Disability type 1 diabetes. Examinations for paperwork in MSEC. Medical examination of patients

Unfortunately, diabetes is an incurable chronic disease. Many diabetics are concerned about the question: “Do they give disability when diabetes? There is no definite answer to this question. This disease in itself does not imply a disability group. It all depends on the disorders in the body associated with the course of this disease, and the type of diabetes mellitus does not affect disability in any way. If diseases acquired due to diabetes mellitus do not allow a person to independently monitor and care for themselves, or because of an acquired disease it is impossible to find a job, then a person is entitled to a disability group, because due to disability, a diabetic cannot pay bills, buy food and expensive medicines.

More about groups

The disability group for diabetes mellitus is established depending on the degree of complications acquired during the course of the disease. With the most severe complications, a diabetic is given 1 disability group, with mild complications - 3 group.

1 group

  • diabetic retinopathy - blindness in both eyes;
  • muscle dysfunction, ataxia;
  • ventricular dysfunction syndrome;
  • violations of the central nervous system, dementia;
  • chronic renal failure in the last phase;
  • unpredictable hypo- or hyperglycemic coma;
  • angiopathy of the foot and toes (diabetic foot).

In addition, disabled people of the 1st group are not able to move independently, are limited in self-service, communication and, of course, are disabled.

2 group

  • defeat eye retina(medium and light form);
  • chronic renal failure (after adequate dialysis or kidney transplantation);
  • incomplete paralysis (paresis);
  • encephalopathy with obvious mental disorders.

Physical activity, self-care, movement and doing any work are kept to a minimum. Frequent follow-up with a specialist.

3 group

This group is assigned to diabetics with mild or moderate diabetes mellitus, with an unstable course of the disease and noticeable violations of body functions, entailing disability of the 1st degree, self-service. If there are contraindicated factors in the patient's work in the specialty, this leads to a decrease in the volume of the minimum work performed, and therefore to a decrease in qualifications.

Childhood disability in diabetes mellitus

A child with a diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is given a disability without a group until the age of majority. When a teenager turns 18, he must pass all the examinations on his own, after which documents are submitted for obtaining a disabled group.

Don't Forget to Check Your Blood Sugar, It'll Save Your Life One Day

Employment with a Diabetes Diagnosis

Diabetics with a mild course of the disease can begin to perform any work in the absence of severe concomitant diseases.

In case of serious complications of diabetes mellitus or exacerbation of chronic diseases, a diabetic has the right to open a sick leave. The timing of temporary disability depends on the degree of complications. With mild complications - from 8 days, in the presence of a diabetic coma, the sick leave is extended to 45 days.

Diabetics with moderate disease should choose a job that does not involve strenuous exercise. The work schedule should be normalized, overtime work is contraindicated. It is not recommended to work the night shift or travel frequently on business trips. This is detrimental to the condition.

A diabetic with 1 disability group completely loses his ability to work.

Save test results and certificates after examinations, this can play a role important role for a disability

How to get your status

Establishment of disability is possible after passing the following stages:

  1. Appeals to the local therapist for referrals for examination by specialists.
  2. Passing diagnostics from all specialists, obtaining test results and examinations from the attending physician.
  3. Obtaining a referral from the attending physician to the ITU (medical and social examination). It is the ITU that decides whether a diabetic will be given a disability or not. If yes, which group?
  4. If the GP refuses to refer you to ITU, all examinations can be done in private hospitals.
  5. If the patient has a severe form of diabetes and is unable to attend the commission, the meeting will take place without him, based on the test results and certificates provided.
  6. If the commission does not see the need to assign a disability group to a diabetic, do not panic or get upset. Within 30 days after receiving a refusal, a person has the right to appeal this decision: he can send an application by registered mail or through the hospital where the examination took place. In this case, ITU staff must forward the documents to the head office. If this does not happen within 3 days, you can file a complaint.

Benefits provided by law

As you already understood, not every diabetic is assigned a diabetes group. It is necessary to prove that the body is harmed by diabetes mellitus. A question arises for diabetics: “Is a pension due to disability due to diabetes mellitus?”. Financial assistance will be provided only in the presence of one of the disability groups.

Every diabetic legal basis has the right to benefits in state pharmacies even in the absence of disability. In public pharmacies, you can get the following drugs for free:

  • insulin (of course, if type 1 diabetes is insulin-dependent);
  • syringes;
  • a device for measuring the level of glucose in the blood;
  • test strips for monitoring the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • sugar-lowering drugs.

Children suffering from diabetes, up to the age of majority, are sent to sanatoriums for treatment once a year free of charge.

Feel free to take advantage of social pharmacies: drugs and syringes that you need to have on hand are not cheap

After receiving a disability group, the paperwork does not end. It all depends on what disability status you have set: indefinite or not. If the disability has not been assigned to you indefinitely, then every year you will have to confirm it. And this means that each certificate after visiting a specialist will play an important role in the further extension of disability. Re-examination means that all inspection procedures will need to be repeated. Otherwise, you will be automatically removed from state financial support.

It is important for a diabetic to get a disability group. With severe complications on the organs, a person is often bedridden and cannot earn a living, which is why he especially needs financial assistance from the state.

Summarize. It doesn't matter if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes - complications affect your disability. Carefully monitor your health, do not lose certificates or test results after examinations. All this can play an important role in the need to obtain a disability. And never give up. Let's say no to diabetes together!

Diabetes - endocrine disease, in which the production of the hormone insulin suffers or the sensitivity of peripheral target organs to its effects is impaired. With this pathology, all types of metabolism suffer: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Damage to organs and systems develops with a gradual decrease in the quality of life, sudden life-threatening conditions may occur.

With diabetes, the patient should regularly take medications, measure sugar and other indicators of blood, urine, clearly understand what foods and physical activity are acceptable, and be attentive to pregnancy planning. But even with a reasonable approach to treatment, not all patients manage to avoid deterioration.

In some cases, diabetes leads to disability, in children - to the need to control treatment with refusal to work for the parent, exacerbates the course of other diseases in a pensioner. Then the patient asks the question: do they give disability in case of diabetes, are there any features of paperwork and what benefits can be claimed.

Follow-up of patients with diabetes

There are two main types of this endocrine pathology. Type 1 diabetes is a condition in which a person's insulin production is affected. This disease debuts in children and persons young age. Lack of own hormone enough makes it necessary to inject it. That is why type 1 is called insulin-dependent or insulin-requiring.

Such patients regularly visit the endocrinologist and prescribe insulin, test strips, lancets for the glucometer. The amount of preferential coverage can be clarified with the attending physician: it varies in different regions. Type 2 diabetes develops in people over 35 years of age. It is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of cells to insulin, the production of the hormone is not primarily impaired. Such patients live freer lives than those with type 1 diabetes.

The basis of treatment is nutritional control and intake hypoglycemic drugs. The patient may receive periodic outpatient or stationary conditions. If a person is sick himself and continues to work or cares for a child with diabetes, he is issued a temporary disability sheet.

The very fact of observation by an endocrinologist and permanent treatment medicines does not mean that a person will be given a disability

Grounds for issuance sick leave can be:

  • states of decompensation in diabetes;
  • diabetic coma;
  • carrying out hemodialysis;
  • acute disorders or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the need for operations.

Approximate periods of temporary disability are indicated in the recommendations of the Social Insurance Fund.

Diabetes and disability

If the course of the disease is accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of life, damage to other organs, a gradual loss of ability to work and self-service skills, they speak of disability. Even with treatment, the patient's condition may worsen. There are 3 degrees of diabetes:

  • Lightweight. The condition is compensated only by the correction of the diet, the level of glycemia on an empty stomach is not higher than 7.4 mmol/l. Possible damage to the vessels, kidneys or nervous system of the 1st degree. There is no impairment of bodily functions. These patients are not given a disability group. The patient may be recognized as disabled in the main profession, but may work elsewhere.
  • Medium . The patient needs daily therapy, it is possible to increase fasting sugar to 13.8 mmol / l, damage to the retina, peripheral nervous system, kidneys up to 2 degrees develops. No history of coma or precoma. Such patients have some limitations of life and ability to work, it is possible to receive disability.
  • Heavy. In patients with diabetes, a sugar rise above 14.1 mmol/l is recorded, the condition may spontaneously worsen even against the background of selected therapy, there are severe complications. Severity pathological changes in target organs can be stably severe, this also includes terminal states(eg, chronic renal failure). They no longer talk about the possibility of working, patients cannot serve themselves. They are on disability for diabetes.

Children deserve special attention. Identification of the disease means the need for continuous treatment and control of glycemic levels. The child receives medicines from diabetes through regional budget in a certain amount. After the appointment of disability, he claims other benefits. AT federal law"On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" regulates the issuance of a pension to a person caring for such a child.

How is disability processed?

The patient or his representative addresses an adult or pediatric endocrinologist at the place of residence. The grounds for referral to the ITU (medical and sanitary expert commission) are:

  • decompensation of diabetes with the ineffectiveness of rehabilitation measures;
  • severe course of the disease;
  • episodes of hypoglycemia, ketoacidotic coma;
  • occurrence of dysfunction internal organs;
  • the need to obtain labor recommendations to change the conditions and nature of work.

The doctor will tell you what steps you need to take to complete the documents. Typically, diabetics undergo the following examinations:

  • general analysis blood;
  • measuring blood sugar levels in the morning and throughout the day;
  • biochemical studies indicating the degree of compensation: glycosylated hemoglobin, creatinine and urea in the blood;
  • measurement of cholesterol levels;
  • general urine analysis;
  • determination in the urine of sugar, protein, acetone;
  • urine according to Zimnitsky (in case of impaired renal function);
  • electrocardiography, 24-hour ECG study, blood pressure to assess the work of the heart;
  • EEG, the study of cerebral vessels in the development of diabetic encephalopathy.

A full examination will help the commission make the right decision.

The patient is examined by doctors of related specialties: ophthalmologist, neurologist, surgeon, urologist. Significant disorders of cognitive functions, behavior are an indication of an experimental psychological study and a psychiatrist's consultation. After passing the examinations, the patient undergoes an internal medical commission in the medical institution in which he is observed.

If signs of disability or the need to create an individual rehabilitation program are found, the attending physician enters all information about the patient in form 088 / y-06 and sends it to the ITU. In addition to referral to the commission, the patient or his relatives collect other documents. Their list varies depending on the status of the diabetic. The ITU analyzes the documentation, conducts an examination and decides whether or not to give a disability group.

Design criteria

Experts evaluate the severity of violations and assign a certain disability group. The third group is issued to patients with mild or moderate. Disability is given in case of impossibility to fulfill their production duties in the existing profession, and transfer to simpler work will lead to significant losses in wages.

The list of production restrictions is specified in Order No. 302-n of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The third group is also issued to young patients undergoing training. The second group of disability is issued with a severe form of the course of the disease. Among the criteria:

  • damage to the retina of the 2nd or 3rd degree;
  • initial signs kidney failure;
  • terminal renal failure on dialysis;
  • neuropathy of the 2nd degree;
  • encephalopathy up to 3 degrees;
  • violation of movement up to 2 degrees;
  • violation of self-service up to 2 degrees.

This group is also given to diabetics with moderate manifestations of the disease, but with the inability to stabilize the condition against the background of regular therapy. A person is recognized as a disabled person of the 1st group if self-service is impossible. This happens in case of severe target organ damage in diabetes:

  • blindness in both eyes;
  • development of paralysis and loss of the ability to move;
  • gross violations of mental functions;
  • development of heart failure of the 3rd degree;
  • diabetic foot or gangrene lower extremities;
  • terminal stage of renal failure;
  • frequent coma and hypoglycemic conditions.

Registration of disability for a child is carried out through the children's ITU. These children need regular insulin injections and glycemic control. The parent or guardian of the child provides care and medical manipulations. In this case, the disability group is given up to 14 years. Upon reaching this age, the child is examined again. It is believed that a patient with diabetes from the age of 14 can independently inject and control blood sugar, therefore, does not need adult supervision. If such viability is proved, the disability is removed.

The frequency of re-examination of patients

After an examination at the ITU, the patient receives a conclusion on recognition as a disabled person or a refusal with recommendations. When assigning a pension, a diabetic is informed for how long he is recognized as disabled. Usually, the initial exit to disability of 2 or 3 groups means re-examination after 1 year from the date of registration of the new status.

The appointment of disability group 1 for diabetes is associated with the need to confirm it after 2 years, if severe complications in terminal stage pension can be issued immediately indefinitely. When examining a pensioner, disability is more often issued indefinitely. In case of deterioration of the condition (for example, progression of encephalopathy, development of blindness), the attending physician may refer him for re-examination to increase the group.

When examining children, disability can be given for different term A: 1 year, 2 years or up to 14 years.

Individual rehabilitation and habilitation program

Together with a certificate of disability, a patient with diabetes receives an individual program in his hands. It is developed on the basis of personal needs in one form or another of medical, social assistance. The program includes:

  • Recommended frequency of planned hospitalizations per year. Responsible for this government agency health care in which the patient is observed. With the development of renal failure, recommendations for referral to dialysis are indicated.
  • The need for the design of technical and hygienic means of rehabilitation. This includes all positions that are recommended when preparing documents for ITU.
  • The need for high-tech treatment, according to the quota (prosthetics, operations on the organs of vision, kidney).
  • Recommendations for social and legal assistance.
  • Recommendations on training and the nature of work (list of professions, form of training, conditions and nature of work).

This is what an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person looks like

Important! When implementing the measures recommended to the patient, medical and other organizations put a mark on the implementation with their seal in the IPRA. If the patient refuses rehabilitation: planned hospitalization, does not visit a doctor, does not take medication, but insists on being recognized as a disabled person for diabetes indefinitely or increasing the group, the ITU may decide the issue not in his favor.

Benefits for the disabled

Patients with diabetes spend a lot of money on their purchase of drugs and consumables for glycemic control (glucometers, lancets, test strips). Disabled people are entitled not only to free drug therapy, but also the opportunity to apply for the installation of an insulin pump as part of the provision of high-tech medical care at the expense of compulsory medical insurance.

Technical and hygiene products rehabilitation is done on an individual basis. You should familiarize yourself with the list of recommended positions before submitting documents for disability in the office of a specialized specialist. In addition, the patient receives support: disability pension, home care by a social worker, registration of subsidies for utility bills, free Spa treatment.

To resolve the issue of providing sanatorium-and-spa treatment, one should clarify with the local Social Insurance Fund which groups of disabled people they can offer vouchers for. Usually, a free referral to a sanatorium is given for groups 2 and 3 of disability. Patients with group 1 need the presence of an accompanying person who free ticket won't give.

Assistance to children with disabilities and their families includes:

  • payment of a social pension to a child;
  • Compensation for a carer who is forced not to work;
  • inclusion of care time in seniority;
  • possibility of choosing a shorter working week;
  • possibility free travel various types transport;
  • income tax incentives;
  • creating conditions for learning at school, passing the exam and OGE;
  • preferential admission to the university.
  • land for individual housing construction, if the family is recognized as in need of better housing conditions.

The insulin pump will provide the patient with insulin without interruption

Primary disability in old age is more often associated with type 2 diabetes. Such patients are interested in whether any special benefits will be provided to them. The basic support measures are no different from those for able-bodied patients who have received a disability. In addition, pensioners receive additional payments, the amount of which depends on the length of service and disability group.

Also old man can remain able to work, having the right to a reduced working day, the provision of annual leave from 30 days and the opportunity to take leave without pay for 2 months. Registration of disability for diabetes mellitus is recommended for people with severe course diseases, lack of compensation during therapy, if it is impossible to continue working in the same conditions, as well as children under 14 years of age due to the need to control treatment. Disabled people get the opportunity to enjoy benefits and qualify for expensive high-tech treatment.

A patient with diabetes should undergo full examination organism. The therapist is obliged in case of serious deviations to send the results of the tests and relevant documents to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. After the conclusion, 1, 2 or 3 disability groups are assigned.

What does receiving depend on?

Obtaining disability depends on the type of diabetes, the severity of the disease, and related disorders in the body. If on the background of diabetes mellitus develop chronic diseases, the ability to work and move freely is lost, a certain degree of disability is assigned.

The Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise takes into account the ability to serve oneself, the ability to communicate and learn.

Assessing the severity of the disease

To assess the severity, you must pass medical examination. When making a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account the level of glucose in the blood, the need for injections and the presence of other complications.

There are 3 levels of severity:

  1. Light. The level of sugar in the blood is stable throughout the day. There are no pronounced complications, the patient is able to work. The condition can be improved with diet food and medical treatment.
  2. Average. There is a decrease in working capacity, the presence of cardiovascular pathologies. There are daily fluctuations in blood glucose.
  3. Heavy. Unstable course of the disease sharp rise sugar (ketoacidosis). Appear chronic diseases organs and systems. Employability is reduced or lost completely.

With moderate severity, the need for injections reaches 30-50 units per day (from 0.75 to 1.25 ml). In severe - more than 60 units. The further decision of the medical and social commission depends on how severe the disease is.

Disability in childhood

Health problems due to diabetes mellitus - the basis for obtaining a disability in childhood. Children need constant help, so they are provided free treatment in a sanatorium and travel reimbursement.

Parents and guardians receive the same benefits as the child. Provide them to pay utility bills and receive education. If at the age of majority the state of health does not improve, a certain disability group is assigned indefinitely, for 1 year (groups 2 and 3) or for 2 years (group 1).

Disability groups

There are 1, 2 and 3 disability groups. In diabetes mellitus, group 1 is given to patients with handicapped and those in need permanent care. There are violations that become the reason for obtaining 1 disability group:

  • pathological changes in the functioning of the kidneys and heart;
  • neuropathy;
  • frequent coma;
  • psychical deviations;
  • vision loss;
  • lesions of capillaries and vessels of extremities with possible development gangrene.

The second group is received by patients with the same disorders, but in a less pronounced form. Disability in type 2 diabetes mellitus implies the second group in the need for the use of insulin. This group of disability is distinguished by the patient's ability to partially serve himself.

The third group is assigned to patients with disabilities who are able to care for themselves on their own. This may be a labile (unstable) course of the disease.

How are documents processed?

To obtain a disability in diabetes, the patient must contact the local doctor and collect a package of documents. The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the organs, glucose tests, a general blood and urine test. The refusal of the therapist to issue a certificate becomes a reason for applying to the court or the bureau of medical and social expertise at the place of residence.

The following documents are required to confirm disability:

  • statement of the patient, parents or guardian (under 18 years of age);
  • a copy of the passport or birth certificate of the child;
  • extract from outpatient card with appropriate treatment;
  • recent test results;
  • characteristics from the place of study or work;
  • certificate of disability (if an examination was previously carried out) and a plan of rehabilitation measures with ticked items that were completed;
  • a copy of the work book, certified by the seal of the personnel department (in case of official employment);
  • a document describing working conditions (from the place of work).

The attached application asks to establish a disability group and develop a rehabilitation plan. A package of documents is sent to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. If the local doctor refuses to pass the patient medical commission, then the package of documents is accompanied by his statement indicating the reason.

Diabetes mellitus can cause disorders in the body of an adult and a child. Serious Complications against the background of the disease lead to limitation own capabilities. The law provides for the receipt of a certain group of disability depending on the ability to work.

Working conditions

If diabetes manifests itself in mild form, the patient is forbidden to engage in a severe form physical work. The same applies to industrial enterprises using toxic substances. The working day should be normalized, the daily regime and business trips are excluded.

Moderate disease in type 2 diabetics suggests mild physical or mental activity. Eliminate hard work frequent stress. Type 1 insulin dependent patients should not attend work that requires attention.

Depending on health complications, work that puts a load on the diseased organ (eyes, lower limbs) is contraindicated. In severe diabetes, the patient is unable to attend work. Disabled people of the 1st group need constant care.

The local doctor is obliged to provide a form for passing tests. Otherwise, the patient goes to court. The results of the analyzes with a package of documents are sent for examination. If there are difficulties in paperwork, resort to the services of a lawyer. The answer can be appealed by contacting the Main and Federal Bureau.

Useful video about benefits for people with diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is an incurable endocrine disease in which the natural mechanism of insulin production is disrupted. Complications of the disease affect the patient's ability to lead full life. First of all, it concerns the labor aspect. Patients with both types of diabetes require constant control from the side medical professionals and receiving special medications.

In order to realize additional rights to social and medical care, suffering from this pathology are often interested in whether they give disability in diabetes mellitus.

Factors affecting the receipt of disability

The disability group that will be assigned to a diabetic depends on the nature of the complications that appear during the course of the disease. The following points are taken into account: congenital or acquired diabetes in humans, type 1 or 2 disease. When preparing the conclusion, doctors must determine the form of severity of the pathology localized in the body. Gradation of forms of diabetes:

  1. Light: maintenance of glucose levels is achieved without the use of pharmacological agents- due to diet. Indicators of morning measurement of sugar before meals should not exceed 7.5 mm / liter .;
  2. Medium: twice the normal concentration of sugar. The manifestation of concomitant diabetic complications- retinopathy and nephropathy in the early stages.
  3. Heavy: blood sugar level of 15 mmol/liter or more. The patient may fall into diabetic coma or long time stay on the edge. Severe kidney damage occurs of cardio-vascular system; severe degenerative changes in the upper and lower extremities are possible.
  4. Particularly heavy: paralysis and encephalopathy caused by the complications described above. In the presence of a particularly severe form, a person loses the ability to move, is not able to perform the simplest self-care procedures.

Disability in type 2 diabetes mellitus is guaranteed in the presence of the complications described above in the event that the patient has decompensation. Decompensation is a condition in which the sugar level does not normalize when dieting.

Factors affecting the assignment of a disability group

The disability group in diabetes mellitus depends on the nature of the complications of the disease.

The first group is assigned in the presence of:

  • acute renal failure;
  • encephalopathy of the brain and mental abnormalities caused by it;
  • gangrene of the lower extremities, diabetic foot;
  • regular states of diabetic coma;
  • factors that do not allow you to work, serve your own needs (including hygiene), move around;
  • disturbances of attention and orientation in space.

The second group is assigned in the presence of:

  • diabetic retinopathy of the 2nd or 3rd stage;
  • nephropathy, the treatment of which is impossible with pharmacological drugs;
  • renal failure in the initial or terminal stage;
  • neuropathy, accompanied by a general decrease vitality, minor lesions of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system;
  • restrictions on movement, self-service and labor activity.

Diabetics can count on the third group of disability with:

  • moderate impairment functional state some internal organs and systems (provided that these violations have not yet led to irreversible degenerative changes);
  • minor restrictions on work and self-service.

Disability in type 2 diabetes usually involves the assignment of the third group.

Before applying for disability, the patient must be aware that he will be expected to be limited in the performance of work duties. This is relevant for those employed in production and work associated with physical activity. Holders of the 3rd group will be able to continue working with minor restrictions. Disabled persons of the second category will be forced to withdraw from activities related to physical activity. The first category is considered incompetent - such patients need constant care.

Diabetes Disability Form

Before you get a disability with diabetes, you need to go through several medical appointments, take tests and provide medical institution at the place of residence a package of documents. The process of obtaining the status of "disabled" should begin with a visit to the local therapist, and based on the history and results primary examination require a referral to the hospital.

In the hospital, the patient will be required get tested and tested. The list below:

  • urine and blood tests for sugar concentration;
  • results of measurements of glucose levels;
  • urine test for the presence of acetone;
  • results of a glucose load test;
  • tomography of the brain;
  • results of an examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • Rehberg's urine test;
  • data with measurements of the average daily volume of urine;
  • conclusion after examination by the surgeon (the presence of trophic ulcers, other degenerative changes in limbs);
  • results of hardware dopplerography.

In the presence of concomitant diseases, conclusions are attached on the current dynamics of their course and prognosis. After passing the examinations, the patient must begin to form a package of documents necessary for submission to the medical and social examination - the body at the place of residence, which assigns the status of "disabled".

If a negative decision is made regarding the patient, then he has the right to challenge the verdict in the regional office by attaching a corresponding statement to the package of documents. If the regional ITU bureau similarly denied, the diabetic has 30 days to file an appeal with the ITU Federal Bureau. In all cases, the response from the authorities must be given within a month.

The list of documents to be submitted to the competent authority:

  • copy of the passport;
  • the results of all analyzes and examinations described above;
  • doctors' opinions;
  • application of the established form No. 088 / y-0 with the requirement to assign a disability group;
  • sick leave;
  • an extract from the hospital on passing examinations;
  • medical card from the institution at the place of residence.

Employed citizens are additionally required to attach a copy of the work book. If a person quit earlier due to poor health or has never worked, he needs to include certificates in the package confirming the presence of diseases incompatible with professional activity, and the conclusion about the need for rehabilitation.

If disability is issued for a diabetic child, then parents provide a birth certificate (up to 14 years old) and a reference from a general education institution.

The process of collecting and submitting documents is simplified if the examination of patients and the ITU are administered by the same medical institution at the place of residence. The decision to assign a disability to the corresponding group is made no later than one month from the date of submission of the application and documents. The package of documents and the list of analyzes are the same regardless of whether the applicant intends to issue a disability for type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Disability in type 1 diabetes, like disability in type 2 diabetes, requires periodic confirmation.

Upon re-passing, the patient provides a certificate confirming the previously assigned degree of incapacity and a rehabilitation program with marks of current progress. Groups 2 and 3 are confirmed annually. Group 1 is confirmed once every two years. The procedure takes place at the ITU office at the place of residence.

Benefits and other types of social assistance

A legally assigned category of incapacity allows people to receive additional funding. Diabetics with disabilities of the first group receive allowances as part of the disability pension fund, disabled people of the second and third groups - when they reach retirement age.

Regulations oblige diabetics with disabilities to be supplied free of charge (in accordance with quotas):

  • insulin;
  • syringes;
  • glucometers and test strips to determine the concentration of sugar;
  • drugs to lower glucose levels.

Patients with type 2 diabetes have the right to sanatorium treatment, the right to training for a new labor specialty. Also, patients of all categories should be provided with drugs for the prevention and treatment of complications of diabetes. Also, for these categories, utility bills are reduced by half.

A child who has received the status of "disabled" due to diabetes is exempted from passing military service. During study, the child is exempted from final and entrance examinations, certification takes place on the basis of average annual grades. More

Diabetic women can count on a two-week increase in maternity leave.

Pension payments for this category of citizens are in the range of 2300-13700 rubles and depend on the assigned disability group and the number of dependents living with the patient. Disabled people with diabetes can generally use the services social workers on a universal basis. If a person's income is 1.5 living wages or less, then the services of a social service specialist are provided free of charge.

People who have diabetes know that this disease is not curable, but thanks to complex treatment can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease. This disease has several degrees, but after its acquisition, a person is not assigned a disability. In order to receive it, complications must occur against the background of this disease. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, which disability group should be assigned to the patient - about this will be discussed in this article.

In the event that a doctor limits the performance of his patient, this does not mean that he has been assigned a disability group. Type 1 diabetes can be of two types: autoimmune and idiopathic.

Disability group and type 1 diabetes

Any person, even who does not have a disability, knows that there are several degrees. The medical commission can assign the first degree to patients with the following complaints:

  • heart failure of the third degree;
  • blindness in both eyes;
  • hypoglycemic coma;
  • kidney failure;
  • neuropathy;
  • paralysis.

Important! Disability of the first degree is assigned to patients who cannot do without outside help, this is the most serious degree that relies on people with complex complications. Although patients are allowed to perform household chores, communicate with others and move independently.

The second group is assigned to patients with the following complaints:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • change in the psyche;
  • ritinopathy, which manifests itself less severe symptoms than with the first degree of disability;
  • neuropathy of the second degree.

This group of disability can be called moderate. Patients should be supervised, but not always. Some patients can easily move around, do light work and take care of themselves.

As a rule, the most common disability groups are the first and second. The third group is assigned to people with the development of a labile course of the disease, with simple disorders.

Fact! Often, such a disability group is assigned to young people during internship or mastering a new profession in order to reduce mental and physical activity.

How to get a group?

Many people want to apply for a disability group just to get free medicines and social payments. Indeed, for most patients, it is not affordable to be treated for diabetes, since the cost of drugs is very high. And as it shows medical practice, most often, diabetes mellitus of the first type makes out disability. The decision on whether or not to assign a disability group to a patient is decided by medical and social expertise, which accepts it based on the available data.

To qualify for a disability group, a patient must meet the following conditions:

  • the ability to take care of oneself, navigate in space and move around has been completely or partially lost;
  • the patient needs rehabilitation and social assistance;
  • the patient has not only complaints, but also failures in the operation of many systems;
  • the patient cannot communicate with others;
  • the person cannot work.

In order to get a disability, you will have to collect a lot of documents and wait for the decision of the medical commission. First of all, you need to contact a therapist so that he writes out a referral for tests. In some cases, the doctor will also give directions to narrow specialists.

Important! If the medical commission does not assign you a disability, and your disease has acquired the character of complications, you need to go to court to appeal the decision. In medical practice, such and unreasonable refusals are often encountered.

To get a group for type 1 diabetes, you need to collect and provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • outpatient card;
  • referral or certificate for the assignment of disability;
  • the passport;
  • open sick leave;
  • characteristics from the place of work or study;
  • education data;
  • a copy of the work book - for working citizens;
  • certificate of disability and certificate of rehabilitation - upon re-applying.

But it is worth noting that, once having received a group, you will have to regularly confirm your position. So, for example, for the first degree of disability, it is necessary to collect certificates and undergo an examination every two years, for the second group every year.

As the statistics show, recent times this disease develops in children, and it is precisely the first degree.

Important! Children under 18 years of age, when type 1 diabetes mellitus is diagnosed, are immediately assigned a disability that does not have a group. But if complications appear, then the child can be assigned a group number and then the range of benefits and benefits will be larger.


The benefits that a person with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus can count on when assigning a disability group to him are as follows:

  • free medicine;
  • issuance of syringes;
  • free test strips, counting 3 strips for one day;
  • delivery of insulin;
  • issuance of a glucometer.

Many of the benefits on this list should be available to patients, whether or not they have a disability. But, unfortunately, many people do not know this, and therefore spend money on treatment out of their own pocket.

For children with disabilities with diabetes, the number of benefits is wider, they can claim free rest in a sanatorium once a year, receive a pension and take advantage of preferential places when entering universities. If the child is sent for sanatorium-and-spa treatment, then in addition to the cost of the voucher, the state pays for the two-way trip and the cost of living for the parent or accompanying child.

If the disease develops in pregnant women, then another 16 days must be added to the parental leave. If diabetes is hereditary disease, a newborn child is also entitled to free meals. In addition, you can receive the following benefits:

  • discount on travel in suburban transport;
  • discount on payment of tax for real estate;
  • exemption from payment of state duty for the services of a notary and a lawyer;
  • service out of turn in different institutions;
  • 50% subsidy for utility bills;
  • exemption from paying land tax;
  • receiving a social apartment in the order of the general queue.

If a disabled child is brought up in the family, then the state must pay a monthly allowance for his maintenance, in addition to the benefits described above.

Important! Diabetics of the first insulin type are completely disabled.

To answer the question: what group of disability is assigned for type 1 diabetes, it will definitely not work. Since in the first place it depends on how the disease proceeds. As medical practice shows, with type 1 diabetes, all applicants are often assigned a degree of disability due to serious condition sick person. Also, people have the right to receive disability in this disease due to the fact that it is chronic.

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