflammatory process or infection, then the upper epithelial layer of the organ is damaged. In view of this, all active and beneficial substances that contain vaginal suppositories with lactobacilli will be removed after a week, and the therapeutic effect will be lost.

To prevent this from happening, therapy must be comprehensive. Accordingly, drugs are needed that will not allow the upper epithelial layer to collapse. Due to the fact that the shell will be intact, lactobacilli will be able to securely gain a foothold on its surface, and will not leave the body, respectively, the microflora will be restored.

With lactobacilli

Initially, consider suppositories for restoring microflora in gynecology (preparations containing lactobacilli). But do not forget that dysbacteriosis is eliminated only by a complex effect on the body, so that the epithelium has protection from destruction, and microorganisms remain inside.

Given all the factors, you can use suppositories to restore microflora in gynecology, the names of which are presented below:

  • Gynoflor (contains the hormone estriol);
  • Lactogin;
  • Ecofemin;
  • Vagilak.

It is important to understand that not always the selected drug will be able to give the desired therapeutic effect. If a woman has undergone a weekly course of treatment, and the symptoms of dysbacteriosis have not disappeared, then the doctor may prescribe suppositories with lactobacilli to restore microflora in gynecology, which are called Vaginorm C (they contain ascorbic acid).

It is thanks to this component that the acid-base balance is normalized, which contributes to an increase in colonies of beneficial bacteria. The minimum period for using suppositories is 7 days, while if it is necessary to increase the effect on the body, a specialist can prescribe Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin suppositories, which are placed for ten days.

With lactic acid

Vaginal suppositories for dysbacteriosis may contain such a component as lactic acid. In addition to restoring the microflora, suppositories also help to improve the patient's local immunity. Depending on the composition of the medication, as well as the identified disease, it is necessary to put them in the morning or evening.

To minimize the likelihood of the return of the pathology, then eat to exclude relapse, gynecologists advise to additionally drink a concentrate of bifidobacteria. Thanks to this, the likelihood of falling ill again is reduced by more than ten times.

If vaginal dysbacteriosis has been diagnosed, candles can be used as follows:

  1. Vaginorm S. Helps to restore the acidity of the vaginal environment. It contains ascorbic acid, which destroys pathogenic microflora. The average course of treatment is 6-7 days, while one suppository is administered every night.
  2. Femilex. Another vaginal suppositories for dysbacteriosis, which help get rid of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. The main active substance is lactic acid, due to which an acidic reserve is created that does not allow fungi to develop if the medium was alkaline.
  3. Lactobacterin. Doctors prescribe this remedy to restore the acid-base balance of the vagina after thrush has been treated. Suppositories also improve local immunity and metabolism.

Almost all suppositories for restoring microflora in gynecology are cheap, and one package is enough to complete a full treatment course. Accordingly, if a woman needs therapy of such a plan, then it will not be expensive.


After bifidobacteria enter the mucous membrane, they constantly multiply, and they slowly, but quite confidently, displace foreign microorganisms. Vaginal suppositories to improve the microflora Bifidobacterin have a sufficient amount of these elements in their composition. Due to this, the previously alkaline environment becomes acidic, which helps the immune system cope with the pathology.

This remedy is ideal for combating the effects of thrush, however, like most medicines, it should be used only under strict medical indications, and in compliance with the recommendations of a specialist regarding daily dosage and duration of therapy.

If the patient is self-medicating, and the pathology did not arise under the influence of fungi of the genus Candida, but vaginal suppositories are used to improve the microflora of Bifidobacterin, there is a high probability that she will have gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis.

With nystatin

Before vaginal suppositories are used to normalize the flora, which contain nystatin, a woman must pass a bacteriological culture from the vagina. This procedure is necessary to determine how pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to the active ingredient.

When women use suppositories to restore microflora in gynecology, reviews of drugs with nystatin are not always positive. Some point out that the therapy was just a waste of time, and did not bring any results. This happens if the sensitivity of fungi to the active substance has not been previously determined.

The suppositories in question have a mild effect, so they are not able to destroy the pathogenic microflora, but can only get rid of the consequences of the disease. However, this allows the use of suppositories to restore the flora in gynecology as a prophylactic rather than a therapeutic measure, if a woman often suffers from vaginal dysbacteriosis.

It is not recommended to use the medicine for women during childbearing or breastfeeding. Also, suppositories for flora in gynecology are not prescribed for patients who are allergic to the constituent components of the drug. Doctors advise starting treatment after the completion of menstrual bleeding, and the therapy itself lasts about 14 days. Two candles must be administered per day (in the morning and in the evening).

As you can see, there are many suppositories that can help restore the vaginal microflora, but self-medication is not recommended, as this will negatively affect the healing process.

Doctor's opinion (video)

Candles to restore microflora, as a rule, are used if the body is not able to independently regulate the ratio of various bacteria. There can be quite a few reasons for the imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. Among them are diseases of infectious origin, hypothermia, non-observance of personal hygiene rules or a sharp change in climate.


Otherwise called female dysbacteriosis. Its development leads to the fact that the vaginal microflora, which normally helps the immune system to resist harmful microorganisms such as fungi, viruses and bacteria, cannot cope with the functions assigned to it. In the future, there is a decrease in protective properties, recurrent diseases of the genitourinary system and discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, pain, burning, irritation and dryness.

To date, many drugs are presented in pharmacies, including vaginal suppositories to restore microflora in the female body. Let's consider some of them.


Vaginal suppositories "Vagical" are composed of active ingredients of natural origin. The preparation contains calendula extract, due to which the suppositories have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. These vaginal suppositories quickly restore the vaginal mucosa, and also have a strengthening effect on the body's immune system, protecting it from external stimuli.

Medicinal calendula contains pentadecyl and salicylic acids. Bacteria under their influence stop reproduction and eventually die. The drug is especially effective against staphylococcus and streptococcus. The effect of calendula on the female body is comparable to the effect of taking antibiotics, it promotes the regeneration of mucous membrane cells and prevents the formation of scars.

Normalization of blood circulation

Suppositories normalize blood circulation in the female reproductive system, which contributes to a faster removal of the inflammatory process. Also, the action of the drug is aimed at healing erosion.

Candles for the restoration of microflora "Vagikal" can improve the quality of life of a woman who has entered the menopausal phase. Calendula extract, containing a large amount of mucus and polysaccharides, helps to eliminate itching, dryness and irritation.

Before introducing the suppository, it must be moistened with warm boiled water. Candles dissolve fairly quickly. The most commonly prescribed scheme for the use of Vagical suppositories is two suppositories per day, morning and evening. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and is usually a week.


Indications for the appointment of these suppositories for the restoration of microflora in gynecology are:

  • Nonspecific inflammatory processes and vaginal discharge.
  • Colpitis in women in menopause.
  • Candidiasis (as part of complex therapy).
  • Treatment of erosion in combination with other drugs.

A side effect of "Vagikal" is an allergic reaction to the components in the composition of the drug. Allergy is manifested by vaginal dryness and itching.


These candles have no contraindications. When using during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, you should first consult with your doctor.

What other suppositories exist to restore microflora?


The drug is available in the form of tablets for vaginal administration. It is designed to restore the female microflora and treat dysbacteriosis. The composition of "Gynoflora" includes the synthetic hormone estriol and lactobacilli, which are beneficial for the microflora in general.

Candles for restoring microflora after thrush are indispensable.

Beneficial microorganisms settle in the vagina and create an acidic environment that prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. Lactic acid is produced in an amount sufficient to regenerate and protect the mucous membrane of the genital tract.

Thanks to the vital activity of lactobacilli, which are part of the vaginal tablets, bacteriocins are produced. The latter have a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria.

Estriol is similar to estrogen, which is produced by a woman's ovaries. In suppositories with lactobacilli to restore the Gynoflor microflora, estriol is necessary in order to promote the growth of mucosal cells and, accordingly, their recovery. This improves the condition of the vaginal walls. In addition, estriol allows you to resist the unpleasant symptoms that occur against the background of menopause.

Gynoflor vaginal tablets increase the protective properties of the female body in resisting external stimuli, which occurs due to the function of the barrier of the vaginal mucosa.

In what cases are they appointed?

Indications for the appointment of these suppositories to restore the microflora of the vagina are:

  1. Treatment with antibacterial drugs.
  2. Chemotherapy.
  3. Menopause.
  4. Nonspecific vaginal discharge.
  5. Candidiasis.
  6. Vaginitis.

Tablets, like suppositories, should be soaked with water before insertion into the vagina. As a rule, 1-2 tablets are prescribed per day, for up to two weeks. During the period of treatment with Gynoflor, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

As for side effects, they occur against the background of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. This can be manifested by swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as itching and burning. With such symptoms, you should stop using the tablets and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for the use of "Gynoflora" are:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Tumors in the breast or reproductive system.
  3. Endometriosis.
  4. The immature age of the woman.


The drug is available in the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories. The composition of "Bifidumbacterin" includes anaerobic bifidobacteria. These microorganisms have a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria, normalizing the acidity in the vagina and increasing its protective properties.

Candles for restoring microflora after antibiotics are ideal.

The drug also helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Bifidobacteria provoke the production of lactic acid, as well as vitamins B and K, along the way strengthening the immune system of the female body.

"Bifidumbacterin" is prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and genital herpes. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is prescribed for vaginitis, colpitis and urethritis.

In addition, suppositories are prescribed in the postoperative period as a prophylactic. During menopause, "Bifidumbacterin" normalizes the microflora, eliminating dryness of the mucosa or abundant discharge.

Another indication for the appointment of suppositories is the long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs. This drug has no contraindications, it can be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

The standard scheme is 1-2 suppositories per day, the duration of the course is from a week to 12 days. The simultaneous use of the drug with antibacterial agents is not recommended, since the effect of the latter is significantly reduced. And in combination with vitamins "Bifidumbacterin" increases their properties.


These suppositories are an antiseptic and antimicrobial drug that helps to normalize the microflora of the female body. The main active ingredient of the drug is ascorbic acid.

"Vaginorm" increases the acidity in the vagina, thereby preventing the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the action of the drug does not apply to beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Due to this effect, the microflora in the vagina is restored.

Vaginal suppositories to restore microflora help to strengthen local immunity and have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are assigned for:

  • Vaginitis.
  • Colpite.
  • Dysbacteriosis.

You can not use "Vaginorm" with candidal colpitis, since an increase in pH can lead to deterioration. Suppositories can be used for infectious diseases and menstruation.

The effect of coagulants with simultaneous use with suppositories is reduced. "Vaginorm" has no contraindications. He is prescribed one suppository once a day for a week. Undesirable reactions are possible, such as itching, burning, candidiasis and non-specific discharge.


The drug is produced in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories. The composition of the drug includes interferon, immunoglobulin complex and excipients.

"Kipferon" has a pronounced antiviral effect, it is especially effective against chlamydia.

The drug counteracts inflammatory processes and intoxication of the body as a result of the vital activity of harmful microorganisms. Suppositories quickly restore the damaged vaginal mucosa, improving the quality of the microflora and preventing the appearance of scar tissue.

In addition, "Kipferon" helps to increase local immunity. It is often included in therapy against cervical erosion. Also suppositories normalize blood circulation. Indications for prescribing the drug are:

1. Vulvitis.

2. Colpitis.

3. Chlamydia.

4. Herpes genital type.

5. Erosion of the cervix.

6. Dysbacteriosis.

"Kipferon" is prescribed before surgery in order to minimize the risk of developing infectious diseases. You can not prescribe the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy. The duration of treatment is approximately 10 days. The drug has no contraindications, no side effects have been registered.

We examined suppositories for restoring microflora in women.

Vaginal suppositories for the normalization of microflora in women help to fully restore the unique environment. As you know, the vaginal microenvironment is inhabited by beneficial and conditionally pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. But what if the balance is broken?


The balance in the vagina is disturbed when a woman suffers from vaginal dysbiosis. The characteristic symptoms testify to the disease: itching and burning, discomfort during sex, inflammation.

Usually the disease develops as a result of the reproduction of gardenrells or due to the growth of Candida fungi. The presence of the latter is evidenced by a white coating on the walls of the vagina, viewed with a mirror in the gynecological chair.

Often, thrush, followed by vaginosis, develop after prolonged use of antibiotics.

To normalize the environment in the vagina, you need:

  • treat vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • restore the balance of microflora;
  • strengthen immunity.

Antifungal drugs are usually prescribed to treat candidiasis. Local treatment consists in the use of various pastes, herbal remedies, sitz baths, douching help.

During the period of therapy for candidiasis and after it, a woman is prescribed drugs to strengthen immunity. Without it, any little thing is enough for the rapid process of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms to begin again in the vagina.

The microflora of the vagina is restored only after the pathogenic flora is completely removed. This therapy is urgently needed, because without beneficial bacteria, the imbalance will be too long. Self-renewal occurs very gradually. It may take several months before a favorable environment for healthy microorganisms is restored.

For such a long time, Candida fungi begin to multiply again. Returns "old friend" - thrush.

Stabilization of the acid environment

Along with immunomodulators, after the treatment of thrush, a woman is shown to use special tablets and suppositories with probiotics.

They contribute to the normalization of the environment in the vagina.

After treatment for candidiasis, the acidity in the vagina is usually very high. In order for the environment to recover and be favorable for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria, vaginal suppositories with probiotics are treated. An alternative is probiotic tablets.

These preparations contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, in addition, substances that promote the growth of the epithelium. Without this surface layer, beneficial microorganisms simply have nothing to cling to. She will quickly disappear.

Thanks to lactobacilli in the vagina, the level of acidity is regulated. A normal acidic environment is established, equal to 3.4-4.5 pH. Bifidobacteria help to increase overall immunity, in addition, relieve inflammation.

Recovery medicines

To normalize acidity in women, it is indicated to use such vaginal suppositories with probiotics:

  1. Fitosvechi Vagikal. In addition to restoring beneficial microflora, they help suppress the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. They have a mild anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. The course of treatment is about 10 days.
  2. Gynoflor. In addition to direct action, they contribute to the active reproduction of healthy flora.

  1. Candles with hormones Estriol. Helps to restore and grow the epithelium. They have a wound healing effect. Candles are inserted into the vagina at bedtime. The course of treatment is only 1 week. But after a while, you can re-treat.
  2. Candles Bifidumbacterin. Not only contribute to the normalization of the microflora in the vagina, but can also be used for. The tool is used up to 2 times a day. Acts softly. It can be used even by pregnant women. Treatment with the drug lasts 10 days.

Candles to restore the microflora of the vagina, as a rule, are prescribed to women who have undergone treatment for such an unpleasant and very common ailment as thrush. The restoration of microflora is required to normalize the immunity of the walls of the vagina, which is responsible for preventing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Candles to restore microflora: specific application

As you know, an acidic environment is a natural barrier to the spread of harmful bacteria in the body. However, in order to restore the microflora, it is required, on the contrary, to lower the pH level to values ​​in the range of 3.5-4.5. Here we come to the aid of lactobacilli, capable of releasing the required amount of organic acids. However, there is another side to the problem: a lower pH is an ideal environment for the growth of candida, which, in fact, cause thrush. Therefore, candles for the normalization of the vaginal microflora, enriched with lactobacilli, should be used only after the completion of the course of treatment for thrush. In this regard, it is necessary to pass a second analysis so that the doctor makes sure that the fungi are not found in the smear.

Where to start the restoration of microflora?

Most doctors recommend starting treatment with the use of probiotics containing both the bifidobacteria themselves and their metabolic products. In the process of their growth and development, bacteria secrete substances that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and regenerating properties. Moreover, during therapy, it is necessary to use not only suppositories to restore the vaginal microflora containing bifidobacteria, but also to consume a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria orally. With such treatment, the risk of recurrence of thrush in a woman is reduced by 12 times.

Preparations used to restore the microflora of the vagina

As already mentioned, patients, as a rule, are prescribed not only suppositories to restore microflora, but also tablets taken orally. Preparations should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified gynecologist, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

women and the course of her illness. The modern medical industry offers a very wide range of products both for the treatment of thrush and for the restoration of the vaginal microflora after a disease. Among them are the following drugs:

- Vagilak and Ecofemin. The action of these drugs is aimed solely at restoring the vaginal microflora.

- Bifidumbacterin. These are vaginal suppositories that help to normalize the balance of beneficial microorganisms.

- "Lactobacterin". The action of these vaginal suppositories is similar to the action of the previous drug.

- "Vaginorm S". This drug is a pill designed to restore the normal level of acidity in the vagina.

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