Diet of eternal youth. scientists have figured out what you need to eat in order not to age. What are the rules and menu of the youth diet? Basic diet rules

Diet of youth, is she there? Let's try to find out. We look at many Hollywood stars with admiration. Beautiful, slender, fit, young. “Probably Botox and countless braces,” we authoritatively state the reason for their magnificent appearance. However, not all celebrities resort to drastic measures. Some people are just careful about their menu. And help them do it. various systems nutrition developed by reputable experts. Nutritionist Nicholas Perricon also contributed to the beauty and youth of famous people.

The Face Lift Diet is the name of Nicholas's nutritional system, designed specifically for those who do not want to use services. plastic surgeons but at the same time yearning for a long time stay in good shape and not think about age when looking in the mirror. He believes that most of our skin problems are related to what we eat.

You have probably heard of the concept of free radicals. These are molecules that invade the vital cells of our body and disrupt their communication. Consequences such interference become various diseases, including premature aging and dermatological disorders. And the hormone cortisol stimulates the activity of free radicals. It is produced due to stress, malnutrition and avitaminosis. Antioxidants, which are found in some plant and animal products, can prevent the work of harmful molecules.

Research by Nicholas Perricon led to an interesting conclusion: if food that causes the formation of free radicals, and enrich it with foods high in antioxidants, you can stay young and healthy for a long time. Such a diet helps to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, get rid of excess weight and restore vitality.

What to use

Fish (salmon, tuna, flounder, trout), seafood, skinless chicken, turkey, eggs, cottage cheese, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, asparagus, tomatoes, Bell pepper, mushrooms, berries (especially blueberries and cherries), apples, pears, melon, avocados, olives, nuts, legumes, oats, barley, green tea, spices (ginger, basil, cayenne pepper), water.

What to exclude

Fast food, alcohol, coffee, flour, marinades, beef, duck meat, fruit juices, some fruits and vegetables (grapes, bananas, mangoes, oranges, papaya, watermelon, raisins, corn, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin), hard cheese, sweets, rice.

Basic Rules

According to the doctor, you need to eat at least twice a day fatty varieties fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, herring). They contain very important component omega-3, which promotes skin smoothing and maintenance water balance. Green leafy vegetables, fruits and berries high in antioxidants, nuts - all this should be present on the table.

To achieve the effect, you must also adhere to a certain sequence in eating.

First of all, you need to eat protein products(meat, fish, cottage cheese, legumes), then fiber (cereals and vegetables) and finally carbohydrates (fruits). Such an algorithm slows down the absorption of sugar and helps to normalize its level in the blood.

Diet implies plentiful drink still mineral water and green tea.

Before each meal, it is advisable to drink 300 ml of plain water.

In addition to proper nutrition, Nicholas advises to lead an active lifestyle and play sports. This will enhance the result.

The program of the American nutritionist has 3- and 28-day cycles, which are five meals a day: three full meals plus two snacks.



  • 170 g salmon (baked or grilled or steamed);
  • A small bowl of boiled oatmeal (not instant). Oatmeal contains a low glycemic index, which means that you will get rid of the feeling of hunger without raising your blood sugar levels.
  • 2 melon slices or 1/3 cup fresh berries(blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries).
  • A cup of green tea.
  • A glass of non-carbonated mineral water.


  • 250 g salmon or canned sardines.
  • Lettuce salad flavored with olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Kiwi, a few slices of melon or a glass of berries.

afternoon tea

  • One apple.
  • 170 g boiled chicken breast or classic yogurt.
  • A small handful of nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts).


  • Like lunch. You can also include a small plate of steamed vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, spinach).
  • Melon and a glass of berries.
  • A glass of mineral non-carbonated water.

Snack before bed

  • 1 pear or apple.
  • 60 g chicken or classic yogurt.
  • Small handful of nuts.

The menu of this diet includes a lot of products, the regular use of which helps to improve the appearance of the skin and preserve youth. But this is not the only task that the diet of youth and beauty sets for itself. Another of its goals is to improve the digestive processes so that all the received nutrients well absorbed by the human body. Besides, this system will help you and bring the body into shape, although the plumb lines will not be as significant as with more stringent diets. But such a not very rapid weight loss will not bring your body any harm - on the contrary, it will only benefit!

How to follow a diet?

The duration of the dietary course is 2 weeks, but in general, an extension of up to a month is also allowed. You can compose the menu yourself, choosing the proposed variations of products. However, you can not swap meals, as well as add foods and dishes that are not listed here. If this menu seems too saturated to you, of course, you should not overeat. You can eliminate one of the meals or slightly reduce portions

Drink plenty of green tea throughout the day, and in the morning you can add a little natural honey and a slice of lemon hot drink. But forget about the usual white sugar! Also from the liquid is allowed plain water without gas and rosehip broth.

If you suddenly break off the diet, you can start it again with next day. But ideally, you should first spend a fasting day (for example, on apples or kefir), and then switch to a diet.

Diet menu

Breakfast options:

  • a few potatoes baked in the oven with their skins on, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese and spinach;
  • a plate of oatmeal, dried fruit or walnuts;
  • dried fruits and brown rice;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of fruit jelly.

Lunch options:

  • a handful of fresh blueberries;
  • grapefruit;
  • 30 grams of figs;
  • 20 grams of cashews;
  • 2 oranges.

Lunch options:

  • a plate of lean vegetable soup, oven-baked chicken leg;
  • 100 grams of turkey, salad from any fresh vegetables Green colour;
  • a few soft-boiled eggs, a serving of fresh green vegetable salad (sealed with lemon juice);
  • small portion stewed liver, a few pieces of boiled carrots, green peas.

Afternoon options:

  • 2 natural yoghurts without sweeteners and other additives;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • apple and spinach;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • grapefruit.
  • a glass of freshly squeezed carrot-orange or orange-grapefruit juice.

Dinner options:

  • sea ​​kale with onions and carrots (fill with vegetable oil);
  • natural cottage cheese without additives;
  • salmon with broccoli (bake or stew with vegetable oil);
  • a serving of fresh salad of green vegetables with olives, toast from bran bread and a glass of low-fat kefir.

As you can see, you obviously won’t have to starve during such a diet - a very rich and varied diet awaits you. In addition, you are given several menus to choose from at once, which means that you can always please your tastes and preferences.

Remember: the path to weight loss does not lie through strict dietary restrictions. Getting rid of extra pounds will help normalize your diet and meal schedule. Nutritionists advise to eat often, but in small portions - then you will ensure the stable operation of the exchange and digestive processes, therefore incoming calories will not be deposited on the body in the form subcutaneous fat. It is also advisable to include in your daily menu products that act as natural fat burners.

The diet of youth and beauty is an example of a classic system of correct and balanced nutrition. The diet includes everything necessary for the human body: proteins (fish and meat), carbohydrates (cereals and vegetables), as well as healthy fats (vegetable oils, nuts, salmon).

This menu can become a model for your future constant nutrition. You should not take such a diet as a short-term diet - let it become your new way of life, in which there is no place for fast food, canned food, too fatty and fried foods, convenience foods and soda. However, with extreme caution should be taken to this diet for those who have just completed any low-calorie course. After any too strict diet this nutrition system will seem to the body too saturated, therefore weight gain is possible.

If earlier you have limited your diet too much, then you need to switch to a diet of youth and beauty very gradually. Day after day, smoothly include new products in your menu, focusing on the above list. Light soups will be useful, fresh salads, stewed vegetables, boiled lean meat, etc.

Do you like the woman who looks at you from the mirror? What words do you say to yourself when you look at her in the morning: “Wow, how great I look” or “Oh my God, how old am I” ?? And how do you feel about your refrigerator and dining table? As friends or as criminals? The diet of youth is not a fantasy?

Aging happens to everyone. And there is no reliable "method" to undo it. However, “postpone” or “slow down” is quite. One obvious way is through healthy eating.

The fact is, an unhealthy diet can make us look older than our actual age, not to mention putting our health at risk.

Youth Diet: Quality Matters

Diet of youth is a decisive rejection of food that ages us. Poor quality products, such as, cause chronic inflammatory diseases. Too much great content sugars in the diet can lead to heart disease and diabetes, but they are also damaging, that is, they affect youth not only indirectly (impairing health), but directly and visibly.

The bad news is that there are more than enough aging products. Some clog arteries, others create problems healthy weight, others put a strain on the kidneys, causing the skin on the face and under the eyes to sag. List possible troubles food can go on for a long time.

Foods to Limit Immediately

Let's start compiling a list of especially harmful products. Let it be short, say, no more than 5 points, but those that clearly do not make us young.

1. Potato chips and french fries. In fact, anything deep-fried is loaded with trans fats, which contribute to inflammatory diseases. The American Heart Association says we should keep trans fats in check and consume less than 1% of our daily diet.

2. Donuts, sweet pies and cakes. Often they also have high content trans fats are also supersaturated with sugar. Excessively sweet foods contribute to the appearance and exacerbation of wrinkles, so they are definitely not related to the diet of youth.

3. Hot dogs, bacon, sausages - any industrially processed meat. Sadly, the pizza you love so much is high in fat and nitrate, which is not conducive to health, youth and beauty.

4. Non-lean (fatty) meat. The already mentioned Heart Association claims that it contains no more than 7% of daily calorie intake. In addition, it is recommended to diversify protein sources to include lean animals and vegetables.

Products - favorites of youth and beauty

A diet of youth can be made for a long time, even a dozen articles are not enough. Just as there are poisonous foods, there are healing foods that promote health and beauty. They reduce the risk of a number of diseases associated with aging, including cancer, Alzheimer's and heart disease. Such superfoods - vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean meat- Diets of the Mediterranean type are very rich.

The Mediterranean diet is a diet of youth that has established itself as one of the better ways stay healthy and beautiful for a long time.

You should also try to ensure that everything you eat is as close to natural as possible, as environmentally friendly as possible (after all, most of us are bought in supermarkets) and have minimal cooking. It is curious that modern nutritionists come to the same conclusions that they came to without any science and for a very long time and - in part -.

5 Key Elements of the Mediterranean Youth Diet

1. Diverse leafy salads and green vegetables. They are high in vitamins A and C, antioxidant vitamins. Lettuce, arugula, spinach, watercress, as well as broccoli and endive should be in your diet constantly.

2. Tomatoes. Along with watermelon, grapefruit, guava, and asparagus, tomatoes contain an antioxidant. , protecting against destructive action so-called "bad" cholesterol.

3. Salmon. Along with other freshwater fish - tuna, herring, mackerel and halibut - this is a source that is indispensable for the health of the heart and blood vessels and is, without exaggeration, "vitamins" of beauty, longevity and youth.

4. Lentils. Beans are one of the important sources of protein, fiber and antioxidant vitamins. Try black beans, peas, include lentils and soy on the menu.

5. Oatmeal. Research has shown that whole grains such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, couscous and quinoa help reduce inflammation in the arteries. In addition, they contain vitamins thiamine and riboflavin, which are important for the skin: their deficiency causes rashes and flaking.

To look good, you need to eat well.

To stay young for a long time, you need to choose a youth diet as a permanent nutrition system, supplying the body with phytonutrients, healthy fats and proteins, fiber and vitamins.

Only in this case we will be able to produce new healthy cells and upgrade, staying in great shape for a long time.

The performer of the role of extravagant Samantha from "Sex and the City" Kim Cattrall and many others.

The main goal of this diet is to keep the skin youthful for a long time. And what woman does not dream of losing a few years without resorting to the help of plastic surgeons?

In general, take Dr. Perricone's anti-aging diet into service and expect that after ten years no one will be able to guess your true age ...

Basic diet rules

Most main product Dr. Perricone's diets - organic salmon. You need to eat it every day. In any form - fried, steamed, stewed or even from a can. This fish is rich in fatty acids, which are so beneficial for the skin.

In addition, sugary foods should be avoided, because glucose starts the process of glycation (one of the main causes of aging) in skin cells. slow down natural processes skin renewal, which is reflected in its appearance: it becomes dry and lethargic, wrinkles appear.

Preference should be given to products with low glycemic index(it reflects the speed at which a particular product is broken down in the body and converted into glucose - the main source of energy). These are mainly green and yellow vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils.

Of great importance in the Perricone diet are foods rich in antioxidants, such as sweet peppers, eggplant, asparagus, broccoli.

The diet is designed for a month, but you can feel its first results by trying a three-day course called the Express face lift diet. In just three days, you can noticeably improve the condition of the skin - fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the complexion will become fresh and radiant.

This express course is often practiced by supermodel Linda Evangelista. She smokes a lot, and this, as you know, greatly affects the beauty of the skin. The Perricone diet helps to counteract the harm of smoking, which manifests itself in the form of an earthy complexion and sagging skin.

All three days you need to eat salmon, sardines or oily fish. As a side dish, use salads from leafy vegetables. For dessert, choose apples, melons and all kinds of berries. Don't forget about 8 glasses of water a day and green tea.

Nicholas Perricone Diet Products

To make it easier for you to choose your diet and the general words “green and yellow vegetables and fruits” have acquired a specific meaning for you, has compiled two lists for you. In the first you will find all those foods that need to be included in the diet, in the second - those whose use should be limited.

Suitable for diet foods containing healthy carbohydrates. It:

Avocados, bell peppers, berries, melon, greens (including spinach and kale), pumpkin, grilled or steamed salmon (salmon), tomatoes, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, blueberries, cabbage, citrus fruits, kiwi, peaches, pears , plums, and most other non-starchy vegetables.

List of foods to be avoided:

Bananas, bread, carrots, sugared breakfast cereal, corn, fruit juice concentrates, mangoes, pancakes, papaya, pasta, potatoes, rice, sugar, waffles, and of course chocolate.

Sample diet menu for the day

It is noteworthy that the diet of Nicholas Perricone is one of the few truly delicious diets. You will see for yourself by reading sample list products for the day, which (oh happiness!) You can always adjust by adding all those vegetables or fruits from our list to it. So, here it is, your diet during the diet from Nicholas Perricone:

Breakfast - plate oatmeal in low-fat milk with a handful of fresh berries.

Dinner - salmon with soy sauce instead of salt, baked in foil. Garnish with a bowl of green salad with red bell pepper, olives and avocado. As salad dressing - lemon juice and olive oil.

afternoon tea natural yogurt with a slice of melon.

Dinner. Sardines in oil with leeks. Creamy spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts soup.

You can drink green tea after every meal.

Today I want to talk about a topic that I think will be interesting for all women. After all, all women want to be not only slim, but also beautiful.

Not all trendy diets for weight loss are able to maintain the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Most likely, on the contrary, after regular diets, you have to immediately drink vitamins, restore hair and nails. But you can avoid all these problems, thanks to the diet of youth and beauty, developed by nutritionists.

The beauty diet will make you slimmer more beautiful, and of course help to remove overweight, but any diet is powerless if you do not follow the rules.

The diet is very balanced and the body will not suffer from a lack of vitamins, the intestines will work perfectly, which is very important for female body and for the skin. Such a diet will be enough once a quarter and you will notice that your hair, skin, nails have improved, your figure has become slimmer.

beauty diet rules

1) Drink more fluids. Freshly squeezed juices are high in useful components. Water can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Black and green tea can be replaced with herbal tea.

2) Be sure to include foods with natural antioxidants in the menu: cranberries, apples, tomatoes, pomegranate,

3) Fatty acid Omega 3 is essential for our youth and beauty. Enrich your diet with seafood.

4) Do not forget about vitamin E. Eggs and vegetable fats should be on the menu daily.

5) Use colorful fruits.

6) Remove sugar completely.

7) Do not eat before bed and do not overeat, portions should not be large.

Eliminate buns, pies - all muffins.

9) Avoid stress.

Beauty diet - menu 1,2 day

Monday. For breakfast, you need to eat a plate of whole grain cereal with a glass of kefir, add 7 strawberries, you can still put a spoonful of chopped hazelnuts. Drink a glass of your favorite juice, which is best squeezed right away.

For lunch, steam or cook in the oven chicken breast, with 2 sweet peppers different colors red and yellow, a few stalks of celery. Eat a few prunes.

For an afternoon snack, make it in the oven baked apple with a teaspoon of honey. 1 cereal loaf, can be with a slice of low-fat cheese.

Vegetables for dinner: boiled cauliflower, lightly fried with egg and sprinkled with cheese, parmesan is very good. Eat an apple and drink a cup of green tea.

Tuesday. Boil an egg for breakfast. two pieces whole grain bread co butter. For fruit, eat a sour apple. A mug of green tea, you can put a slice of lemon.

Stew beef for lunch. Make a cabbage salad with any greens, such as dill, season with olive oil, sprinkle with lemon juice. Orange and a handful of almonds.

For an afternoon snack, a portion of cottage cheese (70g), mixed with herbs. A piece of rye bread.

For dinner, make a salad:

  • boiled breast (150 gr);
  • leaf salad;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • crackers from grain bread;
  • boiled egg.

Top with lemon juice.

Beauty diet - menu 3, 4 day

Wednesday. Boil the oatmeal skimmed milk, you can throw a handful there walnuts, dried apricots. Portion of porridge - 50 gr. Green tea with milk.

For lunch, fish, preferably salmon.

  • spinach;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 1 sweet pepper.

Season with olive oil, you can vegetable.

Snack - boiled mussels, cut red pepper. A slice of grain bread.

For dinner, fish again - stew cod with vegetables. Make a light salad: from tomatoes with fresh herbs, seasoned with olive oil. From fruit again an apple. A piece of grain bread.

Thursday. For breakfast, your favorite oatmeal, drenched in boiling water in the evening. Add a grated apple, some walnuts, raisins, lemon juice to the porridge. Green tea with milk.

For lunch, any fish, which is best steamed or baked, with lemon juice. Portion (100g) of brown rice mixed with sweet pepper. If you add a teaspoon of wheat germ during cooking, then the rice will be healthier.

Snack a glass of yogurt and two slices of grain bread.

Dinner is again brown rice with soy sauce.

Light salad:

  • a few cucumbers;
  • 100 grams of tuna;
  • greens.

Season with light mayonnaise, which is better to cook yourself.

Beauty diet - day 5,6,7

Friday. We have breakfast with millet porridge with grated carrots, add a little linseed oil. A cup of green tea.

For lunch, stew stew with:

  • champignons or shiitake mushrooms;
  • bow;
  • sweet pepper;
  • carrots.

Portion of stew-200g. Boil pasta from wholemeal flour, add a spoonful olive oil. Green salad.
Half a grapefruit.

For an afternoon snack, almond nuts (50g), banana. Chamomile tea.

For dinner boiled shrimp, again brown rice, boiled broccoli (200g), sweet pepper. Sour apple.

Saturday. For breakfast, fruits: avocado, a few slices of pineapple. 2 slices whole grain bread a. Brew ginger tea.

Dinner: buckwheat with milk, grain bread 2 slices, a few prunes or dried apricots.

Afternoon snack: salad made from carrots with a tablespoon of sour cream, you can sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts. Some red grapes.

Dinner chicken or beef liver. One baked potato. Beet salad with garlic dressed with unrefined sunflower oil.

Last day of the week. Breakfast - a serving of fat-free cottage cheese (150g) with a spoonful of honey and a handful of blueberries. Red Apple. Green tea.

For lunch, 100 grams of boiled beef.

  • green vegetables;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • a spoonful of lemon juice.

A few slices of low-fat cheese and a handful of red grapes.

Snack 125 grams of milk yogurt. Grapefruit. Sunflower seeds - 1 table. a spoon.

Dinner 150 grams boiled chicken. One baked potato. Boiled broccoli with a spoonful of linseed oil and garlic. One orange.

Conclusion: the beauty diet consists only of healthy, saturated with all essential vitamins products. Be sure, if you are going to go on a diet, choose foods that are not only low-calorie, but also rich in vitamins and trace elements in order to lose weight without harm to health.

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