Headache - when it is not necessary to endure. What is dangerous headache. What to drink for a headache

According to research results, more than 70% of the population in developed countries complain of episodic or persistent headaches. However, these statistics do not really reflect the real situation, since medical care resort, as a rule, patients with intense headache, preferring to independently cope with bouts of mild and moderate. Thus, it turns out that every person at least once in his life suffered from a headache. The most common types of headaches are headache voltage and migraine.

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Painful tension

Tension-type headache (THH) is the most common young age(20–40 years) and develops against the background of acute or chronic stressful situation. In this regard, the intensity of TTH may decrease with positive emotions and increase in response to negative experiences.

Many patients with HDN experience muscle tension in the face and head. In these cases, the causes of attacks of HDN may be long-term persistence awkward position body (for example, when working for many hours at the computer or while driving a car). HDN is usually bilateral; squeezing or compressive nature. Patients at the same time note that the head seems to be "stretched with a hoop."

When the whole wide world is not nice

A migraine attack can be triggered by emotional and physical stress, lack or excess of sleep at night, alcohol consumption or cold weather, being in stuffy room or at height, different smells (eg, perfume), noise, flickering or bright lights, taking oral contraceptives. More than a third of women have a migraine attack associated with menstrual cycle. Also among migraine stimuli- dietary factors: starvation or irregular eating, certain foods (chocolate, cheese, nuts, red wine, citrus fruits, etc.). Half of the patients have a hereditary nature of migraine. Migraine headache patients feel, as a rule, in the forehead, temple, around the eye. It is often unilateral, pulsating, intense, lasts up to 72 hours, may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, intolerance to sounds and light.

One MIG and a million moments without a headache

TTH and migraine are partly preventable, and a number of such activities can be carried out independently: balance the daily routine, try to avoid emotional and physical overload, learn rational behavior in stressful situations, ventilate the premises more often, walk on fresh air, revise diet, reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.

](http://www.berlin-chemie.ru/preparats/mig/5.html?utm source=medportal&utm medium=article&utm term=headpain&utm content=mig&utm_campaign=july)Regarding drug therapy, then if HDN is episodic, and migraine attacks are mild or medium degree severity, then the patient needs a remedy that would act quickly and effectively relieve pain. Ibuprofen has most favorable combination efficacy and safety profiles, optimal tolerability and, at the same time, a high analgesic potential. However, these characteristics, related only to ibuprofen, are often not enough - with a headache, the patient expects speedy relief.

The drug meets this criterion MOMENT(Berlin-Chemie /Menarini), one tablet of which contains optimal dose ibuprofen- 400 mg. The drug tablet dissolves almost instantly, and the analgesic effect is realized after 10 minutes and lasts for 5 hours. Thus, the action of the drug MIG develops and manifests itself faster than other tableted ibuprofen preparations.

It should be borne in mind that a headache is not at all as harmless as it might seem, it must be eliminated on your own. early stage occurrence. Otherwise, further development an attack can lead to the transition of pain to chronic form which in turn may require complex, lengthy and expensive treatment.

Warning symptoms that should see a doctor

  • If you have unusual headaches that you have never had before.
  • If the headache persists for more than 72 hours even after taking pain medication or prevents you from doing your usual activities.
  • If the headache appears in the form of a sudden "explosion" inside the head.
  • If, in addition to a headache, there are visual impairments, speech disorders, coordination of movements, weakness of the limbs or thinking disorders.
  • If, in addition to a headache, the body temperature rises or the neck becomes inactive.
  • If headaches are aggravated by the slightest physical exertion.
  • If, in addition to a headache, vomiting is noted, but there is no feeling of nausea.
  • If the headache becomes more frequent and pronounced.

Margarita Litovkina

These symptoms are the result vascular problems leading to deterioration of the brain. Headache is a signal of this unfavorable process.

More than 60% of people periodically experience symptoms of a violation cerebral circulation including headaches. These are medical statistics. According to doctors, if urgent measures are not taken, then after some time more severe symptoms associated with the sealing of the walls of blood vessels, their narrowing. As a result, serious, life-threatening diseases provoked by chronic insufficiency circulation.

Doctors warn: you should not write off a headache for banal overwork, as it often happens. On occurrence pathological processes in the brain may indicate some of its varieties, for example:

Why is it dangerous to endure a headache

Headache cannot be tolerated, as it can become chronic, which will accompany you constantly throughout life. At the same time, pain of any origin destroys nerve endings. By enduring a headache, you run the risk that, over time, blood vessels or nerves may not withstand and “break”. Heart attacks, brain hemorrhages often result from such patience. In addition, people who get used to enduring a headache develop an unstable psycho-emotional state.

How to keep blood vessels in good shape

The body must be adjusted to healthy wave- if the disease is not running, you can do without a doctor. An excellent workout for blood vessels is cold and hot shower and acupressure. There is also a need for regular physical exercise. For example, a week of training in gym improves the well-being of people suffering from vascular diseases by 20%. If it is not possible to go to the gym, you should be in the fresh air more often, exercise hiking- at least 15-30 minutes a day.

It will also be useful to take non-drug preparations made on the basis of natural substances that make the walls of blood vessels strong and elastic, and promote free blood circulation in them.

Please note: factors such as smoking, alcohol, abuse fatty foods, working at a computer provoke vascular diseases associated with brain disorders. When working at a computer, you need to take a break every 15-30 minutes, and food rich in B vitamins and vitamin C must be present on your table - they help strengthen blood vessels and prevent the development of vascular diseases and headaches.

Despite the fact that the substance of the brain itself is not equipped with pain receptors, almost every person is familiar with a headache. Why then can't you endure a headache? The cause of headache is irritation of pain receptors in other structures ( cranial nerves, membranes and vessels of the brain).

Reasons why you shouldn't have a headache

Headache is a signal from the body that something is wrong. What could she signal? Main pathologies:

  • neurological pathologies;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • poisoning;
  • the influence of medicinal substances;
  • inflammation of the vascular wall.

When diagnosing patients, signs of the underlying disease that caused the headache are revealed. But in most cases, neuropathologists are faced with a lack of organic causes symptom. That is, headache is the only symptom (primary form).

Is it possible to endure a headache if there is no underlying disease? Even if there is no underlying disease, and the pain is only intermittent, you need to visit a doctor. Pain medications and antispasmodics that a person takes on their own can temporarily stop the symptom. Any pathological condition requires adequate treatment.

Tension headache

C visit a doctor in 90% of cases. Symptoms are usually caused by muscle tension, emotional stress(anxiety, stress, depression). Is it necessary to endure such a headache, which in its intensity is moderate? Despite the fact that patients cannot accurately characterize their condition and often complain of heaviness in the head and squeezing (feeling of a hoop tightening the head), treatment is still necessary.

Episodic attacks that last from minutes to days become chronic over time. This means that the patient in the future will have chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, depression, anorexia (eating disorder).

Important! Constant uncontrolled intake of analgesics only worsens the situation.

If, during an attack, the patient experiences vomiting, photophobia or sound phobia, the headache cannot be tolerated. We need to seek help as soon as possible. Treatment consists of lifestyle changes:

  • to give up smoking;
  • restriction of coffee and alcoholic beverages;
  • sports.


It is manifested by paroxysmal severe headaches. Whether to endure such a headache or not, if there are no pathologies nervous system Doctors don't find out During an attack, there is a sharp spasm of blood vessels, and after their sharp expansion. Usually the pathology is clearly manifested in the period from 18 to 50 years. After the intensity of the pain weakens.

With migraine attacks, you should consult a doctor. Exists A complex approach treatment that reduces the intensity of pain during an attack or completely prevents relapses. Sometimes lifestyle changes hormonal background, rest, normal daily routine can without drug therapy deal with the problem. In some cases, exclusion from the diet of chocolate, coffee, smoked meats, sausages, citrus fruits, bananas, red wine eliminates the problem.

cluster pain

Pathology is characterized by paroxysmal unilateral severe pain. The periods of exacerbation can last up to several weeks. The attack begins more often at night. The patient cannot endure such pain calmly. He rushes around the room, sits on his knees, can beat himself on the head with his fists. During an attack, the eyelid swells on the side of the lesion, nasal congestion and lacrimation appear. Remission can last for several years.

An attack of such pain is stopped by oxygen (inhalations), resorption of Ergotamine tablets. In a hospital setting, the patient is given a blockade occipital nerve, administered intravenously narcotic analgesics. It is useless to take ordinary painkillers in tablets during an attack. If a conservative treatment does not bring results, the question of the operation is considered:

  • removal of an element of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system - the pterygopalatine node;
  • thermocoagulation element trigeminal nerve- gasser node.

Headache as a secondary manifestation of the underlying pathology

The main cause of secondary headache is vascular lesions. Sudden severe attacks in the back of the head may indicate a subarachnoid hemorrhage. common cause hemorrhage is the rupture of an aneurysm. Pathology is accompanied by vomiting and loss of consciousness.

Signs can be widespread intense headaches, which are accompanied by neurological changes (impaired sensitivity, speech, etc.). With untimely assistance, the patient's symptoms increase up to depression of consciousness.

headache is frequent companion arterial hypertension. Usually the symptom appears in the morning in the back of the head with sharp rise blood pressure up to 200/120 mm Hg. Stopped such pain after taking drugs that reduce pressure.

In the elderly severe pain in the temples and forehead area can talk about such pathologies as:

  • general weakness;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • inflammation of the arteries (temporal arteritis).

Intracranial pressure is accompanied by widespread pain. Sometimes the patient has vomiting, visual disturbances and behavior. Such manifestations should not be ignored. intracranial hypertension may occur when life threatening human pathologies - tumors, large hematomas(accumulation of blood) or cerebral edema.

If the symptom appeared after a head injury and does not go away for a long time, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, since even moderate or mild may at untimely appeal for help, end badly. First of all, the doctor excludes the patient from post-traumatic hematoma of the head.

Often aching headaches appear when wearing glasses and long work with a computer. Other reasons include:

  • infectious inflammation (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • purulent processes in the brain (abscess);
  • caffeine addiction;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • reception vasodilators, corticosteroids, anticonvulsants and antibacterial drugs;
  • degenerative processes in cervical region spine;
  • neuralgia;
  • hypothermia.


Now, after considering all the main reasons unpleasant symptom, you can answer yourself the question: “Is it worth it to endure a headache?”. Despite the fact that serious organic disorders are detected during diagnosis in 5% of cases of visiting a neurologist, a headache cannot be tolerated and treated on its own.

You should be especially careful in the following cases:

  1. First-time intense pain.
  2. Growing and long lasting.
  3. Increasing pain when sneezing, coughing.
  4. Headache at high temperature.
  5. Pain that is accompanied by impaired speech and other neurological manifestations.

If these signs are present, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-stopping of a symptom without appropriate treatment of the cause can lead to irreversible changes in the brain.

Headache (cephalgia) signals a malfunction in the body. She appears on different reasons. Some of them are serious and require treatment.

What is dangerous headache

Headache destroys nerve cells. If it is not treated, it can take a chronic form, cause vascular and heart disease.

The most dangerous is the headache that appears with meningitis, a significant increase in blood pressure and vascular pathology - aneurysm. With meningitis, swelling of the brain occurs. Its volume increases, but the cranial cavity does not. Therefore, the brain can shift (wedged) into the foramen magnum. With a sharp increase in pressure and vascular pathology, a vessel can burst and a hemorrhage in the brain can occur.

Why You Shouldn't Have a Headache

Pain leads to new pain. During an attack, a number of biochemical active substances including adrenaline. It leads to an increase in pressure, which increases the headache, even if it occurred for another reason. This is the "vicious" vicious circle, which causes a significant duration of the attack.

Did you know

There is a method of treating headaches with classical music. There are special discs for sale.

When to see a doctor

You need to contact a specialist when a headache:

  • gradually increases;
  • does not go away after taking painkillers;
  • changes with a change in body position or head movements;
  • appear additional symptoms- "flies" before the eyes, dizziness, changes in personality traits, loss of consciousness, numbness of the limbs, impaired coordination, speech;
  • occurs for the first time in people over 50;
  • appears more than twice a week.

A headache can bring a lot of negative emotions and disappointments into your life. If attacks occur frequently or almost every day, a violation of the normal rhythm of life is possible. Therefore, with pain, more than two or three times a week, contact a specialist. Such measures are necessary for establishing a diagnosis and prescribing a course of treatment.

Self-medication and acceptance medicines in large quantities, without a doctor's prescription is harmful to your health. Headaches can be treated with medication and folk remedies and phytotherapy. Preventive measures need to be applied for a long period of time. In migraine attacks with aura, it is recommended to completely eliminate possible irritants.

Reasons why pain cannot be tolerated

A medical examination may be needed to determine the cause. Special attention given to the brain and vascular system. Be sure to listen to the doctor's recommendations and follow them all. By getting rid of pain, you can improve the quality of your life, increase your ability to work, and you will be able to enjoy everything that happens around you.

Pain in any manifestations is inconvenient and limits your possibilities. The peculiarity of headaches is that they can last for a very long time - one attack for several days. You can stop the attack by taking painkillers. Long-term use of which may be unsafe. Therefore, they must be used in emergency cases and no more than three days in a row. If the attack lasts more than three days, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Headache accompanies all colds, but after recovery they pass. In other cases, seizures may indicate complex disease which requires special treatment.

Very often, the examination must take place in a hospital. This is needed to create complete picture the course of the disease. Against the background of frequent headaches, depression develops. This condition can adversely affect psycho-emotional state person. He ceases to perceive the world and enjoy life. Depression can progress and lead to complex illnesses.

May occur due to overwork and stress. In this state, exhaustion of the body can occur and the consequences can be very serious. Therefore, a headache should not be tolerated in any of its manifestations. Amenable to treatment. professional and quality care you can get in a medical institution.

Seizures may occur due to your susceptibility to drastic change weather conditions, differences atmospheric pressure and climate change. In this case, it is possible to take painkillers, but the amount should be limited. It will help you stop the attack and go through a period of adaptation to new conditions.

If the pain does not subside within a few days, look for arterial pressure, general state. Depending on the state of your health, the restructuring of the body can take from several days to weeks. In older people, it can last quite a long time.

It is recommended to select, for the relief of an attack, on the advice of a doctor. if you have chronic diseases or congenital pathologies medications should be taken only after consultation with a specialist. If you do not accept drug treatment you can use massage, contrast shower, compresses. Regular exercise can help relieve headaches.

Reasons why a headache should not be tolerated:

  • the development of complex diseases is possible;
  • the general state of health worsens;
  • develops depression that can change the quality of life.

Very often there are headaches due to a head injury, a concussion of the brain. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo an examination after a car accident or a fall. The consequences of an injury may begin to appear after some time, and the sooner the cause is found, the more effective the treatment will be.

Treatment for post-traumatic headaches may include surgical intervention. Such a need arises when hematomas form inside the skull. Treatment will be long and difficult. In such a situation, headaches can be quite severe and last almost constantly. If you do not consult a doctor, the consequences will be very difficult to predict. Almost any disease can be treated, but only if diagnosed on initial stage development.

What to drink with a headache?

Used in the treatment of headache attacks various means and an integrated approach is very effective. It usually includes:

Medications can be used to relieve an attack and treat the cause of its occurrence. They need to be selected in each case and individually.

Usually use:

  • "Acetylsalicylic acid";
  • "Amidoprine";
  • "Paracetamol".

It is necessary to take into account the cause of the attack. In the presence of an inflammatory process, colds give preference to drugs containing paracetamol or aspirin. They will help you take pain and will treat their cause. It is obligatory to consult a doctor on the duration of administration, dosage and in case of diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Chemical substances are able to accumulate in the body, so the duration of administration should not exceed the recommended time.

It is recommended to give preference to preparations that are based on natural ingredients. These include "No-shpa", but it is not suitable for everyone. When it is taken, the expected effect may not occur and the pain will not recede.

"Analgin" is developed on a synthetic basis. It can be used to stop an attack. You need to take the medicine after eating, maximum amount three tablets a day.

"Citramon" belongs to the group of combined drugs. It is able to relieve pain and affect inflammatory process. Usually take one tablet, according to the doctor's prescription, the dose can be increased.

"Tempalgin" is produced on a synthetic basis and refers to combined preparations. He is able to anesthetize and stop the attack. It is used not only for headaches.

Highly effective tool to relieve a headache attack is Solpadein. Its main component is paracetamol, caffeine and codeine are also added. You can take one tablet up to four times a day.

"Pentalgin" consists of analgin, codeine, caffeine, amidopyrine, phenobarbital. He is able to shoot pain attack and affect the inflammatory process.

Be sure to visit your doctor before taking medications. Here are some of the most popular drugs. Before buying any, carefully read the instructions for use, dosage, contraindications and composition.

To relieve pain, you can take medicinal herbs. They make teas, tinctures and decoctions. good qualities has mint, chamomile, linden, rosemary, lemon balm, St. John's wort.

Before choosing a method and method of treatment, be sure to pay attention to your blood pressure. Many herbal preparations and medicines have the ability to increase or decrease its performance. Therefore, it is very important to choose the remedy you need so as not to get the opposite effect.

For example, wild rose is able to lower blood pressure and, with its constant use, stabilizes performance. A decoction of it can be drunk instead of ordinary tea. It is recommended to brew rose hips for people with high blood pressure and take the tincture on alcohol based- with reduced On this simple example you can understand how important it is to get expert advice and not self-medicate.

AT preventive purposes Be sure to drink about two liters of water a day. This will improve general condition and cleansing of the body. At a small amount fluid intake may increase blood pressure.

Summing up, we remind you once again that it is not safe to take drugs in large quantities.

There are times when you need to relieve a pain attack and the choice of funds is not very large. It is permissible to take an anesthetic drug, but more than the permitted dosage in the instructions. Pay special attention to taking medications by children and pregnant women.

Well, now let's answer main question: Can I tolerate a headache? Pain cannot be tolerated in any of its manifestations. Headache can change your life better side. Therefore, consult a doctor and establish the cause of the seizures. medical examination will be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.

Headache is treatable, primarily after addressing the underlying cause. The course can last several months, it depends on individual features sick. Very often, seizures occur due to previous injuries.

In such cases, it is imperative to use preventive measures, lead a mobile lifestyle, and engage in physical education. The load should correspond to your age and physical capabilities. Any pain needs to be treated in order to live a fulfilling life.

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