White braces are for the most impressionable patients. Benefits of white braces About the pros and cons of white braces

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When the patient agrees to, he already has an idea about possible ways treatment with various orthodontic structures. The choice of fixture is not limited to one or two models - in modern dentistry products from various materials and designs are being introduced.

The patient can choose between plastic, metal, ceramic braces. Increased demand for products white color not by chance.

Elements of white braces

Not all patients are aware of the possibility of installing any other braces other than metal ones. Meanwhile, the attending physician may offer other options for products. In addition to standard metal structures, the patient can install devices from:

  • plastic,
  • ceramics,
  • artificial sapphire.

Standard devices have not too attractive appearance which makes patients feel embarrassed about their appearance. Modern orthodontics has developed new designs that make it possible to give a person a more aesthetic appearance and make them invisible. almost invisible, which contributes to more rapid adaptation to the system and promotes psychological comfort.

Despite the absence of an official other name, patients call such designs white arcs, the main elements of the product. As in classic models, the purpose or devices of white color is the same - bite correction, smile improvement and teeth alignment. The remaining structural elements (locks, plates) are also made in white. Many patients find such products more visually appealing, since the systems are almost invisible against the background of the teeth.

However, such systems do have a disadvantage. The use of such structures requires regular visits to the doctor, since the arc applied to the surface paint can wear out and get dirty over time, and it will not work to paint and return the original color to the product.

White and metal arcs: what are the differences

When choosing a model, the installed arc and its characteristics are of great importance, because this element plays a leading role in the formation correct bite and getting rid of orthodontic defects.

With the help of an arc, the design exerts a mechanical effect and creates pressure that allows for correction.

The element needs regular monitoring of its condition and replacement during operation. Metal arcs and white arcs in their own way therapeutic effect little distinguishable. The main difference is in aesthetic perception and color. White color gives the arches a special enamel applied to the surface, but the efficiency of structures with both arcs will be the same.

Modern orthodontics offers a variety of options. Determine the most effective method An orthodontist will help straighten the teeth after a thorough examination of the oral cavity and studying its condition. The attending physician will prescribe a treatment regimen that is optimal for each specific case, and will also control the course of the correction.

If we summarize the information about the devices, we can conclude that the priority choice of ceramic products, which have improved performance, have an excellent appearance and are inferior in price to sapphire models.

Man is an amazing creature: the aesthetic side of the issue often means more to him than health benefits. And although braces have long been no longer considered a device that disfigures the appearance, still no, no, and you can hear from especially impressionable patients: “No, I won’t install it! It's ugly and everyone can see it!" There is no need to argue in this case. Suffice it to recall that there are white braces

White braces consist of two constituent parts, one is whiter than the other: firstly, these are the braces themselves, that is, the locks that are attached to the teeth, and, secondly, the arc that snaps into these locks.

Speaking of braces, locks, it is important to clarify what exactly is meant by white. The fact is that the enamel of the teeth has a yellowish or, less commonly, bluish tint. And if, according to a strange whim of the patient, snow-white braces with a white arc are nevertheless installed, then they will look at least strange and will catch the eye of others much more than simple ceramic ones. For real discreet braces after all, they are not white: their shade is matched to the color of tooth enamel. They can be made from several types of materials:

Plastic white braces

This is the most a budget option, which has one, but a significant drawback: the strength of the plastic is low and such braces can wear out and peel off, which leads to more frequent visits to the attending physician and / or an increase in the period of wearing the orthodontic system. There are white plastic braces reinforced with special metal parts, but they are no longer particularly economical.

Polycrystalline white braces

These, and they will perfectly match the color of your enamel. Unfortunately, they cannot do without drawbacks: such braces are quite fragile, they are easily stained when eating bright food (red wine, berries, sweets with dyes, etc.). In addition, such braces will have to be worn longer than metal braces - an average of 2-3 months. This is due to the fact that such a design is less rigid and has a softer effect on the teeth, not so decisively forcing them to move towards the correct bite.

Monocrystalline white braces

These are the famous and perhaps most popular "sapphire" braces. Strictly speaking, they are also made of ceramic, but with special properties - it is durable, super-smooth and almost transparent, reminiscent of gem. Hence, in fact, the unusual name of such bracket systems. As their disadvantage, one can only name a high price.

Enamel-colored braces are a lot to achieve aesthetic perfection, but still not all. Care must also be taken to ensure that the arc is a match for them - which means white! This is quite real: the metal arc is covered special composition(most often it is teflon). Alas, in most cases, such a coating sooner or later begins to wear off. Consolation can be found in the fact that the arc needs to be changed regularly, which means that from time to time it will delight you with its whiteness and freshness. It remains only to fix on the braces transparent ligatures, that is, rubber bands that fix the arc in the grooves. And then, in order to see the orthodontic structure in your mouth, you will need to look closely! And there are also Damon ligatureless braces, which are also almost invisible.

Well, if you want braces to remain your secret, choose the unique Incognito bracket system. It is attached to the inside of the jaw.

Expert opinion

As practice shows, the most reliable, proven and trouble-free remedy for the treatment of dentoalveolar pathologies varying degrees gravity was and still is metal braces. This is due to several important points. Between ceramic or plastic brackets and the wire coating, the coefficient of friction is higher - which means that they are weaker fixation, and the teeth move to new places more slowly. In addition, there is such a recommendation: do not put a white arc at the very beginning of treatment. The fact is that the teeth at this time begin to move actively - naturally, along with the braces fixed on them, which simply “wipe” the aesthetic coating of the arch. It is better to wait for the moment when the teeth stand relatively straight - then the white arch has a chance to remain so for a longer period. However, if the question is blunt: either wear a white, “invisible” orthodontic system, or not wear any at all, then, of course, the doctor will always find an opportunity to meet the patient halfway and choose the option that suits him completely.

dream about Hollywood smile soon cease to be a dream. Unfortunately, equal white teeth most often we see only on the TV screen in advertising or with famous actors. AT real life every second person has problems with their teeth. Currently, the problem of uneven dentition can be solved by modern bracket systems that can cope with any irregularities. terrible gray color braces are a thing of the past. They were replaced by white braces, which in recent times there has been an abundance of information different nature. What is truth in it, and what is fiction? It is difficult for an ignorant person to navigate in abstruse terms. Let's consider in more detail what kind of design it is, how it differs from others orthodontic systems And what is the cost of such braces.

Why are white braces good?

It is unlikely that anyone will begin to dispute that white bracket archwires will have a much more pleasant appearance than a metal structure. locks light color invisible: you can safely smile and not be ashamed of temporary inconvenience, as when wearing metal braces.

This system is ceramic, sapphire and plastic. Its task is to make it easier for the patient to wear braces, making him less visible to others. However, this fact is ambivalent. Doctors and patients themselves were very wary of this novelty on the market. dental services. Their opinions were divided. In any case, the choice of a bracket system is purely individual. Everyone chooses for himself what he likes best.

Truths and myths about white wire braces

Those who believe that if the color of the arc is snow-white, then it is necessarily cast from a material of the same color, are mistaken. This is not true. light shade gives teflon. Tetrafluoroethylene polymer is the most biocompatible with human body. The color of this substance is white, and the staples themselves are made of metal. They are on the move different types: steel, titanium alloy, nickel and others.

Note! Teflon itself is very strong and external stimuli he doesn't give in. However, there were times when he, despite his strength, began to "fly around".

Mangy arches do not threaten everyone - only lazy patients who do not want to come to replace them on time. It is recommended to do this once every one and a half months, but many hope that their situation with “striped” braces will not be affected, delaying the trip to the dentist. As a result, the Teflon on the arc begins to fall off from continuous wear. From former beauty no trace remains.

When installing braces, it is important to choose a trusted manufacturer that uses quality materials in the manufacture of structures. No need to chase cheapness, trying to save money. Reliable manufacturers have excellent quality Teflon. With proper care, it never flies or crumbles.

The appearance of such braces is more attractive, unlike. However, among patients there are those who prefer the metallic sheen on their teeth. They consider it stylish and fashionable.

There is still a drawback with braces with snow-white arcs - extended treatment times. The culprit for this is the coating of the arc. It creates additional resistance at the moment when the teeth move. The solution to the problem was found by modern manufacturers - they managed to invent braces with a metal groove. Their friction force is much less, and in appearance they cannot be distinguished from classic version. The best known firms are 3M and Ormso, which produce such systems.

Types of white braces

There are no metal white braces. It is a myth. Don't trust anyone who claims otherwise. An attempt to connect white metal locks with an arc is unsuccessful - it will still be noticeable. Such a design will clearly catch the eye, and it does not make sense to wear it.

Note! White arches come with ligature or self-ligating constructions. They are less noticeable due to the locks attached to the arc with wire or elastic.

The difference between white arcs and metal counterparts

When choosing a bracket system, you should pay attention to the installed arc. It is she who plays a decisive role in the formation of bite, creating the necessary degree of pressure. During the entire process of therapy, the degree of pressure will change several times.

The characteristics of the white and metal arc are similar. White wins due to the color that is created by processing the arc with a special white enamel. The effectiveness of the treatment does not suffer from this.

The choice of orthodontic structures involved in the correction of occlusion is wide. You can not do without a preliminary consultation of a specialist. Only a dentist-orthodontist will ideally select the option that is right for you and indicate the terms of treatment.

To help those who cannot decide for themselves which system of braces to choose, there are many videos on the Internet on this topic. Visual comparison various designs will help you make the right choice.

Plastic braces with white arch

Metal braces are not always a pleasant sight. Now we can say that they are in the past. They were replaced by a plastic system, which is a white arc on the braces. She succeeded in short time win popularity among patients. However, plastic structures had their drawbacks - the appearance of cracks and chips. For changing plastic braces braces with a white arc made of ceramics came, quickly replacing their predecessors.

Ceramic braces with white arch

Important! The difference between the types of braces is in appearance, wearing comfort, cost. Their effectiveness is almost the same.

The duration of the course of therapy and effectiveness

May vary depending on the complexity of the curvature of the teeth. On average, treatment takes 18 months, but for some, a year is enough. The metal from which the bracket is made does not play a role, and this does not affect the period of wearing.

You can rejoice at the first result in three months. Despite the improvement, no one will allow you to remove your braces. Early withdrawal is fraught bad consequences. The position of the teeth may return to its previous state, and you will have to start all over again.

How to remove braces?

Removing braces on your own will not work: this requires special tools. Preparation for the procedure should begin in advance. It takes a few days to make professional cleaning. When removing, the doctor uses a polishing bur, gently removing the remaining adhesive from the surface of the teeth. However, after it is not always the same color: sometimes you can find light spots on it. Their appearance is the result of the activity of bacteria that cause caries. This happens due to poor brushing of the teeth, since it is not always possible to remove plaque under the bracket and around it. This leads to demineralization of tooth enamel.

Thanks to modern technologies and this problem is solved. Some companies have learned to keep the color of the teeth after removing the braces due to a special transparent glue. At the moment of attachment, it serves as an excellent sealant, spreading evenly and adhering tightly to the tooth surface. Thus, it protects the enamel not only under the bracket, but also in the space around.

The removal of braces is followed by another stage. Retainers are replacing the braces.

Retainers are completely invisible to others. They are of two types: removable and non-removable.

The removable retainer is a plastic construction. This cap is completely transparent. You need to wear it for a year, almost without taking it off, and every day, giving your teeth a rest from it for only four hours a day. In the second year, the need to wear a mouthguard for days disappears. You need to insert it only at night, but do not forget to do it daily.

The fixed retainer has a metal base that looks like an arc. It attaches to inside teeth.

It is necessary to wear retainers, because if you abandon treatment and refuse them, then everything will go down the drain. The teeth will quickly return to their original state, and the treatment process will have to be repeated from the very beginning.

cost of white braces

Prices for white braces in the capital are not so great. Braces for both jaws will cost about forty thousand rubles - this is the price for a plastic structure. True, their popularity has fallen sharply: they are no longer in such demand as before, since in most cases the quality of such structures leaves much to be desired. It is better to overpay and purchase a ceramic bracket system. The pleasure is expensive, but worth it. Installing braces on one jaw will cost about 45 thousand rubles. However, ceramic looks better and is more durable than plastic. The main thing is to take good care of it.

The cost of ceramic braces is an order of magnitude higher than plastic ones.

Sapphire designs with a white arc will cost the most: about 60 thousand rubles for one jaw.

One way or another, when choosing a material for braces, you need to consult a doctor: he definitely won’t advise bad. Looking at the condition of the teeth, he will determine which bracket system is more suitable for a particular patient.

Summing up

You need to approach the installation of braces with all responsibility in order to accurately achieve desired result. Do not neglect the consultation with a specialist who knows exactly what type of system is suitable in a particular case. If properly cared for oral cavity during the period of wearing braces, then after a year and a half you can see even and healthy teeth.

For many, braces are still associated with unsightly metal structures capable of any beautiful girl turn into an ugly Betty. But orthodontics can be called one of the most developing areas of dentistry. Today, metal staples are far from the only way bite correction and teeth alignment. For a patient for whom aesthetics is important, an orthodontist may suggest white braces. With them, the treatment process will go unnoticed by others and comfortable for their owner. Let's figure out what kind of braces they are and find out how much white braces cost.

What are white braces?

"White" refers to braces made of ceramic. The material of manufacture is their main difference from classic metal devices. The design of white and metal braces is identical:

  • small plates are attached to the teeth - braces, an individual bracket is selected for each tooth;
  • To fix the bracket, a special cement containing fluorine is used, which provides the tooth with temporary protection against caries. orthodontic treatment;
  • on each bracket there is a groove in which the arc “walks”;
  • the arc is the most active part of the apparatus, it is given correct form, and in the process of wearing the structure, it moves the teeth in the right direction;
  • each plate has wings, ligatures are attached to them, holding orthodontic arch in grooves;
  • on some wings there may be small hooks, for which the doctor will cling to the elastic bands;
  • traction - these are elastic rings, the purpose of wearing which is to make the upper and lower dentition symmetrical and correct the bite;
  • the design of the braces provides for locks and rings that are fixed on the distant teeth and serve as a support for the arc.

White braces do not differ in design from metal counterparts.

Which white braces to choose?

There are many models of white braces on the orthodontic construction market. different manufacturers. We list the most popular systems and note their features:

  • Mystique GAC - the system is made in the USA, it is one-piece ceramic braces without metal inserts;
  • – ligature-free ceramic braces with the Spin Tek fastening system, due to which the size of the plates is significantly reduced;
  • In Ovation - ligature-free all-ceramic systems with a rough base surface, due to which the fixation of braces is more reliable;
  • Clarity - white matte braces, with a metal groove in the base, which increases the strength and efficiency of the device;
  • QuicKlear - the reliability of fixing the bracket system is increased due to the presence of hook-shaped protrusions on the base of the plates;
  • Reflections - a ceramic system manufactured by Ortho Technology, its design provides for fixing the arc in the grooves by means of ligatures;
  • LUXI II Keramik - the system is produced by RMO, its feature is the gold plating of the grooves.

Ligature, non-ligature, with a white or metal arc, with metal grooves or all-ceramic - the choice is huge.

The cost of installing white braces

The price of installing white braces depends on the model of the device that the patient chooses. Non-ligature systems are an order of magnitude more expensive than ligature ones, however, when they are installed, the patient is less likely to have to pay for orthodontist appointments, while with ligature systems you need to go to the doctor every month, non-ligature ones require a visit every 3 months.

In each case, the cost of the entire orthodontic treatment can vary greatly. It depends on the complexity of the case, the period of treatment, the state of health of the patient's oral cavity. Before installing the system, the patient will have to treat all affected teeth, remove dental deposits, and eliminate inflammatory ones, if any. If the patient's wisdom teeth are not growing properly, they will most likely need to be removed before fitting an orthodontic appliance. In some cases, it is necessary to remove healthy teeth in a row, especially with a narrow jaw and severe crowding of teeth. In addition, during the treatment process, the systems may break down, in which case the damaged elements will have to be replaced with new ones, and these are additional costs.

Prices may vary in different cities of the country. An important pricing factor is the level of dentistry and orthodontist, so the cost of installing braces can be different even in clinics in the same city.

  • initial consultation with a doctor (often free of charge) - up to 1000 rubles;
  • diagnostics before treatment: taking casts, orthopantomogram, drawing up a treatment plan - about 1,500 rubles;
  • installation of white braces - about 150 thousand rubles (price for 2 jaws);
  • correction of the system at the orthodontist - about 1000 rubles per 1 visit;
  • removal of the system, teeth cleaning, manufacturing and installation - about 5 thousand rubles.

When choosing between white vestibular systems and lingual devices, the patient should know that adaptation to the ceramic system is faster, the treatment speed will be higher, and the cost will be lower. Comparing white braces with metal brackets, one cannot fail to note the high aesthetics of the former, which, of course, is reflected in the cost. The effectiveness of treatment and its duration for metal and ceramic systems are almost the same.

Statistics show that almost every third person has any.

The solution to this problem is modern orthodontic structures that will give you a beautiful smile.

White braces are a system that has an aesthetic appearance and is almost invisible on the teeth, and which can be used to correct malocclusion any age.

Advantages and disadvantages

White braces have many advantages:

  1. fixation of the system occurs on the frontal visible part of the surface of the teeth. The arc of a white shade practically merges with the color of the tooth enamel, due to which a pleasant aesthetic effect is created;
  2. they have a neat appearance, do not bring any discomfort neither in the process of cleaning, nor when eating;
  3. in the manufacture of the system is used individual approach, all anatomical features each patient;
  4. ceramic structures are made of hypoallergenic materials, differ high level resistance to various food dyes, so throughout the course of treatment the system will retain its original appearance;
  5. do not need to be used for cleaning special means, the cleaning process is exactly the same as in the case of a metal structure.

But the system of white braces also has disadvantages - high price, as special expensive materials are used for the manufacture.


White braces are divided into several main types, each of which has its own distinctive features.


The most effective and popular orthodontic system today is made of ceramics.

Ceramic systems, in turn, are divided into two subspecies:

  • monocrystalline: white matte model;
  • polycrystalline: the system has a low transparency coefficient, the color of the arc is selected as close as possible to the color of the patient's tooth enamel, so they are almost invisible on the teeth.

Ceramic structures have the following advantages:

  1. aesthetic appearance;
  2. comfort when wearing the system;
  3. qualitatively fixed on the enamel and hold until the moment of complete removal.


If a child has an abnormal bite, treatment should not be postponed. How and when braces are put on children, read in.

White braces are modern system, which makes it possible not only to become the owner of a beautiful and beautiful smile, but also to have an aesthetic appearance of the oral cavity throughout the course of correction.

Ceramic structures are the optimal system, as they have good aesthetic qualities, and at the same time do not require large financial costs (unlike sapphire ones).

Determine which orthodontic system will be effective in each individual case, only a specialist can. The orthodontist will also be able to name and approximate dates adjustments to achieve a positive result.

White braces: photo

Ceramic braces are currently one of the most popular orthodontic systems for correcting malocclusion. it effective mechanism, which will not be a reason for ridicule, unlike metal ones. In the photo you can see the result of the treatment and the ceramic braces themselves, which look neat and almost merge with the tone of the tooth enamel.

On the next photo sapphire braces are presented. This is the most expensive system, which in terms of its efficiency practically does not differ from ceramic ones. In the photo you can clearly see the appearance of such structures. AT Western countries such a malocclusion correction system is used as decoration.

Another type of white braces is plastic. Outwardly, they are similar to sapphire and ceramic ones, but in terms of characteristics they are in many ways inferior to these systems. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired effect from the correction process, it is best to give preference to ceramic or sapphire braces with white arc.

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There are a wide variety of braces available. What to say - see for yourself:

Braces are the most efficient system and any anomalies in the development of teeth in the jaw. To ensure that the correction process does not cause discomfort in terms of aesthetics, there are so-called white braces.

This is a system with plates and an arch, which is selected in color as close as possible to the color of the patient's tooth enamel. Thus, the correction process (which can take up to 1.5 - 2 years) will not make the patient feel awkward and embarrassed when talking or smiling.

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