Phlegm fetid - causes and diseases. Sputum in diseases of the respiratory system. hours of freedom and freshness with Old Spice Odor Blocker

Normally, the child should not experience bad breath. If there is a smell from the mouth and a cough in a child, this is an occasion to visit a doctor. In the presence of snot or cough in the nasopharynx and oropharynx, a large number of pathogenic microorganisms develop. They cause the stench. It is important to carry out treatment on time in order not only to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, but also to prevent the development of various complications.

Bad breath as a symptom of a baby's illness

Bad breath in a child, which occurs against the background of diseases, should not be ignored. All pathological processes in the body, which cause an unpleasant odor, are conditionally divided into three main categories:

  1. Inflammatory and infectious processes in the oral cavity. This category includes all diseases - caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other problems.
  2. The cause of bad breath in a child is often diseases of the organs of the upper respiratory system. Such pathological processes are caused by an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx or oropharynx. Against their background, the walls of the bronchi thicken, the amount of mucus produced increases. Along with sputum, stench appears.
  3. Pathologies of a systemic nature. This category includes diseases such as diabetes mellitus, disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and organs of the digestive system.

Together with an acute respiratory viral process, halitosis also occurs in the child's body, since acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections are almost always accompanied by the activation and reproduction of pathogens. They are the source of bad breath. If the cough that appeared began to be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, this may indicate sputum accumulated in the bronchi or lungs.

The same symptom appears in a newborn with a temperature and developing angina, acute tonsillitis. With sore throat and acute tonsillitis, plaque is the cause of bad breath in a child. With an advanced form of diseases or with lacunar angina, the plaque has a purulent odor.

Along with infections in the nasopharynx or sinuses, a fetid odor also appears. If such a sign appears, you should visit a doctor, establish the cause, and begin treatment.

What causes an unpleasant odor

If your mouth smells bad, there can be many reasons. Often any disease of the ENT organs is the source of such a symptom. The air that a sick child exhales with a cold is saturated with volatile molecules. These compounds are formed during the development of a purulent process and during the infectious decay of tissues. Among the diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of halitosis, we can distinguish: sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchiectasis, abscess and gangrene of the lungs.

During the development of sinusitis, coughing is a consequence of sputum flowing down the back wall of the oropharynx. And with tonsillitis, pharyngitis often appears, during which irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat occurs. With the development of bronchopulmonary disease, cough appears due to the accumulation of mucus in the organs of the upper respiratory system, from which the body tries to clear itself.

Finding the source that causes the smell is possible only after an examination. One of the very first methods that allows you to make a primary diagnosis is a medical examination.

Clinical manifestations of diseases

The diseases that accompany the presence of smell differ in various symptoms, on the basis of which the doctor can make a diagnosis.

With the accumulation of pus in the paranasal sinuses, the child develops a fetid odor from the mouth. This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • green snot with impurities of blood, mucus;
  • deterioration in the quality of smell;
  • high temperature (if the temperature is above 38 C, this indicates an advanced form of the disease);
  • feeling of pressure and soreness in the upper jaw.

In an acute inflammatory process, the body temperature rises, this is accompanied by a general intoxication of the body. The fact that complications are developing is evidenced by redness and swelling of the epidermis from the outside. It is very important to prescribe the correct treatment, because during the inflammatory and infectious process, bacteria actively multiply, which often cause bad breath.


With a prolonged inflammatory process, an intense accumulation of pus occurs on the lacunae of the tonsils. Fetid mucus consists of a mixture of dead microbes, leukocytes and dead epithelium. In addition to halitosis, tonsillitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat when eating and swallowing salivary fluid;
  • bouts of dry cough;
  • swelling of the pharynx, the mucous membrane of the mouth swells at the root of the tongue;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased weakness and fatigue.

With the further development of the pathological process, the temperature rises, this is accompanied by a general intoxication of the body. It is important to carry out timely treatment of tonsillitis in order to prevent the development of possible complications. After the therapy, the unpleasant odor will disappear on its own.


This disease is characterized by the expansion of the bronchi and swelling of the mucosa, thickening of the walls, the accumulation of viscous sputum. This secret is also the cause of halitosis. With the active reproduction of bacteria during bronchitis, due to an imbalance in the microflora, such a symptom appears. Other signs that bronchitis is developing are:

  • dyspnea;
  • wheezing in the chest;
  • frequent bouts of coughing (dry or wet, depending on the degree of the disease);
  • possible increase in body temperature;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • increased sweating.

As bronchitis develops, the mucus thins and becomes easier to expectorate. An unpleasant odor accompanies the entire period of the development of the disease and treatment.

Abscess or gangrene of the lungs

Another cause of stench during a cough is an abscess or gangrene of the lungs. These diseases are characterized by the destruction of alveolar tissues. Due to such reasons, during the development of pathology in the lung, a decay cavity is formed, which is surrounded by granulation and fibrous tissue. During the maturation of the abscess, the following symptoms appear:

  • bouts of dry frequent coughing;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest;
  • weakness;
  • very high body temperature;
  • headache.

When alarming symptoms appear, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible, since only a specialist can choose the right and timely treatment. The listed symptoms can also appear with pneumonia, but only with inflammation of the lungs, there is usually no pronounced smell.

With the development of gangrene of the lung, severe intoxication of the body occurs. Necrosis with multiple decay cavities is formed in the tissues. When local and general signs become more pronounced, sputum begins to intensively depart. It also has a pronounced fetid odor.

What to do for parents

If a child develops halitosis from the mouth with a runny nose, tonsillitis or other diseases of the upper respiratory system, parents should respond in time. It is important to visit a specialist as soon as possible. To get rid of the unpleasant odor and accompanying symptoms of tonsillitis or other diseases, the doctor will conduct an examination, if necessary, prescribe additional diagnostic measures, after which a competent treatment regimen will be drawn up.

If bad breath appears with angina, this indicates the neglect of the disease, that purulent contents accumulate in the lacunae of the tonsils. The treatment regimen for tonsillitis in children in many cases includes antibiotics for children. You should not treat the disease yourself, especially using only traditional medicine methods. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct algorithm for dealing with snot, sore throat. After the mouth and throat problems are cured, the problem of bad-smelling odor will disappear on its own.

With rhinitis (runny nose), the appearance of aroma is due to the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the nasopharynx. If the mouth smells bad, the nasal mucosa is swollen, it is difficult to breathe, you do not need to immediately drip vasoconstrictor drugs. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is recommended only to rinse the nose with saline. Further treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Especially when it comes to small children.

How can a doctor help

You can determine the cause of bad breath after a thorough examination. If a bad smell appears along with a cough, the baby has a sore throat, antiviral drugs, antibacterial agents, antiseptic sprays, and special lozenges for resorption are usually prescribed. If it hurts to swallow, it stinks from the mouth, you can also additionally rinse the red throat, lubricate with antiseptic solutions, Lugol.

If the child has a stuffy nose, rinsing with saline solutions is prescribed, with severe congestion, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed.

In more complex forms of diseases of the upper respiratory system, hospitalization is indicated. With mild bronchitis, you can be treated at home, only strictly following all medical prescriptions.

How to get rid of bad breath with colds

If a coughing child complains of a sore throat, his nose begins to block up, this is a reason to contact a doctor. To prevent complications after acute respiratory viral diseases, timely treatment should be started. You can also temporarily mask halitosis during a cold with refreshing sprays, lozenges, rinses.

After recovery, halitosis in babies will go away on its own. You just need to follow all the recommendations of experts.

Problem Prevention

To prevent the child from smelling, in order to prevent oral problems in children, it is recommended to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Establish a diet, include in it more fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
  2. To temper the child with the help of walks in the fresh air, frequent airing of the room, water procedures.
  3. Observe the drinking regime, the child should drink about one and a half liters of clean water, especially in the heat.
  4. To ensure the full health of the baby, it is necessary to contact the doctor on time, regularly undergo preventive examinations.

Oral hygiene should be performed from the moment the first tooth appears. At first, parents should gently remove plaque with gauze wrapped around their finger. As the baby grows, it is necessary to purchase a special toothpaste and a baby brush. Teach him how to use hygiene items, make sure that the procedure for cleaning his teeth and tongue is carried out carefully. If necessary, during the season of epidemics of colds and flu, take immunostimulants and multivitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor.

Bad breath is a common problem that affects both adults and children. A similar symptom is detected by the patient himself or others. The smell becomes noticeable not only during close contact, but also during coughing. And everyone would like to know its cause, especially parents who have noticed such a symptom in their child.

Normally, unpleasant odors should not be heard from the mouth. If you had to notice something similar, then you should understand the reason for what is happening, because it can be hidden in serious pathological processes. But for starters, it doesn’t hurt to exclude rather banal situations, for example, insufficient oral hygiene or the influence of dietary addictions (monotonous protein foods).

Pathological breath when coughing most often indicates problems with the ENT organs and the respiratory system. The exhaled air is saturated with volatile molecules, which are formed during purulent processes and infectious decay of tissues. Therefore, among the probable diseases, the following should be noted:

  • Sinusitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • bronchiectasis.
  • Abscess and gangrene of the lungs.

With sinusitis, for example, a cough occurs due to the so-called postnasal drip syndrome, when mucus flows down the back of the throat. And tonsillitis is often accompanied by pharyngitis, when the mucous membrane of the throat is irritated. With bronchopulmonary pathology, this reflex is associated with the accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract, which creates the need for cleaning the latter.

But in addition to these conditions, one should not forget about possible violations by other organs. The pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer) is mediated by motor disorders, when food stagnates or a reverse reflux of contents is observed (gastroesophageal and duodenogastric reflux). Metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus, renal failure, or some hereditary fermentopathies also lead to an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. A cough in such cases may be due to concomitant SARS or other respiratory pathology.

Bad breath in a child that occurs when coughing can be caused by various reasons that require differential diagnosis.


It will be possible to determine the source of violations only after a thorough examination. And its basis lies in clinical diagnostics. The doctor first analyzes complaints and other anamnestic information received from the patient himself or the child's parents. This allows you to identify subjective symptoms, to get an idea of ​​the onset and development of pathology. And the results of a physical examination (examination, listening, etc.) allow to objectify the picture.


If pus accumulates in the paranasal sinuses, then an unpleasant sweetish odor may be felt from the baby's mouth. And to establish the diagnosis will help additional signs present in the clinical picture:

  • Deterioration of nasal breathing.
  • Mucopurulent discharge from the nose.
  • Weakening of the sense of smell.
  • Distension and pain in the upper jaw.

The inflammatory process is accompanied by fever and intoxication. When tapping on the upper jaw in the area of ​​the affected sinuses, the pain intensifies, as with tilting the head. If there is redness and swelling of the skin on the outside, then you can think about complications (subperiosteal abscess).


A prolonged inflammatory process on the tonsils is accompanied by the deposition of pus in the lacunae. A foul-smelling pathological exudate is a mixture of dead bacteria, leukocytes and epithelium. Children with tonsillitis are also concerned about:

  • Discomfort in the throat when swallowing.
  • Dry cough.
  • Subfebrile condition.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Weakness and fatigue.

When viewed in the lacunae of loosened tonsils, purulent masses are visible, the palatine arches are thickened and edematous. With an exacerbation, the fever becomes higher, pain appears when swallowing, signs of intoxication are noted. Decompensated tonsillitis is accompanied by damage to the joints, kidneys and heart (toxic form).

Chronic tonsillitis is a rather serious disease, especially in children. It is manifested by local disorders and systemic toxic-allergic disorders.


If extensions form in the bronchi, then a physiological secret can accumulate in them, in which bacteria will begin to develop sooner or later. Again, this will set the stage for bad breath and coughing. The latter will become the main symptom of the disease. The cough is permanent and is accompanied by the discharge of a large volume of purulent sputum (especially in the morning). Among the signs of pathology are also distinguished:

  • Hemoptysis.
  • shortness of breath.
  • General weakness.
  • Weight loss.
  • Pallor.

Children are lagging behind in physical development, the chest is deformed. On the hands, the fingers take the form of "drumsticks", acrocyanosis appears. During periods of exacerbation, body temperature rises, coughing intensifies, and the amount of sputum increases.

Abscess and gangrene of the lungs

Another situation where coughing patients stink from the mouth is an abscess or gangrene of the lung. These diseases refer to infectious destructions, that is, pathologies with the destruction of the alveolar tissue. With an abscess, a decay cavity is formed in the lung, surrounded by granulation and fibrous tissue. While the abscess matures, the patient is disturbed by:

  • Dry cough.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Fever.
  • General weakness.

All these symptoms most often develop against the background of pneumonia, so the onset can be quite blurred. But the moment of the breakthrough of the abscess into the bronchus is difficult not to notice, because when you cough, a large amount of sputum suddenly begins to leave. This is accompanied by an improvement in well-being. During auscultation over such a cavity, bronchial or amphoric breathing with local moist rales is heard, tympanitis is determined percussion.

The inflammatory process in lung gangrene does not have clear boundaries and is accompanied by a greater severity of toxic effects. Against the background of necrosis, multiple decay cavities are formed in the tissue. Local and general signs become much stronger than with an isolated abscess. Outgoing sputum, like the smell from the mouth, have a putrefactive character.

With abscess and gangrene, areas of decay form in the lungs, which leads to the appearance of a purulent or putrid odor from the respiratory tract.

Additional diagnostics

It is possible to determine the source of violations only with a thorough examination of the patient. Additional methods help the doctor in this. Among the laboratory and instrumental procedures prescribed to the patient, it is worth noting:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Analysis of nasal secretions and sputum, throat swab (microscopy, culture).
  3. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses, lungs.
  4. CT scan.
  5. Bronchoscopy and bronchography.

To exclude diseases of the digestive tract and metabolism, fibrogastroscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and a study of biochemical blood parameters may be required. Consultation of related specialists also does not hurt. All this makes it possible to make a final diagnosis and accurately indicate the source of an unpleasant odor when coughing. Next, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Bad breath is called halitosis or halitosis. Often, many people think that the cause of this symptom is just insufficient oral hygiene. However, this is a mistake, since bad breath appears not only with the accumulation of plaque and bacteria in the oral cavity, but also with a number of serious somatic diseases. In this case, halitosis is a symptom of pathology, which must be correlated with other signs and assess the situation in a comprehensive manner, based on a systematic approach.

Diseases of various organs and systems that can lead to bad breath are shown in the table:

Organ system A disease that causes bad breath Characteristics of bad breath
Gastrointestinal tractGastritisRotten smell
Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenumSour smell
EnteritisFermenting or putrid odor
ColitisPutrid smell
Esophageal diverticulumSour and putrid smell
pancreatitisSour, smell of acetone or rotten apples
Bile duct dyskinesiaBurnt, bitter smell
HepatitisBurnt, bitter smell
WormsRotten, fermenting smell
ENT organsAngina
Chronic tonsillitisStrong, unpleasant purulent odor
SinusitisStrong, unpleasant purulent odor
SinusitisStrong, unpleasant purulent odor
Respiratory systemTuberculosisPutrid, putrid odor
lung abscessPutrid, putrid odor
PneumoniaPutrid, putrid odor
BronchiectasisPutrid, putrid odor
Allergic diseases (rhinitis, bronchitis, etc.)
Diseases of the oral cavityCariesPutrid smell
PeriodontitisPutrid smell
periodontal diseasePutrid smell
StomatitisPutrid smell
Presence of denturesPutrid smell
Pathology of the salivary glandsPutrid smell
Gingivitisbloody smell
Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavityPutrid smell
Tartar, plaque due to poor hygienePutrid, pungent, even rotten smell
Metabolic diseasesDiabetesSmell of acetone or fruit
bulimiaRotten, putrid smell
AnorexiaRotten, putrid smell
urinary systemkidney failureSmell of ammonia or rotten fish
Bad habitsSmokingPutrid and specific tobacco smell
Alcohol abusePutrid and specific smell of partially processed alcohol

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bad breath is caused by violations of the digestion process. The sour smell is caused by excessive production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach in peptic ulcers and gastritis. Intestinal diseases are associated with poor digestion of proteins and fats, which begin to rot, causing bad breath. In the pathology of the liver and pancreas, the digestion of food is also disturbed, and, in addition, numerous toxic substances enter the bloodstream, which cause bad breath.

In pathologies of the ENT organs, bad breath is due to the presence of a purulent process in the immediate vicinity of the oral cavity. In this case, the mouth smells like a purulent wound in an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, for example, an arm, leg, etc. In addition, with sinusitis or sinusitis, a person breathes through his mouth, and in this situation, the mucous membrane dries up. Drying of the oral mucosa, in turn, leads to a decrease in the disinfectant qualities of saliva, which contributes to the growth of bacteria. And bacteria, having settled in various parts of the oral mucosa, emit foul-smelling gases in the process of life. In addition, microorganisms have a relatively short lifespan, and after death they remain in the mouth, decomposing and emitting an unpleasant odor.

People suffering from sinusitis are forced to breathe through their mouth due to nasal congestion, which in turn leads to dry mouth and, as a result, bad breath.

Various pathologies of the respiratory system are associated with increased inflammation and decay of the tissues of the lungs and bronchi, which leads to the release of odors of putrefaction and decomposition through the oral cavity. Allergic diseases lead to dry mouth, which leads to excessive growth of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the source of which is the waste products and decomposition of microorganisms.

Various diseases of the oral cavity, gums and teeth cause a specific and extremely bad breath. The reason for the appearance of the smell is the accumulation of bacteria, which during their life emit smelly gases, such as skatole, indole, hydrogen sulfide, etc. In addition, with inflammatory diseases, tissues die, which, when decomposed, also emit a very unpleasant odor. The pathology of the salivary glands entails dryness of the oral cavity, which causes the appearance of this symptom.

Poor oral hygiene leads to the accumulation of bacteria and food particles, which are the cause of bad breath. The microorganisms themselves give off foul-smelling gases, and rotting food residues increase the strength and unpleasantness of breath odor.

People who follow unbalanced diets, as well as those suffering from bulimia or anorexia, also have bad breath, which is associated with digestive disorders. The food ingested is not digested properly, putrefies and ferments in the intestines and stomach, resulting in a characteristic odor from the mouth. Sometimes such people even smell of feces from their mouths.

With kidney failure in the blood, an increased content of urea, which is an ammonia compound. As a result, the body begins to remove the toxic substance through the mucous membranes and skin, so the mouth of such people smells like ammonia or rotten fish.

In diabetes mellitus, a large amount of acetone and ketone bodies are formed in the human body, which are excreted through the mucous membranes, including the oral cavity. This is what causes the smell of acetone from the mouth in people with diabetes.

The reasons can be different from a banal viral infection to an allergic reaction or tuberculosis. Therefore, you should not endure a debilitating cough and wait for complications, it is better to start therapy right away.

Causes that can cause cough

If a cough without sputum does not go away for a long time, preventing a person from breathing calmly and getting enough sleep, this indicates a pathogenic process that has already begun to attack the body. The causes of dry cough can be of a different nature, but in most cases the syndrome speaks of an infectious disease.

If initially the cough is dry, not accompanied by expectoration, then after a week (without appropriate treatment), pain behind the sternum, fever and general weakness may join it.

Suspicious signs become an alarming signal and a reason for immediate medical attention.

During the examination and examination, the doctor will prescribe a list of necessary laboratory tests and select the appropriate therapy tactics. The cause of dry cough without fever may be hidden in the development of the following diseases:

  • Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. It is manifested by hoarseness of voice and bouts of "barking" cough. In children, this condition can lead to the development of shortness of breath (stenosis) and a severe deterioration in well-being.
  • Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, which is characterized by symptoms of a dry cough, and after 7-10 days it is replaced by a productive (wet) cough with a large amount of sputum.
  • Tracheitis is an inflammatory disease of the trachea. It is manifested by pain and congestion in the sternum. It develops from a constant stay in a gassed room or from living in adverse environmental conditions.
  • Pneumonia - a severe cough is characteristic of the initial phase of the development of the disease, and coughing attacks occur regardless of the time of day. Subsequently, a strong dry cough is replaced by a productive one, and an inflammatory process develops in the lungs. If these symptoms are present, you should not delay in contacting a doctor. Complex therapy is selected based on the results of X-ray examination and laboratory tests.
  • Bronchial asthma - with this disease, frequent dry cough is also noted, it is accompanied by shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest and the inability to take a full breath. If seizures occur constantly, you should always have the medicine prescribed by the doctor with you and use it to stop the next exacerbation.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system - in such a situation, the bronchi are compressed by the lymph nodes, which are enlarged. A natural reflex occurs, which is accompanied by sweating, general malaise and loss of appetite.
  • Pleurisy - cough will occur against the background of an acute painful syndrome in the side.
  • Helminthiasis - the mucous membrane of the bronchopulmonary system can be irritated not only from viruses, but also from worms that cause coughing.

If the cough does not go away for a long time, and then becomes wet, accompanied by fever, weakness, loss of appetite and weight loss, this may indicate the development of tuberculosis. This situation requires immediate medical attention.

If attacks of painful coughing are caused by a respiratory infection or flu, these diseases should be treated immediately, because if symptoms are ignored, pathology can cause complications in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as significantly reduce immunity.

You can get rid of nicotine cough only by completely giving up cigarettes


Usually, with a dry cough, sputum does not come out of the lungs. It causes soreness and soreness in the throat, hoarseness of voice, up to its complete loss, and frequent attacks. What other symptoms appear with this problem:

  • "barking" cough;
  • shortness of breath and the inability to fully breathe;
  • it is difficult for the patient to breathe and his muscles in the bronchial area hurt;
  • exacerbation of seizures at night.

All of these symptoms lead not only to the development of the disease (bronchitis, pneumonia and others), but also to insomnia, severe headaches and nervous disorders. A debilitating cough at night also causes a significant decline in defenses, the body is weakened and cannot withstand the attack of viruses and bacteria.

Problem in children and pregnant women

What is a dry cough and why it can occur is now clear. Examination and treatment of adults is not a particular problem, but what if the problem arose in a child or a woman during the period of gestation?

Strong and prolonged coughing attacks that occur against the background of a change in the color of saliva and lacrimation may indicate the presence of viral agents in the body. In this case, coughing can be a sign of whooping cough, and the problem becomes serious. Consultation with a pediatrician and adequate treatment will help save the baby from a debilitating illness.

If a child is very sensitive to smells or prone to allergies, he may react with a dry cough to passive smoking, an excess of chemicals in the house and air pollution. It is recommended to protect such children from the harmful effects of allergen provocateurs.

A cough in a child who cannot go longer than a week and sharply worsens his health should not be ignored, especially if the baby becomes lethargic, eats poorly and complains of tearing.

Pregnant women, especially in the first two trimesters, suffer from a decrease in the body's defenses, so they often have this problem.

If a pregnant woman does not get away with a dry cough and is accompanied by a strong tension of the abdominal muscles, an urgent need to contact your doctor. These symptoms can lead to pain and inability to get enough sleep.

The treatment of dry cough during gestation is complicated by the fact that it is forbidden to take basic antitussives during this period. Only a doctor can recommend a treatment that is safe for both mother and fetus.

Residual effects after a cold

Dry cough after SARS is a fairly common occurrence. Many patients complain that they continue to cough even several weeks after the end of therapy, although other cold symptoms have completely disappeared. If residual effects persist for several weeks, many patients begin to worry that this is dangerous.

Dry cough is not dangerous unless the following symptoms are present:

Perhaps the treatment of dry cough with ARVI did not give positive results, and complications arose in the form of pneumonia, whooping cough or chronic bronchitis. Only a doctor can determine whether the period after the illness is normal and whether the cough is a common residual.


It is necessary to treat the manifestations of dry cough in a timely manner, without waiting for the pathology to become chronic. The consequences of this disease can greatly undermine health, reduce immunity and make the body defenseless against colds.

The pharmaceutical market has a wide range of drugs to get rid of a painful cough. There are tablets, syrups, drops, herbal remedies, lozenges and more on sale.

Cough remedies

All medicines are divided into the following groups:

  • cough suppressants of peripheral and central action;
  • expectorants;
  • mucolytic.

To use this or that drug, you need to know what the difference between them is, and it is advisable to start treatment with a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Central action drugs are designed to get rid of dry cough.

Such drugs act on the cough center, which is located in the brain, inhibit it, suppressing seizures. However, these drugs have many contraindications and side effects, so only a doctor should prescribe them.

During treatment, it is recommended to adhere to the desired dosage, since centrally acting drugs belong to the group of narcotic drugs. The most famous of them is Sinekod syrup. Medicines that have a peripheral effect soften and relieve attacks, have an analgesic effect and shorten the duration of the disease.

Mucolytic drugs are used most actively, especially at first, when an unproductive cough needs to become wet. The purpose of this group of drugs is to thin the sputum that has accumulated in the bronchi and bring it out. The most popular and effective medicines are:

With the help of these drugs, the patient will be able to quickly turn a dry, exhausting cough into a productive one, and then remove thick sputum from the lungs.

Folk methods of treatment

To get rid of a dry cough on your own, after consulting a doctor, you can use mustard plasters. This tool has long been famous for its quick effect and simple method of application. Several applications in the chest area can relieve the disease and alleviate the patient's condition.

During an exacerbation of the disease, mustard plasters cannot be placed, you need to wait until the temperature drops and the inflammation subsides. Mustard must be applied for 10-15 minutes, and removed after a burning sensation. If mustard plasters are used to treat a child, care must be taken not to burn sensitive skin.


Treatment of dry cough with compresses involves various methods of their preparation. Compresses are of different types:

The action of the compress is based on improving the blood supply to tissues and getting rid of the inflammatory process. To eliminate bouts of painful coughing, traditional medicine recommends rubbing melted butter into the skin of the chest.

If the cough has just begun and the process is shallow, you can prepare the next compress. Apple cider vinegar (1 part) is mixed with water (3 parts), the fabric is wetted with the composition and placed on the chest. You need to keep the compress under a warm blanket for about 20 minutes.

Oil compress is considered one of the most effective

Sunflower oil, which is preheated in a water bath, is mixed with water, and the fabric is moistened in this composition. The compress is placed on the chest area, but not the heart, the patient is covered with a blanket and he sleeps like that all night.


With any kind of cough, it is useful to breathe over steam, especially if the decoction is made from herbs with mucolytic and expectorant effects. Inhalations are contraindicated at elevated temperatures, you should also be more careful during the procedure in children.

The best basis for inhalation are:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • collections of herbs - licorice root, coltsfoot, plantain, sage;
  • soda;
  • saline.

Inhalation of steam from medicinal herbs soothes and softens the mucous membrane of the throat, relieving itching and coughing. Inhalation of eucalyptus vapors gives a good effect, and it can be carried out directly while visiting a bath or sauna (in the absence of temperature).

Therapeutic compositions

To get rid of a debilitating cough, you can use one of the proven recipes:

  • Finely grate the horseradish root, add the same amount of honey and use the product twice a day for 1 tsp.
  • Sprinkle black radish (previously washed and cut into small cubes) with sugar and bake in the oven. In this case, juice should stand out from the root crop. It must be drained into a jar and drunk three times a day for 2 tsp.
  • Add a little honey and lemon to the ginger root cut into small pieces. The composition, filled with boiling water, should stand for several hours, then it can be drunk several times a day in the form of tea.

Folk remedies are not only safe, but effective and saturate the body with vitamins.

Many people know about the healing properties of carrot, birch and cabbage juice. Cabbage leaves can also be made into compresses with honey, which helps relieve coughs and relieve chest pain.


To prevent coughing, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • wash hands not only before eating, but as often as possible to reduce the risk of transmitting infections;
  • when in contact with sick people, use gauze bandages (and it is best to avoid such contacts);
  • get rid of bad habits, such as smoking;
  • take vitamins and immune boosters;
  • eat well;
  • provide the body with rest;
  • drink more liquid.

Also, do not forget about hardening, playing sports and staying in the fresh air. You can’t drag out time when a cough has begun, because it can be a symptom of more dangerous diseases. You can treat it at home, with the help of medication or alternative therapy, but only after consulting a doctor and examining it. If the doctor confirms that dry cough is not associated with dangerous pathologies, then in this article you can find ways to treat cough at home and quickly get rid of an unpleasant ailment.


I treat my family for cough with Prospan syrup. It is convenient for me that one medicine for all, it also helps well and without side effects. Thanks to our family doctor.

If a dry cough is attached, then everything is just to drink Omnitus, I can’t get rid of it in any other way.

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Cough with phlegm

Cough. expelling phlegm (a mixture of mucus and saliva) from the lungs into the mouth is the body's way of getting rid of secretions that accumulate in the lungs. Smoking is the main cause of coughing up phlegm. Do not persuade the patient to hold back the cough. This can impair the functioning of the lungs and increase the risk of a respiratory tract infection.

Many people who cough up phlegm do not pay attention to it or consider it normal. They do not go to the doctor until they are faced with serious health problems such as shortness of breath. coughing up blood. chest pain, weight loss, or frequent respiratory problems.

Color and smell of sputum

The color, texture and smell of sputum are important indicators of a person's condition. The same applies to the sound of a cough. What does the color and consistency of sputum mean:

  • Clear, thin, watery sputum usually occurs with a cold or other upper respiratory disease, asthma, allergies; under the influence of irritants (for example, cigarette smoke).
  • Thick, greenish or yellow sputum indicates sinusitis, bronchitis, or pneumonia.
  • Brown or reddish sputum usually contains blood. This can be the result of an injury caused by a cough, as well as pneumonia, tuberculosis, severe irritation, or even lung cancer.

If a person who does not usually cough develops a persistent cough with phlegm, this is an ominous sign - it can be a life-threatening condition. It is urgent to consult a doctor, especially if the sputum is bloody, purulent, yellow, greenish or rusty.

Urgent medical attention is also needed for restlessness or clouding of consciousness; if the patient has uneven, rapid or slow breathing. These symptoms indicate acute respiratory distress.

In order not to spread the infection, the patient must:

  • when coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief;
  • always spit phlegm into a jar with a lid;
  • wash your hands more often.

Causes of cough with phlegm

Reason number one is smoking. Why? When you smoke, your airways produce more mucus, which in turn produces more phlegm that needs to be disposed of. Smoking also paralyzes the finest hairs in the airways that normally help clear mucus from there.

The ailments listed below also contribute to coughing up phlegm:

  1. Asthma. Often the disease begins with a dry cough and mild hoarseness, and gradually develops to severe wheezing and cough with sputum. Thick mucus may form.
  • Chronical bronchitis. In this disease, chronically blocked airways produce a dry cough that gradually turns into a cough with phlegm that may contain pus.
  • Common cold. With this ailment, a person can cough up sputum, consisting of mucus or a mixture of mucus and pus.
  • Reaction to stimuli. Inhalation of paint particles, dust and other substances may increase the formation of mucus in the respiratory tract, which irritates them, causing coughing. This is common in people with chronic sinusitis and allergies.
  • Lung cancer. An early symptom of this disease is a chronic cough with little blood-streaked sputum. The sputum may contain pus or a mixture of pus and mucus.
  • Pneumonia. With this disease, a dry cough may occur, turning into a cough with sputum. The color of sputum changes depending on which bacteria are present in it.
  • Tuberculosis. The patient may expectorate small or large amounts of sputum that contains mucus, blood, or pus.
  • What does the smell and sound of a cough mean?

    An unpleasant, putrid odor can be a symptom of bronchitis, lung abscess, and tuberculosis. A dry cough indicates that the vocal cords are affected, and a metallic shade indicates that the main respiratory tract is affected.

    Pneumonia can cause:

    • chill with trembling;
    • high temperature;
    • muscle pain;
    • headache;
    • rapid pulse;
    • rapid breathing;
    • sweating.

    Exercises to remove phlegm

    If you have a cough with phlegm, specific exercises can help open and clear your lungs and help you avoid pneumonia and other lung diseases. To master these exercises, follow these instructions:

    1. Lie comfortably on your back. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your upper abdomen at the base of your sternum.
    2. Bend your knees slightly and prop them up with a small pillow. Try to relax. (If you've had recent chest or abdominal surgery, keep them still with a pillow.)
    3. Exhale, then close your mouth and inhale deeply through your nose. Focus on feeling your stomach rise, but your chest doesn't expand. If the hand lying on the stomach rises when you inhale, then you are breathing correctly. Use for breathing not only the muscles of the chest, but also the diaphragm and abdomen. Hold your breath and slowly count to five.
    4. Close your lips, as if for a whisper, and exhale completely through your mouth without puffing out your cheeks. Use your abdominal muscles to “squeeze out” all the air, while the ribs should go down and in. The exhalation should take twice as long as the inhalation.
    5. Rest for a few seconds. Then continue the exercise until you have done it correctly five times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to ten. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can do it sitting, standing, or lying in bed. Try to take deep breaths every hour or two throughout the day.

    These exercises, like those described above, will help clear secretions from the lungs and prevent a lung infection. Read the following guidelines to master the correct technique:

    1. Sit on the edge of the bed, leaning forward slightly. If your feet do not reach the floor, substitute a bench. If you feel weak, lean your hands on the bedside table, placing a pillow on it.
    2. To stimulate the cough reflex, breathe deeply and exhale through closed lips. Exhale completely through your mouth without puffing out your cheeks. "Squeeze out" the air with the help of the abdominal muscles.
    3. Inhale again, hold your breath, and cough twice vigorously (or, if you can't, three times gently), concentrating on pushing all the air out of your chest.
    4. Rest a little, then do the exercise at least twice. Repeat it at least once every two hours.

    Other self-help measures:

    • Drink plenty of fluids to make your lung secretions thinner and easier to drain. However, if fluid has accumulated in the lungs (with pulmonary edema), check with your doctor first.
    • Use a room humidifier. This will soothe the inflamed airways and soften the dried secretions.
    • Rest more often.
    • Avoid lung irritants - especially tobacco smoke.
    • Stand or sit up straight when coughing to facilitate lung expansion.
    • You can use medicines and potions.

    Humidify the air. To help reduce airway inflammation and prevent lung secretions from drying up, talk to your doctor about using a room humidifier.

    What will they say in the hospital? The patient may be prescribed drugs that dissolve sputum (mucolytics); helping to clear the lungs of sputum (expectorant); expanding airways (bronchodilators). Antibiotics are prescribed to treat the bacterial infection that is causing the cough.

    If the child has a cough with phlegm

    Because the airways are narrow in children, a child who coughs up phlegm can become blocked in the airway and have difficulty breathing if phlegm accumulates. Therefore, you need to see a doctor.

    Causes that cause a child to cough with sputum:

    • asthma - a chronic lung disease that causes recurring bouts of difficulty breathing;
    • acute bronchiolitis - a viral disease of the lower respiratory tract (occurs mainly in children from two months to a year);
    • cystic fibrosis is a chronic disease that affects many organs; whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease that causes sudden bouts of piercing coughing.

    To clear the child's airways of phlegm, the doctor may prescribe an expectorant. Use the medicine strictly as directed by your doctor. Do not give your child other medicines - such as cough suppressants - unless directed by a doctor. Cough suppression may worsen the patient's condition.

    Causes of cough, types and possible diseases

    Cough is a protective reflex reaction to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. At the same time, in response to irritation, a stream of air is pushed out of the lungs, taking with it the cause of the cough. If this cannot be done the first time, the cough will continue until the irritant is removed.

    Causes of cough

    1. Inflammation (laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchiolitis) of the airways or alveoli (lung abscess, pneumonia).
    2. Irritation (mechanical) - a violation of the work (patency) of the bronchi due to their compression or increased tone (tumors of the mediastinum or lungs, bronchogenic formations, pulmonary edema, fibrosis, bronchial asthma, etc.).
    3. Irritation (chemical) - drawing in gases with a pungent odor (for example, cigarette smoke).
    4. Irritation (thermal) - drawing in very cold or hot air.

    In humans, cough is productive, unproductive.

    A productive cough is also known as a wet cough because during the cough reflex, phlegm can be shed, clearing the lungs. Usually, a wet cough begins due to viral infections, bronchitis, turberculosis, constant smoking and irritation of the throat, and the ingress of gastric juice into the esophagus.

    An unproductive (dry) cough leads to irritation of the mucous membranes, as they cannot be lubricated. It usually develops at the end of a cold, with allergies and bronchospasm, due to dust and cold.

    Children's cough can be a sign of acute laryngitis, bronchiolitis, viral diseases. Dry cough can be psychogenic and is sometimes associated with the experience.

    A cough in an infant is usually caused by an infection in the respiratory tract. If the cough started suddenly, then it may be a sign that a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract. In children, a psychogenic cough is often observed, which is a symptom of otitis media, congestion in the ears. A cough can be caused by staying in a stuffy room, a dusty room, inhaling cigarette smoke.

    People often have an allergic cough that begins only at a certain period of time. Usually, an allergic cough is dry and prolonged. Cough during pregnancy becomes an echo of chronic pharyngitis.

    Types of cough

    • Dry cough. Occurs due to swelling of the membrane (mucosa) of the throat, while no liquid is released from the secret. The cause of its occurrence is inflammation of the trachea, larynx, nasopharynx. The sound of coughing is "barking" in nature. It is usually very exhausting for the patient, with it there is a sleep disturbance, a psychological and physical feeling of discomfort appears. Dry cough is a frequent companion of respiratory infectious diseases. Usually appears on the third day after the onset of the disease. The cough may be allergic. The allergen, getting into the respiratory tract, causes an immune reaction, and the body tries to get rid of the aggressor by physically removing it. When contact with the allergen is stopped, the cough goes away. Cough can be caused by a foreign body that has entered the respiratory tract. This should always be remembered when treating dry cough in children: babies often inhale small objects, and they can get into the bronchi. Cough can be a reflex reaction to cold air, pungent odors, smoke, etc. Such a cough goes away on its own, as soon as the irritating factor ceases to act. The reflex nature of a cough creates the conditions for a cough reaction to emotional overexcitation, through the inclusion of a psychosomatic mechanism. Such a cough can be considered as an asthmatic attack.

    Dry cough in the clinic of various diseases

    Dry cough can occur with irritation of the respiratory tract at different levels. In a healthy person, in addition to the above reasons, a cough may occur during a conversation, a strong cry. At the same time, the voice may disappear for a short time, after which it will spontaneously resume after a few minutes of silence.

    Usually, with respiratory infections, cough appears on the third day. A cough may be caused by a sore throat, or it may occur spontaneously, passing in the form of an attack. During an attack of dry cough, not only the respiratory muscles (intercostal, diaphragm), but also the abdominal muscles work. A hacking, often occurring cough occurs in smokers, as a result of irritation of the bronchopulmonary tree with resins found in tobacco. Treatment of such a dry cough in adults is possible only in the case of a complete cessation of smoking.

    With tuberculosis, a long (more than six months) and mild dry cough can be observed. At the same time, nothing else can bother a person, while in the lungs the process of tissue destruction by mycobacteria is underway.

    Often there is a cough, the cause of which is not irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, but spontaneously occurring impulses in the cough center of the brain. Such a cough can be treated with drugs that suppress the work of this structure.

    Special attacks of coughing occur in children with whooping cough: the child makes many coughing movements in a row, cannot inhale, turns blue, loses consciousness. At the end of the attack, vomiting may occur.

    Cough prevention

    Whatever the nature of the cough, any pungent odors or cold, dry air can cause an attack. If you are sick, protect your airways from dust, tobacco smoke, fragrances and perfumes. Postpone repairs until recovery time, and then use a respirator when working. Children's attack of whooping cough can be provoked by sharp sounds, strong emotions, physical overwork.

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    6 comments to the article.

    That's right, prevention is better than cure.

    For me, a cough is the first “bell” that things are “bad”. Therefore, I try to immediately go on sick leave, so as not to endure on my feet. I am treated with folk remedies: tea, honey, lemon. But for a quick effect, I additionally help the immune system with an Influcid tablet - three times a day and five days later, I'm back in the "ranks". The main thing is not to run.

    Dry cough is the worst. Immediately I try to translate it into wet, I do inhalations with drops of Prospan. A good result comes out. And the throat is less tearing and sputum begins to come out gradually. So I've been on it for a couple of years now.

    Prosan syrup has recently been in the first-aid kit. I treated them first with my eldest daughter, and then I myself drank from a dry cough. Natural syrup, does not contain chemicals, it is important that it helps.

    I look at all three entries above and it's funny to me! It is not very nice to promote drugs in such an illiterate, impudent way!

    Oh, if I have a cough, then a runny nose is sure to join. There is no time to lie down, so I start treatment right away. I brew rose hips, wash my nose, drink bronchobos syrup, it cures cough and helps a lot with nasal congestion. I quickly get to my feet.

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    Any disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that can "unsettle" even a physically and mentally stable person. And sometimes the disease can be accompanied by small, but unpleasant symptoms that can scare away anyone. When the smell from the mouth appears when coughing, first of all the patient thinks about possible complications. Convenience to others fade into the background.

    The most common causes of bad breath

    There are three main groups of diseases accompanied by not the most pleasant aroma:

    1. Oral diseases. This list is quite extensive, almost all violations fall into it. Starting with banal caries and ending with gum abscesses.
    2. Respiratory tract diseases. Pathologies are usually associated with inflammation, thickening of the bronchial wall and increased mucus secretion. Expectorant sputum is not the most fragrant substance.
    3. Systemic diseases. These include diabetes mellitus, acute renal failure, liver problems.

    Fortunately, in terms of prevalence, dental problems occupy a leading place. They do not threaten the life of the patient, and it is enough to spend a couple of days of your time and not the smallest amount on treatment.

    What can cause bad breath?

    What to do if the cough began to be accompanied by an unpleasant odor:

    1. However, check your mouth. Bronchitis could coincide with suppuration of the gums, then you should not panic in advance. Although it will have to be treated for two different diseases.
    2. A cough accompanied by sputum production can be a sign of bronchitis or even a lung abscess. After the appearance of mucus, you should not continue to sit at home, only an experienced doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis.
    3. In bronchitis, the problem is a violation of the secretion of mucus by specific cells. Thickening of the bronchial walls and narrowing of their lumen leads to the development of congestion and the accumulation of foul-smelling fluid in the bronchial tree.
    4. An abscess is a cavity in which pus accumulates. And so it is clear that in this case we are not talking about any pleasant smell from the mouth.
    5. Chronic tonsillitis or tonsillitis can also bring a couple of not the best flavors into your life. Pathology is localized in the upper respiratory tract.
    6. The presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity is more likely to be accompanied by sneezing than coughing. But the smell can still be present.

    Breath odor associated with lung disease

    There is no specific treatment that would eliminate only the terrible smell. In these conditions, complex therapy is necessary that can eliminate the cause of the appearance of the aroma that interferes with others.

    Should fear the development of putrefactive processes especially when it comes to the airways.

    The lungs are an amazing organ. Even having lost 60-70% of lung tissue, a person is able not only to live normally, but also to calmly run hundred meters on a level with healthy people. But the accumulation of pus can lead to the melting of adjacent tissues and the breakthrough of an abscess in the bronchi.

    You can roughly imagine what a drowning person feels when they choke on water. After a breakthrough, the patient may be in a similar position, only there will be pus instead of water.

    There is always a great temptation to take an antitussive in the midst of an illness and get rid of an exhausting cough. But if the cough is accompanied by mucus, in no case should this be done. Due to the cough reflex, the bronchial tree is cleared of the fluid accumulated in it. Stopping this process will not lead to anything good, it is better to be patient a little and cough up all the mucus.

    What does bad smell mean?

    It is necessary to distinguish the smell from the mouth:

    Sweet, cloying aroma

    Rotten, putrid smell

    One of the first signs of diabetes.

    One of the signs of kidney failure.

    Having smelled acetone, it is necessary to take care of the hospitalization of the patient.

    It happens when there is a violation of the functioning of the liver and the ingress of decay products into the lungs.

    There is a risk of coma and further aggravation of the condition.

    Several centuries ago, it was one of the main signs of a tumor.

    Sometimes a mug of sweet tea is enough to get out of a pathological state.

    It manifests itself with diverticula of the esophagus - food accumulates in "pockets".

    When it comes to systemic violations, you should seek qualified help as soon as possible. For doctors, one such aroma is already sufficient reason to suspect some kind of violation and send the patient for additional diagnostics.

    Particular attention should be paid to diabetes, in which the development of hypo- and hyperglycemic coma is possible. To determine the type of coma, glucose or any other sugars are used.

    Even a small amount will help revive a person with low blood sugar. If this indicator is increased, the administered dose will not significantly aggravate the patient's condition.

    How to get rid of bad breath?

    You can get rid of an unpleasant smell with the help of a breath freshener, it is not expensive and gives an immediate effect. So why then undergo a long course of treatment or take a huge number of diagnoses, without guarantees of a positive result?

    • The freshener only masks the smell itself, odorous molecules interrupt anything.
    • It has no effect on the original cause of the "aroma".
    • As soon as the smell from the freshener disappears, others will again become uncomfortable.
    • Not a single patient has ever been better from the lack of medical care in the midst of the disease.
    • Chronic deviations from the norm require the same close attention.

    If people around you cough and complain about an unpleasant smell, then putrefactive bacteria are multiplying in your airways. The process can affect only the upper parts of the respiratory tract, and can go down to the bronchi.

    Even angina and tonsillitis are serious causes for concern. After all, both diseases can affect the work of the heart. The participation of streptococci in the development of rheumatism and other pathologies has already been proven.

    Bad breath when coughing

    Bad breath during coughing can be caused by:

    1. The presence of an abscess - a focus of accumulation of pus in the lung tissue.
    2. An increase in mucus production in the bronchi of all departments. Her stagnation and expectoration of sputum will not be accompanied by the most pleasant aromas.
    3. Inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. It is better not to smell the breath of a patient with a sore throat. And not only for epidemiological reasons.

    To eliminate the disgusting smell, you need to deal with the cause itself. It is much easier to press the button a couple of times and spray the freshener, but this will not affect your health in any way, in any case, positively. The strength of the aroma will increase in proportion to the deterioration of the patient's well-being.

    A sick person may not notice breath odor when coughing, so it is important to pay attention to this change in a timely manner. After all, it may indicate an aggravation of the process and a worsening of the situation. Timely assistance is always much more effective than delayed treatment.

    Video: we solve such a problem as a "coughing smell"

    In this video, Dr. Komarovsky will talk about effective ways by which you can get rid of an unpleasant "flavor" from your mouth during a cough:

    Collection of answers to your questions

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    Causes, symptoms and treatment of dry and wet cough in adults

    What is a cough?

    Cough occurs due to involuntary forced expiration, which is due to the fact that there is irritation on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Anything can serve as a reason for coughing, from a speck of dust accidentally flying into the throat to serious illnesses: influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

    Children often suffer from acute respiratory diseases, so coughing is not uncommon for them. Coughing is also caused by small foreign bodies that have fallen into the throat. With the help of a cough, the child is freed from them.

    In recent years, the number of cases of lung cancer and tuberculosis has increased. The hemoptysis syndrome, which often complicates the course of lung cancer and tuberculosis, also requires the appointment of drugs that soothe and suppress cough. Antitussive drugs are also necessary for patients with functional disorders in the respiratory system, with tracheal dyskinesia and reflux disease. Thus, the range of diseases in which effective antitussive drugs are needed is very wide.

    Cough begins when there is irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. That is why, in order to get rid of a cough (not from the cause of the cough, but only from the spasm itself), you just need to remove the irritation, or at least reduce it.

    Causes of cough

    Cough is a reflex protective reaction of the body, manifested by jerky exhalations and ensuring the removal of a foreign body or sputum from the respiratory tract. Cough can be a symptom of many diseases, so its correct diagnosis is of great importance. Coughing allows the bronchi to clear, so that the person does not suffocate. Therefore, we can say that cough performs a vital function in the body.

    Cough can be divided into several types, depending on the causes and symptoms. Most often, it is caused by two main causes - foreign bodies and diseases. A sudden cough, as a rule, indicates a foreign body entering the respiratory tract. An acute and persistent cough is most often indicative of a respiratory tract infection and usually lasts for at least two weeks. If the cough lasts more than two months, it is called chronic.

    Cough can be caused by a huge number of diseases. In childhood, it often indicates infections of the upper respiratory tract, that is, the nose and throat. This cough usually lasts up to two to three weeks. At the age of 8 to 13 years, a cough of a viral nature can occur up to several times a year. For this reason, it may seem to parents that their children are coughing almost continuously.

    Chronic cough is often observed in bronchial asthma. In severe asthma, patients are worried about a prolonged cough, especially at night and after any physical exertion. A variety of irritants, such as cigarette smoke or chemicals inhaled regularly, can also cause chronic coughing. A barking cough (especially in a small child) should be alarming, as it can be caused by swelling of the larynx, and the result may be suffocation.

    Cough occurs with the following diseases:

    In general, coughing is not always a symptom of an illness. It can be caused by the following factors:

    Inflammation of the airways or areolas in diseases such as laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, or lung abscess.

    Chemical irritation, that is, the inhalation of gases with a strong odor. An example is cigarette smoke.

    Mechanical irritation, that is, inhalation of dust, an increase in the tone of the bronchi and a violation of their patency.

    Thermal irritation, i.e. inhalation of too hot or too cold air.

    When a foreign body enters the respiratory tract or smoke is inhaled, the cough is, as a rule, single. Smokers or with bronchial asthma have a paroxysmal cough. Viral infections cause an acute cough, and with heart pathologies, chronic bronchitis and other serious diseases, cough is observed in a chronic form.

    Quite an obvious cause of chronic cough is smoking, especially if a person has been smoking for many years. Due to cigarette smoke, excess sputum accumulates in the lungs, which may go unnoticed. Therefore, smokers often wake up in the morning with a wet cough that stops after a few puffs. If you definitely need a cigarette in the morning, this is a characteristic sign that there are already serious problems in the work of the respiratory system.

    With emphysema or a disease such as chronic bronchitis, there is a constant, painful cough. In this case, the lumen of the bronchi decreases, resulting in shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Sometimes a cough can be a sign of a very serious illness, such as cancer or a benign lung tumor.

    Cough as a symptom

    The nature of the cough helps to carry out the correct diagnosis of the disease and prescribe treatment.

    A barking cough often accompanies inflammation of the vocal cords.

    Emphysema and obstructive bronchitis cause a dull, paroxysmal cough.

    Dry and hysterical cough often speaks of tumors of the respiratory tract: trachea, bronchi or larynx.

    With lesions of the pleura, a dry and painful cough occurs.

    Cough with sputum is a symptom of a violent inflammatory process in the bronchi and / or lungs. In this case, there is an increased production of sputum, which enters the respiratory tract. The nature of its department helps to diagnose diseases more accurately. If the sputum is viscous and scanty, then this may indicate bronchial asthma, bronchitis or tracheitis. Mucopurulent sputum indicates the appearance of acute focal pneumonia. When pleuropneumonia occurs, sputum of a “rusty” color appears, which is due to the presence of a large number of red blood cells.

    If a breakthrough of a lung abscess is observed in the bronchi, then a lot of sputum is released with a cough, which has a fetid odor.

    The abundance of sputum and chills can be combined with other symptoms, for example, fever, intense sweating, deterioration in general well-being. If the sputum causes concern, or unusual impurities are observed in it, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. For example, hemoptysis speaks of a lung infarction, cancer, or tuberculosis. The appearance of small food particles in the sputum indicates that the contents of the esophagus enter the respiratory tract.

    The result of a breakthrough of the hepatic abscess may be the sudden appearance of sputum, similar to semolina.

    With viral infections of the respiratory tract, cough is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, dizziness, weakness, or vomiting. But with parainfluenza, the temperature may not be observed at first.

    If a persistent cough is the only symptom, and no others are observed, then this may indicate oncology. A strong cough without sputum appears with tuberculosis, which is diagnosed precisely by the nature of the cough. In this case, prompt medical attention is vital.

    A prolonged and dry cough, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is a symptom of whooping cough caused by Bordetella pertussis, a small, non-motile, aerobic Gram-negative coccus. Whooping cough usually occurs only in childhood. Each type of cough is characteristic of a specific disease, and only a doctor can correctly diagnose.

    An acute cough is a cough that lasts no longer than a few weeks. Often, an acute cough occurs when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, which happens with young children who are actively exploring the world around them. If the foreign object is small, then it can get deep into the respiratory tract, in this case the child must be urgently taken to the doctor.

    In infectious diseases, an acute dry cough is gradually replaced by a wet one, and then disappears.

    Of great concern should be a prolonged cough, which often acts as a symptom of sinusitis, inflammation of the adenoids or chronic rhinitis. It manifests itself most often at night, and is combined with nasal congestion, snoring or even choking.

    Recurrent cough has its own characteristics:

    Accompanied by shortness of breath, shortness of breath.

    Often provoked by allergens: feathers, food, cat or dog hair.

    Occurs during deep inspiration, physical activity.

    It is well eliminated by drugs of the bronchodilator group.

    Psychogenic cough also has its own characteristics, which often occurs in children after serious illnesses. It is high, frequent, can occur against the background of stressful situations, disappears while eating or sleeping.

    Cough does not tolerate neglect, it often causes serious complications, so its correct diagnosis and timely treatment are very important. If an unexplained cough lasts more than a month, it may be a sign of a mass in the airways or heart failure. But not everything is so frightening: a prolonged cough is often the result of untreated bronchitis. Be that as it may, consultation and the help of a doctor are required. In no case should you self-medicate, as you will only aggravate the situation.

    Dry and wet cough

    Dry cough is a typical sign of the onset of a cold (pharyngitis, bronchitis, SARS, tracheitis), the presence of sputum is not typical for it. Due to a cold, an acute inflammatory process develops in the throat, and an excess of mucus occurs, and the patient wants to clear his throat.

    Dry cough can be cured using modern antitussive drugs. They relax the mucosa of the pharynx and remove spasms of the bronchi. To get rid of a strong paroxysmal cough, use special pharmaceuticals that block nervous urges. But it is important to remember that this is only symptomatic therapy. The doctor prescribes medicines of a similar action, if an indomitable reflex cough does not allow a person to live normally and sleep peacefully.

    Wet cough is a consequence of the accumulation of sputum in the trachea, bronchi and lungs, it often develops after a dry cough. With such a cough, the lungs are cleared of sputum, which acts as an excellent environment for the maturation of bacteria. If a wet cough lasts for a long time, the disease can become chronic.

    For better expectoration, sputum must be thinned with mucolytic agents. They make sputum less viscous and make it easier to remove from the respiratory tract. With a wet cough, you need to drink plenty of fluids (water, herbal tea, juice, compote).

    Dry cough develops with inflammation of the mucous membrane, and wet - with the accumulation of sputum. Dry cough is treated with sedatives, wet cough with expectorants. A dry cough can turn into a wet one, because the inflammatory process, in the absence of timely treatment, gradually drops below. A wet cough almost never turns into a dry one.

    Cough without fever and runny nose

    Cough without fever and runny nose is considered the most common pathological symptom characteristic of most acute respiratory diseases. It can confirm the presence of an uncomplicated infection in the body, or be a harbinger of a serious illness. Before treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of coughing. And, of course, only a qualified doctor can give an accurate conclusion and prescribe the necessary drugs.

    The human respiratory system is designed in such a way that when dust, infections, allergens invade the respiratory tract, a cough appears due to irritation of the receptors. Thanks to him, the trachea and bronchi of a sick person are cleared of various secretions (mucus, sputum, pus, blood, as well as foreign bodies - dust, pollen, food particles).

    A long dry cough without fever and a runny nose can be a sign of many diseases (some types of acute respiratory viral infections, an allergic reaction, post-infectious cough, stress, chronic diseases of the ENT organs, heart failure, thyroid disease, certain diseases of the stomach, intestines, tuberculosis, respiratory oncology) .

    Severe pain when coughing

    The causes of pain when coughing are different: from SARS to lung cancer. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, and preferably in the early stages. Therefore, you need to be examined at the first sign of pain.

    Pain in the spine and chest when coughing can appear due to the inflamed pleura located in the chest cavity. Dry pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura) most often occurs with pneumonia or pneumonia. Treatment is with painkillers and antibiotics. With pleurisy and pneumonia, the chest is sometimes fixed with bandages, which makes it possible to reduce pain when lying on the affected side.

    Pain in the side and chest during inhalation and exhalation during coughing may appear due to pathology in the ribs and thoracic region, pleural tumors, pericarditis (inflammation of the heart membrane). Pericarditis in the bulk of cases is a complication of an infectious disease of the respiratory tract.

    Pain in the ribs, "shooting" acute pain when coughing, may be a consequence of inflammation of the nerve endings of the intercostal space. The root cause of intercostal neuralgia is a serious pinching or a large load on the nerves due to osteochondrosis. In these cases, a good method of treating cough is to provide rest and warmth to the back. The cause of a sharp chest pain with a deep breath and coughing may be a fracture of the ribs due to trauma or a strong blow.

    Osteochondrosis can cause severe pain in the chest and back, aggravated by coughing. Causes of osteochondrosis: spinal injuries, long, heavy loads on the spine, scoliosis. Pain in the back, chest, dry, "scratching" cough can be symptoms of tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea) caused by staphylococcal, pneumococcal bacteria. In the acute form, the disease is not dangerous, but it can develop into a chronic form. People who are nicotine-dependent, with diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses can get sick with chronic tracheitis.

    Lung cancer is accompanied by quite intense pain of various kinds: stabbing pain, which becomes stronger with active breathing and coughing, sharp pain behind the sternum. The pain increases with the spread of metastases to the spine and ribs. The main signs of lung cancer are the strongest tiring cough, chest pain, noticeable shortness of breath, hemoptysis.

    Pneumothorax (accumulation of air in the pleura) is another disease with back and chest pain. This disease is traumatic and spontaneous. Increased pain can be observed when coughing or deep breathing. Chest pain in pneumonia, acute bronchitis, asthma can be unbearable. In any case, with pain during a cough, you should immediately seek medical help.

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    Night cough in adults

    Night cough is considered a fairly common symptom of diseases of the internal organs. It has been confirmed that nocturnal cough in adults can be initiated not only by pulmonary diseases, but also by pathologies of the cardiovascular system, stomach and intestines.

    There are a number of factors that cause nocturnal cough in adults. For example, during sleep, a person is in a horizontal position, while the lungs are not very active, the mucus from the nasopharynx almost does not come out, the airways are not cleaned properly, and this often causes a severe coughing fit at night.

    Also at night, the air in the room is usually colder and dryer, which irritates the mucous membrane and causes coughing. However, it is worth paying special attention to the "night" cough. It can be a symptom of serious illnesses, such as bronchial asthma or whooping cough (more: The first signs and symptoms of asthma).

    Continuous attacks, unpleasant soreness in the throat, no or small amount of sputum - this is a dry cough. It is stopped by drugs that depress the nerve center of the brain responsible for the corresponding reflex. But doctors do not recommend using such drugs without indications. Much more effective and useful in this case is the use of proven folk methods that will not harm the body.

    Coughing fits in an adult. What to do with a strong cough?

    Cough is one of the unconditioned human reflexes. This is a necessary protective reaction of the respiratory organs to numerous external stimuli. Irritants can be various microparticles, pollen, dust or bacteria, microbes that cause an infectious cough. Cough is not a disease, but only a symptom of some disease.

    Many bacterial and viral infections cause violent bouts of coughing. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease directly after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

    How to stop a coughing fit. Continuous bouts of coughing can be relieved with various herbal infusions. A very good remedy for expectoration is a decoction of chamomile with coltsfoot. It will remove accumulated sputum from the respiratory tract and relieve pulmonary edema. And regular use of 50 ml of a decoction of common wild rosemary will help relieve attacks and soothe a cough in a few days.

    An attack of nocturnal coughing can be stopped by getting out of bed and leaning forward slightly. Helps to get rid of cough and normal sipping. You need to get up, raise your right hand up and stretch very well. Salvation from indomitable bouts of coughing can be ordinary chamomile tea.

    Dry cough treatment

    Means aimed at getting rid of dry cough should be taken only when the patient's cough reflex is really pronounced and interferes with his normal life. To restore the quality of life, the doctor may prescribe drugs that can save a person from a debilitating condition.

    When a cough is not accompanied by sputum, it is necessary to ensure that it becomes productive. Only after this, the patient can be prescribed expectorant and mucolytic drugs. In addition, it is possible to prescribe drugs that have a complex effect. They are simultaneously able to give an expectorant and antitussive effect.


    Herbion is a plantain syrup produced in the form of a syrup. It has antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. The drug softens and relieves dry cough. Its main active ingredients are mallow flowers and plantain herb lanceolate.

    Indications for use

    If you want to achieve the following effects:

    As a result, the patient will feel relief from dry cough, as he softens.

    If there is fructose intolerance or individual sensitivity to herbal preparations. People with diabetes need to take the remedy under medical supervision, that is, with extreme caution.


    Sinekod is an antitussive drug that has a direct effect on the cough center. It has an expectorant property, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory effect, improves spirometry. Indicated for acute dry cough of various origins. The first form of release is intended for children, and the second for the treatment of adults.

    Indications for use

    It is necessary to take with a cough (dry and acute), of various etiologies. Can affect the cough center.

    Among other effects:

    promotes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and improves their patency;

    contributes to the normalization of spirometry.

    the period of bearing a child;

    age up to 2 months - absolute contraindication;

    age up to 3 years - a contraindication for syrup (you can drops);

    children under 12 years of age - a contraindication for the tablet form.

    Loose stools, nausea, allergies, dizziness.


    Stoptusin - combined antitussive and secretolytic action. The composition includes Butamirata citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive effect, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its discharge. Effective for dry cough in children and adults.

    Indications for use

    Due to Butamirate citrate, the drug is able to have the following effect:

    reduce the cough reflex.

    Due to Guaifenesin, the drug contributes to:

    improving its release.

    Assign in childhood and adulthood with a dry cough.

    Pregnancy, namely - 1 trimester and age up to a year.

    Sometimes - allergies, less often - headaches, vomiting, stool disorders and dizziness.

    Codelac Phyto

    The cost of this drug reaches 140 rubles. Available in both syrup and elixir form. As part of the drug, the main active ingredients are extracts of licorice, thyme and thermopsis + codeine.

    Indications for use

    Assign to improve the process of expectoration of sputum.

    Up to two years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, with bronchial asthma and respiratory failure. In addition, you should not prescribe the drug to patients who are hypersensitive to herbal medicines.

    Drowsiness, headaches, constipation, nausea, vomiting, allergies. If taken for a long time, addiction to codeine is possible.


    Broncholitin is a combined drug of antitussive, bronchodilator and bronchoceptive action. The composition includes Glaucine hydrobromide, which has a depressing effect on the cough center, a mild anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Basil oil has a slight sedative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic property. Ephedrine stimulates breathing, expands the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictive effect, thereby eliminating swelling of the bronchial mucosa.

    Indications for use

    Due to glaucine hydrobromide, a slight removal of inflammation and pain relief, as well as suppression of the cough center is achieved.

    Due to the basil oil, an antibacterial, soothing and antispasmodic effect is achieved.

    Due to ephidrine, the drug expands the bronchi, constricts blood vessels, and stimulates the function of respiration. As a result, puffiness subsides from the bronchial mucosa.

    It is not prescribed for heart failure and up to 3 years, as well as for breastfeeding and pregnancy.

    Increased sweating, tremors in the limbs, increased heart rate, problems with nighttime rest, namely insomnia, rashes, visual disturbances, difficulty urinating, vomiting and nausea.


    Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator action. The composition of the syrup and tablets includes thyme herb extract, and the elixir also contains primrose root extract. Bronchicum is universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry and wet coughs. At the stage of the disease, when a dry cough Bronchicum helps to cope with severe attacks, turning a dry cough into a wet one. Then, already with a wet cough, it facilitates the expectoration of sputum, contributing to its removal from the lungs.

    Indications for use

    The effect that can be achieved:

    The versatility of the drug lies in the fact that when the cough is wet, it improves the discharge and excretion of mucus, and when the cough is dry, it softens it, relieves attacks and turns it into a wet one.

    For lozenges - age up to six years;

    For all forms - age up to six months, disorders in the liver and kidneys, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance.

    Allergy, irritation of the gastric mucosa.


    Linkas is a combined herbal preparation that reduces the intensity of cough, increases its productivity, has a mucolytic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Indications for use

    decreased strength of the cough reflex;

    increased cough productivity;

    Full restriction - up to six months of age, in the presence of hypersensitivity. Partial restriction - diabetes mellitus.

    As part of the drug, you can find extracts of flowers of alpinia, hyssop, violet, onosma, marshmallow, adhatoda leaves, licorice (root), long pepper (fruit).


    Libexin is an antitussive agent of peripheral action. It has a local anesthetic, bronchodilatory effect, its antitussive effect is approximately comparable to codeine. Unlike codeine, Libexin does not cause dependence, does not affect the central nervous system. In chronic bronchitis, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Indications for use

    local analgesic effect;

    antitussive action, almost similar to codeine, but without the formation of addiction;

    removal of inflammation (with chronic bronchitis).

    It is forbidden to prescribe for diseases that are accompanied by the release of abundant bronchial secretions. In childhood, they are prescribed with caution; during the bearing of a child, they are not prescribed at all.

    Slight sedation, dry mouth, temporary numbness, skin rash.

    Any drug can be prescribed only by a doctor. It also determines the frequency and duration of its use.

    They lead to cough with sputum and some diseases. One of them is asthma. In the initial stages of the disease, mild hoarseness and a dry cough are often noted, but over time, severe wheezing and coughing up sputum begin. Possible formation of thick mucous secretions.

    Wet cough, accompanied by sputum. Its useful function is that the microbes contained in the secretions are removed from the respiratory tract, thereby accelerating the healing process and eliminating the development of complications. Dry unproductive cough usually does not bring relief, it can be very debilitating in appearance.

    It is for women who are expecting a baby that coughing during pregnancy is a particular problem, since most drugs - expectorants and antitussives - are prohibited during this period. In an attempt to shield the fetus from chemical exposure.

    Dry cough is not accompanied by copious sputum. It can be very strong, hysterical, painful. The cause of a dry cough in a child is a cold and infection of the respiratory organs with infections. At the beginning of a cold, a child develops a sore throat in the throat.

    It has long been proven by practical medicine that inhalation is a gentle and safe, and most importantly, a very effective method of treating cough in children. It is also an excellent alternative to pills, potions and injections, which often cause side effects and effects. If there are no complications, then it is right to start treating with help.

    Berodual: The active ingredients fenoterol and ipratropium bromide eliminate the effects of suffocation in chronic obstructive airway diseases. The drug is highly effective, there are no side effects. One inhalation for adults and older children.

    Egg mixture can cure even the most severe cough that is not treatable by modern medicine. This recipe is known to many grandmothers, who at one time quickly put anyone on their feet. Even severe bronchitis can be cured with this recipe! A lot of time has already passed, but they still use this old one.

    The information on the site is intended for familiarization and does not call for self-treatment, a doctor's consultation is required!

    One of the most common complaints when visiting a doctor is bad breath, which occurs mainly during coughing. It can occur at the beginning of the pathology or after the completion of the course of treatment. In some cases, apart from this symptom, there is no other clinic. We note right away that the presence of odor is always considered as a pathology that needs to be eliminated. Therefore, if a similar symptom occurs, you should visit a doctor and determine the cause of its appearance.

    The cause of bad breath when coughing is usually comorbidities

    What causes the smell

    There are a huge number of factors that provoke the appearance of a cough. In some cases, there are several reasons at once. In such a situation, the doctor begins treatment, eliminating one of the factors, and observes the changes.

    Most often, a cough with an unpleasant odor is observed in violation of hygiene and in inflammatory processes.

    Poor oral care

    If you don't brush your teeth regularly, plaque builds up on their surface. It consists of desquamated cells, bacteria and food debris. Plaque has a purulent odor and can cause discomfort during coughing or talking. It also smells like rotten eggs. It is caused by the release of hydrogen sulfide during the life of bacteria.

    Lack or insufficient care of the teeth and oral cavity is often the cause of bad breath.

    The taste is especially pronounced after sleep. This is explained by the fact that during rest, blood flow is significantly slowed down, and saliva volumes decrease. Accordingly, it can no longer wash the surface of the teeth and remove plaque from them. Therefore, after sleep, people are more likely to experience unpleasant sensations. To get rid of the smell, it is enough to brush your teeth regularly.

    Pathologies of the oral cavity

    Helitosis, namely the so-called appearance of an unpleasant sensation, is especially often disturbing in case of pathologies of the teeth and gums. To provoke a bad smell can caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, plaque, stomatitis and so on. The most pronounced sign in the presence of purulent inflammation, for example, a fistula. This is due to the activity of staphylococcus and streptococcus.

    In the presence of pathologies of the teeth and gums, it is possible to get rid of the smell only with a complete sanitation of the oral cavity.

    Gum and teeth problems cause bad breath

    ENT pathology

    Almost all diseases of the nasopharynx develop as a result of infection with coccal flora. During the life of bacteria, a purulent process is formed, which causes an unpleasant sensation. In addition, it is ENT pathologies that are accompanied by a cough. During periods of exacerbation, helitosis becomes more pronounced. The deviation is eliminated only together with the doctor due to the selection of drugs that are effective in relation to the root cause of the complaints.

    Bronchial diseases

    Almost all pathologies of the lungs and bronchial tree cause coughing. However, it is often accompanied by a pronounced smell of pus. This is explained by the fact that during the inflammatory process, the production of an increased volume of sputum is observed. It contains desquamated cells of the bronchial mucosa, bacteria and toxins, which causes the smell.

    In some diseases, the inflammatory process initially proceeds with the release of sputum with pus. This is especially true for advanced bronchitis, abscesses, bronchiectasis. Elimination of signs begins precisely with the treatment of the underlying disease. Without this effect, it will not be possible to achieve.

    Pathologies of the bronchi are accompanied by a cough and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth may appear.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Pathologies of the stomach and esophagus also quite often cause the smell of pus that accompanies the cough. It "rises" up the esophagus from the stomach due to incomplete closure of the valve. By the nature of the smell, you can determine the disease:

    • Sour indicates gastritis or ulcers, in some cases inflammation of the pancreas is detected.
    • The smell of rotten protein indicates liver pathology.
    • Putrefactive is more often observed in diseases of the sphincter.

    Important: pathologies of the digestive system often cause the accumulation of plaque on the tongue, which is also the cause of the odor that accompanies the cough.

    The appearance of bad breath can be due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract

    The smell of a child

    During communication with the baby, the mother may notice that coughing or even talking is accompanied by the release of an unpleasant odor. The reason for this in children may be such deviations as a runny nose, tonsillitis, stomatitis, and digestive pathologies. But besides this, more serious deviations, in particular, diabetes, should not be ruled out.

    As already mentioned, the type of pathology can be determined by the nature of the symptom. This is especially true in cases where the cough is accompanied by the smell of acetone. Most often, this indicates a violation of the process of assimilation of carbohydrates. This situation is observed in diabetics with a lack of insulin.

    People with diabetes may smell like acetone

    Diabetes mellitus can be suspected by the following complaints:

    • frequent urge to empty the bladder;
    • severe dry mouth;
    • weakness.

    All this indicates an excess of sugar, which can lead to very sad consequences. It is important to emphasize that with the smell of acetone from the oral cavity, this is noted from the skin and even from urine.

    At the same time, it should be noted that if an unpleasant odor resembling acetone occurs when coughing, you should not immediately panic, suspecting diabetes. Perhaps the cause of this condition was a diet or banal starvation.

    With pathologies of the kidneys, the smell of ammonia may appear

    Important: when a child smells of acetone, malnutrition should be ruled out first.

    smell of ammonia

    The taste of ammonia and the same smell is most often noted in violation of kidney function. In addition, similar symptoms can be observed with dehydration. In this case, the patient may suffer from cough due to overdrying of the mucous membranes of the throat.


    Another cause of helitosis may be malnutrition. First of all, it is an excess of proteins. During the use of products, the fibers are trapped between the teeth, which subsequently becomes the cause of odor. This is one of the explanations for the fact that vegetarians, in the absence of pathologies of internal organs, never have bad breath. In addition, coffee, alcohol, soda can break the acidity in the mouth.

    Malnutrition is the simplest cause of helitosis. To get rid of it, it is enough to brush your teeth after eating and follow the rules of rational nutrition, including not overeating.

    Bad breath often comes from poor nutrition.

    How to get rid of the smell

    To eliminate the taste in the mouth during a cough, treatment should be carried out after a complete examination. It will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms and causes of the disease. Thus, so that the patient is not disturbed by the presence of an unpleasant taste in the mouth, the diagnosis should be determined and treatment should be prescribed:

    • In diseases of the ENT organs, antibiotic therapy and the complete elimination of the focus of inflammation are used.
    • In case of pathologies of teeth and gums, a consultation with a dentist and sanitation with dental filling and treatment of the mucosa are prescribed.
    • Diseases of the digestive system require a special course of treatment.
    • The presence of the smell of acetone requires the determination of glucose levels and the selection of effective therapy. As a rule, in this case, the patient is admitted to the hospital.
    • The smell of ammonia requires a full diagnosis of the condition of the kidneys, after which treatment will be prescribed.

    To eliminate an unpleasant odor, you need to visit a doctor and determine the root cause

    In each case, the set of drugs will be different. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you suspect diabetes, if you have purulent sputum, or if your general condition worsens.

    How to reduce odor

    The patient may have chronic pathologies that are not always treatable. In order not to suffer from an unpleasant odor, you should use tips to eliminate it. The simplest are chewing gums, sprays and other flavors.

    The following recipes do a good job with the smell when coughing:

    • Silver water - you can cook it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy.
    • Infusion of herbs. Great help is sage, pine needles, and if there is purulent sputum, it is recommended to use chamomile or marigolds.

    You can reduce the severity of unpleasant odors with activated charcoal.

    • Propolis, both in the form of chewing gum, and by preparing an infusion.
    • Manganese - used to prepare the solution.
    • Activated charcoal - used under the tongue. Helps eliminate bad odor.

    At the same time, such advice will only help if helitosis is a residual phenomenon or is caused by malnutrition. In other cases, the effect will be short-lived. Only a complete treatment will help eliminate the smell completely.

    What can cause bad breath - about this in the video:

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