What time are Easter cakes on Sunday. On what day do Easter cakes shine. What time do you have to go to church to bless Easter cakes

It is better to choose a temple where there are no queues

The last day of Holy Week is Great Saturday: on this day, they remember the burial of Jesus Christ. On this day, you need to do everything that needs to be done by Easter - bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and bless them in the temple to serve after the liturgy. The consecration of food in temples begins around noon on Saturday and lasts until the evening - six to seven hours, depending on the temple.

The consecration of eggs, Easter cakes and other food is carried out not only on Great Saturday - it continues on Sunday, after the night liturgy, as well as on Monday and Tuesday.

Orthodox Christians are recommended to spend Holy Saturday at services in the temple: services are held very tightly. If it is not possible to go to the temple, it is necessary to light a candle in front of the home icon of Jesus Christ and leave it to burn for the night.

Those who did not have time to bake Easter cakes and color eggs in advance, on Maundy Thursday, can take the last opportunity to do this - and immediately consecrate the Easter meal in the temple. As Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin told MK, the tradition of blessing Easter cakes and eggs on Holy Saturday is connected with the need to have time to serve them to the Easter table on time and not provoke premature breaking of the fast.

The Easter meal should begin after the Easter Liturgy. That is, not on Saturday, not at night, not after the procession, but only in the morning - around three in the morning. People who begin to “celebrate” Easter almost on Friday evening, and then come to the procession drunk and well-fed, will not join the faith in any way. Therefore, it is worth consecrating the Easter meal immediately before eating it - on Saturday. Then a prayer is read for the consecration of eggs, thickened milk (that is, cottage cheese Easter), Easter cakes, meat and other non-fasting dishes. It is better to choose a temple where there are few people - for example, on the outskirts of the city on Holy Saturday there will almost certainly be queues. It is more convenient to go to one of the temples, where there are fewer people, in the middle of the day.

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In general, the celebration of Easter concerns only baptized, Orthodox people - that is, members of the church. If a person is not baptized, does not believe in God, and does not understand the meaning of Easter, all his participation in this process becomes meaningless.

This year Holy Saturday coincides with the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. What nuances does this entail?

In any case, Holy Saturday is a more important liturgical day than the Annunciation. Therefore, from the services of the Annunciation, only some hymns will be used, and some will be served on Friday evening. Usually, the Orthodox are supposed to eat fish on the Annunciation, but this year it will be impossible - just because of Great Saturday. She matters more...

You can’t have fun: whoever laughs on Holy Saturday will cry all next year.

You can't quarrel with anyone.

You can't hunt or fish.

Intimacy between spouses should be abandoned.

It is undesirable to engage in economic affairs.

You can clean the graves in the cemetery, but do not commemorate the dead.

You can’t give anything away from home - good luck and health will go with things.

You can make a love spell: for this, you need to put a dough on Saturday evening, make dough and eat three pieces of raw, saying: “As this dough falls into place, so thoughts about me would fall at the zealous heart of a servant of God (name). Amen". From the rest of the dough you need to bake buns and feed three men.

Every Orthodox Christian before the Easter holiday consecrates pre-baked Easter cakes and painted eggs. This event is important, so you need to know exactly when to bless Easter cakes for Easter 2018. The consecration of Easter cakes is in some way a symbolic process. It is necessary for the transition of a person observing Great Lent from Lenten food to fast food.

In 2018, the Resurrection of Christ falls on April 8th. It is customary to hallow Easter cakes on the eve of the holiday, i.e. on Great Saturday April 7th.

Each of the seven days before Sunday has its own special meaning. On Thursday, called Clean, it is customary to carry out a general cleaning of the home, as well as to start cooking Easter cakes and painting eggs. It is customary to spend Friday, which is called Good Friday, in humility and prayer, attend church services, refuse all entertainment events, since on this day of the week Christ died in the name of atonement for the sins of all mankind. Good Friday is the most sorrowful and mournful day for any Orthodox Christian.

It is Holy Saturday that is the most suitable day for the consecration of festive food. On this day, it is customary to get up at sunrise, prepare to attend the morning service, and also take care of the festive table. For those who have observed Great Lent, the obligatory condition is, first of all, to make a prayer, and then eat a consecrated egg and a piece of Easter cake.

It is customary to attend a festive service with a pre-assembled basket. It should not contain many products, only the most important. Food that will be consecrated during the festive service should not be thrown away. It will be enough to put a few eggs, Easter cake, a piece of meat, salt and some vegetables in the basket. This set is enough to start the festive morning right, as well as mark the end of Lent.

Holy Saturday, which falls on April 7 in 2018, is the only day on which Easter cakes and eggs will be consecrated. The time of this procedure depends on the rules of each particular temple. It may start at a slightly different time, but always in the morning. Approximately - this is about 10 o'clock in the morning and almost before the beginning of the evening service, until about 15 o'clock in the afternoon. For those who attend church services from Saturday to Sunday, in the morning upon arrival from the church, they can make the process of breaking the fast and begin to congratulate their relatives and friends. The service lasts all night, and already at 4 am the first consecration of food is held.

Since the Easter holiday falls in the spring, the weather is most often favorable for the consecration of Easter cakes on the street under the open sky. Tables and benches are placed around the temple; somewhere it is customary to place baskets of food directly on the ground. The priest will take turns passing along the tables, and consecrate both people and food for a good start to the holiday.

Near the temple on this day you can see a large number of needy people begging for alms. They cannot be denied alms. Moreover, alms can be expressed not only in money, but also in festive products - Easter cakes and eggs.

For those people who do not observe Great Lent, do not stand at night at the festive service in the temple, but come in the morning to consecrate Easter cakes, you should ask yourself the question: should I even celebrate the feast of Christ's Resurrection, and what do I have to do with it?

On Great Saturday, shops are taken out into the street in churches, because the influx of believers will be very large. On this day, a rite of consecration of food is held, in particular, such important Easter dishes as colored eggs and Easter cakes.

It is Holy Saturday, which this year falls on April 15, is the only day when eggs and Easter cakes are lit. In each temple, the time during this Saturday, when the consecration of food is held, will change and you need to focus on a specific schedule. But, in general, the consecration begins at about 12.00 noon, after the end of the morning liturgy, and lasts until 19-20 in the evening.

In some churches, the schedule of services is set so that food can be blessed twice in one day or even on Easter Sunday morning. It is better to ask in advance when and how the consecration of Easter cakes and eggs will take place in the temple to which you are going to go for this purpose. By the way, today many churches have their own websites on the Internet, where the schedule of services is updated. Therefore, it is not even necessary to go to the temple in advance to get acquainted with the current schedule.

Rules for the consecration of Easter cakes

If we consider the historically established canons of the Christian church, then the consecration of Easter cakes should take place precisely after the end of the service, accompanied by prayer chants. But today there are too many people who take part in this process. Temples would not be able to cope with the influx of believers if they did not consecrate Easter cakes and eggs continuously on Great Saturday for several hours in a row.

Holy Saturday comes after Good Friday. Already in the evening, during the service, the priests will change their black clothes into festive white ones, after the procession at midnight from Saturday to Sunday, the priest will say “Christ is Risen”, which means that Easter has come and people should congratulate each other.

In some small village churches, the consecration of food, as it should be according to church canons, is held on this very night. But in the cities the influx of people is very large and it would be necessary to postpone the service in order to consecrate food all night. Therefore, today the consecration of Easter cakes, colored eggs and other food is held on the day of Holy Saturday.

What products to consecrate

Every priest will say that you don’t need to drag a huge basket of food with you to the temple, where all the planned Easter dishes will be. It is enough to consecrate one Easter cake and several colored eggs. Under no circumstances should wine or other alcoholic beverages be brought to the consecration.

The consecration of food is symbolic, these products on the festive Easter morning are used to break the fast after Great Lent, the correct way out of this period.

Advice! It is not necessary to bring Easter cakes that have just been taken out of the oven for consecration. Moreover, the cake and icing should already be completely cool. Take colored eggs in different colors.

It is considered a good deed to treat other parishioners with a part of the food brought, to put something in a basket that the ministers of the church carry behind the priest as a thank you to the temple for holding such a large and important ceremony. Do not forget to give alms to the people who stand at the temple with outstretched hands.

For consecration, it is best to put food in a flat-bottomed basket that can be easily placed on the ground or on a bench. Additionally, the basket can be decorated with ribbons, flowers, a beautiful towel. Its shape and dimensions should be compact and convenient, so that there is enough space for everyone in the temple. Cover products with a cloth.

Common questions and answers regarding food consecration:

  1. When do Easter cakes begin to be blessed? You need to focus on noon and this process goes on until late in the evening. It is better to hurry, because not all churches repeat the rite of consecration of food on Easter morning.
  2. What is important, besides consecrating food in preparation for Easter? Be sure to attend the service, pray, as well as confess and take communion.
  3. What time does the Easter service start? It is the festive service that begins at midnight with the procession, but the service itself begins around 11 pm on Holy Saturday.
  4. When does the post end? After the Divine Liturgy on the night from Saturday to Sunday and Communion, fasting ends, this is about four in the morning. From this moment on, it is already possible to sit down at the festive table and celebrate the onset of Easter.


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Lighting Easter cakes and eggs for the bright Easter Holiday is a long-term tradition, which is one of the most important. When Easter cakes and eggs shine in 2018, they take other treats with them, whoever loves what. After all, Easter is a big holiday and it is impossible to ignore preparations for it, especially if a person is a believer. Every year the question arises when Easter cakes and eggs shine for Easter. In 2018, as in other years, it is necessary to light the basket on the eve of the holiday or during the all-night service.

Preparing for a festive meal

As a rule, Easter morning begins with the fact that the whole family sits down at the table, lights a candle, reads a prayer and breaks the fast with those treats that were lit the day before. Your breakfast on this holiday must begin with a piece of a screwed egg and a piece of Easter cake. But in order to set the festive table, you need to prepare everything you need for the holiday. Is it possible on Easter?

First of all, the main and most important attributes of Easter are Easter cakes and painted eggs, which are also called Easter eggs or Easter eggs. It is customary to paint eggs and bake Easter cakes on Holy Week, on Maundy Thursday. If no cooking can be done on this day, then you can continue to cook traditional treats for Easter on Great Saturday, the day before the holiday.

Interesting! It is believed that on Good Friday you can not cook. But, our ancestors were sure that it was on Good Friday that it was necessary to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Easter cakes this Friday turned out to be especially magnificent. There is a belief that if you bake a loaf of bread on this day, it will not be moldy.

When to go sanctify

And now, when all the preparations for Easter are ready, the question arises when Easter cakes and eggs shine in
2018? Usually, this should be done on Great Saturday. Since Easter in 2018 is celebrated on April 8, Easter cakes and eggs should be blessed on April 7. Usually temples begin this rite from the very early morning and continue until the evening. Since there are many people who want to consecrate their baskets, food shines in churches almost throughout the day. So, the most important thing you need to know about when Easter cakes and eggs shine for Easter in 2018 is that they shine on April 7, Great Saturday, from morning to evening.

Attention! Small churches sometimes hold Easter food coverage at a specific time. This is due to the fact that there are few people to come, and we must ourselves have time to prepare for the vigil. That's why. It is best to check the food lighting schedule in temples in advance. Often they post such information on the door. You can cook on the festive table.

Together with Easter cakes and eggs, you still need to put a piece of meat, salt, horseradish and something dairy, for example, a piece of cheese.

Interesting! Many mothers put chocolate eggs in Easter baskets for their children and also bless them. Some also bring Easter bunnies, but this is already inspired by the influence of Europe, and is not a tradition for Orthodox Easter, but it is not prohibited.

Why a cake is a must

Easter cake is another well-known attribute of Easter. Why should the Easter cake be in a basket and be lit? The fact is that Easter cake is a primordially Russian ritual bread, which must be baked with yeast and be sweet. It is believed that this is the bread that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples at the Last Supper.

Easter cakes are always cylindrical, and you should always add a little bit of raisins to them. But as for the spices, you can choose to taste. During the lighting of the Easter cake, there must be a church candle in it. Serve on the festive table

The time when Easter cakes are holy in different churches is different. In one temple, you can consecrate food for the festive table on Saturday, in another - early Sunday morning. In some churches, services are held in such a way that believers have the opportunity to bring food for consecration twice.

Therefore, before going to church to bless Easter cakes, it is better to ask in advance about the time and order of the Easter service. This can be done with the ministers of the church. But before you go to the church service, you need to prepare.

When is it necessary to sanctify Easter cakes according to the rules?

The church service is held according to established canons, which allow for very minor deviations. According to the canon, each service is accompanied by a prayer chant characteristic of a particular event, time of day, restrictions on the days of fasting and the memory of saints, and so on. The Easter service lasts all night, and the rite of consecration of the products prepared for the morning festive meal is held at 4 o'clock in the morning. The parishioners then carry these products home, and breakfast begins with them.

However, consecrating food on Holy Saturday is also permissible. The ceremony is held on Saturday evening, at the evening service.

After Good Friday, Great Saturday is considered a pre-holiday day, the priest is already wearing white clothes, and the chanting of the church choir becomes more joyful. The resurrection of Christ is near.

It is more convenient to sanctify Easter cakes on Great Saturday, because in order to do this on Sunday, you need to attend the end of the all-night service. Getting up early is very inconvenient, and not everyone can afford to stand vigil in church. Therefore, the tradition to consecrate products the day before, on Saturday, appeared quite a long time ago. The hostesses baked Easter cakes on the night of Friday or early Saturday morning, and took them to church in the evening. And the morning was already passing at home, because after cleaning on Maundy Thursday, the prayerful and bodily feat on Good Friday, preparations on Great Saturday, not everyone had strength for the vigil.

What food can be consecrated at Easter.

Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, eggs, meat and wine - these are the products that, according to custom, are brought to the church for consecration. It is not necessary to bring a lot of food, since the consecration of meat and wine, fast food, is symbolic. Thus it is allowed to end the post. But breaking the fast begins either with eggs, or with a piece of Easter cake or Easter. Therefore, it is these products that must be brought to church first of all.

It is not necessary to bring all the pastries that were prepared the day before. One or two cookies are enough. The first is eaten during the morning meal, divided among family members, the second is stored for another week and even more, maybe until the next Easter. But this is very rarely done now. Even the best Easter cake gradually becomes stale, so they try to eat it as soon as possible while it is fresh. Colored eggs should bring everything, because they are given, given for exchange, more often they are kept as a keepsake of the holiday.

Other products are carried to the church, if wealth allows. At the same time, it should be remembered that not all parishioners can afford to buy good wine and meat products even for a holiday. Therefore, it would be a good deed to treat other parishioners in the church after the service with part of the food brought, or leave for those who stay for a meal specially organized at the church. You should also ask in advance what products could be brought to church along with Easter cakes. Some priests do not allow meat and wine to be placed, even if church tradition has nothing against it.

In addition to Easter cakes and cottage cheese cakes, you can display other pastries: pies, buns, cookies, Easter sweet bread, pie. You can consecrate sweets and fruits.

There are few prohibited products on the list. First of all, do not try to bring vodka and other spirits other than wine. Wine, by the way, does not have to be red. But white wine is not recognized in all churches.

It is better to come to the consecration of Easter cakes in advance. On holidays, there are many more parishioners in the church than usual. It is not always possible to put your products on the table, to go to it without hindrance. In addition, the service may start a little earlier or later than expected, and the consecration time will shift. In smaller parishes, this usually happens more often.

It is more convenient if all the products are put in a basket, which is put on the table like that. It is often customary to decorate this basket with flowers. But let its shape and size be compact and convenient. In addition to her, there will be many others on the table, and there should be enough space for everyone. The basket is lined with napkins or a towel embroidered especially for the holiday. During transportation, Easter cakes and other products can be covered with a cloth.

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