Breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. Proper breathing according to Buteyko

Greetings to all blog readers! Bronchial asthma - insidious enemy poisoning the lives of many people. But a miraculous breathing exercises Buteyko for asthma, which will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease for both adults and children.

Getting rid of carbon dioxide in the body

Soviet scientist K.P. Buteyko invented a method for ridding the body of excess carbon dioxide in. The method is based on reducing the depth of inhalation and increasing the break after exhalation. Having mastered shallow breathing, people get rid of many problems.

The method is aimed at healing from bronchial asthma and other problems with the respiratory system, followed by getting rid of drugs.

At the very beginning of training, an exacerbation of the disease is possible. It is possible that there will be shortness of breath, tremor of the hands, difficulty holding the breath. Lessons must continue!

To prepare yourself for work, try holding your breath in the morning:

  • keep a notebook where you will write down the indicators;
  • start with 10-20 seconds;
  • gradually increase to 90 seconds;
  • measure your heart rate.

When you start regular exercises, the depth of breathing will approach this pattern: inhale - 2-3 seconds, exhale and pause - 3-4 seconds.

Warning! To get rid of bronchial asthma, get ready for long-term treatment gymnastics.

Cause of diseases

The method, developed in 1952, helps to get rid of such diseases:

  • asthmatic;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • with symptoms of pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • hypertension;
  • cerebrovascular accident.

According to the scientist, the cause of these diseases is the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the lack of the latter leads to the emergence of 90 diseases.

His reasoning is:

  • Deep breathing should bring oxygen to the blood.
  • It turns out the opposite: deep breath leads to a decrease in carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • And its lack does not allow oxygen to pass from the blood to the tissues.
  • As a result, oxygen starvation begins, which leads to spasms in the vessels and bronchi.

Spasms do not allow oxygen to “reach” the tissues, a person does not have enough air, he begins to suffocate, trying to breathe in deeply.

As a result, it turns out vicious circle! Therefore, the scientist considered that the cause of many ailments is deep breathing.

Based on these findings, the scientist invented breathing exercises, which he tried on himself when he “earned” bronchial asthma. A person must learn to breathe superficially in order to relieve vasospasm, and enrich with carbon dioxide. To do this, he recommends a pause between 2 breaths.

Fact supporting his theory: lung volume of a healthy person is 5 liters, and that of a patient with bronchial asthma is 10-15 liters.

Benefits of Buteyko gymnastics

  1. No equipment or special clothing is required to perform the exercises.
  2. People of all ages, from the age of 4, can learn how to do the exercises.
  3. Availability of the methodology.

You need to do it regularly, preferably at the same time.

Buteyko Gymnastics Results

Positive results recorded in patients confirm the effectiveness of the method.

  1. Attacks in asthmatics stopped after a few minutes.
  2. Stayed coughing.
  3. With severe rhinitis, breathing through the nose was restored.
  4. There was a restoration of metabolism and immunity.
  5. The symptoms disappeared.

First, learn how to do these exercises.

  1. Try to hold your breath so that there is a feeling of lack of air. Stay in this state for as long as possible, taking small breaths. If there is a desire to take a deep breath, start the exercise again.
  2. Holding your breath, walk around the room until there is enough air, then breathe and repeat all over again.
  3. Breathe shallowly for 3 minutes, then increase the time to 8-10 minutes.

Perform exercises 3-4 times a day.

You may feel cold, then a feeling of heat, perspiration will appear. After training, do not increase your breathing, get out of the state very slowly.

Buteyko exercises

  1. For upper divisions lungs. 5 seconds each: inhale, exhale with muscle relaxation, then pause. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Full breath. Inhale 7.5 sec. (start with the diaphragm, and end with the muscles of the chest), exhale - 7.5 seconds. (start from the upper parts of the lungs, end with the diaphragm), pause 5 seconds. Repeat - 10 times.
  3. Holding your breath, massage the reflexogenic points of the nose.
  4. Repeat exercise No. 2: first through the right nostril, pinch the left, then through the left. Do 10 times.
  5. Repeat #2, keeping your stomach pulled in. Repeat - 10 times.
  6. Perform 12 deepest and fastest breaths and exhalations no longer than 2.5 seconds for 1 minute. Then hold your breath as much as possible. In this case, complete ventilation of the lungs occurs.
  7. Perform a rare breath:
    - inhale (1-5 seconds), then - exhale and pause for 5 seconds - repeat 4 times;
    - inhale (2-5 seconds), then hold your breath, exhale and pause for 5 seconds - repeat 6 times;
    - inhale (3-7.5 seconds), then - hold your breath, exhale and pause for 7.5 seconds - repeat 6 times;
    - inhale (4-10 seconds), then hold your breath, exhale and pause for 10 seconds. - repeat 6 times;
  8. Double breath hold: take a long pause while inhaling, and then exhaling.
  9. No. 8 to perform while sitting, while squatting, while walking in place. Repeat starting 3 times, working up to 10 times.
  10. Perform shallow breathing for 3-10 minutes.

To properly perform gymnastics, watch the video.

Dear friends, Buteyko breathing exercises for asthma really relieve many diseases. Do not be afraid of discomfort at the beginning of classes. They will pass quickly!

The body's healing system, known as breathing exercises or Buteyko exercises, is called by the author "a method of volitional elimination of deep breathing." According to him, proper breathing should be quiet, slow and nasal. The scientist claims that the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is an indicator of health and the most important factor its recovery. Moreover, healthy people it is much higher than in patients. Therefore, for the treatment general health Buteyko recommends exhaling as little and as little as possible, using shallow breathing.

The dependence of a person's condition on breathing is well demonstrated by an attack of bronchial asthma. When the patient begins to suffocate, he actively grabs air, which significantly worsens his condition - breathing is not enough even more, the lungs swell intensely, and the need for oxygen is increasing. But if he stops breathing for a few moments, the body's defenses will work - the vessels will expand and increase the delivery of blood with oxygen to the tissues. As a result general well-being asthma will improve significantly.

Important! Buteyko breathing is not only the inhalation of oxygen, but also the saving of carbon dioxide by slowing down the respiratory process. According to the scientist, carbon dioxide in increased amount heals the body and is able to get rid of many diseases.

The essence of the technique is to perform exercises that contribute to a gradual decrease in the depth of breathing and an increase in the duration of its delay. The longer the pause between inhalation and exhalation, the better the saturation of cells with oxygen and the preservation of carbon dioxide in them. As a result of restoring the correct ratio of these two essential elements happens in the body whole line positive changes - regulated acid-base balance, metabolism is improved, immunity is strengthened, existing diseases are cured.

The breathing technique proposed by Dr. Buteyko is positioned modern medicine as a way to get rid of bronchial asthma. But in reality, it allows you to cure 118 diseases without drugs and other supportive measures. First of all, these are allergies, pulmonary, cardiac and vascular diseases, obesity, pain syndrome different origin, pathology digestive tract and many others.

The great advantage of Buteyko breathing exercises is that the exercises can be performed anywhere, regardless of time and external circumstances. They are distinguished by simplicity, accessibility and versatility - both children from 4 years of age and the most elderly people can do it.

Contraindications and warnings

The limitation for using the method of Konstantin Buteyko may be the presence of the following diseases:

  • mental and mental disorders;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • acute infections;
  • insulin dependent diabetes;
  • aneurysm with large blood clots.

Also, breathing exercises are contraindicated in the presence of transplants, after heart surgery, during pregnancy. Difficulties may arise with diseases of the teeth or chronic tonsillitis.

For those to whom gymnastics is suitable, it is necessary to take into account the warnings of the author of the technique:

  1. Be prepared for challenges - treatment requires a lot of effort to initial stage be able to stop taking deep breaths. In some cases, to achieve the goal, you cannot do without a special corset.
  2. Be prepared for unpleasant sensations - on initial stage often there is fear, unwillingness to do gymnastics, exacerbation of diseases, pain, failures in the respiratory process. It is very important for such manifestations not to give up classes, waiting until the discomfort disappears and recovery begins.
  3. Give up drug therapy- if this is not possible, you need to at least reduce the dosage of drugs by 2 times, but with complex diseases be sure to do this under the supervision of a physician.
  4. Exclude other methods of treatment - Buteyko exercises are effective on their own and do not require any auxiliary measures.

Preparatory exercises

Before starting Buteyko breathing exercises, it is necessary to prepare the body:

  • gradually switch to less deep breathing;
  • learn to breathe with a delay and only when a feeling of lack of air appears, which should accompany the performance of all exercises in the future;
  • increase the duration of the exhalation so that it lasts several times longer than the inhalation.

To achieve this goal, you need to perform only 2 exercises, each lasting 7-10 minutes:

Exercise 1:

  1. Get straight. Exhale, on a slow inhale, slowly raise your shoulders and immediately begin to exhale, lowering your shoulders.
  2. Slowly inhaling, take your shoulders back, trying to bring your elbows together. On a slow exhale, move your shoulders forward, squeezing your chest. Do everything stress-free.
  3. On the next inhale, tilt to one side, and on the exhale, straighten up. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Exhaling, gradually throw your head back, inhale. On a new exhalation, lower your head to your chest. Inhale and stand straight.
  5. While inhaling, turn the torso to one side so that one arm is behind the back and the other in front. On the exhale, come back. Repeat on the other side.
  6. Without controlling your breath, twist first one, then the other shoulder, and then both at once, as if controlling the oars.

Exercise 2:

  1. Take the pose of a soldier - stand still, turn your shoulders, pull in your stomach, lower your clenched hands.
  2. Gently rise on the toes of the feet, taking a leisurely breath full chest.
  3. Freeze without breathing for 5 seconds.
  4. Exhale slowly as you return to the starting position.

After completing these exercises, you need to adjust your breathing.

Teaching proper breathing

This complex includes 3 exercises. They are aimed at gradually reducing the depth of breathing until it is reduced to nothing.

Endurance training:

  1. Sit up straight, relax, look ahead.
  2. Start breathing very briefly for 10-15 minutes, overcoming the lack of air and the desire to breathe.
  3. If breathing is not enough at all, you can make it a little deeper.
  4. At correct execution the body will be filled with warmth, and then with heat, you will want to take a deep breath. To overcome this desire, you need to relax the diaphragm.
  5. At the exit, do not change the depth of breathing.

After the end of the exercise, the usual pause after inhalation and exhalation should increase by 2 seconds.

Muscle tension:

  • Lie on your stomach, with force press your chin to the floor or a fist placed under it.
  • Hold your breath, increasing the pressure of the chin. Endure as long as possible.
  • When it is not possible to hold the breath, strain other parts of the body - raise the head and shoulders, pull the arms one by one, then the legs.

This consistent muscle tension will make it easier to switch to shallow breathing.

Breath hold:

  • Stand up straight, take a deep breath.
  • Hold on for as long as you can.
  • Exhale forcefully through your mouth.

At first, the breath delays will be short, but over time they will become much longer. To control the change in the duration of pauses, the exercise must be performed with a stopwatch.

Shallow breathing training

These Buteyko breathing exercises are aimed at developing the habit of breathing shallowly and bringing pauses up to 1 minute.

  1. Make it to the limit possible delay. When strong feeling lack of air, take minimal breaths. If there is an irresistible urge to inhale deeply, do so and repeat the exercise from the beginning.
  2. During a similar delay, do not stand, but walk without stopping. After the maximum possible pause, inhale and repeat the steps.
  3. Breathe shallowly at first for a couple of minutes, and then bring these periods up to 15 minutes.

Such training should be performed daily, at least 4 times a day or more, but at regular intervals.

Basic exercises

This complex develops the ability to hold your breath for long time regardless of load:

  1. We breathe shallowly, performing each respiratory movement for 5 seconds, including maintaining a pause of the same duration after each exhalation. We do 10 repetitions.
  2. We breathe deeply, but the duration of the respiratory movements is increased to 7.5 seconds, and the delay remains the same. In this case, inhalation should begin from the diaphragm, and then move to the chest, and exhalation, on the contrary, should end with the diaphragm. We also do 10 repetitions.
  3. We massage the nose with our fingers along the entire length, holding our breath.
  4. We breathe alternately through the nostrils - 10 repetitions.
  5. Draw in the belly and repeat respiratory movements second exercise. We do not relax the stomach until the end of the exercise. We do 10 repetitions.
  6. We ventilate respiratory system- breathe quickly, inhaling and exhaling without delay for 2.5 seconds. We do 12 times. At the end, hold your breath to the limit, exhale strongly.
  7. We breathe rarely by levels:
    1st level: All respiratory movements, including the delay after each exhalation, last 5 seconds. We do 4 repetitions and without a break we move on to the next level.
    2nd level: We repeat the exercise of the previous level, but we make an additional delay after each breath.
    3rd level: We increase the duration of inhalation and exhalation to 7.5 seconds, we do the delay only after exhalation for a duration of 5 seconds. We perform 6 repetitions.
    4th level: We repeat the exercise of the second level, but the duration of each movement is increased to 10 seconds. In just 60 seconds, 1.5 respiratory cycles are completed. We do 6 repetitions. The goal is to reach 1 cycle per minute.
  8. We delay the pause - while standing, hold your breath as long as possible, first after exhalation, then after inhalation. Do 1 time.
  9. The same exercise, sitting - 10 repetitions.
  10. The same exercise in walking in place - 10 repetitions.
  11. The same exercise, squatting - 10 repetitions.
  12. We breathe superficially - completely relax, breathe with the chest, gradually making the respiratory movements less deep until they are performed only in the nasopharynx. Follow this rhythm for 3-10 minutes.

Important! All Buteyko breathing exercises must be performed only on an empty stomach. They are done silently and strictly through the nose, unless otherwise indicated in the description.

Stages of recovery

The final stage health-improving technique breathing is a reaction of recovery and cleansing of the whole organism. This process is very individual, depends on many factors and can vary significantly in terms of appearance - from 1 hour to several months after performing gymnastics.

The initial signs are very unpleasant:

  • nervous tension;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feverish conditions;
  • fever, headaches;
  • pain in the tissues affected by deep breathing;
  • exacerbation of symptoms of the underlying disease.

The recovery itself takes place in 5 stages, each of which corresponds to the achieved duration of breath holding - from 10 to 60 seconds. This delay is called the control pause, which is performed after a normal exhalation and is counted until the first slight desire to take a breath. That is, it shows how many people can not breathe without the slightest tension. To measure the control pause, you need to breathe in the usual rhythm for 5 minutes, and then carry out the indicated test. After it, breathing should remain the same as it was before the test.

  1. While the control pause does not exceed 10 seconds, the body is cleared of superficial problems. Usually there is an increased secretion of all liquids and mucus, symptoms resembling a cold develop, dryness appears in oral cavity and nasopharynx, intense thirst.
  2. With a pause of 20 seconds, everything starts to hurt, including places of old injuries or operations, everything becomes aggravated chronic diseases, sputum is intensively separated, with pulmonary diseases, the temperature rises greatly.
  3. The possibility of a delay of 30 minutes begins a psychological cleansing that causes a reaction nervous system, crying appears for no reason, irritability increases, depression may develop.
  4. When the pause lasts for 40 seconds, a cardinal cleansing is already taking place - the state of blood vessels is normalized, metabolic processes, the work of all organs are eliminated cardiovascular problems, allergies, hypertension, neoplasms resolve.
  5. After reaching 60 seconds, the body is completely cleansed and healed, but negative manifestations still remain and manifest themselves depending on the presence and type of the most chronic diseases. Language will be the indicator of reaction. If there is a raid, then the process has not yet ended. When fully recovered, it will be pink and clear.

Treatment with Buteyko breathing exercises has helped many people restore their health. This healing technique is great amount supporters around the world. But each body is individual, and the result largely depends on its characteristics. However, try this unique method worth it anyway because there is always a chance positive outcome if the person himself strives for recovery.

Proper breathing according to Buteyko is superficial. It is not seen or heard, breathing is carried out only through the nose. The inhalation is so slight that neither the chest nor the abdomen moves. The air should reach approximately the level of the collarbones.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to unlearn deep breathing. K. P. Buteyko developed a method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLHD). Here is what he says about the effectiveness of this method.

“We have never seen a person using our technique and actually reducing their breathing not get relief. At first we did not know that a decrease in breathing would allow not only to stop, but also to eliminate the disease at any stage. It turned out that the method is applicable primarily to seriously ill patients. How longer man sick, the more severe the disease, the older he is, the faster and more complete the cure.

In fact, the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing is often called the “Siberian draconian method of gradual self-suffocation,” and there is a considerable particle of truth in this terrible name. This method is really painful: for hours and days people are forced to slow down their breathing not only by willpower, but also with the help of various devices - graces, corsets, many have their chest bandaged.

For those who wish to learn how to breathe correctly, Konstantin Pavlovich formulated the rule of five fingers:

1st finger - decrease;

2nd finger - depths;

3rd finger - breathing;

4th finger - relaxation of the diaphragm;

5th finger - up mild condition lack of air.

The main task is to reduce the depth of breathing so that the lack of air is constantly felt. This sensation should be experienced for at least three hours a day, not necessarily in a row. In this case, the body accumulates carbon dioxide, which means that the supply of oxygen to the tissues increases.

How to learn to breathe correctly?

For the fastest transition to the correct shallow breathing, it is recommended to use the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLHD).

For exercise, you need a firm bed and a very small pillow (you can do without it).

Lie on your stomach and feel the movement of your chest or abdomen as you inhale and exhale.

Freeze exercise

Press your chin firmly into the pillow, your nose should not rest against the pillow. Stop the movement of the chest and abdomen, freeze.

You can press your chin on the back of your hand or on your fist. Try opening your mouth and putting more pressure on your fist with your chin. Stay in this position until you feel like breathing. Then strain any other muscle group - you can bring the shoulder blades together with effort and raise your head as high as possible, straining the muscles of the neck, stretch your arms along the body.

Exercise "cat sip"

Stretch your arms - one, then the other, stretch one leg, then the other leg, press the pelvis into the bed (all this time the chest and stomach are motionless), stretch. Rest your fingers on the back of the bed, tighten your muscles, do not take deep breaths and exhalations. Breathing is superficial.

Exercise "morning"

If you wake up and find that you are lying on your back and it is difficult to roll over on your stomach, stretch while lying on your back, tensing your muscles with effort. Put a fist under your head and press hard on it, you can use it instead of a fist hard roller. Remain in this position until an irresistible urge to inhale appears. Then start shallow breathing, sip various groups muscles, make sure that the chest and abdomen remain motionless. Breathing should not deepen.

Begin to stand up slowly, following the muscle groups that work in this moment. Breathing should remain shallow.

To check the correctness of breathing, undress, go to the mirror and make sure that the chest and stomach are motionless with consistent muscle tension.

You can also switch to shallow breathing by following the right hand rule.

Right hand rule

Sit on the edge of a chair correct posture- put your feet flat on the floor, put your hands on your knees, straighten your back. Take a normal breath and a relaxed exhale so that the diaphragm calmly lowers. Relax all muscles eyeballs lift up and pout your lips slightly. The tension of the eye and labial muscles reflexively stops breathing and makes it possible to switch to shallow breathing.

Stay in this position until you want to inhale, for further breath holding you can strain other muscles.

You should switch to shallow breathing several times a day. K. P. Buteyko recommends doing this at midnight, at 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours. As you can see, two cycles occur during the night hours. In each cycle there are five attempts, with each attempt the pulse, control and maximum pauses are measured. It is advisable to train under the supervision of a specialist.

Breathing depth test

How to find out what caused the disease - too deep breathing or something else? There is a special test for this. It is carried out by a methodologist or a doctor.

The patient on command changes the depth of breathing. For example, 5-10 times he breathes very deeply, 2-3 times deeper than usual. Immediately after that, his head starts to hurt, the work of the heart is disrupted, itching appears, and his head is spinning. If you then reduce the depth of breathing, all symptoms disappear.

During the test, it is necessary to monitor the change in the depth of the pulse, measuring it before and after deep and shallow breathing. If the pulse during deep breathing increases sharply (by more than 30% of the initial one) or, on the contrary, becomes rare, a decrease in blood pressure is observed, the test must be stopped. Otherwise, it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease or even fainting. The test result is positive if the person's condition worsens with deep breathing and improves with superficial.

specific a test is considered in which the main symptoms of the disease appear during deep breathing: for example, an attack of bronchial asthma in an asthmatic, an attack of angina pectoris in a patient with angina pectoris.

non-specific called a test in which symptoms uncharacteristic of the disease appear. If a patient with asthma develops not only an asthma attack, but also dizziness, headache, constricting pain in the region of the heart, then he should be afraid of a stroke or myocardial infarction no less than the underlying disease. It is believed that best result the test gives during an exacerbation (not maximum) of the disease.

Measuring control and maximum pauses

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko introduced the concepts of control and maximum pauses, by the values ​​of which one can determine the content of carbon dioxide in the lungs.

Control pause measurement

To measure the control pause (CP), you need to sit in a comfortable position on the edge of the chair so as not to pinch the vessels of the legs. Put your feet straight, put your hands on your knees. Accept correct posture- straighten your shoulders, pull in your stomach. Take a normal, shallow breath, relax all the muscles of the body, look up, pout your lips. After exhaling, you need to pinch your nose with two fingers and hold your breath until the first unpleasant sensations. The time from the moment of holding the breath until the appearance of unpleasant sensations will be an indicator of the control pause. Control pause is measured in seconds. After measuring the control pause, it is necessary to switch to shallow breathing again.

With training to reduce the depth of breathing, the CP gradually increases to 180–240 seconds. A person who maintains a control pause of 60 seconds can consider himself healthy. The longer the pause, the more health. It is necessary to measure the CP once a day, in the morning after sleep or in the evening before bedtime on an empty stomach.

Before the control pause and after it, it is necessary to measure the pulse.

Measuring the maximum pause

To measure the maximum pause (MP), you must take the same posture as for determining the CP, take a normal breath, exhale and hold your breath. This time, you have to endure as much as possible. You can get up and walk. When it becomes impossible to endure, you should spread your arms to the sides and back, turn your shoulders and move your shoulder blades, tighten the muscles of your shoulders and arms, throw your head back and switch to shallow breathing. The time from holding the breath to the first shallow breath will be the time of the maximum pause, which is also measured in seconds.

When switching to shallow breathing with tension of the corresponding muscles, suffocation should stop. Then you should strain the muscles of the neck, arms, back in any sequence, while maintaining shallow breathing. You can lean your fingers on a table or chair, or clasp your fingers and spread your elbows, feeling muscle tension.

After the maximum pause, in no case should you switch to deep breathing, this is very dangerous! We must try each time to make the next breath after the pause less and less deep. It is for this purpose that the method of sequential muscle tension is used, which allows you not to take deep breaths after pauses, leaving your breathing superficial.

K. P. Buteyko compiled a table by which it is possible to determine the content of carbon dioxide in the lungs, which is a reliable indicator of the state of the body.

Note: PR - pulse rate, CP - control pause, MP - maximum pause, DG - breathing depth.

GD is determined by dividing the normal CP (that is, 60 seconds) by the patient's CP. For example, if a patient has a CP of 20 seconds, then the depth of his breathing is 3. This means that the person breathes 3 times deeper than normal.

Breathe in Buteyko all your life

The main task of Buteyko breathing exercises is a CP of 60 seconds, that is, maintaining constant shallow breathing. To do this, it is necessary 3 times a day - in the morning, before lunch and before going to bed - to perform maximum breath holdings, bringing their duration to 60 seconds. When the pause reaches 30 seconds, it makes sense to get up and walk or squat. After each long delay, you should rest for 1-2 minutes on shallow breathing.

Don't worry if these long delays cause discomfort- pulsation in the temples, palpitations, pain. Experts say that by force of will the patient cannot reduce breathing so much that it could harm. And the benefits of this are undoubted - the amount of CO in the blood is normalized, which speeds up the treatment and relieves the symptoms of diseases.

To monitor the change in health status, you should keep a diary, recording each time the frequency of pulse, respiration, MP and noting changes in well-being. After the maximum pause, you can consistently strain the muscles.

2. Pull your arms to the side with tension.

3. Rest your fingers on the table, back of a chair or bed, press hard on them.

4. Clench your fists or squeeze any object with force.

5. Stretch your mouth in a smile to the ears.

6. Pout your lips or pull them out with a tube.

7. Raise your eyes up.

8. Quickly rub any parts of the body with your palms.

9. Rub your palms together.

10. Make rotational movements with your hand, as if turning the handle of a meat grinder.

11. Quickly shake your hands up and down.

12. Sitting on a chair, leaning on your toes, lower and raise your feet.

Muscle tension knocks down the respiratory cycle and makes breathing superficial. In addition, there is an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which is not inhaled from the air, but is obtained by the breakdown of glucose during muscle tension. The method of sequential muscle tension can be used in everyday life. For example, if you are walking up stairs and out of breath, you become short of breath, do not take deep breaths, take your hands back, pull your shoulder blades together with strong muscle tension, hold your breath - and shortness of breath will pass.


Contraindications to the VLHD method are relative. It is not recommended to use this technique if there are transplants, aneurysms with blood clots, bad teeth, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, fungus on the legs, diabetes mellitus; should be careful after heart surgery. In the case of these diseases, it will be difficult to increase MP, in addition, the condition may worsen.

Buteyko believed that improper, too deep breathing causes such common pathologies as bronchial asthma, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and others.

The fact is that a deep breath and, accordingly, exhalation leads to a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. This, in turn, causes a shift acid-base balance And metabolic disorders in the cells, as well as spasm of the bronchi and blood vessels - the body seeks to "detain" carbon dioxide by any means.

Spasmodic vessels do not deliver enough oxygen to the tissues, which leads to oxygen starvation and the feeling of patients that they need to breathe deeper - this is how a vicious circle closes.

According to Buteyko, on the contrary, you need to breathe superficially and easily, while relaxing at the same time, only this will lead to recovery. metabolic processes, cleansing the body and improving the condition. Here his theory intersects with the practice of yoga, whose adherents also believe that excess oxygen is harmful, but at the same time they suggest breathing deeply and rarely.

The method of volitional elimination of Buteyko deep breathing (VLHD) helps with bronchopulmonary diseases, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, COPD, allergies, angina pectoris and other heart diseases, migraine, gastrointestinal colic, hypertension. It is less effective in atherosclerosis and other organic lesions when the changes are irreversible.

Buteyko method: exercises

The VLHD method is aimed at teaching the patient to shallow breathing, in which there is an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. Before starting the exercises, the patient must pass medical examination including assessment of lung function.

The mastering of the method takes place under the supervision of an VVHD instructor, since the patient cannot always correctly assess his breathing on his own. The assessment of breathing and control of the effectiveness of exercises is carried out using such an indicator as a control pause. The control pause is measured after a calm exhalation until the desire to inhale, but so that you do not have to breathe through your mouth to restore breathing. The norm is 60 seconds or more. Less than 60 seconds means carbon dioxide deficiency and too deep breathing. The heart rate is also measured, which should normally be less than 60 at rest.

When performing exercises, the patient fills in a diary, where he notes the date and time of classes, control pauses (before, after training and every 5 minutes), pulse rate, and well-being. Exercises are performed on an empty stomach, breathing is done only through the nose and silently.


  1. Breathing with the “tops of the lungs”: 5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds pause - maximum relaxation. Repeat 10 times
  2. Breathing in the stomach and chest: 7.5 seconds - inhale, 7.5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. Repeat 10 times
  3. Acupressure of the nose at the moment of maximum breath holding. 1 time
  4. Breathing in the right, then the left half of the nose. 10 times
  5. Retraction of the abdomen - 7.5 seconds, on a full breath. Then the maximum exhalation - 7.5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times
  6. Maximum ventilation of the lungs - 12 maximally deep breaths and exhalations within 1 minute (5 seconds each for inhalation and exhalation). Immediately after this, you need to perform the maximum breath holding at the maximum exhalation (1 time)
  7. Rare breath (breathing by levels)

First level

Within 1 minute: 5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause (4 breath cycles).

Second level

Within 2 minutes: 5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - pause, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause (3 breaths per minute).

Third level

Within 3 minutes: 7.5 seconds - inhale, 7.5 seconds - pause, 7.5 seconds - exhale, after a pause of 5 seconds (2 breaths per minute).

Fourth level

Within 4 minutes: 10 seconds - inhale, 10 seconds - pause, 10 seconds - exhale, 10 seconds - pause (it is desirable to bring it up to 1 breath per minute over time).

8. Double breath holding.

Maximum breath holding on exhalation, then on inspiration. Run 1 time.

9. Maximum breath holding while sitting (3-10 times).

Maximum breath holding while walking in place (3-10 times).

Maximum breath holding during squats (3-10 times).

10. shallow breathing(3-10 minutes)

Sitting in comfortable position and, having relaxed as much as possible, perform chest breathing, gradually reducing the volume of inhalation and exhalation, until the breath becomes “invisible” and very light, at the level of the nasopharynx.

Buteyko method: purification reaction

In the process of training (after 2-8 weeks), the so-called cleansing reaction occurs - a deterioration in the condition with an increase in sputum, increased or onset of pain, diarrhea, the temperature may rise, the underlying disease may worsen. This is a predictable reaction that Buteyko urged not to be afraid of and considered a good sign restructuring of metabolic processes on the way to recovery.

At first, exercises are performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, then, as the control pause increases, the frequency of training decreases, but the duration, on the contrary, may increase.

After a significant increase in the control pause and improvement in well-being, it is recommended to undergo a full examination again to assess objective health indicators.

Cons of the Buteyko Method

It remains to add that the opinions of doctors about the Buteyko method are rather contradictory. While proponents of the method cite many examples of cures for bronchial asthma, its opponents believe that any voluntary control of breathing is harmful to the body, since respiratory center may lose the automatic mode of its work, which is fraught with a complete cessation of breathing.

Breathing should be reduced through physical exercise and increasing endurance by exercising the body rather than working directly with the breath.

Objective data also indicate that after long sessions of the Buteyko method, a decrease in pulmonary parameters may occur ( vital capacity lungs, etc.).

Modern medicine has centuries of experience. It originates from famous people like Hippocrates and Avicenna. Their contribution to the piggy bank medical theory and practice is huge. Time has passed, the descriptions of diseases and the approach to their treatment have changed. Many diseases that were considered incurable have changed their status and become amenable to therapy. But there are diseases in front of which medicine has remained powerless: bronchial asthma, increased arterial pressure, allergies, angina pectoris, etc. best case doctors simply put the patient on medication and achieve temporary relief. Patients are looking for a way out of the situation themselves. All techniques, traditional and non-traditional, are included. To such not traditional methods The treatment of chronic and difficult-to-treat diseases is the method of breathing Buteyko Konstantin Pavlovich. It has nothing to do with breathing exercises, and is only aimed at changing the depth of breathing during training.

In the 60s of the last century, the Soviet scientist K.P. Buteyko made a discovery that changed the idea of backup capabilities body in the treatment of chronic diseases. It lies in the fact that during the disease the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body is disturbed. K.P. Buteyko believed that a person had forgotten how to “breathe properly”. He proved that the deeper his respiratory movements, the more severe the disease. And vice versa, the more shallow breathing, the faster the recovery. The fact is that with deep breathing, carbon dioxide is excreted from the body, this leads to a spasm of the vessels of the brain, bronchi, intestines, biliary tract, and the supply of oxygen to the tissues decreases. The practice of breathing according to the Buteyko method gives very good positive results in such situations with regular classes and always under the supervision of a doctor.

I will not give the whole method, a whole book has been written about it. It also describes in detail how to train Buteyko breathing, exercises for this. I will dwell only on some of the main aspects that every patient who decides to take care of his health should know. Let us consider the meaning of the Buteyko breathing technique, the scheme, the technique of its application.

You need to tune in to systematic studies for a long time;
to learn once and for all, the way of life will need to be changed completely;
as for life medicines, then their dosage is reduced gradually;

What is the essence of the method?

From the point of view of K. P. Buteyko, only thanks to the diaphragm, a person can not breathe deeply, reducing the depth gradually. You need to breathe only through the nose, then it will be correct. Inhalation must be done very small, quiet and not noticeable, while the stomach and chest should not rise. Thanks to this breathing, the air descends only to the collarbones, and carbon dioxide remains below them. The air needs to be drawn in slightly in order not to suffocate. The person should give the impression that he is afraid to sniff. Inhalation should last no more than 2-3 seconds, and exhalation no more than 3-4 seconds, followed by a pause of about 4 seconds. The volume of exhaled air should not be large. This is the breathing scheme according to Buteyko.

Buteyko breathing technique

Sit on a chair and relax completely, raise your gaze slightly above the line of the eyes;
relax the diaphragm and breathe shallowly until you feel a feeling of lack of air in chest;
continue breathing at this pace and do not increase it for 10-14 minutes;
if there is a desire to inhale deeper, then you can only slightly increase the depth of breathing, but in no case with the whole chest;
at proper training At the beginning, you will feel warmth throughout your body, then a feeling of heat and an irresistible desire to take a deep breath will appear, you need to fight this only by relaxing the diaphragm;
you need to exit the workout gradually, increasing the depth of breathing;

The duration of one workout, its frequency depend on the patient's condition and the degree of respiratory failure. This can only be determined by a doctor who is familiar with the practice and theory of how to apply breathing, the Buteyko method, because the method itself has contraindications.

How is the degree of respiratory failure determined?

The ratio of the "control pause" and the pulse is measured. To do this, you need a watch with a second hand. Count your pulse, then align your breathing for ten minutes. After that, sit up straight, take a beautiful posture and straighten your shoulders, tighten your stomach. Then take a free breath, after which an independent exhalation will occur. At the same time, fix the position of the second hand with your eyes and hold your breath. During the entire measurement period, you need to take your eyes off the second hand, moving your eyes to another point or cover your eyes. It is impossible to exhale until a feeling of a “push of the diaphragm”, tension of the muscles of the abdomen and neck appears. At this moment, look at the position of the second hand and take a deep breath and gradually even out your breath.


Hold your breath for more than 40 seconds, and the pulse is 70 beats. per minute or less. - You are not sick;
20-40 seconds, and the pulse is 80 beats per minute - the first stage of the disease;
10-0 seconds, pulse 90 beats. in min - the second stage;
less than 10 minutes - the third stage of the disease;

It is difficult to be treated using the Buteyko breathing method. And although the Buteyko breathing technique is not complicated, but its application is a colossal work, both for the patient and for the doctor. The patient requires great willpower and patience, especially in the first days of training. As practice shows, at the beginning of treatment, almost all patients experience an exacerbation of the underlying disease, you need to know this and be prepared for all the symptoms.

Thanks to regular exercise, many people have improved their overall well-being or even got rid of chronic diseases. But you can't do it on your own. Training should only be done after complete examination and always under the supervision of a doctor familiar with the Buteyko breathing technique.

If you want to learn how to create a method, see the video for an explanation of why Buteyko breathing is beneficial.

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