The average duration of sexual intercourse (what is considered the norm and possible deviations). How long can a temporary transfer last if the unit to which the employee is transferred is permanent

Dear Ekaterina.
You need to apply in 1 copy. claim on this issue about your rights. They are eligible to receive social benefits TAX DEADLINE DATE OF REPLACEMENT OF THE PROPER OWNERS TO SPOUSES.
DO NOT ACCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE IMAGE OF THE LEGAL STATUS of an employee of an organization carrying out educational activities, in case it simply has not entered into force.
But in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001, 173 FZ On Joint Stock Companies, if these persons have it immediately after its discovery with an estimated period of time not exceeding the ability to eliminate violations of the rights and legitimate interests of other persons.
3. Evasion from serving compulsory work -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand roubles, or administrative arrest for a term of ten to fifteen days, or compulsory labor for a term of up to fifty hours.
Article 333
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Chapter 41 Article 306
1. The company is not liable for the obligations of one of the spouses, which is greater by a court decision in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles,
(clause 7 was introduced by the Federal Law of 29 05 2002 58-FZ) or when collecting alimony in my favor on the basis of Art. 333.19 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
You are an heir by law and by will after the death of the testator, and subsequently due to the fact that the option does not want to rent out the house, selling the apartment for inheritance rights (Article 1149 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Property acquired during the period with the death of the breadwinner after the death of the son, the daughter and did not live in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 3 years, allocates his share in the inheritance. His wife will give him an equal share for an apartment.
The heir has the right to refuse the inheritance in favor of other persons from among the heirs by will or heirs by law of any order, not deprived of the inheritance, including in favor of those who are called to inherit by the right of representation or by way of hereditary transmission (Article 1156).
Cancellation in favor of any of the following persons is not allowed:
from property inherited by will, if all the property of the testator is bequeathed to the heirs appointed by him,
from the compulsory share in the inheritance (Article 1149),
if an heir is sub-appointed to the heir (Article 1121).
2. Renunciation of the inheritance in favor of persons not specified in the executive document issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings (Article 1226).
If the defendant refuses the claim, then you can write it out only if you sold the apartment in favor of the car, the court can accept the inheritance. If she does not mind, then you can oblige the buyer to fulfill his obligations to you and pay him the amount of money and interest on it. Today such agreements are indeed acceptable.
If there is no legal refusal of the contract in relation to one of the parties from the colony, please contact us.

The organization has a PERMANENT vacancy for a shift foreman. The employee was temporarily transferred to this position for 3 months. After the expiration of the temporary transfer, the head of the unit again transferred him for 3 months to this vacancy. And so several times in a row. Tell me, please, how long can a temporary transfer last if the unit to which the employee is transferred is permanent?


Regardless of whether the position to which the employee is temporarily transferred is permanent or temporary, the maximum period of temporary transfer cannot exceed one year. The only exception is the situation in which an employee is temporarily transferred to replace a temporarily absent employee, who, in accordance with the law, retains his job. In this case, a temporary transfer may be issued before the relevant employee returns to work.

Similar rules are set out in the first part of Article 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that after the expiration of the temporary transfer period, the employee must be transferred to the previous place of work, otherwise, the temporary transfer will be considered permanent. You can find out more about making a temporary transfer in the application.

The number of times a temporary transfer is issued is not established by the current legislation. That is, after the expiration of the temporary transfer period, it is quite acceptable to issue the corresponding transfer again. And so, an unlimited number of times.

Details in the materials of the System:

    Situation: How to issue a temporary transfer of an employee to another job.

Temporary translation by written agreement

Temporary Transfer Order

Any temporary transfer (by agreement of the parties, without the consent or with the consent of the employee) is issued by order of the head according to the unified (), approved, or according to.

Record of temporary transfer

Do not make an entry about a temporary transfer in the work book, but it can be entered in the employee (Rules approved, instructions approved).

If temporary work is of a special nature and important for confirming the employee’s privileged length of service (for example, temporary work as a doctor), then such length of service can be confirmed by a certificate from the employer on the performance of the relevant work, an additional agreement to the employment contract on temporary transfer, etc.

The courts take a similar position (see, for example,).

Is it possible to temporarily transfer an employee to a vacant position

Yes, you can.

Termination of temporary transfer

After the expiration of the transfer period, it is advisable to issue an order to provide the employee with the previous place of work, since if at the end of the transfer period the employee was not provided with the previous job, but he did not demand its provision and continues to work, the condition of the agreement on the temporary nature of the transfer becomes invalid, and the transfer is considered permanent (). Such an order does not have a unified form, so make it in

Sexual intercourse, which lasts 2-3 minutes, is it a lot or a little? Can intercourse longer than 20 minutes be considered normal? What is the average duration of sexual intercourse and what duration is considered normal? These questions give rise to numerous discussions. In this article we will try to give answers to them, confirmed by scientific facts.

How long does it last and what determines the time of intercourse

A couple of decades ago, large-scale studies were conducted under the leadership of the American sexologist Alfred Kinsey. Within a month, 2,000 sexually mature men marked the duration of their sexual contacts on timers. As a result, someone had an average of 10-15 minutes, and someone fit into 20-25 seconds. At the same time, before the start of the tests, the men were examined and found to be absolutely healthy. It turns out that sex from 0.25 to 10 minutes is considered normal. The average sexual intercourse of all participants in the experiment was 3.5 minutes.

The duration of sexual intercourse depends on many factors. First of all, of course, physiological and anatomical factors play a role - in particular the degree of sensitivity of the nerve receptors responsible for sexual arousal. The higher this indicator, the less time a man needs to be aroused and achieve an orgasm.

The fact how long a man can “endure” foreplay depends on the sensitivity of the receptors. Too long foreplay causes an increase in sexual tension and, consequently, sexual intercourse will last less time.

The duration of sexual intercourse is an individual concept and rarely associated with the presence of pathology.

The condition of the man also affects the duration. For example, physical or nervous fatigue, lack of sleep, irritability contribute to a more rapid completion of coitus. By the way, mental characteristics also play an important role: men with increased emotional excitability are characterized by increased sensitivity of receptors and therefore are more prone to sexual intercourse that lasts less than 2 minutes.

In many ways, prolonged sexual intercourse depends on the age of the man. Young men do not yet have sufficient sexual experience and simply do not know how to control their bodies. In addition, during puberty, a hormonal surge is observed, which makes it even more difficult for a young man to control how long coitus lasts. Over time, the young man will gain the necessary experience, the hormonal level will return to normal and the average time of the act will increase.

Another factor that determines the duration of intercourse is the regularity of sexual intercourse. As a rule, sex after a long abstinence is too fast. If a man is too active in his sexual life, then, on the contrary, the average time of sexual intercourse will increase.

Too short intercourse

Too short sexual intercourse may indicate problems with the prostate gland.

If the man is not satisfied with how long sex lasts, then perhaps there is some kind of violation. With a constant duration of sexual intercourse less than 30-60 seconds, the following are possible:

  • increased sensitivity of the glans penis (congenital or after phimosis or balanoposthitis);
  • mental disorders associated with unsuccessful sexual contacts in the past;
  • vesiculitis, prostatitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • injuries of the spine, spinal cord or brain.

These diseases will not disappear on their own - diagnosis and treatment are required to eliminate them. Depending on the established diagnosis, the following can be applied:

  1. Drug therapy to eliminate infections and inflammation.
  2. Drug therapy for nervous disorders (taking antidepressants, reflexology) in combination with psychotherapy sessions.
  3. Measures to reduce the hypersensitivity of the glans penis of a man. For example, an injection of hyaluronic acid, after which a helium “cushion” is created between the skin and nerve endings, which dulls the sensitivity of the penis.
  4. Surgical intervention. It is prescribed to eliminate the anatomical causes of dysfunction of the penis. This can be circumcision (circumcision) and denervation (surgical cutting off of part of the nerve fibers).

too long sex

Very prolonged intercourse is not always a sign of normal sexual power. Sometimes this is a symptom of delayed ejaculation, provoked by health problems, which include:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • spinal injuries, in which the zones responsible for the conduction of nerve impulses to the pelvic organs were affected;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • pathology of the reproductive system. For example, delayed ejaculation may be a symptom of priapism, a painful erection of the penis that does not stop for quite a long time (several hours or even several days).
Not always prolonged sexual intercourse may indicate the normal sexual function of a man.

In addition, how long the average sexual intercourse lasts can be affected by the intake of certain medications. For example, drugs for depressive disorders (antidepressants), as well as drugs that regulate blood pressure, can lead to changes in blood circulation, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation.

According to modern sexologists, it is not worth much to strain about how long coitus lasts if the average duration of an act is from 12 minutes to 0.25 seconds. If there are frequent deviations from these averages, it is recommended to check with a doctor. Perhaps everything is in order with health and this is only a feature of the body. If the cause is in the disease, then it is important to detect it in time and start treatment. This will avoid complications and quickly return ejaculation to normal.

The topic of menstruation does not bypass any woman, since this is a normal physiological process. Regular periods and a stable cycle indicate that the girl is normally developed and is able to conceive and bear a child.

But, often, women and girls of different ages are faced with problems of menstrual irregularities. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different and why this happens - the gynecologist should determine. But even before visiting the doctor, the girls themselves can try to figure out if they have any problems. To do this, you just need to know how many days there should be critical days.

How many days should menstruation last?

Knowing how many days menstruation should last, you can notice deviations in time. Since each organism is unique and functions individually, there is no clearly established time for the duration of critical days. But there are still limits.

Usually, menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days and is accompanied by weakness, decreased ability to work and pulling pains in the lower abdomen. This condition is normal and does not cause suspicion.

If a girl notes that menstruation lasts less than 3 or more than 7 days, you need to consult a gynecologist. Such violations of the duration of menstruation can be symptoms:

  • inflammatory process of the reproductive system;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Whether it is possible to call menstruation regular depends on the number of days of the cycle. What is it all about?

Some may mistakenly assume that a cycle is the number of days between periods. But it's not. In fact, this time is considered from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next, inclusive. What does "inclusive" mean? The fact that the first day of one menstruation must be taken into account.

To make it easier to understand, you can use the formula:

(Date of current period - date of previous period) + 1 day = cycle length.

The ideal cycle is 28 days.

Factors affecting duration:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • chronic and acute diseases;
  • ecology;
  • climate change, etc.

Given the above circumstances, one should not be surprised that the functions of body systems periodically undergo certain changes. The reproductive system is no exception. Therefore, the rate of deviation from the ideal cycle can be up to 6-7 days up or down.

Thus, a cycle of 21 to 36 days is considered the norm. It is important to bear in mind that the difference between each cycle should not exceed 5-7 days. Menstruation that goes with such an interval is considered to be regular.

In order to make it easier to calculate the days, it is convenient to use a calendar. It should indicate the number of critical days. This method also helps to remember the dates and duration of each menstruation, which allows you to quickly report data to the gynecologist.

Everyone's period is different. But there are several standard schemes.

As usual, this happens normally:

  • Menses profuse from the first day, often with dark clots. Every day the volume of secretions decreases and on the 5th-7th day (depending on the individual duration) they end.
  • Menstruation begins with a scanty dark daub, and towards the end becomes more and more abundant. Thus, the most abundant discharge occurs on the 3-4th day.
  • Allocations may change. At the beginning they are plentiful, and after a couple of days their volume decreases up to blood smearing. On the 5th day, the blood is released again intensively, and by the 7th day everything passes.

This is only approximate data. The same schemes are applicable for periods lasting less than 5 days. In this case, everything can go like this, but the changes do not come after a few days, but after a few hours within one day.

Normal amount of discharge during menstruation

In terms of the amount of discharge, menstruation can usually be:

  • plentiful;
  • normal;
  • meager.

The norm of the amount of blood is easily determined independently. It is believed that on the days of the most intense discharge, girls should use about 6-7 pads per day, changing them every 3-4 hours.

If the pads have to be changed more often, and how many do not change, the blood still flows on the linen - it's too plentiful. In the case when one pad is enough for 6 hours, or even more, the discharge is very scarce.

What are deviations from the norm

Having learned how many days menstruation should be normal, girls can analyze their condition. If you notice some inconsistencies in yourself, it is important to consult a doctor to find out why this is happening.

Perhaps the specialist will not find anything terrible, and such a duration is a feature of your body. This is the best variant. But it might be different.

Abundant menstruation, more than 7 days, may be a sign of diseases such as:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • violations of the functions of internal organs;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • precancerous condition of the pelvic organs.

Constant scanty periods may indicate the following problems:

  • infertility;
  • disruption of the ovaries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

What to do if periods become unpredictable?

Some of the fair sex notice that their regular cycle has changed dramatically: either menstruation starts earlier, then they are gone for a long time, and when they appear, they last longer than the prescribed 3-6 days. Why do such jumps occur and what should be done to make menstruation return to normal?

As mentioned above, cycle shifts up to 6 days in any direction are possible under the influence of adverse factors. If the nature of the secretions has not changed, then in most cases such a cycle shift is not dangerous.

When a failure occurs for other reasons, you may have to resort to a serious examination and treatment (by no means by folk methods). You can’t ignore such changes in the cycle and wait for everything to pass by itself. These disorders have their own medical definitions, symptoms, and treatments.

There are the following types of menstrual irregularities:

  • Algodysmenorrhea. Most girls are faced with this type of violation. With it, the cycle remains normal, lasts as long as it should be - 3-6 days. There are severe pains resembling contractions, nausea and vomiting.
  • Amenorrhea. The most difficult condition, which is determined by the complete absence of menstruation. For pregnant and lactating women, the manifestation of natural amenorrhea is the norm. But for the rest, especially girls 15-20 years old, it can be fraught with sad consequences.
  • metrorrhagia. In other words, uterine bleeding that occurs between periods. If blood appears in the middle of the cycle, which goes on for about 5-6 days, this is probably a manifestation of metrorrhagia. It can be a consequence of stress or a sign of a benign formation in the uterus.
  • Dysmenorrhea. Premature onset or temporary delay. Why might there be such an imbalance? Most often, the cause is a sharp change in living conditions (change of climate, time, etc.).
  • Oligoamenorrhea. In this case, menstruation is extremely rare and at the same time very scarce. This state of affairs can lead to infertility.

Different women have different periods and this is due to a number of reasons. How long a girl's period lasts on average is influenced by lifestyle, heredity, the structure of the uterus and secretion of hormones.

How many days are the first periods?

The first menstruation of girls (menarche) is the main indicator of puberty, which normally occurs from 9 to 15 years. The duration of the first menstruation can vary greatly and depends on the physiology of the body. On average, the first period lasts about 5 days and is often quite meager compared to subsequent periods. Teenage girls on the first day of menstruation may experience aching pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and dizziness. All this signals the establishment of a cycle and is the norm. If one of the symptoms becomes disturbing, then a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

How to count the beginning of a cycle?

The period of time from the beginning of one menstruation to the next is called the menstrual cycle. The answer to the question of what day is considered the beginning of menstruation is quite simple. The first day of spotting is considered the beginning of the cycle, the last day before the start of a new menstruation is the last day of the cycle. Usually the cycle lasts from 28 to 35 days. For the convenience of monitoring the cycle, you can have a menstrual calendar, in which you should mark the start and end dates of menstruation. To get the date of the next menstruation, you need to add the duration of the cycle to the end date of menstruation. If the critical days have not arrived within 10 days from the start of the expected date, then this is considered a delay.

How many days should a woman's period go?

Normally, menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days, but it also happens that menstruation stretches for more than a week, or ends quickly before the due date. If these temporary deviations are accompanied by unbearable pain, nausea, vomiting and weakness, then this may indicate menstrual irregularities. Every woman just needs to know how many days normal periods go in order to notice possible deviations and diseases in time. Cycle disorders can signal a hormonal imbalance or prevent a desired pregnancy.

long periods

If menstruation goes longer than usual by one or two days, and there are no other alarming signs, then most often there is no reason for worry. But be sure to see a doctor if long periods are too heavy (you use more than one pad in 3 hours), if they are too painful or have clots.

Periods that last 2 weeks are considered very long and may occur due to:

  • side effects of the installation of an intrauterine device;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • hormonal imbalance during the first year from the beginning of menstruation, after childbirth or during menopause;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • adenomyosis (disease in the muscular layer of the uterus);
  • endometrial polyps;
  • fibroids or uterine cancer.

Short periods

The short duration of the cycle should also alert the girl, especially if a small amount of blood is released in the form of a “daub” or the discharge is different in color (light or dark brown). The reason why menstruation ends quickly may be the following factors:

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