How is retinal dystrophy treated? Just a cataract. Pigmentary retinal dystrophy

There is a thinning of the retina as a result of trophic disorders associated with severe somatic diseases, injury or hereditary predisposition. At the same time, the patient complains of lacrimation, photophobia, distortion of the shape and color of objects, as well as the inability to distinguish small objects and read.

Visual impairment can be observed in the periphery or in the center of the visual field and is due to places with thin retina and the absence of photosensitive cells.

Causes and risk factors

To provoke thinning of the macula can be the impact on the human body of such diseases and pathological conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • kidney failure;
  • damage to the adrenal glands;
  • intoxication;
  • severe myopia;
  • obesity;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • frequent inflammatory lesions.

Most often, retinal dystrophy occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and suffer from obesity.

Most often, the disease is found in people with fair skin and blue irises. Retinal dystrophy has a hereditary predisposition and more often occurs in patients prone to pathologies of the vascular system. People suffering from myopia or chronic inflammatory lesions of the eyes are susceptible to damage to the macula. Pathology often occurs in women during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in patients with obesity and leading sedentary image life.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the location, peripheral and central retinal dystrophy are distinguished. In the first, the macula is thin and discharged closer to the edge of the eye, and the person has a narrowing of the visual fields. This condition is more common with myopia and traumatic injuries eye fundus. Central dystrophy is characterized by the appearance of cattle or dark spots when looking at objects. It can be dry, which develops against the background of age-related degenerative changes, and wet, caused by neovascularization and a decrease in the number of light-sensitive cells. Macular thinning can be hereditary or acquired.

Main symptoms

If a person has a thinned retina, then he has such Clinical signs:

Redness of the organs of vision and dryness of the mucous membrane can be symptoms of the development of pathology.

  • the presence of black dots before the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation;
  • headache;
  • pressing sensations in the eye sockets;
  • violation of general well-being;
  • difficulty in working with small objects and reading;
  • inability to distinguish colors;
  • sharp deterioration of vision in the dark;
  • distortion of the shape of objects;
  • redness and dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.


It is possible to suspect that the retina is discharged and the number of photosensitive cells on it has decreased, it is possible by the presence in the patient of a disease characteristic of this disease. clinical picture. To confirm the diagnosis, an ophthalmoscopic examination of the condition of the fundus is performed. To better identify violations of the structure of the macula, the pupil can be pre-dilated. Also held ultrasound procedure eyeball and optical tomography. To identify violations in the structure of blood vessels, angiography is performed, where an abnormal arrangement of blood vessels is detected, which means wet form macular degeneration. Can you take a measurement inside eye pressure and examination of visual fields. It is also necessary to pass the general and biochemical analysis blood.

Good day, dear readers and readers! Many of you have heard about the thinning of the retina (retina) of the organ of visual vision - an ophthalmic disease characterized by the formation of pathological processes in the vascular system, nerve endings visual organs.

Most often, thinning of the retina is a complication of existing serious pathologies. This slow process, the symptoms of which are difficult to determine, is associated with irreversible processes occurring in human body with age. Such an ailment can be observed not only in an elderly person, but also in a child.

This difficult disease often affects people who have White skin, women, and definitely those who lead wrong image life or is obese. Exist common causes leading to degenerative eye disease:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney failure;
  • complications after SARS, influenza;
  • an infection that affected the organs of vision.

The local category of causes includes, mechanical damage eyes, and any inflammatory disease. This disease can also be hereditary. If there is a person in the family who has thinning of the retina, then all other relatives should periodically check their eyes in an ophthalmological office. By visiting a doctor, the patient will be able to find out in detail what it is. unpleasant ailment.

Signs by which thinning can be recognized

Please note that initial stage the peripheral form of the disease proceeds without pain and visual defects. Primary Symptoms can only appear at the stage. Patients who are at this stage begin to complain of the brightest flashes light or black spots appearing before the eyes.

The wet form of thinning can distort the visibility of objects. Due to the strong narrowing of the visible field, some areas become invisible to humans at all. Exist general symptoms illness. These include the following signs:

  • appearance;
  • violation of the so-called "twilight" vision;
  • decrease and fall in visual acuity.

Also, the symptoms of the disease include poor perception of the color palette and difficulty in orienting in the area when poor lighting.

Existing treatments for the disease

In the ophthalmologist's office, the patient can find out the causes and treatment of this disease. The type and extent of its development depends on the appointment of a specific treatment option for thinning of the retina. AT advanced cases return good vision will not work. If the disease has just arisen, then medicines, vitamins are prescribed, with which you can strengthen the blood vessels. Also, such methods are assigned physical treatment, how:

  • The use of microwaves, ultrasound. Intravital measurements in the eyeball and its anatomical and optical elements are diagnosed. Ultrasound is prescribed as a supplement to the generally recognized clinical methods diagnostic measures in ophthalmology. Sometimes, an ultrasound is preceded by an x-ray of the eye.
  • Use of laser, magnet. This method is considered relatively new in ophthalmology. Thanks to the method, you can once and for all get rid of the problem of poor vision and restore vision by 100%.
  • The influence of an electrical impulse. Galvanization is effective, the method is used to increase or decrease the function of eye tissues. The method is an analgesic, especially suitable after a person has received injuries associated with the organs of the visual system.

As for preventive measures, they include special exercises for the eyes, healthy eating, as well as an annual examination in the clinic. On the initial stage illness, you need to drink vitamin complex. Vitamins of groups A, E and B are able to normalize vision, improve blood flow and fill the body useful substances.

Medicines that are recommended for the treatment of thinning of the retina are prescribed exclusively by a doctor: No-shpa, Retinalamin, Ascorutin, Methionine, Pentoxifylline, Lucentis. During pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited, so you should not self-medicate.

Complex treatment, which includes taking vitamins, medicines, exercises, etc. It is recommended to use at least 2 times a year. Therefore, if the disease is heavy character or you were diagnosed too late, then you may even be prescribed surgical intervention- be prepared for such an outcome of events.

Important! peripheral type diseases are treated first with a laser and then with physical procedures and medicines. Stop smoking and wear UV protection eyepieces.

Laser method of treatment

Laser treatment is used for almost every eye disease. The energy that is in the laser beam has the most effective effect on the affected areas. Given the form of the disease, there are several options laser treatment.

A popular technique is stimulation laser beam damaged areas. In this case, the healthy area of ​​​​the retina is not affected. As a result, the metabolic process is activated. The progress of the disease is slowed down for several years ahead.

The second example of an operation using a laser is vascular coagulation. It consists in the following: the beam acts on the affected areas in such a way that the vessels in which the structure is broken are separated from the healthy ones. As a result of the operation, a special isolator of the vascular system is formed, where nutrients. This method can stop the progressive pathology.

Laser treatment reviews about which you can learn from those who have had such a diagnosis is the most effective and popular method of improving vision. Yes, I liked one of following reviews which cannot be ignored:

Leah, 39 years old: “Hello everyone, I had a problem - thinning of the retina of the retina. I thought for a long time and thought about how to overcome the problem. And having visited the ophthalmologist, he suggested laser method. Thanks to this intervention, I reduced the risk of retinal detachment. Fortunately, I applied at the first stage of the disease, so I did not lose my sight.”

Surgical method for the treatment of thinning of the retina

Surgical intervention is necessary for severe forms illness. It helps when medicines and laser exposure are already powerless. Surgical correction can be divided into 2 groups at once:

  1. Revascularizing. This is an operation during which the surgeon removes all neoplasms, while vascular system has the correct structure, and it can open up.
  2. Vasoreconstructive. This operation, as a result of which an implant is installed in order to restore the microvessels of the eyeball, it helps not to lose vision in general.

It must be remembered that any surgical intervention must take place only in the clinic.

Alternative treatment

  1. Take goat milk diluted in half with water. With this remedy, you need to drip your eyes (one drop at a time). Put a bandage on them for half an hour and relax. The procedure is recommended to be repeated all week, and the next time at least 2 months later.
  2. herbal decoction prepared from wild rose, needles and onion peel in the ratio 2:5:2. The mixture must be poured with a liter of water. Let the composition boil for ten minutes. The decoction should be drunk half a liter every day for 30 days.
  3. Herbal lotions can be made from a teaspoon of lily of the valley and 1/3 cup of nettle. Pour the herbs with a glass of water and leave to infuse. After nine hours, you need to add half a spoonful of soda to the product. Lotions are recommended to be done several times a day.

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  • Varieties of the disease
  • Retinal dystrophy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis
  • Retinal dystrophy during pregnancy
  • Treatment of retinal dystrophy

At risk are the elderly and people who have myopia, vascular disease, diabetes mellitus and increased arterial pressure. Retinal dystrophy can be hereditary disease, and children of such parents are more often examined by an ophthalmologist. Very often, according to statistics, women suffer from this disease, and especially with white skin and blue eyes.

AT last years the disease "rejuvenated". sedentary image life, also behind a computer monitor, leads the younger generation to low vision or blindness.

Varieties of the disease

Retinal dystrophy can be central and peripheral. Before talking about treatment, you should understand how these two types differ:

  1. Central degeneration of the eye. This type of illness is common. Central vision decreases, a person loses the ability to read, write and drive a car.
  2. Peripheral retinal dystrophy. Struck during illness peripheral vision. Such a disease is difficult to determine in the diagnosis. For a very long time, it develops asymptomatically.

The disease is conventionally divided into acquired and congenital. Acquired disease is caused by the aging of the body. May appear with cataracts.

If we talk about such a disease as hereditary dystrophy, then it can be a pigmented or dotted white form. Destruction of the retina in the latter can be determined in childhood.

It should not be forgotten that central retinal dystrophy can be of two types: dry and wet.

Dry dystrophy - during the disease, metabolic products are collected between the membrane of the vessels and the retina in the form of grains.

Wet dystrophy - blood seeps through the walls of blood vessels. This form of the disease is more difficult to treat. Vision "sits down" in just a few days.

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Retinal dystrophy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

The cause of the disease may be thinning of the retina or changes in the vessels of the eyeball. Sometimes retinal dystrophy can develop during pregnancy.

Different types of dystrophy have their own characteristic symptoms. Peripheral pathology The retina develops initially asymptomatically, it is usually discovered by chance. If the patient has appeared, then this indicates a peripheral retinal tear.

Patients may also experience symptoms:

  1. Distortion of straight lines and loss of view of some areas.
  2. Reduced visual acuity.
  3. Distortion visual field, vagueness.
  4. Distorted perception of colors.
  5. Violation twilight vision, or "night blindness".

In order for retinal thinning or retinal pathology to be diagnosed, the fundus is examined, visual acuity is determined, and color perception is assessed. If peripheral retinal dystrophy is suspected, then the examination of the fundus is fraught with difficulties: it is necessary to dilate the pupils with the help of medications and examine the fundus of the eye using a three-mirror lens.

They also do an ultrasound of the eye, an examination of the optic nerve, and laboratory tests.

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Retinal dystrophy during pregnancy

The future mother must be examined by an ophthalmologist, who checks not only her eyesight, but also the condition of the retina. Usually the examination takes place in the fourth month of pregnancy. If there are no deviations, the next visit to the ophthalmologist takes place at the eighth month of pregnancy.

If a woman has myopia, the ophthalmologist observes the pregnant woman monthly. With changes that occur in the retina, the doctor recommends caesarean section because during childbirth naturally retinal detachment may occur total loss vision.

Such a course of retinal dystrophy in pregnant women can produce: severe toxicosis, high blood pressure, nephropathy.

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Treatment of retinal dystrophy

Treatment of peripheral or central dystrophy depends on the course of the disease. But visual acuity cannot be restored.

Most commonly used laser coagulation. Healing process is preventive measure to prevent retinal detachment. With the help of laser cauterization, the retina becomes stronger. Treatment occurs without blood and is easily tolerated by patients.

Also, as a treatment, vitamin therapy and the introduction of drugs that can slow down the development of the disease are used.

There are cases of the use of physiotherapy, but the methods are ineffective and are not able to slow down the development of the central or peripheral dystrophy. Now in more detail.

At the beginning of the disease, to slow down the process, treatment is carried out with medicines. These are vasodilators, corticosteroids, antioxidants, drugs that improve metabolic process in the retina of the eye.

Of particular note are the vitamins for vision with the content of lutein. They are able to prevent the development of retinal dystrophy, relieve fatigue that occurs after eye strain.

In the treatment, ultrasound, electrophoresis, microwaves, Sidorenko glasses and pneumomassage are used. This is the most effective that can be used to treat the eyes. And the main plus is the absence of side effects.

In order to cure the wet form of central dystrophy, surgery is performed to prevent fluid from accumulating in the retina.

Does well with treatment ethnoscience. Indeed, before treatment folk remedies it is best to consult a specialist doctor and in no case self-medicate. Self-medication can lead to irreversible loss of vision.

It is very good to use a diet for retinal dystrophy. Should drink fish fat several times a day. Eat cooked liver different ways, and there are foods that contain a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary for the eyes: tomatoes, eggs, cream, lettuce, millet.

Prevention of retinal dystrophy may consist in taking a decoction of plantain. You can prepare a decoction of plantain in this way. Pour 10 grams of plantain leaves with boiling water and heat in a water bath for half an hour. Cool, squeeze. Take the resulting liquid before meals several times a day, half a glass.

Grass eyebright is brought to a boil and insisted for several minutes. After it cools down, you can bury it in the corners of the eyes, make compresses for the eyes for an hour and a half.

Wearing dark glasses prevents bright light from entering your eyes. The eyes do not overwork and are not irritated, which helps to reduce the risk of a disease such as retinal dystrophy.

Summing up, it should be said that our vision is in our hands. It is necessary to conduct a mobile active image life, eat right, avoid alcohol, nicotine, heavy food with insufficient vitamin content, consult a doctor in time for a preventive examination.

I learned about this disease by chance, from a friend of mine, and decided to undergo eye fundus diagnostics, since I had high myopia - minus 9, and I was at risk. During the examination, it turned out that my retina very thin and needed surgery. Although I visited the ophthalmologist quite often, I had no idea that our eyes are so fragile and require very careful and attentive treatment.

What is retina

Perhaps my example will be somewhat culinary, but I see this as a very suitable analogy. Suppose you decide to make jelly. To do this, you need a deep round bowl - a form, cling film, it is usually used to make it easier to remove the jelly from the mold and, accordingly, the jelly itself in liquid state. This example is purely schematic, but the following can be understood from it. Eyeball resembles the bowl in our example, i.e. inner part sclera, which figuratively "holds" our eye, cling film, this is the same retina- the same thin, but very fragile, and jelly is vitreous body, which really resembles jelly or jelly and, in turn, makes our eyes elastic.

So, if the film is slightly torn in some place, then the uncured jelly will begin to leak under the film. In cooking, this is an aesthetic defect, and in ophthalmology it is catastrophic. Why? Gradually, through the existing gap, the liquid will leak under the rest of the film, that is, the retina, peeling it off choroid (retinal vessels). Gradually, this whole process leads to blindness.

Retinal treatment

Nobody wants to go blind, and therefore, if you feel an impassible veil in front of your eyes or constantly flying flies, throw away tea lotions and run to the doctor's appointment!

The idea that surgical treatment will be carried out before our eyes is terrifying, terrible forecasts and terrible pictures of the operation are drawn in the mind. However, I hasten to reassure you - the sooner treatment is started, the easier and better it proceeds.
For example, in my case, foci of thinning of the retina were found, this is the stage preceding the formation of breaks. The operation was absolutely painless, although with some discomfort. Under local anesthesia The doctor installs a special lens in the eye through which the so-called laser shots are fired, which are perceived by the eye as flashes of light. Thus, the zones of thinning of the retina were eliminated, which became the prevention of retinal detachment.
Of course, a period of rehabilitation will be required, although without great restrictions.

delicate position

Few women understand how pregnancy and childbirth can affect vision. However, the most vulnerable in the visual system is the retina. Pregnancy can cause some complications as a result, for example, hormonal adjustment, which in some cases leads to an increase in eye pressure. This, in turn, affects the state of the vessels that provide nutrition to the retina. In order to prevent retinal tears, ophthalmologists recommend undergoing an examination of the fundus at 10-14 weeks of pregnancy, regardless of the degree of visual acuity and, at the discretion of the doctor, before childbirth. Timely noticed dystrophy can be operated on in an absolutely safe way for the baby and will save you from a possible caesarean section. Otherwise, in the presence of thinning, childbirth can provoke retinal tear.

In running states, when there is retinal disinsertion, laser treatment is not enough. However, treatment and preservation of vision is possible. AT severe cases doctors even replace the vitreous body (our jelly from the example) with an artificial one, restoring lost vision! But let's not seek to test medical know-how on ourselves by applying for medical care in time.

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